Asheville Daily Citizen, VOLUME X.-NO 82. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THUKSDAY EVKNING, AUGUST J, 1804. Friday, Aug. 10, D4 ONE DAY ONLY, '1J IIAVH AKKA.Nf.HD IOK THIS DAY WITH C. W. TOWI.H, Till'. Gold Wire Artist To pll'SCIlt with liisll plllclLIM'S Of KtOl'l'lic iiiiiMiiutitl'4 In i., In. new : r ) I licauliliil PKICE 5 CENTS. Just Received, 500 DOZEN LEMONS. Price 20c. Dozen. CRYSTAL PALACE BARGAINS JAPANESE RUGS, HAND WUVKN, ASSOKTKl) UK SIGNS; 2XSFT. ONLY SSt.; 3x6 HI'. ONLY I.9S 1 I These pi ices are truly hurg.-iliis. The runs are I vt'ry good, for summer homes I Japanese Portieres, HAMMOO ANI RICK. VHP CAN CSK TIIKM Many nrelly deslens. We ine nmv ,,fr,.,i,. I tnem m per cent, from price. This makes them I very cheap. KKKKI.Y AT THKSK l'KICKK. tt NEW GOODS. A. D. Cooper, We arc daily uettiui; In imvellies ami nrrllv 1 mile lliings 111 china, cut glass, etc.. that are I very nppropiinte souvenirs. Visitors welcome Thad. W. Thrash & Bro. N COURT RF. CRYSTAL I'ALACK. Pisgah Sword, An aiUMn liiuuili iu kiiIiI wiic. The Kilt is a 14 kl. tulle.! Ktilil or solid sterling silver sword, yuur choice. And the Twister wilt make it for you iu solid is kt. gold wire, only dunging lor the ilillircnoc liclnccli cold and silver. This i a gicutopiiuiuiiiiiyaiid we advise our patrons to take advantage of it. Powell & Snider Walking Canes Dl' TIIK f.ATKST STYLUS, l illun doen ici-ilvcil Un. y. prices fiom 10c. to f.t.isi. The following is tile names of the difteictil wood : CONCO, I.AtKKL. Jf NII'I'.IS. WKkClliiliL, KDKLWl'.ISS, AMERICAN INKS! STAFFORD'S Commercial wtiiug I'luid, I'nivetsal li t lllack, Comliiued Wlitiiic. ami Ciinv- big, (i lossy lllack, Stamping, Red, nine, Violet. Green, CARTER'S Comliiued Writing nun Copying, nine- lllack Wriliiiu I'luid, lllack Letter. Koal lllack, 1'reiuh Copying, Copying. Ilidel- itile, Salety, Slylographic, Crimson I'luid, Cariniuc, l ast Red. Caw s lllack, Alttoiue's Copying, Cross Stylouraphic. Arnold's willing I'luid, Copying. BON W)NS,CI10COI,ATKS MIXIODCItOCOLATJi;, (WHAM MINTS, ''HOCOIATK MINTS. MUCILAGE CARTIIRS, STERLING, STAI'I'OKUS. l'O.MKROY'S. H. T. ESTABROOK Sin t lottery Store. a S. Main St. Lll'OU ICIO TA 15 MOTS, CTC. Jfwt'ivod By JOxprews. HESTON'S, 2(5 South Alain Stivct. OAK, Sec That Square? IF THEY DON'T HIT A SNAG TARIFF CONFERK1M M4V liET TOIiETHER TODAY. ITWORTH l.i:.itil KHlt The BuhIh ol AKreeiutul Known Rut It Slav Be That II will lie Cliangtd BrloreTbelluuHV And JTernaie Come TOKelber. Washington, Aug. 0 It is said this morning that the House conferees went into conference this morning with their position somewhat stiffened by a mes sage received today from the White House. When adjournment was taken last night, there was a verbal agreement to be reduced to writing and signed this morning. It was that irou ore should be free utid coal be taxed nt H) cents cr ton, the Senate rate, for five years and then made lice. Sutrnr is mi hm.,... subject for contention, the agreement being on a basis of M) percent, oil raw sugar and one-fifth o! n cent differential on refined suirar. Last ev.nimr ... - - - Is lilts agreement was taken to the While House and submitted to Cleveland lor his approval. This information is givm bv a L'cntlcinan of such stnml i n c r 1 1, (1 mere is no reason to doubt its authei ticity. According to him, the President is oleased that the lloum. hid ...i f ' . , -- ...... ..WUKII free iron ore, but greatly displeased to iirurn inuc mc nousc conlerecs toad given their consent to the levying of n duty on I'lIMI. i. ll'Vri.'IIWI IB C III! til hnttn me nousc conicrccs 10 Hold out a llltl mngcr 111 cne nope mat tliev might se cure both coal and iron IV..,. The Senate conferees appear to be firm iiicir uiieiiiioii inis inurning ot Hiding tic controversy to.'.'iv To ,,11 inents advanced by their associates from cue uouse iney nave ileclincd to listen and have warned tin 111 that unless the agreement ol yesterday was nronuitlv arried out thev will en to t In. Mid asked to lie relieved limn iim H,..- duly as ninnaucrs on the onrt 1,1 iim Scnttte. This would pici ipitate matters ami inereoy scuu me bill into the Sen ate. from Dcmueiatic iiutl an il v 1 iioir'tt I li. statement that the lirst act of the Sen ate would be to recede from ilu ,,.. I ments on siiL'ar and nut nil umiMr .i... free list. They claim this would ft eeive me SIMMIori 01 I he erenl 111M1 ..I t ,. Democratic vote anil of such Senators on ine oiner sine ol the cliamlier as Mcwart, teller ami Dubois. The I) m ocrats deny that sufficient votes can be mustered to iikKI nitelv iiosinon sidcral ion ol the conlcrcnce rcuort. On tne contrary they assert I hat Ine pucar Will prevail oil t ie ilrrniK'.n,,.,. u. referred to, and the I louse would taketlic lull ami pass it shniie with both coal ntwl itiiii in-.. i.,v.. 1-1... Republican leaders still lltuisit I hit It nrn is a good clmiicc to defeat the bill and laugh at the idea of sugar being put 011 the free list, excent it lie ilmu- m .,, u preparatory to the defeat of the bdl." 1 1 mo me Kciuiuiicaiis had recc veil no notice of unv mectiiiL' of the cnminit. ice and wire officially ignorant 01 any .Kicciiiciu rnai 11111; lit nave b;en reached Senator McMillan is contidcut this aut'rnooii that the rnn i ri i ,. ;il piete their labors this evening or tomor .... ... . ,1 . . , . . iu ul me uicst, aiinougii it was 111 ferret! Irom what be said tins h,..-..,,., mat tuey bad rim against a snag ItlHtrlcl Conference Iu NinhIoii nt Central Cuurcli. The second annual conference ol the Asheville District llpworth Ungues con vened at lOr.'CU this morning iu Central Methodist church, Geo. 1,. Hackney, president, iu the chair. J, I'less of Hendersonville was appointed tem porary secretary. Hcv. J. II. West conducted the opening devotional services and Rev. Wallace lv. Kollins L'ave tiie udil rrva nf u-i.l, ........ wllk'll nllOllllllcii in wit ..! ! Ol L'Ood kllowshiii. nu'iMti ft nt..ut i,;. ..11.. I reception to the delegates and Iriends of ixev. ira trwin, pastor ol ie m isicniucli at liendirsonville, wua mm 1 e ro lie tiresi'iii i, . . 1 ."...i .ii.viiiuii an.IV llt'SS. lilt Mr. I. U 1 II I1, ,,1 il 1 , J ' J "i llltlV II,1CC ioiik ins (iiace 011 tne program and re sponded iu a very neat speech. Iherotlof dclco nt en u.iU ....i!...t 1 ... - " viiiivii .inn responded, (iiiite a niiinher more are ixpietcd tlnsalternoon. There are about a hundred delegates in all elected to this eonlercncc. 1 he election of ollicers lor the coniiiic year resulted: Rev. Wallace Ii. Rollins, Kicsiileiit: I. W. Ph 'SS vii'i ftri.cil..,,. I - , I - -" - " tlllll .el). 1'. Curtis, secretary and treasurer The president announced committee on arrniiLienienl ; as fiilliiuL.u. 1 c in...... r ........ , 11 . 1 nas, O 1 . Austin nn.l Ceo. L. Hackney. liverything points to a most successful conlcrcnce, to continue until tomorrow night. At this atternooti's iii'ssiiiti r,n,i,iu ,.1 the LeatiueR were olvpit Lv tin. t..i,i-..u.,.,i atives. and other minor! 11 tie iniiM.-i-u sidercd. Tonicht at .S:.'lfl LVe I A ltrr,.,.. b.'lStOr of t'eilten.'iri. r-hnt-.-li l.'n..v...ll..' Tenii., will deliver an address 011 "The lipworth League and Christian Work.'' Mr. Harrow is nil enthusiastic league worker.a fluent. e;iae nml 1 h,,,.,,'i siieaser, autl those who iittcnd tonight are sure 01 a treat. Air. Harrow is c li tor 01 the howort 1 Lcoim,. .,,1, of the llolslon Methodist and is known by mule a number ot the Asheville Meili odisls. The public lire eorrli.-illir ini'ili.rl to attend all sessions i.f the conference, nut especially the ineetiiig tunight which cannot he u but be L'enenilK teresting. . State Lilinu'v c CALLS FOR FREE COINAGE PLATFUan OF NORTH CARO LINA UEMUCRtTli. use will Mi'; wi i (uni.11 John B. MVF.d ni.;ui; UAK. OI.IVK. I' UKli. OKANI.Ii. IIAZI'XtJCACIA, III.ACK (IKANUK. I1LACK IIAMIIUU. L. HLOMJ5ERG, 17 I'ATTnN A SUN lit. No. 1 Timothy Hay. $100 Per Hundred Poands. 1HHMN VAHH, Gr. Jl. ia-reor, a N. MAIN STRHKT MODEL STEAM LAUNDHY CONTINUKS TO SUSTAIN ITS KSTAU LISIIKU RHl'UTATION FOR FIRSTS CLASS WORK. Ctinrcu St., Telephone 70. SMOKE Porter's Havana Mixture TIIK BUST SMOKING TOBACCO ON TIIK MARKKT. FRKK FROMUlRT AND BTUHS. c o c S 3 o u y. a P. ?. o u 0 If your imiiiy were in it, it would be an atlvcr tisciiKUt. See the Point? Now you can't say that persons tin not ri.ul I the ndwrtUliif! columns of Tim-: Cituhn, Q bX c tat e. at o. 5 1 us 0 J 05 "3 tt O 4 S ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Grape Juice Grape Juice -OH Any Land hi nuncomlie County, North Cariillna I'lats PurnUhcd Surveying Done Oencrnl Information As to Kent Ktt Transfm Grape Juice UNFERMENTED A 1'URK FOOD A NON-ALCOHOLIC AT UKVKRACK licrv owner of uiree of land aliouhl tn lla hlttorv I the names of all IU prevloo. owners, I the names of those who have held Incumbrance! against It; the nature of me instrument uy which any and all I - , . , , . ofthosriMnonieoiivevedhlaorlter IHeillitSn 06 Re8CfH1 inicrest, or reirnnca nis or ner claim against it: boundaries of the land, and whether there are conflicting calls in AGENCY FOR deeds or adjoining promrtv: apparent Irregularities In any Instrument conveying the land, etc., etc., etc. The careful man aever bars land or loam moncv on real estate of an kind without first requiring an up-to-date Abstract of Title, certified to by an attorney or one whose business it Is U jc Informed In such matters. IWNCVMIIH CO. ABSTKACT Ofl'lCHl P. B. ROBINSON, No. 6 North Court Square, or office of the Clerk of the Criminal Court, BON-BONS, GHOCOLATE, ETC, KKCHIVHIt TWICK A WFKK -AT- vicra ot ine urimtnai wonrt, 1 1 a county court Hcnw AshcviiK I Heinitsh 06 Reagan The Republican Clilernlii Qult-t i.iiii Trip. John it. l.avcs of Kutherford cmntv. better known as the Big Indian Chief in the Republican pow-wow. came tin to Asheville yesterday and is nt the Herkc- ley lor a few days. Mr. liavcs is known to lie a iuict, unpretentious man in politics, and therefore it will hardly Ik- charKcdthat he is here on a political mission. In fact, Mr. Haves i.umittcd to Tin; Citizen that he was not hereto out a ladle into the political pot. Hut. inst to relieve the 'monotone Mr r will no doubt talk u little," just it little, nun unite who may nave some ideas about cominr; campaiijn events. It was unilcrstood that he evinced a slight ilc sirc to talk with Richmond IV-arson. the eluefCo-opcrationist," last niclit, but realm r i; uxpt ctttiy; Mire II. II. Studdjrd, editor and nublishcr of Hie Poultry World, Hartford, Conn. who is also extensively encaged iu breed nig cattle, lioiscs and fine poultry in Dawson county, Nebraska, is in Ashcvic on a prospecting tour. In a very inter tun: talk to Tin; I'rnzi-v loib.i- Mr Moddard said his purpose in com ing to Aoitii Carolina was to let a tract ol land suitable lor the kccillll'' ol lersev eillle :n. (I oilier stock. Mr. Stodib.rd l.-ii frniiid it advisalile. on iicrnimi ..i .),,. failure of grain and grass crops iu his section, to remove Ins stock, and hav tw heard nl Western North Carolina's ad- vantaccs. niainlv tliroiipb I'.-na K .11 Atkinson, decided to come lure and sui vev the country. This nvir Mr st,,i dard had loiin iut in uh...ii ,,,..1,1.. entire crop failed so that it was worth siiucciy ii unuar. ine corn cron a so was distrowd bv a hot wind w.-l et iii'li as at times p.-isjoverthatsccti. in, though not in oiientli'. Mr. Sioildard is favorably impressed Will IC MS Seen O 1 rn I nn Una anil will nt once bee in nn si ivtmn lor a location. Should he liud a suitable lit. ICC his Inutile wt I I i lir,,ntlil h..,.. This LiClltl. man is .'I verv s.,.,.,.swlnl hl,,..b aim poultry rinser. and the niriial ol w hich he is the (ditoraml i iililislu r is one ot 1 11c- leading poultry pacers ol the I'nitcd Statis. His coming here nould bcof ureal beiif hi to 1 l.i ,.,-ii.,n .,,,.1 an impetus to thcslock rais ng indiistrv and 1 in; Lrriyr-M nml nil u Im ii.u,.. tn see this s ction continue to go foi ward win nope tlial lie may hud 11 ar Asheville l.'imi Iliat w II he so suiteil lor Ins mir- pose that he will make this Ins Ilium in run PAiicTniHrM ii it was further understood that the two 'litcls (III) not et tonelhi r 1,1 ii-.-,t 1;,.,,. Mr. liavcs takes his politics straight, win c iir. I'earson won ii i. n in.,. .,iH just what the latter would sav to the Zi , , . ""."in wouhi Anderson. ii, 1, iV,: : V,. "'r;.. .. Mr- Uradfor.l is popular among his ; , v.. , L . "r V'. '''low employes in I'nclc Sam's big build tn.'irL" I"' a''"'""" well ,,s among ls many friends KcpsrhtddtlKirconvcnUou Juni ll c. Ilradloril Wctltled to KllNM KfllllttlV it.iciKloiiioiu 111 the iiostolli.c lo.-t a iiK'iii'jir Irom its ranks last evening, win 11 oscp!i C. Ilradlor.l, the hustling young mailing clerk, was married to Miss Annie Marie Kciir.cdv of Anderson S, C. The wedding cciemonv reclined oscph's chinch, As to whnt that convention would nrob ably do Mr. Eaves said all that would be loutld out after the convention Mr. liaves is herp nn n miHlnn nt' ut 10 enjoy tne air, possibly to sec a basc 1...11 . . i, . oilii L' linn will mm in u.,. n n.... . .. n, , . ..... ...... w ,w ,,,, ,,) thing but politics. about iamaui:n A Bull III Which The City In The Iielendaur. Months ago when the citv irrmlcd oounu street cltatiges were nindc 111 front of Col. (. M. Israel's property, whereby Col. Israel thought it was dam aged, and the adjustment was left to ar nitration. The arbitrators reported that the dummies tn I he tirooerlv urir lel.lO but because of a quantity of dirt bcimr olnccd in Col. Israel's lot the lir-noniu amounted to $50. louviuo the net ilmn. age $50. Col. Israel brought suit against the city in the cnscaml thereafter wns heard by Justice Frank Carter yesterday. Chas. A. Moore represented the plaintill finil U A Stol,ll..w lm ,1,.r..n,l..l I. . contended by the plaintiff that the arbi trators should have considered only t In quest ion of net damages, lustitc Carter reserved bis decision. The VlKllaul Itid Nut Win. CoWKS. Aug. !). Of the six yachts en. tercd for today's race in the rovnl yncht squadron regatta tor tne roo mine while oil an extended visited to Ashrvilh. a few months ago and won the esteem of those who ll'-i'.'lttli' her .'i,.iii.'ii,il n,...u Mr. mid Mrs. Ilradlord are cxiectcd to return to Asheville tonight. The boys iu the iiostollicc tire wonder ing where the matrimonial liclitninc win sii'ikc next. offered bv the town of Pours tli Vii, hint nnd Hritnnnia were the only start ers. The course was the same ns that of Saturday last. The llritntiniii steadily gained on the Vigilant and won. Robbed Ibe lluiik. Al.TOONA. Pa.. A II if. 11. The llniled States Dank lixntniticr Miller lias closed the Second National bank, pending an Invpfltiiratinn nf ila li.,nL TIim .lln.l n. r 1 ' 1. : ' 1 .. ' .1 r 1 . vubiiht vm iiuer, h iicinuiicr, ii 1 more . urooKivn 1 ; placed ns high as $OaO,000 by street ru; more V, llrobklyn mor. , Clcvcluud 3. Ilancliiic hi Mie ttprlugH. The pi viliini at Sulphur Springs was thronged last evening with merry dan cers. About HO happy couples glided to the strains of swict music. The dancing lasted several hours and the event vi as pronounced most enjoyable. Among those present were: Mrs. Southwick, chapcrom; the Misses Southwick, the Misses Garrett, the Misses Ilranch. the Mus-'s Small, Misses Hihrcll, Helen A. Robinson. Icssie Merriek. S,oti lti.ii.... Kollins, Keynolds, Cocke, Warren, Wads- woreu, e-urrier, jotinsou, Knnkiti, N. Cartniel. and the Misses Smith' M,., Carl kevnoli's, Cocke, Men imon. Koh ens, kuiikin, Johnson, Sawyer, Rollins. Tench Cose. Weaver. M Gudger, lliady. Ilutlcr, I'ant, Ilrowni Will Robinson, Stephens, Oldham, Webb, mcrrimoii. He Has h Snap W'ASIIIXC.TOS, Aug. !).-Tllc I'resiilent has sent to the Scnntc the nomination of I.tirz Anderson of Ohio to lie secretary of tne enitnssy 01 the United Stutcs at K me, Italy. WlillellNli Nuppcr. Lovers ol good fish should lake supper at the llerkelcy this evening. I.nkc Su perior whitefish arc on the bill. J'JSS TliRDA VSllAShllALL UAMUS, National Letigue Philadelphia 18 Huston 10; Cincinnati 1, Chicago 11 Washington 12, New York 10; Ilnlti more 4. Brooklyn lj second game, Dalit 0: 1'itlsburs 10 Chlcuno Plat form Reaffirmed No (senatorial I'rlmarleH AieuluMt The Rt venue Tax tin WIHnkc jr RauHoni'H Chairman Elected, Rai. 1:11,11, N. C. Aug. U-Spceial -1'ollowiDg arc the members of the Stale Uemocrntic executive committee from the Ninth district: K. M.I'urmnn. C. I). illanton, Kopc lilias and R. L. Iiiuliam There was not much debate on the platform in the State convention eester (lay, though it was the chief feature of tne proceedings. I lie '(.Hurts made by I aid Means and Kopc lilias to get an absolute endorsement of President Cleve land failed, lilias found fault with much ol the platlonn. J. P. Caldwell, chair man of the platform committee, an nounccd, after he had read it, that he dissented Irom the committee on Ihcsil vcr question. 1 he platlomi was adopted just as il came from the committee. It reaffirms tlie Chicago platform, demands free coin age ol silver at aratiool 1(! to one, urges ibolition ol the tax on Slate bank issues but advocates as a matter of State nol icy such regulation and restriction of the issue ul such banks chartered bv North Carolina as will assure a sound no rctiey. The platform also calls lor the rencal. at the purlins! r,.i ..... meat of the revenue tax on whiskey and imincco, or, 11 mis cannot lie clone, that the revenue law be liss haishly cnfoiced. A resolution wns hv n rl:.... vote i nd ill silence, nnvini' 11 tribal., t,, 1 ance s memorv ami terming "'in .mm 111 c.iroiinn s foremost eitizen. .Iielollowiugisthe text of the plank e 10 ine rreiin'cnt : "Resolved, That vc admire the coin age and lolly patriotism of the Presi dent, anil thai we most heartily com menu ins prompt and ell ctive action miner the law lor the Mipp'cssiou ol the ellorlsof ali.n anarchists to disturb by jorceaiid violence the true relatim'S ol labor and cnnilal: Ins sinnlv . il niu in sceure the enactment of inrilf reform as e.iiieii lor 111 the party platform: his prompt approval of the bill lepealing the federal election law; the notable re duction of the expenses of the govern ment which has been such a marked fea ture of his return to 1 be hen, I ,0 ,,,.1 11 Hairs." There was a shoit deb id. ,.n in,. r.-. oliition allowing Iiemocintio count v hiiirnieu to onlt r S, tl.'l t itl i.'il lit imi rius hut it wns drlcnivil bv t he 1I1 ..istve v., le ol das to yi.s lames II. 1'uii of Smiililield mi ....,.i..,i new State chairman ol the nartv. The eonvcntioii thanked ex Chairman Sim- inoiis lor his excellent work. f ollowing are the new members of the 1 101. o eouimi.icc: . A. AhIic, W, W "Her, J. R. Young, 1'. M. Simmons, Ii Hall and II. J. llerriek. TIIK ttll-tHI.IC OK HAWAII Soda Water. Soda Water. IIAVK Vol' KVKR TRli.i) one Egg Phosphate, Ti n mils' lt you hnvc nut, you have misseil une of the most ileliciuus ihinks we serve. Our Ice Cream Soda, Tell etllls, is (inen Ilmu iuir Jrisey creinii (nut milk 1, We serve it in niiy n.'ivur desired. Pine-Apple Snow Is a new Sherliel, fiozen hum sceciii Itirniiil.i. It's a great favorite with all Try il Hie nrxi lime, five cents. It Hun Hi-en Mrnil oiliciHll.y Rtc- oitmzrd. Wasiiincton, Aug. O.-lt is offi -iallv coidirincd th:it, in reply to Minister Wil lis note slating he had accorded his rec ognition to the Republic of Hawaii, "to far as he had a right to do so," but that further action must ilenem! m,.,,, il,. go vcr mm nl nt WashiniOon n r.i.k. ...... sent to Willis approving hisei tnse and aicoidiiig to the Republic of Hawaii rec ognition of the I'nitcd States. I'he text -I the letter, however, wilt not he made public at criscnt. The I'ticlii 10 be on Mlivf r. Dallas, Tex., August !). Tne K.niu- cr.itic Stale ciiiiveutioii which meeis here rex t Tuoilav will b, -oi 1..1 I... more people than ever assembled upon a similar ocsasion. There is no dm . ing the fact, that the liarleis ui.lil in 1.. .. upon the silver (iicstiou. In the convin eion 111c great light will be made upon iiiae issue, In Uurancc Vile. HAI.TI.M11KI;, Aug. 1).-Marshal Prey dispatclnd ill pcilievmeu by a special train to ll.vattsville at .'I o'eloelt this morning ami nrrcstid the remainder ol Coxey s i;rmy, SS in number, onachaigc 01 vagrancy anil nicy arc now captives in euc niaryiaiui nousc of correction. l((.'H(1loc'k Hrokeli, GalvksTon, Tex., Aug. '.. Ti:c Tenth district Congressional deadlock at Hal Icttsvillc was broken yeslcrilav 'ind State Senator Miles Crowley of this city was nominated on the first ballot as the Democratic nominee lor Congress Irom this district. In ail.liliou tn llu se n-r have nil the new ami Hipnl.-ir drinks now M1I1I. Our snlla water i- :,l. ways cold as ice i-all make it. flnr i.......i,. ..... lied. All mineral walcm on iliaiiKht. Audits lui llin 1 iv l.iihia water. RAYSOR & SMITH, PR li.SC RIPTION DRP0GISTS, 31 PATTON AVE. OPI2N liVli.NINGS TILL II O'CLOCK. Fulled. PiiiL.MiHi.i'iiiA, Aug. J. lliieeu and company, the lending opticians of this city, have made an assignment to John e. i.inv. ru'itlicr linlnlilies nor assets are vet obtainable and the cause of the failure is not known. Over 4,000 HhIIoIh Take ii. Ti; XAKKASA, Ark,, Aug. 9. The Itetno- cratic CoiiLrrcssioiial eoiivontion i.,t, rllti additional ballots yesterday, mak ing the total to date to stand -r,7s.ri. The convention is hopelessly deadlocked. .WATi CAROLINA SEWS. Raleigh eorrrspondcnccChtirloUc'Uh- sei vcr: Mr. II. A. I.ondou of Chatham brings the good news that thnt county is "coming cut ol the wilderness" The iinnroveii'nt there, from n li... ,.....:.. . . 'n.iwiiiiiii standpoint, is very considerable. Suncriiitendetit Vniimr ,n i. '. , -- '! ., a .i. 111SII- tntion tor the white blind will not mien until October. It willncconimr.lni 1r.11 pupils. The entire second story is beine remodeled. The Grccnlcnf-InhiiMnti P,.;t.r. -..1 nH.i , , J m, ...ill Lumber enninnnv. w...ftun V f down their works Tuesday indefinitely, throwing about GOO hands out of employment. The U',iirli ........ .... .. n ,n ,11 , iirvu- Icnt m the eastern part of the State and is having a fatal ellcct nmotij: the negro children. A gentleman frunt Kinslon mv. 11 Unoir county crops are bndlv hurt. Kai.1 till there for GO hours wit hunt mm. Iiir. The funeral of Mnini' U T t.i..l - ... u, a man ,.1 , Kiiicign was one 01 tne lurjjest private unci ever seen there. All the Leading' Daily Newspapers (II New Ynlk, l'llilail liliia, Busloli. Wash innldii, Richmond, Chii-ngn. Cincinnati, (. Iiallesliin, New urleans. Atlnilla. Savall nali. Chatlaiusiun, Nashville, Charlotte anil Auijiista received milnplly and reijii larly every day delivered anywhere in eiijnsn visitor pm il "a link-' mine en lerprise in llmse matters" -jf vuu have " svioiiK yuur )ar try us. Your Friends Can't All Come Tn the Land nf I tie .skv-th,. next Lest Inline is in semi or cany to them its pil lared licautics as cauRlit hv the camera ol rippling stieanis -linlililiiiK lirooks--or Inw dlllK pe.lks-nl shady Rlrlis-ir Vandel liilt's tMtaee- words wont ilescrihr it with Kimd photos they can see lor themselves. RAY'S 1!).S0 Lost. Court Square, Not dropped not tnisleaid did it with his (vis open- I inld him how to avoid il he dlilll't think I knew my lillsiness-aski-d a railroad office alwut il-thev were sliurpei than he they looked after their own in teiesis -he paid them lull lair when he eaiild have saved f4 i)S 011 each of four tick ets knows lielter now -hut wont get his money hack. C. jV ray, Mt'i'ier American Ticket Ilrokers' Association. ON TIIK SejCARK. TKLKl'HONli igj. A COMI'I.KTK LINK OK PICKLES Sweet, Mixed and Cucumber -AT- W. A. LATIMER'S, No. 16 n. Court Biunre. Lntlmer carries a nice stock ol Potted meats, French Surdities Cracker. ;Ktc. , , , fi'l K'; i: SC. sWlilniVjfrWH

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