Asheville Daily Citizen VOLUME X. NO 85. ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST lSi, lsM. PRICE 5 CENTS. TABLE LUXURIES. In Toct-iien, iis in ivory 1 11 iiif" i!s , can ln found the u'ihxI, iho indifferent and t.lic had From ih you will jet .he lies I nnd nothing but tin l.efst. We now lia ve only a lim i'e I M'ppl.v of California can ned n'ood.s of till- Golden Gate Brand, A tul wit niv offerinr. them at jATKatl.v reduced prices. Powell & Snider Walking Canes 111-' TIIH I.ATHST STVI.HS. I itlceii doen received today, pi ice hum loe. lo Tli.- folluwitu: is tin- names of 11k dlllctciit wood : CONI'.O, I.AIKKL. Jl'MI'KK, WUKCIIM-.I., lilllil.W UlSiS. A.MKKICAN OAK, OAK, III.IVH 1- t'Kli, OKANl.K. IIAKI.IlCAL'IA, III.ACK (IKANCK, III.ACK 1IAMIIOO. L. BLOMBEllG, 17 I'ATI'llN AVUNCIi. No. 1 Timothy Hay. $1 00 Per Hundred Pounds. vash, Gr. -A.. Greer. a N, MAIN hl'KKHT, MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY v CONTINUKb TO SUSTAIN ITS K8TAII LIHHKU HKl'UT.VTION VUK I'lKSTJ CLASS WOKK. Charcb St., Telephone 70. SHflKR - Porter's Havana - Mixture TIIK BUST BMOKINO TOBACCO ON TIIK MARKKT, VKKB FKOMulKT AND BTBMS. Just Received, 500 DOZEN LEMONS. Price 20c. Dozen. Yllf CAN TSK TIIKM KKKKI.V AT TIIKSK PRICKS. A. D. Cooper, N COURT SQUARE'. FOR THE VISITORS SUMMER READING Nf"II(Kiks jiitl in hum Sciil'tiei's, Hnithtnii it Millnt, ll.itp.t., tic. P;im mill cloth liimliits, FOR : MERCHANTS. I.AKC.K STUCK 01' NEW BLANK BOOKS ami LETTER C0PYIN6 BOOKS ClK-apcsl in tin1 city. FOR : THE : HOMES I'iilulesainl Inning in huge variety. I lid pic tuns cleaned, It.itinil iiml lo lutik like new III ESTABROOK'S, ? South M.iin street. Asheville, N. C. See That Square? II your name were iu it, it would be ail ndver llsemeiil. See the Point ? Now yon can t sny that mrson ilu lint tend the nttvvitiHiiiK columiihor Thk Citixkn. CRYSTAL PALACE BARGAINS JAPANESE RUGS, HAND WOVKN, ASSORTED DE SIGNS; KS FT. ONI.V fvse.; 3C I T. ONLY I.'S m mm These prices arc truly liarnaitis. The riuis are very Rood fur tnuiimcr huiues Japanese Portieres, HAMIIIH) AND K IC K. Many pretty designs, We are now uftcrinK them jo er cent, fioni price. This make them very cheap. XX NEW GOODS. We are daily Kilting in novelties mid pretty little things in china, cut class, etc., that are very appropriate souvenirs. Visitors welcome. Thad. W. Thrash & Bro., CRYSTAL 1'ALACU. HON HONS, CIIOCOLATKS, M IX Kl) CHOCOLATE, (IltlOAM MINTS, 'TIOCOLXTIO MINTS, LICOHII MTAHI irrS, KTC. Kcvoived lly KxpreHH. HESTON'S, 20 IS juth Main Street. iq -3 I - 0 8 . . ? 5 a: ui h K s - C O - c 3 o " - o . v. W i S JO O a o o is a w i c y y c 12 3 'C o 'i 3 2 w t u w n v, Q '. 2 n! r Grape Juice Grape Juice Grape Juice UNFERMENTED A I'l'KK FOOD 4 A NON-ALCOHOLIC UKVKKAOK Heinitsh & Reagan AGENCY FOR BON-BONS, 6H0COLATE, ETC, RHOHIVHIl TWtCK A WH.F.K -AT- Helnitsh & Reagan ONE WAY OF I'LAYING BALL BUT NUT THE t'BUAL. AHHIC VILLR WAV. The Home Tram Uon Home Poor Work and Allows Hpnrlaubnric lo Wlu Haiurdav by a ttcore ol 8los The Asheville people, after Saturday's name with Spartntibtirjr, urc aide to see how it is pussihlc that the Asheville team, aim., st invincible at home, man ages to loso two out of three yamcs when it is awav. The team lost two games out of three to the visitors on the home grounds, something that has nut been done fur any other team this season Saturday's name was not won by Spar tanburg; it was lost by a poor an exhi bition of ball playing at critical points as Asheville ever gave. Add to ni the magnificent work done by ames and there is enough cause for the dtK-at. Asheville got only three hits off his tr-. mentions delivery. I'p to the sixth in ning Spartanburg had secured only tlnvi hits olT Stephens, but al'icr the trilling hcldiiig was done the hungry ralnietto tins caught eight more hits, a (piitc un usual total. It was a game that the home team may repeat ol in sackcloth and as lies. In fairness, however, it must be said that the game was not lost on the out field, nor by nil the infield. Robertson, Voung anil Williams took good care ol their grounds and the hitler made as beautiful a play as has ever been seen at Allandale. lie ncrcptc.l a desperate chance in the third, caught Thomas' flv and threw true anil swilt un cannon shot to ;.reen in time to put mil l'uwcll, making n double play. With hits by Green and Stephens, er rors by I'owell and lleiers, the latter mulling a long lly from Stanley, Ashe ville managed to eore lour runners in Mir first. I'owi II was given his base on balls and then Thomas went down on an error by Metz. He was lorceil out at second, and with two on bases l.'rnwlcy rapped out a littlo three-bagger that brought them honn . King got a hit, and while the crowd was arguing as to a "hit by batted ball" King started for third. Stanley was the onlv man near and he went lor the bas; Green threw to him wild and another run was added. Asheville's last tun was mad;- in the fifth by Williams, who started off on an error by Thomas, lie was advanced bv Green's second hit of the time given by James and the big right liehl.-r scored on a fly out by Stephens to eciilu- when Sullivan had been put alter liiie-s' costly error. In the sixth two im-ii went out ouuklv. James came to bat and hit a lly that came down back of second. i. I, .is taken mauv a more dillicult ball, hut l;e didn't take this one, neither did Stanley nor Williams, who stalled lor it, al though it was the baseman's ball. The chance to retire the side was lost, King bit and Sullivan followed with a triple that scored two. Metz made another error and let lluggiu to first, while Sul livan trotted home and nut the visitors ahead. They took a double mid three singles in the eighth and made the score H to 5. It was a game to be r. nicni-bc-cd for its rankness, but for the sake of the davs that have been, now that the story has been told, let the m.-un'e ol charity be draped around it anil shut it Irotn sight lorever, The score : AS1IKVII.1.K. All h II P o A I. I'.nvn, lli o '& 0 o i Vmiiiii:. c f 4 1 o 2 oo Sli-pllt'lis, p t 11 i L' II i ililhntli, c 4 1 o 1! o o Stanley, s. s 4 1 O .. n l.nnier, ah -. O ll 2 O 0 Mel, '.'li OOl 1 L' K'olierlsoll, I 1' O O ,'t I. o Williams, r I 4 1 n g I o an a g;i n 1 M'AKTAMU-Kll. All. I(. I!. IMJ. A. i: Itcilll'll, 'Jll 5 0 1 1 i'j 1 dwell, Hi 3 1 g 1:1 o 1 I lioui.'is, s s 0 O 0 1 ,", 1 Peoples, .'II 1 M U g II Crawley, I. I. -V O 1 g 1 o laiiics, p 4 ' g o II 11 KhiK. c 4 a a a 11 n Sullivan, e. !'.... a 1 g g o 0 Unpins, r I', 4 O O a o 11 :ui h j 1 g7 1:1 a SCIIKK II V INNINC.S. 1 a a 4 s n 7 x ;i Asheville 4 O O I) 1 11 II o 11 ,", Spail.inliurK. a 1 O i O il o g n K IIASR HITS KACIl INNI.SO. 1 g a 1 0 (i 7 s ;i .Uhrvillt g O o o 1 o 0 0 11 a Spartauliiirti 1 1 O O 1 a 1 4 011 SI'MUAKV. ICarueil runs Asheville 1, Sliurlanliuru 5. Two hasc hits Powell, kinc Three liasc hits Crawlev. Sullivan. 1'irst base on error Asheville 3, SpiirtnntutrK.3. l.el't on Iiilcs Asheville 4, SpurtnuhlirK Slruck out lly Stephens, Thomus; by James, You llu, Matucy. Molcu liases stunlcv, lililliam. I'owell. Hasc nil luills By Stephens g. Iioulile play Williams mid llreeii. t'nipire, Mr. Packard. Time ot'gatnc, 1:3(1. After The Ball. Who will get the umbrella lor batting? Asheville can plav ball. She has done it nnd will do it again. McGinnis was brilliant on the coach line in McClung's sweater. Its fit was like a circus tent over n nay nek. The team will leave tomorrow niter- noon for Knoxville, where games will be played Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day. It is probable, if no home dates are arranged, that the pluycrs will goto Chattanooga for a series. The High l'oiut correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says the High Point ers have won 1- successive games. Asheville, it says, is the only club lift., nnd the team will try to arrunge dates with the Moonshiners. Till. r!rf villi iffiill itt I i.'itl tr (-(fit-. ganized. The News savsC.iiu was given k.u.v.1; Ulbnil ll IHL.ILIII ( IlllllV, iH ..,. i u..i.,.r,i:.w.M .... ..::.... t.wu iu pojr ..oil .1 auiii'iuiiiiivv ..iughiiwii or leaving, and he decided to ipiit. Gray ...... ...i i ti. - v li HUB ICICUBCII. i lie ne WB piCUICLS KOllll ball the remainder of the reason Huperlor Court. lluncoinbe Superior court couvonctl here today, udgc Geo. A. ShulorJ pre siding. Deputy Clerk Whilson lias his old place at the desk, The jury for the first week is composed of: J. C. Kulhcr loril, '., II. Rector, T. (I. I.nmbcrt, jr . R. McCollum, .S, A. IVnland, N. G. Kuy kcndall.J. N. Netherton.J. 1!. Ilrown, A. I,. Clark, J. li. llarretl, L. r. Ailliunis, I. 1). Miles, A. II. Hawkins, I. S. Self. 11. C. Jones, D. K. Wmrner, S. . Carter. The first trial was on the case of I'en nimnn ci Co. vs. N. 1'. Chcdcstcr, n suit on hardware account. Hour o'clock this afternoon was fixed as the hour for n nuc ting iu memory of the lute Mnj. W. Jl. Maluue. Bl tilN TOMORROW. Thin; DaiHuf .ral ;iclon ut Carrlfi'H Truck The races of the l unch Ib l'air and Kaciag association will bei;iu tomor row afternoon at 4- o'clock at Carrier's track and continue three day?. This is expected to be one id the most success ful racing events ever held ia North Car olina, and will be made especially inter esting bv the particij a i in of inanv turf notables. The following list, ol Un horses now here wid show that the races ore to hi-of mote than oniiuavy in terest : Glen Cm v, hr. g., loigobangh, In . g., Comlan, Knoxville; IS ii;iiie, b. g., C"g- L'tn, .Marietta, (. i ; Harinoll, li g . I'i Lenoir, l. I). Sevier. Asheville; G lietv, hr. m., rcrguson, Winelu-stir, Va ; Alta. b. m., imkc o'Kent. s. g., i'lcct-.vood stables, Ninety-Six, S. C ; r-lm.teef, s. g. , Mason, Charleutou, . Va.: Iioulile Loi'g. b. s , Old I'tigh, br. g , King, To ronto, Can.; '. lomrod.s m.,S!einivindci , b. g , lirtncy, I-onta I'lora, N.C ; I'arapei! r. in., King George, b g , Miss Addic, br. m., Ilacon I.oudon, Teun.; I'.l-izou, s. in , Deceitful, s. til, Sylvester, Loudon, Tcnu ; Ilias, s g , Minnie Russell, Holt, Iliirlingtou, N. C ; Gipsy IJiictn, Miss Hess, Cap. Maddux, Washington; f iddle sticks, b. g , Kav, Reidsyille; Daisy, Dr. Dciiiic, Asheville; Carbine, s. s., lialla gher, Sweetwater, Teun ; Hilly Lincoln, b. g., Dr. Uwcns, King Laeld, b. s.,Shoto, h. g., Smith cc Scruggs, Sweetwater, Tt-mi. The racers iu the large and small pony events are owned iu Asheville. Several other Inus.s are ixjiictul to night. The races will be called at I- o'clock each allernooii, I'cisons wishing to go out may take eats tit the poslolticc or on the s-q'iare andionuect at the depot with cars for the track. The best tonic lor vcliieles i ovt r the road through tin old fair grounds, dossing the raiir-'ol between the passenger and licigal d, pots. A large ad. ol thcr.iciS will In 1-mud on anoilicr page ol Tin; Ci i w d y. riillUtVN KROII A I'M I.E.; Ml'. Vliull Uuodillke f'r. I ..,,!.-, loiurt (1. A letter leeviced Satmilav by ,Mis. i.. W. G i"illaki' brought the iicwsot an .u- cuaiii in iutiiiii, irgn .iiiii.'ike,wiic!i oceui red I'lidnv. lb-was i his 'way from Lexington, Ky., and at Danville, that State, he was thrown Irom a freight train and run over, one ol his legs being et us' t il at the knee. The to si liart n( the Idler said the sullVrer might lose his leg, lint later on it statu! that his recovery was doubtful. Yesterday Mrs il.'odlal c feci ived a telcgiam sav ing that her s m's coudiii-ui was c: In n spouse to tins Mrs. G'll on the -l-o'cli el; train vesterdav to be al In r 'on s beelsidc. Mr. Goodlakc is nb ni 1". years old mil h ft A-h v l!c only alu iO 111 ilivs igo. Jl . T m; I.VHTI 11 l , lliiwevir, will tlnv: a UimiI Over II In lit nil Cnic'Ai.o, Aug. KiMr. l'ulluiau has decided to turn his s rilsiiig tcnauls into the strci ts. The excuse given br turning the strikers out of their h nnes is that the l.onsis tir-f ncciLd by t;.-v worhmcn who have taken the places ol s'tihers. though there , tie now ueailv loo vacant hous- s ol valines kinds iu l'ullin in. This wotil 1 be, sav those vvh i have watched t la-course ol this ev h-'h- iriitible the most cruel eviction this country has ever not one ol the m-ist he- irtless recorded in history. Ii siciiis i-nvi al ii that no lets than 0,01111 nu n. worn m am! chihlreii will be turned into the s'ricls Tw.'iit lrovii ci. l.nMiiiN, An.', l.'l. Dining the Tenby re'gtitta thi-' morning a l.oge row boat iu which cxiMitsioiiists were being nm- vcyed, upset . 1 wen I v " r cr lrowned. Clillit hi- I r a v I ikIiii hi cl. Was i i i.s'i, ion, Aug. 1,1. - The Suiale went into txe-cutivc session todav and ratil'i'd the Chinese ticatv. ocrsiiw "i i:cro.ii;i-:. l'orcst Citv l.e'gcr: :-ad and dis tressing incident oceui re d al I K-rii ie t t.i 1 iiesdav iibout to ii clock, vvlnlc Gal he-i Gillespie and auollie'-vouug tn-iii we-re building a log stable. Young Mr. Gilles pie was climbing up the wall which was coiiiplcleel a little ab ivc the door, his loot slipl ol out ol the era-k, and i'i ai- lenintiUL' to save luiiise I he ladled the top log ol)', which tell on hi-i head c atsli ing the skull, lie lived until late iu the evening Dcecasid was about L'l yeais ol age, a sou ol . I. (iiiicspu-. II. G. Connor vviitcs the Conci rd Times: 1 ask here to say to the public 'hat the act i m of the convention ol the I'op.ilisls, on vesicular, in pres nting tnv nauie for justice ol the Supicme court, was e ithout my cot:s-.-nl. Those w ho know mc well would not l.ccd this asstirai ev. Ileing anil always have been I Democrat, 1 caunotgive mv consent lo the use of my name in opposition to a nominee of m v party. Shelby Aurora: Robert D iwus bought a small larm on Knob Click lot $-KII This year he extracted Irotn his brain lies Ssno win ill of ni-U'.'o.ile- and savshe would no; take $Ktlll lor the mona.ile lilt mi nis latin. Mr. Kdlcv Martin has a lai iu in the weslu n par. of Cleveland, ll is regarded its a poor farm, yit his son dug out $1;,ioii wotth of nioiia. ile- this year. -It is alleged that Win. I- Hay, a Pur ling. on merchant, clopnl with Llla 1 null. 1 hey rcgis erid at Goldsboro hotel us S. S. Smith and ladv, and had a room. Ilav triul to get a man inge li cense there but failed. I'hcv lilt tor Wilson, and the same night obtained a license. MissTruitt is under 17, ilay is mnirii'il. Forest Citv Ledger: The faniili,.r sound ol the whistle nt the Florence null is heard daily. The mill will he under the supervision of Mr. Mosherol Henrietta, lull Mr. h A. I ucker w ill be assistant superintendent. Arrangements have been made for a grand reunion of ex Ciiiiledciatcs at lia Icigh on Wednesday ol Slate l air wick, October IH. The niauageis b.iv several thousand will attend. The niimbct ol siHcinu ns now In ilu- State museum is tli.lilltl. l'our thousand specimens ol minerals cannot be (lis played for lack ol room. The executive committee of the State 1-uir hns set apart $U,l(0 for race prein iuuiB ut the October uiccting. A COMl'LETE SUK RENDER IIOI'M-: WILL AltOPT TIIK UI-:?4- Aii; mi. i. Nprnkt-r Ci lhi autl Chairman Wll son N"v It IHuhi lie Tills or No Tarlll I. li'Hliulou it puruie IIIIIh For (tiiKiii, Irou Ore mill Coal. 1 W AsiiiM.ioN, Aug. i;i A met ti.i was held in Speaker Crisp's room this morning to decide what action the lions.- leaders should lake v. it ll reference to the tariff bill in caucus Time were present, la sides the speaker, Wilson ol j West Virginia, McMillan ol Tennessee, j Montgomery ol Kentucky, Turner ol j Georgia dial Hrecltiiiridge of Arkansas, j At live minutes before lo o'clock the state-nun', was made on the authority ol one of these gentlemen that it had been decided to accept the Senate hill. WI en tl ccnik'tis met Wilson (chairman of the ways and minus committi) took the Hour. Although outwardly cool la wns manifestly laboring under deep emo tion, lie said that the representatives ol the House had gone into the confer etices w ith the desire of fnithlullv retire s tiling tin- wishes of their colleagues; taut they had killed to reach a satisfac tory cotk lusion a conclusion honorable alike to the House and to the Demo cratic part v was not their fault. Wil- sou went on to show that the House jioi.lcrccs had stoutly lorn I specific rather than an nil-valorem duty ' on sugar. The Slice ilic duty would show I the him fit the trust would get ami it would l,c impossible '.o determine this uuiler an ail-valorein system. He said I hat the sugar tt list , becoming eon- iini o i u -e inc deltaic scilcillllc woum tic ailoptul, had made heavy puichascs ol Ion icii raw sugar. He then made the fartbng statement, on the authority ol a leading D.-iuoeraiic the iiusl had bought sugar to the amount "I -.ML'. iiiio.iMMI in lorcigi, mat kits in anticipation ol l 'ie Senate sugar schedule leictviiig the approval ol the 1'n siilcut. I inii-r th.- Senate's schedule the trust IV' Ilk! I rap a profit ol $1-11,11110 IIIMI. I h decimal ion made by Wilson tint the "sugar ti ust had ti c cople by the" and III it it was now a batt e bctni'iiithi' people and this mo nopoly, was gin-led i h a hearty round ol ai'jil.iu.-c. Wilson r.-l'.ircil lo ihe pioposilion m .de to the lions' i'oi, fetus by their sen.i'-orial associates to accept tree "iig'ir. This propi sitian was rejected, inasmuch as the tc.iisentalivcs'ol tin House had a-cei laincd thatn coiupacl existed in the Senate to difenl tarilf leg islation or p.'s'pone iis coi.siilcralion until next D, ci inber il li ce -iigar wen made a pan el the coiili re i c ' lepor' I le turned at this paint and caded 11 -on his asseciu'.i s Monlg. iu rc, lip ckim iilge. McMillan and Turner to substitute this statement. Me.Milliii said that liom the beginning of I he cotilcrcuec they had been given to iiuih rs' and, Irom day to day, that anv ifsi laccm-at ol the Senate votes on sugar, coal and iron ,-uc would lead to the absolute iK leal, or at least the post ponement ol 'die bill. Wilson staled sub-t mtialiv that there was no ptospi'ct lor tarilf legislation un less lilt' Se'llal" '"M V,-,'S ,!c(l. Mhitl Wilson had linisiiul Spi-akn Cli-p nro-e. lie began by saying w hilv the Senate hill must be' adopted. llotie would make a ilite riuiticd clfn l lor I ec sugar, His declaration that tlx House rcpri'si nta'ivcs had used every honorable and lair means to sieiite tin pass 'gc ot their lull was vigorous!.' ap l. Hilled. Spenker Ciispelosid his In i. I sneecli by olicring a res'duliou thai the House H'Cidi- Irotn lis posi' ion and accept the Senate bill. The resolution also includes a provision placing barbed wire, coal and iron ore on the Inc list by a series of separ ite bills. Hoiirkc Cochran, New Yoik. took Ihe II inr in i pposiiioa to the resolution. Two proposition wctc madcol I he resolution, tin motion to accept the Senate lull, the vote stood l.'ln to '.'1. J I ere was no division on I he vote to pass scp aiule lulls, placing coal, and h.nbcil wire on the lice list. Kcpiesenlative Hulhwaite' ol dlio. whose a'se'ice from Washington pie vented tlie Democratic inemlicis ol the committee on lilies Itoiu agreeing to report an oidci ol business oa the larill bill rccoinnicndeil liy the Democratic caucus, teluiiicil to the city unexpectedly this alte rnoon. He wei t at once to the Iliiiiscol IvciucsciiiatHcs. The commit; Ice on rules will have a meeting this alteriloon, ami ,t islikc'y t he order ot bus: ncss provided lor will In put through belurc ad aminieiil lo lay. .YCA 777 L'.lA'oJ.V.-l I'ul.KS. -Mr. Willlium li. Christian, al one time connected with a Charlotte paper is to be editor of the News and Observir, under Mr. loscplms Daniel's nianagi tn ut. The News and Observer Publish ing Company has been incorporated. I lure arc sixty stockholders, these being prominent iMiiocrnts Irom all uarlsol North Carolina. -The t .velllh annual Session eif the North Carolina Woniaii'sChi'stian Tem perance I nion, Ii. Id at High I'oinl. elcclnl Mrs M. I'. Cattlandol Concur il, picsulcnl; Miss M. 1 MeudcnhaM, n- coidiug sc eretary; Mis. C. li. Craven, corresponding sicrctary; and Mrs. N. C. W eat hi 1 ly, treasurer. Mi l .uek ( I Audteua uli,. h is loi seven years In hi the position ol citv edi tor ol li e Raleigh News and Observer, expects to leave in a lew days lor the North, where he will prohablv parted a dc.iirablc arrangement which he has 1111 inr consult1! niton tocngage in jDiirualis- tic w orii. Monroe Lniptirer: Our old pressiiiau 1 1 11 . 1 1 II Davis, who was l.inucily n fhive ol Rev. I'.. L. Davis, said, when he heurel the rcpoit that his old master had gone to the Populists. "That is a lie, for old maste r is one ol the best and nicest white men in the country." The ti iiktccs of the I'niveisity have onlcicil nil portraits ol the late Misses Martha and Variua Mason, in whose memory the I l.lHHI gilt to the I'niver sit y was lately made. A tablet iu mem 01 y ol their mother is alio ordered. Mi v. lames W, Kawlings has bceou e one ol the editors of the North Caro linian, lie now owns 11 half interest. The Republicnnsof the Ninth Judicial district nominated Henry F, Sturbuck lorjuiigi; w. i .Molt lor solicitor. Cantaiii Ashe, late of thp rsewa nnd Observer, will engage iu the insurance justness. USE' Horlick's Malted Milk. A fond for iufniitH, invn- lidn, iho iijj.'i-tl and travclorrt. I'rcpanal ly di,molviny; in Wiiter only. .No cooking or milk n tniircd. A fresh stock of the iihovt; food jiictt in ecived I'imiii th" iiiunufiic turefH I'ui in tlirco hiz"-. Tlie lieM results oldniu. c wli-n the I'm ii I in 1'retdi RAYSOR & SMITH, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS, i H UN LYUNINGS TILL 11 O'CLOCK. Lots ol" People Ale Iniyim; Sliaiutoek Irish linen wi il i iiu papei Iiml it is eheiipci piuiny ,H-. a unite IIiiiii the old pllee ol ..c, no need "I coiiiplaiiiiiiir of haul times -wiiliim I'-U'er is certainly eheiip 11101114I1 1. 11 anv Save Money "V o-i'lK tiibl'i'l stamps we have Ilu in -.ill st les - pi ices lo mu auiutnil ol llliillel plain stamps isc. hue ni vert Can Is, Invitations, l-lc ueis taken for all kinds of i-in.rn- iiiK al lowest pi ices -fu st class wiiiLE RAY'S S N. Coin I Stjitaie. Pwo Ways of Making Money. isi. Ci I n jid) in the mint. jnt Iiiiv util tmil tit ki ts Itmn us wivr voti j to ?s "li ("ifli ticket fjlliittiiitee eve I v nuc ul 'em -IhiifH the eiihiel way lo make mom v- I lo Hie wutk yuu et muiL' than hall 'the C. 1 It A.Y, Metiilii-r Ainetieati Ticket tlrokers' Association. ON TIlKSOt'AKK. Tlil.Kl'HO.NH n. BASKETS ! BASKETS! BASKETS! I. INCH HASKUTS, MAKKliT I1ASKHTS ANDCLO'I'IIKSIIAS- KKTS. ALL S'ZES. HlPNl) AT W. A. LATIMER'S, No, 1(1 N. Coiut Sipinrc. Latimer enrricK a full nntl complete line of fiilley grucerlcl,

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