Asheville Daily Citizen " . .i....rt C BUt l'taTttT5 ASHEVILLE, N. C WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST J 5, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. VOLUME X.-NO 87. YOU NEED NOT rHnilu'MiIliVli Fine Flour. ANill'HUK CAK I.O.Ul III' GROCERIES Kxlia line sliod pineapple, t.s 'tits, Caliloinia Ctawlotd and h iiiun iliiij; patelio, peats apn Us a nl ilitiiH's, J" and j, ceuK New pack nnMaid; Kiiduies, l.unc boxes, iu cents ulie and pickles iti bulk, and buttle.-.. OBELISK FLOUR ill. We Hilly "'I'll 1 -tM 11.1 lllf illlHllallC ul ni inu at llii- sjjit-il si .imhi ul the year i vial .ilk ul ion lu any ileum ii'l made iiui ii- awl j can implicitly rely ujn ih l"l a l'r.imi-l Nili-l.ii.Miv ami lliuluni;ll I'liUillnient ul nil ur Powell & Snider GKOCEIi: Willi KY AIIUfT IIAKll TIM US Si) MI CH II' Vol' ONLY KNiiW W11KKH TO lll'Y YolK CRYSTAL PALACE SPORT OUT AT CARRIER'S vi;nin on the first uavh CARD. BARGAINS JAPANESE RUGS, HAND WOVKN, ASSUKTI-I) IIU SIC.NS; s FT. ONl.V we; jvi I'T. ONLY P I i .i.i ! These pliccsnre llllly halKains. The I ll--;s alv veiy i;ntid It'l" summer lit.incs Japanese Portieres, IIAMIIIMI AMI KICK. Many pietly designs. We llieni jii pet cent, Iioiii pi ice. I veiy cheap. ;IH' nnw ultelllle. Tlti. makes lllelll NEW GOODS. A. D. Cooper, iaily illiitu in 'I'tvlliis an. I pull) , eU, that aie Vi.-ltois wrKonie litlk- tliiiiK ui ehma, tut U': I veiy i'piipi i'tle stmvi niih. Thad. W, Thrash & Bro., K'KlnuliiK ' ,l,e hrec- Dad' Hacin of I he French Broad Fair and Haclnic AMHOdatlon at Carrier' Kuce Track The August meeting ol the French llrunU Fair and Racing association was opened at Carrier's track yesterday with representative flyers present from a score of stables whose owners believe that lit here is the place lor the summer work of raving stock, 'ilie association lias accomplished wonder in tlieiinproveincnt of the track and many details have hcen nildi d since the lornicr meeting for the convenience nf the patrons of he turf. Captain II. C. Maddux, a kern lover of raring mat ters, an owner of dyers ol high de gree, and whose string is stamen at inc track, was seen by lHKt.rn.KS nun me jolly owner became enthusiastic as he dilated on the prssibihticB ol Asheville as a lavontc racing inmt. Among other kind remark Cupt.-'in Maddux said: II there is a good track made here I s e ii' i reason why Asheville should not he one ol the best racing points ill the South. 1 have been with my string at all the lairs and occasions of laciny sport all over the South and I never re well plensed at the success of the first day's (fl'orts and arc sanguine of the sup port of the public trom the evidences of favor before them. The judges were C T. Kiwis, George Henderson and T. K. Ransom. A. M. Field held the timer's watch; J. A. Wil liams, ir., was starter, and Secretary Sloan adjusted the weights. The crowd was out early and lilicrnl in numbers, the carriage parties quite evening ur the crowd that filled the bet ting ring and the grand stand. Kd and Mrs. Kumbough had a gnv party out on their drag and four, the guests com prising Mr. and Mrs. Tom Garrett, .ohu Seildes, Miss Kumbough, II. T. Kumbough, Miss Inecrsoll, Mr. Pcmbcr ton and Arthur 12. Kaukiii. IT IS CRAWFORD SURE THF. NOMINATION TO Bti MADF. BV ACCLIMATION. HHICAKI.K AND VICF.-IHI'.BI- ItF.NT ttlUN TAUIFF 1111.1.. N COUKT SCUsRfc". C'KYSTAI, 1'AI.ACI'. FOR THE VISITORS SUMMEK F'EADIiG NcW-IIni.I.s iu."t ill llolll S'.'l 1 1 'lii'l ' s, lluUi-liloll J Milliii, Ilalpcis. tie. Paper ami el.'th I i i 11 n. FOR : MERCHANTS. I.AKCK STOCK Ol' 150N HONS, CIIOCOLATIOS, MIXKIM'IIOOOLATIO, NEW BLANK BOOKS I LTTtR COPYING BOOKS Cheapest in the city. CI MO AM MINTS, ' iIOI'OIATK MINTS. LICOUICi; TAI'.UOTS, IOTC. FOR : THE : HOMES riclines ami ll.imcs ill lame viilicly. Olil pic lines dialled, (lamed ami ill. ale to l.iuk like Kcccivcd r.v hx press. ESTABROOK'S, HESTON'S, 2 Soulli Main Mvv. Stialli Main slrtvt AMieville. N. C. THE I.ATfcSl " Novels and Magazines. Kivt! liuiidrt'd paper cover etl novelH recoivetl, ami to get tli la'est ones, it will lie best to eoniea' tl He'eot them In To re they niv picke I over The line display Home of them you will sec in the win ilow H8 you pans liy tiie well known I'lne. L. BLOMUKKG, 17 I'ATTll.N AVUNCU. c o c 3 : o i4 See That Square? No. 1 Timothy Hay. $1.00 Per Hundred Pounds. l'i:KUM 4MMII, Gr. Greer. N. MAIN bTKHKT, MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY CONTINUI'.S TO Hl'STAIN ITS KSTAIl I.I8I1KU Kltl'UT.VTION HOK HIRST CLASS WORK. Church St., SMOKE, Porter's Havana Mixture THB BUST SMOKING TOBACCO ON TIIK MARKKT. VKUKIfKOMIUlKT AND 8THMB. (0 Q tS c tut o p. K o o II yunt iiaUK- wciu iti il, il woiiM lit; an aUt.i tiscnicut. Grape Juice Grape Juice Grape Juice UNFERMENTED See the Point ? Nmv you can't suy lluil ihiwhi" il" mil ii'ial the ailwilisiuu columns uf 'I'm: Cii ii.s. A l'l'KK KOOl) A NON-At,COIIOMC llUVMRAC.I Heinitsh & Reagan AGE'CY FOR BON-BONS, CHOCOLATE, ETC. V. m'HIVI'K TWH'K A WHKK t 'Heinitsh &, Reagan ceived as much courtesy and attention is I have in the short tunc I have hcen here. 1 like the looks of the people who aic in attendance here; they arc well dressed and appreciative, and if they will stick up lor straight honest racing the Asheville associai ion is bound lo succeed." Col. W. 11. Wiav, secretary ol the Keidsville Kacing association, has some runners al the track at the present meet and the Colonel in n marking on the sit uation in this county said: "Nicest country in the world: what hus been lone this ullcrimou shows that the liorsis can make the finest kind of S)ced mil the climate is excellent lor the stock There will have to lie a better track, in my judgment, and better stables are needed. When these prime necessities are provided the racing here will he simiilv splendid." Itc.'i iitilul weather plunged out lie trials of the thoroughbreds and the limbering sunshine set the card n clinking pnee that finished on', in exhilarating and snccdv runs The hrst race win a nine trotting, 6 in ii heats, M minute horses, lira purse of $75. The stai lets were Lex.b. h., owned bv C. G. Kichyol Seneca, S. C ; K'-ekoncr, bav stallion. A. I'. Conwav, Unstol Teim : and Limine, brown stallion, I. Ii. Sloan, Asheville, ibivcn by J. C. Conway The heats and lac.' were l.ex s gilt, tin big fel'ow winning with greatest case in :i. :i:0:i, and U:f I-. Kiekoncr won secniul The ponv dash ol a ouarti rwas iiiiilen by I 'etc Sevier on l.-x, Aleck Ihnrie on Texas Prince and Spears Reynolds on Il ,11 v. The buvs cut out for u drive from the start and elevcily worked for the rail from th.' tinner turn. I.itlic Pete Irat out the company and passed the wire winuini; the pii'se, in Ji-l-o, lexns Prince a close second. The novelty, mile dash, piitsc!MIH $1!3 per iiuarter, had at the post the b. g. I'.arauolT, Dan Sevier. Asheville with Arclimnnd up; Parapet br. m., N P. Uncoil. Loudon, linn , I Itra..lcton I Miss lifts, b m , II. C. Maddux, Mar shall, Va.. ( Moore). Haranoll cantered past the stand in a close reelc l hood that was to be nulled when the beast L-ot in the running. For u time the ugly tunpered brute reared am! plunged to ireus business and ns the string lined mi to breakaway the blindfolded rn ner banged into the rail and in a fall tore down the fence, tumbled his jockey and scattered the crowd to a man. In u twinkling the animal was on his feet hiiLicini: the rough guard, leaving p.itehcsof his hide, and finally brought up at the bike track where he stumbled mil laiumeil bis hcail hall u Ho.n tunes in the sard bank before he was caught The race was won Iw Parapet in -f. -HI I. IS and 1:hi. Miss Hess second. Five horses faced the starter lor the $10(1 purse of the five-eighths mile, heats in II. Thev were King George, b. g C. S. Kccd, Loudon, Teim., I Hu.zird I Gvnscv. ch-iii , II. C. Maddux, I Moore) Old Pugh. b. g.. lohn Kutledge, Green villc, ( Host !; Ilyas, s. g ; L. II. Moll, C. I White); Forest King, s. g., S. Scliulhiifci, Wavncsville, (Love) The horses bunched away and gamely fought u prettv race that was marred as the held got into the stretch at the last turn niu' Forest King stumbled in the loose deep sand, throwing his jockey Hugh Love, heavily to thegroiinil. Lovi was carried to the river bank in nil un conscious condition and medical nssist mice was rendered bv Dr. 1: C. Stnrnes. The doctor's examination found n badly stunned patient, but fortunately with out broken bones. The race went to King George in 1.0.1, Gypsey second, Old Pugh third. The second heat ol the same race was grandly won by Moore on Gypsey. Moore lost his stirrup a length irom stm t but lainmeil the pace with the raw hide right into the long-tailed sorrel in a bcaiitilul finish, with Old Pugh a nose behind, in 1.00. Seven starters boomed the excitement for the half mile dash. Hagpipc, b. g Gns Coggtns, Clinton, tin, (Jones); Gaiety, b. m , G. Ferguson, Winchester, Va., (Moore); Glengarry, b. g., S. P. Condon, Knnxvillc, (Hale); Prince Le noir, b. ir.. Dan Sevier, Asheville, (Arch- in.Midl: Fiddlesticks, b. g.. V. II. Wnty, Ktidsvillc, N. C, (llardamani; Minnie Russell, 1). m., L, II. Holt, N. C..( White); Zimtod. s. in.. I. G. Haney. Linnville ( Tnvlor. I The horses were well lathered by the Irctting lailures to get nwny ami the patience of the crowd oozed out in droi.s as bin ns small dinner pin tea. It was n star perioruiancc ny me jockcvh for the nose of ad vantage nnd the crowd went oil its col ar in uclpleis wrntn The sun went down; Starter Williams dabbed on the war paint, appointed two assivtnnli. and the trio scratched dean lines in the track, shouted themselves lumrsr. led back GlcngnrrT. nnd whacked their canes over the laggard's legs, but tin- first thev could do with the Unruly lot was to get them off in a struggling start nnd the good Prince Inoir was badly in the renr. The willing litt brown uot in the ruck hall way around Iml the hot rush of the leaden had put t hem far iihead and the wire wns pascd with Ilngpi)e in fi out, Gnirty second and I'.loni'.irrv third. Time Xt'i. The moon got its big round face over the mountain nsthc gong clanged out ihe enll for the mm heat ot the live eiuhths run. hut the judges closed the dayunder the rule and continued the rate until todav. The olliccrs of the association were fe creiarv CarllHle IN OiwohccI lo F'ree Huicar llecause 111? Tress urv NertlHlli Iiicreaned Kne- nue u Ilutyoii II Would llrlnic. Washington, Aug 15. The nnicndcd tarill bill was laid before the House im mediately after the rcadingof the journal ns having been correctly enrolled and signed by the Scakcr. It was at once sent to the Senate. The Democratic steering committee ol the Senate has agreed to refer all "pop gun tariff bills" to thclinanec committee. At 12:18 the Vice-President announced his signature to the tariff hill. It is understood that Secretary Car lisle opposes free sugar for the icason that if this revenue of $L'l,iil)l),(iliil is stricken off the treasury will be com pelled to issue bonds. In the Senate during the routine morn ing busincs' the chief clerk of the 11-mse delivered ii message from the House no tifying the Senate of the discharge on yesterday of the House conlerces on tlie t.inll Dill und ot the (act that the House had receded from its disagreement to the Senate bill and Itirther that he (the e'erk) had been directed to report to the Senate for the signature of its President the imminent oftl.c tariff bill. Within a few minutes iltei wards the vice-President announced that he had signed the tariff bill. T G0KS TO CLEVELAND Bin Oulv Opponent, J. It. AdaniH. Wlth.CtiaracterlNtlc ood Heusr, UeliiK a Tru Iteiuocra. will Withdraw In The Convention. Asheville was the Mecca toward which the Congressional convention delegate from the Ninth district counties turned his face yesterday and today. A large number of those intcre tcd in the work to be done here todav came in on the USE" Horlick's WINTKIl IIHKUI.I. M"v rHl ol The ANlievllle ream Oolny; To Florida. Winter baseball is an unknown quan tity in Asheville, where winter some times briigi a cold snap that would onuenl tin' voice of a coachcr like Algie" Crawlev, but there are sections of the Southland where from October to April the voice of the umpire may be heard calling Mi ikes nnd halls and the crank can sit on the bleaeheries without an overcoat. Realizing all these things three of the Asheville baseball team are laying plans looking to the organization of a team to play through the winter months at St. Augustine, Fla. The members who arc moving in this direction are Picas McUung, catcher anil hrst baseman, George Metz, second baseman, and "Sly Kobertsou, third baseman and lielder James, whose pitching has kept Spnrtan- b rg in the place she occupies, has aKo Asheville afternoon trains yesterday and every body immediately set about feeling the pulse of his neighbor on the one impor tant question the Congressional noniij nation. The rotunda of the hotels were buzzing and caucus rooms attracted the delegates as the supporters of the candi dates talked over the situation. The number of delegates received additions on the morning and alternnon trains today. The hour of meeting of the convention, which was lixct by Chairman M. h Carter yesterday as H o'clock this even ing, was changed back this morning bv request of many of the delegates to ,'i o clock this afternoon. A caucus of the Crawford Ibrec was held last nicht and the delegates viewed the outlook nnd compared notes. The Adams men caucused this morning preparatory to the contest in the con vention. I licqucstion ot greatest import was not decided on, hut was left for a cain us beginning at 2:,"10 this afternoon At this caucus it wns decided that Hon. II. A. Gudger would place loscph n. Adams in nomination. 1 lien. Mr Mr. crawtord Having oeen iila ed in nomination by . i . t Isborne ot Henderson, Mr. Adams would withdraw in lavorol Mr. Crawford, and the nomination ol the latter gentleman would be made by acclamation. A forecast of the convention is that Chairman Carter will call the body to order, and Hon. M. II. justice of Ruther ford county will be chosen permanent chairman, A close estimate made by the friends ( Crawford indicated the nomination of Mr. Cruw'ord bv a vote of 40 or 50 more than the necessary 157 votes. This wns the estimated vnte when it was ex- pected that a ballot would be taken. The Adams caucus having announced that he would withdraw in convention W. T. Craw lord will have been nomin ated before many of the readers of Till. Milk. A food for iiifHiitw, inva lids, the nn'cd am) tra velern. Prepared by dirHolvintf in water only. No cooking or milk required. A fresh stock of the above food just; je- coived from the ninnufac turtTH I'utup in t hree hz -. Tin? best, results obtained when the food is fresh RAYSOR & SMITH, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. OPI'N LVLNINGS TILL 11 O'CLOCK. about decided to join the plu vera. I lie boys ixiiect to go lo the Land ol ('IT,y,..v ,,.r Kluiv. ri ,!.,, Ml 11,,. l',,u, ol !,', Iinr mull 1 ' the full team is to be organized before that date. Those who have signified their intention of going are n clcverquar telle of players anil the Floridians me nssuic I thev will make a strong nucleus lor a rattling good nine. Asheville ad mirers of the game will watch the pro leel with interest. Stephens yesterday missed the train on which the lemainder ol the team went to Kni xvi I.-. Somehodv told him the train came in at I .'111. This is contrary to the lignresin lias been printed in Tin; Citizi-n for mouths. He went down todav. Keeps Out ihe Cliliiene. Washington, Aug. 15 The new Chi nese treaty to the ratification ol which the Semite agreed yesterday without amendment accomplishes more exclusion than existing laws in that it secures the cordial co-operation ol China to the cud of absolutely prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers lor 10 years. The Ladies Ave Suvpvised At tlu-cheapness ol Sliatinock Irish lim n writing iwiper fnu runnel lor the most laslitlioiis--they itrc itreiisltiim-il to imvinn l'ih. (iir wuiie paper -tuir price is marvel onsly low ttK, only inc. Im n fpiii e -envelopes ioc, pack, Right at Youv Door STATU suns. All 111' daily papers delivcn-.l at your lioine wi' make h .preinl filial in have ntir papt-is rennl.-irly ami pnntiptly--as h enstomer says, "luivt' a lilllv inure elite! prisi nlHMit llieve mailers" it yon ilon't ivaiil lo In- disappointed el papers lieie. H1H 1.4.ST cHini:. A Neitro J "I llul ol Jll l.vnclud For AHHault. 1'uANKi oiM, Ky.,Aug. 15. Mrs. Mar tin Nolan, living near this city, was walking near her hiinc yesterdav when a negro named Marsh Boston halted her and demanded money. She s.nd she had none, nnd then he assaulted her, leaving her unconscious. Hoston was caught and fully identified by Mrs. Nolan and then taken to jail. Last night a mob took him out und at J;.) this morning hanged mm to a beam of the bridge across the Kentucky river. Boston wns recently released from the penitentiary, having served 10 yeurs tor rape. AFRAID TO VOTE, ttmoke Out Ihe Men Who Would Vole AicaliiMi 1'iec Huitar. Washington, Aug. 15. There was something ol a flurry nboul the Senate yesterday when the four separate tariff bills came over from the House, for it was feared that in some way action might be forced and a showing ol hands compelled to lie made, l.spe mil v was this true ol the lull lo put sugar on me tree itsi. i acre appears however, to DC no none lor any oi incsc hills to become laws as there is a dispo sition on the part of the leaders to smother them in committee. They Ulve Vn K,attll. H.M.TIMOKK, Mil., Aug. 15 The lit win Hennct pottety ompany of this city have decided, in conjunction with other firms lcnrcBcntcd in the Potters' Na tional association, to close their cstab lishtncnt in const qnence of the pussige ol the new t a rill bill reducing the duly from 00 per ieut. to 35 per cent. Terrible Drought lu Ohio, Coi.i'Miifs, O., Aug. S. The stntc crop bulletin issued shows that except in n lew central distticts there has been no relief bom the terrible drought nnd the effect upon growing crops is disas trous. Corn is shriveling up and on the uplands is a total tadure, YBSTUKDAVS BASEBALL 0AM US, Piesideiil Marion Hutlcr. chaiiman of the Stale Alliance executive committee, says their strength is about 1,2m1 greater than twelve mouths ago; and that tip No'th Carolina alliance now has about 27,500 numbers. The State business agency shows a business during the 12 months'of about $;175,(K)0. Wil liam A. Graham reports as trustee of the business fund. This approximates $.'11, 000. Only $2,000 was drawn out ol it under the act of the l ist Legislature. The citizens nf Mills Kivcr township have issued an tmergeuev clause in their call tor election. It provides that incase llcndcisotiville township tails to secure the requisite number ol votes to carry the subscription, she can is. tie her bonds nnd thus, with liicvurd's $00,000, push the railroad to a suecisslul completion. Favcttcvillc Observer : We regret to note the death of Dr. Fcsscnden, who will be icniembercd by our older citizens as being connected with the hospital here during the war. He was left jien- nilcss after the war and moved to 11 rook lyn, where he has lived since. I'nder a new order the ,'to companies ot State troops arc allowed $200 each annually in ordnance or quartermaster's stores from the I tilled Mates nppropri ation. The State reserves $3,000 for ammunition, etc. An executive reward ol $100 is offered f ir Sam Oxcndine, a noted und desperate Croutan of Robeson county, who burned the Atlantic coast s depot at Huie. He was arrested, but cs caped from jail. Ilryson City Times: We arc in formed that I. W. Anthony on Cham hers Creek, has killed more than one hundred rattlesnakes this summer, and of this number be killed 4b in one day. President Hollnday of Ihe Agricult ural and Mechanical college says the numlier ot students next term will be so great ns to tnx to the utmost the capac ity oi i lie college, Just Received A shipment of Tenney's delicious choco lates uin! 1ioiiIh)1is cinie yeteilay lu sh mid niie -iciliiceit hum Soc. lu w. .1 tHUUHl, S N. Court Sii.itt. RAY'S Cheap Traveling Is enjoyed hv my patrons save '1 tn sev eral dollars on earn tieket 110 lionhle no lother it's natural tn supiose that 1 know sonit'thitiK nlmit t raveling that wonld interest yon save you worry and trouble that's my business--inltirtUHliun Tree. C. 1. ITA.Y, Member American Ticket Bro kern' Association ON TIIK SOUARK. TKI.Kl'HONK hm BASKETS ! BASKETS ! BASKETS ! I.PNCH HASKHTS, MARKKT 11ASKKTS ANDCI.UTIIHSIIAS- KKTS. ALL SIZES. National lengue Brooklyn I, Chicago 5: New York 0. St. Louis 4; Huston 13, Pittsburg 5; Philadelphia 7, Louisville 13; Baltimore I), Cincinnati D; Washing ton 0, Cleveland 1. -Chatham Record : Mr. E. II. Holle- tnan of New Hope cut a cabbage a few I days ago and on one stalk there were I 5:1 heads and 10 sprouts that were not headed. Requisition is made bv Governor Carr on the Governor of Tennessee lor Eh Ramsey, wanted m Madison county for false pretences. llcndcrsonville Times: Kcv. Ira F.rwin has been very ill, but as we go to press he is reported ns on a fuir way to recovery. The Scotland Neck knitting mills shipped last Friday 15 cases ol hosiery, s.-i.: j .i j. wciguiug t,iui pvmuui, 1'UUNl) AT VV. A. LATIMER'S, No. 16 N. Courtl.Sqtuire, Utiinet carries s hill mid complete line of fancy groceries

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