Asheville Daily Citizen VOLUME X.-NO 88. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 10, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. Fine Flour. ANIll'lIliK CAR LOAD Ol' OBELISK FLOUR Just in. Wc fully iiiiilerst.iinrjllie iniuitanec of KtviiiK al this sccial season of the year spe chil attention to liny demand mailv mum lis ami yuti can implicitly rely iipou u for a prompt satisfactory ami lliorouuli fulfillment of all or- ill' is. Powell & Snider GROCERS. EicMc'M THE LATEST" Novels and Magazines. Five hundred taper cover ed iiovHh received, and to get the lament oncn, it will be best to coineand select them before they are picked over. The fine display some of theni you will see in the win dow iih you puna by tiie well known pbu'o. L. BLOMBERG, 17 I'ATTON AVBNUli. No. 1 Timothy Hay. $1.00 Per Hundred Pounds. i'HKNN t'ANII, Gr. J. Greer. jS N, MAIN STKKKT. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY CONTINUES TO SUSTAIN ITS KSTAD L1BIIKU KKI'UTATION FOR HIRSTS CLASS WORK, Cbarcb St., Telephone 70. Porter's Havana - Mixture THB BUST BMOKINO TOBACCO ON TIIK MARKET, MES (HROMIDIRT AMD TKMi. YOU NEED NOT wokkv Aiiotrr hard TIMH8 SO MirCII II' Yllf ONLY KNOW WIIKKK TO BUY VOIR GROCERIES Kutra fine sliced pincapiilc, is cents; California Crawford nml lemon cling peaches, pears, npri cola ami cherries, ami cents; New pack ninstartl; tardines, large Iwxcs, tocents; olives ami pickles ill hulk anil IhjUIcs. A. D. Cooper, N COURT SCUARf. FOR THE VISITORS SUMMER READING Nfw'KiKiks just ill fiom Sciilnui's, HuUKlttuii & Milliu, Itiirpcrit, etc. rajier nmlclulh Minlinn-. FOR : MERCHANTS. I.AKGK STOCK 01'' NEW BLANK BOOKS LETTER COPYING BOOKS Cheapest in the city. FOR : THE : HOMES Pictures ami frames in laie variety. Old pic tures cleaned, framed and made to look like iit u- a I ESTABROOK'S, ! South Main street. Asheville, N. C. See That Square? If yom name were la 11, it would lw an uilver tlsemeul, See the Point ? Now you cun t any that persons ilo not rcml the mlvcrllsliiK coliinitis of Tuii Cituhn. - CRYSTAL PALACE BARGAINS JAPANESE RUGS, HAND WOVEN, AS80KTKD UK SK'.NS; JxSFT. ONLY Sue.; 3(. 1-T. ONLY Ji.9-" These prices are truly bargains. The rugs ale very good for biiiiuuer homes Japanese Portieres, BAMBOO ANI RICH. Many pretty dtMKns. We aie now offtiiiiK them 2o per cent, from price. This makes them very cheap. XX NEW GOODS. We ate daily wetting in novelties and pretty little things in china, cut Klnss, etc., that are very appropriate souvenirs. Visitors welcome. Thad. W. Thrash & Bro., CRYSTAL l'ALACH. 5()N IH.NS,tilU(.!OLATKS, M1XKDCUOCUIATU, !KKAM MINTS, HIOCOIATK MINTS. ilCOHICKTABLKTS, HTO, Received Hy Kx press. HESTON'S, 20 South Main Sin-el. O Q o o o c 3 O o w o 'A ? 5 S Q M 3 ! W a c 5 w u c fia V t p, W 0 -M oi Q .,). :: u O jo Grape Juice Grape Juice Grape Juice UNFERMENTED A l l'KK I'OOD 4. A NON-ALCOHOLIC UKVIiRAOH Heinitsh & Reagan AGENCY FOR BON-BONS, 6H0C0LA7E, ETC HKCKIVKo TWICH A WRHK -AT- Heinitsh & Reagan He Will Succeed Himself ia Congress. NOMINATED BY ACCLAMA TION WEDNESDAY. MOTION MiDK BY IIIH OPPO- NKNT, MK. AI.AMt. The slumbers of the Duke of Xichmond Hill last night wee fitful, and allowed the gentleman who curries his politics in bis hat as lie would u slab uf liniburgcr to ward ulT sunstroke none of that sweet rest that enters into and soothes the ml that is at ticace and confident of a ippy ctilniination of coveted plans. Weird forms flitted about him and the lliost of a Chance mingled with the liiintasms that made a part of his scnii- sotnnolent hallminatioii. The Duke turned and muttered uneasily in his sleep and fain would have wrestled with the phantom until it gave him some word of assurance that would be oil to the troubled waters of anticipation, but it eluded the eai;cr urusp. Auain and iaiu did he seek some coniloi tinn word ts in this misty panorama he caught hijLght of some seemingly cartlilv form, but profited him iioihiii. In the lotn hours of the niyht this urent "Co-ntier- itor wrestled thus until dually with a discordant try the oj; c lelt him and he awoke. Then with the force of u thun der stroke came to him the memory of an event occurriui; yesterday, an event pregnant with the certainties ol (kleat for Chief Man Wlm-Wears-Ilis-IIat the nomination ol Wdli am Thonins Craw lord to he his own successor in Congress from the Ninth Congressional district ol North Carolina. Tbc Conveiitloq opeiiN. The forecast in Tit K CtTiliN ycbtcidav vvas correct. Shortly sitter .1 t clock Capt. Melvin H. Carter, chairman of the executive committee ol the district, called the bodv to order in the Gland oiera house. The pit was reserved for the delegates nud it was filled. Ilun- onifc occupied the entire section In ni lisle to dress circle to tile left Iroru the stage, while the block ol seats opposite held the Kuthcrloril and llavwood stal warts. The other counties were neeom moilated in the dress circle, while specta tors almost hi led the balcony audgallery ol the building. When the convention had been called to order, Hon. Walter K. Moore ol Web ster moved the election ol lion. M. 11. usticc of Kuthril'onl as permanent chair man, and it was mane nv acclamation On taking t'lt chair Mr. justice said he was always proud to be chairman ol a convention ol Democrats, l Ins was a time when Democrats were all willing to lav down their dmcrcnccs. 1 he cam paigu coming on he considered a remark iblconc. 1 here was what is known at the Third party, People's party or Pop lists, an J when one came to look at r: code of principh s, one was bound to iiluiit that it was without lorm anil void. As to the Kciiulilieuus, he was reminded of the anecdote relr.ted of Col Wooiifiu who, when being asked hy on ittornev representing a client wlnit the client should do, replied "L think he would better employ a lawyer." "The Kcpuhllcans would better employ a law ut, They ate willing to make anv tin holy alliance with anything to l ent the Democrats. They tell me friend Pearson a renegade Democrat. You know what that is. 1 now declare the conven lion open for the transaction of business.' as. 11. Atkin of the Marion Kecoru was elected secretary, nud the repnsen tatives of the Democratic papers of the district were made assistants. A motion was made that a committee on credentials be appointed, nut was amended so that the roll call was pro cceded with to ascertain whether there were any contests. There were none and the credentials committee was not deemed necessary. A delegate moved the appointment ol a committee on platform, but on a mo lion to dclcr, the original motion was with Jrawn. J 8 Aduum Named. The real business of the convention then began the miming of men for the Congressional uominalioii. When Dun combe was called, Hon. II. A. Gudgcr urosc and addressing tbc convention said : "During the days of the Koman einnirc its eagle was unfurled to every breeze anil was recognized v tnc people of every nation of the world. Its laws were maintained by the most powerim nrmv ol the world. Unlike in this, the laws of America arc not enforced bv great standing armies, but have been tin lietil uv me iicmocraiic puny oi inc country. Yesterday was tlashetl to every home in this broad land tlic tailings that the turilT bill had become a certainty and that unothcr Democratic pledge had been redeemed. I Aiiiilause.l 1 eongrat ul.ite you on it. Already wc can see the briulit liulit that will disiiel the gloom we can hear the noise of the hammer ami the forge, and belore the election wc will sec a great revival ol business tnrougn out the country. "I rise to nominate u matt who has no superior, except, possiniv, among me members of this uoiiv, i"iurmtj ami who from us youth has lought ai.d op tioned every monopoly that threatened the destruction of the very lilierties of our dcopIc. He started out in blc on arm and was not too proun 10 iwceu out churches nud clean lamps. When lie went to a sister State to secure tin edu cation and returned home he had only $3 with which to uny his expenses. He rode as far as that would permit and walked the remainder ol the distance to his own healthful city in the mountains of Western North Carolina. lie bus Hived in this t luccn City and watched it grow and has gtown wun n. ims man Ims the ncccsBiirv equipment for this place. He can take the Democratx banner in hand und carry it to victory and you will ice 'J.oUll majority in the Ninth district. This man's character is above reproach; he is pure as a woman and true as steel, and his name is Joseph S. Adams, Applause 1 It is essentially necessary to have a man who ctn har monize every clement and show the CUNTINUSD ON SKCOND FAUK.) MR. VEST'S CALCIUM LIGHT IT IIKYKtU A MAN THANK. H I. TO GROVICR The President HasRellevetl H in Of The Oflice Setker. And Not a Wave Of Trouble Holls Across Tblt) Peaceful Vcni Thereat. Washington, Aug. Hi. In the Senate yesterday Mr. Vest turned on his nromised "calcium light." lie said Mr. Hill bad accused him of having some pri vate grief, und added : Air. rrcsuient, I liave no nnvatc gtief, but I wish to acknowledge in the most public manner my gratitude to the President from having relieved me1 from all responsibility in regard to the ippoinimcnts in Missouri. Sir. if there is any thing in my public lite which has a Horded me any pleasure, it bus been the tact that the President, in the exercise ol his constitutional right, informed me that he no longer iLsircd tnyndviic regarding Missouri patronage. Not again during this administration will I stand in a crowded ante room looking into the anx ious, haggard faces of expectant ollicc seekers. Not again will I beadmittcd into tbc august presence. Nor will I watch the shadows partially produced by in- lignalion that m-iv tloat across th.' ex executive brow and feel my heart sink as each shadow came and went. Not again will 1 be damned at country post offices, village corners as an ingrate who has given no otlicts to his friends. Sir. were it not tor this tariff debate anil this turilT discussion, 1 would now indulge in the testacy of that well known hymn, "Then shall 1 tuthc mv wearv soul. Ill seas ol endless rest. Ale! not a wave ol trcniMr roll Across Illy peaeehll breast." "I have nothing to complain ol on I he pai tot' the President 1 am icadv lo lid ow him now as the Si-occh loliowed I' e banner of lirnce when he fought loi eouu tiy and home. I light for no man. I light lor principle, my party and mv country. Men puss away like clouds from the cicning skv, but principle miisl live I ortver." I.AMI.K'N UKIitT WtlKli He ri ehed a iiciiuiliiit ;nin - nm Wasn't Well miirn e1 Kxoxvii.i.i;, Tenn , Am- l(i Special Ivuoxville won the fust game ycstci- day bya combination uf lucky hiis in the first inning. The diamond here dilleis from the Allandalc diamond in that the ground slopes toward home and third. Knoxville got four hits, one bv Scitcrs being a home run. Asheville made three errors in this inning. uimcr pitched the linest game ever seen here, only one hit being made oil' him alter the first, hut he lacked support it critical stages. 11c st tick out lout men in succession in the third and fourth mailings. I lournov niiide a fine tin ow from right in the third inning, pulling out Williams, who was running lor t'neeu. Asheville was shut out till the ton tli, when two men scored. Metz made the prctti.s'. plav of the game in the tilth, bv taking Jobc's 11 v over second. Asheville made two in the lilth, tying the score. Knoxville made one in the eighth on an error hy Oldham. Asheville scattcicd hits and bunched errors, lien. Denny umpired satislactorv to all. ASUKVJI.I.r. All II II 1 o A Iv I'irceti, r. I ,"i ii '2 1 o 1 MeClllIlL!. e ft 1 'J il o II VciuiiK. e f t 1 1! a o (I I lllltl.-llll, 11) -I. O 1 10 o 1' Stanley, s. s 2 1 I o 4- o l.nnier, p .... I o o I "J 1 Meiz. ;;l o o n Knliertson.nli. V 1 1 I. 1 II Williams, I I' 4. o n 0 o II :in n u; u ksoxvii.i.i: All. K. I!. IMi. A. l: .lnlie. ss t 1 1 I o liiilihs. e. I'. I I 'J o 0 i.iu, nil t i o a i i Mullen, I. r. i. o ii a o ii Seitn-s, an -i i i :i :i 0 lluiliilestoii, e I ll I s o II M -i-, lli 4. o o I', o n !-'loimiov. r I. 4- o t 11 Mellillialll, p 4 o o o o 2 llil r. .'. L'7 to 4 scorn; n imm;s l L' ; i- r. a 7 s ti Knoxville 4 o l n o 1 o Asheville 0 ll o J n o o o liarned runs Asheville -. Knoxville Home run Seitei". Hasis stolm ohe, Green, Yoll 'g, Stanley 111). Il iseon balls Off Lamer 1, oil McDonald L'. Struck out By I.anier'.l, bv McDonald .1. I line of game, 1" hours. Till-: CONUl'ICHr OK CtllMt. liiHHiie Aiiililtion Ol Hoiiit- Of lie Jingo japaueHe. I.onpon, Aug. lii. A dispatch bom Shanghai says apan is pouring fresh troops into Corea, and that upwards of 5(1,001) lupiiiicsc soldiers arc now in Corcan territory. The Chintse licet is remaining n.'isjive. In Japan the war fever is intense and universal. The press and popular orators are pleaching to excited people ol ambitious ichcmcs, in eluding the cniiipiest ol China or at least thccoiiiticst ol the province ol Mnncurui, The Iniiauesc government enforces com plete secrecy in respect to all military movements and a rigorous censorship is observed over all ilispatclus. Iiidlnun lleuiucru'H. Inpianai', Ind., Aug. 10. In the Democratic convention U'stcrday 0. T. Kiinlianl und os. Daily were nominated bv luclamalioii for the Supreme court judgeship from disliiets one and two re spectively. S cretury t State Myers had a walk nwav, bting uoniinated uniiniitiMi-lv. Por State Auditor Jos. I'anni'ig was nkinc in the field and he was chosen by aeclamatioji. Cliolera lu Prussia, Aug. 10 Pour fresh cases ol cholera wtte reported in Hast Prussia yestcrduv. One nutn died. Several cases of cholera and two deaths are reported from tie district of Kol imnn. There have been no Iresh cases of cholera nt Cologne. An examination of the water of the Rhine showed no tigu ot infection. Ha anlta wma one. Kvuii, Isle of Wight, Aug. 10,-The third day's races in the Koval Victoria regatta was won ly the Satanitn, Iliitinna second, Vigilant third. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL GAMES. National Leajftie Brooklyn 0, Chica go S; ,Ncw Yoik 3, St. Louis -I-; Huston G, Pittsburg 5; Philadelphia 14, Louis ville 4; Baltimore 8, Cincinnati -; Wash ington 7, Clcvclaud 0. TARIFF BILL NOT SIGNED TIIK riti.siuKNr uonic i;utv UAin.i-:tt. I'O He It III Aud Needs u iliaiite The House Frew IllllH will lie Referred I'o The Ntnnle I t nance ConiTll'ee. Vi'asiii.m'.iiis, August, 10. In the Senate yesterday Harris asked that the House revenue bills be read the second time. To the astonishment of every-' buiiy no Senator objected and the House bills to place coal, iron ore, barbed w ire, and sugar on the free list were read. Harris then scut lo the clerk's desk and had read a letter from Secretary Cailislc just received. The lettir re viewed the condition of the treasury and the estimated revenues of the govern mint lor the next hscal year. 1 lie figures showed that under the tanH hill i list sent to the President, the revenues would exceed the expenditures lor the fiscal vear ending June Ho, lN'Jo, bv $1 "1,000,1 100. The revenues from the agar duty. Carlisle placed at $ Kl.oou,- Out), and from coal, iron ore and barbed wire, $1,000,000. II the House bills were passed there would, Carlisle said. lie a deficiency next vear of $'.! 000,000. No action was taken on the tree sugar ind other House bills. They will be re- lei red to the finance committee. A number of leaves ol absence wire granted today to members and the at tendance upon the House showed a gen eral departure of representatives Ironi the city, A little routine business was transacted and then the ronle euce re port on the general deficiency appropria tion lull was laid belore the House. I he ill in under discussion is that appropria ting S 1 ,800,0110 lo pay a judgnunt in favor of the Southern Pacific railroad iinpauy for the transport!. tion o! tro' ps, mail and tnerclianilisu tor the failed Stales. President Cleveland left the lily rally this morning, Private Secrt ti ry Thin her makes public the lolloping state ini tit in regaid to the Presidents tie part tire : the President l-ll this moriiii: lorn lew days' ali-enee under the advise of his physician in the hope of shaking off an aii.:el. of m;il. ma liom whii h he has been suffering Iroui several il.ns. Ves tcnlav's atlaek eiibninatiil in ever, oil tins was nailer control lias inori iag. Iir. O'Kcillv, his pl'.ysiei.i-i, expressed no loiibt t lial a lew days ol salt air will recuperate the Pi i si lent sntficicntlv to to enable him to renew hisi.llieial duties, and he will return to Wosh.nglon bv the middle ol next week. He has gone to dray I'.ablcs and is nee -nip inieil by Dr. oUcrlc." The Picsuleiil, it is learned lurlher. lias never hillv recovired tro in the at tack of tnalaiia v.lmli caused him to make two trips in a light house lendcr down Clieastpeake bay and the outside capes. Anxiety over the t fi rill situation, il is supposed, aggiavated the indispo sition, and when the nutter was ended hy the neiion ol the House in passing the larilf bill, a n taxation came and made a change of air necessary. The President I. ft by the 7:10 train over III. Pennst Ivania railroad, lie took no action upon the (aril) hill beyond sending il to the Secictarv ol the treas ury lor report, as is ciHtomarv wilh revi hjc bills. WHO ! V TIIK T. f I'ivldeii lv Mot Tin: I.'fi r Of al ert, ol ttlielbv Co., Tenii. MiiMt'llis, Aug 1 li The grand jmy yesterday found .'to f indictments against persons in Shelby county, making oils indictments found in two da vs. charged wilh selling liipior without a license. Investigations ol the jury have devel oped the fact that the county, state and city have lost about $loii,0(liJ in the past eight years from lailnre to collect the revenue. It has been found that not only have licpior dealcis eujoved immu nity Irom taxat ion, but a great iii'inv people in other lines of trade also. When all persons who have not complied with theliipior law lor the past year shall have .'i id up the income will be ', 000. Uood ! Wasinsi. ton. Aug Hi 'I he Senate todav passed the bill for the exclusion and deportation o! alien anarchists, which has been agreed to in the confer ence coiuinilUc on a like bill hcictolore passed. To riiev.-d Hun ii KAl.l-lt'.ll, N. C, Aug. 10 The Demo cratic Congr ssioual convention for the I'ourth disti id , held here yesterday, nom mrcd Charles M. Coke of I'lanklin county by acclamation. Caruui'H Murderer (iullollii. il. I.vons, Aug. Hi. Santa Cncsurio, the murderer ol President Caraot, was guil- otincd at o o clock tins morning. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. The latest crop report sas that in the l-asteru district the rains damaged cotton and young corn considerably Kiel, tobacco, aud sweet potatoes are reported good. In lalgecombc county over nine inches ol rain nil in three days In the southern part of the Central ii is triil the hot sunshine which followed rain haseaused some "scalding" ol crops 1 he corn crop is the linest in ten years and will bring big prices. Tobacco is line and the euiings good. There are good reports from the Western district whirc the rains were tiot excessive. Chatlotle News: Mecklenburg county is in better shape politically than in any previous campaign. It is said to be a iact that there is not a Populist in Pincville, Providence or Steil Creek township. In Providence there is one Third party man, but he is not a Popti list. Mecklenburg will give the Demo cratic ticket from 1,200 to 1,500 major ity. -lolin T. Roach of Kockingham county, hns liccn appointed to a post Hon m the government printing olluv the appointment being credited to the influence ol'ex-Congrcssmaii Williams, The conferees on the sundry civil bill have agreed on the item appropriating IfWi.OdO lo estatilistl n quarantine slu tion at the mouth ot t.upc t ear river. At the Hgypt coal mines lot) men arc employed. September lit the coal output will be increased to 40U tons daily. There nrc thirty entries for the Au gust tnecs ut the State fuir grounds Kulcirfli next week. USE" Horlick's Malted A fond for infriiits, inva lids, tlie iied and truvolurs. I'rcjxiroil ly dissolving in wtitor only. No cooking or milk minimi. A frt-sh htock of tin? iiJiovi; food jnsr, j( ciMVcd from Hi" niitmiffM- tlinTri l'ut Up ill UllVO MA'S. Tin? best. ivhuHh ol)tiiiu'd whii t ho food is fri'sli. RAYSOR & SMITH, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. OPEM UVHXINGS TILL 11 O'CLOCK. VISITORS Should visit the cheapest book store in the State. Hoc. no vi Is 5c. Ships That Pass in the Night, Yellow Aster, etc., 10c. Cut rate prices on all late novels. RAY'S HIGHEST Prices paid for railroad tickets. Cheap tickets everywhere. R. .A. UN. Court Square BASKETS ! BASKETS! BASKETS! INCH 1IASKKTS, MAKKKT IIASKKTS ANDCI.OTI1KS HAS- KI5TS. ALL SIZES. I'UtlNl) AT W. A. LATIMEU'S, Nu. 16 N. CotirtUftulMire. t.ntliurr amies s full suit complete! Hue of fancy groceries.

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