Asheville Daily Citizen, VOLUME X. NO 94. ASHEVILLE, N. C, .THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 23, 181)4. PRICE 5 CENTS. FROM 0HI5A! New Season's Extra Choicest FormosaOolong, English Breakfast, and Gunpowder YOU NEED NOT TEAS. Our pritit's arc remark ably low for goods of such suuenor Quality, ana our stock id comnleto in a'l grades. Powell & Snider GROCERS. NEW GOODS WORK Y AUOUT HARD I TIMES SO MUCH IF Voir ONLY KNOW WUKKK TO BUY YOUR -AT THK- GROCERIES Kxtrtt fine sliced pineapple, 15 cents; California Crawford and It-mon cling peaches, pears, apri coti and cherries, 20 u ml 35 cents; New pack mustard; fnrdines, large luxes, 10 cents; olives and pickles iu bulk aud bottles. Crystal Palace. Our midsummer importations are arriving now and all tlie fine and pretty things from the pottery districts of France and Germany wilt soon be displayed ou our counters, then the visitors nnd home folks as well, will now have an opportunity of buying as fine goods ns in the large cities. We pay the freight to any city in the United States 011 purchases amounting to $10.00 or more. I Triad. W. Thrash & Bro. A. D. Cooper, THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY 1,500 MILKS Or ROAD VNDI-.K ONE MANAGEMENT. Tbe Reorganisation CoroplcUd Bv The Purchase of Two North Carolina Roads-Mat of Lines Taken Iu By The doutbern. New York, Aug. 23. C. H. Coster, chairman of tbe Richmond Terminal re organization committee, yesterday bought the Oxford and Clarkcsville, and Clarkesvillc and North Carolina rail- AMIEVILLF, WINH AC AIM. The "MooiiBlilner'n" Tnko Three Hiraluhl From Ureenvllle. A close, but rather lifeless, contest was that between Asheville and Greenville at Allandule yesterday. The features of tbe game were a fine double play by Metz, unassisted, and the splendid lidd ing of both teams. A very small at tendance was out. Young led off in the first with a hit. Green got a two bagger and scored on Stephens' hit to right. For Greenville Powell got a hit to center and scored on Morgan's hit. Cain went out to Green, roads, thus comnletinir the list of fore' closure coiitemolatcd under the plan of Gibson to Metz and Craig struck out reorganization. In the second htaniey got uase on nahs. The whole system of roads which were 8to,c 8Ceond- nnu scorca on 1,its """le '' i t, -1 . . . :,, included in the Richmond Terminal rc- 41 l'ATTON AVK. N. COURT SCURE. FOR THE VISITORS SUMMER READING NewJIlooks just ill from Scrilmcr's, Mounhton & Milllu, Harpers, etc. 1'iipcr mid cloth liliuliiiK- FOR : MERCHANTS. I.AKGK STOCK 01' organization is known as the Southern Railway company and the work of the reorganization committee, which is now completed, is considered to be one of the most successful in the history of rail road organization. The Southern railway embrntcs 1,500 miles of road and is cine of the largest systems in the country. In the scheme for re-orgaizition the following companies were included: Richmond and West Point Terminal railroad and warehouse company; Rich mond and Danville; York Kiver nnd Chesapeake, South Carolina, Atlanta i , i a:, t : i .. i . : t , - . I mm .iuii iuiic mi aiiiv, it asiiiuuiuii, UI1UIH illlU UiaSSYViU'C Ohio and Western, Northwestern of North Carolina, Clarkcsville and South Carolina, Oxford and Clarkcsville, Char lottesville and Kaoidnn, franklin and Pennsylvania, Western North Carolina, Columbus anil Augusta, Atlantic, lent) essec and Ohio, Columbus nnd Green' villc, Georgia Pacific, Danville and and Western, Haltimore, York River and Chesapeake Steamboat Co., East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia, Ala hnma Central, Knoxvillc and Ohio, and Louisville S u' horn. REPUBLICANS WONT VOTE I c iiing" Cigars. HKNATK AUJOt KN , A Ut'OKl'M. hestons BAKERY, 'CITY BV THK RIVER 1 NO SOUTH MAIN. NEW SUNK BOOKS -nml- Fresh Bread, Cakes, LETTER C0PYIN6 BOOKS Pies Etc. Chen nest lu the city. FOR : THE : HOMES Pictures and Immestii large variety, Oltt pic ture cleaned, framed nml made to look like uew nt ESTAB ROOK'S, Goods delivered free to all parts of the city. Agents for MMBvaavfyayvnllvaBar HUYLEIi'S CANDIES 22 Soulli Main street. Aslicville, N. C. RKCKU'IM) liv HXl'RKSS. THE LATEST Novels and Magazines. Five hundred paper cover ed novels received, aud to get the latest ones, it will be best to come and select them before they are picked over. The fine display some of them you will see in the win dow an you pass by the well known plice. L. BLOMBERG, 17 FATTON AVBNUB. EVERY DROP. A DROP OF COMPORT IS THK VERDICT 01-' THOSK WHO DRINK Ol'R FINK ROASTED COFFEFS VNHQUAI.HD FOR Fl'RITV, DKMCACY OF FLAVOR AND FUI.KNHS8 OF BTRSNGTH, Q-. Jl. Greer a N. MAIN 8TREKT. 103 The New Patton Aye. Grocery Store. Is now always rushed, ami it is iiackcil nml jammed Willi nil tlie nicest mm ircxiiesi rihkis i the market affords. Just received a Injue lot confei'tiotinrieii direct from factory nt wholesale. I Hard work night and day, Cnreful and polite I attention is what makes our store atlriictivc. Prices cut in two in the middle and n't on fire at hoth ends, aa I have no one to compete wilh I me. I am doing the funny thing of under sell ing myself. Mvlolwcco and cigar deartment I great attraction, which is complete. No I me to mention hrands. Come nnd nee 'em. No use going up town. I have what you want. All goods fresh nnd first class ill every respect. No old stale stock. Try my Omega flour. This I is the best flour on the market, hut I keep all I kinds. Also hay, horse nnd cow feed. In fact I everything that man or henst could ent I keep. I receive H. ft S, candies direct from factory I every week. Drink Ron's Cheer, non intoxi-1 eating, pure nml healthful; snlislitiile for beer. Kop's Kxlm for ttout. Doctors are prescribing I It for Invalids and weak persona, t'.oods de livered to any pnrt of the city free. No trouble I to show goods, Jas. W. Hollingsworth. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY CONTINUES TO SUSTAIN ITS K8TAB- LIBHBD REPUTATION FOR FIRSTS CLASS WORK. Chnieb St., Telephone 70, 3MOKB. Porter's Havana Mixtun THK BRST 8MOKINO TOBACCO OH THK MARKET, FR88 FROM DIRT AND STEMS. C O c I o . M Q W C .JO to 5; 0 y O w Q O o is a Wnlcb Mean Mnrnliall Ietnou- alN M tt. L'OUlCH. Marshall, N. C, Aug. 22. Nearly crerybody in our town is making prepa rations to attend enmptnecting nt Tut key creek. Mr. nnd Mis. W. K. Mlery attended the Union Sindav seliool con vention nt Hemphill church Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Charles Adams ol 1'ort Huron, Mien., is stopping ut tlie Wilbur house. Mrs. lames ltrvan visited Iriends in town this week. Miss A. I Willmr, W. C. Sprinkle and C. W. Tweed went to Asheville Monday. Mr. Charles C. Smith of Frngklin, N. C, was here on business fur the govern' ment Monduy nnd Tuesday. Mis. Will Kobcr sund Miss Ha tlie Holier! s were in town Monday visiting rein lives. M. W. W. acliarv went to Weavervnlc Tuesday. Misses Florence anil Ida I'ritchard visited friends in town Tues day. There will be a sinijiui! contest between the Sunday schools ot this coiintv at the court liouse, the first Sundav in Septem ber. The prizes arc e handsome liiblc and a silk banner. Everybody is invited to attend. With such u leader as I ost- master Lance, the Marshall class has hopes of winning one or both of the prizes. Mr. lliL'Rius ot Lynn, Muss., is regis tered at tbe Willmr House. Mr. Tom Murray ol Murs Hill is here stopping at the Kcctnr hotel. Mr. I'. M Iltiiluins came down from Asheville Saturday, and spent Sunday with his family. Dr. J. Wallin of the Madison Seminary, was here Tuesday; also Dr. lilson ot Laurel Branch. A convention will be held nt the court house August 27, for the purpose ol nominating candidates tor the county ilhccs. I'olitics seems to be the subu'et ot general conversation in our "city by the river. Lanier and Robertson. Greenville creased her score one in this innini;, Sul livan izettinir first ou passed ball by Oldham and scoring on a hit made by Coppedue. the third was ciphers tor botn teams, Green nnd Oldham tor the home team and Gibson for the visitors each took a hit. Lanier, Metz nnd Rolicrtson went out iu succession for Asheville in the fourth, and Greenville fared but little better, only four men going to bat, two ol whom lanncd the wiud thrice. In the filth Young nnd MeClung went to first by being hit by pitched ball and bot,h scored as did also Green nnd Stan ley. In Greenville's half Gibson and Cain went out on a double plav by Metz, nnd Morgan went out from Met to Green. Young got a two base hit in the sixth but failed to score, as Robertson mid Green went out to Morgan and Ste phens struck out. Greenville rolled up four runs in this inning, tieinu the score. lty securing a hit and stealing second with the aid of a hit by Metz Stanley made a run in the seventh. The remain der of the gnmewas goose eguanll round. Oldham and Stanley went ou'intuc ninth ou a nice double from Ikiers to Morgan, and the guine ended 7 to ti in favor of Asheville, The score : ash i:iu.i!. The eariteaut-a-Arm iuHitnclcd To BrlUK The Wandering Dem ocrat in. But He Will Probably Not Do I', as lie Lacks The Power. Washington, Aug. 23. Even before the readii'g of yesterday's journal in the Senate today the absence of u quorum was pointed out by Mandcrson, and the roll showed the prcsence.of only :1U Sen ators, 10 less than a quorum. Harris moved that the sergcant-at-arnis be dirtcted to request the presence of the absent Senators, but l'asco anil Cockrell pointed out that the order made yester day was still in force, and the latter asked that the report of the sergeant at nrms be read. This was dated today and reported that of 42 senators who failed to answer to their names yesterday only two were in the city, nnd one of these, Vooiliecs, was too ill to attend, others were telegraphed to attend im mediately. Up to 12:HJ o'clock, 3D Sen ators had responded. At 12:30, it being apparent a quorum could not be secured, upon a motion by Harris, the sergennt-at-ams was di rected tocompc! the attendance of absent senators. 1 his, it is said, will notamount to anvtbirg, us thescrgeant-at-arms has always and now refuses to arrest sena tors unless he is given a warrant for thiir irrtsl. 1 In: Senate lias likewise always refused to issue its warrant. A quorum ulil be obtained if all the Republicans would vote as titer arc a number about the building who have so declined to enter the chnmher. At 1: IS the Senate adjourned until to morrow. II' YOU HAVE NKVKK SMOKHl) THK. , liONIiTO THK 8K4T OF Vr.iK Viillllg, c f. 4 McClunu. r. f. Crccu, 11 Stephens, 5 Oldham, e 4 Stunley. s. a i.iinu-r, .w a Metz, ill 5 Kohcrtson, I f 5 a o 0 o 11 o Powell. I'll Cain, all (tilisnll, c Murgnn, lb.... CrniK, I. f. Ucit-rs, s 9 Sullivan, c. f... MeDnviil, r (.. Coppeilne, p ... 41 7 Ki ORRKNVII.l.K. II. All. ....4 ....4 ....A ....r. ...A .... 4 .... ....3 Asheville.... rreeuville... lit) U SCOI1K II V INNINI 1 U .'1 4 5 1 4 2 1 1!7 K '.I O O 0 0- ROVAL, ARCH HASON8, I The Urueral Urand chapter Heaalon at Toptks. Toi'ivKA. Kan., Aug. 23. The triennial convocation of the General Chapter ot the United States Royal Arch Masons was held at the Masonic Temple here yesterday. Three hundnd and fifty mem tiers of the fraternity representing Grand I Cli'ipteis with an aggregate membership I of over 150,000 mere present. The seS' 1 o o 4 10 0 0 SI'MMAKV. earned runs Asheville .'I. ('.'cciiville ( Tivu liase hits Vouuu. ('.reel. I'uwcll, I'.il son, Heievs. 'three busc h t Cnin. liases tolell McCllinil, Sliuilej iK), Oldham, l.a nkr. Meliavid. Iloillilc nlavs Metz lull- assistedl. Powell, Beiers nml Morgan, fleieis old Morgan, unae nn nuHa on .siepneiis. II CnnneilKe L'. 1 1 it nv pllelleil null ny Cnnneile a. Struek out II v Stephens 1 t, livl.onncdi.ei!. I'asseil hall llilliam. Time of Kami 1.60. t'mpire, Mr. WiKlilmnii. The batting ol Powell this week h been ns good as ever seen here. The batteries for today s fame are Green nnd Oldham, and Cain and Gibson. Some of the ulnvcrs want to know when, oh when, the weeds iu the held of Allnndale arc to be cut down Met., the second baseman of the Moonshiners, has acccptul US chances in the last six games without making an error, l'itehcr S' and Stanley, the short stop, are soon to leave Ashei Mr. Stanley leaves next 1 liursday ami Mr. htetiliens noes Saturday week. The Greenville News says that both their new pitchers. Ramsey and Bain burg, have proved a failure, the Asheville men hitting them when and where they please. Correct. Ramsey, Lanier and McUung will go to Haywood White Sulphur Springs S itiirdav. to nlav a uaine on that alter noon with the Sprincs auainst the Wayrcsvilleteam. j. h. winstk ttvicmim A ix iiiultliiic caNhler tione 10 Hie l iowerv Kluicrtom. rn isurm;, l'a., Aug. 23. "Henry G. Gardner t lie defaulting cashier of the Second National bank of Altoona, is en route for China or lapan, u:id he has with him $1(10,1100 in bank notes ol large and small deuominnli ins." So spoke Samuel It. Griffith, assistant district uttorncv, whenask' il tegnrding the truth oln rumor that Gardner had been in tins citv Tin sdav. ''Gardner was in Portland, Oregon, a lew davs ag.i said Mr. Griffith, "and he has hk' lvlcft country bv this time. A week ano last Mondav Gardner learned that Hank Lxamiucr Miller was going to investigate his accounts. Gardner at once bcuan prcparati ins for a flight and lelt that nkeriutoii, taking every dollar ol the bank's money that he onld carry. The capital stock of tin bank is $100,000 and the defalcation is in ix.'css of that sum. PRINCE OF INDIA CIGAR Mo AHtluui I or lif. I jr. MH. Wasiiinoton, Aug. 23 Admiral Ram say, acting S.eretary of the Navv, last evening telegraphed unlets to the com mander of the Marc Island ravy vard, San l-'ninciseo, itist ructing him to take n t inted Stales marshal out to the Iien- nuicton in a naval tug boat and permit him to serve the warrants ol the United States court on the Salvndorian refugees. It is expected at t!-c Stale department that the arrest of General Iizcta mid his associates will be made todav. It's you own fault, it's the nicest .sc. citpir we have sold for a lonu time. A trial only will con vince the most skeptical. To those who have Hied them, it's a ureal favorite. ASHKV1U.K AI'.F.NTS, RAYSOR & SMITH, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. 31 l'ATTON AVKNI'K. 01 'UN liVIiNIXGS TILL 11 O'CLOCK. SOKT1I CAKOLINA NEWS. sions, which will continue for one week will be presided over by Deputy General Giand High l'ritst George S. McCahan of Iliiltunori!, General Hiuh 1'ricst Jos, 1 Horner having died since the last convo cation. Charters were granted to chapters nt Denver, Salt Lake City, Trinidad, Our- ango, Akron, (.any on City, Spokane, 1'uculo, bent tie, Muskogee, McAllister and other cities. Tbe following were elected officers for the next three years He luitinrd From A Towrr of Richmond Clm Hall Richmond, Va., Aug. 23. Col. J. M. Winstcad, president of the Piedmont nnd People's Savings bank of lire nsboro, N. C this morning removed bis shoes nnd jumed from one of the towers of the city hall here, a distance of 170 feet. He was terribly mangled. His lelt leg was General Grand I caught in a projection nnd torn from the Sterling Silver, Belt Buckles Hat Pins Hair Pins Link Bnttons 3 CD Aud every novelty Imaginable. We art,' at alwnys, headquarters for ouveulr pcont. J. H, LAW, 35 PATTON AVBNUB Heinitsh & Reagan, Selling Agents For Master, John M. Colburn, New York; General Grand Deputy Master, Bradford Nichol, Nashville, Tcnn ; General Grand Principal Conductor, W, A. Love, At lanta, Ga : Genernl Grand Treasurer, Chas, H. Hutteg, Montpclicr, Vt.; len- r..i,m iinrniitiiw nHicerat Savannah. 1 r.nA l. 1. Unrn w A..rA. I" ' socket. No cnuse is known for the suicide. Two Maala Ol uouor. Washington. Aug. 23. Dr. loseph II. hurst, Kort Wayne, lnd ; General Grand Captain of Guard, Willmtn H. Mayo, St. Louis; General Grand Conductor of Council, S. B. Owen of Huston; General Grand Marshal, George U. Mcltndc, Gullipolis, Ohio; General Grand Steward, Andrew r. Swaiistrom, At. i-aui. WILL WRITIi A LETTER. Ga., who rescued three tailors of the British baik Mary Ii. Chnpmnn which was wrecked rear Tybccislnnd February 25 Ih last, has been awarded a gold life- saving medal of honor. Peter Dodge u colored man who assis'cd in the rescue, is awarded a silver medal of honor. Mr. Charles It. Rouse of New York Citv has donated to the Historical Mu seum of the University of North Carolina Governor Vance's manuscript account if the celebrated meeting between the Governor of North Carolina and the Governor of South Carolina, wherein the forn-cr remarked to t be I ittcr, " It's a mighty long time between drinks." The following ollicers were nomi nated Tuesday bv theDcmocratiecoiinty convention of Macon: 1. !'. Kav, House; Lee Crawlord, chrk Superior court; J. S Sloan, register of deeds; C. T. Koane, shcrill; K A. oods. coroner; A. T. Sder, surveyor. The convention in structcd for R. L. Porter lor the Senate. The Lenoir Topic; Our fox huiiteis ought to get tip n chase one i f these days. Mr. lohn Halliburton of llurke, with a fine pack of dogs, came into our county a couple of weeks agoniulcauglit a large red fox on the I Ice mountain. Within the last month he has caught four. 1 he North Carolina Association ol Democratic clubs is to be nt once reor ganized bv Col. Julian S. Carr its presi dent, and R. C. ltcckwith its secretary. For some years these clubs have done Rood work and have co-operated fully witb the State Democratic committee. There are now only Hit) convicts in side the penitentiary walls. In two weeks another gang will probably he sent to the penitentiary farms on the Roanoke, to aid in harvesting the heavy crops there. These crops arc the finest ever grown there. Murphy Scout: Mr. lames Dickey of Mineral Bluff, and Mrs. M. R, Wright of Atlanta, were mariicd last Thursday. The bride is over 00 and the groom '0 years old. They had been ucouniutcd only n lew weeks. Don't Spend More Money Than Yon Have To. No nidi of paying for nuvcls lhat wv sell tor ,s nml io cents no iiecd of paving regular price for any novel sell 'eni nil tot less some novels vu reduce 1-5 other we take otX 4-5. Mrs. Wideawake ll;is tmnid thai mir Shamrock Irish linen isbcinjj sold nt half price it's 11 pleasure In have Mieh good to advettue thev make n Rood impression the Rood rpiality aud low price make nod customers 24 sheets paper or envelopes luc. Views of X. C. Scenery. I. ni ne assort inetit nf views of fatuous places iu ami around city large size city views, country views -river views mountain views -mounted or unmounted-25c each or jj.yi do.. RAY'S R N. Court Siimre, Economy is the Uoad to Wealth. Walk to the Mk knife thai we use local down traveling expenses you're nn the right road then let me help economize economy in lumps ofj.i to J 5 is economy indeed. C TP RAY, Memlier Ainericnn Ticket Drokcrs' Association. ON T1IKSUUAKU. TKLH.l'HONK 194 I The Prcaldent will Tell Why He . can't Minn l Tariff Bill. Washington, Aug. i!3. The President Over 3,000 UalloiH Port Wokth, Tex., Aug. Zi. The Third Disti ict Democratic Congressional convention, in session nr. Mtnenla yes terday, alter taking .1077 ballots ad- I returned last night. Several members Ijourncd uutil today. Judge MeCord's of theenhinet who saw him this morn- name was withdrawn and the last 1ml- : fl 1. 1 ,!,:. i,i:fii,. lot stooit: LruauocK 1, voam Zo, M ...K mew nu.. mv..v,... 1au viilner 141.. change had come over the President dur- I ing hit stay at Buzzard's bay and that I he would permit the tar ill bill to become! CONFECTIONS. Ulrlkei In DlftlreM. . . -... ft nr tm. 1 ,, it iX'rmit the tatill mil 10 iKComc rwAnsAsv.111, ug, im-n. rc, u. a law without his signature. It is gen-1 0I Argentine at n meeting last nighedc erally thoaght that the President will Lared tllc glrikc nRaitlBt the Slllltn Fc I oil' unconditionally. The Sannn Fe re fuses to employ the tinkers and 300 of them lire out of work aud iu distress. BON-IIONS AND CIIOCO I.ATKS, CKKAM l'Kl'l'KK. MBNTS, CKKAM WIN TKRORKKNS, ASSORTKU FRUITS, HTC ETC. end a message to the House announcing that he has permitted tlie 0111 to Become a law and giving bis reasons therefor. Sneaker Irisu una otuer prominent Democrats in the House say they hare heard nothing from the Presideut to in dicate w but he will do witb the tariff bill. Weaver Hirlkr. Suncock, N. H., Aug. S3. Four hun I drcd weavers In the China mills here did I not go to work today became or a re duction in wages enual to the cut down in the Pall Kiver mills. Notices of reduc tion have been posted in the Webster Killed In a I'Hve in. Dukanoo, Mex August -'3. A miuing disaster is reported from the I.nmiicno district southwest of this city. A cave in occurred in one of the mines, burying ten miners, an were rcscured alive but the others were dead when found. Fire at Bowling Urerut Iiowi.iNO Gkkbn, Ky Aug. 2,1, Two entire blocks were burned here this morn lamisll. Yarbrough. n nroinincnl voiing uian of l.ouisburg, who in 1SS7 was sent to the Kansas penitentiary for killing a man named Collins atKmnoria, has been pardoned, nnd is nenm ut his old borne. The Alliance has cut down salaries: President from $3 to $y a day when traveling; Stale business ORent from $l,ti()ll to $1,200; sccn'tnrv-trcnsurcr Irom $1,200 to 51,000; trustee ol bust ticss liiud from IfSOO to $700. The father of Miss Sarah Plannigan who was some months ago run over and killed by nn engine near tbe Ada cotton mills at Charlotte, has brought suit amnnst the railroad for $5,000. -The State Formers' Alliance has OU' thorizod the organization ol the "Alliance Mumilnctuniig Company," for the pur pose of manufacturing shoes, clothing and lints, tunning leatucr, etc, ticnucrson county today holds an election to vote on the proposition of issuing bonds to build a railroad up the I rench lircncli uroad valley from lire vnrd to llendcnonville. BASKETS ! BASKETS ! BASKETS ! The Knlcigli chamber of commerce appoints six delegates to represent it at I i Ti 1 , - I ..-It I ! T .1 cn mm, : i , ,, 43-... I .. ,1 : .., . I DiSilviA Pram VaflfAVV Twfos S WssV I anui emuruKciuuia uiu huu i.ikc uinj i iuk. laih p&uv,vjv, 'iisuruuix, uuum 1 inc oouiucru uusiueu iucd mcciiug Bl invwiiuu sivui iuvivij iiivv uvub, ioiiow. laauiocioH, i wnsiiiugion iuy UNCll IIIASKKTS, MARKKT llASKKI'S ANDCI.OTHKS HAS- KK'1'8. ALL SIZES. Hound at W. A. LATIMER'S, No.Bi6.JN. ..Court Square. Ulliiier csrrlea a full snOconipletet lint of fancy groceries,