VOLUME X. NO 95. ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 24, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. FROM (MA! New Season's Extra Choicest ForaosaOolong, English Breakfast, and Gunpowder TEAS. Our prices are remark ably low for goods of such superior quulity, and our stock is complete in all grades. Powell & Snider CROCER?. THE LATEST " Novels and Magazines. Five hundred paper cover ed novels received, and to get the latest ones, it will be best to come and Belect them before they are picked over. The fine display some of them you will see in the win dow ns you pass by the well known place. L. BLOMBERG, 17 l'ATTON AVBNUU. EVERY DROP. A DROP OH COMPORT IS THE VERDICT OH THOSR WHO DRINK OCR FINK ROASTED COFFEFS I'NKQUAI.KD FOR rTRlTV, DELICACY OF l'LAVOR AND FUI.KNKSS OF STRENGTH Gr. -A.. Greer. 18 N. MAIN STREET. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY CONTINUES TO SUSTAIN ITS ESTAB LISHED REPUTATION FOR FIRSTS CLASS WORK. ChurcbSt., . Telephone 70, Porter's - Havana Mixture THK BUST BMOKINO TOBACCO ON THK MARKKT, FREE FROM DIRT -AND STEMS. YOU NEED NOT WOKRY AllOl'T HARD TIMES SO MUCH IK Y(1U ONLY KNOW WUHKK TO BUY YOfR GROCERIES Kxtra fine sliced pineapple, 15 cents; California Crawford ami lemon cling peaches, pears, apri cots and cherries, 20 mid 25 cents; New pack mustard; far dines, large boxes, 10 cents; olives mid pickles in bulk mid bottles. A. D. Cooper, N. COURT SQUARE. FOR THE VISITORS SUMMER BEADING New"liooks just in from Scr Hurt's, Houghton it Milliu, Harpers, etc. l'ajier and cloth bindings, FOR : MERCHANTS. LARGE STOCK OH NEW BLANK BOOKS LETTER COPYING BOOKS Chert peal iu the city. FOR : THE : HOMES Pictures and frames iu larc variety. OKI pic lines cleaned, fruiucil ami niuile to look like new at ESTABROOK'S, 11 South Main strict. Aslu-ville, N. C. 11 MORE GROCERIES, FRESH GROCERIES, (iOOD GROCERIES, CHEAP GROCERIES, FINE GROCERIES DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN THK CITY FREK Cigars and Tobacco A SPECIALTY, YOURS TRl'LY, Jas. W. Hollingsworth 102 PATTCN AVE. Sterling Silver, Belt Buckles s Hat Pins Hair Pins. ? r O Link Buttons 3 And every novelty Imaginable, We are, as alwaya, licaeltiunrtera for ouvenlr roou. J. II. LAW, M PATTON AVBNUB NEW COODS AT THK- Crystal Palace. Our midsummer importations ure arriving now aud all the fine and pretty things front the pottery districts of France aud Germany will soon be displayed on otir counters, then the isitors and home folks as well, will now have 11 opportunity ol buying ns fine goods ns in the large cities. We pay the freight to any city iu the United Stales 011 purchases amounting to 10.00 or more. i, W, Thrash & Bro, 41 l'ATTON AVE. China and Glassware HESTON'S BAKERY, NO .1, SOUTH MAIN. .'rcsli Bread, Cakes, Pics Etc. 'ootlsritlivcri'tl trtc to. ill parts of the city Agents for . IUYLEU'S CANDIES RECEIVED IIY KM'RKSS. c o 1 I - o . 2 (A o w j fi 0 o e: fi w sow X 2 Q) 3 tLT: u O 0 It) o ui in Heinitsh & Reagan Selling Agents For CONFECTIONS BON-IIONS AND CHOCO LATES, CREAM I'Kli'KR MENT8, CREAM WIN TKROREKNS, ASSORTED ERUITS, ETC., ETC. Received From Factory Twice a Weel 0 CONGRESS QUITS TUESDAY BE SENATE AND HOUSE AOREE TO THAT, There arc lo Be Mo More Hptccne In Ihe Heuate, and Not Much Rt nialua For the Honae lo Do. Washington, Aug. 24. A resolution for final adjournment next Thursday, the 28th, at 2 o'clock, has been adopted by the House. The Senators have reached an ngrcc- ment about procedure in the Senate. Harris, rcprtscnting the Democratic side, and Munclerson representing the Kepub licnns, had an understanding before the Senate met today. The Senate went immediately into executive session assembling, to clear up all nominations possible. Some ol the contested nominations will KO over, which is equivalent to rejection as a reappointment is required if the resident desires to retain the candidate office. Alter the executive calendar is cleared up the Senate will consider bills tojwhich there is objection, but no other business will be ti'.kcn up. The agree ment also means that no siiecches are to be made and this is one ( I the points tliat ttie Krpuulicnns Have been contend ing for. The bill to amend the alcohol hedule of the tarilf bill will not be cou ntered. The Seunle has ndootcd the House csolution providing for adjournment sine die luesday at o clock. At l j.vb p. m.. niter remaining in ex ecutive session over one hour, the Senate adjourned until Monday. Immediately alter the readme of the journal in the House, Catching, from the Committee on Kulcs. ollered a joint resolution lor a sine die adjournment next Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Adopted witnout aiviMnn. Cntcliings then moved that when the House adjourned It be to meet Monday next. Loud rtsisted the motion, making the point of no quorum on a rising vote which resulted ii to It). He subse quently withdrew the point, however, nu i tie motion was agreed to. luc House then adjourned uitil Monday. HIUH HANDF.O FKOCEF.OINUN Pilcnrauu.au itiliiiaier Order h AiuertcauH Under Arrt-ar Iil.fKl'llii.ns, Nicaraugun, Aug. 17. The greater part of the Nicarauguau troops were to sail at 7 o'clock in the evening of the llithon the Yu'u, a c last ing steamer, and Minister Madriz de cided to scud with them those persons whom lie thought were guilty ol bring on the Nicnratigiinn Hag. Accordingly lie arrested Consul liateh, the llrilisn representative: a Mr. Lampton, Harry Brown, nu Englishman capti.in; G. H. Willhanks, the Ameriraii who .icccpted the position of judge under the Mosquito government, and several Mosiiuilo Cre oles. A note was immediate Iv scut to the English cruiser ami the news spread along the torcign quarter. I nitcd htutcs Consul Sent was no tified and he called on Madriz. The lat ter said those persons were going to the interior to stand trial. He could not get evidence to conviet tliem now, but he wus sure tbcv were iniplicalcil. Con sul Seat then sent dispatches to Colum biu and at 2:.IO o clock a tug wassteam ing towards the blulfs. v hat the chnrges are Madi iz does not ay. lie has not even intotmcd the American or English consuls. The lat ter, it is bcliuved, is charged with having netted the Jamaicans to riot and blood shed. Ihe owners ot the Yiilu when told of the arrest, stated that their boat should not leave and thus the only truns- poit which could stand the sea is taken Irom them. The commander of the Co unibia is expected before niuht fall and the unglish commander also. I he Amer icaii population is greatly excited, und were it not that tbey have confidence in their country's agents, the bullet -riddled buildings would luller another attack TOO MITCH TALK. More Addreaaea on I lie- Poti'lVa Heaourcea. Washington, Aug 24. A practical attempt to develop the resources ol the South will be initiated in Washington on next Thursday. Its basis is a conven tion of Southern business men which will begin on that day, and which is supplemental to a meeting ol the Gov mors ol Southern states in Richmond ast year. Several of the executives who it tended that meeting will be present ut the convention, and scores of the most prominent men will lead their eo-opcra tion to make the nlMir a success The programme will Include addresses on the necessity tor a public building in Washington lor a permanent exhibit ot the resources of all States, consideration of the resources of the southern lot est s and mines; the agricultural resources o the South; transportation facilities: im migration, trade nnd manufactures and good roads. Senator Patrick Walsh, Gov. blias Carr of North Carolina, Inter-State Commerce Commissioner Clements und other prominent southerners will deliver addresses. RODE ROl'UH HirOD. Women And Children Knocked Down B a I'. M. Olllcer. Meridian, Miss., Aug, 24. Fully 10 0U0 persons assembled at the encamp ment grounds yesterday afternoon to witness a sham battle by the State Na tional guards. Several serious accidents occurred, caused, it is said, by the reck lessncss of Caiit, R. R. Stevens of the united Mates nrmv. I ms cllicer, mounted, endecvored to rush the crow of spectators back by riding at fast speed over them. Women und children were knocked down nnd trampled upon by his horse. I-.llorts were made to dis mount him, but he succeeded in cfenping Orders were usucd bv the citv nuthnri. tics to aircst him at once, and lie will be made to answer for reckless riding. A Prohibition Vualon Morristown, Tenn., Aug, 22. The Democrats of the First district have 'dc cided not to put out a candidate for Congressman, but will lusc with the Prohibitionists and try to elect Cheves Prohibition candidate, over Anderson Republican. Put lip For llacriflcc. Winston, N. C, Aug. 24. The Renuh licana of the F.ighth Congressional dis trict met at Wilkesbsro and nominated R.Z. Lluucy of Alexander county for Congress. THIS IS FOl'K STRAlliHr. Aahcvllle Takes Another From The Low Couuir Bom. The smallest attendance of the season itnesscd a very close game between Aslievillo nnd Greenville at Alland'ile cstertlay. The feature of the game was the heavy batting of both teams, that v 1'owell and Stanley especially. When the came was called at 4:110 bv Umpire Wightmnn, Young Hew out to raig, Meplietin to Ileiers und Green cut out from Ileiers to Powell. Fori reeaville I'owell got a two base hit nd Gibson n home run over left fence. nin went out from Lanier to Green. Morgan knocked one lo center and Yoniig happened to be there. Ileiers struck ut. In the second Oldham got n hit as did also Stanley aud Metx, the latter leing two bagger. Oldham and Stanley scored, I. aider flew out to Sullivan, obertson went out from Conneduc to Powell and Williams struck out. In the sitors' hulf Crnig struck out. McDavid it bne on balls, but was put out nt second from Lanier to Metz. Sullivan went out from Robertson to Green. Young was out in the third bv being hit by a batted ball. Stephens flew out to Coppcdgc ami Green went out from M organ to I'owell. i'owell, Lain nnd t ibsou got hits and Cain scored, Gibson being caught on second and I'owell ditt on third. Morgan flew out to Stephens. 1 he hrst three men went out in tin fourth. Greenville did likewise, C'raii; McDavid nnd Coppcdgc goiiigoutinone, two, three order. In the tilth Robertson not a hit, stole second and scored on Stephens' hit. Williams struck out oung knocked a toul lly to Gibson, and rccn went out at first. I'owell got an tner nit, but "was caught at second on am s hit. Sullivan Hew out to Stcph ens, Cain got a hit, stole second and then stole third, but couldn't score. Gibson lew out to Young Oldham in the sixth got first on Cop pedge 8 error. Stanley got n hit, s tole second and he and Oldham scored on lilt made ny Lamer. Mctz then made a hit oil which Lanier scored, hut he wus caught at third. Craig caught Robert son's flv and McDavid did likewise for Stephens. For Greenville Ileiers got three-base hit and scored on a hit liv raig, who was put out at second Morgan went out from Robertson lo reen. McDavid was caught trying to stern second. Only three men batted for each team in the seventh. Green went out from Cain to I'owell, Oldham out from Il'.i rs t Powell aud Stanley struck out. Cop pedgc flew out to Young, Sullivan struck out and I'owell out lor not running In the eighth Lamer knocked a lint one to short stop who couldn't get it and m.idclirsr. Mctz got first on Morgan's rror, Robertson did the same on lieieis rror but was caught at home plate, bclorc winch Lamer und Mctz seond Young got first on an error and scored n Stephen's hit. Williams struck out nd Green went out to Craig. The first nree up le.r i.rcenviiic went down Uim going out Irom Kolicitsou tei Green Sly caught Gibson s foul lly and Mor an struck out. Ashevillc got neithing in the ninth, but Greenville did and tour ot them at that Oldham went out to Cain, Stanley lo npprdgc and Lanier Ireim Ileiers to I'owell For Greenville Ileiers and Craig got hits and scored on a hit by Cop peelge .lel),iViU got hrst em nu error nd aiso scored. Ponel! made still an ther. Ctippeelgcwent out at third, Sul livan flew out to Young. In this inning ball knocked to Stephens was thrown o Stanley who threw it lo Oldham II then went to Mctz and from him to Green who threw it to Robertson and nullv succeeded in ini'.tiiiL' Cni,i out at third, and thus closed the game, Ashe- lllc 0, Greenville S. St-OltK II V INMNC i 2 :i t r Asheville .0 ll II 1 o reenville... tool n ei 4 n Matte Mall Kiikh. Young made a fine catch of Gibson's y to center. Greenville pla;s here today anil again tomorrow. Stanley gtit four hits out ol live limes at the bat yesterday. sly Robertson hail his eve open yes terday und took iuevci vlhing thai came his way, Augusta will cross hats with Ashevillc at AHandalc 111 n series ol games begin ning next Monday. Powell, the slugger from Grecnvil c, got base hits the first three times at the bat yesterday. "Dead" McC'lung and lack Green will be iu the box for Ashevillc today, with Oldham behind the bal. Knoxillc will be here the latter part ol next week with nil entirely nciv team and expects to play hull. THE HENNKI'INCANAI., To Counecl Chlcairo With The Mlaalaalppl. Princeton, 111., Aug. 23. Work has begun here on the Illinois and Mississ- iiiDiennnl commonly known ns the Hen - nepin canal. Today ISO men were put ' . , ,. . . . . . from the right-of-way mid in less than iuivv wevitu iimie iiitiii nun win be at work cot.strueting the el.lcl.es and ill iijtiniiiu iviiuv I, 'I tut. Iiftnu. t ill; uiii i I 1 I. . . r .1 arc tnkcu Irom the ranks ol the ink in plovcel iu this dis'.rict aael w ill be given steady cmplovment. Whtakcv Uouanzi Forl'ucieHnni. Pehria, III., Au;, 23 -The Distillers' and Cattle Feeders' company this niorn- , -.,..! e- i . ... . . ing wiiiiorcw irom uonu tue guous u: tnc Great distillery, paying the taxes thereon, which amounted to $2SU,0UU. That in the warehouse at Manhattan were with drawn this ultcrnoon, which will swell the internal revenue receipts for the day to upwuros ol jouu.uutL Kellevliitf Pullinau CiiiCAiio, HI., Aug, 22. Governor Alt- geld anil Mayor Hopkins this morning decided on n plan of relief lor the stnrv ing Pullman strikers. Thesclvmc is to secure the aid ol the railroads bv their furn'shing tree transportation to nil those ot the town who desire to seek work iu other cities aud towns of the country. Nominated Washington, Aug, 24 The President today sent to the Senate the following nominations: Samuel I'uletton, mar shal for the northern district of Florida; J. Montoe Lee, postmaster nt Thomas- vine, un. Ladies, attend the auction at Marcbc ll a. iu, aud S p. ai. Hon ARMOR PLATE FRAUDS THE CAKNI.UIi: 8CORF.D. conptNV Both It and The fulled M'atea Uoveruiueut Illumed For A! lowing Inferior Material ToUel Into Our Battle HtaliiH. Washington, Aug. 24 The special committee of the Htitisc which has been investigating the-charges nlleeting the reliability of the material lor the new ships furnished by the Cat negie company of Pittsburg, has laid their report before the House. The report criticises severely both the 1'i.itcd States and the contrac tors. The inspectors, it snvs, were neit corrupt, but the work of inspection was negligent and defective. The insneetors assumed that the eoinnnnv was watch- ing its superintendents and employes The company on the other hand, relied uuon the insncctors. asking in this con- nection "what thev were there for?" The inspectors were on duty tight hours u day. Their insncction covered only forty -eight out of ICS hours a week, The frauds are characterized by the committee as crimes, tor which no fine or money compensation can adequntelv Hone. 1 he committee did not kcl the necessity of drafting a criminal statute, but the interest of the treasury, the lives ol seamen and the safety of the nation demands that s.ich acts shall Ic severely purnished in all persons onnectcd with them. "The efforts of the company and its superintendents. C'line, C'orry and Sewab," the report con- dudes, h ive been to satisfy the com mittee that the armor plate is up to the requirements of the contract, notwith staudinir the false rcuorts to insnee tors, doctoring of specimens, plug ging ol plates, etc. 1 lie unblush ing character ot the frauds to which these men have been parties, nid ilk disregard of truth und honesty which tliey have sluwil bet , re the com mittee, render tliem unweirlhy of cred ence. Hl-.V HON' I' AUKF.F.. Jury l.eiekel! For Twei Mud a Itnll l)nvn, Passers by on Xorth Court Place have become familiar with a number of facts hanging out of the south windows of the jury room on the becoiul floor of the court house. The faces, which are begin ning to wear a tired, bored expression. are those of a jury that was at one time chosen for the case of the Ashevillc To bacco and Improvement company vs. W. C. Sprinkle, and who have been hung up tor two and a half days. They are likclv to remain locked iijiit is intimated, until the end of thi session of court il they do not agree lief ire that time. The following per 'iiscomp ise the jury: I II Hrit'.'im r '.lit, II I - ',,!. ,,i ;, i- i i ..:,, i: . Mor,.,,,, II. K. Cook, W. 11. limp, G. W. Ones, John M. Davidson, W. II. Weaver, ohn W. Clark, C. F. Hovel. t4INUl I.AU ACCIlll'.Nr. I p osloti of a Fnt-uiiiititclllocle Tu t iiiindrt u Man. Jul i-T.iisoNYii l.i;; 1 nil , Aug. L'.l. Yei- terday Lyman Parl.s, i.'l years old, son of Dr. Flovd Theitii is Parks, director ot the Indiana prism, was enroute toCory tloti when in some manner the nir tube ol his bicycle w heel exploded. Alter having adjusted a new one, Parks commenced to innate the tube, and this, loo, cx nloeled. Fragments of the tire struck Parks in both eves, from the effects ol which he has become totally blind. VOI t ll (io,ooo. HeiulvrMtMi !!' Hound To Have Thai Kullwitv. lIicNDi-itsoNvii.i.i;, N. C, Aug. "1. Special. Yesterday the town of llen- dersonvillc and Mills River township voted If, ID.OOO each to the Hciulcrsoii- ville and llrcvard Railway company by u handsome majority. NouiIiihU rt In Hie ftxtli. Wii.mini-.ton, N. C, Aug. '.'t. las. A. Loekhui t of Anson county was ueimina- Icd for Cor gress bv the 1 lemocratic con vention of the! Sixth congressional dis trict ut Lumbei'tou. Oucceeds Ttie. Hoar KlcVer. Dallas, Tex., Aug. 24. Yoakum was nominated lor Congress by the Demo crats of the third district at Mincola to succeed Muck Kilgorc. XOKTU CAROLINA XEWS. The fnmilv ol Col. I. T. Avery and the descendants of the late James Avery mil of Mrs. Margaret Collctt, the mother of Mrs. Thomas and Mrs Molten 1 nnd also the descendants of Cols. Win. nom'8 IAU"lr,' lr,ace, llK'!r or,,n lo the nmes Avcrv who built n house near willl its a conlcrs ,, flri, rcd ,, . ,, I, . ril,.. ,,. ,: ;n fcw wt.ckg fl), whl.n it bunicU to 0)(, I .rrinintl Muuei. Many complaints having come to the Railway Commission that the Asso ciatrd railways had mnile n rule fixing lilt) pounds ns the minimum weight ol iicigui in ui.iKiiig eiiurgcs, me commis sion have notihed the railways that while it has no direct jurisdiction, this I . . . . rule ncing inane on shipments into or ""t ol the State, vet it the rate is not nmendeil it will specially call the matter to the attention ol the National Rail way commission. Attorney .General Osborne is a prom incut aspirant for the I'tiitcd States Sen ate. He and his friends have decided to ask lor primaries in his county i Mccklen burg) to determine the preference of the 1 Democratic voters lor both an eastern ntltl a western senator. Joseph E. Hamlin of Rnlcigh has been elected secretary of the colored I State lair. It is decided to hold this at the State Fairgrounds there October 30 to November -Mr. S. J. Watson, n Wilson tobacco farmer, sold n crop Irom eight acres for l,.'ou, making an average ot $150 pc acre. The Executive Committee of the Stntc organization of Democratic clubs is culled to meet in Raleigh next Mon day. The tobacco prospect in the State li much finer than was expected. Tobacco is now growing in 40 of the 00 counties Concerning: Cigars. II- YOU HAVE NEVER SMOKED THE. , PRINCE OF INDIA CIG-AR It's you own fault, it's the nicest ,sc ci;ir we have solil for a tons time. A trial only will con vince the most skeptical. To those who have tried tliem, it's a ureal fievorite. ASHEVILLE AelKNTS, RAYSOR & SMITH, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. Jl l'ATTON AVKNTlt. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 11 O'CLOCK. P R I C E S IRISH LISBti WK1T INC. PAl'UK 10c. A 'JL'IRB. TBSNBVS CAXM (inc. roi'ND. MCYCLB J'LAYIXI CARDS 1m. 1'ACh THIS WEEK. OUART IXK 4th: OF OOOJl: SSc. NOVUL8 oe JMc NOVELS JOe. SHIPS THAT PASS IX Till. SIGHT, YELLOW AS- TBK inc. MONEY Saved is money made easiest way to save it is to buy railroad tickets from 11 iV Y, THEBKOKEE On the Square. BASKETS ! BASKETS ! BASKETS! LUNCH II1A8KETS, MARKKT BASKETS AND CLOTHES IIAS- KETS, ALL SIZES FOUND AT W. A. LATIMER'S, No.i6ZN. ZCourtLSqeure. Latimer carries a full amlBcompletet Hut of faucy groceries,

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