THE ASHEV1LLE DAILY CIITZEN. It's Settled, Tariff Question; Merchants' Sanguine Confidence Restored; CUmhI Times Ahead, A.T THE Baltimore Clothing, Shoe and Dry Goods Company, 50 PIECES OF LAWNS. NEW FALL GOODS New novelties iu fall (Item goods, new full goods. New dress goods just received. The newest, the prettiest, the most fashionable selected dress goods ever shown to the public of At-heville, find you will find we are showing a full complete line of English storm serges. A full complete line of Flander drens goods, Bioadcloths, ladies' clothes Call mid examine our new fall good. Ni w goods. N w goods. New goods. THE BALTIMORE WANT COLUMN WANTED WANTKI' A Hsition Ivy a competent innu wilh iiooil references. Address C, S'j.stliw0 lliUmore, N. C. WANTH1) Clean flour or urlsls hum-Is. Will pav fifteen cents ir liolli heads are ku1 and tell 'cents if one head is Kud. S.15dim ASI1KVII.I.K MII.I.1NC. CO. ANTKD In order to Introduce our work, and secure intents every wliere, wc will dye n coat, vest or pants lor any one ill the United Slates free of charne. In sendliii: K'ods l.y return mail, please send Mil in pa lor return postage. Address Harris Steam Iye Works, 314 South mount street, Raleigh, N. C. 6-14-djlll 1VK RENT. 1JOR RENT Store with dwelling attached for . rent at Biniihain HeiKhts. ReasonaMc terms apply NO. 30 8TARNKS AVE. 8-lodlf IJOR RKNT A 3 story store house corner . North Main street and Mcrrimotl avenue. Upstairs suitable for fnmlly. Apply to o-Jiltf T. V. MAI.I.OY, l-'irsl National Hank. FIIRNJSIIKI) ROOMS-Krolll Septcnilwr 1st parties desiring fiirnislieil rooms can lie ac commodated at 53 College street, one square from the court house. BU31I1W MR8. MARY MONTGOMERY. IJiOR RENT I'rom October 1st, for the winter inontlis, a well furnished private residence, with all modern improvements. The house is larue, comfortable and very centrally situated lis to churches, etc. It will only lie rented for a private family, and Rood lelerences will oe -peeled Apply to 1'. O. IIOX 5W. S-illw HOARDING. IIOARUINO Willi private family. Larue M3 pleasaut rooms, rates reasonable. Apply 8-ildim 8 STARNKS AVE. (ASTI.E KKST 1'irsl-class hoardintr house, J Centrally located. No. 24 drove street. 4-lodlf MRS. SCHIRRMKISTER. rRIVTK IIOARU 31 l-'rcnch liroail avenue. Two rnmlortnhte rooms recently vacated. Reasonable terms. 8-jhIiw t! EVER AT, persons call et pleasant Iward lu J prlvale House; lioine couiioris; rcuy munis prices reasonable. Apply decsomontf 103 MERRIMON AVE. BOAKD1NO At Oak Terrace, 94 Hillside street, ou Lookout mountiiiil electric car ine. targe grounds and plenty ol shade. Terms from $5 to ; jicr week. &.l3dtf MRS. M. K. MIX. MISCEU.A SEO ( VV. rpwo pleasant rooms lie vacated on Tuesday a. next, ine 2MI1 nisi, at 57 whukiii 01. b-jyl'l 1RIVATE SCHOOL Miss Walker will ojien her school ill 1 llalley street scpiemiier 311. H.olrlmoll3l COR SALE The Diltmore Ice & Coal Co. JL plant at Ililliiiore, N. C. 7-Silouccwtl I.. 1'. M'LOUD. uai-k MASSAC, K One treatment one dollar, X six treatments for five dollars. Attention to the hands and feet. MRS. MARINO, S lyliw . 50 Bailey St. A IlMINISTRATOR'S SAI.K-On August II), A io a. m.. I will sell at fa Wood Kit street, the personal property of H. W. Hleulje, consisting Ol VIOIIUS, Kuiinia, iNiiiiuvn, iniicv ..i... nitiire, etc. Terms cash. C. HAI.K, 7-isdjw Administrator, 1MB BALK A siilendid fnmilv hone and snr- 1l rpv. llnrse is tierleetlv atlllle and a latlv can drive him anywhere. Sumy is in good condition aim nearly new. Apply R. L. OWKNHEY. 7-14dlw City Market. fllRUSTKK'S 8ALK By virtue of the power of -a. sale contained In a deed 01 trust executed In the undersianed as trustee hv C. II. South wiek and wife, dated March 14. iSiw. and regis tered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Uuucomlte county, in book 36 at page 467 el' eq and by reason of the default on tue part of ol said C. H. soutnwicit in tue payment 01 tne l,i,l.ltdtiui seenretl bv said deed of trust, lite uuderalgned will, on Thursday, the 30th day of August, lw)4, at ll ni., at me court nouse uoor 111 the rliv of Ashevllle. N. C. sell at tntbtic auc tion for cash, the real property and lease-hold estate described ill suld deed of trust, which deed of trust is hereby referred to for the purposes of description. Tina Atiifiist 1st, 1H94. L. P. M'l.OUI), e-i td Trustee. TkTnTiPK nv virtue of the uowerof sale coil' i lalned In a certain deed ol trust, Iworinn date the 9th day of August, A. I., 1SH0 and exe cuted by 8. L- Voder, default linvliiR been made u the payment of the indebtedness intended to we sccureii ny snui iieeu 01 iiiiri iuu uic it miest of the cestui line trust, the underslenei will sell hv nubile auction for cash to the llitfh est bidder at the court house door in the city of Ashevllle. N. C , on Wednesday, the xjih day of August, IH94, at 130 ciock ni., tne inmis aujoin liiir the lands of T. A. Reairan. R llrverlv and other, on French Broad street lit the town of weavcrvuie, anu lor a more particular aeicrin tlon ot snnie reference Is hereby made to book No, 30011 page 167, etc. In Ihe office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Hiinrombe county. Also one brick machine situate on the above nremlaes and sold 111 order to satisfy the provision of saiu uecu 01 iriisi, inn jmy wn, KOBT. V. GARRKTT, 7-3od4t-mon Trustee, THE PEER TOll 5c SMOKE MANUFACTURED BY VETTERLEIN BROS. PlUI.ADmrHIA, PA, 3-tdiuio IO DISCONTENTED WITH THE GOD8 Hindoos Constantly Utruirglluis UetweoB rolytlii-lsin unil Moiiotlii'ism. Tho pmls nf India lire evcrywhoro, und yet tlicy kcoiu to lie nowlu-ru. Tho rolitfioit has breii mm loug wintor of dlscuntont ; ono pnilonifcd si ni;"Kle ou tho part of the people to wurship iiiiiny ffods undoi many Klutpes, while al- wuvs on O10 point of believiiiL' In ono slniflo divine esseneu its the cause and creator of till tiling; a hotid to hand fljfht between polythuismand monothe ism, in which the priests navo contin ually endeavored to play tho part of conelliatora. Vishnu and Siva aro now tho chief contending parties, and tho priests havo tried to inako them Ofjreo by oddinf a third supremo deity in the shape of ltrulium. Of this fact ingen ious searchers after oolluteral ovuienco of Christianity havo made onpltal, say- lnff that ltrahma, Vishnu ana hlva oro inseparable, and that tho Hindoos aro evidently in possession of tho dogma of tho trinity, says a writer in tue cen tury. As a matter of fact this is pure nonsense, and contains as much truth as the parallels that havo been drawn between Christ and lluililha, Christ and Kri.shma. Napoleon tho Great and Apollo. Archbishop Whately, In his great squib, showed once and for till the absurdity ol sueh demonstrations. For tho chief of liuddhlst institutions was the monastery, and lu no Catholio country have tho mendicant ami priest ly orders over flourished in such uuuv hers, in sueh wealth or In such power as they did In India during the eight or nine hundred years which elapsed from tho rise to thc extinction ol liuuu- hlstn. Tho monks took the vows of poverty and mendicancy as Individuals, but the order, as a body, owned vunt estates, magnificent buildings and untold riches. Their error lay in severing themselves too much from the people, in malting their religion too abstract for popular comprehension, In lending lives which wero too secluded to admit of any breadth of view and too well provided with good things for any great intellectual activity, iliey havo leit but little behind them worthy to bo ranked as literature. In countries where pcoplo llvo much iu tho open air, dress simply when they dress at all and cat what thoy can get, it requires little effort of imagination or skill of pen to mako them seom as primitive as ono pleases. As a matter of fact, where it is very easy to live, or, at least, whore little thought or labor is rccjulsito to obtulu the means of living, a nation on dowed with any natural activity is very likely to tlcvoto its energies to intel lectual pursuits; and the result is snro to bo a Btato of national thought wnicn, In dcsnlto of scanty clothing and rice for breakfast, dinner and supper, will turn Out the very reverso of primitive. India Is such a country, and, so far as tho Aryans aro concerned, always has been, wiiut it was itctore trio Aryan conquest wo have no means of know In?, but It Is not at all likely that tho modern religions and customs belonged to the aborigines prior to that dato. It woois much moro natural to supposo that tho Vedio hymns and tho Vedlo faith if wo may so call it wore at all times tho exoluslvo property of the higher class of Aryans and that popa lur religions existed among tho masses, as thoy do now, simultaneously with tho highly-civilized belief of tho Vedlo Brahmans. Tho word brahraana, as designating a member of tho prle'stly caste (distinguished from tho brahman. tho ofllciatlng priest and singer of tho Bocrod verses), is found only In tho very latest of tho hymns, showing that 00 such distinction was necessary before tho fusion of the classes which proba bly accompanied tho southward migra tion. Made It Worse. ' Mrs. Do Itrido was entertaining call era. After they left she remarked to her husband: "I hops they didn't seo my walking shoes lying there; they would think me very untidy If they did." "Oh, if thoy saw thorn, they probably thought they were mlno," answered her husband, In a oonsollng tone. And sho hasn't spoken to him Binoe. Detroit Free Press. 8ald an exasperated father at the dinner-table: "Yon children turn up your noses at everything on the table. When I was a boy I was glad to get enough dry bread to eat." "I say. papa, you are having a much better timo of it now you aro living with us, ain't you?" remarked little Tommy. Tlt-lllU. CLOTHING, SHOE AND LISTID IS PATTON -A-VEIVCTES. ASHEVILLE. MULEY HASSAN AND THE JEWS. He Presented to Them Only tho Benevo lent Sldo of His t'huructcr. The Jewish subjects of Muley Has in will sincerely lament his sudden .nth. Nothing, it is true, could bo much worse to our ideas than the con dition of the Jews under the late sul tan, but a lower depth may yet ipen in the deep. Muley Hassan pre sented to the Jews only the benevolent side of his character. Ho showed no countenance to the oppressors of tho Jews, says the London Jewish Chroui kin, and when well authenticated abuses were brought under his notice lie did something to remove them. Aliout a year ago un occasion arose when Muley Hassan displayed at onco his genuine love of justleu und his ori ental dislike of foreign interference. The governor of Morocco citudel had displayed more than usual vigor in ap plying the bastinado to tho Jews. The latter applied for redress to tho minis ters of foreign powers at Tangier, ine sultan resented this appeal, but reme died tho abuse. "Conduct thyself," wrote Muley Hassan to his over-encr-getie otlleer in Morocco, "towards the Jews in tho samo way as tnou aotcst toward Mohammedans under thy ad ministration! in civil affairs do Justice to them, and in religious matters leave absolutely to their rabbis tho task of deciding them." This friendly disposi tion was moro than sliareu by the Jews of Morocco. They had on almost ex aggerated fondness for Muley Hassan, fonrcttlng that while his active good will was but spasmodic tho cruelties aud oppressive exactions of his depU' tics wre o constuut and novcr-lailing factor in the life of the Jews of his do minion. It ninv bo that tho death of Muley Hassan may urgo forward that growth of sclf-consclousncss which has always preceded progress In Juda ism. Tho Jews of Morocco Bhould not let the opportunity slip. Let theinseek equality before tho law. If that were once granted to them they wonlusnow thenisHlves unworthy of the great race of justice lovers to which they belong were they to allow their rights to be snatched from them by tho- small fry of local oppressors. A New Eldorado. Tho newest of western mining camps, tho Cochitl camp, in New Mexico, lies nciur tho ancient Indian village of that name on tho west bank of the Klo Grande, southwest from Santa Fo. The mines lie in ledges which cross at right angles the walls of thrco can yons, , tho Cochitl, tho I'lno and the Feralta. Somo of tho ores olrcady taken out there aro very rich, and, If tho claims as to their abundanco aro verified in the continued working, Couhiti will prove ono of tho great gold-bearing districts pf tho United States. At the mouth of the Pino, the central .canyon of tho three, the hum ming, brand-new town of Allcrton Is situated. Two smallor town sites, Kent City and Eaglo, havo beon laid off, about six miles to the east and to the wost, respectively. A few frame and moro log houseB aro Jntcrspcrscd among tho tents whloh constitute the greater part of the residence and busi ness structures of the camp, In whloh about two thousand people abide. Saloons and gambling and dance houses aro plentiful and busy, and evon tho "old timer," with memories of Dead wood and Leadvillo, admits that the Cochitl has generally tho symptoms of a booming camp. Tho (ioott That Ilemalns. How many aro there who are valu ing themselves by what they have, and not by what they are! What thoy may havo uo talent, or money, or position; It matters uot what, but it is not their verv selves. True worth cannot bo Bcvparatcd from a man's real self. Money, position, even intellect, may rros but the sterling, i. e., tho morai, worth will remain. A sultan of Mo rocco is said to have discovered that one of his vlr.iers was bccomW too noworfuL Ho thcreforo summoned him to tea, and complimented him on his irreat wealth. The vir.lor becoming vain, boasted ot tho number of his houses, wives and . slavos, and the nltnn robuked him saving that he was too rich. To show tho man exact ly what ho was worth, his majesty had htm taken by the soldiers to the slave market, where ho was put up for sale and received only ono bid of eight pence. All his property was also taken from him. Tho prioo whlqh wo put 'upon ourselves and our follow men put upon are two very different thing. GREAT SUMMER SALE Is still going on. Having still quite a variety of desirable goods on hand which we do not wish to carry over, we will place the same on the bargain counters throughout our store at prices that will never again pievail. 100 pieces of the well known braud of bleached domestic. Fruit of the Loom, HJo. pr yard; 1 ,000 pieces of Plautei 's brand, yard wid- ble u hed domestic worth 8c , " 5o. per yard. 1 000 pieces of A A y.rd wide mibl ch d du.tic, worth (ji , 5c. per yard. RAT AND RATTLER. Tho Reptile Qulruly Disposed of by the riuclty Undent. "I saw the garnet fight the other day 1 ever witnessed in my life," re marked a gentleman a few days since. "Jv'ot long ago u big rattlesnake was caught near my house. It was the father of all the rotllt-Miakcs in that section, und had twelve rattles and a button. A day or two sifter Ills siinko ship had been captured wo concluded to give him u rat to i nt. und, us I had heard that rats occasionally put up a fight against a snake. I st- ipped to sco the performance. The snake was in a largo box, arranged so that the light could be directly seen from the out side. The rut was not anxious for tho light and gave u plaintive little squeak when forced in the box. Then it run off into one corner and sat down. Tho snake was mad and hungry, and no sooner spied it than IiIh eyes fairly blazed with onger. He coiled himself iuto a whirring, rattling, hissing mass and in a moment launched himself through tho air liko a thunderbolt. Hut tho rat had been watching things himself and when the snoko jumped lie jumped too. Tho simko was a perfect pioturo of demoniacal rago and his rattling was terrillc us ho missed ills prey, and again coiled. Tho same tac tics were repeated several times and the snake was evidently weurlng him self out with his own rago. Suddenly tho rut took the offensive and when ever tho snake sprang at him would jump to ono side and then, quick as lightning, would spring at the smilto and bite it beforo it could coll. A rat tlesnake, you know, cannot bite unless coiled. Then tho rat would dart off to one sldo of tho box, and wait for his enemy to conio again, which It always did, only to be again bitten. At last the snake mado a tremendous lunge at the rat, which again successfully exe cuted Its tactics of jumping to ono side. Then, almost quicker than tho eyo could follow it, it rushed directly at tho snake, as it lay extended on tho floor, and fastened itself right on tho back of its neck, and never let up until It had bitten the head nearly off the body. That ended tho fight right then and there. Tho snake died al most instantly, and the rat trotted oil to tho other side of tho box unharmed. 1 tell you it was a groat fight." A SUCCESSFUL AHKCAL. Young America Fired the Paternal Heart with Patriotism. The peculiar brightness of Boston children Is established anew by a Btory printed in the Journal. It concerns a girl twelve years old, whoso father told hor Just boforo tho Fourth of July that ho could not afford to buy any fire works, but that she and Willie would havo to watch tho other children. The small brother seemed qultoro sigmd to tho Inevitable and on the morning of tho Fourth marched across tho street to see tho other boys fire their torpedoes. The little girl was not so easily satis fied. At first sho could not believe but that it was a Joke, and hunted all over the house for bundles wblah might suggest firecrackers. At breakfast, however, when nothing was said about fireworks, she booamo oonvinood that her father had really meant what he said, and that she and Willto were to have no firecrackers, nor evon a bundle Of torpedoes. All at once she covered hor face, burst Into tears, and said: "0 papa, what do you supposo Samuel Adams and George- Washington and John Adams and John Hancock would soy if they were allvo?" That was too much for the fond father, who came homo two hours afterward loaded down with firecrack ers, torpedoes, plnwheels, Roman Can utes and what not. reeuTlar H'lil of a Tola. A man named Zalesky, who died in Poland in WHO, left a peculiar will. The envelope which contained tho will said: "To bo opened after my death." When the envelope was torn oil another ono was found underneath with tho words; "To bo opened six weeks after tho first envelope has been opened." Tho next envelopo bore tho Inscription: "To bo opened in a year." After waiting a year the envelope wag openod and found to contain still another, whloh said: "To be opened In two years.' And when tho will was finally reached It was found that ho had bequeathed 100,000 roubles, or half his fortune, to his relatives having tho largest number of children, while tho other half was to bo Invested for a hundrod yean, at the end ot which time tho principal and interest were to be divided among hit relatival. - - iiiijiiiw uj m m m lISSSflMl rjJ&tfW' tMa,lMB, . r ihhi MEASURING SOUND. Tho Mlcroscopo Employed In This Deli cate Operation. It certainly is an odd statement to say that tho microscope is better than tho car for measuring some sounds; but It is true. In dotcnnihlng the pit-h of very high notes Mr. F. Meldu has found that tho ear cannot bo depended on, and ho has therefore turnud to the microscope for old. Sound is a phenomenon of vibration, and tho pitch of any musical note can bo determined if tho sound wavo cor responding to it is In any manner ren dered measurable. Mr. Moldo has solved tho problem In this way: He covers a plate with a thin layer composed of a mixture of olive oil and stearlno, tho surface of which Is slightly ridged by rubbing it deli cately with tho linger. To a high pitched tuning fork a short hair is at tached, and a similar hair is fastened to another vibrating body, sueh as a rod, whose pitch is known. The cuds of these hairs trail across tho prepared plate, as it is passed rapidly over them, and thus mark upon Its surface a double series of wave linos corre sponding to tho periods of vibration of the fork and the rod. Tho microscope is then called' into action in order to compare tho length and depth of tho waves, and thus determine the musical pitch of tho vibrating fork, with on ac curacy not attainable by tho ear alone. A NEW WRINKLE. The Cowboy Was Not Posted on Modern Convenlem-cs. A cowboy up from the Texas pan handle was a guest at tho house and as the clerk who attended to bun is sun in Denver, we will allow him to tell the story in his own way, says the Denver Field and Farm. "lie had on store clothes and a red necktlo, and what ho didn't know wasn't worth knowing. When ho started up to his room at night, I told him there was a folding bod in it, and, if ho wished, tho boll- bov would show him how It workca But not much; ho didn't want to bo shown anything. Ho knew a thing or two about the city, ho did, even if ho did llvo down ou tho rango. "So I let him go, and next morning he naid his bill without a word ana went away. About noon I happened to be on that floor, and a chambermaid called mo to tako a look in his room. And what a sight met my oyesi Tho bottom drawer of tho bureau was pulled out as fur as it would come, and in It wore all the rugs in tho room, with a towel spread over one end of a pillow. Evidently he had tried to sleep tnero, for pinned np on tho glass was a sar castlo little legend reading! 'Gol dern yore folding beds. Why don't you make 'em longer and put more klwers onto nmt Mebbe you expect a man to stand up and sleep In your durned old oubbera.' The durned old cubbord was one of our best folding beds." THOUGHTLESS ORUELTY. Heartrending Scenes Witnessed In South era France. Normandy and Brittany are full of scenes hoartrondlng to the true lover of animals. The author of "France of To-Day" describes ono form of thought less cruelty which Ib regularly prac ticed in tho rays ao t-aux, even Dy peo- Elo who are really ltlnd and well mean is. She says: To my tmnking, the faya ao laux Is very depressing. Each homestead stands amid linos of beach and oak, formal as toy trees of a child's mlinio garden. Tho trees, regularly planted and out at Intervals, form a parallelo gram affording shelter to farmhouse buildlntrs and apple orchards. You enter this somber lnelosuro to light upon on -unwonted and heartrending spectacle In the open space between houM and trees Is a pen, perhaps two yards square. This is the lifelong prison of tho trusty watchdog. Incredible as It may appear r no one soos any cruelty In thus keeping 0 dog cooped within iron palings from January to Decern bcr. In faot, from Its youth to old ago, novcr for a slnglo .homent Is It al lowed to escape. My kind host agreed with mo on the unnaturalness of such treatment "A dog, in the eyes ot theso good folks," he said, "Is a barking machinal tuithliiff plan." A Little Twitter. "I am all at 1 over this thing," he exclaimed, throw ing his work aside, "and am thoroughly sick ot It." "Seasick?" sho twittered softly, and It gave him oourago to try again, Detroit t ree t'rss. In fancy figures, plain and in stripes, worth 12c the en tire line at 50 pieces of Scotch zepher, ginghams in stripes and plaids worth 10c.-12c, the entireline at 7c. 50 pieces of assortment of dress goods worth 25, 80, i2 and JJ5 cents, we are offering theentire line at 29c. per yard. 1,000 pieces of Lounsdale cambric worth 12c, now 10c. Call for our W B. corset, best in the country. Call for our No 410 extra long waist, best fl. 00 corset in coun try. Don't fail to examine our new early fall dress goods at the DRY GOODS CO. Why? rive years ago few persons in America had heard of Ramon's Tonic Liver Pills and Ramon's Tonic Pellets. To-day they are used iu thousands of households. What has worked this change t Four different things. 1, This is not simply a liver pill but uu entire treatments It is a complete substitute for a physi ciuu in liver troubles. 2. It costs only 25c, when tht same medicines if purchased separably would cost 50 to 75c. a. The remedy works geutly aud uot violently. It docs not arouse a feeling of weakness but makes you fuclfilcadily better from the first day. 4. It is absolutely harmless. Sick or well, it cau not be a bad thing to take, as it purifies the blood and tonc9 up the whole system. Why uot try it for those occasional headaches ? It will stop them. SOT.D IN ASHIWLLB MY DR. T. O. SMITH, Wholesale fltld Ketllil, W. C. Ciiriiiieliutl, Worthen & Co., Ileiuilsh Mi Kenyan, Knysor & Sinitli. W. L. Douclas $3 SHOE IS THE BIST. NO SQUEAKING. 5. CORDOYAN, 4.5.5-0 FINECALF&KANGAROQ. 3.yP0LICE,3 Soles. 2.l.7iB(JYJiSCH0llLSH0ES. LADIES .aUl9 fl 79 .v-b;dongola SEND FOR CATALOGUE Wb'DOUOLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Van can anve money by purchasing W. L. Douaiaa rhneav Because, we are the largest manufacturers ol advertised shoes in the world, and Einirnutee the value by sumpinn the name ana price on prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fining and wearing nunlities. We have them sold every, where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by J. D. Blanton, Asheville, Enock Rector & Co.. Marshall. AND BEST IN X i 0 10 W O 0 H CO Beware of Imitations. He sore to get the original. Made only by Taylor Hffe. Co., t. Lnnla VITAL TO MANHOOD. Tin. E. O. WKHT'fl NERVE AND BRATN TREAT MENT, n (WftclAn for Hysteria, DIuIdom, Fit, Neu ritltfia, Hunrinche, Nnrvmii Prostration caused b ftiwmoi or innncco, WMeruiDaM, mem) lwprwwion, nuiMuiiiK in urniua chiuiiib lUHfiimj, iniwrr. umns. denih. rrwnittnr Old Are. lterrenneM. Low of owir in tumor mi, impoieticy, ijeuoorrQa ana wi rmiiRia wcnitiHwra, UiToiumary untmm, npenon torrhiBA rnuMul tar over-eiertlnn of brain. Bolt- ahurw, nvor-linluliinnee, A month traatment, II, 0 lor W, by tunll. with each order forft boiea, with to wm nouu wnuwi KUnrninw ' mruuii 11 not uurpii. l)uiirH...iw .Miil hv nimiiL WKHTB LIVER PI 1,1 J ourwHtck ItfuilHiiuB, UlMoupnpM, lAnr Ooniplalnt, aourtnoniHi'ii, i 'Mpepma nu uutuupaHua T Ct Hiulthi Druggist. Public Square., N C U BRUM'S-;; tun rniiRit m. tm mm? nj'NiieKi 111 1 raiiy t w mi 0f Vf'tnft, rtqntm m htnf of flirt t 1 1 mum ov ina(tfniuvuniMrTur Inmate be Uksa inttrMllf. wlwn nniiMnita. marmriajnr niimMumM "as a preventive by either wit It I tmpoMlMcteoofrtrMl any vinerMi isiMaw; tiut In thoue ol Ihnaa alroftriv lliroiTOBaTflkf AfTUOts f1T U VVtMtour. friM hy mtll. pnU( pit ttiihUtiiiurrlK?atl(Htn, wvfuwiuw 1 1 pr twa, r Urn Cm fa LADIES 1)0 YOU KNOW DR. FTLIX LE BRUN'A steel dm tmmm fills are Ilia nrinliml and only KIII-'NCII, sufoanil r liahlavnro on I tin markol. I'rloe ll.OOi stiut Ul mail. Ueuuiim sold oul If r. C. Nmltln.t If raavlat. V ami Opium Habits cured at Immu fclili ouliln. lams nl liar tleulaniseiil t'RkK. GlG WHISKEY HMsMaavsassBi.M.'-'ti'IXKY,ll.l AUauM. VOle llkji Wtall-OI mm l -FAIWT-, ,D IINRKR OUABANTBR ACTC. .CCSS LESS I HAS I1J26 MEBOAL Benrden, Rankin (4 Co.,'!lield the agency fot the I,. & M. Paints for ten years until they retired from business. They considered it the best paint sold. The exclusive ageucy is now uciu uy DR. T. O. SMITH, Ashcville, N. C Wholesale Druggist, 6-td3Uio Racket Store, 15 South Main St. him our clearance sale every tlay of tlie year. An Boon as we got in our bate, fiowerp, feathers and orna ments earlier in the spriDg, we at once commenced our clearance pale, and now sum mer is about ended and the goods all gone. In a short time our fall goods will be in and we at once knife them to the core and the clsarance sale is on until all are sold, and you get the advantage of the low price all through the season. You do not have to wait until tho season U over to get what you want cheap. We expect to mako our store headquarters for writing paper, inks, pens and pencils, sewing thread, knit ting thread, sewing and wash embroidery, pilks, zeph ers, yarns, knitting wools, ribbons, art needle work. In In fact no department shall lag or fall behind any in town. J. M. STONEK, MsfP.