THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Wednes laY Bvenlug, August 29 TBE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN PXINTI U DAILY (EXCEPT Sl'NDAV ) ANl WliKKLY DAILY SUUSCRU'TIOS RATES: ( One Year t.oo Six Months . Three Momns .- CIT1ZUN I One Month, in advance ftl lone Week, paid to carriers... 15 The Wukki.y Citizkn, issued every WcdiH-siluy, in advance, $1. THE PRESIDENT AND THE TARUT HILL. Suhscriliers who miss their laiers are nNm-sttiJ to nmke complaint at the olliee as soon as possible. It' the hour ot delivery is later than (i:;i or 7 o'clock The Citizen wants to know that too. WEDNESDAY, AIGUST HI), 1804. A correspondent wjiUis: "The convicts iu the Kteat prison have made this vear over a million brick, anil have sold" 1, WO ,0110. The saks were made in this city, where more building is iu prosressthan iu many years." This sort of competition must stifle the business of makin bricks by work men who behave themselves and have lamilies to support; it must be they are driven into other industries, letter put the tonvicts on the roads which no one else wants to build. IT CAN' T Bli MONK. Some very kind and eutiiely ('eserved things are hcimr said ot Captain S. A. Ashe iu connection with his eaiulidacv lor the senatoiship from this part ot the State; but Tun Citizhs does him the greatest kindness iu pointing out what is a hard fact, not to lie removed or eii cuinvented or lost sight 1 1 at any time- that the senator tor Western Ninth Car olina must come out of Western North Carolina and know it thoroughly. Cap tain Ashe deserves all that the party can do for him, but it cannot elect two sena tors from the eastern part of the State There is reason and sense in this. En vironment has much to do with the kind of man, his necessities, his principles Eastern unit Western North Carolina are verv different so verv dilfeicnt that much of the legislation for eastern inter csts iu the State legislature is hardly in telligible to people iu this part of the country; thev have tiieir wants ami we have ours; and if the State were rcpre seated by two senators Irom the section beyond the mountain:- we, in this part of the State, would hardly tee I that we had any representation iu the I'nitcd States Senate at all. No, Capt. Ashe, it cannot he. NOT IN THIi WtK tUHINI.Nct (MTS.indy Hook the other dav there was a trial of a gun that threw several hundred pounds ol dvuamitc that ex plodid just as, or just alter, the shell struck the water, and which, thus fx ploding. would have shattered the larg est war ship all nit if it had been near enough. The New York papers there upon announced with signs :i relief that the metropolis was at 1; st sale; that it would now be possible to sleep night without fear of the shells of a hostile licet breaking through the roofs. The New York editors therefore listed ea'icr (or a few nights than they had bel'jre since the English were retired from the harbor iu I7MI. Hut alas! it has nc ctirml to some ol the naval ofheers at Washington that, since the ilvm.inite gun en shoot only a little more than mile, it is possible for some vessel of fjicign fleet to lav oil' about 10 ni'li ami batter the dynamite gun out - shape. Then the sunn vessel could come into New York harbor anil, if none of our war s'liiis were about, slav and spaii none at leisure. The fact that New York is still at the merer of a foreign licet will be insisted on in the newspapers but we are eon iiiic.l that among sensible people then will lea pretty general refusal now iu the past to believe anything of the lind. Th.'ilioi t to create a war scire in the Tnilcd Slates will aUvavs be l.iiluicso long as the people of the na tion are conscious that we are attending to our own affairs, ami do not show a disposition to wish to become a "war powei", or to annex distant "kevs" to the I'aeilic, or to "assert ourselves" in iiuarters of the globe w here our real in terests are of the smallest. Wc do not need guns and furls and great fl.ets, and we do need the money they cost. The PreHlcleiit i.ohI him Voir. l-'rolll llic Atlanta Con-liliitiuu. Democrats whose motives are just :is pure s those ol Mr. Cleveland, whose convictions if duty are just as lofty, and whose patriotism is as unquestioned, voted for the measure ami have urged Mr. Cleveland to sign it. Thev voted for the bill, not because they were com pelled to, hut because it is a measure ol relief infinitely better than the vicious MeKinlcy law. It reduces tariff taxa tion 111) net' cent, all along the line, and impost's a tax on the incomes of wealthy individuals who have not been contrib uting their iust proportion of the amount necessary to support the govern incut. The "Model Town." Plonl tile New York World. And in this age, whatever may lit herealter, the model town is necessarily a despotism. The man who is a thou sand years in advance of his fellows can- not lorciblv to drag them lor ward to where ho stands without mas tering them without becoming their muster, their despot. Perhaps) He Maid II, Prom the New York World, It is said, on the authority of it distill guished I'nitcd Slates Senator, that a Democratic Senator riiieslioiicil the Pres ident on the subject ol the message und tccvivcd tins reply : "Damn a message. I've written cnutigli iilrendv. He NUhi Have Been Kluir, London, Aur. 28. The condition of the Comtc de Paris, head of the Koyul house of Orleans, is very critical. All the mem tiers of the luniily are present at his bed side. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. Washington, Aug. 27. President Cleveland has written the following let ter to Representative Catchinss of Mis sissippi, iu which he sets forth his views of the liew tarill law, and gives his re is. ous for not approving the bill: Execitivk Mansion, V Washington, August -7, lS'J 1. 1 lion. T. C. Catchmgs: Mv Dear Sir: Sit.ce the conversation had with you and Mr. Clark of Ala- ama a lew davs ago, in regaril to my ictiou on the tariff bill, now before me, have given the subject turther and most serious consideration. The result 1 am more settled than ever m the letcruiiuatiou to allow the bill to be come a law witnout mv signature. When the formation of legislation, which it was hoped would embody Democratic li as ot tarill relorm, was lately eiitereu upon by the Congress, noiniug was turther from my anticipation than a result which I could not promptly and nthusiastieallv endorse. It is, there- lore, with a lecbng ot the utmost disap pointment that 1 submit to a denial ol this pr.vilege. 1 ilo not claim to oe oeucr man tue masses ol mv party, nor uo l wish to ivoid anv responsibility which on ac count of the passage ol this law, 1 ought to bear as a member ol tin- liemoeratic organization, .eitlicr will i permit my self to be separated Irom my p.irty to such an extent us might be implied by my veto ol turlt legislation, which, though lisappointmg is still chargeable to iicm- eratie illort. nut lucre are provisions i this bill which arc not iu line with lionest tar IV relorm, and it contains in consistencies and crudities which ought not to appear iu tarill laws or laws ol inv kind, llesules, there were, us you mil 1 well know.incidcutsaccompunving the passage of the bill through the Con gress, which made cvciy sincere tarill lonner unhappy, wln'e liiuucuces sur- lour.ileil It in its latter stages aiiu in terfcrrcd with its final construction which ought not to be recognized or tolerated in Democratic tarill 'relorm councils. And vet.'uotwitlistanding all its vms sirudes. and ail the bad treatment it re ceived at the hands of pretended friends, it presents a vast improvement to exist ing conditions. It will certainly iignien main- tarill burdens that now rest heavily uiion the neonle. It is not only a bar rier aerainsl the return of any protection but it tarnishes vantage gtouuu uoiu which must lie waged lurther aggressive operations against protected monopoly and L'overumental favoritism. 1 take my place with the rank and tile of the Democratic party who neiievc m tariu relorm and w ho know a-hat it is; who rclusc to accept the results embodied in this bill at the chc ol the war; who are not blinded to the tact that the livery of liemoeratic tat ill relorm has been stolen and worn iu the service ol Republican oroteetion. and who have marked the places where the deadly flight of treason lias blasted the councils ot their brave in their hour of night. Tin trusts. 'iud combinations the com minion of pell whose machinations have prevented us Irom reaching the suc cess we deserved, should not be lorgotten or forgiven. We shall recover from our astonishment at their exhibition ol pow er, ami il then the question is forced upon us whether thev shall submit to the free legislative will of the people's Represent atives or shall dictate the laws which the people must obey, we will accept and settle that issue as oneiuvolving tl.c safety ol American institutions. I love the principles ol true Democracy because thev are louiided iirpatriotlsm and upon justice and fairness toward all interests. 1 am proud ot my party organization because il is conservatively sturdv and persistent in the enforcemeht ol its prin ciples. Therefore 1 do not despair of the efforts made by the 1 louse ol Representa tives to supplement the bill already passed by turther legislation, and to have engrafted upon it such modifica tions as will more nearly meet Demo cratic hopts and aspirations. 1 cannot be mistaken as to the neces sity ot Irec raw materials us the founda tion of logical and sensible taiiff reform. The extent to which this is rtcognied in the legislation already secured, is one ol its encouraging and redeeming features; but It is vexatious to recall, that while free coul and iron ore have been d niul us, a rcceut letter ol the Secretary ol the Treasury disclosis the fact that both might have been made free by theannual surrender of only abuut $70O,0U0 ol m -necessary revtuue. 1 am sure that there is a common habit ot underestimating the importance ol tree raw materials in tariff' legislation, and of regarding them is only related to concessions to be made to our muuulacturers. llie tiuth is. their influence is s j far-reaching that il disregarded a complete and beneficent scheme of tarill reform cannot be success I'udv inaugurated. V hen we give our tnanulaclurers tree raw materials wc unshackle American enterprise and ingenuity, and these will open the doors of foreign markets to the receipt ol our wares and give oppoitun ity for the continuous and remunerative employment of American labor. With materials cheapened by their Ireedoin from tariff charges, the cost of their pro duct must be eorrespoiidiiiglyeheapeiieil. luereuoon Hist ice and latruess to the consumer would di-maud that the munu- acturcrs bo obliged to submit to such a readjustment mid modification ol the tariff upon their finished goods as would secure to the people the benent of Un reduced cost of their manufacture, and shiild the consumer against the exaction ol inordinate protits. It will thus lie seeu that free raw tmttcri d, and a just and fearless reduction of the tariff to meet the changed conditions, would currv to eviry humble home in the land the bless ings ol mcieasi'd coinlort and cheaper living. The millions ol our countrymen who have fought bravely and well for tariff reform should be expected to con tinue the struggle, boldly challenging to open warfare and constantly guarding against trcacherv and ImlMienrtcducss in their enmp. Tarill reform will not be settled until it is honestly nnd burly settled in the interest and to the benefit ol a patient and long-suffering people, Yours verv truly, (Signed) " Orover Cleveland. Senator and Mrs. arvis arc at More head City. A report on the penitentiary shows that of the 1,300 convicts only 35 arc serving lite sentences. Governor Carr will not attend the southern business men's convention nt Washington, lie declined on accouut of public business. The majority of Republicans now assert that their State convention nt Raleigh next Thursday will decide on fusion with the Populists on the State ticket. President Mclver ot the State Nor mal and Industrial School for Giils has received over GOO applications for ad mission. Only 400 students can be re ceived, because of the limited recitation rooms. Detroit I Mich.) Journal: Aliena has made Rev. C. L. Arnold, the popular rector at St. Peter's Eoiscopai church, a flattering oiler to come to that city, but he declined. 1 bis is not the hrst call tnc Rev. Mr. Arnold has been honored with since he crnne here rearly tour years ago from Ooldsboro, N. C. lie is evidently well pleased with Ik'trott, but no more so than Detroit is with him. -The D pnrtmcnt of Agriculture is now summarizing its reports ol the cot ton-and-wooll u mills in the State. There are 176 of these. Gaston now leads. with Alamance follows with Randolph has 13, and Mecklenburg 14. Hie two largest nulls are ni kockj Mount and Concord. Each has W.000 spindles, and the Concord mill 1,1 j0 looms. Bring in Your Appetite. When Marketing Call on us We should like to introduce it to our beef, mutton, lunib, saufage. No great display of meat on the counter, but plcuty iu the cold storage room. JAS. WOLFE, Telephone S3. Stull "A," City Market. We're iu the business to do you right and our customers stay with us. Yours for square dealing, W. M. HILL & Co.. City Market. Did You Know That Wc Arc Now DfisK THE Fittest EDgraving That Has Ever Been in Asheville? Aswciire tvtw in:.kiii, an etHnt-ly new ami siiiMM inr liiu- ot S.niveiui M"ns we will uiK'i our oltl ones at nivatly rcduciM prices. WANTED, QUICK, 10,000 pounds (iinsiujj; 1,000 pounds 8neka; 2,000 pounds Beeswax. rash paid for these at Drug Store of Dr. T. C. Smith, Ashe ville, N. 1;. There's No Choice in Bfcycles. 1 he Victor fneumatic tire has no isimim 11111111 rivat. ic is more durable than any other and the inner tube can be re moved in case of puncture in less than five minutes. The only inner tube removable through the rim. All Victor improvements are abreast with the times and meet everv re- quirement Victors are BEST. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. BOSTON. NCW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. AN FRANCISCO. OCTNOtr. DCNVCII. Edison Phonograph & Typewriter Co., Si PATTOX ATE. TELEPHONE CAM. 40. ASHEVILLE WOODWORKING CO. A Card. J. V Hennlngcr, The artistic boot and shoemakir, who has been with W. 0. Roberts for the past 12 months, is now with I. W. Uinppcll 35 College street, where he will be Kind to sec Ins friends and customers. While the auction continues at Bon Murche. Lioinskf's stock of fancy roods. "dry soods nnd notions will be for sale at TUC AIUCTIHC .IUIUIU( vv. uu wmu Main street. ARTHUR M. FIELD LEADING JfcWELER, DON'T YOU THINK It wuiiM 1n-toM'Ui iitlviHiLiKf t i-;t 11 .iihl ex amine tilt I. Hue liA of new -ixh1s at THE LITTLE STORE .llilOl) the mm , , , Vuii will lie astonishe-l at the la rue ami vaiieil .(-.Mtitiuent paeke-1 in mi mall a space, will j-ive liberal Iwoitnl lor cali. Twenty live luxes Mason's cracker and cakes fresh from lkilli- mnt'e. :c. to in:, pound, old ptlce ivc, to ;k,c 'i.und. I-ive hundred iounds French and Atiu iican candy Irom toe. to (mc. pouinl. worth i'..'. ami sW. pound; W pouiuls j;ranulaled sui;ar fi..-!. 1-ou-iiMi and domestic fruits always on li.itiil. W. J. Postell, 39 COLLEGE ST. To the Democratic voters of Buncombe otinty, I hereby announce myself a candidate lor the uliice of sheriiTof Buncombe county, sub ject to the action ol Democratic county conven tion. I have had considerable experience as an executive officer and I assure the voters of thr county that il I niu nominated X fchall make a vigorous effort to be elected, and if elected will use my let endeavors to faithfully and honestly disdiaiuc the duties of the office. WII.MAM GASTON M'UUWKLL. VlsdiSi WMUO Hotel Berkeley For Sale Is Now Prepared to A Card. 1 lit- i-by announce myself a candidate for constable til this township (Asheville) subject to the nomination ol lite Democratic convention. S-iUVwimo J.J. NOLAND. A Card. To the voters of Huncombe county, I hereto announce inyselt a c nmn date lor re-election 10 i the office of the Clerk of the Superior court, of slid county, 'subject tu the action of the Demo cratic nonnnatinj; convention, vul&winio J. I,. CATHKY. A Card. To the voters of Hunconibe county, I hereby announce mvsell a candidate for reelection to 1 the office of Renister of Dents in the coming election, subject to the action ol the Democratic nominating convention. J. J. MACKKV. S-id&wimo A Card. 1 hereby announce tin-sell a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Hunconibe county sul ject lothe,uctioiioflhe Democratic county coli eiitioti, nud 1 wish to tender my thanks to Un friends who have so often elected me to the office. S-id&wimo J. H. I.'OI RTNKV. A Card. (0SERVT0RV ; OF : M Two hundred ami eighty lessons of oue hour hit. tl iuti for ;y;Ififly lessons of one hour duration lot . Itest advantages with the most skilleil anil experienced instructors. Send for testi monials and prospectus. HOR4CB K. CROUCH, Director. Asheville, N. C. To the voters of Alii'villi- imvu-liip, I hvrelv .-iniioiincc myself a candiil.iU' for constnMe of aid lownsllip. subject lullir action of tile Demo cratic nominating; convention. S-1HU7-1 1'. L. 1IOST1C. A Card. To the voters of Hnnctimlie connly 1 hereby announce myself n candidate for Kenister of peed of Bi.nconilH: county, subject totlie liemo eratic noiuiuating convention. Rcsiitctfiilly, S-ul&wirao J. W. IIOWULL A Card. Free of Charge. HaviiiL- iust receivedn uew Tolotvpe Machine. it In iiiK thr best known machine for repatt wotk, I will sew rKKK Of CIIAKUK. all rips on repair work. Lasts fitted to a 111 ic ted feet. Perfect tits guaranteed. Ladies' Work a Specialty. Renai rum iromttly done. Only the best material used. You can save money by having your shoe work done by J. T. Harris, S7 S. Main St,, . II. Sliope'a Harness Store. To the voters of Uuncoml'e county, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of KcRisterof Deeds of HuiicoiiiIk; county, suhiect I to the action of the Democratic convention, Very respectfully J. 1). 1IKEVARD. -,todwrlno The uinlerriigneij, aHHinw of (J. II. Southwiek, will ot 12 in., on Thursday, August 30 181)1, ou Iho premises, sell at public auction, for cash, tholwir-c on the builtlinj; in the City of Abbeville, N. 0., kiif wiuis the Hotel Berkr ley, and also all the linen, crockery, table ware fix tures ami appurtenances in and connected with said ho tel. Lease has about four vears ' I i r rr er ci x vet to run at the annual R-uunman, oupi. rental of 12,500, with the privilege of five years more at option of lessee at a ren tal of 3,000 per year Storrs and barber shop in hotel building sub-rent for 1 1.920 peryear. Terms Purchaser to have possession of hotel Septem ber 1 next and of bar .Ian 1 , 1895, and to assume all lia bilities for liens against lease hold. The assiguee, having the right to sell either at public or private sale, will receive bids for said property prior to date of sale and will be pleased to furnish full par ticulars in ivgard to the property, alight r nerved to reject all bids. This August 1,1891. L. P. McLOUD, Assignee. Furnish all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Fine Church, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures SKND FOR BSTIMATBS. A Card. SLEEPLESSNESS, Nervous De bility. Nery- oua ExtuMut- tinn, Neural Kin. Paraly sis, locomo tor Ataxia, Melancholia, and kindred ailments, whether resulting from over anxiety, overwork or study, or from unnatiinu habits or exoemes, are trarl na a fmodnltv. with irreat tuccen. by the HtnfT of Specialist attached to the Invaliib)' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N. Y. ferwmal examinations not always neotnsary. Many case are success fully treated at a distance. AaWTJlf A A new Bnd wonderfully BlO 1 successful treatment has been discovered for Asthma and Hay Fever, whii'h can be sent by Mail or Exnresa. It is not simply palliative but a rwtfcol cure. For pamphleta, question blanks, refer ences and particulars, in relation to any ot the above mentioned diseased, address, with ten cents in stamps, World's Dispens ary Medical Association, 603 Main Street, cuuaio, a. x. Dry goods, fancy Roods, notions and Kent's' iiirnishirjcs at auction, Don Maicue, 11 a. m. and 5 p. m. To the voters ol IliincomW cimnty, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the olfice of Clerk of the Superior court, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic nominaling; convention. Very respectfully W. 11. CWYN, &.i4tl& wnn Notices Asheville Woodworking Co. Telephone, 1(54. T ssssx spasv sm mum r ni nrnurt AND OLD SORES p. p. p. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT CATARRH, MALaRII, and potassium KIDNEY TROUBLES Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula and DYSPEPSIA Are rmUrely iwaeovt bj P.P.I. -Prickly Ash. Poke Root and PoUs slum, the grMt4wt blood yurluor on esrto. Anncsim. O.. July2t,lMl. Msssaa Lippmah Bkos., Savannas. Oa.l Iika Hihb-I bouKlit a bottle of IMl tnna your P. P. P. at Hot Hprli It lm. iliinn ma more aoml swmi lis' troat mentatthe Hot eprlags. Bsad three iioitiea v. u. u. Bpt.uMr.hEWT Aberdeen, Brown County, 0. Cart. I. D. Jobaslosv, Id all vllom it may concern; 1 here. ty totlfy to the wonderful propertlae if P. P. P. for eruitions or the akin. I .nfl...iit inr iinvral vftsra with an on ii'litly anil dlsnaTveahlo eruption oa 7"; my law. I tried ev-ry known tew 'l" cly lo. In vnln.nntll P. P. P. was used. ami am now imuroiy ouroci. tBIguodby) -'gS"2232c5s. kin Cancer Cored. TttHmmyfromtU Mayor o) Stttn,Ta. 8K0tTi. Tex.. Jannary 1, 1093. tlSKBRS. Lippman Bros.. Savannah, Oa. i Ucnllrmtn I have tried your P. p. P. for a dlseaso of the skin, usually known -a akla eanoar.of thirty yeara' aisndintc, and lound great roll el i It purifies tlio blood and removes all lr rltatlim from tho sent ol the dls se and pn.v.-nts any sproaillns-of the aonm. I have taken (Iveor all bottles and ferl ronlldent thnt anotber course win nrf.u.r a tr ha nlso relieved mo front ImllW'stliiB sod stouiaon P. I1. 1. purlllea t!ie blood, builds up the weak anil (IWillltati'd, iilvca slrcniith to wciikont'il iH'rve .'aik-Is riMunses, kivIiik IIiu patient liuult II and hnpiiineas wIiito sirkiH'Sa, pU.iiny leeiliiits nnn nrst pn'vann THE - IMPERIAL TRIO. Jl'.AN SCHAKFKH, . Violinist. l'AKIS CONSKRVATORV. I CIIARI.KS I.. SCIIAKI'KK, Pianist, P'KANKI'UKT CONSKKVATUKY SIONKY I). TAVI.OR, Cellist IIKI'SSKI.S CONSKRVATORV, Will oh ii n slinliii nt 71 Ornnue street, Ashe-1 ville, on Keptemlier Hie 1st nnd will now receive I nppilCHlious lor ine miiiowiiik iiTaiu nes: iuiiu, viola, cello, niaiio. orunu. sitminiE. harmony coniioHi tion, r'rench unci Germna lnuKiinKea riease nouress WK ARK DOING OURSF.1.VKS AT"" IlUSINl'.SS PUR To Hie voters of Ounconibu county, I hereby .tnnoiince myself n enndldnte for the office of Register of Deeds, subject lo the Democratic county convention. T. W. 6HKI.TON. VjldSiwnno" Notice. STALL E. In the City Market anil will Klve all customers the very liest meats of nil kinds at cheapest rates. Cull and try To the voters nnd cltliens of Buncomtss county. 1 will be ft candidate before Ine Demo cratic convention for the nomination for the office of Siiierior court Clerk, subject to the ac tion of said convention. S-i7d&wiino K. D. ATKINSON, Ann oancement. XX DR. I hereby announce myself ss s candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior court, subject f 4 Vf f Q I to ine action ei uuncomoc roumy Areuwi.v UxJJLAt It A V AO. I nominating convention. Respectfully . MARCUS W. ROBKRTSON. AuRust 14th, g-mWtwnn For primary seronilary mid lerllnry ..ittiih. fur I1I1H11I itiilmtfilim. luen'tl- rlol lH,isin. malaria. dystH'ila, r.nd Iu nfl hltMMl and shin dt,H:v, like bllltllO piinph'M, old chronic hIits, totter, scnlrt licuil, bolls, erysipelas, ersetuawe may say, without fear 01 mntradKllon. I lint I". I". P. la tholiest MhmI purlller In tliownrltl, and niiiks tMisitlvu, siNtudy and permnuuut eurea (u all cases. Ladles whoso systems aro poisoned and vvhoae blood In In an Impure condi tion, due to menstrual Irreltularltloa, re peculiarly lieneWled by the won thTful timlo and blon,l rletinslna prop. erth sol P. P. I'.-I'rlclily Ash, Poko Root and Potassium. 81'RINOPIFLD. Mo,, 14th, 1KCI. 1 em sneak In the blKbest terms or your modlotne irom my wn disease, pieurisj nnu rnuum.ivtniu 85 yeara. waa treated by the vory best fihyalclana ano spi.nt hundrods of dot ars, tried every known remedy with' out aniline: relief. Ihuvo only takoa rwiitin nf v,hiv P. P. P.. awl can cheerfully ony It has done roe mora esx rooommond your medicine to alt Suaorcr.oItU.-nlK.vodt.eafoj. SprlngDold, ureea uounvy, aio. terma 01 unnhiaa. Yours truly, personal wuoMst. "uiru Jl mm. nth heart AttornayUUW. Book on Blood Diseases un Free. Al.t DBUOQIBTS BBLL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PBOPBlBTOfifl, f-.aaaa. Rlsuih.lsmaUis1all. tl 1 ' ,A KENILWORTH INN. UmW the advent TEltM For Sale By Raysoi & Smith, 31 Patton Ave. OH THE FIFTY-THIRD ANNUAL 8KSSION OH St. Mary's School, RALEIGH, N. C. BKUINS SEPTEMBER 20TH, 1894.1 Address (he Rector, The Cosmopolitan Magazine .... AMD .... ' THE WEEKLY CITIZEN: Both for OB. ISAAC ROBB, IIOMOKOIMTIIIC PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON. Announcement. llCV. B. SlUCdeS, A. M. JHB GREAT ILLUSTRATED MONTHLIES haw In the paat told for $4.00 7-lj(ljlno 1 take this method of Informing the voters of Buncombe county, that my same will be pre- OBce, The Villa, cor. Collene ami Haywood I ""ted to ine Democratic conveniwn . streets, near postolBce. OPH1C8 HOURS I a,uille iorfctne omce -ot Kegiswr u. 8toioi;tato3;6to8. Meet to il. decision. jab. . uvnuwa. B3aaiw CORTLAND BROS.. Announcement. RBAL B8TATB BHOKBR8. INVB8TMBNT AOBNTS NOTARY PUBLIC Loans Securely placed at S per at. Oflose SS 36 Pattna Ate., ap aUIre 1 take this means of announcing thai I will he candidate for the office or sheriff or Buncombe county, subject lo the sclloB or the Democratic nominating convention. 8-jnlSiwiin I. A. BROOK8HIRK. FOB. SALE. A saw mill, complete, 40-horse power engine and boiler, mounted, Will sell cheap for cash, or to good party will lake lumber, W, C. KDNKLB, 8-jjdk wimo0 Atesander, Hotel Alexander The rates at Hotel Alexander, at Alexander, N. C, will be reduced for the remainder or the season. Send for terms or spply to the under signed. August list, 1894. It. B. VANCK, ' 8-itdimo Over tbs P. 0., City. 1 year. It was a wonder to printers bow The Cosmopolitan, with ts jcarij 1536 pages of reading matter by the greatest writers of the world, and its 1200 I lustrations by clew artists, could be furnished for $3.00 a year. In January ast It put In the most perfect magazine printing plant In the .world, and now comes what Is really A wonder: ' Dr. C. J. Oliveros, THE SPECIALIST. EYE, EAR, KOSE, THROAT AND K We Will Cut the Price of the Magazine Still More for Tour DI8EA8E8. 31 . PATTON AVHlwUB (Over Rsysor (t Smith's Drug store.) P. O. Box us, Asheville, M. C. Think of it, 118 pages of reading matter, with oxer 130 Illustrations a volume that would sell In cloth binding at 91.00. 12; - CEKTtt CHARI.OTTK8VIU.rt, VA. trge corps or Superior teachers. Beat ad n.i..M In I It.rarv Sfiulral and Art UetMrt' menta. Attractive aurroundlnga. Healthful and accessible location. Terma the lowest. 0 W. P. DICKINSON, S-tidradtjl Principal. adeod sM-wiet We will send yon THE COSMOPOLITAN MA0AZINB, which "has the strongest staff of regular contributors of any exlstliur iierWlcal, and THB WEEKLY CIT IZEN both for only 93.00 a year. SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA INSTITUTE, . FOR YOU NO LADIES, New and elegant building coating Iwooo, officers and teachers Irom most famous Institutions of Buropeaud Anuria, Capacity Vn. aWoa opena Sept. iv 't- Write for catalogue to iawS"iot SAMUltiru. JONsiS, President, Bristol, Va.Teaa.