Clothing, NEW FALL GOODS New novelties in fall dreBS goods, new fall good. New dress goods just received. The newest, the prettiest, the most fashionable selected dress goods ever shown to the public of Asheville, and you will find we are showing a full complete line of English storm serges. A full complete line of Flander dress goods, Broad lot hs, ladies' clothes Cull and examine our new fall g d. N- w goods N-w goods. New goods. THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND WANT COLUMN WANTED. A174NTKP-A loan of on (jltl edge col'ati-ral. Adilr.sH "11," Ciliziu Office. i) Silwi'il.Vsit.'l WANTKII cltnn Hour or crists barrels. Will pay filU-en ct-nts if lioth heaila arc Kootl amt leu ct'iils it' one bend is ootl. S-ISillin ASHKVII.I.H Mil. UNO CO. WANTKII A KHitinn in a bank in Asheville Ity a young man having twenty (jo) years CM.I Ivllvv 111 a IMlll k at the North AoVlresK 9-4IHII1 X. V. ... Thii Office. W A NT KD Strong Iwy to do llotlilux but work. IIATTKRY 1'AKK 1'RUIT KXCHANKK, BModti 40 l'allon avenue. WANTKII In order to Introduce our work, and secure aiienta everywhere, wp will dye a coat, vest or paiitu for any one in the United State free or charKe. In sending goods ly return mail, please send stamps for return Kstai;e. Address llarriss Steam Dye Works, 314 South lllouut street, Raleigh, N. C. 6-14-djm FOR KENT. IOK KKNT A .vroom cottage. Short walk from court square. -tHl3t UKARUKN, RANKIN & CO. I, ''OR KKNT The lmililing No. jo, South Main street, known as Hie llostou saloon. Apply to C. S. COOl'KK, b-JSdir 67 N. Main St. IJVlK KKNT Store with dwelling attached Inr rent nt Ilingham HeightH. Krasnimblc tt'tms apply H-itxur KU. 30 STARNKS AVK. 1;)K KKNT A 3 story store house corner North Main street and Merrltmni nvpnu.. Upstairs suitable for family, Amilv tn III T. F. MAI.I.OY. first National Dank. BOA K DING. INC.l.KSIDK 30 l-'rctich Ilroad avenue, delight- -A-Jntl room now vacant, dtr icrins rcasonaiile. IIIAKOINC.-Willl private familv. Lnrire pleasant rootm rates reasonaiilc. Apply 8 STARNKS AVK. tw.tdim (1ASTI.K RKST-Hlrst-clnss luarding house, veniraiiv locaieil. ro. 2i lirove street 4-lodtf MRS. SCH1RRMK1STKK. SKVKRAI. perwus can get pleasnnt hoard iu private house; home comforts; pretty rooms li ntn K-iisumtuie. ippiy ilccjonioiill" 103 MKRRIMON AVK. IJOAKDING At Oak Terrace, 94 Hillside street, on Lookout mountain electric car me. Large grounds and plenty ol shade, 1 ins irom 5 to i 7 per week, 6-IJtltf MRS. M. K. HIM,, MISCELLANEOUS. 1OK8AI.K Kightnent poplar tables, turneil legs, suitable for dry goods, etc., sine 414 feel ny , lueiien wiuc. KNOI'IRK. -6d.U Citizen. NOTICK Money to 1 f.wotnnny amount loan, in amounts from 10 nnv nnlount ilemreil Vir mH m. 1 iib auuiess wiiu 2 cem stamp. U)CK HOX 875, S-jod-friSwjmo Asheville, N. C, A T.Auriw anA vntiitii.i iDatiar i.i for sale or exchange for pair of rough iu .ten rux icrricrs, aouress LOCK box fui, o-5dwed)ts:tJt Asheville, N C. FOR RENT OR SAI.K Au eight room house with ten acres of land, five in grass, near uingnani lieiglili. Hnrn and stable on place. "I'r'J u" pi causes or ai S-jSdimo NO. o.j WOODFIN ST. 1TOTICK-To the public school teachers of miiiconine county, and to all whom it may Concern : 1 lllav alwavs be fnunil in inu nfli. In the court house in Asheville on Saturdays of eacn wecic. will nave 110 other regular office unys, A. H. rF.LMKT, Supt. I'ublic Instruction, Buiicombe Co. o-3cl5twit NOTICK Positively no hunting, fishing, ranging Mock or tresuasstnir in anv .v will lie allowed upon the lamia formerly known as uic wniiticr tract in bwain county, N. C, ex cepting those having special written permission. All trespassers will tie prosecuted. UNAKA t TUCK8KKOKF,, TIMBER & LAND 1.UM1 a is y. II. A. Cllew, Mgr., 9-3ditw3csl Bryson City, N C NOTICK By virtue of power of sale con. tallied In a deed of trust made and deliv ered by H. K. Cunningham and wife, Hester Cunningham to the undersigned as trustee.dnled dated 14, io4, and registered in the office ol the Kegisier 01 ueens lor Huncomhe county, N. C, in hook No. 37 of mortgages and deeds of trust, on pages 63 et. seq., and by reason of default having been made by the said 8. K Cunning ham In the payment of the Indebtedness se- enrcu ny saici iieea 01 trust whereby the power of sale has become operative, and the person to whom the money secured oy sain neeo 01 trust is Hue, having de manded ol the undersigned that he sell the land conveyed in said deed of trust and apply the proceeds as therein directed, the under signed will, on Monday, the loth day of Septem- ?. ' v'?' . " TOU" nonse uoor 111 tne city of Asheville, N. C, sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the laud and premise, conveyed fn .aid deed of trust, which Uo" Tn'. 'aX, it" PUrP0W"' K A. MAROUARDT. . A. MAROUARDT. N-iou-iri-trts Trustee. TrOTICK-By virtue of the power In me Tested n by a certain deed of trust made and exe cuted to the undersigned as trustee by I, Bostlc and wire, II. V. Bostic, bearing date th ijth day of Uecemlier, 1891, to which reference i. nercoy made as ine same at in book rj at nages iw et. seo.. Is hereby made as the inme appears of record , in tne oince or the Register of Deeds In and for the county of Bnneombe for full particulars, to secure certain Indebtedness therein mentioned, and default , ",,! nu"" ,n ,ne provisions and condi tions of said deed of trust, and haviug been re quested by the cestui que trust therein uamed to execute the power ol sale contained therein, because of such default, I will Mil at public auction at the court house door In tin city or Ashe.ille nt o'clock at , on Monday, the Sth day of October, 11104,10 the hi. best bidder for rash the property conveyed In said deed of rust; the same being an undldvlded one-third Interest In and to what Is knn it. uf.1.1. land lylnit near the northeart portlonofthe city of Asheville and near Sunset Drive, and thi other two-third, of which is owned by Tho D Johnrton. J. 0. MKKKIMON,' ,,w Triutie. IP Card. To the Democratic voters of Buiicotnlw cult 11 ty, I hereby announce myself n candidate for the office of .sheriff of nuueonthe county, sub ject to the action of Democratic county conven tion. 1 have had considerable experience as an executive officer ami I assure the voters of tin county that if I am nominated I shall make a vigorous effort to 1 elected, and if elected will UK my lcst endeavors to faithfully and huiieslty disci large the duties of the office. WIMIABf GASTON M'DOWKI.I,. S-l.vltStwnno A Card. J lierfhy announce myself a candidate tor the office of county surveyor, subject to the Demo cratic nominating convention. ftvLtri&wtc I. W. M'KOY. 11. K. A Card. hereby nniiomice inyscllBa candidate for constalde ol this township (Asheville) subject to the nomination ot the Democratic convention. S-ljdStwIlllo J. I. NOI.AN1). A Card. To the voters of Iliincomlie county, I hereliy announce myself n candidate for re-election to tneotliceoltllc Clerk of the Sliierior court, ol said county, subject to the action of the Demo cratic nominating convention. H-nl&wimo J. i CATIIKV. A Card. To the raters of Iliincomlie county, I hereby announce mysell a candidate for re election to the office of Register of Deeds in the coining election, subject-to the action ol the Democratic nominating convention. J. J. MACKKY. 8-id&wimo A Card. I hereby announce mysell a candidate for the office of Treasurer of buncombe county suli- jccl to the action of the Democratic county con ention, and I wish to tender my thanks to the friends who huve so often elected me to the office. 8-ldStwliuo t. H. COfRTNKY. A Card. rotlie voters of Asheville township, I hereby announce myself n candidate for roustable ot said township, subject to the action uf the Demo cratic nominating convention, 8-ndt7-i p. 1,. HOSTIC. A Card, To the voters of Buncombe county I hereby announce myself n candidate for Register ol Deed, ot Buiicombe county, subject tothc Demo cratic nominating convention. Respectfully. 8-ldScwnno T. W. HOWKLL. A Card. To the voters of Buucomlie county, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds of Buncombe county, subject to the action of the . Democratic convention Very respectfully J, D. BRKVARD, 7-3od&wimo A Card. To the voter, of Buucomlie county, I hereby announce myself n candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior court, subject to the nc- tlou or the Democratic nominating convention, Very respectfully w. B. CWYN, 8-i4d&wiin Notice. To the voters of Buucomlie county, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds, subject to the Democratic county convention. T. W. SHKLTON. 8-2ltl&WIIIIO Notice. to the voters and citlnena ot Buucomlie county. I will be n candidate before the Demo cratic convention lor the nomination for the office of Supeilur court Clerk, subject to the ac tion of said convention. 8-i7d&wuno H. . ATKINSON. Auto iiicement. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Clerk of th Suiveri. r court, subject to the action of Buucomlie county Democratic nominating convention. Respectfully MARCUS W. ROBKRTSON. August 14111, ir,,4, 8-i4dwim An oouuecmrnt. 1 take this method of Iti forming Ihe voter, of uuncomuecouiily, that my name twill be tire. aented to the Democratic convention as a can dldate loathe office of Register of Deeds, sub- ie 10 iu decision. J AS. R. DUU08K. 8-31I&W Announcement. I take this means ofanuounclng that I will lie candidate for the office or sheriff of Buncombe county, subject to the action of the Democratic nominating convention. v aad&wim I. A. BROOKSHIRK, ' of the yard wunu AND 12 PATTON AVEISTXJE, ASHEVILLE. SCHOOL AND CHURCH. --Tliu Stilvuticin Army, tinclur Majni Clililioni, i.siuriimilisliiiijrjriviit tiling in South Ainmeii. The nitijor pro puM's npiMiiti"; in Chili. -Wonifii hnvr Uoclicd in M.l, rilliri 1 ors to ht'iir l'l-of. I'riiiitln'H U'ctui'OH on Krasiinis nt Oxford Unit the men Kmiiuuirs unit iiiicitTijTiicliinU'S were fuirly crowdi'rt out. Tlie fliirf justice of t lie; supreme court of .liipnn is a Cliristiim. iind en pn'e.s netively in Christian work in To kyo, where he 1 ives. lie is president of the Tokyo V. SI. C. A. Tiie senate of Dublin university has agreed toeonfer the dejjreeof l,l,.D. upon Lord Charles IJussell.of Kn:,'laiid; Itishop Stevens, of Oliio. and ISishop tuner, 01 nauota. The Kpiseopal chtireh reports for its mission in Jlrazil four presbyters, four cateehists, four candidates for or ders, ninety eotniminicants, jnr in the Sunday-sehools, sixty-llw ill the paro chial schools, aiideoiitriliutionsiiinoiint ing to 2,2-j-l milreis. There was an income in the Kduea tional society of the Slethodist elmreh of Canada during the past year of over 8l!l,00t). There are eleven edueational institittiuns under its direction. The ntftfreptte attendance of students at the several colleges is about 8.000. Of these 200 are students of theoloo-v nriv paring for the ministry. The amount received by the Amer ican Siinday-Sehool union for carrying on their work during the last year was 8120,1.18, against gllW.S.'IS for the pre vious year. There have been in the field bis men employed. As one result of their labors 1.7S.1 new Sundiiv- schools were organized, having (1S,27.'I teachers and scholars: 4::'.i were re organized, and aid was given to exist ing schools Mi:! times. The following figures in reference to the Sunday schools in this country and in the world were given at the re cent meeting of the International Sunday School committee: Xumlwrof schools in the United States IJl.UTT; officers and teachers, l.M.'l.r.-l: scholars l,(iS,sloi!j total l!.li:l.r,:,7. In the whole world there are- Schools, J'.,l,.1ii:i; otH eers and teachers, 2,'.':(!I,73S; scholars, 20,!ilS.!i;.l; total, l'.',7:i'.'.-.'J4. -The L'nitcd l'resbyterian church has the present year one more synod and two more presbyteries than it had lost year. There are S;;:i ministers, an increase of 2:1; 70 students in theology, a gain of 4; MM congregations, which is ntoro man last year; and 11.1,272 mem uers, winch Is a net gain of a little over ,uuu. 'I here are l.O'ift Nnndnv ocnoois, Willi 1UI.K7 selinlnro 'l'l, tnttll!..-.. ... , . "'wiuunuus ui 1 uc cuuren tvern Ci,:im,U!)4. 1110 most trustworthy figures make the Church of Kngland adherents in .....o .u.Miiimuuisiiire 117,11(10, or !i.n per cent, of the population. The Nonconformists, not including Unita rians, scotch rresbytertans, Plymouth Ilrethern, Quakers, Salvationists and several other bodies, 'number 387,571, perceni. 01 tne whole popula tion. Of the whole number of com. muuieants the Knglish church has 28.4 per cent, and the great Nonconforming bodies 70.0 per cent. llostou Wntch- uiiiu. assar graduated seventy-one students this year, to sixteen of whom honors were awarded. From the honor students six were chosen by the faculty as commencement speakors. The gradu ating gowns at Vassnr are always pure white and without gloves. Thoso who listened were delighted with the clear nnn natural delivery of tho speakers. President Taylor announced that the year Had been an easy one financially, uoiwiuisiiiuiiing tne general ( stress. The endowment funds have paid a good income, nnu mtien 01 tnu debt ac cumulated last year had been liquid- a, ten. Worship til gucen. Queen Ictoria s statue In Madrai was rocently marked iu a way that waf Btipposeu 10 iniiicaio a spirit of rebel lion on tlio port ot tho Hindoos, but it appears now that the marks are such as they put on tho statues of tholr de ities and that they woro mndo purely In a spirit of worship. Tho oueun. in. dcod, scorns to bo highly venerated In India. Iter life litis been translated Into nearly all of the almost Inmimnr. Bblo dialects of India, and in Madras the natives sometimes burn incense and break cocoa nuts before her status as they would before tho shrine of t deity. The first book to have its lnavo. numbered wus Esop's Fables, printed bv Cutoa in 1144, GREAT SUMMER SALE Is still going on. Having still quite a variety of desirable goods on hand which we do not wish to carry over, we will pla e the same on the bargain counters throughout our store at prices that will never again prevail 100 pieces of the well known brand of bleached domestic. Fruit Loom, HJ$rj. per yard; 1,000 widts bleu hed domestic worth 8c , 5c per va-d 1 000 piece of A v A VHPfi uiil.l iinhlou,.!...,! .1 t- wide unbleweh-d domestic!, ujjo , oc. per yard. EATING SNOWBALLS. a nmr ran i;njejod by tho Poople mt Washington. "Look ycr, mister, put some more of tnat juice on tint, won't ycr?" The speaker was an infantile representative uf the class termed street nrabs. He held In his hand a round ball, colored red, that might have been taken for a popcorn ball had not the lad shifted It uneasily from one hand to another, as If it were uncomfortable to hold, while drops of water trickled from the ball down through his grimy lingers. The person addressed was 0 typical Italiun street vender, with all the peculiarities of his class. He did not heed the youth's appeal, but began to repcut his monotonous cry: "Snowballs! Snow balls! One cent!" Selling snowballs on the street in the most torrid portion of tho hottest month of the year is a decided novelty, soys tho Washington Xcws, nnd per sons who have wearily remarked that there is nothing new under the sun will see something to think tibout if they will take their stund liesido one of these carts ut thu curb und watch the ebb and flow of humnnity that surges around them to obtain cool ing relief from the hot and parched taste In tho throat. It is a wonderful place iu which to study human naturo, and many a well-dressed, substantial-1 looking man has paused on the street to smile ot the scenes enacted around 0110 of these carts. To tho person who has heard the monotonous cry of tho vender and who litis never takeu tho pains t investi gate, the ingredients of a "snowball" may he mysterious. Nevertheless, there is nothing more delightfully simple. The vender's stock in trade consists primarily of a big block oi ico tne nigger the better. Next he hus arranged along the front of tho wagon n row of glistening bottles, with tops just like a Worcestershire sauce bottlo. These bottles, filled with various-hued li'iuors, contain nothing more thun tho trim sirups that ore in a soda foun tain, only the vender's sirups tiro weak and diluted to the utmost degree. Tho third implement in tho manufacture of snowballs Is what Is called a scraper. This looks very much like a lemon snueozcr. It is simply an empty tin box with a bundle. At the bottom of uie box is u rough scraper. As tho scraper is run swiftly over the k'O shavings nro taken off, and sixiu the box Is crushed full of Ice chins. The box given the compressed icochlpstheir ball shape. When tho ball is taken out of the scraper tho vender poises It gracefully in one hund and then begins to squirt sirup over It, as one would perfume on a handkerchief. When tho ball Is duly colored :t is turned over to tho waiting purchaser, who grasps it eagerly and begins to suck it at a great rate. That Is tho whole transac tion, and a boll cun bo mado In less than ten seconds. It Is a peculiar sight to see a vender surrounded by a dozen children, of all colors, ruccs and nationalities, each poniterotisiy sucking a snowball aud gazing at Dim with great owl ive. wondering how long this ono will lust ami wnero tnev can get another. COMMERCIAL VALUE OF CATS I'm-fuliicM of the Fellnen on Hoard Ship nr men. "I do not think that It Is generally Kium-n, saiuurcsuionlot I'lilluilt'lnliiu. rcconily, that cats have a peculiar com- merciiil iiiiHirtunoo in certiiin lines of trade. In certain parts of tho country murine insuriinco docs not cover dam age done to the cargo liy tho depreda tions 01 rats, lint if tho owner of the cago thus damaged can provo that the hip was not furnished with a cat he can recover compensation from tho owner of tho ship. Then, again, a ship mui is lounu uuaer certain circum stances without a living creature on board is considered a derelict, and ac cording to certain conditions is for feited. It has not unfrequently oc curred, nttor all the crew liavo been lost, or tho ship otherwise abandoned, that a live canary, domestio fowl, but most frequently a cat. beinir found on board, has saved tho vessel from beinir condemned as a derelict, Consequently hip owners, considering tho cat's pro Torblal tenacity of life, as well as Its presence being a bar to claims of dam. ago by rats, always take care not to send a ship to sea without having a cat on board." St. Louis Globe-Democrat -Tho Pnhomian King llehanisln is wasting away in his exile nt Martinique. 110 is pining for hu African wilds and lucldeutally smoking stacks uf Amer ican olgarottM. pieces of Flautei 's brand, yard r ET"i " ANGLO-INDIAN WOMEN more .nro More Sorts Than Mr. Kipling Has Introduced to I'd. Tho Anglo-Indian woman Is a more aneii typo thun ever Sir. Kipling versatile pun lias made her. Accord mg to the description of one sojourne iu uio itiuu ol tho Hindoos, says tin .now ivtk uecoruer, tlio Sirs. Aauk snees oro no more common than the women burning for a desire for knowl edge and parading views on the educa tion of tho native women. She goes ..1 A . . . . V uuum uruieu wuu a notebook in which sue clots down the information she ro eclves. Sho Insists upon visiting "lur dah" ladies and gives them ndvl,.,. about the abolition of child marriage mm mo necessity lor intellectual de velopment lor women. She always wears a solur "topco," with a gauze veil n round it, even nt afternoon par ties, where everyono blossoms like tho rose in gorgeous apparel. Sho con verses with the native butler concern ing tho status of his people and quotes mm inrgeiy among tho people who dis play a snnmetul lnd llerenco on the subjects wiilch Interest her. ine tituictlo rountr woman ib. flourish to finite the .same degrco In luiuu us m England. The cllmato is against it. liut o modified form of tho uuneuc girl tn tho -man's woman" Is a prominent feature of society. She rates well and has a graceful seut and o pretty figure, but long rides nnd long walks tire her. She dresses beauti fully, whether iu tailor-made gowns at the meets, or sheeny ball gowns, or graceful tea robes. It is In these last that sho is most herself. In them she manages to seem more cordial, more hospitable, almost more tender than in anything else. I!ut tho commonest type Is the simu lated simpleton. She cannot rido her own pony. Sho Is ufraid of him; he once shied and sho fell off, but sho thinks sho might manage to mount that dear littlo Arab of Capt. Ward's if ho would toko her for a short and very quiet rldo. Sho feels the heat dread fully. Madras Is such a trying climate, 'but sho could not possibly undertake tho journey to tho hills alouo. Sho never traveled olonc but once, and then her traveling bag and ticket and all her money were stolen by somo "horrid native, and Jack was so cross!" She would rather wait until she could find some rnanlv escort, it k sn mneb plcasanter to have 11 man to look after you and your luggage, and she even shrinks from the care of herown purse. Tho simulated simpleton Is not so simple as Bho seems, and sho lias ono great advontago over her sisters a considerable knowledge, Innate oroo quired, of the weakness of man. Not for hor tho toil and trouble of dolly lifo. rh Dolphtn't Changing Colorn, It Is a popular imnressji.n among most people that while a dolnhln Is in its death struggle it changes color to almost every huoof tho rainbow. While making a trip by wntcr from New York to New Orleans a few months ago, says a traveler tn tho St. Louis Republic, tho mate of the vessel caught a dolphin early ono morning, and tho passengers were summoned on deck ib seo it chango color ns It lay gasping In the agonios of death. Tho colors were certainly very beaut Iful, but not nearly as vivid as had been expected. These fish nro not especial favorites from a gastronomic point of view, being rather dry and tasteless. Tho 0110 caught by tho mate was fried for breakfast, the cook taking tlio precaution to put a sil ver lmlf-dollnr In tho pan while cook ing It, to make suro that the flsh had not been feeding on something poison ous, which Is said to lie sometimes the ease. If the silver becomes tnrnishod, It would not be safo to eat tho fish. Short In Stature. A family of dwarfs has been living at Applecross, in tho west of Uosshlre, Scotland, for over half a century. Mary r'lnlnyson, 0110 of them, died there recently, Sho wns tho youngest of tho family, which consisted of her self nnd two brothers, nnd had reached the ago of slxty-llvo years, Tho mem bers of tho family ary in height from three feet to three ni one-half foot and have appeared lieforc tho queen nt frequent Intervals during the past forty years. Hiiro to See f)Mii'1tn. "They say it's a sign of llrlght's dis- enso for a man to see specks," said Illcks. "Heaven help the man who marries a Boston woman then," said Dawson. Life iwtiiirciii 50 PIECES In fancy figures, plain and tire line at NJ,c. 50 pieces of Scotch zepher, ginghams in stripes and I'laids worth 10c -12J., the entirtjline at 7c. 50 pieces of assortment of dress goods worth 125, '60, 32 and .'55 cents- we are offering theentire line nt, ..J yard. 1,000 pieces of Lounsdale cambric worth 12c, now 10c. Call fw our W 13. corset, best in the country. Call for our No 410 extra long waist, best $1.00 corset in coun try. Don't fail to examine our new earlv fall rfre tm,iu at the DRTGOODSCa W. L Douclas "S C V UrllV IS THE BEST. VJ lnW NO SQUEAKING. 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH& ENAMELLfD CAJX ' 4.3.5PFlNECAif&rftNaAraa 3.?P P0LICE.3 Soles. EXTRA FINE. "'5 2.l. BoysSchodlShdes. LADIES rt4Ox9 il7S SEND FOR CATALOGUE WL.DOUGLAS BROCKTON. MASS. iju run ftnvr mnnpy by purrhnalnc W, L Domrlun Sho oh. Because, we nre the largest manufacturers of mlvcrtiscrl shoes in the world, and guarantee the value liy st.impiiiK the name ana price n the boUom, which protects you against hiffh prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every where ut lower price for the value iriven thnn auyother make. Take no substitute. If your UHtlll JUll, wk KHH. DUiU DJ J. D. Blanton. Ashevillp. Enock Rector !& Co., Marshal!. -K1IS 1 TYLER'S FAMOUS ROLL CURTAIN DESKS. NEW STYLES. Our mammoth ciitalntrue of llnnlc ('onnlpm n-NHH. ana other Ollice FurMlnre fur iwk 'jiv ri IX'NhK. 4 litilrs. TiiIiIi-n. Hook AtwcN, i:ie ami ut iimirhleNM iiriecs, foi tlt' IUNI (.omit minle. HANK COUNTERS TO ORDER TO FIT ANY ROOM. .iMilosrne im Semi l'.'i- to cover pout ago TYLER OFFICE FIXTURE CO., NT. l.OI IN, MO. THE PEEK FOR SMOKE MANUFACTURED BY Vetterlein Bros., PHILADKLIMIIA, I'A. AND BEST H (0 w 0 z 0 (0 Beware of Imitations, original. Made only by Taylor Blffr. Co., St. Lwnta VITAL TO MANHOOD. ..PJ-J5- " wt iy NKRVK AND BRAIN TREAT-Ml-.NT, n aiim-Mi' tor llj-ntorln, Ululuem, T1H, Nnu nilRin, HwiilRc ho, NorvniM 1'ro.t ration cauned by 11I00I10I or tolmrno, WiikofutaOM, Mental DeprOMlon, Son wilnit of liraln, rnunliii luwinlty, miner?, d!T, ilralh, I'ri.nintiire OM Ao, linrrnnnoM, oi oi rowi.r In nn h,.r m, IinnntMirgr, Loucorrhaia anil all rmnnlH neilRlll-flNBt,. llivnllintnrv luu u.,arn... torrlio-n inn-nl liy over-omrtlon of brain, Helf jiiuno, ovcT-ln.lnli'Hm-o. A nionth'ii treatment, f I, B tor tt, by mall. With m-h nnler for 6 boien, with fnwtlli.01111 wrlttoniruiirnntei'tori'fuuil If not onreil i 'Klrantri'ii IkminI by iiuent. WKST'B I.IVKK PII.IJS mi ir Slrk ll'alicli, liliiouane-a, Liver Complaint. Sour Stomach, li.vieiiia anil OoaiUnaUua. UUAUANTLLH Issued only bj T. C. Nmlth, DruffKlM. Public Rqunre. Aihevllle, N C Le IS Kiln a '?" "J'"'1 ' ! - " w 1 - thi-mlliew-, or liie liAniln.Uhn.rf Or. r" siMit., rpiiinvfl ita rliuig of rtitt er niKiwtiu., ti.eminu or (mlaonotu mtti loin, w I Uk.n IbtoTDaUv. IHlua UMMt AS A PREVENTIVE by eiiuor nrnt It li ImpoMiihlttooontnvt nnv vmrreni hut l tha f n ii -i lhoBalrosvlrUirotmTL Arrurrsvf m M. m witlttlonorrtio'sianil (tlnat. wiMr4ii 12 TT TC Ym IT ' C",r' mfcil.port-fti., LADIES no xou know mj TO fcsj (HI EflfcSiO IN H lT5k.iirioiTwiju.Yii' k. u Me anre tn get thi GlG DR. FttlX LE BRUM'S steel gi pehuhl pills nrotlioorinlnnl nnd only FUKNCll, anfenrjd ro liable earn on the mttrknt. I'riun $1.1X1; ouut bit tuuil. Uonuine oulil oulj by T. Ct BinUli, DruKKlat. OF LAWNS. in striDes. worth 1 9Mo ,.. r L PiUMT- J D (TNDFR nniniHTn ACTI CDZX LESS TEAS 61.26 PB 0AL, I5.i "1? M'. ' ,or u" yirs -until tliev retired from hi,rM. Th-y coiisnlertd it the DR, T. O. U'liolewle DruiruiKt. SMITH, Asheville, N. C 6-Kiliua Racket Store, 15 South Main St. Wo hnvo ourelcariinco pule every day of tlio yonr. As pooh ns we got in our buts, flowern, featbei-H and orim nieiits earlier in the spring, we at once commenced our 'lfirance 6ale, and now Hum mer is about ended and Iho goods all gone. In a short time our fall goods will be in and v at once knifo thiu to the core and the clearance sale is on until all are i-old. and you get the advantage of the low price all through the w ason. You do not have to wait until the season is over to get what you want cheap. We expect to make our store headquarters for writing paper, iDks, pons aud pencils, sewing thread, knit ting thread, sewing and wash embroidery, t ilks, zeph ers, yarns, knitting wools, ribbons, art needle work. In In fact no department shall lag or fall behind any in town. J. M. 8TONER, Mkv. -1