THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. It's Settled, Tariff Question; Merchants' Sanguine Confidence Restored; Good Times Ahead, A. T THE- Baltimore Clothing, Shoe and Dry Goods Company. 50 PIECES OF LAWNS. WedneiHy Buying, September 12, 1894, NEW FALL GOODS New novelties in fall dress goods, new full goods. New dress goods just received. The newest, the prettiest, the most fashionable selected dress goods ever nhown to the public of Asheville, and you will find we are showing a full complete line of English storm serges. A full complete line of Plunder dreas goods, Iiioadt loths, ladies' clothes Call aud examine our new fall got do Nw goods N w goods. New goods. THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND DRY GOODS CO. IO -L3VID 12 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE. WANT COLUMN WASTED. w ANTKD A piano for I" months. Apply nt WaNTKl-A loan of on (sill edge collateral. Addrtss "11," Citien Office. o-.sdwcd.NisaUt! W ANTKD A position In n Innk in Asheville lv a yoiiliK 111:111 having twenty (20I years experience in n bank at the Noith. Address if ldiiu X. Y. I.. Thin llllicc. 1OSITl()N WANTKD Clerkship or liullt wot k uf some kinil wauled I ; a yomiK mall, Kood eilucalioil ami euod reference. Address "BAUM." n-7dlw Citizen Oincc. W ANTKD Small tract land, e,ood water and tinilier, desirably situnlcd, within J to 5 miles of city. Price must lie low and term easy. I lescrilie fully, location, etc. A. JAMKS, a-udiw 05 Gwinnett, St., Savnnnah, Ga. W ANTKD In order to introduce our work, and secure agents everywhere, we will dye ft coat, vest or pants for any one in the t'nited States free of charge. In sending (roods by return mail, please send stamps for return postage. Address Harris Steam Dye Works, 314 South Illount street, Kaleigh, N. C. fOR fiJ-.NT. RKNT A .vroum cottaRe. Short walk from court square. ulit UKAKDHN, RANKIN & CO. 1cir Kl', NT Store with dwelling attached lor rent at ltiugluim Mciuhls. Reasonable terms apply MO. 30 bTARNKS AVK. S-ludlf IJOR RKNT A 3 story store house corner . North Main street and Merriuton avenue. Upstairs suitable for family. Apply to 6-;dtf T. V. MAI.I.OY, First National Bank. IOR KKNT No. 3q. South Main street, a splendid store room, good local ion. Apply to C. S. COtll'KR, S-jstltr 67 N. Main St. IOR KKNT From October 1st, to Mav 1st, 1S.J5, one of the most conviently located resi dences' in Asheville; 17 rooms. 1'rivate family prelerred. Apply to "X .." 9-imliw This Office. FOR RKNT OR SAI.K An eight room house with ten acres ol land, live in grass, near Bingham Heights. Itarll and stable on place. Apply on tile premises or at S-isdimo NO. (WWOODI'INST. IiTkNISHIil) ROOMS-Aftel September 1st piirties desiring furnished rooms can lie ac commodated at J3 College street. One square Iroin the court house. Hot anil cold baths Iree. V7tl.iw MRS. MAR V MONTGOMKRY. IOW KKNTTo a small nice family, uliotit Oct. 1, house of eight rooms, owner to re tain two rooms. Convenient locality, water and sewer connections. Address with icfert me OPPORTUNITY, 9-ludlf Citizen Office. JIOAtUJVG HOARDING Willi private family. Lnrge pleasant rooms, rales reasonable. Apply 8-i4illlll 8 STARNKS AVK. (1ASTI.K R KST Hirst-class boarding house, J Centrally located. No. l Grove slreet. 4-lodtf MRS. SC1UKRMKISTKR. lOARl One large double, and one single MM room just vacated at MRS. 1. A. I.KK'S, 16 flint St. 9-iodtf 1()AR1)ING At Oak Terrace, 04 Hills street, on Lookout mountain electric car Ine. Larue grounds and plenty of shade. Terms from $5 to S7 tier week. -I3dlf MRS. M. K. HILL. BOARD For two. Pleasant room, good table bath, large verandah, ample, well shaded grounds, convenient to postoffice. Address with reiereuce, "hksikaui.iv o-iidtf Citizen Office. DOAkDKKS seekinc rest and nuiet call find -t it at "llounicastle," the private residence of tins a. Aliiier on LooKout Ml., aiineeno 01 me car line. The house Is full today, but there will lie three vncaut rooms tomorrow. Everything new and inc. o.iodiw MISCELLANEOUS. fOR 8AI.K Kight neat poplar tallica, turned X legs, suitnble for dry goods, etc., size 4H feet by jo iuchea wide, KNO.I IRK, o-odjl Citizen. TkTOTICK By virtue of the power in me vested oy a certain een 01 irusi nmac ana exe cuted to the undersigned as trustee bv I. B. Bostic and wife, B. P. Bostic, liecriug date the iSth day or December, I8)i, to which reference Is hereby made as the aiune aDtiears of record in hook 27 at pages 350 et. sen,., fit the ofliee of the Register of Deeds in and for the county of iiiinconuie lor lull particulars, to secure certain indebtedness therein mentioned, and default having lieen made iu the provisions aud condi tlouaofsaid deed of trust, and haviug lieen re. quested by the cestui que trust therein named to execute the power ot sate contained therein, because of such default. I will sell at Dliblic auction at the court house door in the city or Asue.ineni lao ciocK 111 , on iwotuiav, ine tun Uarof October. ttvii. to the highest bidder for. cash the property conveyed In said deed of trust; ine name oeinv an unamvmeu one-mini Interest in and to what Is known as the Walsh land lying near the northeast portion of the city of Asheville and near Runset Drive, and the other two-thlrda of which la owned by Thos. I. Johnston, J. G. MKRRIMON, o-Sdiod Trustee. PtTB Rsjaaoitt Wnl You Should Tiki TbbCitixin 1. It Print! the News. 3. It Writes It Own Bditoriala. 8. It I the Beat Local Taper Ever Printed In W. N. C. 4. It Printa the Latest Telegraphic Newa Prom All the World. B. It HelicTea la Aahcyille Alwara. To at) at or IT IB A NBW8PAPBR. HAT TOO THOOOUT (IF IT li Dollar Will Oct It For a Year, and If Yoa . - Utc in Aaherllle It Will Be UeUTcred at Yonr DoorBrery Bvenn A FIGHT TO THE DEATH. The Thrilling Incident In the ( ureer of Adm. lllake. Aftor serving his country for ninny yciirs, liotlt o html iiml son, it was not until ho wus ovor Ufty-tix yours of u'o. Unit Adm. llliiko wus frlvcti the I'oiu uinnil of 11 licet nt sou. The expedition of which lie wus in etinryc wus sent to operate atfiiinst the Spunlsh. It was tit Muhitfiv, where IlluUo dostroyoii tlio combined Hoots of Spain nnd I'ortiifful. On his rot urn to Kiilund ho wus hon ored with the title of wnrilon of the Cllnqne ports. It was but 11 short time aftor his .success in unniliilutiiir the nuvy of both Spain and I'ortutfal that hostilities commenced between V.n irlnnd ti lid llolhind, which hud been measurably brought on by dUUUe to the Dttteli, us well us 11 wish to hiimil lule them mid destroy u rtvul upon tlie sea. H was Hluke of all others of the. naval heroes who was selected and in vested with the command of the forces Utfuinst Holland. Hostilities soon commenced, and Hluke found himself opposed by the most celebrated udmiralof thoiiffo.Van Tromp, at the bond of one of the linest equipments thut had ever been sent out by the first nuvul power of the world. Vuu Tromp appeared in the Kiitflish channel with forty sail of men-of-war, and, by way of defense anchored in Dover rouds. The Ueet under lllakc's command consisted of onlv twenty eltfht when he loft (irnvesond. Never theless, lilukc udvuucod lit once. Van Tromp welched anchor at his advance, lioth tlip'ts at once bewail firliifr, then ranged tliemselves in order of battle. A desperate fifflit ensued, which con tinued from 4 o'clock in the afternoon till nijrht, nnd the result of which was thut the Dutch, lifter Instil)? several ships, thoii)ht proper to retreat. The next nll'alr with the Dutch in which Hluke was onncd took place in November followiti). Van Tromp havtnj largely increased his force, hav intr seventy men-of-wnr and sixty-five ships, wus seeklnp; to find Hluke near the Downs, and he did. Itlalte's force then scarcely exceeded half that of his opponent, but, not williiijr to retreat, he ileterminod to try once more whut the sii)eriority of his sailors eould do under so iincqnul a strife. The conse quence wus thut lifter 11 conflict from eitfht in the mortiiii)r till nl-lit, lilako found himself compelled to seek refuse by suilinu; up the Thumcs. The loss of life In this terrlfiu encounter wus im mense. Although the circuinstuiiees were such as to remove from it all dis grace, Hluke felt the discomfiture of retreat most severely, especially us It wus followed by the Dutch admiral, who Immediately made his way around the Knilisli const, lieur ing a broom fastened to his inain topmast, to signify thut lie hud swept the sen of Kritish ships. When Hluke sailed from tiravesend on this, his last coccasion, he had u fleet of sixty inon-of-wnr,well equipped and manned. Very soon ho found his old adversary, with seventy men-of-war and three hundred sail of mer chantmen under convoy, Tho battle this time was fur more obstinate than any thut hud yet been fought between England nnd any other power. It wits a light to the death of one or the other as a naval predominancy of the sen. For three days and nights the two fleets "hunjr together in embrace," Bulling up the channel side by side, never for a moment intermitting their Arc; boardinj whenever 11 n opportu nity Could be glvon, "hand to hand and mau to man," when, at lust, on the fourth day at tluylir-ht tho Dntoh, having- lost eleven of their men-of-wnr anfl nearly all of their merchant ships, and flutlinp; thut only one of the Kiifjlish wus destroyed, (avc tip the fight and took flight (or the coast of Holland. This disastrous engagement with Blake did not deter Von Tromp from trying Issues with him again, as lie sailed forth, but with less force, to con test superiority. Several other engage ments took place between the two ad mirals In tho course of a year, and the result, upon the whole, was decidedly In favor of Hluke. Having thus asserted the domain of England over tho seas, Hluke ruturned to receive tho honors bestowed upon Mm. lllake wus given a sent in parliament, but was not long allowed to remain In tills to htm an idle honor. Again ho was dispatched with a fleet to the Med iterranean to chastise Spuln for certain insults which that power had offored to the English flag. In this expedition ho acted with his usual ability, lie after engaged in an enterprise against Tnnppi n with great bucccss. While on widrf this particular service lie was timen 111, u ml stiiled for Kngland. His life was fast ebbing, and his wish to die on Kn glish soil was granted by one hour on ly, lie expired while on his ship in Plymouth harbor, August 27, 111.17. A mugnlllccut public funeral fol lowed, and his remains were placed in Westminster Abbey, in testimony of the grief of ihiglauil for the loss of her greatest defender; but it was among the many disgraceful incidents of tho restoration that Hlakc's remains were removed, nnd interred in St. Margaret's church, Koiidon. Nothing, however, done to his remains could remove his glory from the page of Knglish history us having ilrst taught Kuglishiiien that daring contempt of danger which they have so often shown. So honored is this celebrated hero that I do not know of a period when there has not been a great s'lip bearing his nume, just us the great battleship wo saw recently visiting our owu waters honors this renowned admiral. William II. Jenkins, in llultimore American. A NEW GAME NEEDED. Why Whist llus Censed to lie Iteereiillon fur Mmt of I s. The people who used to play whist, the old-fashioned whist, enjoyed tho game and cherish pleasnnt rcoollcc tionsof the evenings whlled awny by this pastime, says the Indianapolis Journal. These people do not lay whist nny more. H by chance three of them tire gathered together the needed fourth is sure to be n disciplomt tin- new system; ho plays "scientific" whist und scorns their huphuzurd meth ods. He may be too well-bred to speak his contempt, but ho mnkes it felt; it envelops him us a cloud; it Is visible in his nir of patient endurance nnd the sud drocp of his eyelids. Tho old-fashioned player feels his Inferior ity nnd loses Interest In tho game, but at the sumo time cherishes n secret be lief that the devotees of the new uud "improved" system do not got the en tertainment out of it that he once did out of what wus then considered a highly-dignified and respectable gmnc, but vli'"h Is now condemned us "bum blepuppy." The players now proceed as if per forming a solemn rite; they have 110 appearance of enjoying themselves, but are serious of countenance und subdued in manner. A blunder, a departure from. the lixed law of the game, sub jects the unfortunate perpetrator te looks of dlsdnin, if not to outspoken contumely, which is crushing to all but tho most hardened. It Is "scientific" nnd "intcllectuul," 110 doubt, ns its fol lowers declare, but why continue to cull it n game or n pleasing pastime? Do tho people who tnku pleasure iu nny pursuit or recreation ever hold a "con gress" over it? They hud a whist con gress in Philadelphia recently, and tho players sat about tho tables in a si lence so solemn and oppressive Hint tho scratching of a mutch was a startling noise, Not a man Would have dared to speak aloud. There miry be a deep nnd exqnlsito joy in this. sort of thing, tut It is hidden from the majority of people, who prefer to tuke their pleas ure less seriously. Tho new whist is too profound for them, but the old game Is probably forever done awny with. What is needed is a substitute something which will while awny an hour for weary people who do not feel cquul to intellectual exertion nnd do not Und recreation in feats of memory. Curious European I.lbel Suit a. A curious and Interesting libel suit Is, says the llerlin correspondent of tho London Dully News, pending against two newspapers, one ut Home und the other at lionn. A Cnthollo priest at Kribnrg, in Switzcrlnnd, lately refused to allow u lady to piirticlputo in holy communion. Tho olfcntled lndy brought tin notion against hint fordum aging her reputation uud demanded four hundred pounds as compensation. The Swiss court, however, rejected her claim. Tho above mentioned papers, In reporting tho csne, denounced tho lndy us a grand mistress of a lady's lodge, nnd added that this lodge had nccepted tho sutun worship imported from America and "Dovll's Mass" In stituted by Grand Muster Uolbrook, at which thu host used has boon stolen from a church aud is perforated bv dagger thrusts, or is black 'and dedi cated to Lucifer. lie "1 don't like cranky women. I wunt a wife who will tie easily pleased." She "Don't you be appre hensive, brother; that's tho sort you'll iret."-lIullo. GREAT SUMMER SALE Is still going on. Having still quite a variety of desirable goods on hand which we do not wish to carry over, we will plare the same on the bargain counters throughout our store at prices that will never again prevail. 100 pieces of the well known brand of bleached domestic. Fruit of the Loom, c:. per yard; 1 ,000 pieces of Plautei s brand, yard bleached doniMic worth 8c , 5c. per yard 1 OOQpimw of A A yard wide unblei?ch d domtir, worth Gc , 5c. per yard. OF GENERAL INTEREST, The first oil well in America was discovered on a small mountain farm in Wayne county, K v., in the your 1S:!9. John Dennis, a laborer, was sent to Jail for seven days for the theft of a farthing from the till of u bar in Lon don. New Hampshire was formerly called IiUcniu. It received its present name in is:.".l, being Ilrst called New Hump shire by dipt. John Mason, who had been a resident of Hampshire, Knglund. Coul is not forming, the natural growth of wood is quite iiisullieient to supply the demand for fuel and the colli mines will be eventually emptied. Scientists say electricity will tuke Its plueo. According to the tenth census ol the t'nitcd Stales the Indian popula tion, exclusive of tho Indians of Alaska, was Vt'.i,'.'73; the report of tho commissioner of Indian affairs for lS'JU gives the Indian population, exclusive of the Alaska Indians, as LM'.l,:irU. In Texas and Arkansas the tem perature, on thu "d of July, wus "higher thun ever before recorded," maximum temperatures of lint degrees occurring ut Korl Smith und Sun Antonio, und 103 degrees nnd (.H de grees ut 1'nlestine und Corpus Christi, respectively. The children In a North Atchison neighborhood arranged to give 11 1110- nugerie recently and one procured u trained rut, und another u trained eat, nnd another a trained dog. The trained cat was buried in the morning, with Un trained rut inside it aud the trained dog was being chased. Klvimt and Klmira I'ife, twin sis ters, who will soon celebrate their eighty-third birthday in l'otersboro, N. 11., have never ridden on a railroad train, and declare they never will. At the ago of fourteen years thev entered tho employ of u local manufacturer, on whose pay-roll they remained for sixty years. -"Yon tire never too old to ride a bicycle," says a professor of the 11 i t of bicycling. I hero tire bicyclers who ore between til) und 70 yours of age, und I can tell you of some who are over so. fine of the best bicyclers in town bus got beyond his 05th birthday nnd he is buhl as a drum, too, but cau boat most riders of 'JO or 30. An old wag on his machine scooting uloiia a level road under a full head of wind is 11 sight to behold." X. Y. Sun. GLASS IS NEGLECTED. Much I.HlMr and Attention Needed to Mnko it Ilrllllunt. (Mass does not often meet with the delicate attention thut It deserves, nnd this notwithstanding that really brii liuntly burnished glass makes a most striking show upon nny table. Warm, but not hot, wnter should be used for glass. A wooden bowl is snfer thun a china one, nnd should be kept scrupulously elenn with rinsings of sodu und hot wuter. Every cloth wherewith to rub the gluss must be us soft us soft enn be nnd ns dry. Unless tho polishing cloth be really dry the glass does not tuke nny brilliancy, rub us you may. Ammoniu, rock suit nnd tea leaves put into a decanter with some warm wuter, nnd vigorously shaken up and down, are effective in dispelling the of fending stuins. If the shuking does not prove sufficient the decanters or bottles should be left to stand all night, filled with water und nmmoniu. Long, narrow champagne glasses, flower (especially specimen) gluscs re quire more frequent ablutions than the open form of glasses. (ins globes require tin especially dras tic treatment, und are only cured sometimes of an obstinate dimness by being placed In 11 saucepan nenr, not on the fire, with u liberal supply of patent soup powder or soda thrown into tho hot wuter. Servants who put their gluss on the table at tho Inst moment are wise if they wear soft wush-louthcr gloves. Ucntlcwomiin. Johiiuy'H Theory, MUlo Kthel I wonder why men like to tnlk ubout their old schooldays? Llttlo Johnny I s'poso after they get growed up they is always tryin' to find out where the teacher lives, so they enn lick him. Hood News. KlKht In Ilia Una. Vnn Cortland - How odd that tho law ycrwho secured Mrs. Hueon'i divorce should marry her! Miss Hrlghtly-Not at nil odd. A more mutter of Muiucr with him. Truth "A LITTLE NONSENSE." -"Kiss me," he said. She kissed him. "Thank yon," he murmured. "Don't mention U." she whispered. Indianapolis Journal. Spencer "Miss Whistle tolls me that Iter father wus u much-traveled man of letters." Ccrgllson "So he was. He hud the biggest delivery of nny postman in the procinet." X. Y. Herald. l'ipnin "1 don't understand how liraee manages to dress as well as ho docs." l'otts "Nothing could be sim pler; he pawns his old suit for money enough to make a deposit on a now one." Truth. Huron Nuthaniol Itothschild, of Vienna, has conceived the generous idea of giving his famous castle of Keloh enau, near Vienna, to the warministry for transformation into an usyltuu for invalid otlleers. Cause und Effect. I've rowed her all tho afternoon. With ours In time und hearts tunc; My lips huve. oven UNseU hers. I know what I sball have to p.iy; Although 'twas only bliss to-ilay To-morrow 'twill he blisters. "Thcre'sone thing I hope," was tho bitterly spoken remark of the boy who had been subjected to paternal disci pline. "What'.''' asked the neighbor boy. "That when my grandfather licked father fur goin' swiinmin' he done it good." Washington Star. A Husiness (tirl. "I f i ml you are not the girl for me," ho faltered, cringing before the scornful glance of the telephone operator, to whom he hud plighted his troth, "liing oil', then, please!" she exclaimed, extending her had, not without u show of petulance. l'uck. Mrs. l'eastraw "Land sukes, Mrs. Outouke! What do you mean by talk ing such gibberish'.'" Hrs. Oatcake "We'utis is goin' teli Itci'ii bolulors (lis sumiuoh, tin' wo'tius wauls toh have a diiileok toh please tin with. I lurncd mine frum them nir inaggyzinc stories, I did." Harper's Polluted the Water Supply. Jus tice "Mr. Prisoner, ycut are charged in this complaint with vagrancy. What huve you boon doing for the past few weeks'.'" Trump "Nothing more thun, wandering in Jumucia, Hempstead und vicinity, your honor." Justice "And whut has been youroccttpat ion iu those three weeks'.'" Tramp "Just dabbling my feet in the streams mul nrooks, ycr honor." Just ice I with whom mem ory is painful) "Dabbling your feet, eh? That accounts for tho pollution of Hrooklvn's water supply. Six months in tho pcuitentiury." Urook Ivn Eagle. Keep Moving. An exchange prints 11 fnblc adapted to hard titnos. It is mount to do good, and In furtherance to thut end it is here reprinted. Two frogs fell into a creum pitcher. After n few unsuccess ful attempts to jump out, one of them gave up. "It's no use," he said. "We may as well die und bo done with it." "Not so," answered tho other. "You mny do us yon like. I shall keep jump ing ns long us there is any life in me. Who knows but something will turn up?" This speech put new heart into frog Number One, und both begun to try harder thuu ever to reuch tho top of the pitcher. The natural result followed. The cream wus presently churned to but ter, whereupon the frogs got on topof it. nnd the next moment were out of prison. Youth's Companion. rttint .Muria'-'Are you sure that Mr, Spoonsr loves you?" Curric "I guess you would think so, to hour the silly things he says tome." AuntMuriu "Hut how do you know you love him? Currie "llecnuso they dou'tscein silly to inc. nt-liits. "I should think you would be an unwelcome visitor at tho houses where you call," suid the philosopher to tho bill collector. "You would think so, but it doesn't appear to mo to be so." "It doesut? No; I in generally in' vited to cull nguln." X. Y. Tribune. An Oriental exhibitor wished to an nounce to customers that purchases would huve to remain with him until after tho juries of award hud mndo their announcement, and placarded this: "Hoods sold will not be delivered until Jutlgmentduy," Harper's Drawer. Cnrlylo lay awake all night on nc oount of the cock crowing In his neigh bor's barnyard; but when tho neighbor reminded him that tho cock did not crow onco all night long, the Scotch man answered thut he lay awake every momont expecting him to crow the next. In fancy figures, plain and in stripes, worth 12c, the en tire line at 50 pieces of Scotch zepher, ginghams in stripes and plaids worth 10c.-12c, the entirelme at 7c. 50 pieces of assortment of dress goods worth 25, .'50, 32 and -'55 cents, we are offering theeutire line at 20c. per yard. 1,000 pieces of I. ounsdale cambric worth 12c, now 10c. Call for our W. 15. corset, best in the country. Call for our No 410 extra long waist, best $1.00 corset in coun try. Don't fail to examine our new early fall dress goods at the W.L.Douclas CI CUnLT 18 THE BEST. gnULl NO SQUEAKING. 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH A ENAMELifO CALF. H.'3.5-0 RNE CALF&KAN6AR0B 3.yP0LICE,3 SOLES. 42so.2.W0RKINGMen5 extra fine. 2.I.7Boys'SchoolShoes. LADIES' 3'$z-BestDNG0'-. itNLJ rUK (.AlALUbUt WL DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Vuu cun hutp money by piirrbaniog W. L. Doiiitlnn Shm-Ma because, we me the lamest manufacturers of advf.-rttM.-4 shoes in the world, and guarantee the value by slampitiK the name ana price on the bottom, which protects you against high pines and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every- where at lower prices ior me wuue Riven man anv other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we cau. Sold by J. D. Blanton, Asheville, Enock Pectori&i Co., Marshall. TYLER'S FAMOUS ROLL CURTAIN DESKS. NEW STYliES. Our mammoth I'lituln'rup of llnnh ConiiH'ra, lli'NkH, and oilier Olfuc Flirnlllin- for lx'.t 'i:v rt-nriv. OfMliN, 4'tinlrN. Tahl'N. ItooH :':iM', mul nt miiK'lilraN rli -N, fci lh IW't Umm!m Hindi'. DANK COUNTERS TO ORDER TO FIT ANY ROOM. I'ntnloKiM Suitl l'2ii to cover iistii(;c. TYLER OFFICE FIXTURE CO., NT. I.OI IM, MO. THE PEER FOli 5c. SMOKE MANUFACTURED BY Vetterlein Bros., PHII.ADKU'HIA l'A. AND H (0 w 0 H Br ware of imitations. Origin hI. Made only by Taylor Mfff. Co., Ht. I-u1s VITAL TO MANHOOD. Pn, O. WKST'H XEHVti AND 11KA1N TREAT- MI'.NT, h spm'tnV for ll)-trln, Dtxzluw. Fits, Ntm rnlttm, Hcuilut'hn, Nrvitun I'roxtrattnn cawed by nil. "hoi (irtnbiuvo, WfikcfulrjeHfl, Mental Peprewlon, Nofh'iitnir of Hriiln, cnuMlna iiinnnity, minory, ileeny. .h'lilli, l'rcmtituru Old Atf BftrnmuHM, Lor m I'-iwcr hii'.tlii'r khi, lmrmtimcy, LvucnrrhtPft and all Ft'iunlt V'iikuinnii., Involuntary Lowon, Spernin torrhu'ti niiMMl by nvor-nxurlton of brain, Hflf-nUi'-r, iivtr-Iiidult:int'tt. A mouth'a treatment, 11, (1 fir f.ri, by mull. W ith each order fop 6 boxw, wtlli fft will wiilton KUiiruntov to rofund tf not curnd. :unrauti-i'Hl-wwlhy luw-iit. WKHT't LIVKRM1.IJS euri'.'Kh'k Hi'iktliM-hp, KilltmwitinH, l.lvor OooipltUut, Siuii Ntmu'i:h, ljHei)laaiid Ooustipatlon. GUAKAMELH luuod only by T C. Smith, Druggist. Publt? Square. Anhcvlllc, N C . m (ifiitiMM "K I IIUMl STX. TO, rentj C RRIIH'X '"" """'"I illincUr In Ihn M ol kl, ftIIVI" W u.odmmiii.iirtliaUeiiili'-UtliiarjrOr. ..,.,1.. rnqmr., no climiff, of diot or nftmroui, inarrnrmi nr Htiionoua iiimi icincto br Ukui liitctuolty Wuun UitXl AS A PREVENTIVE by eilher m It Is tmpmntMn tomnlnct any voncrwiuiMMO; liut In ttiocua of thMBlrMitrUNroiTut.TiLr Aiructio t TT 3 Ki tM a our. Prim hy maII, prwUf lu. LADIES 1M VOU KNOW " DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S STEEL PHD PEBHYROYHL PUIS urn f ho nriuliml mul only 1'1IK,N(!II, wifnuud ro liabloenro mi tlm innik.'l. I'riooAI.tlU; avut by Diuil. Utinuiiiii oold otil) by T. C. Smltli, Drug;grlt. to mp " sis BEST IN H Be sure to get the 2 Answers. What is the difference between a sallow skin, dull eyes and fad ed cheeks, and a ruddy complex ion, bright eyes and rosy cheeks ? There are 2 answers : 1st Answiir : All the difference In theworhl. One is ugliness; the other is lieituty. 2ni Answer: 2,1 cents difference I'nr 2S cents will secure a three weeks treatment (two different medicines! which will corect your disordered liver, banish all poisonous hile, purify your blood, stimulate appetite, tone up the nerves, and make a new creature of you. This is a famous remedy, and while perfectly harmless, it nev er fails. It is made of the purest preparations. Ask your drupgist for Ramon's Tonic Liver Pills. Two medicines and two boxes for only one price. A sure cure for Constipation and Biliousness. BOLD IN ASHEVILLE BV DR. T. O. SMITH, Wholesale nnd Hetuil. V. c, Cunnichiicl, Worthcn & Co., lleinitsh K: Kotiuuu, Knysorci Smith. Racket Store, 15 South Main St. Our goods are coming iu. Too busy to write ads. un til we get them opened and in the shelves. J. M. STONEK, Mr. Remember our 4-4 Sea Is land Finish Sheeting At 5c. yard.

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