THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Wednesday Evening, September 12, 1804 r 12 .SlU1--- AROUND TOWN. PMHtON4l.LV Hl'KAKIIMi. Washington, dpt. l'J Fonxast till N p.m. I burstluy: .smiuv,,- uoruicusur ly wimln. The heavy rain vi'slonliiy was fol lowed by much cooler weather Uilay. Acting Mayor Hull litanl one ease this iiwriiiuu anil the oliiiulcr kjs seat to the mails for ISO 'lavs. The entertainment Riven Siluiit.iy eveniuu; at tlie Liluaiy is to be upiateil next Monday evening. Congressman Crawforil came in yes terday ami staved over to hear Senator Ransom speak today. The Lutheran church services will lie eoiuluett'il Sunday in Lveeum hall, north Court l'lace, by Kev. W. 0. Si-liaiiTcr, 1. 1., ol S.ivatin ill, who will preach at 1 1 a. in. J. N. lioliannoii. a Hickory knight ot the L'vin. eaiiie up estenlay. lie says the speech ot Senalo- rv.msom in the lliekory ii'.'iia house .Monday cviiiin; was the Imest he ever heard. The lair hut nllil at Kenil.vorth lot the beuelit ol the Swunnaiioa countrv e'ul) was a su.eess. Tun Citi.i;n vill tomorrow Kive the details ot this charm ini; all.iir. incUidini; a brief allusion lo Hill Nye's part. kobert V. Miller wiil lead the divi -tional mi-elm,' of the Youn;; People' Society ol Christian Kmh-avor of the First Presbyterian church in the lnluri room of the church this evening at o'clock. All younj; people invited. A large number o'' Odd Fellows Iro n Canada nml the Northern States wiP arrive in Ashevi'le Fiiday afternoon at t o'clock, and will remain until lothai my'iit. The local Odd Fellows willjjvc the uuests u carriage drive to Vander hilt's and luuchcoii at the Haiterv l'atk. Wilt Aiken, city editor of Tin; Cini;s lelt this allernoon to overtake i ami personallv eonduet when overtaken I tin mad committee that left here vis'.erilay alteruoon. He will tell Crni'N readers all the members of that committee see mid part that they do. Norman C. Mcl.oiid sits in Mr. Aiken's editorial i h.iir iliirinx the hitter's absence. Asheville's new filters have at last been heard trout, and are ixprctcd here in a very few days, comiiii; In' way ol Spartanburg to avoid the tunuils, thrumjli some ol which it was lesired they could nut be irausporied on ac count of their si.'.e. W. Al. Cameron, wilt) will superintend the work of put tiny the lilli is in place, says the lnpis to have the work completed before the fust of Octidier. A number of vounj; Lubes arrive I u. terday to lie p-csenl at the opinim,' "I I lie term of Ashevillc I'enia'e college to morrow ni'iniiiri;. Those vlii came were Miss Maine Allen, Huston, ace ia panied by her iiiothcr; Missis MaiPliild. Phillips, I'.retney, t'ii ur.ily, Howard and V.incleveot Kiutiiekv; Misses Hull and l. ithatn, Sin iliy, and Miss R.'per, 1. ua inburi:. A laice number came in on .o- day's trains. Mrs. Stiothtr and Mt Nell S.rother, llic latter a the laeulty. arrive I Snndav, and Miss I. ell wich, the re.v vocal te. teller, e one n from X ishville this alteruoon. ii si niVAiii: ii:n lie ami a Culorvd M.n I'iiihuih cl Th I.itttci lit lover II. M. S-.vaiue, the well known pr -pi ietor ol l.oictla Hall ;.t Hot Spvi.i.". diul at that place 1 :st nii;l.t. Alniut oMock isterday aitn noon Mr. Swain was lyiu;; on a be I an 1 called to a cid ored sia vaat lo h'iw hiui a drink from a bottle ol whiskcv in the room, at the s one time telhn.t; liie servant Lo taken rnnk hiiustll. The diink was poured out and jjiven Mr. S.vaitie, wh drank it, and the colored man also took a drink. Within hall an hoar the men were seized with fits and physicians were summoned. Mr. S'.vaiiii', however, w is past help and he dud at M o'clock las nielli. 1 lie colored man will recover. Some cireuuisi auci s lo imvleil '.villi the all or ait tpiujttal. M-. S.vione is said to have lueu disi.ii iti d late y, and i: ts aiso s lid he in-idi iytm.ii ks lo a lriend in which he ntmiaud th-it lie niiht never see the Irieinl an. da. The colored man told Mr. S.vaiuc til u the w hiskev had a diiVcren: tati to what it bad the da v liet'oe. Mr. S.vaine vas a i: I'.iie o! Falkland, but had liciu in Am rie i a numb r ot vears. He was I irnici Iv railroad tratis lir nielli at Paint K ick. His wile sur vives him. Mr. Sw.duc '. -.. in As'ueville, where he had many h iend.-, Monday ol tins 'Villi. t'lrv m-.i.i-.j ivr:s A Line or Two About The I'eopWs Tbev Paiua k. K. Cilhct t is at the I'tikclcy fioin Kichiuoiitl, a. Ii. M. Powell of Chailisloti, S. C, is at the Ashevillc hotel. ConiSMiiaii Thus. Settle came in fiom the cast yciterdav. "Mr. W. II. Powell is back from Ashe villc," savs the Charlotte observer. Kev. Falward S. Jones of Columbia, S. C, is visitnu; Kev. .11. F. Chrciubcrn. Theo. F. Klutlz aiidliimilvof S disbury came up ou a visit to Ashevillc yesterday. At the llerkelev: I.. Vass ai d Julius Ii lei ol Cincinnati and M. M. ilessber ol New Vork. Mrs. J. I.. Carroll ol Chapel lliliis visiting her sou, J. 1.. Carroll, jr., ou Chestnut street. Jule S. Kobinson is back at his desk in Collector Carter's office af'er a visit to his home in Franklin. I., T. Kower ot Conuersvi;! -, lnd., and John K. l.ivesav ol K chtnond arc tunonjj the quests ol the waniianua. Sam. L. Adatns, travelira representa tive of the Ualeislt News and Obsi rver. is in Asl eville m the mteiest ol h'spaper( Kev. . S. Woodard, the lVmoeralie .-r the House troui Swain county, is in the citv. eomin over to hear S.-nalor kansoui's speech. Col. C T. C. Ueake ol the Idlewild Fl ral coiupany has "one on a trip to points in Iowa. Illinois and probably .Minne sota, lie will he aivav two or time weeks. Mrs. llarbot and family of Charleston S. C. w ho have been spendinc; si v ral months at llallour, will come to Ashe villc tins week to speml the rem under "i the season. Chief I list ice K C. Ibiakell of the Sti prime court of Alabama, Mis. I'.riiikcll and K C. Uriukell, jr., are lit the S-.vun nanoa, stoppine; here ou their n 1 urn from Haywood county, where they have hem speudi u; the sinniii.-r. Savaninh Ihsna'ch: Master ,M-,uuini: II. licri: I'.as liotic to Ashevillc, where he will remain until the ' peiiipj.' of school Mr. 1. M. Frank lelt tor Kenilworth Inn. Ashevillc, via the Flo ida Central and Peninsular railroad, today. Pr. and Mrs. lohn IU v Williams alii K-iv Williams lift this alteruoon lor New- York, whence thev sail on the Ktiun Saturday for a laoopean tril). Hr. Wil Hams wiil return to his practice herein tew wevks, I at Mis. Williams and Rov will in ike a pri'loued Slav. .v.fc'VJ CAiU'UXA SEWS. NKW YORK. N-:W Y"KK. Sebt. l;. Coltou (Ulur?s olH-lie'l Koely . July, d. ; Auuusl. t. -: SriUeui- ..(.J; iK-lolKrr,; Noveint'er. ti.c-'; oceein tier. t.; lioiiui v, 6.SI; FOituury, ;.N; Match. -; Aplil. May. 7.. STOCK (QUOTATIONS. Nl:w Y"KK, Sept. I -'. Krie, I'.'s.Chieiim mul Norlhwesteru, uiji,; l.nke shore, nr; Noilulk out Weslern jh1: Kiehmoml aua wcsl roiiw Ve-rmiuul, wV, Western t'uiun, n. cmcAc.o. Cuicaoo, Sept l.'. Wheat. Srpt .M' ; torn. pt s-1. : IViK.; Lara, ti pieiuiier, 3 .-; Kill-., Sept., 7.SJ'3. 4SIIKVII.I.K. Ciirmte.i daily by Powell S Siuiler. wholesale ii. I iet:,il euKcrii. These prices are being paid y the uieieliauts of the city tmlny : muter .'J-Apples 1.5"'" -' IS Apples, .men JI35 hiekt-ns le(" n Pumpkins, each in keys :sw lis sorehiun 30 Inu-ks I5"i io Ileeswiix. per lb 20 .itatot'S, sweet luii Honey 10 ilaUx-s Irish.... 4c W heat ,0 in nips 3W40 torn ,v unions 75 .Meal 4 il.l' iee. per lb 1 Oats 4i' IU-an, per tiu....iiHn i.'5 Kye i5 U.S ilay. lei 1011 .su t'liestiiuts Celery, per aoi... 15(140 1NDKX TO NKW AUVHRTISKMKNTS. Cili. i-n Otliee I torn v A l Cooper Vl .oiU.l Thi Office l or Keiil - 1' 0 llox .o I. Sale II I- r.Utoil Sliot - 1 SpunnenW-ti; I 01 S.ito Citi'tii laliee l't iiin-v s c' Ray' l.oo.t floar.l Mis S eiry W litiun l':tpi I Kstal'loook t..rrie- J W I lollinuswol til I. oi I'lieis -w 11 Williamson S; Co (1 OOP IIO K 11 Reasonable rate. MRS. S. THKKY, 101 N. Main St. S-uiltl THey aro A nolnt'!l lor iliw Colin- IV C'011V-11'1HI The k'.pualic.-ius of the city waidshavc appointed dtlcy ilea to the county con vention which is to meet lave Saturday. The first ward meeting was presided over by K. I!. Roberts an. I . P. Wipoatc was secretary. The d' leates arc: li V. Justice, T. . I.of'.ain, R. I!. Roberts, James Iilfilock, . i. t. ove, Prof. I.ij s comb, J. P. Wiiiuatc, Thus Ledbetti-r, M. U lirwin, Jas. Miller. They are in structed to vote for u Republican candid ate for sheriff and Frank A. Fannit".; for register ot deeds. Second ward dilcj.;atcs ate Otto IFd debrnnd, K. T. Ilelote, Jackson Unrein, Levi Hamlin, R. S. Hall and A. Oitmncr Their instructions arc to vote lor Fan llillL'. The delegates from the Third win! are M. 12. Charles, T. 1.. U'atlierwood, II. ii. llrown, John Gaze and II. I.auiai Ciif'ler. Thcfouitl: ward fippoiuud ;is deli eates: Iv. F. Chandlcy, Stanley Forncv ('.. W. Fi-eman, J. . Trc Iwav, . H, Sams, S, llailev, II. S. llaikins, W. T. Land, W, M. Mays, O. W. Cannon, . C. llenniiiHcr, Tims. Iluiuphrics and Chas. Monday. Thev are instructed to vote tor Fanning. WKUIII'.O AX MIUMUHT, 'I d,e t'o'ldsh-ao Kill, s Intvc succeeded in ::..ikii'ie ,;i a liind i I $.".(10 lor the pur h.i'-e ot a miiiiiiment. to be erected over the ji.'vi- ol the Conlederatc soldic a l'o uc killul at the last battle of the w.o, i ;v . 1 1-n villt-. lohnsloiicountv. The 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 1 ! a' 1 1 1 will b. uuvtil-.'d about Octu h.r I. -Kci.e. C. Newton, ,i well known upssi--uarv. w ho was at l. iLtos, Alrica is d'-ad. The death of his wife, w ho w;i al i a missionary, was reported a mouth . I t:cir daueiitcr is lelt, and she will in. i:e liis tnisiouarv work in tilt eihiiif re. Hakcrsullc H.itcrpi isc : One of the iiiisl ai.d lar'-'isl loads ol mica ever nil in P.akersville was lirout;'ut here to .la.-. If. was sent in bv P. 11. Abcrneth hum I'd, ak Mountain, and weighed IMlUI pounds. It was bronchi to Mai. J. 1 Kolisnn. 1 hcic ;ue now S uercs in ciiluia tiou at the Aiieultutal and Mechanic collcnc larni and S.ipei iutcndeiit Skiun savs the crops are the finest ever grow there. The temperature Monday in Ralei was IC, as high as the Inquest i n recoi there ilurimr' September, luesdav it leached IX!, and so broke lac record. The primaries in Wake wire v.atchi d with s.ane interest, to see il thev would show anv lianini; toward Rans in rvis. i hev ilia nut. Mr. J. P MiU'-r, now a i.vacoi t ,i't i lis! ,ro, is lo lie old. liind t Fpise, pal p'iesihooil by Pashi pp L hesl SepleuiPir 'Jo. -S'icria Cook ol ( iiulloi d is a pi -pomic bv t'ec 'in t iceeiverof tht I iuilloril f- ton miils, formerly of the Cronu cotton mills. Tin- Moiitconiirv canveuti n en dorsed I iv, i in in ! r the s'.ioi t li rta and Jarvis fir the l ui.e; tei in m the S.nate. Reports show that the number ol hogs in North Carolina this ear is larger than at anv lime suae the war. The Wayne county Populists and kspilblicaus have fufed on legislative and county ti. diets. Captain F.iward li. Fngclh.ird has resigned as chief p the Raleigh Fire dt p ii tsier.t. l.ncv (' lis (colored) whose ac.e was 1 10 years, died Monday in Nov Hanover count v. tl THE MARKETS. I i i,i, FACT IS W. B. Williamson & Co. .jTJtSa iI is v. - siui: hoards, cninvxwits, HOOK casks. 16 PATION AVE , ASHlViLLf, N C , ' Have received and are offering at low prices new lines of PARLOR SI ITS. DUSKS, ciiAMiim sum:s, J uox iu:is. IJUWUES. .VlR UK NT Hi Sale Ciarinioiit AuMn-s p. u. 1IHX v. I.,'.,. Aslievillt, X. C I usf I-J in- . s't.o A-hcvi'.'.t a pockr-t U,ok contain out fo in mom v. l-ni'lc-l ivill be le iLlilinille to till' 11 oltiee, 'lit Al'ANVKP la a oii.;lc in nl lenir, n, a tnr- ni.liol toom ivitlloilt bo.ilil. Ao lie illi; rent 1" I lit' !. T.." Tin- Ollie '.N"l'l-'l I'lemi lloili or Will p.O II IP ,11 cent-, il rMs bailels iotli iK-a.S an lit- ii one lic.i.l i- eooU. ASIUiVll.I.K Mll.l.lNi'. L'l). :oo,l oul u ii . -l;.,l:l!l 'lllico is no nioic i'!c .i m incn ' l -pciul an alP-liiooii than by ii'litiun Wlllfl lioni i:di JAI.H i ' -.olivil lor ' i.-dlM P. mi. VI. ARC. I-' ' lol -.lie Coatl'i I'd Ti I PIP iNOC. R I'll TVPl-WRll !-R til. ! Kxelniliite - it li !, ,,..1 ' -la ,1111- 1 A-ln Cili.'CII Olll'-e pi- vm! Heli'let lol sua-, or nil r,-n.oii;e W p: p ily. A-Mii I tnrrtllid "I Ml. IP I in A. I . Ji A M.. Wi-ilm- u,.i k nl lliioi .Uulcc. V1--I- ,,:: uvVoiue. p. M. 1. 1 "I'll Ilk. Sic l- ill.'.. llll. I VC.-IIS ohl. .-c lor pail ul loii'li LOCK i:o ' A -la ville. N C. Nol'ICI lao ;i il,-., ! no liulitlili;. Iislnlle. ;iiu -lock .1 po nl anv li. n u ill Pc .il'.oisr.l up. -it Ihc ',. !oi met IV k II.. II II .is tin. w I'-.lfn ' P I '" ! ":1 ' -'I'll.' .V l .. c ccpniu Hi '' havnu -I" . lot w 1 1 tl on iRtnifVU'll. 10 I-, .1.:,.-, !- '1 ' l-lo.t Cllp-,1 I'XAKA .s It e US1-: I a'. I- II. I IVtl'.KR N. I.ANIi 11 IM IM N V. H V. I I" ' Mul . ,.,,'Mv ,! Illy-oti City. N V AN i S.U.K 1 : ill till " :i v'l !t illi hv S-uti. M MiHci .:i-l !!. uxi-l. n -1 in ': ciijiil'f t'uuntv in '-o-ik in liu-t N . -i. i 1 in ilh.'tilv vi -li' llll-l CMlUtti ! . i it il i-l. ;-(. ttcv ol Him Hi' i t .mc .i ml 'I''" ti ll h.t niu In ( n inaiU' ui t'n ,'Uiri! !i -,ii ilrt'.l ill tlu ti in ile-i ;lt lill''lli n .liiu. ill Illi II 11-1 aivl iiUd i ll .Inc. ;ilhl .tiil till- Lin ji:ivini U .! in'! 'Mi ! in l: ii't w i .m'.'iuti iiiL 1!k il'i.l. utK.ii mkU ilfl.iiilt. 1 will -! , ! i. n l r at t !t' i-'-iilt liou-t i it 1 1! A ! 1 1' l ' 1 1' . Ni n 111 I'.iiulill. .ui Mon.!.. tin- i Hi tl.iv ..!' In !;un! a-ill s, I il'fl in au diul hi . Aii'oiinih- iMr laii'N i tlu' f.iRPETI(iS .D RlliS OF ALL liRlDES AXD PRICES. The Whitlock Clothing House, 46 SOUTH Ihivinj;' just returned from the North with a select stock of ready made Clothing for men and boys for this fall nnd winter, we offer them to the public at a small profit. We are determined to sell as cheap as any house in the land for same quality of goods. .Believing that ready made Clothing will bo very scarce this beanon, owing to labor strikes in the manufacturing ilist rictn, we bought early and largely, and are now pre pared to show a complete Hue of men's wear. Our long experience warrants us in promising greater satisfaction to clothing buyers, than any competitor can offer. We invite you to inspect and price our new fall stock NOW 18 THE TIME TO BUY A HARROW BUY THE J 5 EST, Public Coal Chute At old depot where everybody can secure the beat Unrd aud Soft coal. Glean Screened. Host Jcllico Lump, $4.50 I'er Ton llcst Jcllico I. Nut, $ I (10 Per Ton Ilitncouibe Lump, $00 Per Tan Delivered. Car loads or less," at yard or de livered. ASHEVILLE ICE & COAL CO., Tc'cpbvne No. j6 & 40. 3a & 34 Patten Ave. OUR BARGAIN COUNTER. This means our show window. In it you will pee a high grade road wheel in perfect condition, which we are going to sell for $." If you want it you must speak at ouce. Edison Phonograph and Typewiiter Co., :il & U Tattou Ave , At-heville, N. C. BIIVTIVIOIMS Mii.le ol' Spring Steel ami Wioii'ilit Iron. 'oTn i. i'i I'.irk ami H.-u 1 t..mj..uiy. IU iuninu .it a -t.ikr -ilv -i tn t Mi tlu- nut t h lint U- lw 1 11 J. M. Caiiii'l.i 1! ati'l the .hi-i!lf I'.ttkj and llutt 1 ..'tinum . siu -l.i l.fitiii -.ily-si. it ct in 1- M. . .tini-1't 11 li"ttlii-l rmin-r;1 il-o I'fitiK the ll'.llliWf-t i'i u lift ul hi Ni. ; ut ili aun llakfian. -tirvi-vnr, and i nn- willi C.imiii'f Inn- an-! !in .t tin- Aln'ville 1'aik II' li-l;Min'i t;isl tu t to in. till wi -I 1'ni'Hf! i 1 I"! N' . t. Hit i.-'c M.uth s tii-t ', li t to nil alk y; tin il r Miitlt r' ta-l r ct lo n strfkr in :urv. Ku twe tutitlt .s wi -t Ut t llic U-Kiniunu: lfini t!if sum i.iiid coiivt t d tu ru'nbrbl Mi'U i 1v t M CaiiM ,v. TiiS'Sfj't. :- -. 11. 1. 1'AT TON. , i.-ihtu :t Tru-tcc ICK-Slatf ut Noitll Car.iiilia. Ituiit'oinl'i- inly. ii tin. i'""''1 vc-tc.i in inr a" 1 1 utff m a t-i i tain di-fil ul li nt tu ttu c M't'liU'il bv R, Mi'lHint!. I. itc ul th. omnty ot I'.uitfMinlif uinl M.itf ui Ni itli 'iiu.i. en thf tli ila v ct' May, i lu -i t ut t-' Mi-- Carulitu H. Haliaril. tlu- ft liu i;ii" U:t tlitu in naimd, ;hf jiavint nt ut twu i lain iiuti1-. dt.-i.iuU hav :iU ''f' n mini" ill llir ia in cut u tin- ht-t ul sanl nulfs wIrii the wutif l.i-t-.u:it.- dus- and i-Tval'If. and haviiii; U-t'n tt .(in sl d tlu p.uti - it) in :. H'st to make salt ut the ; and !i :. m.itU-i di- ii't-.l, under tht- It-nii- ui i!i- di-i-dot tniM will '1! lu ihc liilu i bi.l-h r 1-i' t-.i-lt at tlu nut huusc flunr in the city "t ' .-licv:1!e. Nuilh auliua.i'tl Satunlav. Ihc i-.tli day u! Si niUi r, a. al i,' o'clot'k im ridi.ui. llic tu'.luuinn des iil.fl iiii-cc. paiccl ui ha ot laud, itii iK. h uia in. I I. i tin in l Ik- city ut AIn villi . on the outh ut llnvuu.l tl'Tt. luinttty lut- ui r, . haijiiU'-.-. ami J. M. Inn'f. 1 1 1 i l 1 1 -1 .. lol iiws ii!inuiiic on uif H(.mn suit- ui jiavuuu ttfit. T. V. Sharpie' iiurtliwt'i cuiut r and uilh llavwou.l Mrcct vnuili (.;. ihric .I-'', fctl tu I. M. IllKH - ll'Tthfast tulllci; lu ik-c M.iitll l.i U urccs car.t alutu Iht- line ol M. 1 il it 1 1-' s lot 1 ' .1 tfft Ui M. r. Lattfl lul in tut 'Willi M. (,. c a rt i s i. i ii" tt i iu i . . Sliarplt s' lul, ilit-iu .' with T. V. Sl,,u jiloV icil lo ine m-einnu:" uu nauiM. miiti. Wit haviiii; 1'Ccn deedm tu K. XU Itrayn l.y Mr-.. Caroline F. Itall.iiil ami lui'-UiUid uti Oc t-'tii, i.v-i. Tln the iM't 't iv ut Aui;iM. (l. A. M. H.U.I.AKI). i-djl-wid TiuUc. THE mi, in on rii Jt I'otiit l'lum llic S.rim; I'n-l.l Ki'liiil'liciin It is it iioticiiiblc fact (!"V. Mc Kiiilcv Imil not ;t word to say till nit tlic incme tax. Neither dill Mr. Recti in li is speech two weeks no. Is Hint policy ol the DemiK''C party, so luttetly op- pcs.'U in some places amoiijj smne ien iile, to be neiiuiesecd in bv the Kepubli cans? It would seem so; for Meed and Molsinlcv lire ackr.owlcd lenders ot the party, ami they arc silent. A Couple Wlio Could fiol wall Anollivr Day I'or TlieCercmoiij'. Sipiire Ii. P. Howell was nrouscd from his midnight sltiinbcrs soon niter 1 o'cluck lust uijjlit by a couple who were in sucli haste to get married, that they could not wiiit till daylight. The Squire lives on Short street, mid the pounding on his door aroused nearly everybody on that brief thoroughf.ire before Howell himselt was routed out of bed. The miil niL'lit visitors guvc their names its J. II. lluyca nnd Miss N'aucv Utiiiean, and il reiiuired but a few moments alter thev had succeeded in waking the Squire for them to b. :omc husband and wile tmr'cr his official ministrations. They did not explain their haste, but left the Squire to make Ktiessis on tne romance that illicit be hidden there. The Kiht Kev. Dr. Cheshire, Hiulnip of the uiocesc. lias iippoiiifpil to hold set AMifvllle l-'iiiiiili! C'olH ir-. The o-'itd session of the Ashe ville Pcm.ile e illeue will open on Thurs dav. the lliih inst , at '.) a in. I'arcnts are r.qiicsteil lo send their dauuhterg in on the iiioriiinj; of the openinu, in as far a convenient, that the work of clnssili cation tuav be pronipll.'done. The indi cations of a nourishing school are bet ter than tor many enr9. The faculty has been strengthened by the addition of some new tetiehers, amonj; them Mifs Mary Uc I.eftwich of Nashville, teacher ol vocal music, and Miss Nell Strother teacher of piano, guitar and banjo. The faculty itivc thanks to the citizens of Ashevillc lor the lnrcc palroniiRe of the past, and will l.c ylad to hnve it contiii ued and enlarged. Jamics Atkins, rrcsident. llrduecd Kain. Citv rnsscnL'er nnd Ticket Agent Pr.iul' K. Darby has instructions to sell reduced rate tickets as follows: For the North Carolina Health Con feieinc, Salisbury, on sale Sept. 11-13, limit Scot. HI. lor Kti.3.i. Tor the Sovereign Grand Lodge I. 0 (I. F., ChnttanooKn, Tenu., on sulc Sept, 13 ao. Unit Sent. li t. for S10. For the meeting of the N. C. Koud Im nrovement association. Chnrlotte, on sale S pt. !)-l3, limit Sept. 19, for $0.50 uy Spartanuurg, 7 00 by sunsuury, To Aavcrimcm. T linurc change of advertisements TiceotthcChutchoftheKcdeeincrfdown ru mlng on regular contract, copy must the French Uroud river road, about two i be mnHi-.l in liv 10 o clock n. m. and a half miles fiom Uoubleilay) on Friday, September 14, at 3 p.m. Friends arc invited. Strangers urc welcome. Nti''lal Clarke. rules Mce lv.;n.l vein l'etll!. Sepleiul'er .'.til, I -. i . Iii)'ar received at so per hull term. K. IHNCHAM, Supl . uliol Ashevillc. N, C, U.iy THE IMPERIAL TRIO, J KAN SC1IAKFKR, Violinist. I'AKIS CONSERVATORY, CHAKI.KS U. SCIIAHl-'KK, I'inuit, ! RANK FORT CONSHRVATORY SIUNKY 1. TAYI.OR, Xciiist itRr,ssi-;us conskrvatory, Will one ii ti Mtnlio :.l 7i Ornti'j;f street, Ashe- il on S' lili'iiit'i-r Uu- 1st uint will now rcivivc jiplKatioiio lor the loilowmu hraiii-lK-N : lolln, iota, iviiu, jnanu, uriin miioik, ii.uiiuiuy utiiiM.ii tiuit. iTciicii aim (-unuitri laiiunairen I'leust: atUlrcsj KENILWORTH INN See That Square? K yum name were In It, it would be nil udv tlheiiR-ut. See the Point? Now you can't my that ncrnons do not rend the Jv rtlilng colunuu of Tue Citiibn, MORGAN SPADING N i II tir row in the World Kiu;ils Tlifiu in Ojn'ration. F-R SALE BY T. S. MORRISON. Write for mpocial circular ami price. 1) RICK AND TILE WORKS Prices Per Thousand : .Seloc ted 1 1 aril Brick (i 2." Hun of Kiln Brick 5 75 Salmon 4 50 Culls 3 50 Repressed Brick, 1st grade 20 00 Reprewried Brick, 2nd grade 18 00 IlepreBHed Brick, 3rd grade 15.00 Liberal Discount ou Orders of Fifty Thousand and Upwards. Low Prices on Farmers' Drain Tile. Money to Loan. We haven't, but moii"y we can nave .you. Examine our bargains in inen'women'H and children's hIiocs. Tliey must go. Repairing neatly and thoroughly executed by T. W. Xorvillu. New goods arriving. Fulenwider's. QuALirrv not QUviNjriyY NO PRHB OIPT8 OP ANY KINU TO ATTRACT ATTENTION OR OR IV TRAORATTHP Acme Wine, Liquor House & White Man's Bar What I claim la that I krep the larRrnt Hock of nt clam coml) nfl any houae in the itr. Anyone In need of pure unadulterated llqnora will nnd It to their (ntcmt to cull I rvnmliii. mv stock. Th ..m. hai twen recommended b the Icadlns ohvetclnni In the I State for medicinal pnrpoara. Jas, IX. Ioug-linin, Prop. I NO. 68 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - ASHEVILLE, N. C. Mt motto !, "Keep the beat and charge accordingly." jttRRKImmmmmmm.Mj place la aecond to none In the State. TBLBPHONB CAI.J- 18B P08TOPPICB BOX 68 OrdcrtiFroin DlaUnrft Solicited. Boxing Packing Free. Grraiii aiid Feed Wholesale and lletail. JUST RECEIVED A CAR OF BRIGHT NO, I NEW HAY. FRESH STOCK, LOWEST PMCES-NO4L0 We buy direct from producers and lending mill nu n. ayiiii cnh, ccl nil discounta. Iiroker- irc and comiiiifsions Hint can he had. Make no divide of prohta Willi broken ami nililillenieii, but divide with out patrons by I'urnlsliiiiK best quality Koodx nl lowest prices. KckuccI fully, O. S. COOPER, NORTH MAIN ST.. TKI.Kl'HONK C, FISH! FISH! I want lo inform my cualoracra and the puli- lie in neneriil that I noir lepremtnt Geo. Ives & Son, the largest Dsh deulera In llic Kast, and am prepared to furnish you miythiug llml vims in salt water at prices that dily compe tition, Cull and see me. Resiieclfully P. E. HARE, CITY MARKET, T1IKRH 18 ONLY ONK BEST PLACE IN ASHEVILLE In buy Dtead, Cakes nnd Pies. That place Is the FRKNC1I IIAKHRY, M Collrue street. People who buy Ihere have known It all the lime. People who buy elsewhere find It out alter one purchase at the I rench Bakery. W. A. JAMBS, JKi rROP -THI ASHEVILLE STEAM LAUNDRY 48 WEST COLLEUE ST., Ii now read r for work. We Bolldt Share f Yonr Patronnae. Mr Carrie C. Bums, an experienced laondreei from Plttabarg, Pa., ha charge of the working depart ment!. We will endeavor to give yon 0001) RONBST WORK. Oar motto lei MTIJFACTION TO EVERY CUITOMER. BONANZA WINE AND LIQUOR COMPANY, Nos. 41 and 43 S. Main St., Ashevillc WUOI.ES Al.B DBPAttTMRNT, OUNTS" tAKL.UK AND KHAV1KV KUUM. CIO ASS, TOBACCO AND BOTTLB OOOMt, SAM- AM FLU, BILLIARD AND POOL, ROOM. AM Va ttOs Beer Vaults and Bottling Department in the Basement H e RetiKtlfully Solicit a Suare ot Your Patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Mala KMtracs .Ho. 4S. Telephoae Call, No. 7. 48 South Main Street, Ashevillc. PURB DOMBSTIC AND IMPORTED Wines, Liquors, Ales and Beers, Best Cigars and Tobaccos , HEADQUARTERS l'OR Cooper Old Corn and Kye Whiskey Prom my Transylvania distillery. No adulteration. As O. HALYBURTON, Prop. P. 0. Dos ass. Hotel .Alexander The rntca at Hotel Alexander, at Alexander, N. C, will lie reduced for the remainder of the season. Bend fur terms or apply to the under- signed. August list, 1894. R, B. VANCK, 8-iiduno Over the P. 0., City CORTLAND BROS. RBAL B8TATB B10KBRB. INVBHTalBNT AOBNTB NOTARY PUBLIC" - Loans Beenreli placed at B pet esat THE NORMAL AND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG WOMEN UNDER TUB CARE Of THE PREBUYTBRIAN CHUkdi. OPKNINO BKPT. 13, 1894, ASUE- VILI.B, N. C, OPPERB TO THE STUDENT 1 I, A Classical Course, including andenl and modern lanRiianea, Klences, music, drawing, ele. 1. A Normal Course for the thorough training of leachera under Instructors from the besl normal schools. . . ,. , S- Commercial Course, Including alenography, typeMtltlnB, bopkkeepliiB, lc. 14. Domestic Science, including (al acieniinc oto..ib, i ..i..a....un, u.a Inuof ssrineirts. Bystemnllc stiidy of the Blhle In a'l departmenls. . . terms for lard and tuition In any ol Ihe departments fffi per term. Day pupils iddmltlea to Offlota SB a 86 Pattoa Are., ap atalra 1 s-viiw all rietwrtmenta for Uy ft term. for catalog iKuiuiw, Kv, l aua. i,a wiuinvK, v. u,, asnevun, n. . lai4&

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