TTjrTffflrratr iirTi'Ji Asheville Daily Citizen, VOLUME X. NO 114. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 15. 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. DIRECTIONS For a dish of dbi.iciois CLAM CHOWDER. To the contents of one can add some milk, half can to matoes, a few crackers, and season to taste; heat before serving. LITTLE NECK CLAM JUICE Is an excellent appetizer. These goods are fresh in stock. Powell & Snider GROCERS. ONE POUND FOR ONLY 35 CIS NTS. It is useless to buy writing paper by thequ're, when . ou can get one pound of real Irish linen ruled or unruled, for only 25c. Put up in a nice box. Look at the dis play in our window. L., BLOMBERG, 17 PATTON AVBNUU. 18 THIS VKKDICT OF T1IOSK WHO DRINK OUR Combination Java. ROASTED COFFEES' VNKCjUAI.UI) FOR PURITY, DKMCACY OF FLAVOR ANO WHI.LNF.SS OF 6TRKN0TII Gr. Jl. Greer. j8 N. MAIN 8TKKKT. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY CONTIN0H8 TO 808TAIN ITS K8TAB- LIS11KU REPUTATION FOR FIRST CLASS WORK. Church St., Telephone 70. SMOKB. Porter's - Havana Mixture THH BKBT 8MOKINO TOBACCO ON THR MARKET, FRRK FROM DIRT AND 8TKM8. HONEY ! llOGOS NKW CRM' IN 111-UK AND GLASS. . . NKW CKOF KVAP- OKATKU APRI COTS. NKW PACK 1-RKNCII l'KS AND CALIFOR NIA SALMON. JUST RECEIVED. A. D. Cooper, N COURT SCUARE. YOUR CHOICE OF Writing Papers Not one kind lull a dozen FOR 10 CENTS PER QUIRE Larger quantities lower rates. Old Fashioned Linen. London Court, Peerless Linen, Antique Flax, Shawnmt Linen, l'mnd, Whiting's Li'der, Overland Mail, Turkey Linen, Ilolyoke, Superfine Heavy, Envelopes same price, Tieas. Note Sc. (jr., 5 qts. 35c. All these and many more at Estabrool.'s 12 South Main St. The Hook and Stationery Store THE FLOURS I now keen is astnmsliinulv low. I have all the leading TemifKwe brands from 40c. to 7sc. er snck. Asheville brands from ?.SC to 55c. baj?. Thest- Roods art lmule from inc kh wneai. That Bloom in the Spring. In fancy entitled meats inv line is comiitel IlouKbt direct from the li-inling packers, 1 can give yon close prices ami uie nesi koou obtainatile. I want vour trade ami will have U. If von wilt stop fn when KOti'K uptown you win nun mai going Has Nothing to do With the Case 111 buying from me. In order to win your commence 1 iiiiim tieai wnn you siuareiy. Kouiire dealiiiK is inv motto. I have nnv thuiK kept in n grocery store, and will meet anv man's orice. Deliver itooils to nnv irtace in the city. Nothing (00 small, nothing too large 10 semi you. Tra La Ciirnrsate fine smokers, trv one 0r a taiter 1 have a full line of all kinds of tolmcco and cigars, fancy cakes, confcclions, fancy nro ceries. horse and cow feed, country wodtu-e, etc. Stop in lie fore going up town, you can gel wnat you want nerve as cueap hum No trouole to price goods. J. W. Hollinswortli, J. II. LAW, Sterling Silver Novelties and Jewelry. A Choice Assortment Souvenir Spoons In New Designs. T IS HERE! AMI IN AN KXDLKSS (QUANTITY AND VAR IETY. WHAT IS? Why, the large importation order of fine Cliin.i dinner mid tea ware, odd tiling', etc., tniule to our order by R. Dclinicrcs & Cie., Limoges, Prance. All is now opened and ready fr your ad miration. e call special attention to the mm I decoration with the ivy viuc and Iraf in its natural green color. Can make up any kind ol a set you want. Sec our new souvcuirs'thut will lie rcudy by Sept. 1st. W, Thrash & Bro. YOTJU WIFE WILL LEAVE YOU If von persist in I'oiciiij,' her l Lake, lncad this win 111 weallicr. Consider linw vim would enjoy working around a hot stove, and do what you should have done since, loll'' BUY youu BREAD OF HESTOX. Agt. For 'if Candies IN GOOD DEMAND High class novelties in line clothing of all kinds recently open ed, at prices pcicepti- le helow those of loiincr seasons. The same of all woo dress goods, foreign and domestic, ol w hich our recent ni rivals show a verv attractive line. Silks, velvets ami trimming slulls Laic s derl.y hats. .apes and m men s t'jiiri-t Underwear, hosiery, staples, small wares, etc. in short, many season ihle tilings for early autumn. H. Redwood & Co., 7 AND y PATTON AVKNl'K. Special notice is given to the ladies to call at our store and inspect the line of Fluiu A, Jones' 111 III These are the most popular goods, for the purpose ninde Blush of Roses, Floral Cream, Curling Fluid, Fragrant Quincella. Ileinitsh & Reagan AGENTS FOR ASHEVILLE- THEY SWALLOW MORGAN ! ANO rtlK BOLTINU HAS READY BEGUN AL- n t-'acl It Began B'lore the Con vention Was Falrlv Under Wav Ktp RoarluK Republican Gath ering-, rnhawnoulous and Rat tled. lugislatlku -c'J- 1 in it 11 i? 1 -imi SH I-KIFI'-JESSK M. MORGAN. CLUKK-W. II. WILSON. KliGISTIiK-l'RAXK A. FANNING. TKLASl'REK-W. GRBLNWOOD. CORONER DR. J. II. WILLIAMS. SLRVLYOR-A. A. HAM LET. The Republicans of lluncornbc were plit into two widely separated wings when they got together at noun today for their nominating convention. One of the prettiest rows in the history of Western North Carolina politics was on nnd nobody seemed to know how go about doing anything to bring about even a show of hnrmony. The convention was a mixture of Republi cans, Democrats who claim to be "inde pendent," and Third Partyitcs of Pop ulists. The split was on the question of Herni ating a man for shcrilf, and through this the trouble was as to fusion or no fusion with the Populists Jisse M. Morgan the ex D.mocrat and the man who is for fusion, was head of one wing candidate for sheriff and Leicester Ilcrren wns lending the others as his op ponent for the nomination. Morgan was backed bv the Ivy Mor gans, cspccinllv John P., anil Ilcrren had such men its Chid ol Police llurkins, with W. H. Denver and other town Reimbli cans moving heaven and earth as far as they could, tor Ins nomination. Last night ami this morning In lore the convention were spent in tutile elforts to make the two wings Hop together. The forces met separately by last night and planned their line of action, anil tins morning they met jointly in a hull on Patton uud caucused in au attempt to reach sonic agreement. They might just as well have saved their breath however, as they lulled to do any ce menting, and il anything only widened the breach each side wanted the other to withdraw from the fight, and there it was. As llarkms put it alterwarns, the wings merely agreed to disagree uud broke up in a row. Itter Prilchiiid, Major Rollins, 11. (.. vwart and other Republicans were unx ions lor harmony, and they had taken oil their coats and worked lor it, but without success. The Convention Opens. 1 he Republican coutity convention was called to order ut noon toduv by W. W. Rollins, chairman of the county committer, and C. It. More, secretary, read the formal call for the convention. The chairman announced that the first business would be the appointment of committees on credentials and per mancnt organization. On motion ol K Is. Roberts the chair ppointcd a committee of five on perrna ncnt organization. On motion ol i. W. Laiiiion each township was riustcd tonnmc a mem ber ol the committee on credentials Secretary C. B. Moore called the townships to see how many weic rcprc scnten. When Lower Hominy was reached the delegation asked permission to retire I mm the convention. This action was aken by the Hominy delegation bv unanimous vole, the occasion being the determination of the convention to en lorse lessic Morgan, "independaiit," for sherill. Lower Hominy was in fuvor of n straight Republican candidate lor shcriti in the person ol their neighbor, Leicester Ilcrren. l.wurl ajpeakn. Tlure were cluers from just about seven delegates and very mild cheers at that, when II. G. Ewnrt of Henderson villc was called on to make a snctch and npeared on the sneaker's stand. His siicceh was mainly in defense of the idea of fusion and in abuse of cnuiitv govern meat, nnd he "jollied" the Populists very prettily. 1. warts chit-l argument favor of the Populists in North Carolina was that when they held tluirStatc coir veutiou at Raleigh not long ago the cheering could have been heard for blocks. 1 hey were nood citizens, he said, "and not lawyers without clients or farmers without farms, and the Re publicans need not be afraid of treachery if they loin hands with them. the ex Congressman was dehant in talking of Democratic speech-making the Ninth district, anil be vowed with awe inspiring solemnity that he would not agree to let a Democrat speak in the dis trict without a division ol tune being demanded. Ewart evidently saw the drift of things in the IIcrren-Morcan row, tor ut the clos of his speech he advised his breth ren that they had better risk Wasted hours in this respect than to lose the legislature. Then with another off-color story that took admirably well he quit Prllcliard Appear. It was Icier C. I ritchard s turn now and the wav he proceeded to pound Kc publicanism into the delegates was reminder of old times. I'ritcliard's idea of it was that every good citizen in bun combe considered it n luuduble ambition just now to bent the Democracy, no matter how it was acnicveu. rrncnnrci ranted from sheep to sugar and from brandy to rooi-tcrs in his rambling dis course about Democracy. He waxed el oqucnt in declaring that the Democratic party ol the Ninth district had no pint lorm mid that it would be as easv dirt for Pearson to beat Cruwlord this account. He said personal abuse and mrscrti tions are heaped bv Democrats on those lew men who have left the party, and he showed n great sympathy lor this clnss of men. I'ritcliard's advocacy of fusion was less pronounced than Ewart', hut his sympathy for the deserters was straw in this direction. I'ritchurd declared that he understood that the whiskey trust had contributed $(i(),U0O to North Cnrolina politics, mueli of it to be disbursed by Asheville ofliec holders. credeutlala Commute. The report of the committee on erc aentinls showed that all the townships were represented except Lower Honiiiiy fd,A,vtervts Cia,k: Tllc " the latter township were on hand, but they bad no "credit ions accordini! to the report, and a vote of the convention was necessary to let them in. On report of the committee on perma nent organization W. W. Rollins was made permanent chairman of thecon ycnlion and C. U. Moore ai d J. II. Sum ner secretaries. Rollins protested that it was an unexpected honor, but there was no reason to think he meant this seriously. Fusion with the Populists, or "Coal- lition," as Rollins called it, was the theme on which the chaiiman spent UO minutes addressing the convention. Weill Backwards, llcgiuning at the bottom ol the ticket uud going up the convention first nomi nated a coroner. Several names were suggested, Dr. W. 1). Ililliaid, Dr. A. M. llnllard and Dr. ihn 11. Williams being the candidates. The first ball it resulted in Dr. Williams being Humiliated by 4-5 votes to Ballard s 14-, Hilliard having iDtliing whatever to show that he was in the race. fur e j or. A. A. Hamlet of Jupiter, was nomin ated lor surveyor by acclamation. Treasurer. For treasurer Washington Greenwood of Dig Ivy nnd J M. Hawkins ol Acton, were placed in nomination. Greenwood was nominated by a vote of W to IS' a on the first ballot. ReictHter of Dec rtN. Interest increased when the ollii-e ot Register of Deeds was reached. W. '. Hccchbourd of Flat Creek was nomi nated bv James Marr, and F. A. Fan ning of Asheville was named by II. L. Gudgcr. Hvron Reeves of llominv was also placed in no.Tiination, but the tight was between ranniug and liecchboard, Ashevillegoiiii! solid lor 1'anniiiL'. When the second WHrd was called E. T. lielotc annouiueil three votes for Fanning, but K. S. Hall hopped up with a mad look aril declared that this was dead wrong. Vc have two voles for lleaeliho.ini," he said, "and wc don't intend lo submit to this sort of thing." Hell s kick was iimckly shut down, however, by force ot strength, nnd Fan ning was nominated bv a vote ot I So, as ngiiiiisl liccchboard's "0 and Reeves 1. Clerk Ol superior Court Three names were ollcrcd for clerk of t ie Supcriorwurt. . A. Harris wantid the convention to endorse by acclama tion the candidacy ol W. II. Wilson ol Swannaiioa, un independent Democrat, but the other names were brought lor ward to head this oil'. These wire W. M. larvis of Asheville anil 11. A. Luther ol I'ppcr llominv. Wilson was nuiniii ated by a vote of 111) to Luther's 11 and Jarvis' 12. This was a sample of fusion. tfheiin' Now came the ijiieslion of the noiiiiua timi of sheriff, nnd there was a percept ible buzz of new interest in the hall. Jauics T. Myers moved to endorse Jissc Murgan, while P. L. Love, an Asheville colored man presented the name of Win. Jarvis ns a man who could bring the two warring wings together and carry the dav. E. T. lielotc declared in seconding the nomination of larvis that this seemed the best wav to avert the trouble that seemed brewing. William Henderson of Leicester made a similar plea, bu'. Prof. Lipscomb a rcued that they were mistaken, and that Mor gan alone could bring thim together a statement which x:oplc seemed to doubt. Ilcrren s name was brought up in n iniet way, and 11. L. Giidcer followed him in a fiery speech demanding that the convention nominate Morgan. Then Mr. Ilcrren s man got to his Icet, nnd showed tint the angel of peace had been lit win k with some degree ol suc cess, by announcing that lie would with draw his man. This was a surprise all around, and for a moment the conven tion was thunderstruck bv the thought of having no light. At the same tunc somebody withdrew the name ol Jarvis and it looked like har mony for a second, but some anti-Mor-gnn men immediately insisted hotly that the withdrawal of larvis .vas not au thorized and were on the point of de manding a roll call when 1 irvis himself announced that the withdrawal wns straight. 1 ben. with a siiulc ol rare radiance, Mi-j. Rollins put a motion to make Morgan s nomination unanimous. This vote was carried amidst great cheers. and Morgan's candidacy went on record ns being 'endorsed. . h. Liifk was named without a dis serting voice H9 oneof the candidates for the legislature and T. II. Weaver was chosen, alter four ballots, as his running mate. TOR4CCO HHANON HTAMTKP. There In a I.tKliI Crop lu WrH'trn N c. ThlM vear. Tobacco men were surprised a day or two ago when the first of the season's tobacco wns brought to the city to be sold. This established a new record, as the season does not iqicii as a usual thing until much later. None of the out side I uyers have ns yet conic to Ashe ville. The first break was secured by Car ter's warehouse on Patton avenue. The tobacco was primings of the new crop, and was brought in by 1. P. Lewis ol Haywood. Pricts averaged first rate, from 10 to cents being paid. It is said in warehouse circles that this year's crop of tobacco will not pan out ns heavily as those of forincrycais. The acreage in Western North Carolina is said to be not more than (it) per cent, of the usual size, and although the yield is fairly good ' lie amount of tobacco will be considerably dcc-rcaml on this ac count. The shortage is accounted fir bv the facts that the freeze in March killed many of the plants and in May and lunc, when the growers were about to reect their plants thedrv weather was against them and caused mini v to plant corn instead. 1 here will lie three warehouses in Asheville this season, so far as settled the Banner. Farmers' nnd's. Reg ular sales will not begin lor s n-.e tunc. Clilueae murderer Beneaded. Losiion, Sept. 15. A dispatch to the Central News from Shanghai says that the murderers cf Rev. Jauics Wvlie, the I'rcsbyterinn missionary, who wns re cently killed at Lino-Yang by Chinese soldieis have been executed. BK l.OKH Uv Fire. Si'RANTON, Pn,, Sept, Ifl. Fire in the heart of the business section of the citv this morning cuusid a loss of $300,000. THE TIGHT IN ASHLAND A BIU VOTK WILL BK POLLk-.D TODAY. It la a Primary Elccllou, and Even Home Republicans Have Vo ed-The Women are Pras Inl and Working Hard In other Way. Lkximiton, Ky., Sept. 15. The women who have made a most noble tight dur ing the campaign against Breckinridge1 gave a last appeal in the local press here this morning on'', today at 10 o'clock they nut with the ministers ill Morrison chapel to utl'ei up prayer for Breckin ridge's defeat. The following is a sample of the many small cards issued by them this morning: "To the men of the Ashland district: We, wives, niotbcA and sisters of many of the voters of the Ashland district ap peal to you to help us win this fight against Breckinridge. It is a fight of virtue against vice, and wc appeal to the brave men of this glorious old dir trict to lit lp us win this fight and wc will pledge ourselves to go on from this to other equally useful victories, and in a short time wc will free our lovely city from the curses which now endanger our beloved ones the saloon, the corner grocery, the houses of scarlet women, t tie gambling hells nnd the race tracks and will redeem the fair name of our citv mil of our district." Fmanki'ort, Kv., Sept. 15. The elec tion is passing off quietly. No difficul ties of consequence have occurred. But lour men are known to have been chal- nged up to this time. The poll of the town at 10 o'clock shows 397 votes to have been cast and M'j:i of these were for Owens. A full vote is being polled. The i U-cns men here are confident and hard at work. The B cckiuridge men seem demoralized. 1 1 :.'ID a. in There N much excitement at many ol the voting places. Some Republic-ins have voted. Specials from all points indicate that i .vens is running ahead more than was expected. STATIC HI-: 41. TH OIXI-KHI.NtK It Wat III Hi NHloil In nltt.lur Pupera And DIncuhnIoiim. S.M.lsm kv, Sept. U. The he ill h con ference, the first of the scries of the tri ennial sisiious agreed upon by the Stale Board of Health to be held in the State each year, convened here to lay. There wire ab iut UOU pcrdons present at the opening of the morning session. The conference met in the opera bouse and was called to order by Dr. Henry T. Bahuson of Salem, president of the State Board. A paK'r was then read by Dr. S. Wes tray Battle of Asheville on "Prevention of Tuberculosis (consumption I as wc Know it Today," followed by a paper by Geo. G. Thomas of Wilmington on "Ouarantinc and Disinlcetion in Relation to contagious Diseases, liotli pnpers were line and instructive. (Juestions were invited and fnclv asked bv the audienre and much that was interesting and edilying was brought out Dr. R. 11. Lewis read a dissertation on "Drinking Water in Rela'ion to Malarial Diseases." He wa, followed by Dr. II. T. Ilaluisoii on "The Pollution of Drink ing Water and its Detection." (juestions were again freely asked and much valua ble information gained. Tie subjects at tonight's session were the "Water Sup ply of Salisbury" and "An Instructive Epidemic of Typhoid I'cver." The interest taken in the conference will give nn impetus to the work in the State. (Juite a number of physicians from the surrounding counties were prct- cut. 1 he next conlcrcnce, vour coires pondeut learned from Dr. Il.ittle, probably be held in Charlotte in uary. Charlotte Observer. will Jan- CAKK 1IIKD I.AHT NHiH ' Tilt Wouud He Received ln Macon Proved fatal. News of the death of Charles Curr was received last night in a telegram to John O'Donnell. Carr is the man w ho left Asheville two weeks ago and was shot yesterday morning in Macon, Ga. The telegram came uiiout 10 o'clock and announced that Carr died at 7:45 p. m. No further particulars of the shooting were received. frank and John O'Donnell, brothers-in-law of the dcac' man, had left for Macon when the telegram came. They hoped to reach there before Carr s death. Carr was known to bis Asheville friends as a man of ouiet and peaceable disposition and bis death is a great shock to them. THIi CIUAK TRADK. A New Field for Labor Opeued II v the New Tarlll Law. Washington, Sept. Kt. Secretary Cai lisle is preparing to carry into effect section 'J of the new tariff law lor the manufacture in bonded warehouses ot materials imported and manufactured for export. The new law enlarges t lie class of goods that can he so manufac tured in bonded warehouses. Among the more important articles is tobacco. A gic it impetus Mis been given, it is said, lo the cigar trade by this new pro vision of the tariff law And n new field lor labor, anil it is estimated that 10 lion people win oc given employment in dilVerciil large American cities, The Hank'of i:iiKlaud, UMIdeud London, Sept. 13. The semi annual niccling of the directors of the Hank of England was held today. Mr. David Powell, the governor of the bank, an nounced a slight decrease in the divi dend, which wns due to the low value of money. The liabilities of the bank have been reduced to I2,4S1,0S5. Praine iorNorm Carollua. Wasimnoton, Sept. 15. The report ol Lieut. V. II. Tyler, who was ordered by the nnvy department to attend the evo lutions of the North Carolina naval mi litia, indi-atcs the rcmnrkablc utility and improvement of that body. wn The I'p tirade. Ni-.w York, Sept. 15. K. 0. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade says: Busi ness has met no set back this week, and continues larger than early in August. nnd larger than a year ago directly after the puuic. Many Ties Of Many Kinds, Many Men Of Many Minds. 1AI.I, TIKS To SflTTlli; MOST l ASTlDIOl'S AT MITCHELL'S, THE HABERDASHER, ss PATTON AVKNl'K. WHV l I I l-R Till'. I'ANOS Ol' A SICK OK NKKVol'S 1IKADACHK, WIIKN A SINI .1.I-: 11 IS.K 1)1' AHT1CEPH&L&LGIHE Wtllciuc y-.ii, Hittiuut iilly unileavillt ;il!ei ellfi-ts. It is Hie most harmless hcalaclie remedy evei uvt lei' lias cured liiiliilleds ol tliousjoul- without liailu, will cure yuu. We an-Kcuts in Ashei-illr lur tins great remedy, and llavt- ju-.t leeched a lalge suiily in liutll sizes. .SC. and ye. RAYSOR & SMITH, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. CHEAP BOOKS A Yellow Aster, loin. Ksllier Waters, ('.corgi- Moote. The Man in Muck, Stanley I. Wcy iiinit. Dodo, K. 1'. Bi'iisoii. Ships That I'ass iu the Jiighl, lien- trice Harrnden. A RoRlie's Life, Wilkie Collins. The Duchess, "The Duchess." Called Hack, Hugh Conway. A Wicked (iirl, Mary Cecil Hay. Hack to the old House, Mary Cecil Hay. Wedded and I'artcil, Charlotte M. Ilrncnie. Tile Bag ol Diamonds, C.eoage- Mau- ville I'elin. We will mall these hooks to any ad dress for loe each or 3 lor 25c Ray's Cut Rate Book Store, S N. COl'KT .SnrARIJ. Kailioail tickets lmght and sold. Cut rates to all tnunts. Kvery ticket guaranteed. C IP. RAY, Member American Ticket Brokers' Association. ON THH SIJfARK. TKUirilDNK lj. JUST RKl'KI VHP A NICK VARIKTV Oh FRENCH SARDINES. A18Q A FULL I INE OF UECKElt'S SOUPS : Mock Turtle, Consomme, Julienne, Mtillngutnwiiy, Bouillon, Okia and Gumbo, Mutton Broth and Ox Tail Soups. WIIKN Ill'NOKV CAM. ON LATIMER AND BUY YOUR OROCKRIKS. 1G N. Court Square. 41 4 U

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