-"Jecnwlaj tiieaJng, September 19, 1894, THE .ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. It's Settled Tariff Question; Merchants' Sanguine Confidence Restored; Good Times Ahead, A. T THE' Baltimore Clothing, Shoe and Dry Goods Company. NEW FALL GOODS New novelties in fall dress goods, uew fall goods. New dress goods just received. The newest, the prettiest, the most fashionable selected dress goods ever shown to the public of Asheville, and you will find we are showing a full complete line of English storm serges. A full complete line of Flanker drers g ood, Broadcloths, ladies' clothes Call fi'id snmin our rew full g ds. N- w goods N-w goods. New goods. THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND WANT COLUMN WANTED, WANTKU A position inn Innk in Asheville by a yomiK man having twenty (20) years experience in a Imiik at the North Address 9Mdim X. Y. ... Thi Office. WANTKU A competent housekeeper to lake full charge ol housekeeping, except wash Inland ironing. Also wanted by the same par ty an intelligent, refined girl or woman with liahits of industry, to take charge of a little lioy two and a half years old; ulso a little girl four teen months old. The right persons can keep the place five years. Address BOX 707, o-lSdiw Asheville. N. C FOR RENT. 1X1K KKNT or 8alc-Clarcmont. Address 1'. (). nox 30, o-iliw Asheville, N. C. FOR RKNT-A J story store house corner North Main street mid Merrimou avenue. Upstairs suitnblc for famity. Apply to 6-7dtf T. V. M AU.OY, l-'irst National Bank, IOR RKNT No. .19. South Main street, a a splendid store room, good location. Apply to C. S. COOl'RR, 8-iKdtr 67 N. Main St. FOR RUNT OR SALE An eight room house with ten acres of land, five in grass, near Bingham Heights. Darn and stable on place. Apply on the premises or nt 8-jihIiiuo' NO. 99 WOODFIN ST. FI'RNISHKI) ROOMS After Septemlier 1st parties desiring furnished rooms can be ac commodated at M College street. One square from the court house. Hot and cold baths free. V7d.tw MRS. MAR V MONTGOMERY. BOA RUING. GOOD UOARD-Rcasonablerate. MRS. S. TKKRY, ic'.I N. Main St. 8-lKllf BOARDING With private family. Large pleasant rooms, rates reasonable. Apply e-Jldim 8 STARNES AVE. (lASTr.K RKST-l'irst-class boarding house. J Centrally located. No. 74 Grove street. -lodtf MRS. SCH1RRMEISTER. BOARD One large double, and oue single room just vacated at MRS. J. A. LEE'S. 9-iodtr 26 Flint St. BOARDING At Oak Terrace, 94 Hillside street, on Lookout mountain electric car ine. Large grounds and plenty of shade. Terms from $5 to 7 per week, ijdtf MRS. M. K. U.LL. MISCELl.A NEOUS. Ij0R SAI.K A complete outfit ol household and kitchen furniture, all in good condition. Will sell cheap. Apply 10 CENTRAL AVE. . GRAND OPPORTUNITY For sale, contents of a gentleman's stable. Consisting of pair stylish ponies , 6 and 7 years, good drivers, dou ble or single and under saddle, very quiet. Dou ble and single harness. Fine surrey, huckboard. Lady's and gents' saddles, only snort time in use. Apply corner Cumberland Ave., and Cul lowhce Place. Q-lSdeod3t NOTICE Positively no hunting, fishing, ranging stock or trespassing in any way will lie allowed upon the lands formerly known as the Wliittier tract in Swain county, N. C, ex cepting those having special written permission. All trespassers will Tie prosecuted. UNAKA & TUCKSEEUKE, TIMBER & LAND COMPANY. B. A. Chew, Mgr., 9-3d&wjod BrysonCity, N C. LAND SALE In pursuance of a decree of the Superior conrt of Btinconitie county, filed in the special proceeding therein pending, entitled Nannie J. Alexander and others, ex iarte, 1 will sell at public sale, at the court house door in the city of Asheville, on Monday, the first dayof Oc tober next for cash, that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, lving and being in the county of Buncombe on the east side of the French Broad river, and south side of Flat creek, con taining one hundred and eighteen acres more or less, it being the tract designated as lot No 5, on the east side of the river in the survey and sale of the lands of the late A, H. Alexander and purchased by H. A Sumner at the sale made on aoth November, 1890. The sale now advertised is to be made to satisfy the amount now due from said-Sumner on his purchase at the said ale of November aoth, 1890, August 17, 1801, T. 8. MORRISON, 8-iSdjt-tues Commissioner. LAND SALE By virtue of authority vested in me by a carta In deed in trust executed by John B. Ilostic, dated October loth, 1891, and registered in the Register's office of Buncombe county in book of mortgages and deeds in trust No. 31 on page 186 et. seq, default having been made In the payment of the interest of the note secured by said deed in trust as it became due, and said deed in trust authorising a sale ol the land therein described upon such default, I will sell at public auction for cash at the court house door in the city of Asheville, North Caroliua, at 12 o'clock m. on the isth day or September, 1894, a certain lot ol land on the south side of Patluu avenue in the city of Asheville, bounded on the north by Patton avenue, on the west by land formerly owned by J. M, Ray, and once known as the Buncombe warehouse, on the south by land formerly known aa the Methodist Episco pal church lot, and on the east by I. L. L. Slagle lot, said property now known aa the Commercial hotel, and for a fuller description ot said lot re ference is made to said deed in trust, registered am .iinMm i hi. nnU mn, inu, J. M. DICK8RSON, Trustee. 8-lSdU-tues Owing to an erroneous statement uninten tionally made in the sale or the Fleutje property, 1 will tell the property agala aa fol lows : NOTICE By virtue of a power of sale con tained in deed of trust made by F. W. Flentje to the undersigned, as trustee, dated February as, 1891, and registered in the office of the Reg ister el Deeds for Buncombe county, N. C , in Book No. aft, on page 251 et seq., and by reason of default hairing been made by the said K. W. Flentje in the payment of the Indebtedness se cured by said deed of trust whereby the power of sale has become operative, and the person to whom the money secured by said deedof trust Is due, having demanded of the undersigned that he sell the land conveyed in said deed of trust and apply the proceeds aa therein di rected, the undersigned will on Wednesday, the 16th 1 day of Septeniher, i8I et 1 m. at the court house door in the Cltv of asheville v. 1- sell st public suction, for cart, to the highest bidder, the land and premises conveyed in said deedol trust, which Is hereby referred to for the purposes of description. This Bent, t, i8u. . V.. THOS, A. J 0NK8, c-jdsltues Trustee, IO the NEXT PARIS EXPOSITION. Attractive Features Proposed for the Uni versal Show lu lOOO. Alreiuly they appear to bo conuncno lnp; preparations for the exposition of ItHK) in l'ttris. It would strike Amer icans Unit the introduction of electric ity for general lighting had not made that progress one would expect there. Hut this season, says the l'liilndelphia Telegraph, tho way in which a number of streets have been torn up to put In electric cables, shows that when the exposition is open all Purls will be brighter than ever by night. And now everyone, who gives thought to the coming show is racking his brains to find something to distinguish tho com ing from the preceding shows. Among these has Ix-en proposed by tho l'etit Journal a scheme which It is thought will be particularly interesting to tho children, and everyone knows how at tractive that U to grown people, al though they may not be willing to ad mit it. It has been suggested by Ar ninnd Dayot, inspector of fine arts, to unite with tho exposition of 1D0O tho garden of tho Tuilerles, which latter is to be exclusively reserved for juvenilo attractions, to be a sort of children's paradiso, quite apnrt from the amuse ments and distractions of the grown people. There will be no lack of vari ety to glvo success to tho Idea. There will be Interesting museums of chil dren's toys, retrospective collections of dolls, where the crude terra cotta darl ing which tho blind Xidia of Pompeii may have carried may look from tho far end of the line down to hor fin-de-slecle distant relative in gorgeous Paris dressing and capable of singing an entiro song In a squeaky, grat ing phonograph falsetto! Then thero will be panoramas and dioramas In min iature, to bo decorated by such artists as Boutet do Monvel and Kato Green away. Punch and Judy shows In all their variety and nationality, from all corners ot tho world and of all jperlods, from tho Chjgnot of the classic period to the marionettes of Boulogne, und the Koroguez of Constantinople, all displaying tho antics of tho same old "Polichinello," eternally raging to tho Intense amusement of tho children. There aro to be children's balls and pony cavalcades under the trees, and under oover a sort of wax works show ing children of genius in their early days; such as Lulll, Mozart, Giotto, Viviana, Canova and thrvt astonishing Henry do llelnecken, who at tho age of two years spoke three languages while yot In his nurse's arms, and could speak a piece In Latin also. It Is to bo hoped that baby king ot Spain will send his baby regiment, ond, although they aro Spanish soldiers, they may bo allowed by tho French government to show theJr drill In tho garden. That tho coming men and women have had no placo, nothing suitable for their capabilities, In for mer exhibitions must bo acknowledged! and that such a display, coupled with a rotrospcetivo exhibition cf educational methods, will make the whole affair immensely attractive to both young nd old, no one will doubt A writer In the London Notes and Queries asyst . "It is worth while re cording that the 'penny in tho slot' au tomatic machine was known in tho time of Hero of Alexandria, who de scribes In his 'Pneumatics' a sacrificial vessel which flows only when money Is Introduced. When the coin is dropped through the slit it falls on one end of a balanced horizontal lever, which, being depressed, opens a valve suspended from a chain at the other end and the water begins to flow. When tho lever has been depressed to a certain angle the coiu falls off, and tho valvo, being weighted, returns to its scat und cuts off the supply. Hero's ditto is a little uncertain, but he Is supposed to have lived V. C. 117-81." As most persons know, thero Is a broad, flat arch at the intersection of Forty-second streot and First aveuuo, but, aa perhaps many persons have not observed, that arch becomes tho frame for an Interesting picture to persons looking eastward along Forty-second troet from a point a few yards wost of the areh. The pioture Included within the frame is a somewhat commonplace foreground on the New York side of the East rivor, the rivor itself, with a flno light from the sky, and Its moving nautical panorama in the mlddlo dis tance, and beyond the Long Island shore, with warm rod brick buildings, steaming chimneys, and a church spire that ever and anon takes a curious trembling as seen through tho heated air that coraos from the smokestack of aome passing steam craft N, Y. Sun. 5?.per J'"' . worm - A.3NTID 13 PATTON AVEjNUE, ASHEVILLE. THE GUILEFUL SMUGGLER. A t'milcst of Wits In Which tho Itogue Won us Lsuitl. It was the lady of tho house herself who answered tho bell nt one of the palatial resiliences on Woodward ave nue, says tho Detroit Free Press, the housemaid Kin;; engaged In peeling pineapples for preserves. 'What do you wnn'.?"' she asked of the person on tho doorstep, an impulsive-looking mini with a roll of rugs under one cm. "Sh," sttid tho Impulsive one. "Not bo loud. I've got some rugs hero that I will sell you for a song only you miu.n't let anybody know." "Why aro they stolen?" The person made it speaking trumpet with one hand and whispered in a Sepulchral tone: ".No smuggled." "Come right In," sttid the lady, and she ushered him into t'to hall. Care fully closing the door, s'ir Invited him to display his wares, llo did so, ami as tho rugs wero spread out on the hull floor their dain ty richness filled her with longing. "Vou aro suro tliry wero smuggled?" she asked, In an anxious tone of voieo. "Certain sure, ma'am," he answered. "I smuggled them myself and you can have them for five dollars apiece, which is less than half what they would cost you i t any store In the city." "Then that is till jou need, Robert," she said, turning to a gentleman who stood In the shadow beneath the stairs; "the man admits that he's a smuggler, and all you've got to do Is to report him at the custom house." Tho person with tho rugs turned pale, "For Heaven's sake don't do that, ma'am," said the man. "I've, got a sick wife and four sinull children at homo who are dependent on mo for bread. Take the rugs for two dollars and a half apiece ami let mo go." "Hut my husband is a custom house officer," sho said, "we can't let you go." "llavo mercy," ho pleaded; "tako them for two dollars and a half and say no inoro ahout it." "Justice Is -.ullexilile," said tho hus band; "I mux, do duty." "Call it two dollars," moaned tho self-confessed smuggler, "and sparo me." The husband und wifo communed apart, tho latter evidently pleading for tho poor wretch. At tho end of their conferenco tho money wns silently counted out to the smuggler, tlto door was opened and he was permitted to go. And tho noxt day when mudame priced tho samo kind of rug nt the stores on Woodward avenue sho found that they would have been dear at a dollar aptcco. SCIENCE IN COREA. It Explains Phenomena, In a Way Peculiar ly Its Own. Education In Cotva is of tho Chinese order tho committal ' of wholo books to memory. On all other subjects than knowledge of Chinese, says tho lloston Transcript, ignoraneo is tho fashion when it is not a reality. Philosophical speculation is stated to bo common, but Corettn notions of natural science aro indeed very chaotic, If the following story may be accepted: "A well-known merchant of Chemulpo was asked by 0110 of his natlvo employes a man of some education whether or not ho had ever seen a sparrow which had died a natural death. Tho person questioned did not remember that he had. Ho was then asked how the for cign servants accounted for such a phenomenon, for such It was, consid ering tho vast number of sparrows in tho world and tho huge families they rulso every year. Tho answer to this query being unsatisfactory, tho Corean guru his explanation, which was a popular one. He said that dying sparrows betook themselves to tho sea shore, dived into tho mud and became clams 'How else', ho triumphantly added, 'could you account for tho nun htvf of clams along tho coast?' Supremo Courtesy. A Bongalcso magistrnto, having been Informed of tho whereabouts of a mad dog; armed himself und went to tho placo u hero the rabid animal lay by a house door. Ho learned upon inquiry that two womeu wero in the house and sent word to them that ho was about to shoot tho dog, and, therefore, they should not bo alarmed by the report, and that as ho might not Inflict a fatal wound at tho first fire, and, in faot, might miss, they should remain within until notified. Suoh a supremo cour tesy Is In marked contrast with that of western civilization. GREAT SUMMER SALE Is still goiDg on. Having still quite a variety of desirable goods on hand which we do nor wish to carry over, we will pWe the fame on the bargain counters throughout our store at prices that will never agaiu prevail 100 pieces of the well known brand of bleached domestic. Fruit of the Loom, 8:. pr yard; 1,000 pieces of Planters brand, yard U hlfV.i liixl A, .inat it i. ... I. T yH-d 1 000 piw. of A "V" u., n,n,M,c, o; , oc. per yard. SWISS OPINION OF AMERICA. A Land of Btrnngn Rxtrrmc, Nonsensical Pride and Keckless Money (jotting. A well-known Swiss writer, who vis ited tho world's fair and was then forced to remain here for some timo on account of illness, has joined the long list of foreigners for whom "America" has been a favorite subject for "dis sertation." In a recent Issuo of tho Neue Zurlcher el t ting, one of tho most fumous Swiss journals, under tho headllno, "What Is America?" ho wrote: "America is a land compared with which Europe Is only a peninsula; tho United States form a country com pared with which the European king doms aro pygmies. America Is tho land of unmeasured distances and rli tuonsions; the land of dollars and elec tricity; the land where tho prairies aro more extensive, the rivers mightier, tho wnterfulls deeper, the bridges longer, the lightning expresses faster, tho catastrophes more terrible than In any other country In the world. It is the land where In n single railroad ac cident and ono occurs every few days more people loso their lives than in Europe in a whole year, It is tho land where the houses nro higher, tho "Jnll birds" mora numerous, the rich richer, the poor poorer, the millions greater, the thieves more daring, tho murderers moro shameless, tho educated fewer, tho teeth moro gjncrally false, tho corsets narrower, the diseases moro deadly, corruption more general, tho summers warmer, tho winters colder, tho fires hotter, the ice thicker, time moro precious, the men moro nerv ous, than In any country in our pas toral Europe, It is tho lond whero tho old men aro younger and tho young men older, tho negroes blacker, tho whites more yellow, than in any other place. It Is the laud of immeasurable natural wealth. In short, it is tho land of extraordinary contrast, of strongo extremes, of nonsensical pride, of reck less money hunting, of senseless crazo for gain tho land of th colossal and the pyramidal of course, in the opin ion of Americans. How many have gone from ur peaceful home to tho land of fulse hopes to seek riches, for tuno and better lifo, and have been lost cither In tho gutters of the great cities or the sands of tho prairies? How many have been glad, when poor and deserted aud broken In heart and soul, to sail back to their native land?" A STONE SHIP. The -ly-drrlous Formation Seen on the Pacific Coast. The. mystery of tho strange bark that tltino ship captains havo reported stranded on a reef fifteen miles west of the Straits of Lo .Maire, with all masts and rigging standing, seems to be solved. A few days ago, soys tho San Francisco Call.a vessel reached Lodnon and reported having passed within a short distance of tho deserted bark, and Interest was renewed In the thrlec-re-ported stranded vessel. AH agreed in saying It was an iron ship, and most likely of tierinun conr- ctlon. It was bark rigged, and had black painted portholes. Shipping and insurance men have been trying to determine tho namo of the wrecked bark, but without success. No vessel of its description should be anywhere in tho vicinity of tho Horn, and none Is overdue ot any port that would pass within thousands of miles of the spot It is not likely that it could be taken for tho Crown of Italy, which ran on a reef in tho Straits of Lo Malro about two and a half years ugo. It was a full-rlggcd ship, and when it struck most of hor masts went by tho board. A fow days afterward tho sea was strown with wreckage, and nothing was again seen nf the wreck. A fow days ago tho Ilrltlsh ship, Cedrio the Saxon, arrived in port from Swansea, and it passed closo to tho spot whero tho mysterious bark has been Been. Capt. lloes tells a story which further complicates matters. He says the so called bark Is nothing but a rock, al though its resemblance to a ship is so striking that he made an entry in his log to the effect that a ship was strand ed, with all tho rigging intact Ho says that he was out fifteen miles when he first saw it, and was suro it was a wreck. As he approached It ho found it was a hugo rock sticking out of tho water. It was only about half a mile away, but evon then its rescrablanco to a bark with painted ports was so striking that aU hands had to be called for an opin ion. Tho puzile to tho sea captains who have rounded the Horn dozens ot time Is that the strange rook hat nev er VI an teen before, hm JHhffllS .tsife i thiiiwiwhiiww WEBSTER'S LEGAL EARNINGS. A Little Leather-Covered Book That filves Ills Receipts. One of our correspondents has been so lucky us to fall, in with a little leather-covered book, like those of bank depositors, which contains Dan iel W'ebster's autograph record of his legal receipts. This chronicle, says the New York Evening Post, fills twenty-eight pages ond extends a little moro than from W3.'l to 1830, Inclusive. Tho first entry, dated September in tho former year, is of 800, . and tho second Is of 830, for retainers on the New Hampshire circuit. The first feo of i(l,000 was paid in May, 1834, by a Mrs. Badger. Services regarding til ley's will commanded 900. Tho total amount for the first year tvss footed up as S13,U0, with the remark: "Septem ber 22, 1834, thus done and concluded." A similur summing up appears at tho closo of each other yeur. Tho socond total Is 15,: 83.74; the third Is 21,7V3. The first entry of 82,000 was In 1835, March 7; the first of 3,000 December 7 In tho same year. The last payment was in respect ti Florida land. The largest single hoDorarium was 87,500. In February of the fourth year 83,000 is sot down uo bestowed In a case of Trin ity church (New York). In turning over this record leading metropolitan and evon provincial lawyers arc astonished that Wobstcr, already twenty years in Boston, so undervalued his services. Uo learned better at last. When Bob ert C. Wiuthrop looked up the earliest date he said: "That's just the time I was ending my studies in Webster's office," and the chirograph led him to add that Webster never wrote 11 linn hand. Nobody has surveyed the relic with more interest than Lir. O. W. Holmes. Among other things he suid: "Had the influx been ten-fold, Web ster's purse would have remained empty still. Had Its capacity received like tho sea, whatever entered thero would havo runoff Hlto water from tho back of a duck." THE SQUAW AND HER CHILD. An lnstMnce of the Nr,lcWm of the Iuillun ltaee. "I was very much nlfected by an In cident thnt occurred during our visit nt tho Bosebud agency In South Da kota," said Bepresentative W. S. llol man tho other day, recalling a tour of Investigation which, as chairman of a houso committee, he once made among the Indians, "One day un old sqinw came trudging Into the agency with a basket on her arm. The Indian agent informed mo that she had walked a distance of ninety miles to sec her thirteen-year-old daughter, who was a pupil in tho Indian school, and that she made that pilgrimage regularly once a month and never remained over an hour. Unobserved I wudched the meeting between mother and daugh ter. There was nono of tho ordinary exhibitions of parental or childish af fection. When the child came out to meet the mother, tho latter carefully scrutinized her and then led her away about fifty yards, where the two sat down In tho tall grass. "Hardly a word was spoken. Tho mother emptied tho oontents of her basket, which were a lot of provisions and trinkets, Into tho child's lap, and the latter accepted them without any marked evidences of gratitude, as far as I could observe. After they had spent a half-hour together in this way the aged mother slowly rose, replaced her basket on her arm and walked slowly oway until sho disappeared from view far out on tho plains. When sho left tho daughter no good bys were spoken, nor wero there any evidencos of regret at tho parting on the face of either parent or child." lie Was Too Easy. Chief-Justice Richardson, of New Hampshire, was ready to abandon one ot his own rullings, if argument had convinced him that It was not tenable a readiness not rclishod by somo lawyers. That great lawyer, Jere miah Mason, was once pressing a point en the Judge with his usual force. "Brother Mason," suid the judge, "the Impression of the court is in your fa Tor," "Yes," rotortod Mason, "but 1 want your honor to sftrilv" Ship ltati. Every vessel that floats has its part of hor company a family of rats. They travel tho world over, on both steam and sailing craft, but seldom mnko more than ono voyngo on tho bulk oil carriers, as tho cargo causes among them a distemper which not only in jures the lungs of the rats but also changes the color of their hair. 50 PIECES In fancy figu es, plain and in stripes, worth 12c, the en tire line at 8c. 50 pieces of Scotch zepher, ginghams in stripes and plaids worth 10c -12c, the entire line at 7c. 50 pieces of assortment of dress goods worth 25, 30, 32 and 35 cents, we are offering theentire line at 29c. per yard. 1,000 pieces of l.ounsdalecambric worth 12c, now 10c. Call for our W B. corset, best in the country. Call for our No 410 extra long waist, best $1.00 corset in coun try. Don't fail to examine our new early fall dress goods at the DRY GOODS CO. .1. Douglas CUOr I8THIBI8T. (jU 3nWssa NO 8QUCAKIN0. 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH&ENAMELLEDCALF 4-.sp FlNECALF&KJWSAROa 3.5? POLICED Soles. EXTRA FINE. 2A7-?BoychooiShoes. LADIES' SEND FOR CATALOGUE WLDOUCLA3 BROCKTON, sMASS. ou enn aim mnnpy by purcliaHlug W. L I diii Kin n Shorn, Because, we nre the larne.st manufacturers of nriverLinid slices in the world, and guarantee the v .lue try stamping the name ana price on the bottom , which protects you against high price s ami the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fittiiiR and weariiiK qualities. We have them sold every, where nt lower prices for the value given than any other make, Take no substitute, If your dealer cannot supply you ve can. Bold by J. D. Blanton, Asheville, Enock Rector &3!Co.. Marshall. TYLER'S FAMOUS ROLL CURTAIN DESKS. IEW STYliES. ur mammoth catalogue of Runic Connlrrn. 'N-Uh, and other Oliiv Furniture fur K t-.v ready. IM'hkM, huli-M, Table ft. ltMik-f'.'-tS and at mnlrlileMN prices, foi till ItCNt UoihIh iiiiiI. f;:;k counters to order to fit any room. s.T.tliMi.M frw. Urn.. 12c to cover postage TYLER OFFICE FIXTURE CO., SI. 1I1P THE PEER FOB 5c. SMOKE MANUFACTURED BY Vetterlein Bros., PHILADELPHIA PA. 24'llUlO AND BEST IN H CO W 0 !5 0 H X 1 0 d He ware of Imitations. Be sure to tret 1 original. Made only bj Taylor SSfy. Co.. Hit. Louis, jig -j to S rr si insl J ptEiiiDiiLvtr W BE Dr. E. C. Wost's Nerve and Brum Troatmanl lw cold unilnr i"iiilvo written Kuarrmtoe, by author Izi'd ain.iit i'"lJi to cure Weak Mnmnry; Ims of llrnlnnml Kvrva Vomr, Iwl Mr'iUood; ' yulrkmw NMit Lowraj Kvll Dnwns! tack of Culinihtlicn: hiTVOti I,n-Ilu lo; all Drnlns; Loss of I'owoi uf the (li'iivntilvo drams in either mi, eawwi by nvor-Miirll'm; Youthful Krrors, or KxcvsHlve Use of Tiihacen, opium or l.lqunr. whlih soon lead to Mlwr Consumption, limmity and Praia. Br moll, fl nitox; Mot .": with writUMi Mttiirnntee to ours or refund inom.y. WKsT'HCOiiOHNVItUP. a. certain cure for CoukIi". Colds, Asthma, Dronchltl. Group. Whooptiut Couk'h, Horo Throat. Pleasant to take. Kiimll Mzo riixcoiithmed; old. Roc. sise, now3Ac,! old H rizo, now Quo, OUAKAM'KKa Issued only by T. C. Smith, Druggist. Public .iimre. Asheville, N C a sa I'Mt ltlltlR skx. uit itSMds I E HHljr4 Ji''"" 'lirmlr to tlis nil of lliwf diwiMH urtlisUpttihKlIriDkrrOr. riin, Tftfitrrs tio chant of 4l.t or n.iiieAki, eicKiuhil oi polmnoiu mrt ImiM to br Ukeu IntorDaui. Wh.n uut AS A PREVENTIVE liy either fMtx tMmpwMhUtoeontrMrl any vunfrtai tnMu; Imt in th mu ot tin ulrofcdy li anMTiiaUft,f Amicrt ass-eaeT-am - - wnn mnnrrmrn unuuiMt, mftiru. TT m-K. m5 tntturo. I'rloo hy mill, fKwltM Mew LADIES DO OU KKOW GIB DR. FELIX LE DBUN'S STEEL Bi PEHNF;!. PILLS are the original ami only k'l'.I'.Ndll, ;,ifonnl rr, liable onre on Hi" market. I'ricv al.lAI; sunt by mail tienoiue sold uuU by T. C. Smiths Drugrlat. OF LAWNS. 2 Answers. What is the difference between a sallow skin, dull eyes and fad ed cheeks, and a ruddy complex ion, bright eyes and rosy cheeks ? There are 2 answers: 1st Answer : All the difference In the world. Oue is ugliness; the other is beauty. 2nd Answer: 2S read difference, for 35 cents will secure a three weeks treatment (two different medicines) which will corect your disordered liver, banish ntl poisonous bile, purify your blood, stimulate appetite, tone up the nerves, and make a new creature of you. This is a famous remedy, and while perfectly harmless, it nev er fails. It is made of the purest preparations. Ask your druggist for Ramon's Tonic Liver Pills. Two medicines and two boxes for only one price. A sure cure for Constipation and Biliousness. SOLD IN ASHBV'LLB BY DR. T. O. SMITH, Wholesale and Ketnil. W. C. Curmichntl, W orthen & Co., llcinilsh K: Kengan, Hnjsor& Smith. Racket Store. 15 South Main St. I am no politician, buttle amount tbat will be saved annually to the people of the United States on th woolen schedule of the pres ent tariff bill will be fUl.- 380,000. This alone in enough to interest people in politics. You ask how is this going to benefit you, now see. We are able to sell Ashland Repellant, 50 inches wide, a t 50c. yd., these go r ds formerly sold for 70c. yd.; 50 inch cashmeres and dress flannels that hold last sea son for 75c. yard are now 48c. and 50c. j d. The same reduction all the way through on wool goods. We have a great many bargains in other goods that cannot be excelled in quality and cheapness Anywhere in North Carolina. Live oak ond maple wood note paper 5c. quire; good XXX envelopes, 4c. pack; ink 3c. and 4c. bot tle. Writing tablets in great variety lc. J. M. STONEK, Mut.

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