THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Wednesday Evening, September 26, 1804. v.vitiurs slIlJECIs IHtlF.KLY. dis( i ssi:i AROUND TOWN Tin- Nnnniil anil tnlli-KliiU' limtltiiti' siurlnOII'ii Ne-w Villi'-1'olUU-H IKtwu hi Yuiivoy .Iiiimiii iiml MIh-sIoiiiiHi's liDiTtiRTiiK CiTiziis: Da Saturday 1 visited the Norraul and Culli'Kiute in stitutc, just beginninK its third year The school has opened with 121 students (107 of whom are boarding pupils) a lurR cr enrollment than at the bei;irjning of either of the previous yeais, and 1 under stand that a number of others have en ?aueil rooms and are expected later, The usual school course I, which here includes domestic science in addition to the so-called lusher branches) hus this vcar been enlarged bv an admirable ieature, a mode! school for the truiuinj: of teachers; 22 young ladies arc engad iu the actual practice of teavhinu, wmie pursuing their own studies. Three new teachers have been added to the laculiv, two of them (,'raduatcs ot Worcester Inivcrsity, Ohio, and the third of the 1'otsdam Normal School, New Vork. 1 was very much pleased to meet these uew recruits and observe their enthusiasm. 1 asked oue of them about her work. With b-.'uinhg eyes and a smile that must captivate the heart of anv school gill shereplied: "Oh, the work is delightful; I enjoy it so much. The girls are so nice to teach." 1 could hardly wonder at her enthusi asm when 1 looked about and saw them strolling through the spacious, airy, well-lighted halls I for it was Saturday afternoon and thev were "olT duty"i or scattered in picturesque groups about the veranda or on the sunny lawn, en jovinc the exquisite view of the moun tains on either side and chattering as onlv school girls can. 1 learned that the "old girls" were planning un amusing little diversion, as entertain the new girls that evening, so there was "method in their madness and mucli deep scheming in their merrv eves. Not a homesick lace among them. Hut who could be homesick in Asheville ? The irraduatine class will this vear number 22 and a finer looking set of girls it would be hard to find. May blessings attend this noble enterprise so favorably begun in our midst. A l isitor. PERSONALLY SPEAKING. A l.lue oi Two About thp People as They l'lisa. John Hurt i uj from Greenvil'e, S. C. Geo. N Rouse is in the city from Chi- Tbe regul.r weekly hop at Kcuilwortta - :. . ,,,, I . i miuist'll in ixiviiiiivjuu lA . . - llerkclev. Washington, Sept. 2". Forecast till S m. Thursdar. Rain: northeast gales, increasing to hurricane on the coast. .lapau-.Vini'i-lia. limruK Tin: Citizen: Whilst the Kev K. B. Giiunuti, tnissionarv Irom Japan was giving Sunduv, ut the Presbyte rian church, an interesting account of the religions of that country, he incidentally made a statement which sent a thrill nt'iiliastire through bis bearers, It was aitnnlv this: "The lapanese hold in higher esteem Americans than the peopli of anv other country." He illustrated this fieling bv saving that once riding in the cars an elderlv gentleman asked him as to his national- itv. ( i.i his saving. "1 am American," he rose and. lifting his hat, made him nmioiiiid bow. He cx Dressed his admi ration for our people by Baying: "I wavs lilt my hat to an American." How this emphasizes the importance of the missionary work to be done at home by each one of us. The character to go with our money and the teacher sent, assuring those we would win, that so good a thing had come to us that we could but olfer it to them. Befori the battle of Trafalgar Nelson flung from his masthead his incentive lor the tight: Iingland expects everv man to do his duty." .Nearly 2,000 years ago there came tor each one of us from a higher source a nobler incentive to duly. Love to God and love to man; yet in all these years bate rather than love has ruled. With tooth anil claw man bns been ever ready to tear his fellow man. D ug anv sane man doubt but that if each one of us would si'nply change this, just believe that the Master knows bet ter than we all, and even if we only wished to obey, that before the end cl the lew remaining veais ot this century, we could chain down hate ? What it, without savinu a word we trv; will u hurt us? I 4 1 . 1 ihmt.v N All 1. K. Hihtoh Tin; Citizkn: The county liemiicralic convention was held in Hurnsville on the 22d. The delegates nominated a ticket that can't be beat Representative, Weslev Higgins; sheriff, Tavlor Horton; clerk superior court, lilbert Prottitt; register of deeds, Alex. Silvers; treasurer, Charlie Byrd. Joseph S. Adams ot Asheville was present and entertained the audience with a rousing speech for Democracy. W. T. Crawlord was always very popu I. ir in this county, but he is growing in l.ivor every day. His majority in this county wi'l be 10 ) larger than it was two years aco. Hv the way. who is going to claim Richmond ? The Republicans in this county sav he is a Democrat; the Demo crats wouldn't have him, and the l'opu lists won't claim him, and 1 am most ready to think he is a stray sheep, wan' dcred awav trom the fold, and he will think so too after the votes arc counted We are having the tinest weather ever saw for saving lodder, sowing wheat, etc., and the farmers are making giod use ot it. Crops are the best we have had in 10 years. Trade is very much improved and everything points to an era of prosperity now and the Democratic party is to hlame for it nl! Hurrah for Democracy ! IV. M. W. Bald Creek, N. C. Inu will occur tomorrow evening, The Citizen has been invited toatleud the Burke county tair at Morgautou, O.tober 2 4. The registration booksopen tomorrow and tomorrow will b:u good day lor Democrats to register. A. Ottinger has 0cued a grocery store in the budding at the intersection ot Chestnut and North Main streets. A phonograph concert is to lie ttiven Friday evening at 8:30 at the College street mission chapel. The prices will oe 15 and 10 cents. The Asheville Free Kindergartens de serve your aid; go out to Allandak' and see the A. C. C.-A. L 1. baseball game tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock. At the McDowell county Democratic conveutiou Suturday T. M. Dale ot the Record, tormerly a compositor on i im Citizen, was nominated tor coroner. 12. F. Witsell. who was so seriously hurt in the uccideut on the W. A. & S. S. rnnri some time auo. is now able to be oroooed uu in bed aud uis couuiuuu io steadilv growing better. II. W. Aver, secretary and treasurer ot the North Carolina Agricultural so cietv. Raleigh, was here today, talking State Fair to Asheville people, tneiau dates are October 23 to 20. There is in Chief: of Police llarkins' possession a small ladies gum waicu that has been recovered by the police, and the Chief would like to give the prop erty up to the rightiul owner. Kev. R. Bryan Grinnan has given Tin; Citizkx a couv ot the Kobe Herald, an evening paper published at Kobe, apan. It is a ti-colmnn. page paper auu me subscription price is $2 V a year. The remodeling of He irden V Rankin's building ."ill South Main, is about com plete, and R. S. Morgan expects to open his stock ot gentlemen "s furnishings, shoes and bats, there about the first o I October. Hon. l.nckc Craig returned from Web ster court this alternonu. Congressman Crawtord and Mr. Craig spoke at Web ster yesterday to a crowd the great size of which has scarcely ever been equaled in that coimtv. The Huik-oiuIk.' good roads committee held a meeting here today for the con sidcratum oi matters to be reported upon bv it, and adopted a report which will be "submitted to the Board of County Commissioners at the meeting next Monday. From White and Blue, a I nivcrsity paer,it is learned that of the members ot Asheville's baseball team at the "V. N. C," George Stephens is president of the V. M. C. A. and vice president of the Athletic association, while J. M. Oldham is captain ot the baseball team. Wolftown and Ilurktown warriois contested for supremacy in lacrosse at Allamiale Tuesday atternoon. there is a lair crowd out, but the Indian ulavers did not put enough lite in the line to excite the spectators to any . j j- reat extent. I ue iturmowns carrieo on he honors. Kope liliai passed thio igh yesterday on his way east. Miss Al ee Saxton of Knoxville is a Swaunanoa hotel guest. Robt Davis of Chattano. ga is nute graphed at the Asheville hotel. Mr. Micusset of the Kouud Koob hotel, came up to Ashtvi'le yesterday. C. S. Ellis and family of Savannah are at the Hon Air, 74 Bailey street. Capt. 12. Everett and Z V. Welch of Ilryson City are in Asheviile today. W. A. Latimer has gone on a fhort Cinj.J JfOARVS, L. Brown returned yesterday from aCIlIFFOXIERS, iu days trip to Noreueau t-ity, oinn and Old Point Comlort. Chas. A. Moore, en , geics to Rich mond, Va., tomorrow to argui a case before the Court of Appeals. N. W. Davis of Wilmington, Del., and Miss A. jennie Davis of Milford. Del., are stopping ut the Berkeley. Judge Montgomery came up yester day afternoon from Shelby, and left on the A. & S. train this morning. Miss L uise Ruggeiro of Charleston, S. C, is in the city visiting the Misscj Cruise on French Broad avenue. Miss Alice Stockton left this afternoon for Wilmington, where she will spend the wiuter and will be a teacher in the kin- dergaitens of that city. Wm. R. Havnes. ol the Mctropabtan police, nasningion, wuo nas oven ioii- iiig relitivis in iiuncomue wrawcui kit for Washington today. FACT IS W. B. Williamson & Co. 16 PATTON AVE , A SHI V LLF, N C , Have received and are offering at low prices new lines of PARLOR SL ITS, DESKS, CHAMBER SUITES, LOUSGES. IRON REUS. ROOK VASES, mUM AXD RIGS OF ALL GRADES AXD PRICES, The Whitlock Clothing House, 46 SOUTH M".A.I!T. Two iniportHiit facts for the public to remember: First That we carry for sale the largest and best se Ogd. n e. Ldwanis and wife of Amu let'ted stock of ready made clothing, hats, underwear, in 4l.i.. who have been spending the " unmoral Blowing Rock, are visiting neckwear , hosiery , cloves and shirts in this city, einbrac- ii Asheville, their old home. I ' inir the hicher irrade fabrics and beet maks in the 1-, 7 country. to Chas. Aii'ierson and wife and Miss K Anderson ot Kuttawa, Ky., are at the Swaunanoa on the ir return Irora a visit to relatives at Wavnesville. Mrs. O.K. Roberts and Ms. Kate I Sc.nnH Thai roo will Rfill fchfi SRIllO CJRHH OI lTOOOS for Kooerts aiauiien oi rwnoxvinc, wuo uvi been at the Round Knot; hotel during j g8 prjce tnaTJ any l10Uge ln thlS City. A full line Of MaH the summer, are in Asheviile on a short I visit. See the new line of winter unlcrwear at Black's, IS Putton avenue. MM't'iiil railroad i-iiIom, Clarke THE MARKETS. hattan shirts, and E. & V. collars and cuffs always on hand. We can fit you and your sons better than any coin petitor in the line. Try us and you will be convinced. NKW YORK. Nh Yukk Si-en. .1.. -Cotton future opened Itarely strmly : SPptenilwr. IKtolier, tu); Novellllnr.; De-enulier.; jntiuarv. o.J. Fe-lMuary. ;.,t.t;, March, j.-; April, 7.. Thoman B. Long, lleverly W. Hill, JarucK H. Rumliui!li, llumilloii C. I.oiik. STOCK QUOTATIONS. Nkw York. Sent. .vi.-Kne. i .Clilcaijo anil Nurthweste-ru, : Ijikc shore, iu'j; Noriom ainl Western. .i ,: Richmoml and West Point Terminal, i' : Weftern Union, SSl... the Christian church last evening. Godlv sorrow for sin, und the briuging lorth of fruits meet for repentance, were forcibly rgucd as necessary accompaniments ot repentance, faervicescontiuue eacn even ing at 8, and all are invited to this least of good things. Moravian church services were held last evening at the residence of Maj. W. W. Rollins on Chestnut street, conducted by Bishop Kondthaler of Salem, who also delivered the sermon to the good sized congregation that gathered. At o o'clock this atternoon Bishop Rondtha ler baptized Frederick Fagg Malloy, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Malloy, jr., at their residence on .Norm -Main. Another of those large green worms bat look ugly enough to frighten olT the Mikado s army has been contributed to Tub Citizen museum by . A. Crowell, who captured the worm unaided. None of the wormoIogiBts in this section have as yet named and described this species. II. Lee also sent in a bug tnat he caught on the siiuare and wliieu when held in the sunlight glistened and showed almost all the colors ot the rainbow. It has been consigned to the care of the rainbow editor. for Mn.. Mi'iliiuin. To tlte Editor ot ttie News and Courier : Tbe many friends of Major C. M. Sted mun of this city, very much appreciat vtiur kiud efforts in bis behalf, the Messen ger to the contrary notwithstanding and trust we may yet have the pleasure of seeing linn where his talents and simon-pure Democracy entitle him to lie in the l.'nited States Senate, where his great worth would be appreciated Attain we would thank you and assure you if we can do anything to help the great paper of the South, why just com mand us. The Fayetteville Observer of yesterday has an article appreciative of Minor btedman s wortn, wuicn shows he has some friends among tbe press of this section, l ours truly, M. Cronkrj'r. Wi'niington, September 21. We have made arrangements by which we can furnish The Weekly Citizen and the twice-a-week New York World all for only $1.50 a year. Here is the opportunity to get your own paper aud the New York World twice every week at extraordinarily low rates. Mr. Lipinsky, who is still iu New York, wishes to inform his customers that the choice selections made by bim for the Bon Marche will arrive during this week. Handsome dress goods wraps, notions aud dry goods of every description. Fruit Jura unit dully I huh In good quality, glass, and at bottom prices, at Law's, 3o t'atton avenue. Try a pair of J. D. Blanton & Co custom made shoes, put up by V, Towntend. CHICAC.O., srpl ... Wheat, Mpl si urn. Oct Si'-; ! f e-iii - . nil , May - : Pork. J;iu i: : bard, Oct, b.w. Kins, Oct, ;.l.''... TO DELINQUENT 4SHKV1LLK. Correrte.i daily by Powell Si Snider, wholenale and retail urocers. These price are being paid by the merchants of the cily today : muter lyi js Apple Kaon u Apples, dried VV5 chu-ketis low. jo Pumpkins, each Repentance, or, Turning to the Lord," Turkeys 75m us sornhuni jo is the theme ot Rev. Mr. Bowen at : -"TZ """S Potatoes Irif.h.... 4c Whrat 70 Turnips join 4 torn 70 Onions 7j Mctu 70 Cabling!?. ic r lb ! oats 40 Beans, per mi.,..ioo(t6iils Kye 05 Peas us Hav. per ton I7 .so Chestuuts Celery, per dot...is54C INDEX TO NKW ADVKRTISF.MKNTS. For Rent Hov Optra Houe- 4-11 -.1.1 Wanted rnion News Co Vulor Saien Ir T C Smith TruMre's Sale-A T Summey Dissolution Notice ft K ChedesUi MRS. M. M. Cliild. pupil New KttRlnnd con servatorv of Music, teaclier of mandolin. !anio, Riitlar and piano. Residence 2 Bailey in Asheville I (jo) yenrs I Address X. Y. -.. Thus Office. Long, Hill & Co., Real Estate A&ts, & Brokers Take pleasure in informing the tradiiiK lmldic that they have opened an office at No. 4 North court Square for supplying the wants of sellers and buyers of Real Kstate. Persons having any kind of property to rent will find it to their interest to place their Imsi neas with us as we guarantee the rents of all property disposed of by us. Strangers visiting the city are cordially in vited to call at our office. We will handle no property in which there is any doubt as to title, and will use every effort to protect patrons. Strictly square dealing with all patties is our motto. Business entrusted to us will have prompt and business like attention. Try us aud see if every promise here made is uot fully complied with. Asheville, N. C, Sept. ijth, iSyi. Tax Payers. You lire hereby notilietl that on ami after the 1st day of Of- Public Coal Chute At old depot whor everybody can secure the best Hard and Soft coal Glean Screened. tkst Jellico Lump, $.50 IVr Ton Het Jellico U Nut, $4 00 I'er Ton lturcuinbe Lump, $ I 00 IVr To n Delivered. Car loada or livered. letH, at yard or de- A8HEVILLE ICE & COAL CO., Tc'ephenc No. j6 tt 40. 3a & 34 Pal ten Ave. CARRIAGES ARTS BUGGIES UCK150ARDS Tbe Asheville Carriage & Wagon Repository, T, S. MORRISON 44 WKT MTKKKV, FARM wacons. YOU- American Surety Co. ot N, T. U'ANTKD A position in a lunk in by a youiijj man having twenty experience 'in a bank at the North. I -IS ITS- 9- id uu .IT 77: 0KASD. The second attrnction of the Asheville theatrical season comes next Tu.'tila evening, October '2, when "4-11-1-1" will be seen at the Grand opera house. The piece it a bit of furcc comrdy, said to be bubbling over with comicalities, catchy music and tunny situations. 1 lie stellar roles will be filled bv Stunlc, Macy and Kbeta Mann. Miss Mann imide her first appearance on the stage lOvcnrsngo. She was engaged by John T. l'ord, of r ord brand opera bouse, BaltimoJe, to play soubrctte parts in comic opera. She next appeared in tbe opera "Beggar Student" with the Thompson Opera company, playing the part of Ilionislava. Miss Mann later engaged with Manager I TO op IK. W. II. WAKKI IKI.D of Winston. N. C. 1 " will be in Aslirville. at the Swaunanoa, 011 Thursday ami l-'riday. October 4th and 5II1. I'raclie-e nmlleil to eye, ear. nose ana ir.roai. WKUStWlW Ij'OR KKNT A completely furniaheil, medium sit-d house-. Has all nuHlern conveniences, including furnace, also urates in every room. bath rnoni with hot anil cold water, etc., etc Is .itwilrd 011 street car line and in the very nest iei,liMu-e portion of Asheville. Will rent for six months. Address BOX 631. ri. d.t Ashe ville-. N. C. DISSOI.l TION NOTICE The mercantile iartnersliin of S. R. Clicdester & Son wan ilts.nlved on the nlh dav of Sent.. iS,jj. The business will lie conducted bv S. ff. Chcdester, who assumes all the debts of the hrm due lor uotuls, ami Is to have the stock of goods on hand and all debts due the firm. Asheville. N. C, Sei.t. jf.. iNij S. R. CIIKIIKHTXK, dil S. II. CIIKUKSTKK. Fidelity Department Funiihes lond.s for officers and employes o bunks, railroad, express, telephone ami tele graph companies, trust companies, manufsctur ing, mercantile and mining corporation, offi- leers of Building mid Loan associations, and j secret societies, clerks in posloffices, tetter car riers, cashiers and Uxikkeepera in mercantile houses, internal revenue lwiids, and for persons holding other salaried ;oitioiis who are subject to a satisfactory system of accounting. RUTLEDGE & PATTERSON, Agents Can do nothirg wiser than to examine the bargains we have in slices. Women's Oxford ties an) being closed out at prices that w ill astonish you. Our Mr. II. E. Fulen wider has for wale eouio fine pure- 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 una 1-j.ymouxn kock coiKereis ami pullets it will pay I nttnkv,l J -v t i. i.A 1 i... . . t ll ? It. tobur vou will have to imy double ttUJ uwu tuUL ",WB l',JUl"J tu uu.v a i UI "t tax on all unlisted Moi.erty, business fowl of the 19th century. I either personal or real. This is no ioke, but truth. l?y order of County Commissioners. J. H. Weaver, TAX COLLECTOR Filerrwicier Bros.. PATTON AVENUE Quality not QUAryrriTYV WO PRBB OTFT3 OP ANY KINU TO ATTRACT ATTENTION OR DRAW TRAPS AT THP Acme Wine, Liquor Bouse & White Han's Bar What I claim la that I keep the larprat itock of rat claaa goodt of any home In the Dare unadulterated llaaort will Bnd It to their Intereat to call The lame haa beea recummeaded by the leading phvalcfam In the "AS HOSKST EFI'oKT To PLIi.lSB IIHISOS ITS tlWS KBWAHU:' THIS MOTTO HAS EB.V UXIiUri.ll'lliD IS THE CASE OI' TUB ASHEVILLE STEAM LAUNDRY I State. Anyone I need of 1 ana examine my it nek I State for medldi al porpnara Jas, IL Iongrlirmi Prop. NO. 58 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - ASHEVILLE, N. C. My motto la. "Keep the beat and charge accordlnicly.' - M y plac la second to none In the State. Fits RRAtONt Why Yoo Sboulu Takb Thb Citizkn 1. It Prtnta the Ncwu. 2. It Wrltcn Ita Own Hditoriali. 3. It ! the Reit Local Paper Bver Printed in W. N. C. 4. It Print! the Latest Telegraphic Newi Prom All the World. 5. It Belierei in Aiheyille Alwayi. In Its Law Department Furnishes 1kii(U and undertakitiRs Tor a(wal, a r rent, tttchnicnt ciipias indemnity to sheriff, injunction, land damage, replevin, nonresideut plaintiff, security for costs, maritime lttiel, ad ministrators, committee of lttnatic, conservators, curators, assignees, common carriers, for de murrage, executors, guardians, guardians ad litem, trustees, receivers, warehousemen, grain elevators. Guarantee on bids and contracts. JULIUS C, MARTI!, Attorney. THE ADVENT TE11M OK THK FIFTY-THIRD ANNUAL 6KSSION OF aaaaaa Sum'l W. Fort to play at Washinifton and ilaltimore d urine the Rummer sea sons. After leaving comic opera she played tor several seasons in tbe fiirce- comedv "Kindergarten," and also star rer, in that comedy at the i'eople s thea ter. New ork. IT 19 A NBWSFAPBR. HATI TOD THOUGHT or IT ix Dollnrt Will Get It For a Vear, and If Von Liye In Anhevllle It Will Br Delirered at Vonr nonrBverv Rrenna' HOTEL FOR RF.NT To relialile ersoii. First cIiimi. kooiI imlrunnKe. Well loaded in thriving cily and furnished A Mltiikc Nonu'wlu'rv, Richmond 1'earson received the follow ing telegram today and asked its publi cation in Thb Citizi:n: "HliNOKRSONVlLI.E, N. C, Sept. aC I For further inrormntion npply at this office. There is no foundation forUTiziiN pub-ldjt ucation in regard to what 1 snouia nave said about your speech at Henderson tile. C. M. Pace THE - IMPERIAL - TRIO. JEAN 8CHAKFBR, Tiotlnist. PARIS CONSERVATORY. CHARLES I.. 8CHABFBK, Pianiit, FRANKFORT CONSERVATORY SIDNBV D. TAVLOR, 'Cellist BRUSSELS CONSERVATORY, Will ooen a atndio at 71 Oraniie ntreet. Ashe ville, on September the tat and will now receive applications lor tne louowiug nrancnea : violin, viola, cello, tiano. oraan. ainaina. harmony composl tion, French and German tanguagea. ricaae aaareaa KENILWORTH INN. Grand Opera House. JUST ONE NIGH1'enso to Weil. From Register Mackey't office license to wed bai been issued as follows: W. H. Miller aud Foie McKinney, of TUESDAY, OCT. 2ll(l Millinery Openinc Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday. Sept. 2u, 20 and 27. We offer tbe largest and most attractive lineuf pattern bats on tbe Asheville market at lowest prices. Mrs. Adams is again with us for the season. G. A. Mears & Son. THE CLEVER COMEDY FIRM. STANLEY MACY J W. CHAPPELL. Cl'STOM BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. LAST FITTED FOR AFFLICTED FEET. Kepabiag a specialty. All work guaranteed. . . . RHETA MANN No 35Cllefife 8Ueet- Millinerv opening Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday, September 20, Zb and 27. Our foreign pattern hat are very attractive in style and price. O. A. Mears & Sons. There will be a phonograph concert at the College street Mission cbapel Friday evening at 8:30. Admission IU ana lac. Flowur Pots. , Now i tbe time to buy them. We offer a good grade of tbem at lowest prices. At Law s. You can get bananas at Allen's cheaper than any where else. Try and see, In the Greatest Puree Comedy on Earth, 41144 Surrounded bv a Comparnv of Laugh Inciters That Can not b Eqaaled Cataniwd lana, Vocailata, Daacara aid a Boqart of PRETTY GIRLS- PRICES joc 7sc. AND fi.wj GALLERY jje. THBRB IS ONLY ONE I BEST PLACE IN ASHEVILLE to buy Bread, Cakea and Plea. That place la the FRENCH BAKERY, 51 College street. People who buy there have known It all the tlrat. People who buy elsewhere Ind it out alter one purchase at the French Bakery. W. A. JAMBS, JBn riOP. NOTICE. I want ever man and woman la the Dnltcd atatM Intenated la the omum ad wlikey habits to kavt one of my hooka on tneae uiaeaaea, Aoaieaa m. m. wuuiai. AtlanU, Oa., boa jtt, and cae will be ajnt vou TBLBPHONB CALL 1S POSTOPPICB BOX ANN Orders From a Diatanc Oolidtcd. Poxlns Jk Packing; Free. BONANZA WINE AND LIQUOR COMPANY, Nos. 41 and 43 S. Main St., Asheville. XTYA A 1 WHOLBSALS DBPA RTMBNT, GBNTS' IX J 41. PARLOR ASD MBADISO BOObl. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND BOTTLE GOODS, SAM- XT-f A PLB, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. X J ttO. Beer Vaults and Bottling Department in the Basement We Rciptctftilly Solicit a Snare ot Your Patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. St Mary'S SchOOli MIsBU-sica, .. . TeleplioaeCall.No. 7. IVii TIIASK THE ITIIUC FOR rillUR f.HSBROfS PATRONAGE 11VKISO THE SUMMER, ASH UV COO) WORK AS1) PROMPT DE LIVERY HOPE TO MERIT A COXTISUASCE OF OVR TRADE THIS WINTER. RALEIGH, N. C, BEGINS eeilinrunnn aam... a a o&ricBDcn atv.n, ww. 4g fjootb Main street, Asheville. Addreaa the Rector, I pURB DOMESTIC AND IMI'ORTBD Rev. B.Sniedes, A. M. Wines, Liquors, Ales and Beers, ' W" I w r 1 rr 1 jsesi cigars ana looaccos HBADQUARTBR8 FOB Cooper Old Corn and Rye Whiskey Prom my Transylvania distillery. No adulteration. Q. HALYBVatTOIf , Prop. Dr. C. J. OliverosJ THE SPECIALIST, EYE. EAR. NOSE, THROAT AKD LUNG I DI8EA8E8. 31 PATTON - AVBNVB. (Over Rayaor a Smith's Dnif Store.) P. O. Box U4, Asheville, N. C. T. O. Bos 3S3. Hotel Alexander The rates at Hotel Alexander, at Alexander, N. C, will be reduced for the remainder of the season. Send for terras or apply to the under signed. August jiat, IB94. B. B. VANCE, 8-iidimo , Over the P. O., City" THE NORMAL AND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG WOMEN UNDER THB CARS OF THB PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, OPENING SEPT. 13, 1844, ASUE- VIIXB, N. C, OFFERS TO THB STUDENT A Classical Courae, including ancient and modern languages, sciences, music, drawing, etc. A Normal Courae lor the thorough training of teachera under inatructora from the best normal schools. j. Commercial Courae, Including stenography, typewriting, bookkeeping, etc. inc cooaing, ng, (b) draughting, cutting, fitting and mak- Day pupili addniitted to FOU SALE a saw mill, complete, 40-horae power engine and boiler, mounted. Will tell cheap for cash, or to good party will take umber. w. C. KDNEX8, S-iSda wirno0 1 Alexander. CORTLAND BROS., BAI. BSTATB BBOKBBB. INTBSTMBNT AOBNTS MOTAJtT PUBUC ' Umm Sacaraty plaoai at S par eaat Oxta. Sfl ft SS Pattoa Ave, sp Main a. Domestic Science, includlna (al aclentlri Ineof sarmenta. Svatematic atudvof the Bible in al demrtmenla. Terms for board and tuition In any of the departments I50 per term, an aepannienu. lor bizsd per term, ror catalogue anareiia; 8-a7dim REV. THOS. LAWRENCE, D. D Asheville, N. C. FOR RENT. A beautiful country home at end of Lookout moun- tain street railroad. House has seven rooms, all neces sary outbuildings, will rent either furnished or not. Fine well water; fine pasture; plenty running water for stock; good Jersey cow goes with the place. Terms moderate. Apply C. S. COOPER, 67 North Main St.