Asheville Slate Librarv jD'dil REGISTER! REGISTER! ASHEVILLE, N. (X, TUESDAY EVrXNJKO, 0CT015ER 9, 1804. TRICE 5 CENTS. VOLUME X. NO Vi5 VjILIZiCII. Have You Horse orCow AsD DO YOU USE FEED ? IF SO Wit CAN 1 TUNIS1I New Dressing Dolls JUST IN tiFvm oiF. iiiiiFNUiinL, f 1.1,1 111 ill l u u i u v . v . ., Uw I - A WAV Oats, Com, IlBy, Bran, Shorts, Middling ijmy PRINCE AND PRINCESS SER'ES. "UOYAl, RKtilK," "LO UI.V L!Mvt ," I'jWtET ABIGAIL," "COl'KTLV IlKlTUICi:.' v m vv i i:;:ii,iri' in hows 1 1: r. movnt.' 1 !.' :irs Loan . i t.l Till' i'lr ,1, l'.IIKlllri'l' i'i ion .ilnia Was Your Police Good This Moi'iiiiia j If Not Thou Try Our Com Meal. Cotton Seal Mini, &c. ThiM' aictlie very latest ami prettiest dolls yet ' made. Uuch have lour costumes of court ilress. I U...1., l,v Uinliael Tuck. London. Blld dcsiulled 11y tviaruiiiritc McDonald. Come nu,! see then.. NOTICK Our Imyer leaves this wccl f'iv Hie With a cowl nricK w iiu-iiouse mi -. ... c;1!,icnl market to purchase the holiday ttoch rr Hi., rrvtfil Pulm-i-. We ask nil who are ow- e iwssess even- wtaatiwc andean handle ims lis accoimls past due, to plense scltlc in full I 1 .1 I nl'il, miMtlll 4C U'l U' Mill f'Yll'11 ny uii; ciiu ui me iiiuimi( ..... your ordets with entire satisfaction. A. D. Cooper, N- COURT SQU'RE the time any lonncr, Royal Blend, This is the collie so popu lar in French Market, New Orleans. POWELL & SNIDER DON'T FORGET TII4T TIIK Thad, W. Thrash & Bro. CHINA. I'.t.ASS, UOl'Si; GOODS, I'.TC. Largest and Best ASSOKTMKNT OH ll.NK Writing Papers r:..!.w. ' :u: .fir! c i: nd: i.l'd III''. ' 'II .' Ill lilt' . I. Yon ili.-i't I I t: ir -; AT- lOt;. Per Cuire IH KIvPT AT EI stateroom's B30K M STATIONERY STORF. :i South Main St. WHAT HAVE YOU 11 HUE! An "Ail." calling attMlliuii lhat HI'.HTO.I expressed I.SOO I.OAVl'.H OK RRKAD TO THli CONKFIIKKAT Si RI'.l'MOlS AT BBVIONCITV. Ol'll II ME AH CAN'T BE BEAT. JUST RETURNED From the Northern cities with a r&) mid line o h'ction of fcoods. I am now busy opening them, and the display can be ween next week itii'riii'Ml See That Square ! 15 H cu I E 3 a QC I bp9 hrlorSuits, W. A Blair, NO. 45 L. BLOMBERG, I J FTTttl AYE l'.uuoii'' It ill II 1'. Trunin Kill llsiiiil .Ml--inn' nii'l t I'lidii' l' I' I'.nilly Hurl. S. I. ' IKK, f'uini.iHJ ii,Nii'. i:VIN0, white, tiamp;de.i 1 I. Y. I'.KUOM, uijyaicci; u i. ' K Ii. L. ALl.MN, Uuiii li.iini; i;:'. WItX 'A'. I'AVION. conthi .( ; iiijurnl. JOHN r.'.lLI.r.:', tr.-in I'M ; .! irjuri'il. The hi , t un.ile; on S.i'.ml i M.t-ii on the A iV.c ;liv aial f-'p-.i i..i;"iir,. roii.1. a i.rii.- ! t'-ci'.."'. ' r' linn are ::iv.:iis c''aiy ' I acciilcr.: t, its Ii.t t'..;s time wivl: ? ' the innie :e i! I'll. The late-! tn::: v..i:, Ii mad fur S; ..r!.u, viile at 12:10 a. ; CaSii;e No. .".), .. ens, all I -K'tileil. chaise of Cun 'i t laiijiiieiT I. V. 1',. ' tie ami his i"irfii!-ii man K. 0. l'.ii i'i- ham's com) !.:! t". reaentd lue I; i . i ' - ' M'tt..i I Here the i!.'.-u A i more to the mile (our B.i!i. U'.i.i,'. i the incline Intl ! now liiiowii, I n eiit lii'vi'inl ; ' ' i' 1 1 ma! ran awcy il . ,'. eiigiiiier l int his turn tit l'tai'ir, i to the living tr i' it wotihl riiilte lite niotiiUnrJ in ::ik t y. (HV II;.- I'i ..i k. Hut : i - n- v'. "I '.u-.'t the tut n (-a t'.e ' h ' reach-J th- .!ii ' !.! ' '-i-l''''" ivhieh if at liiv I 1 ' I". ' ainc left th" i V.:. t " . .! x ! i'. ol L lie in-. a 1 ti piled uii-i.i i' .. in tirril. e t 'ii with li e i ...)' ealxnise. I iltc Tin iirsi i'' -.v 1 li.V a ll'Sp: t h U. t'.r.'il 7: !.!; .;.ive a erv 1 . ' 11,1 St'l'i l i .i ! K! e- I'irttna:: V li. o:.e . . 0 baiiils, ii'tihl n..'. i'-' i-u ' v ' l',;ttoii. t::c i .. ' 1 ' ' l.ail!v iill:t. i V.4 '..: ciiifli;.!. A .... . 'i. '.'.... l-'ircur'ti V. t ' -I - !" ,! iimh i' the wrti-i. .'', !:; : diail. As si.oa p'ir;i'i.' alw ti ' ' tile (h-arissia im 'i; af jif.';:! t iiK.d. u; here iiml vent lo I c.rr.viiis 1 I'tii i'i 'Stir l;r.-r-. i!iT:'oiivil!.' I':'. C. i-Vtv, "ii.' fi p.inv's wastahiii f:i other iihjsieian j-an il at At lo::io"a .ti'.il.ia, train was hum Ashi-.iile, a;. it It. Win. 1'. Ic' iiii aiiY surun'a ;:t Aslitvillo.v !oi a to the M'l I'I. Tin' l.aU -t Ili'iun t - I'p in 1 u'll ei; this ntti'n.o l'i-l. U'iit; Nc.m11 liadrceiiv -i: w.i n iV"i:i the wstett. '" t'. rm iai-i-r airt It -tin 5 n iuainl he h.f.l lait .nt-n ;it In nr. 'file tr im hand i 1 1. 1.. Allen, uh;t'.', ol Sylvn. ihat liniiinti r Ii i . ii .m and A.i -i ai the tr..ia at a pMi.t til.'.- Vil.M AT HOMti. any Ni'tT. ihiiu 1 ur I In-l.ri'iit Tarlll' llflui'iiiii'. C'iiahi.i:stuv, W. Va., Oct. 0. lion. William 1- Wii.iim arrived here cstcr-j day a't; nicon luan Washington. He w."S inn at liarpirs Teri'v hy a special 1 1 ;;in crowded with i nthusiastie Second ilisi riel l)ftuiH'rats who escorted him to his unlive town. A j;reat mass meetint; was hild at tin cmut house iiiimidiatcly allir ' lie arrival in me special train ueur i.i;r Wilson. Chairman MeGrnw called the mcciiiai to order and introduced Mr. Wilson. Wilson said the hattle for tariff reform industrial ficedom has lieu a wonderful ar.d iuspiiinsj contest. Its earnestness, I cili mi, i ion; enthusiasm, its patriotic and alnaist heroic ardor, its persistence all ivala it the one reat popular uprisinK . f !i story. In view ol all this we c.'H . ..i 1,,1'i'v. 1 e s.-iid. that the results ,.l.i;;,l-.' aeei nip'aslitd, the urouiid .,! , lv ttnii is .ill lhat is to conic from , tV,.tt i.i Hit, lu'iinlf. Thev !i e hni. ii rroinise ami uaranttc of the l.'.ial aa I lastmi; sueeesa uieasiiru K up nitiidi: and earnestness ot tuc I i n n IIT'TI'P r-'.Mtfr' i'TU'IM' rv-yr.Ty II I II 11 till I, lll lllllt 1 1 I 1 1. . - - - - . 11 I I II lll r llltlltMi M II llif w J, I, U. oLOlRli V.'Jjl.'ltl..' .'LUll.'ii ; I : ()11)S and ENDS 3 KAMI Al 1 of A loll M.I.IAN. ... ,.,.! ... ,ii,. I TIip itine 11! tndav is lutsvetn those wiio wish to hold on to .. I, ,t m I.titi. u.'iir.i-ri nail to llllsh onward to complete victory, and those who wish tu return to tnc system wuien tin- I'topie nave essayed to ovcrmruw. '. "i.'iiir..irvs ;il 'arracrs' tran7ioi;t tii,ao;roiv at ( ( o'clock. MA-'iAt HI M:! "I's l)Eim KAI-. 1 .11- i: T' a v 1'ul i i n Tli'lo t. ll''ilili'il li.v.l"liii i:. lin-M'ii. Till' lVu'l A'a- i. in. nil!. Away Malm, uinl la lull' Mvi'll-IM'. .Iii-tli'. 'a- Maii ami Umv I'liu li; 1 li' Moscow, Idaho, Oct. ..-! :'.;wi:.l J- Dr. J. C. H. lustiie tommiUc.l Miivide Tcstcrdnv. . ll'i;-i. This dispatch Indies news of the .hath of a mail vt ry well known in Ash'. vale and lliuiconilio, whire he was oi ee ea- (ja'd in the practice of au di. inc. Dr. Justice was born in Crab inc. in llavwood couutv. la 1S1 he read medicine in Weavi rvillc with Dr. I. A. Kciik'1. 1'rom thcic he alteii'i' d tHlle- vue, it' ork, whence lie was ;;r.i'.u- dtcd (shout lssl. He linn cam.' to Asheville, win re he i:. net ieoi li s imit'.-s-sion until 1S!C, w hen he remov.d to the West. Dr. Justice married M'ss Auitsia Stevens, daughter of Dr. . M. Stevens, of Leicester, this county, a while before his departure lor his r.ew home. Sinn- Dr. Iiistice .vtat West thin- I.a.v.' li, -en .Mi'i'ininls from there ol his iietii'v into trouble, the last biir.K a lew nioi'th i ajo, when, according to revcfp'Oict re ports, he had attempt'.d to n:i!u::ite a man. 1 1: or I ei liapi sir... - is ii'" ut ii;s':.:tedi!..'.vi; iv w here is i p. lint t;-,e t - am .1 tltv' en.;ii.eer a. iritain. The villi the c'lc.'P r, bravil'." "11111; T ly la pii'L! Una ii'c run down tW c ea ..' sidi il were airi'l il : c.'S Hosto.n, Sept. 1) The Democratic state convention was called to order yesterday be II in. John W. Corcoran, chairman ( I the suic committee. lix-Govcrnor Win. I". Uii'Sill was made penuauciit clia'u m ai. '1 he ex-Cioveruor was introduced bv u daroran, and Russell wasie ce V'-d with old linie democratic cuthusi iimh The chairman's denunciation o! 1 1 ,- .'-., ,-.,,:m I'ruii'i'tive Association and its liepulilican allies was an csp.cial tan-" i.f applause which was both loud ran! Ion- continued, and at the close ol he nd'ln ss the applause was only stop- rails of Hathaway, soule .Si ltnrrint'tiiu's, Hull S: l'aekard's and A K. NettU toil& Co.'s Fine Men's Sioe3, 'CHOICE S3.75. V.'OUTJI S3 ANU$6. MITCHELL, J TISK MlvN'S OVTFITT1 j j ' 1'ATTON AVKNUK . . . .. . . , s:r T',"1t l... il,,. iiitit:!,, nf llio hnild. lloa. Nathan Matthews, chairman ol !i e committee on resolutions, read the pbmorm and ail the salient declarations v. e ci -di.rsed with hearty hand clap ,.int'.. 1 lie resolutions were adopted vvh hunt dissent. The tollowing ticket was nominated; . . i i... i- r, .ti- i ,. ti'iviiaor, jouiiiv. iii?3t.u wi iv,o... , i t,i,.,v . in nt: naut-Kovenior, Charles U. Slraton I this siieeessliillv. She w ol l',ii:.;;'i-.; "ccrctai-y eoninioiiwi.niii, i is'.i.s.icioii t,, !i ,-,.f 1. 1' I.:i wrence: treasurer and sou. lie denied it, bu , . ; i-., I nn A I'.riniicll ol Cin cil-1 stories. TI i , , , . ,, i !..!,- . tidier, Alf-cd C, Whitney ol Bus- aijamst han ;is ver .' iiirn-.'v "eiiiral. Ilcnrv F. llurlhurt the son ol W lute s nc.i I 1. Villi Senator Jurvis at Fartmrs" wusdi- t: tomorrow at 11 o'clock. i.vm ii i:i rot: .mi i:ii-:i:. A hito Man -sil'llim- l p t'oi' Kiliia.; a Wiiinan. luvi;,,:, Kv., Oct. 0. Am ib broke into thej lil at IL':!") this morning and to;,li Akxauder Richardson, a white tn.oi, out and handed 'am to a r.iiiroad hriih'e abiait 100 vards from th: til ;,'ti'pii ollicc. Kichardsar:, who i-. 2 1 yen m old, was iirnstcd charged with niur lerin: .'rr.. Vv!ii white. 30 vears clil. ill-; niiitiu r of live children and the .via-ui an iit.'tis-- triouti lariuer, lucr nr.l.s iro.u hire. .-lis. White was found n.ariir h ur,',' w ith her head and lac ci inh. .1. ! hn d d v- ercd club was lyi'X' jiear. A.i attempt h.-ul lu't'ii m.'idc at irimiinil I'S.snnlt, I'tit the evidence -ho -o sh.- h i. I nsii-tei sthi n i!ii:riieii(l. Buffalo Londonderry i i'o'a ir i, iu.L'.I , '.va .ri ; , I . I . , At lie :'a!u la l-U to li'i'i'.il'll t-.l'l Col li I'tilll .itioi-il eviiei'.cc trul l', lie was st nei,;;ib' r. Senator Jarvh al Farmers' wnichoiiiic ,:mi row nt II o clock. i ui; loo Ari l i:i:u. Sxtmioi larvk al Farmers' iratrou-M- loHMr'iiii' at o'c'ock. I t II. I. I',!', t.l!! .1 Vt l.ll il Ii't'i'oy 1.1 Itunu; t li,iu 'this, Time; . Oct. S. The Westminister i',n,;eltc I'lia'a. lies a despatch from Yoko i-aaia v h'kh says it is reported that the ai on 1-e have captured Che loo. The l' .vir.::;,i 10 , hoeievcr, has received no ., i i a , i .-.natrnLin'. tins reoort ', .1 i 1, Ir,,-,, II, ill, r lCnni. savs the Nl'iu river at I'oo Chow has been closed ,.. .1, Tin- warshin Un- daii'.iti d has bicil ordered to Nayiiski nd h-.v Dua'l tail i. .AT. .lac Ti e )uu;y r T;;;;. nu' -t'init morrow . livery cit!.;.". i t should hear l .ai.ed t-'..'t.s terai Jarvis speak at tne l .i: n.ti: house in Ashi'vilh. to-:;, a row, bcaii at 11 o'clcek Senator la. vis is an a; ta t ii.'iinth''' but in 'dtil 'e lriaiater blow ,,.,fl f.iiiiiiiM-,l i.f !.':i'l; h,' St;; lids, at the i -pmi;. I ne tiruisii warsnip in; neail ol A '.rtn caroi'.-ia s puune spiait. . is i.isiiti t nercver :uator arvis u; s otn-.i n o md the f:unb'.'i;t l-'iribraiid to .New I this cnnvatis he has made a proiouu I ua iu. I nrissian. and tins .o'.iurtur.uv to la-ar he Star prints a disr-atch Irom oko-1 ,im should not he allowed to p:'-- i inn inn'" t hat t ie uuaru oi nnnrovei tin. I.i;,:,ii!-.i- a'liiv is encmo'd to the Amule nrraueeiiK nt s fur .s.iitint: t! ninth of the Vain river. A battle is im- crowd havebt'in made hv Col. J. I'.. M l tin. enainua l oi l ie c nun v connns ivi a ri'iinrtt'tl I i.i......,,l,..M , l,..i i ', ... I. i i , i: l .t.i .t . I'll, si 1 s ,.- - i i ii. nit in , it i tn ii . . i il.e ;:p.;',inse have capturcu vnciat n o'clock , . . . r , 'i,:.. . . ,., i in, in it-1 h l I iio, il iri'.uv i n a i in t- ' i t.i. t..v ol thcMiantf lungpromoiuiiiy. ii i, ... .i- ... ii ive iraiie uuo i poind it;, m est in'itcd touiimbcr about ,( a). I Harris' Lithia Water VO T11K I'AST 16 MONTHS. .Jii by. wc were Holicittd to take the i-mkv fui KanU' I.ithia Water in Asheville. W cuu'c the siiI-js of each .since then to -iliow II'.L pfui-Ie V.o'.v Harris' I.ithia stands iu oumi'tstUuni will: t!.e two oldest I.ithia waters on lb u ninrkft. In the iast 16 months sold 30 cases London Icily; sulir.11 eases liufl'alo; sold )2 cases Harris' r.ithia water. H.mis' I.iihia w.iU-r j.i.$oper case, fi.50 re :'.ste for n-turu of bottles and ease. AGlvSTS I-'OK ASIIKVIIJ.K riAYSOR & SMITH, 31 I'ATTON AVKNUK. 1 11- Iliutent VolvOtl.V.MA, Dct 3D this 17 PATTON AVKNUU. AND AI,I. KINDS Oh' I'f KN1TURH. Rock Bottom FOU CASH OR WFIiKLV I -H-S- INST I.I. M UHH FOR HVl One judgment rtKiilust I'. A. I'lnniug for twenty dollars nutl elithty cents (J so-ioo. Will give lilwrnl dincount. Or. Greer. r- f.A- s. Heintsh& Reagan, DRUGGISTS. A Tnaiap Kill. .1. : the "passengers" mi : ' tiamp tiaircd 1. v i ' y. 'd , . '.- was ouiul t ! i 1,1m Mi Per. a colornl Ina!.- i ' ii ii, hut not sirioiisly, it it ;: . ...:. 'i rain Dolayi il. I ;.,.. l'si'i nt i lie wi'Li'k i'ii; :.i 'rail 1 I wisliihl la re until - u'ii "' 'las d'tuui oa, wlun it iell to la .e ui-, lar ii Saludit, rctu.-nit'K 1:1 m t : t ri . oiMl. I lie l O c oi K ' i"st l'-c- I ,vas expected to run out on tine. There was a Slock, man onine u.-.m, accoiiipiiiviup! a load ot s'ock iii ti. U is learned that lie was not n jnuo. i lie Dt iUl or .Miis-iii',.., ii.icr liroiim was a li-itiveol a h r.'imlina. but had bun livinK in Asl'e- s aiie time. He was about .Mors v, mi ii , . .'im lai a wue nun loin urn- drtn. Hi cariicd $13U0 irs'iranee ia thi ltrotlu ihnod of la coiaotivc 1; ninci l-'in iti.ui oik was .i'i years oi.i, .hl;i ili,.fiil,' .-n d leave? a l.nil'lv. i'-.t .1,1,-1 i.i- r.iitua is a si i ule raan lives al lirvson City and is t-'l- vein sold eiatoi-.iirrs at I'urmcr wanlio- s. ioiiiomiiv at II o i.ui ai. la-; t uiiiplH'll ami Ih.'llin-, i..l, l ('...vnhill .'Old W. W. j--" i fn I'd, moil inn lo Hi'-. Wasiiinc.ToN, Oct. '.) The I . has pardoned I'lter I'.r.'eu, cm'.!. South Carolina of haviu,; ta;; money in his possession, ,'iiai s; at' in June, lS'.i.j, to S'X vears ,inp ., n nt hard labor and Slim in.:. . irrouiio ioi tnc paroou, w i i. a rw lloillin'il (iolini 11"''" hiefore denied, is the bad li ,,!:'n . Wiii'k l hui'-tla.v. convict, who is in the 1 is', st.iv.i-! ,. sumption. lialllinii Troiahl T'tair. R.M.iac.ii.N.C, Oct. ti.-T'ae 1- lit lielvv.i Ni aa!o;-..iri .s at Farmers' warehouse .moriow at 11 o cluck. IIAI'I'Y sl'INM'.lts. i liiv ; w llri'i . Kin Mass., (let. U.-llie urdic that New Bedford ever nl is nr.aiit.ilA-ended. The mills will ' . . . TI litis 1 1 let i in 't. II" ,,s 1 J .Si . , ' . . ... ...Ill ll .... I,,n m.n. mn.n ,,,t i, i niorniiiL; nnn im: i'iini"" I.,,.. . I I., ii li-.iiiiv Irnnll' Ot milll . I ..nrlt mill I liti.:liin IK inn I ..1...1....I I... .1... c .... i. ...... . llllMllU I'V Hie .s. .utut i ii i ,,',,". s .... 1.-i....I.,.v n .. ... 1 ,','! I'. I .1 I .-illll -I".-. i).-t. '.). The Sunreme I Clneato for delivery i i kaii:;:!i m lout iiirtof the l uitid States began tut Ot-tobii- turn at noon, all the justices - i.-. i.i.n nituriipYS were au- mitti.l to practice and anuriibcrof minor Tin -lipivin- liuilroad Tickets Cheai. Eacli Ticket Guaranteed. ON TUK hljUAKl-i. ecs were disposed of. AMIni'Minl't On VTiv. Siiamokin, I'a., Cel. II. Hy an sion in the Duke Fuller mine s hall one man was killed and four others aic t Iio 1111110 with no avenue ol iS'':iI'. tne ctliti- won;- SMOKE' Fifiv -live A Wiiiili ii Mill -non to Mart. ii . ......... i., 1 1 1 a r. Tin. T.niiisv'dlel shaft is on lit and 'Madison' woolen mill, worth $ 100,- men were taken out alive. nap, was sold to Theodore Darns and I.rtiw n. ilera tlllinv lor SiU.IIUI'i and is expected to resume operations liven 1 iinll-li liull wiij sslnuiilitor. Uilli, Ol'R SOD FOUNTAIN WII.I. Hi: OPRM tlLTBK WINTKH. . . WP APF Sf RVING laced Mush led his Oakland Heights Hotel WILL GIVE isi IM l.l. tnerry rnospiiaie, Ice Cream Soda, is i In. iiri'ltiesl. lust and chiniii'st Hcml-porcclaln nnidv. MI. LAW, HIL.VKR AND CHINA, 55 ration Ave Reduced Rates Until January 15th, 1895. Seltzer lemonade, Grape Phosphate, Mineral Waters, Etc, AGKNTH FOR Huyler's CONFECTIONS ;uh oth.r in i d'.t dtb.ittal S.itidy saturd.iv. Tne M"j" ih'-.Miirna- .I, r.i ivn.d ih'Ctruis' and wr. i' i n i,,,l .in in in nls s fo a till i. lie n in iut n .,,,, . - - shelled the woo.'s lor the tune a lotted to him and (he crowd uracil lum on to that Win n he cot.chiihd he had spohcu lor an hour .ni t nanu'is. U was a sliiKK"K B1,eh iis l;lt' -Ma.l'-'r ilois ni'i ap preciate, i'liil AH', canipinu won ui in : i i.:. n ., us il.iil It't'iiubhcatl' verv iiim, w nu ii iks. ' - -'-i ism" will K-'totilv sneh Utile show as it deserve?. Senator arv.'s at Farmers' u,rc!iousc tomorrow nt ll ocioa. They'll Hour MnJ. Moilnuin. Tim r.hl l'ourlh Ward is lo be heard Irom tomorrow eveninc; at 8 oVIoek .,.,. i urn im the nnroo e ol 1...;..;.,,. ,1 1 1, iiiiw i.itic club is to be '"'""''i . ., ... I.. 1 I ,,, I li. U V . 7S1 I'll lllllll 111 lit mm. iti.i. - . . the speaker ol tjie occasion ami u is I.. u' , ,'f 1. 1 remind nil those .lllllll) lltlt..a,j - ...l,.. oHi.mi tin-initiiiu' (hat thev roc iio iii! to have .1 lifitl. i ne niei'tiue; is to be held in the h.dl near the bullae. Aoiilo Insanity Now. Dr. L.ll. Mcllriivcr tills Tnii Cll'i.HS tlmt when he last visited Mrs. Causey ...i . Of c,t lint! fille (mited liv wiiu wn ntiiii'i ...... ... . i .1-....!..,.. ltimti.-Hiil nt 1 .'iirviriv. she ncr in iiuitiii i,i.s,.i.... - had acute insanity, mid the chances lor her recovery wire consiucrvu lueygrc. Tin ll-ioli-ary l.iliv stun,!- Col.i'MiiiA. S. C, (let. n. The di'sisi. of the Siipieme court in the dispensary eases was filed hist muot. . us'.'i'is I nin M,l C irt- ili'id.-ire the ini'stittltiotia! r ,1 I it !,...;.,,. n I, .it ll (reil'lll I tvllili- I'liil t I llStil'C Mt l Vl T llisSl'IltS. Tl'.is '"''''' . I lO lllli'V1,S..,l train runiimuover a eramt crossing mar " -i Chartram, Kent, dashed into a wagon I XOKTt! CAK0L1XA AEH'S lull ol boo pickers. IiiHt ot tne nop pi.keis were killed and live wircbailly s1,.ii,v Aurora: ltisa sail s'ubt to I I in 1 1 v i ... 1....I 1..,. I.. V, ,,i I il... .,,-;, .1- i lnr I he ist. 'lie Si'tiate. IjAVoon, Iml.Oet. J-l lie new m lis 0,,e uuder a .mirtKao, n I(M rlllU . were siarttd up nt tne Amerieiiu on , ol)ltT ulllU.r t'Xmitiim. I. 11. L,'lu" date '.ictni'V 1 I tsi li,,.; infill' will be no reduction in wanes. ROSA CIGARS, FIVE CENTS, Jt'ST RK0K1V1UI A NICK VAHll'TV Ol' FREEH SARDINES, I sec two Kepublii'o l'oiulist leaders, tx- I iinstinaslers, I. o. l oroiiic: nnn . i. ALSO A FULL t INE OF up nt the American tin nm, Ul(, 0l)l,r lllUll. t.xc(.uli(,n, . . ust niisht. nud 1 resii.cnl t tlL.-s i,sc ,,,) two lots in Plielbv rmcd the men that there wt,rc. Sl,ltt Monday lor tiToOto David ii'tiimin waiTCS. ... i ..i i .i.... ..i- i..i..;n.. ...l,., (ioni'ulil Hot 11. W ASillMIToX, Itteiv i-i-i,. ....,,,,,,, , , - I I,. ., ,,l,,,til,,r ill' Aulneilli. itll.l 1l llll'itii.. it I'n ' had bonnjit this mortnara: and dozens ol I l 111 1 1 IIS lllllll .ll'.l. .'s,s,s.. , Oct. o. Bceretary V-ar- s-,a ,r,,t .,, riMitaininr: I: i . ... i . n, i.i.i.t't.i. i.itrr III I .. 4 ...I ,.,IIG,t t.'flB fl till SI1III inr A.t.1 Hall ll'tl.ll HlHIWllllVl, UVU.feS. . - I u ti uuiii. '"""- .".s." ".s Gcoin'm ihief of division of national and his interest nuthouse nud lot in i-mta iii i ii- utiice ot tne treasurer oi iuk .-nien't i...uh.. I nitiil Mates. I Oohlsboro Areas. We rccret ix t wo (.rout Mi'll. cccj inuiv enr . in in u ii.r. ..i v.. u C l?r.,;ii,. Piiislid ir I " . ' ' , .,. in.... i. ..!.., l no.iii'., vii. e-, s'sittn iini'i. w..s I tins city, w line ii.'iuiiuuf; ins pisioi in the eminent Spanish statesman, has ar-1 the store Wednesday nihtthc weapon ni'i I'vtihided. ft ball clean throueh nvtii iioiiii'ii iKia tiutunitti . s"i--,-i:-" - , . . '..,.. , , in tiudiuice with the I'ope. At llnltlmoro Yc.ttenln.v New 'oik......l o ltllltillioll 2 o 113 5 1 1 0 O 0 o K. II. 5 0-17 -u b o-3 5 COSUESSliU TELHGRAMS. Ti,,. ii ,;iu nil'u'iiil Democratic paper of Kentnckv, announces Scerctury Ciubslcnsa candidate for the United Mates hennte. A huriiennc is raging on the Florida, Ueorgia and (juii coast. l. (IIHllVll, Pl,v.,....,t ' v...... t...s...fs.. his hand. It is a paiiilul and dangerous WOUIUI.,i,ili W.tA'si nml I'lliHeri'i-r! Tlu Governor has offered a reward ol $101 III tilt tll(l...,s ,., tux, ,vs ...v.... known person or persons who murdered I... ...n lli'ittt'ti il ortl I nil Miill fliltiet. Oll.J.t'iit" , .. ............... ....... UttCllllcul, ill VsUliiwuii vuuiuy nisi int.. -Smithfield Herald: Mr. C. K. Ilir- lon, of near rrineeton, is dead, lie kicked a call n tew days ago unci linnseil Oil In .l,i.,n rt.t llitl fiAllt Till. Ittill. 1,1. a nine inttv t.i. ,,.o ...w.. . ... i " .... ... flamed and blood poison let io and kinea mm. Mock Turtle, Consomme, Julienne, Mullagatawiiy, Bouillon, Okra anil Gumbo, Mutton Broth and Ox Tail Soups. WHKN HUNORY CAt,I, ON LATIMER AND DDY YOUR OROCBRIKS, 10 N. Court Square.