Wedneslaj BVenlng, October 10 1894, TIIE;ASIIEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. WANT COLUMN WAXTKIl " cMerly itr-i)ii or iuv.tlt.l Ail- I0-.UlV ItlvL-. WANTHD Mtu.iti'iu i ilivaiitl lit Comitailiull to i-l.iiiW' tu.iv. AiMress "CitMrANitiN." lo-.uliimi i.itijii u flirt,, WANTKI-A i'iMtin in a tui in .Vluvi'U lv ii von ti l' iii'tti (i:ivitn iwi ntv i vr;ii rxiK'ru'iir in a 1m uk ai Hit VmUi Ail.Hr X. V. .. Tl.ih oi! rote A'A'.vr. 1,VR KHNT -North M tin -A i story store limtse cornet tun jtttvrt nnil Munition nvcu.u- I'Dstairs iiiil.ilile lor liiniilv. Aim1v t" t ;Ut' T. I MAU.OY, j-irst IMiiH. 'FO KKNr-l'uniUluil iuuim- litfitvil with liot 1 water, aUi (in nt-Itctl u'Mitiiitnt .uh !;-") table in n private (amity. Apply 111 1,1, HAUl'l inui Kiul M. 1,vm ki;nt ly furni'li -KlliTin:iIf. .'I iWi!l. Cu!i'.;ili. u- Miril. lll-t oil South Maill MU'it. Ik'autitiil locMtiuii, Applvi'ti pivmit it C. W. BKAt.K, io-pliw ArtU-n, N. L. IJH)R RKNT--with 7 mutt mm!V omntiv loil-iKi with 7 rooms, tithr luniMifrt or without Itiriutiire; ioiu'ici lam!, -.not I wt-U vvat r, i1 miUxHit on 1,-ajUouI M uiitun Mint tai.voatl. Appiv to C. S. CDiM KK, y.j;iltl' (7 North Main St. LIOOIl I1UAKU rate. MRS. S. TKKKY, it.i N. Alain St. llAN rKH itoimltr.- lor two conn f f rooms on first tloor. MRS. U.K. No Jf Flint hlu i f 1ASTI.I-; kKST-l-ir lass hoarding house. lltially locatcl. No. J! Otovf sln tt. 4-lotlti' MRs. SViUkKMKlsTKR. 1OARDlN'C. I.HiL't, pkststtil rooms, Norll A crn cooking lo-jtliniu li'itu. ifiisoinl'li- s MWKNKS AVK. r.RAI. ptTsoiwraii pi t : L-asant tmanl in private house: home Limluil5: pietlv tool prices reasonable. Appl v ilecmoiiU" i MKUimiON AV; IOK RHN T Six or seven liulit huii-iekeLpinn, or Inrni-heil rooms, lot ninn, or win irtve lunru. lit reel ear line lO-iyil tt-tnes A.hliess MRS. K. I. SPAIN. Chat lutle t- IOARlHN(. At ak, Htreet.on Lookout liioiiiitaiu L-tih e.t I .-Oia-k' tut. I.avue K ton mis ami plenty Terms liotn f$ to - per wet k. .lull!' MRS. M. KI;RHSI1M KM' ami re st t. r lion ( v men ean he louml at Hill Top Ik.u holism, South M.nn strea, !' tin or month. Rooms eU an, e. mi mi t ; r i : . well ventilateil. No l-uis lnrnili-.i. Wfttlteil. Mot or eol! hath tVee. hir: -; Terms reason.thle. M US. S. M. 1;.NNIN; V-ivdimo MCYCI.K-A st:tii,l.iil ' w heel 1CY in ! I. n mil 'oiulitlun lei I'.isii, 13UR SAI.K lfor ihu.l. jsoi. at theconit house ;il iz haker's delivfi y a ;ni l(r against satn.-. rl.n-n 1 hav it; i;Ni;i r. II. IOR SAI.K line iair lu :v tins, one hiuev. otu l.i y horses, two wa i cut, two sin.: calls, one laine ine-piooi ilesks. V, li. XToTlCK-All numV-rsoi li.t; A liall chih are ropiest '1 h Kile, Ihiee olUvt' li. li- ir..VKK. -lieville teml :i iioul ; porlnnt nit ( tint; ot the ehib it the .:o:k I'. 11 lev 1 niirsiiav instil at nivu I) lo-1 ;l kl". I'lesiil.-ilt. V"'TICI': I'nhli.- Soi i si-hool on Moml. 1 Ll -; .it . Mil til to S p. ni a Oct. i) itom 1 1 seliool on Wet! i in., at CathnlU lilll troin i:ii a Motitioi-1 .h i..l on 1 ii . til. lo ;o i 111.. :it lav, i el. . ta Mmii Hill -ohihi! on Tim; - . ! in. lo s p. m. . i n -1 at inv o Ctly Hall on 1 ri.lay. i nl. i.Ui d i .-Ui tiom p. in., to issue ivkt I- "i : i in i .11 lo lie sehool children. I'ajents mil i.a'Jy nic and save iniioh time and o'liLi-ion h tit- that the chih he ti et iheii lnk t- at t l -luelitioiieil alKive. . ii. '.i l" 'N. P lo-sd a Sit;. I it. T VI. H -My virtue titni. i. linrl on the .vtli Mat . It. tlient ol ll en 1. 1 ill ilote ai- tip a trust deed tit in t dnlv tevi-Uto ..1 t:,. to th the Register ot Iti.eds ol liuiu .m! .onciy hook No. 15. at p.iBe 51, tiioiiy,i,'i- ic. ui !,, tilillt having ln-eii mailt' in fie p n im nl i'l note, 1 will sell loi cash lo Hu- Itiln i : ; M al Ihe eourt house doot in A'u-vilu- N r , the j;th (Vll r, iu, th.- pi op : v i .!. Mid deeil in tnM, -,ti. hind -mi l1. i.i-i o( v st left, adjoin i 111; hi 'ids ( trim r! 1- !. 1i1.n1 ; t 1 H. Mrowti nti 1 otheis. This J s- pt . 1 1 t J'.dit-wed A. I . .-I'M U'. XTTICi: 1!V Viltlle ot llie pov.'t .ile 1 t:iined in ;i m ;e .lee.! e.V A. McKillopaud II. VeKi:i.'i hi v. . Rachel Mltnil-r, dal' d Srptt Mi'-ei 1 ;, t . reistet rd ill tlf ot'hce ol llie Kcti-i o. ol HiiueomU- county. 111 hook N. -Ho ft. set 1 , and hy li'.ison ot 1 oi:'. ..a t ut llie said Kav In-: s ::"'u t tn C. iu.; sullied hv said ih '.!, 1'. . . and 11. K. M:K illop, will t n l!u ' 'lh '. y. lolu r, s..j, Hell iit puhlie an. tioii t.-r 1 i.-li 111 . at the coin t hon -e r in l !r . t Vllle, llie real propeily dec: .0 .! 1:1! (jam deed, whuh tuoru.te !. - i i- Inn.' let red to tnr the purpose ot ii-. : iplloii, hepti inher ..(. is, p K. A. A II. K M K 1 '.I, V. V Ilrow ti, Atty. -Tiustec's Sale t luh r nml liv v : 1 - 11 tue ol the power in mi. v sted hv a ci itain deed in tni't Willi tllll imw'ir ot -..ile l here in executed to 111c as tiu'.tet; hy I'. I; I'.itton ,1 u; Annie K. l'attnn, ln wite. dated the ah d,iv o! Fehriinry, A. !., iso.t, and duly recorded mi th. Mil tiny ol hrhiuary, A. li., i"-.i. in the oim-e o) the Register oi' Deeds t Hiiiu omtte eonuiv, in Imnk ot mot turtles :ind dot is inttutNo. i.', i-ii itaKt s -m.' to und to which as renMctvd ie lereiiee is heuby m;de lor lull pat tieulai the tr ot, to secure Ihe p aytiu nt oi a ceri.tiu pn - ii-.-wry note therein dcsciltcd. and deiaiilt h v i 1 1 . hee'ti nude in the payment el the mu 1. -1 on Haiti nole wherehy llie w hole deht Ihetetn fit n tinned hectmie due ind pay.'ile, mid the p ei to tnreelonc heeame operative, and in coiidaums ontained in sniil il-rd in Itr,.', 1 will sell tvthi highest bidder lor c.isli at public oiilciy t the eon it house door in the city ol A-he ilV, m ihi county of Ituiicoinhe and si ate oi North Ca'o lill.t oil Saturday, the ?;th day o! to!, r. - . j nt iioeUnk in. ."the ptoptriy drcrio-d ia tn id tleed m iriisl lo satisfy llie terms u i cost tlltl )tis eontailied Iheteiu, th- smd lit 11 1 1 Itotlt.ded and itescl ibed as iollows- sih.atr, 1 iitK and heinw in the county ol lnnic'jiuh st tu of North Catolina ntni in the city oi Asiiced t . lcilIK lot No. lo oi n plat made ill l oi the As ton survey ol the Pearson laud" to the we-a. 1 11 part of the city of Asheville, und Umn.h'd mm more particularly tlescrihed as Iollows ; !U yiii niUK at 11 r lake in thr wmthern tuar'iuol n w ntrcet, an shown on s,tid 1 at, ihe torlhwet cor ner of lot No 9, conveyed hy Richmond I'earsun nnd wife to T. C Mimes, and runs south eiht ilenreeN enst (S. SJ K. f -I'le hiiudted ami two ami one-hull (lo's) teet ton si. ike in Ihe northwest innruiu 01 11 tiKuheay running nalh 1 wit li llav wood street, 011 n hluil overiookitn; -saul sim'l; iheiicp with Haid roadway north ei.:hty driers Ibrlv-tive inittutes west ( N. ' 4s' V. 1 on.- huu dred and Iwentv-.u-veii t feci lo .1 comer tn lot No. li ol Hjiid plat; Hu nee iioitit t ut ht -toui dereeH thirteen nntiulej. west , N j' iy . 1 one liutidred and lwclo (n.'i let l lo a stake in the fcaid southern tnaiiiiii ol View slrt; thntce In an easterly direction wiih siid -on! in in mat (fin of View .street to ihe puinl or p:.n.c ot bt -HiintitiK. This October 1, l.HAS A. Weill. t. Havidoii Jones, Attorneys, Trustee, iifjilit'lm A -an vi 1. 1 1., N. ('.. St pt 3, 1-., j. Hditor ol The Citmeti : Will you ph ,r-v ui e Hmcv tor Hi in notice Hi mv cNp'-u-r liom this date until the next election : Until recently I did not know that h. Hint: ,.i elections wiih a violtUion oi the In w in Noiih Carolinn nnd 1 am mire tht this inlurions cus toin linn been indnliicd in, hy many imhhI and loyal citUeim ot our State who love In r too well to wilhilly diftennrd lu r laws. To audi neiKoui it is only nectssaiy 10 refei to Section j-m? ot tuc Cole and it will he readily oU ved. Should we unfortunately linvc anions iiKi'my who In so wautiuu in patiMisui as to otter or nccepl n tet iou the renull ol any election htmttU'r, toaucli pers.oi I uive fair notice that it U lotli my duty nnd my pleasure, tn uphold and enforce nil lawH of my Stale, as well 11 s I possibly cmi, nnd that dlreard of llie law tefet red loin pist tiny hi will not, a ter publication ol this notice, be Inkeu in miy decree an int rxctise lor a repeti tion of thin offense. Wry Kespectlullw T. W. 1'A l ro.v, Mayor, We henrtilv concur lu the above nttd iviii lend nil the assistance In our piwti to the enanve menl nMlie law. FRANK CAkTiiK, I1. A, T. 8UMMKY, J, I'. 9 jJAw Jin DR. J. A. WATSON OFFICE 13 GdOVc ST. HOURS 10-jdimo IS UNTIL a. BOYS OF POVERTY GAP. Now They tnOhiit for I'lot Instead f for it's. poor in the rvat c;::es liave'iitli'iu-tt'd 4? tiim-h atti-miuii. writes ;n nrtirle n I ; rhiy-roitud-. f.-r t'ity' for tin (Vnturv. While tht-. hits r-:rl:eular rr- fi'iviu-e5 to Neiv Vorl; 'ity, it isapplica Ido In ti ineiiMiiv t 1 hirv eities. Mr. Kiis Miyii tltetv l.u..!y (U pul .1 ic s; h; 1 in NY.v Yuri; city t !i;it has a iv;::il:;r pliiynniml, und tYit was iPit :K-ia.iv.l fir thrtt parpn' iv It i i in tlu-ik-;:rt t-t thu t' n.'iiu'nt l.i- : r'x'. (rmvo.vitr.l v. h'w't !! t Ii liv th. ant : , (.i ur.'w :i .11 shut- it l!: liivfout ofl:;;!lt f:': :.i lh.. v!...l. h lii 'y iiMVu1 I ; ;i ;i ii t'.tir.L-kirnt'e tliat ti... r i! ;!i ' i-f K..V.-, whicli u-oil l.i ili "r.n'r t :"t I'm.'!; 011 S.i'iml avcnin', an i iv - i i:u;I!v dklmiK'U mi.;-i-liirf. lias n..t 1 . a h'ar 1 from Marc tli'M.'l.l;'ravtyar.l Ikamja iilaymuml writi-s Mr. liiis. UU a fact, auyh iw, ana my oxprrH'n.'e with l'ovorty t!:ip mtilv.' i ma f jol (nit.. oiTlahi that thi'ro Is a rimu'ctiun luM'.vcjn the two thiuys. (Ivor t'lvr.- it ti'..-t to Ik.- mv:t iaijio.. silito to !? tliro.tjrli tht! MooU without bi'in;; )H'l'fil wiih mu.l 1 y thu rajra maliins who very early tlcvclopoil into ton;;hsi.f a pwuliarly vi.'iuus htar.iiy Thvy half liilh-.l two p.ilii.'i'mcn, aiul, out of i-luvr nialh' K ;i I to death t!io onu hoy in t'u: Id :!; ',.llh a ;;oo l tvim tatioii. The m-I.-ho r!n.:l vs aa il.-si-lato as it was il.- o.-iat;.; hut when the wli'lidl ni l tj:i:'iii.'iit , wore t-irii u.nvn. ami a juihlic i'layf;roun 1 was C'prr.i'.l on tho ii!;vht of tin-in. with K'.viiiys ai'. l Paiulluans auA whc.r.'an'owa tm.l tlmvels. tli v'i. !i" ia ir:lil -n-hooil chunu'l as if hy iiKirrie. Th.-ns wore no mora oi'.lrp.;. " 1 don't Ir'ii vo I hoard i:o) from i'ovi -i-y (i;:;! ll,:;! tyo:;r lliroiiyh too polios. i;..oiia troitiwi'h spcotai los iai;'!.t (:' ti:: 'ii..tin 'i , il lliroiii'li t'.u' 1' fomul nth r ti ingrotlivtit of i -ctta-lor I i h-;:.-o. it liad ho, Ml a i-;!..h.-.t with -i. w vl;.'clno-,s liii j thiji : pout It-,-' t-i l!ii.'phi;rroii: lint ii w 'i har t'10 park is f on Wayi'.ir, !-.' iou!: Tlioro is room y cliiinoo f ir soiiii1 loolc. Tiu! l.-.ys had f r tho tun 1. A.. a:i i it v. a - a pvat por w h-o- :oi i;i 1 1 ii., fraitor ih.-r ohalloi-r' iotyrt;v. All r -:a i-o (I ia l.v t:l th.f orty rk." f in th i::-mi' ii . id.'-i! !!vT.-:-:-o-r.: ii.'.t". i. I'nf r'.' :!'.-, . Tho hi'il.lia;; of too j'o v. i; -oil it oat ia p u t. :!. hioAovor, iitl't li r.u-j piii'llo-spii-'do 1 ol11;,,!i i do hi ) at tho p day and pi1 lico l op. ru r) a 'r ti..n (ail til I'll. on top of g::n uzvs. litirlnf; I inlmli-r-lon-.H I i rn tiii'lu-s tiornim i.'.-rlr r.tuv ii-;:;, ii. t freoticut ili Tiuuidor-1 Tins a ro in V. inter, t.d.i:'. j iaoe d'ii of (loop e !, ni ; only nnplo;" nut, 1ml . j'oro'iis plo-ii-a o loi, m .loi:i-iial. la a : . v -ro tt.rr.-si! lo;'.'! tho illeo-s'.llit roll::"!' and t'.io hliialii"' ll:o lie i , ov.Miu. li to Liaico t'.o qiiiiili while tho dose riu;; l'io pa -..a ;o is, iu.d tiro not Moneiiaioi tlin ays C!i!itnhcr'.s i.'o'ini, the rat 1. inir;;lod ftilli -f tho ihundor S of lilltfill;'. .t h-'iirt t lv .iloi! V i-f II veil known Meplii liollan ci-lrV-rit 'a;' ly 11: out Ih. t ulphm-i s odor rro.'ti -r fiiianal i; on ('no U- (ill Tyhiidi : lay, Oil; the re; -. ooli eor.iioetions, i"ii a Ko-ealled V i.o dawn (he o!-!oo H of ? oi'-lOO ihilli ' ilovo. viilh a 1 all ui llie . in.r a sevore i.-s who WIO ilniiee'lo. ii:;; f:' 1.1 :l-i i f a I i.' s tho room id' tho ho at - 1 lie 1 1 io -f M. "rr l.iilo d th - thio ' a le o," 1 Wl'lj -, .til!' , (Ol ' I ', ' eel pel il. A .4 wii'.kt i! lo I it lia-.hooii io, when the 'e. lot ioi-r io r.'i'i.l f l'ro, whih i Rifi.iif' ar d in t; l.-i il rvor n i s ami ' whih .1. 0 ai-o a 'low -.. lon .-tae'.u; 1 1 . m il.-' a v rii.-l ' UK, ft. l-ti'l'j i-.; is nnd i-eiilp 1 v.l, '-o lliat it ll'.o s. :' ol- eli'illod, !:o tn le !ii:d.-.u of hii face. :i at i 'it on tho tern is fiooiivutly cxjicri Is no mutter for sur- ;! -o Hi: t the aj'pai-ilicn tisii.-illv K-nts a ha-.ty, i!l;lu.ii;':i 'l-rlhiant'' rotiviit inlo tho tio.vo!-, t ii. re to enjoy, without perional di.-.o t;;f, rl, n. (eouo hiylily f.a;.';rostive of tho realms of l'luto or the Mjk'Utu erooh-. Tho ihenomciion Is .simply a slow ojee! ion of vleetrieity iiiiah',"oii8 to tho "Uni.sli" discharge ol mi ordinary c'cctrieul mtichine. AN EXTRAOr.OUIAHY EXPLOSIVE. Ttid Iixtri'inn I taV.l.ty ir I li to of J.'ltro K.'l to l.xpl'oli-. Anion; the mo t w ..iilerful and dan i;orous of all I'N'io '.vvs is iodidu of niiro;ron. !-r i.iei y year., ehcmials h.ivo hum l"yii"; i i .hdormino its pro ei i-nii:;- i: '.-m, a:-.,! in d -in:; r.o have .'.oino'. ir.a -. f..Uly t.di. ii thoir lives In tlioir hail,!,, for the Mil ntanee p-;plo-,les on tho sli; l.t . t pi-ov-eation. A mere draught of nir pav'.:: over it wi'd cattso mi oivplo: ion. 'Jim h-ust i.hodi or fi-ielion i;, ciually di ja.str-ms. Hut lir. Si'.iihuy, t'f Ihida I'esth, fays Youth's Comp; ni.'it, hast not heon de terred hy tiny deu-.-er from tryiiif oiieo nm re to lu-oerhihi what tin; iodide of nitrogen contains, ;dth'".i:;h ho lias had i.omo of his apparat lis pul'. orized in tho v.'inl.iii'r i f mi eye. And lie haa Mieeeode l, too, i i Ids attempt, liavin;; recently esti.hl'o.liod tltu fact that tho eNtraordinary o:;p!,.-ivo, which ha pro ihieod in tho form of a fine powder, contains hydrojro'i us well iim iodiilo and nitrogen. This fsct lind hecn his peeled, hut. never proved. To the ;ronon.l reader it miht seem hardly worth whih- to i-i.,k rum's life in order to lind out u thinn' lil.o thai, hut to tho man of ; . 'ei!"e, devol in;; till hla i 'lorp'ies to inVo'-ii -iitions that tho hit-.y world never dicams t.f iiotioin";, tho diseovory i f so.'h a faet Is us thi illintf lis tho I'mdimr of a fiMl.l nil;; get would ho to a half-starved miner. Ami liU roward is irreater than that of tho forlunato (fohl seeker, for kin nnmo goes upon tho honor roll of Bolenco, to ho rad, perhaps, lintidreda of years In tho future. . Ito F'ttltl tlto (inuio Tittup. Ilonico Clrccloy tnco w rote u noto to a brother editor In Now York, whoso writing v.-ns as illcglhlo as hl.i own, 1 ho recipient of tho note, not holiij tihlo to read It, sent it hack hy tho nimo messonor to Mr. (ire-ploy for eluci.hition, rtuppo.sliijf It to h'e tho answer tn hlu own note, Mr. (Ireoley looked over it, butlikowlsu win uiuhl'o to n ail it, nnd pnid to tho hoy: "tlo take it hack. What does tin" cussed fool m.-an?" "Yes, nir," iai.1 tho hoy) "Unit la just what ho buys." OF LIGHTNING. lir '.ovi'riimeal N Kt'rplttgr a ltecortl to Son What liuil.iiii;; Aro Ills Safest. Tin- annual avc;:;ro (f lives lost hy i;r!it:ti:;;r i. i.t-out ::;. Such ctitas-r-'.'h.-s i -.ha otcur in tho five months r.'m April t i Srptemher, whilo more t-.vo-third.i of them tako place '.n il- T .1 liii? an.l July. The annual vera '. i.ilne of property destroyed hy -iii :i;a;-din-ir.'r the eig-ht years i-n.i-i w!,ii Hi: war, 1,:. on ou t. In l-'.iu ,e--v York was the most unfortunate '.alt wiih re poet to property dam- o:l Ly lilituh'.;,'. rennsylvanht and 'hi., f dl" we 1 hard tifler, of then, v. ,.y up i.i the hundreds of tlitmsimV- i f llars. while Kansas renorts oulv oi'o lire worth C-lci nnd Mis.d-.dppi two, w'.iieh avor:i;rod ?Tj nnloeo. 'l iio f llowir.j!' year IVnii: ylvania le,1. t'io way, clo.--ely followed hy Missouri, Ohio and Xcw York, with IVl.v.varo, I, nit: iana and lUio.lo Island at the op-po-i!" end of tho report, lu l'.C Xew Voik was ajniin ut the hea l, having lo-t nearly twice as lunch as in ntty of the othi-r years. Next in order were 1 Viirsylvanhi, v Jersey, Xorth Da kota and Ohio. Florida and Mississippi tho hast that year MS5 each. Durimr lh. nine years undlnff with lOJ li i'il .1 ' .stl-i U 1 f w Y I. oil. ..- t:-::-n l i veilings and 104 ok hy lightning, hiirns Is usually ik. l'onnsylvania, iia and Now .Ter tion of dwolliii(,'9 w York head the amhor. ('.-inipeti-i'o:;t, nnd are also ehnro! The . i v. Ma S. V l-l the IV:.!: -;. !mi list, w ii ll a till ond M piinl. TI !!u -r hart a ii adis f, -r tw enty which el;.'!it yours Jtave which t ) d'.-terailne from "whether thi-ro e:;ists n t'f -.1 at: porn-ilieir sln.lio:-." ' however, tim- s !.:;; in the unit r of lightning The hurt a has tlh..ertvercd, that. 1 .. tiviei 'litKhisr docs tome In the same place. 1 . to find out what iMinos is nm t linhlc .' lii'hl 1 iuir ami to, T - m. I f 1 1 at the character of the hind ! 'iii;:s lire lo.-.ted inilnoiiee? :;-'y of li;;httiin;r strokes, -i havo hecn proved altvady. r t i a country huildinr . as irivat as to one in the ! arn is four times as likely k as a dwelling houte. Willi 1,1- r. y.!r 1 to ta.-os, th... (.alt has l-eon most fr, .,!, oily '.ii-iiel;, the proportion In-ijijf r lioy iiai'.-s as .fn n as tho hooch, vlo-. li o.'.-r,-, the h-u.t frc'iueully. CNLY A SCRATCH NEEDED. The l'fi'iiiiiMicv el' IlUui-l t'o!..onlut; Among t'le .Iioul I'lO'loTD. "It w. mid :.urpri.-o you to know," te eoio !y remarked an oiliccr of ono of our l:,r:.v pa.-ltln:; homes, snystho New Y. -rk i-iiii. "how frcpicnt eases of Idood poisonir.if nt-c nmon our cin ploycs, ami the con e in no st of these instances u on! 1 doubt Ii ss surprise you more. A .-cratch i n tin., hand from a hone i f n call's In a 1 or ti pier's foot often ili'-ahlo-a man for a week, nnd, Mran "', ly oieai-'ii, in almost evei'V cilse a! loo. .atoli h 1 ini; "The li ;".e i.ii-tor 1 el It so f. ".-ptil-lo. i.i! illl,!- 1" my notice tlio edit as to he nl- i I lie man has of i f the forearm, rtiiiy pain, itoth injury is a .--uelilr, mpanicd hv ;i soia :-wclIiii;r and pa:n ; i in rally extend to tho shoulder, under which a lar;,'b lump nonet linos forno , llvi n :: ft or the pros i n -e of the "".'iit-'h It.i t hivn in this manner ilem'-ii'-ti. t I it is often im posMhle to di '.i i t it. It is usually caused, I'l tin; e" I i ii,,. calls luail, Ihe sharp o,l, v ;i !!;.- hone of the a!:, duo to tlio can 1, -no-s of the t' hor wlio severs t'," heiid from the o.i' -i. If ho docs hi . work well and cleaver has i -.-vered the joint per tly, all is well, for there is mi sharp .-o; hilt if ho has mi-sod tin j nit ley oven a Imir.i I rea llli, wine! happens tn live ca-i- oaf , if (."li, then is nu oi;f. on llie tioiie t lia I will aHy v. orh mi - hief. '('f e mi"-.., none !' lltese ca va l1'' (", i r re illicit en a:- ly, in- a-are.-, arc id. a ii; . t tK.-n a'-..e s in '; d that a man : i on- liately C"i. ' alt a phy.-i ruh- wo never vary, f. ..- w. to retain a man . i the iay siili'orin;,' from Mi.-h an not thoujrh ho ho tiulitted for as pr ai d a-injur.-- riaii. feel I-. roll v i lent, work OVi II n.-.hilli'iil tivatm, on liieh many to r. ly, or th nt of an ap-'ili iif thorn would even less sal homo suiyory isfatt 'i-y motli -would only prol- he term of idle- HI3 nAROAIM. lie Trnileil ti Vii'.i. of (I for ii Vuliinia ol Mii:lo-Jic:o.''. A noted character on Ihe h tliirly-liio years a ,fo was old Ih idcer. of Voi-t llrid -or, I'tah. ...rd.-r .Iim TI 'man, relates tlio Youl h's Coinpai on ore occasion v i- i ! ! Mew York, saw M,aki" -pea re's ".Mi 1- inniiier .S i; In' liivaiu" pei'foi'tneil. lie had no do idea as to w ho idiake- iieare v.i;-, hut lie i iiiiooived the Most extravagant ad miration f-.r h'e, "cuius. lie relume I t-.i t he for, and resumed the sollii'.'r of shv!c and supplies to travelers i.isl ciuiy'ninls. tine day a man en me who had si t his heart upon luiyiii;,' a parti ular yoke of oxen, with which, for mna.. reason or other, Jim v.aii determined not to part. The mnn scnl a me-:.en;'et' one inonv ina-to uialie a liaal appeal for the do hire I V"hc, hut Jim proved obdurate. rcitiiirkin thai "there wa'n't no use tall. in' about it any more." "Well he wants 'em," .said tho me ncll'a'or. " jc-t .sets ',-ihi.k, -po: oxen." "Wlaill" hisfe. t. ' lie l.oi loweel- when lie (finii'ie (hi: 'Oil, r hrotii'-ht t lie's ii-waitin' for 'cm; he there rcailin' a hook cull :.!' nod a-waitin' for them ciaeiiliitod Jim, sprimrin;' to I lore yon. cintmo my Imots!' t i tho corral us fast us his carry him. r." lie ;n..po 1. hfei.thlos-l I : :..!:. 1 t ho man, "jest b : and take them oxen i l tho man; "I just di to rend on the way Hot to ; . !'." "Slm-'i.-i r." I'' ttimod "iest von I ;.!.- thoin ox Jim. n nnd firmly ''mime over that book." Tlio man did so. ufti r soino demur' rin,". nnd Jim, w ho hired a reader to furl her hi - ne'iuaintiince with the oh jeet of his inhiiii'iitioii, w ait never heard tocoim-laiu of hi.-, bai'iraln, hut rather boasted of It i n miiny occasions. At I lie NnroftU, First l'elticonl What is the aubjact of tlio dchiito Hits niuruing? Kcvond lVltieotit, Wo lire ifoiuif to try and Uml sttt who is tlio most ttston Ishid, a tiixte..n-ye;ir-old girl when t very wealthy man of lifty proposes to her, or tho very wealthy niiin of lifty wuou sho refuses him. 1 tut h. A SINGULAR WOUND. Aa AfrUau Truvrlrr'a Rruiarkabla la Jury In tlie Kyo. Mr. Sclous, uuthor of "Travel and Adventure in Southeast Africa," was on horseback i.i pursuit of an eland, lie turned to look behind him, and as lie broiie-ht his head round again re ceived a fearful blow lu the right eye from the tip of a dead branch. Ho bled freely, nnd as ho says, felt "pretty sick." but ho could still see tho splen did bull trotting before htm, some two hundred yards in advance on tho other .side i f the river. The slirht kept up his pints, lie pot his horse across thu river, and kept on after tho bull. "I felt very sick," ho repeats, "but as our camp w as only two miles off, and the eland was gout) straight to it, I letormined to try to get him." 1 ho viand kept on steadily till he whs within live hundred yards of the camp. 1 hen apparently ho winded s i ti. -t 1 1 in , and stopped. Mr. Selous felt that he should soon faint, and so, king at the daml with his left eye, rai-cd his riflo nnd sent a bullet thmiivh its limb's. Then ho remounted und galloncd into ennin. Some of tho men went out after the eland, und the others atteudod to Mr. bclous. lie soou became hulf uneon scious, and withal his symptoms wero so alarming- that boys were sent after a doctor who was known to bo shoot ing rhinoceros a day's journey away. lie left Ins sport, and under his skill ful ministrations Mr. Scions' wound alcd, though It was ntoro than a mouth before ho could seo well with his right eye. F.von then tho wound opened again from time to time. The next year Mr. Selous returned to England, nnd one morning whilo walk ing down lloiul ftreot, London, wus seized with a lit of 'You havo taken cold," said the friend who was with him. Mr. Selous said no, ittid presently ho felt something oomo down ono of the ducts into tho hack of his mouth. IIo pat it out into his hand, and it proved to tic a piece of hard African wood, the ml of the dry branch which, eight months before, had struck him In the cyo on tho bank of the I.undaza river, in Mashonaland. It w as not a splinter, but a solid bit of hard wood, three quarters of au inch long and of consid- arnhhi (hlekness. THE EELOVED COV. Vcnoriiiinti of tin- r..ii,lo of tho Far Kiint tiir I lie . iiiiniil, "liret liron, I have come all the way from tho northwest to ask you to bo good and kind to our mother cow, the cow tunc Helped nil or us to rear our children, the cuv that helped ull of us to cultivate nnd fertilize our lands, and tho cow that is a IV, , riling us tlio best of good food that is l-i be found on this earth, namely, milk. No one came from the noriliwe.-t. to ask you to do this i liy? lieoiiuso the cow did not need protection. She was re garded both hytlie Hindus and Mussul mans with veneration. No ono ill Ironic 1 her, no one tori ured her, and no one w as so cruel as lo deprive her of her life for the vile purpose of outing her lle-h. "but I mien nro elm aged, lie have a p. 'M-rnmeiit now t hat do not view the crime of eow killing with haired. Why should they'.' Our governors thein selves nro 1 lie grcutest licet enters on the I'aoo of the curt It. and conseiiuontly thov do not sviupatliizo wiih our feel ing in the matter. Nay, they encour age the. wholesale, slaughter of cows, so thai where there wore a few butch ers only, thousands and thousands have sprung up whoso solo business is to .-..-cure cows und kill them. "Sec the effect of ull this general slaughter on tho country. Lauds are not. so fort ili; as before, not being manured. Our children are weak and iekly. not having tho nourishment tlu-y ii--od to have before, and our good for: tine is deserting us on account of our in in not endeavoring to protect our mother cow. So, unless you take I.. . ;l of o. lmt I say, you will soon lind tasi v ui w ill bo very sorry. All your lam'-. v.dl cease to yield, ull your chil- i it dill grow up weak and sickly, and our nation will be extinct in a few "tn in: ions." Calcutta l'uper. MAKING HIS POINT, A .Inline W III) Was SoinclhlnK o' rillilll-t-lcr, Vv hen Ihe court on an extremely w c-i i i n circuit was convened and the l ii is --. was about to begin, it was tlis e -,i n l that there wero neither pons, ink nor paper for the use of the bench or the bar. "II. uv is this, Mr. Clerk?" inquired the judge. 'There is no money allowed for it, by Ihe county, sir, and wo can't get the articles without money." The judge made several remarks not at all complimentary to the county. "I've been in a good runny courts," pul ilia pompous and pedantic lawyer from the east temporarily to try a case, "but this is tho worst I over saw." The judge jumped him on tho spot. "You nro lined ten dollars for con tempt, sir," ho thundered, "lltind the tine to tho clerk, sir." Mr. Lawyer kicked, but ho hud to hand over the money or po to jail, and the judge wouldn't havo it any other way. ".Mr. I'lcik," said tho judge, when lite tine hud been handed hint, "go out ami got ull tlio pons, ink aud paper necessary for the use ot this court aud give t lie gentleman back his change," and the clerk did as lie was ordered and the visiting attorney maiuluined a discreet silence Detroit Free l'ress. Want nl W liter. jhiring a coul iiiued dry spell in south Florida reptiles often are obliged to re sort to unique methods for obtaining fresh water, otto need not lie sur prised while pumping water to see lit tle brown frogs issue from tho pump, and one man was rather startled while pumping In sec a snake two feet long issue front the spout, and, upon strik ing tho ground, quickly crawl under a house. The reptiles crawl into the pump to enjoy the water held up by tho valves. It would bo impossible for them to conic up from below, as the well consists merely of u small pipe, driven deep into the ground, having strainer over the bottom. SalntliiK Dm I'rlnceii. An amusing scene occurved In Stutt gart the other day. 1 no King's Uuug& tor, l'miline, always goes about lu very iilulu attire, (in this occasion she passed a sentinel who did not rcoog' nizo her and neglected to perform the proper salutations. A sergeant across tho street mndo violent gestures to mitkohim grasp the situation, whero. upon the guard said to tho princess: "Say, miss, tho nergeant over there wants to sco vou." THE CLOTHING. SHOE AND DRY 1 0 and We Have Just Received a Full and NEW DRESS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS AT TARIFF CORSETS CORSETS 5,000 Pieces STILL GOING AT 5 CTS. PER YD. MiJiiiii;iiiiiiiLSiiiA'i)irao TO VISITORS! IP YOV WISH TO CARRY AWAV A LASTING AND CHARMING SOUVENIR OP ASHBVll.LP, DEPOSIT 75 CUNTS WITH "TUB CITI ZliN" tntlHAVB RBTVRNBD PULL VAI VB IN A FISB KSURAVBD VIBW OP ASHEVILLE HEM LIFE , Dr. I. C. Weit'i Nine ind Inlft Trtttmint Ih until umlr pmltlve written munntM, t author liwl xtMiM milr, lo Purs Won Mnnnnr; Imt of llrnlu nnd Nona Power; Iot Mmihood: QuIrknMii; Nlitht Iaiwmj Kvll Drwimii! Tack ot Odiitlrt: KurvoinmNw; IwiMllu.ln; all Drain; Law of Pnwt nl the Goiinratlro Orinina In llhtr axi, oauiwrf 07 ovoisotorUnn; Youthful Krron, or Kxofnwlr Urn ol Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, wblnh mnn ImuI to Ml.or Cnnunintlim.uimnur awl Math. Br mall, II nlHii; Slnr tn: with wrlUroauarantM to euro or rotund moitf r. WFflT'B OOUOH BYKUP. a oorlaln curs fur Oouirha, Onlil,Athnt,Bronhlll,OiTnii, Whooping Onunh, Rnra Throat. Plaaaanl to laka. Hmnll rive (HouuflnuiHl; old, run, tin, now Sta.: old U.Uo,uuwoo. aUABAMTkninMdonljrta' T. C. Smith, DrareUt. Public Square, aJhtvlllt. N. C. BALTIMORE 1 2 Patton Avenue. GOODS AND Dp JV ill ;'s of Our Amoskeag Ginghams ii 3i TYLER'S FAMOUS ROLL CURTAIN DESKS. riBW STYLES. Our mammoth cAtaloguo of llnnk Conntrra. Ileaka, and other Wtltr fiirnllnra for ls-.O now Uralm, timlra. Tallica. Itonk ,'aaoa, tile., and at mnlrhloKa irla, fot tho Beat UihhIm inndi.. BANK COUNTERS TO ORDER TO FIT ANY ROOM. linlnlOK-iie free. Hi-ml 12c to cover jiokiukii, TYLER OFFICE FIXTURE CO., NT, I.OI'IH, MO. r nmiuvA . ruR rn,l,rit x tm mr I K KKUN S h9mR Itiilr tn thu mi uf mm Wh(MfidifAmvrtiii.iinitul'rinKirttr lltnt, tHuiri no rlitng ot dtt at nititMiu, luerourliU or Mtfinous tcuiMiu be Ukuu Internally. ftiin AS A PREVENTIVE by either tx It Ii tmpomlMttoeontrirt any miirtti tiiMM ; but In the cue of thoM klrMdy UNFoiTDWiTiLf Arruttu withOitnorrhivitenilUlMt, wugur4in tHiieur. frleebymftll, ixhU ttU, $ 1 per hu, or bout lot ft CURB LADIES 0 V00 KNOW DR. FCLIX LE DRUN'S STttl BID PEHNYROYHL FILLS arathaorlRinKlanil only FHKNCII, nfi liablaonre on tlio markut. ftl.ietl.UUl naii Uanuinowildonli by nnfennd m, nut by T. C. mitta, DtUKKltt. anil Opium t Hint, cured at Iiuiik. m i.ii oiitpulit.lkH.I. ntimr- tlrtilitnuu'iit I llliai. HISKEY MaaanaaBBBanaBM.M.'vcKii.i.KY.M.i. AUauU, Ua Ulttc IVu Wui lakMJ GOODS CO. Complete Line Of TRIMMINGS REDUCTIONS. CORSETS CORSETS W.L Douglas S3 SHOE IS THE BEST. NO SQUEAKING 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH& ENAMELLED CALR 4-.i.5-0 FINE CAU&KAN6AR0I) 3.9o P0LICE.3 Soles. $,sj.2.W0RKINGMEN? oXTiSA FINE. u, 2.l.7 Boys'SchoeilShoes. LADIES. (3'Z"BestDongoi4i W-L'DOUCLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Von run sure ninni-v liv nuri-hiiKiuv W. 1.. Iliiiiulim !lni(aM, llrcauw, we n 1 c- the lutf'st nianiifactiirfrol nilwiiiscd shoes in the win M, nnd Kunrnntee llie vnlue liy nniiiiiim llie iiiinit nnd price on the bottom, wliieli iiroteels you nK'tioxt bifth ptieeHtind the miitilU-iiuiu's inolilH. Ourshoeil t'iiinl tiiHtotn wink in slvle, ensy fillittfr and wenritiK iiialititn. We li.ive them sold every, wlitre nt lower prli-en lor the v,ilne niven Ihnn anv oilier mnke. Tnke no suln-iiliite. If yuur deiiler ciuiuul supjily you vecnu. bold by J. D. Blanton, Asheville, Enock Rector & Co., Marshall. AND Mewnrc of Imitation!, original. Made only by Tajlor Mffe. Co., Ma Lonle BEST IN H 9 If'I S lie anrc to get the

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