THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN- Wccnesilay livening, October 10, 1S4 iioimks oi' r.ciM:i;i! vi riisi:- MAN NOT YET rol'Nt. The llrmiilii- ni' Nriil l"wlii. an Alu vllk sioiu'ruttci. Ilroimlit In l.l Mislit-t iiiHlucliir ration's. l.i-u Am putiUi'il Wfiv Two Hoys AlHiunl '. The wreck on the Asheville ami Sjinr tiiulmrir railroad Tuesday morning was certainly one of the most disastrous that has ever occurred on that division, ifiudced, it was not the most disastrous. It was at least so far as Ike number of live lost is concerned. Some I' itir years ago there was a runawav down Saluda and a train was wrecked nearly at the point where Tuesday's calamity occurred. At that time three lives were lost and two canines and a train were wrecked. 1 11 the catastrophe that is almost the s le topic of conversation amoni; railroad men, and that has kept Trainmaster I'oster, Chief Ibsiiatclur Newell and his force busy as bees lour men were ki led one badly crippled, and an engine and ti doz;n loaded cars smashed to kindlitij; No one has vet returmii from li e scene of the wivck who tells a connected story of how it occurred. It stems, however, that the train brx-'in increasing its speed gradually when about half a mile of ti e descent bad been nmde. Conductor I'attou and Flagman Painter, with tht trainmen, did what thev could at the brakes, the two lortiicr "doubling;" that is, using tilt ir c:ml):ucd strength to set the brakes as hard as ihcy could oc set It was stated at first that r.nuter iumpecl. but this is learned to be mis take. When the conductor and ll.igman had put the brakes down hard on the rear cars 1'ainter told I'attou that the train was hotinjl to run away and ad vised that they go to the caboose, which was the last car. lut the conductor went to a forward c ir aim seemed determined to 00 all in his power to avert an accident. About this time Mcln s. was passed, and the train was running at friiihllul rate of speed, attained by a inn ol some three miles, the momentum in creasing every second. The little station ll ished bv in a tu'iuMiug, and the me leorie train lelt a wake of l-glit and sparks. Then came the shock. The great cm silidalion engine plunged into the sideoi the cut. Next to it was a car loadec will cattle, and lollowing this were coal cars All were piled in a confused mass on and about the engine, ami when the grinding and crushing and settling ceased, V.n gincer llrooni. Fireman York, lirakemaii Allen an I -c il IvMiig, w ho was "beat ing" his wav, lay in the awful heap, lie. ni, probably killed instantly. Of the car load ol cattle, some Join all, uot one but was crushed to death, and over the w hole spread the cargo of coal, liuO.UOO or IlOO.tlOO pounds. T!io.i Who r.M-apeil. Conductor Fatten was not thrown under the wreckage, but he was terribly injurej nevei theless. Flagman Fainter, who was near the rear of the train, was bruised very little. Daniel Owens 01 Haywood county, who owned the cattle in the front car, was in the caboose, which did not leave the track, and es caped unhurt. 1 0I111 Miller, a colored train hand, says he was thrown Irorr. a car belore the crash came, w hen t he train struck a curve in the road. The conductor was givtn aid as soon as possible, and it was decided that amtiutation was necessary. In the afternoon the physicians perloimed the ouerntion successfully, taking the left leg off a few inches above the knee. There is a slight Ir.icture ol his skull, but the patient has a good lighting chance forlile. lie was remove I to Saluda, liraki-iiiaii Alli-n l'i ami. There was no delay in beginning the starch for the niissir.g bodies of F.ngineer Ilroom and Allen, and taking out those bodiis that could be seen. Wrecking crews went to .l.e spot from both sides and exery moment's work was made to tell, although working in a railroad cut is working at a r'isadvan tagc. In order that the 1 Hicials might be placed in 11 nicker communication with Trainmaster I'oster. who was directing the work at the latclul spot, a lineman was sent down vestirdav alteinoon to "cat in" a telegraph oilier at the spot. Hv this was saved the fending of a mes senger to the telegraph station a con siderable distance away. before daylight this morning the crews were rewarded by the finding of tlu body of Urakernan Allen. It was thought up to this time that the body that turned out to he that ol Allen was that nl Fireman York, S i it is that Friginccr liroom and l ireman York have not yet been found. Kw Inn Noi a Tramp, Yesterday's reports of the wreck men tioned that a tramp of the name of Ivwing was one ot the kilied. It devel oped that the man was not a tramp but a stonecutter, Neal I; wing, living on itnvwooel street, this city, ami he was "heating" his way South, perhaps in search of work. It is said that the night luforc he It ft, Mrs. Kwing and the children begged him not to go then, but to wait until the morning, lie did not heed them. lie had a wife and three children, and was about 3a years old. Feople who knew him well said he was a first rate man, but sometimes drank too math. living's body was brought in 011 the A. & 5. passenger train last night, and a large crowd of cuiious people pressed about the baggage car Irving to get a glimpse ot the hotly. 1 lie luce was covered with cuul dust and there was an ugly jagged wound in the right temple. The reniuins were brought uptown to I esse K. Starnes' undertaking rooms, where '.hev were prepared tor Swing's body was tuken to Charlotte lor interment, the railroad company Kindly furnishing transportation. Were Tliriv Any Moiv f There is a rumor here ti the 1 ll'.cl that were there two boys on the wrecked train, who were beating their way with Ew ing, and it is feared bv their friends that they were killed. The boys were (ulius l.rwm una Joe blhott, 1 hey were heard to sny they weie going away with Kwing. They lived near the cotton mills und have not been seen since Mon day night. The railroad authorities place no credence in the story, believing that the bodies would have been found ere this. It is possible that the boys lount a berth on another tram out that night. I It was thought this afternoon that the fntt train would be able to pass over the scene ol the wreck this evening. Fourth Ward ( lull, The Fourth Ward Democratic club will be organized this evening at the hall near the county bridge. Muj, Clins, M. Stedman will address the new club and there is going to be a good time. There should be a large turnout. Rpeclul railroad rates, Clark AROUND TOWN Washington, Oct. li. Forecast t'il s 111. Thiirsilnv. 'air: ivts171 uoiJ: cooler Thursday morning. A. C. Moildav invert- Hint Ms hoioc ou Depot street. j Clias. V.i,,,-.. vtill ,. ,L 1.1 'rv 1 der Saturday alternoon, tX' Kl. at ! - o clock. 1 Dr. Karl von Ruck reports that I r .he ' 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. Tu.dav 1 11 men. 8 of rain till. 1 People living urouutl the "outside cir- cuit of light were ui icd vtrc iiiiah I v ! the lights last night. i The Free Kindergarten association returns thanks for $'. .10. uvcipis of the baseball came between Asia vill :'s Cv.K 1 club utid the Asheville Light Infantry. D. L Mil'er, who has ii.i.1 charge 1 f ' Uu retire F. Kav's branch i tiicc at Char lotte, h is returned to Alicvill. the ollice at Charlotte being el sed lor the season. The Kavenscrolt Hoard has appointed T. II. Tovabee Wight, L union l aiv.i, to the headni tstership of Uavcibcroit high school, a successor to Kjnald Mac Douald. Jesse Clavton and Hud Mills wire In fore luslice Frank Carter tor a Mionting affair 1 110 one hurl I in liracktlt Town. They waived examination and r-n,' bond to appear at court. The Southern gave the veterans who wislm! !.- go to i lit- iv union at llryson City a little lovur rale than was at first published. The round trip fare was from ,s:i.4."i to S. 0. llouis has a Idler from C.ipt. 'Ha'.ic" l.auitr, who is a- w at Onion), in wlieli the captain says lit wou'd list to play ball in ,Vhei!le m-xl jeai.and sends his regards to ail the .ULcvd'e cranks. 1'he ladies of Central lipworlh I. eigne will give an uvsicr siipncr at the Y. M. C. A. rooms I''r'il:iv tvetiitig, for the litn ifitol the League piano tund. Thcie will be an abundanc ol oysters and a pleasant t ime. Weather prophets pndictvd las, night that there would he smile very cold weather todav, following t he ram. Hut they were incorrect. In; the day has been as suniiv and altogether ph. as.uit as one could w ish for October. Mrs. F. A. Jean oi Nasi,-, iile. Ills , died i t consumption Tuesday in Asheville. w hence she had come in oearch of benefit tor her health. The remains weic taken to the old home ot the deceased, accom panied I y the I ercavtd husband. The p. les lor the Ashtvill.- and Wea vet ville ti l.'phoi.e lii e have been put up lor nearly one-hall the distance, the woi k beginning at Asheville. The rains 01 Monday and Tuesday delayed the rtoik, but tonunrow it is to bt resumed at eaverville. Kclcri ing to Sunday's service:' In Kev. I. I.. White at Durham the Smis.iys: 'At the eonclusloit ot the sermon he asked all that w;inted the praters of christians to stand up the hou-e being so crowdul that thev could not conic loriviird and a great nianv arose to their leet, some oO or To in number. In the , ilter-mceting there were Jo or ;b conversions." John Somers Stevens died jestenlay evening at home in lnan.l;i, alter a protracted sickness. He was born ( let. lo, 1S71. 1 ursued the study of law at the J nivcisity (if North Carolina, ami obtained license to practice law in I'eo ruary, IMI'l. Feeble health prevcntnl him Irom engaging in his profession. The deceased was a brother of Iktsrv It. Stevens, tsq , if tie film of Luther .V Stivers. .-htvi:le. The rcmnins wire interred . t o 'clack this nfcrnoon at Oak Forest, the lamily bur,al groini.l. Pi:i!-o AI.I.Y -I'KAKlNi.. A l.ilio Two Alioiit ill Tli. v Pa-. 'I'1 This. F. Armstrong is ben gusta, O.i. Hon. Walter F. Mj rc is : from Webster. F. P. Mil Jin-cn ol 1. iuilon, the Swauiiaiioa. Mrs. Pal Ynughau and yesterday for Raleigh. ch:ld, Lit C. K. I.illar.l of I'.reenrvillf. Tc, 1 guest ol the Asheville hotel. Judge Cl-as. A. Moore is at 1,. ::, Washington Citv ai,d New York, Mrs. Niel l.tch-t vesteiilav afi for llrigbt Hope. Tom., to isit ! tcr, Mrs. I.indsty. . C. Lotz, a vi ttran oi the i: revenue service, accumpar.ied 1 v Lotz, is at. the Sivannauo.a. :na! Mr Francis T. Hrvan ol St. I. and W. I'.. JeiiKins ol lialiiniorc :ire atr.n::g t!c late urnvals at the IltrktK v. Col. . M, K;,y ioal il.-.nghtir, Miss Willie, went out to llryson t.r,v todav, to attind the reunion 01 Coi.ii derate veterans. Mrs. Kannie Featlierste n. priueinal ot the Bailey strict school, has returned Irom Indianapolis, Ind., win re she spent her vacation. flishoil U. St l-'iicli-r r.l' 11... M I" church, Boston, came in yesterday and leniiiiueo 11 11 tl 1 1 mis alternoon, the guest otkev.J.K. Cannon. He was on his way to 1'irecnevilb, Tcnn. Charlotte Observer: Miss Llia Sum mey, who has been at her father's near Asheville for several months, returned to the citv last night. Mr. K. C. Carson is off to Asheville 011 a business trip. H. McK. Twombly, a N'ew Yorker whose name is familiar the country ovi r. came to lliltninri vpainrH-n. I., car, accompanied by a party of friends TIlCV nrn nn.ala f 11. T ... 1.1 .. ...... u.w ft uv j .a w, i niiiiiuiv g brother-in-law, Geo. W. Vanderbilt. Tlio Day ot Atoiic-iiietit. Toilay is Yom Kinptir, the Jewish Day of Atonement, a day observed bv Hebrews universally with fasting ami prayer. The stons ol the Asheville Hebrews uie closed in observance of the day, and the occasion was appropri ately observed by the congregation Beth Ha-Tephila, which held services at Mil liard hall vestcrdav at (i p. ra. and this morning at 9. Wc have made arrangements bv which we can itirnish Tin; VYi:i:ki.v Citizen and the twice-a-weck New York World nil foronlv $1.50 a year. Here is the .opportunity ti get vour own Daoer and the New York World twice every week at cmraoruinaruv I iw rates, Heavy underwear, heavy suits, heavy trousers, heavy gloves for" cold weather at W hillock Clothing House, 46 South Main street. I'rpe rooiiinK IcMmona virj duy UiIn sck at KroKcr'MMtore. l.u-lleN Nteclallv Invited. Km. Krotfer. Ktibber goods, mackintoshes, umbrel las, all siz.s and tunlitic at Whitlock Clothing House, 46 South Main street. Allen will icll you nice fruits, bananas. etc., cheap. Try and see. Those delicious chocolate creams and drpi received today. Only 18c. at Raj'i. -I T I'.': CRAM). llu; ion's com.tbTis will u pc ir this. 1 veniag at the O.-.i-: 1 i.pjr.l house, ;.re'irg Mi'cs&Cal I .v.-'d'-. 1.1 c -com iv. ! "Hi.- Ai'ioi's Uoil.l ty.'4 Milt, 11 X'. s ,',1' b.-ia ,is l e.i.evei. i :gs tng'g 111 it :n the 1.0 .iti.l l'.id.iv feci i:ig. p-e.-ii ia 'L ive .in. I I. i.v. ' la lb'' pi a Mr X .i.Vi , ts it.ib!ihtd iii.-el i-n ;.a p!.t. .i.v.o i. .'.n .!. .er-t ol Hi- 11 ttuc .I.-.ri, ,ti;f. 1- 1, !,v f.r bis b. st d .111 a i. w - i k 1 i 1 v i- i; tius-ing and tir tl." i..,i. r:.v i.i .-Lginsa,-e vcrv -briat la the i.n.dy eel cs, and fu.l 1 f intensity n-i-i vi-;- r 01 tac iiHire dramatic p i-s.ii es. The' i ' a: cipal ch.i.-.ictcrs air ele.'oi-, iU .. , ! rtil deli;;ctl, ,'Ml,l tile varioi er.::i .- well cone-ivtdand.lel ly etvi i.-l is ::t 11 "liioiif tint i da'l ,-, !, g i-i i iteic.-it. Mr. Noble; i 11 t e: A--: m !. s liviM" e comedians an. cli.n -..e-ei . and !:c b.-'s never -ppe i rv i t ' va-,t;.g than as I'. I x o'l'.oi Ol T1 i A N lilllli'ooitit- ( ulnlMali - 1,1 ! .1., 1 ;'. 1 UillJI on 1 lie l iil,-, i: a. I'll;- c w .vc:n-!v wi'l o - 1 , a v 10 h. 0 L a il : i 1 1 Y e a ' 'i I I he K gU'-ttre ... I i'l. c 1: 1 !'..-. s Ad! ,.t A . 1 '. . i'i ,- .. poilltm; !!!...s n.r.i I np-.i t ..!' lows: Od..b 1 1.". .... in . 1 i.-tobi r ; i'i. Li i. . s:a ti -tidier 1 7, iio.iiipg St . Oetol cr V.i, IV :,U '. Oetrb.i 'Jo, S 1S- ! 1 i.-oi-.-i 1 1 .... . ; .- ;. gi am's A v a ' v.' ' e'. t . . tVflH ; !. N w S ..-' I 0 l !..-'! F-i . w. o.:. U v. ,- 1 Vto' ei :'" C ' -I ' N 't . ' . ' i . I'.i .' I . . N ivt r. . '.' 1-', U C-t . ' 1 I. ' I IMi" t :'tis. I li .! : . w tii.H l ti I. i : i . ' I.W ion :!iti:i. i n Tl..!.- ..::!..!. sly-i.i! .'. li -!.;.:i.-. :,v to 111' i : '. '.. . H ;- .: new oi i.- ;-i ! -'.hi.- v 1 1 i. : . r - . St III I T ' .- i' , li t c 1 1 1 . . :-.:. ami t A" - t . i . fch.M :'! and lit.- ; line wo; I,. , .' i i.i. highly r, per tea' sic iiii i much he. i:U orln 1. dgi:i HI .i c it i, ! ii .". ,, Colti 1 i 11 me li.'al .r: ii . The la Iii s- -eall llii.- w k a ICrogcr - ini l. ei'oifi ;o ; r- -1 ; .'K-.iUh i- ... i ' evil 1 1 i , i . 1 ii - A 1 li.--: .: o:-ti-l-;,.. i" i,i- '..MA' Cti V i'A'l . i : . I--:-. ' i Vi v. V, i I' .i;!llT-!ol! i . i. .:. I WK. :n. .. .: K-.i : : in;-.!,,!. . t i , i :i i shi-. t'-- : t--,, .! lily 1-y V - " . in: : v , ' : '. 1 1. i I t; r,K er.-. I1. ;, ;. ' y l lie :n. leluaas ul tlie e,1.) lo.'.ay . muter ..!'' ' .!;!: 1:ce,i I . ' - -In .1 i iili ken I i - J 1 ':; ni k I t...'.-. !'nr'ki-v 7- - 'el-uia t"i.-t-l i- - .1 a. . -:,v i - l'.' .!!"-. sue. t ; ...i. - - 1: .. . Wis a ' !llj '111. II- It. '.tl''. .U'-, pi r Ui i i .. ,. : oi ;--.i i.u ie-i.'- Ke '.-.. i II. -e i ai-tanti Le.i : v. i IS.IU'.X TO Mi',V A!H i-l; i J T ,i!.i -eili' n Oli.. e .'!iee 1 .A , :',-,. A- H ; !,,,.. i ....! t. -ri.'.ia.i Co.i! t ' i :i : . ; llllliil"!-' . N L' K.itliirn in- II l.:i T'.m.ili.y ll.iy - r j K v..!! Uewaoii: ool li M.iiu ,-I K . ill--a I 1 u liel- -C I Kilt I 1 1 1 .l'.i Nn ! I St.i : lies At I'. oil-- I'Uli'.i -ilLti Ko.l. I'.mi- ' To. .Ill I'm. iter- I'l toil-.ll .V Ki.i J' ili. u t'",i! -..-lu Cie 1. e .'e t'. 10 lot SAI.H l-iulotiai mi I ot he r : t ilt, is at id-I'illl' Slks, liu'.e i i-.k No. ii si. n u- - , . AN I'l-II -A lit ,t tin.-- p.,ti nl -.1 --. A'l, lux l-A l l .S i I- J.)-l,'iliM P. O. V,0 .-. l'.illll.i'!'- .'t . MUS. M. M. mil. I. I'U','11 Nut- I-lli.;'..:- 1 Sel' '.it'. IV nl .Ml,-i..-, li .iler u; j t . 1 1 ' . Ii.oil'i. ull'l I'hm'. KeM liei- ii., .trt-it. .1 '.i..i: Ilisr -A -"l;,!l loll Ir, kit Willi ; si.le,'l .iti.l pliilaiiim inniinut .on on ! i.-k si le. I'lll.l, l rrilllv rt-tv nr. It-il u.i ti li.aitii. it I'-Mlil' llfll- .11 K M.le I'l i I KWAKI' l ill 111.- JK.S1V M-li.i ! .. 1. a- . ti:. it it It null, i':. It i , en l-iii:ll -. ireiii !-,.ii'.!i. .n V.--U i.liiv i-v. iiin-i in-ttte.n l.irr an i li.--u'eltitk l. u-.i-t.'l e. ,:,-, i -e rt tin ti -.a. a ,,ti.l s.i i 111 K II- ix.v.N.v W. ."; t t 'lit' ii M. ii : I. 1 i Iii mil -r e. nvue.-tii n .ii A ..In It .1, 1. villi- eli.ititei Nn. uess oi nt ni' -I iin;, alaii.-t- n ijiiir, i. tin- jiri -.i-e, 'tall. J. A. WAi.Nl K. H. p. oTICK--nv tiitiu et'tlie pntte! "( -...le ci n t.-lilleil 111 ti ,1. .1 nl Irtlst exi enli il p. Ill, ' iliTMijlleil l,y A. 11. W ire ami wile, K. . t .,r, mi I lie j.'il i,' M.ireli. i- a. ami rivi-i-rcl in t-.-f ketii-ler's iiitiee lor lluiieiiinlie euiinle. la r--eeril o! ninrtii iee ami ili t'ls ,i trust, -,'n l,v'n o, iilt;i. isi, ,1, t.,ul lt.Lvinj l,fen matle in il,t liayiiienl nl the unit- lln ri-iii seciirol, at the n illesl ol the ee.-tni iiie trn-t. I will on the 1 day ol Niitt-liilii-r. I - i. sell .,t jmblie anetii.u :.,r cash at Uii'rlink. tn iie liii.hest nl th. eniirl lioiisr ,r in A-lin-illc, the real prnpi tit tleserilit'il in -ml ilenl oi trust, tvhieli is herein ri'lerre.t t, li.r a inure parlieillar il-seripliun This nl il.iy ut i iclolif-r. i-ij. T. A. 1'K ICK, J. W. Miiiiiiurs. Attniuev. Triistt'e V 'OTICK -Tnistet-'s sale llv virtue ul the ' power ol nile contained in a certain iU cil ,( trust cxteiilt'l to me l.y jas. . t'.rnnt nml ttile l.uln Swain Oram, ami rtnleil on the nth day ol' August, ism, mid leeordcil in the olfice of the Reiiister of Ileedn of tlif county of IIiiiicoiiiIh Stale of Norlh Carolina, In records ol deeds oi trust No. 3J on paue 2fn ct. sei)., nml liv rea-mi of ilciaull In the provisions ol snid itei d' of trust and defmdi In raakliiK payments therein covrn. Kiltrd to he made P.v said J. S. Ornnl.oii necount ol which the power of sale has become oocrativc I will, on tl ley jl h day ol Novt-mlier, A. 1) , isi, between the hours ot u m and i p. in., sidl at public miction to the last and hichest bidder lor cash at the court house door In the city of Ashe ville, in said eauntv and State, the real properly conveyed to me ii, onid deed In trust, the land beltiK described ns follows: llt'Kinttlni; at the Intersection of north mareiil of CollrRe stl e. t with the east margin of Vance street and runs fT,,n Mm II1.IKIU UI ..niu iiiiec street norm r west one hundred and emlity-two and one-half leet to a stake, then north east arty-two feet "."""i y-'i """.i" 73 i-itst one iiiiniireu and sixty-nine feet to a stake In the north edue of Colleire street, then south m" n' i',ii....i and ont-thlril feet to the hei!iinltiK. .. W. H. I'K.Nl.AND, io-iothw4t Trustee. II Ml W. I I SHU: IUM!! S. IWULnii Si ITS. DESKS, ( uin n.xi! ns. ma, )uu:n srm.s, iuox iu:is. !UH)K ( ASl.S. iJtl'XCES. mum m. iii i;s if ail mie .id prices. T! se Whitlock Clding House, 46 SOUTH Now is von: i otter Clothing ' i i . i 1 1 e i i lore, Th. rc i :!um::i:i ' i lit its well or a. ei; y to . i, ,-: from, and e.t .. e'- i !: ;ig I'.mn a jiraclic.t! a .ii!! iii.-i ie garment when t -'!:.! .-ml v!o. tn) dress suits. We ;!! the te. -, tveev thing that n;e-. ... : !-. Ac .lie here to stay :ia 1 . e w ill !-'' e o.'ii ! i rc our stock w it 'i Ik OLD HEADQUARTERS ''jS'M'n Ka "i'ii! giUl fm t t nr Saaaf i T It iiliom 07. P.isU , S:i.(M) And Up. Suits, Sl.'i.L.- And lip. )vrniits,S10.25 And l p. Ptl ADK TO ORDER, FIT GUARANTEED, if. Ii. TAJ UFA X, A St., r!!.'.M O.vt :iiiii: r st ' .IV i...i.s , . ; .;, , 17.. INK :;. ' ., ; rs i if V ki. w:Kit -; . i j . . is nv.lis :. . .: ;i ; h is Tin: , i . -.. hi: ,..., . WKDaKSDAV, OCT. i... ASBEVilLtblEAMLAOW. .' ,1-,.mc!VIIJ. 11. liUUTON'8 i ill.lK tUi.SHHoVH -x.v.i: ii ii; riu: ' !!.!'. .l.Vil l!Y COOli . . .1 '.) I'KUMl-T HE- ' 1 Hop;. TO A.: UN IT i t - : ' .n i i; v on : i '; rms i.ti:k. THE IMPERIAL - TRIO, j JKAK St'ltAKHlK. Viola:. -1. 1'tKls CDNSKKVATOK V, ! e' It AK I, lis I hclIAKKKK. I lanni-t. l it Ni;i aim co.NSKRVATORV slUNV.Y 1). TAVI.OR, llel'.ist HUfSSKl.S CONSKKVATUKY, t ,1! ,i;,i n a ,-:.: a i ui.Mi-e stiv,t. Asl.e- i on m pii la - , til,, isi -ni,! I'.'pSieali.nis :,,r (In- I, ,11,, win X htiiiii'lu-s : Violin. 1 .-lel.i, ':'-!'i. t.ii.ti". oriiiitt. smeiiu:, harmony ii,,ii, i n-ne u an. I i.iinuill u u-liacin l'le..-e i. I'll.-, KENILWORTH IHN. MRS. II. V. REK1) Will ili-;'l iv at lkinitsh .li Rea-ian's nlati - a - i - -nrlilltlil nl sailiiilts of latest importation, of In-, e."od,. ami t ike iililers until the lth Inst., lhat all e,a,,,m,,,i,-atio,,s t l,t- sent to la r, cue Mr,. K. Ii, l irnty. m Wt-t junl St. New V, a k City. in ,liw 1TOTT OLIST GET ICO Pionds Timolhy Kay For $1.00. 103 Pounds Bran and Snorts For $1.00 At T. J. REVELL'S iirc overtaken by winter, -iifpaic yourself fur solid comfort liy placing your ortlers with tin- Carolina Coal Co., DEALER, 3 IN JELICO, ANTHRACITE AND COKE. THl.l'HO.NK tjo, ' OFFICE r AT TON AVK. ALL COAL SCREENED AND FORKED. FACT IS B. Williamson & Co. 16 P.-T iON AVc , Sf i V LLF, N U, Maw rri'ti.vtti jiiiil ;ir oflVrinf. to (Jirr For less Money ee i i Aslie, iile w iiL ;c von can get a lnsiae:s or tubulins mir. V sbo-.v the l.irges. stock in the all CMtip.-tit m. T!lf b -st place t ) hay : a. i 1 tailor, n-it iVom deiilers that don't know a it. Vi'c brag on our JflibMO nil wool bujiieSf best class of goods in hats, wool under weui. We do n it s-.l! secou !-. nor s'lo.bly s. II honest vain s a i we l ate done in the 1 it 'mving. We late,: 'tan I ;,; K k. I'm s ils l".ilu i: i ittoni : i i.e.. itfi.i lust : ' 'Is loi c...s V. e j.c-1 id! ili-e oials . : la . l,.t .i-;i :l.tti,iii l.c ii.t.i. iiitiile '."nl-' tt'ti, nr t i:s:, rs i I w a ii l-iiV'.rs and lai.ldleiiit'ii. Kispeit- ; fiiliy. C. .S. Cnui'lvK. . til I 1C7 rAlTO.t AVIlNt'li. 'Grand Opera House. ONE NIGHT ONLY. l. IT: .:: HI- COMI-IPIANS A Nil Si Ni I-' Usi IN Mll.K'S ANI) CAI.Il- w ! : :. - 1 ARCH COMKIlY. . . . fill 11 i All! HU' V'N 1.1 . MIINi; COMEDY ATTRACTION. Tlu'1'it ..iiiyiuK iOuav li.r.idiu, Mit.Uy it fiiii i!, uur:il a lid t dm iiu. Not u; t.j :!.!c:'' but "uln-ad o! ttit tinit'M " PUICi;H-i,r 5, AN. OO Sent- u:i S.itc .it Hi it.iM u, , K US Mule. THE SPECIALIST. IE, EAR, XOSE, TliROAT AM) LLG i diseases, ; ! I'XTICN liVXCNCK. j j (0vrr H 8Mlilll., Vmt stotti) j 1'. O. Bun ji., Aahcvllle, N. C. No ,o m. Hmu Hiroi-I, 4 U IT You Want Clean Coal, Uuy The Jellico Goal, ashemlij: ujh & coal co, T KI.I-1 I'll OMi; tt 4o W holesale and J1UC3 & ANTKRACIIL SOU & ASJIEVILLE WOODWORKING CO. Is Nov Prepared BUSLDSO i ;. i et. Asheville Woodworking Co 11. K,'i.ii':riiMti, 8(jpl. LrvB.ifr v nor LT.-v ti rr v Y KO HI:Kn illl-TS Ol' ANV KIND TO ATTtCT ATTr.VTtON OK l ltMV ne, Lion What I fh!"i in t!int I icon th tit--.f .... . r h . . stn'f. Anvtinclnr-fili, ,.frr nt?r.l ami ,-i:iminr :r.v I !:r nmt te - C". r - niatf ri.t mtuii-'rial i.'jri.o.i IX. 1 urhisjs, 3 !roi. NO. 5S SOUTH M.MM STNEST, - - ASMEV11.LK, N. C. TBI Kri'.ONH CLh i:ur. , '. ;T."r,'t . Iir.x Ohm CrtIcrFr-M a tjar. ? oMdO- o?i Viicklntf I re. BONANZA WINE AND LIQUOR COMPANY, Nos. 41 and 43 5. Main St., Asheville. i-l KJ "itl. fAkl.Ok A.Vil HKAIjIC HOOM- CIGARS, Tt'PACCO ASD ' GOODS, S.W1- -r I t I'l.ti, UlLUAKU I'O'.'L KOMI. 7 J , iO. Beer Vaults and Bottling Department in the Basement H'r Kcs'Kvtfully Svlklt a Share ot K..ur Fatr-waiir. P. A. MARQUARDT. Manager .MuId I'ntrunre, .". IS. Buncombe Mall, 48 .South KaJn Street, J.UcviH?. PI KI-: IIUMliSTIC Wines, Liquors, Ales and Beers, Best Cigars and Tobaccos UliAPUrAKTliKS I CR Cooj)ei' Old Corn and Rye Whiskey I111111 my Vrtinsj-lviiiiia distillery. Nu ailultrutlnn. 4. . 8I.VL,Yni.'ilT, I'rop. r. u. 11.. rluitnai. II. I.tin,;. llt-viily W. lli'.l, J.niitH II. HiiiuIioiikIi, ll.iniiltuii C. Lou,;. Long, Hill & Co., Real Estate Agts. & Broker? Take -ilt-iiMite in iiilurmii'K tlif tnulini! ,ublic tliiit ttity llut'f upt-nt-il .111 ollitr at No. 4 North Court SqtMK for su'ljiiiK Hit- want of st-lli ri. ami buyers or Kt'al Itstate. lvr.-otis liavins niiy kin 1 of uii;nity 10 run will finil it to llitir inten st to pbec tlitir Imsi nt'M with us as wc RiumiMU-f tlie ri nl.-i of nil property .lligiosttl of by us. Rtmiixcrs visiting Hi city arc corJially in vileil to call at our office. Wcttill li.m.l'.c uoir.'iurty in wlikli tlicre in any duiibl as to litlr, will use every effort to pruttct pjlroim. Slilttly Kjiuirc tltuliiiK with .ill initio in our motto. Ilusliieti entriisteil to us will have irouiil nn.l business like ntlcntlon. Try us ami see il every promise hire mnile is not fully complkil with. Asheville, N. C, Sept. t.tlh, IR.J4. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY CONTINTKS TO SL'STAIN ITS HSTA1I I.IS11KD Rlil'l'TATION FOR FIRH'i" CUA8S WOK K. Cborcb St., Telepbooa 70. CORTLAraBROS., BHAI. B8TATB BKOKRRW. INVB8TMHNT A-SBNTt NOTARY PUDI.rC Umo rVeurely plurtO at 8 (icr Mat. once as ft at Pattoa Ati., p tolti Rescreened. 'IU ICi: ,i ,S: , l'll'iox AVK Iielail Dealers In CRUSHED COKE FQ3 DOMESTIC USE. to -Furnish all Kinds or MATERIA!. 5 iw t ? i, t i-i. ' "l'?j'litiijc, Ul TH.M'K AT TUT T1 I , t ..-t ..i., . . . . v- 'ii mi ' y v M-.t m hti v ii i nine in tnt Uu; t- v iwii i tt. I Mr intm-t U, rnll r. mar ..!.-) , thr ',-i.liii I h-lt-l,- m ih. IVIcphonc 4'all, o. 7'J. ASH IMl'llKUill American Surely Co, of N, Y, Fidelity Department FiirnUlies liotiils for officers nml empluyts o Umks, railroiiil, express, lelrjilioiie anil lelt Rnijili cumpanlts, trust companies, uiaiiiifiiclur iug, inerciiiiilc ami mining cor'uralions, offi cers of BuililiiiK nml 1, nu 11 ussociatioiis, niul etiet soi-ieties, clerk i In postoflicrs, letter car-rli-ts, cashiers nml Ikk.UVci pers in mercantile houses, internal rcvcuiic buuls, ami for persons lioblitiK other snlarieil ;K,sitions who are subject t:in satisfactory system of nccouutliiK. RUTLEDGE & PATTERSON, Agents In Its Law Department Furnishes lioiiilsnntl iiiulcrtakliius for appeal, arrest, Attachment, capias, Indemnity to nlierifl', iniiinction, l.niil ilamaiie. replevin, noii-rcslilent plulntifl", security for costs, maritime Iilst-I, nil iiilnistriilots, coiiittiittee of liuinlic, ctniservtitors, curators, nssl;tiees, common carriers, for ill iniirrntje, executor, gnariliaiis, KuiinllaiiH ml litem, trustees, receivers, warehousemen, Krain elevntuin. Ciiitruutee on tmls uiitl contiacts, JULIUS C. KARTIN, Attorney. J. W. CHAPPEIL. CLSTOM i!0OT SHOE INKER, I.A6T FITTHU FOR AFFI.ICTKD FKKT. Repairing a sHcliilty, All work guarnnteeil. , , , No. 35 College Street. RMOKK , Porter's Havana THK 11KST 8MOKINO TOBACCO Ol THR MAREltT, FHHlt FROM DIRT AND18TKMS.

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