THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN- Monday Evening, October 15, 1894 AROUND TOWN Washington. Oct. l. Forecast till S p. m Tuesday : Fair; easterly winds, shitting to southerly; frosts Tuesday morning; slightly warmer Tuesday ercu-i"g- The mercury at S oVlnck tliis mornina itood at 30. At 1 p. ill. it stood ut G0 T. L Hvnrlninn of North As'icville is the fust to report ice. It formed l ist nichl. St itc S.nalor lohn M. Cunipbtll ai:l V. M. Lnniir wV soeik in joi-t dermic at Ileaverdam th'S evening tit S o'clock. The tiack force of the Asheville Street Railway eompinv bus been uuttiiiji new stringers under its rails on the equate. The candidates for the legislature nml the eoutitv office went to Alexander this morning, to beiti the canvass tit that today. Mr. Friedman of 17 Hailev street is the owner of ;i piano that lspla'e l uy clectrieitv. U is an ordinary instrument with an electric a'.iachiiK lit. K. N. lOneadr, one of Uiirke cotiutv's representative men, called on Tin; Cm 2i:x loclav. He is lur Bower, of couie. and savs llivm is the eomiui; man ol the Kighth ilistiict. 15. Coffin, auctioneer. si.M lodav lor V. t). Wol c. trustee. 7':i ncrrcs land ml the est siile of the cave1 viMe road, about four nol' S from A-.1U iilr, to M. B. Carttr for $5(iti (io. Thccontract lor the enm hf;.t:ni i the Hotel Iierkil'V wasa.vanl.d ti.dt'V bv Frank I, itiyliniti. nrop;ie'or, t' Hoyce & l'.urton tor S-'.'OO. The con tract will heat every room in the hou.-c. II. 1!. K.isstll and 15. 0. Xock of Wash iuiHon hit this nmrnini; tor Waynesvie wh- re thev will lecture on Chicago an. I the World's Fair. They will retain to morrow nii'l deliver the same !ctu:e : t the Grand Wednesday ai'uruoi n. Spui tl services will be lulil tias w; eli at tue First M. 15. church, eormrllav wood and lluttriek street-. !e:;aiiny this eveninu' at 7: o. Kev . F. Ma: ties-. prcM'linri elder ol the Chile oi-trict, will preach. All ae cordially iuvitul. The Mavor ami actir.t; Mavot lieinc out of the citv, Justice Frank Carter presided over the cuv coin t this in irniiu'. and heard two casci. Thev were t lain di links and the rim- imp sed was ia cacti case. This is a reduction 1 1 jO net di link. Coutrucii r . aV Tei.ntnt t 'day ; 1 1 ' nun to wo-k niaii1 ix-avatton u ; 1 1 ' e i the court In mi :C lor the furnaces to li put in. The oiit is taken out through a hi le cut ia the s n t h wail ot llie build in);. The w"ik of excavation will U completed in twoor time ilav-. The time at w !ii-. h the curtaiium-m I t the Imu'it I' the Asheville Free Kin dergarten association i to be t'ver.oi We ,!H'S;la 3 nViick met sail ex eel lent I'lioonuailv I r su'uivb.ui renidcMts to attend. I on'i Inrjji-t to sc." the World's Fair and I he F s.UoihhI Train and hi In the k ii'krg irten. I'ri-f. 1. A H lines, the Slate C, .adocist. returniil Saturday night I' oni ' rip uv r the roads m the northern nart ol the coiiiuv. in coinpanv with C.ipt. I'tihose. The llemkrsoiiville road was gone over todav. I'ioI. Holmes is having 1 irrer ons photographs ol the seeniry of th's stcliou taken, an 1 they will be sh 'wn ;o the State Fair. A. M. llatler ol hill is, Tex., u on a visit to Ashevilh', Ivs old home, on his teturu Irom l. uisville. w here h. alt'Midi d t he convention of the laternational IV pog-apheal union as a delegate from l lie D.dl is union. M r, Butler w is a com-p.isi-or i'ii Till-: CiriZHN l.'l sears ag i and has a number ot t ieials here who are ;J id to s.c him once again. Oris. A. Webb spoke before the I) mo cralic clab at Yi ave, vilie tor in hour and a half on Situtd iv night, taking the pi ice of Maj. S'.eilm m, who was ex pected but was linavi i absent. Mr. Wcbl) made a line talk, 'u'l ol soul! I ijinoeratie doctrine, an i e :silv I is audience inteiestnl. Tin re w ill lie m ire Heui' ctatie vans i i that, -eitum than i vcr beloie. Rollins, Keduiioi : Il.i:s!cv, jnoprie tois ol the well known old Farmers' warehouse, Ashes i'le, are mil ! hei' sea -oil's aunoui'.e ni'-nt to the to bacco groweis of tins ,-eetioii. Charles It. I'avis is agadi wt'i llie hoiiat ns aiic tioiaer, and 15. F. Oiai.dlev will h ive thaw ol the hooks. The " her in. uihers ol I he wan house stall Vill be lohn 15. Hector and Flhert F hrof Madison, and Hailev, 1-etgMSo.i .o il J. M. Curtis ot II ivsvood. 1'iiJav's Indiana nobs Journal contains an account of a call made up in ex-l'resl-deat Harrison he a committee from the Sigma u fraternity. The Journal says "the committer ii c'uded Clarence W. Murphy ol Asia ville, N. C , the com poser, who yesterday dulicired to the fraternity the 'Sigma Xu March,' an original composition o! mucin xceileace." The same paper notes the pri'suice ol Mr. Murphv at a swe 1 society event in that city. The Indian Uiver Advocate, Titusville, Fin., lias an account ol a trip to Vander bilt's, rtcentlv taken by ihe editors. This paragraph is taken therefrom: "What we lmve said by way ol descrip l ion does not do the subject justice 'The half has not be.'ii toll.' Goto Asheville, when your c.invenj.ine per inits, and see the Vanderbilt mansion and grounds, and we led confident t his onr lenture of the Asheville trip alone will repay you lor the expense id going from Florida to thatcharmingnioiiiitain resort; nt least it seemed so to us when we visited the place last week. The public schools opened todav, the streets being hvelv this morning with the presence of children on their way to their respective grnih s. Tickets had to be issued to innuv of the children who were unahle to obtain them last week on account of the biul veathcr. At the 1st primary grade in Montford school G7 children cunie forward to be graded. The O'h and 5th grnilrs nt Orange enrolled 110 and 32, respectively: and nt Montford the same grades 3 and 23. These figures will doubtle8 be largely increased in the ncjt day or so. The last sermon of Rev. J. I. White' meeting at Durhar.1 was preached Fri day evening. The Sun sass: "Seldom il ever, has Durham had such a series ot pnwerlul sermons as Mr. White hns preached during this meeting. Ther is some magnetic power about him that sends his words straight to the hearts of his hearers and awnkensa desiic in them to be better men anil women and do more for their Savior. There have lieeu n bout U00 con veisions during this meet ing, and some 3o have (ilrendv cm nectfd themselves with the First Baptist church, and oi hers will join tomorrow nvimini. ( cut nil Church stung Moevlcc. The service of song at Central M. E church, South, last evening was one of the most delighilul ever held in Ashe ville. The church was filled to overflow ing, and all were greatly pleased. The leading features were solos by Mr. and Mist Demson, and Miss L'ftwicb. If kept up, these services will tax the ca pacity of Central church to accommo date the crowds. PERSON ALLY sl"EAKIMi A l.luo or Tsvo About the lVoplo u Tht'V Push. K. R Whiting is at the F.ukeley lioui Hickurv. Chas. 1) Klanton has rttun cd Irani Marion. T os. T. Oliver of Filcrs-burg, Va . in the city. Senatorial Candidate Chas. A. Hen derson is here today. Cilia. Hampton of F.v uisville, li d., is one of the As'-cv l e hotel urns'. Fdsvurd Wt.rd left Uu'ay lor Wiliifi.g tou to accept a positi in in the tilephouc exchange. Frauk M. Scluadir and Find F. Sehradcrol Hubokcn, X. , are at the S.vannunoa. Cashier Pretii;: rot Collector Carter's office has gone eu a shoit lisit to Ch.i'' lottc, his old home. S. II.Lsot, niatugir ol ile.X'.w oik Ctlebt iiies coiupanx , cin.c ia iis'crilay and is ut the ilerkel; y. Spartanburg lleiald: Mis.s Mamie Cliesborai'gh o( A'.-hevil e is visiting Mrs. Fdsvaid McPowell on Kciiueuv Mr. ntul Mis. Joseph J. Hooker ol Webster spent Sunday at ill- S.s .uina uoa, leas iug lor their home this morning. M. Swaitz''Cig hit vestcidiv lor lial limore an i X. w Voikto pur. base a big sun. k f. r the t'..ih im to Clalh-ng, Shoe air I Ill's til o. Is C.llll jl.l IV. Mr. las. Ihckson and Mis- I.ouisi iu'i;icro I Chai leston. S. C, who have oeiu visiii i.j h re lor st i'.e tmie, lelt toi ' h. hoiiK' this u oi iiiig. Kie l. in a I I'eatsou and Geo. W. Tiis. u :..iuc h. me Ire in the s'oiigrcsMoiial cai: vass Satin day. I'rawtoid and I'.'arS'i) ics'ia c busiiASS Wed'.is.lav at Vellmv 1111. Cap!. Fi.'ii'.k I l'l itiuill is to leave Wcilia s 'av I r .New York to meet his foil Iv. who ih rc.nrii ti'.xl week from a pi olei::;i d is't I" tluir oil Ireland lioiiie. I, til N(. I) M IMMs. bin Mae lii'iiu ii lo S'-li,' Illo Co i' tbo National ( . ,S I'. ompan.v. S. G. Hiini-' has sola i;i p'r.nd iag bus-iucs-, wi'ili the j'.'i ;' ol t: c tools, to Ksll.s & liilioit Mi. lion's will leave shevillc Saturday for N,, hav ing aecc jited a position w i'.h I la. X.ittonal Cigartt:c and Tobacco coinpanv. He ,i id spi'iid lour months in Oie uielropolis laiailia. :ifg himscll w ith n erv dilail ol tl.c Ini.-ii'cis and will then return South, 10 i stal l;.li a Southern blanch ol the busiiie.-s. k is passible that this branch will be I ciMl at Ysbcville. or, il not Line, at Kuoxv.lle. Mr. lleuis' til mil v villi rem i".i lure, oei u;n tng their piiscnt n si.icn, e on I. lurrv si reel. Mr . llo'iis litis been in business ill Ashc '. ,; c lor s x years, a"d all Lis Irieniis here .i..,iv f.rit l.em ivle scat back here by ci tii'aauv. lie has been prominent in 11 iS'-lmll all nrs. ami had a large hand in ea. '.".: Asia v::l;-tac crack team she had I .si season. Ii he should le sent to iuo';vil'c, lie sa.v s, he will sic that that 1 i . ii has a team '.hat si 1 Ashe-viiii- pcu year. AllOl ' i ill-: i. i t. tar -Ti'i'iiui'i'i' .loin"- Malii'-. u -tali'iiifiil ol' tin- Malti'i'. U g irdtng the item in Siturday's pa- per c auiri, iaj, the gas woiks matter. S.c. etaiy-Tieasuicr II. 5,1. Jones of the Ysinvi.le Street KniUoad coniiiauy, ol w hich the gas bii.aniss is a branch, L'l i ditlc ei.t story. He says the company teemed a rcou.ti ai in I i'ce an i svagis a ta'cts-u ana it ns rnaik. i iie redtic S." a, and the .: : lu' work to heavy ;'al, i nil work. An ils p! nr. lhe ti'st t'.otl ill wages : .asniaiiir, thiakii i lid the p iy loo I ither man i.-ol; I ,oi ai ih nt oc mi r .1 an! by the in xt ia ,i. t it was i, mud that tae new m ill sva- n it as i x i i n t .,s was thought. uen ti:c iiaploie w ho ipoi llie ri'tiiria'.l to wink, iic.cpiiug the ic. lac una, ami the supply o! gas is an r.glr. once iia ic. i'.i! I. d lor I lu-1 Iron-.. A.dnvi'l. v. as billed S iltir : i alter Main's :c , I- mii'ii I ir tae coming id waiter I. big shows . boards no .v 1 il the 'J.V.h, and il o il special at 1 1 i, : i lor evei'vboav i a it ' an intcus' ia llie i i i eti a I', il their n.itta' is i.ia'.s, lions, t r.-, '. lo' box . ami the numerous Ii ai uri s iming i t a hgion. I51.ii mg kang .r 1 1 ol the nggieatioi. all c ur.c in la' mil shaie ot inu iKMti. aial many a in. ad h i- lieadv been ta.oie na tiia ci'cas tnu-t be si:ii'"i. Vile i'ih'ai-si"n pi i' lor adults will I c o' i cents, clnl In n ia. der 1 J years cents. Io1iiiii,v ' -uiiiiai .loin-. Uitlc Johnny was on las way to Sun day school vcstiti'av nhai las afiitioii was attracted bv t h" cii .nis pos: rs He stuoie 1 tin ill a tew niiiait s an I ti.ri.i.l to his fat In r. "I should think t'.e show ;.; .ae.'e uoald be alrai'l the cii v an lio'i i, s pictiaa s tne l.i fin . s o'.ilu tear " he ' lid. I a-l.e.l. are l.i. king down some id tin "Why so, son ' "Don't you s. e up their heels?" Then Johnny jcaaul. ssi ut on in Sunday ol. .SIl'PiiWI'll Here. Interest m reviving in the pri ject for the building of the Atlanta, Ashevil c and Ilaltimore r.nlro.iJ, better known ns the liiistol canncction. Col. tl. G. Mc Dowell, a prominent Ibistol iinlroiul man, arrivid here this aliernoon, and in company with 15. It. Atkinson will spend several days looking ocr the proposed line and seeing the "lay of the land." Tsvo Iti i'aptiii'i'il. C. . Tweed of Vlarshall, who was in Asheville today, told Tim Cmzrx that Tom Iligclow and Robert Lnmb, two ol the men who escaped from Madison Inst Wednesday Mghr, have been recaptured. Thi'lr l.ast.'ri'lpH. Trains 13 and 1G on the A. Si S. road will be discontinue 1 nf er tonight. Xi, 15 will come in on the last trip at 11:20 tunight, nn 'I Xo. 10 will go out for the i .st time this evening, l.lroiis.e to Wi'd. From Register Mackey's office license to wed has been issued us follows: Robert A. Vess nnd Carrie Frody, of uuncotiilie. Here svhut I' er Cooper, who lived to be over HO years old und died worth many millions, said of n, newspaper: In all towns wherrn newspaper is published every man should advertise in it, if noth ing more than a card stating bis nnme and the btismrss he is in. It not only pays the ADVERTISER, but it lets me people nt n distance know thnt the town in which vou reside is a prosperous community of business men. Asthe seed is sown so the seed recompenses. Never pull down vonr sign while you expect to o ousiness. rtl-BO rullrnnH iK-boia at ll Mam, ii-HrirlruFsphand t-xprt-on uiiiwTTi nrr ;aritrv i nn ssroKtir. Fresh candies just received at Allen's the place you get bananas so cheap. A T TUK CRA.XD. A tiuall aiuliet ee s.i w the Millou Xu blcs company puseut "From Sire to Sou" ut the opera house Saturday even ing, but the svas nut to Lr measured bv the size uf the crowd. The minibus of the company fitted iveu more completely in their respective roles than on the previous t veiling and the prodection was quite satisfying. Mr. Xoblis' Allied Arniitnge svas an" inter cstiii); intei pretntion. while 1 Uv Xi bles lillul the double paitsol MabilArini tagt, mother and daughtir, inagr.icrlul, iiiitiiral svav that more plainly than ever deinoiistrattd her ability to lill ix i.ciiiig stellar rolis. Eva Taslor svas a vivacious Aurtlia Stoekup; Chas Wil 1 in! I hived Dr. Mandrake in a way to please, while 15. A. Locke's I'ustmastir Grimes was a clever piicc of svoik. "From Siro to Son" is n play ol exceed ing inttrest ami is in goo I bauds. An incident occuirtd tit the eh se 1 1 the fust act that was not dow n on the pro gr; in. The finale ol the cct is tl c killing by the s iilain ot Mrs. .Vmitngc, ('.lolly Xohksl. At llie close the diop curtain cau'c down but one mil caught about a tool above the stage ll ior, ai d caus.d an tnibarrasiii g siluitioii. 1 he dvine wonr n ion!. I not cat up and walk oil the stave as il iioiliing had happened. For a inn tne or two iluae must have ' a p iiutul susei'Se on the stage, and there vas a'npl.nisc Ireiu the ail iieiice. fl.tti a pieie ot stace prop-'ity was bn light on, set up bil'uc the dv'rg io tain .-Hid she' retteatcil tiusieu. Tne ril'ilboiisdrop was soon m.ule right agaii. Maaair Saears luts booked "Ala hama" f'.-r the Gnuid on the "ath. -I.N Klitl AI. I A As Hair--, oi the spi-ahim; In I'aini'oialii .iri.l Slaili-ou '. oiiiuii"-. I.-ici.. O a-);, ore of tin S na.torial didatis ii'.ianed S .t id.: v night from Wanisi!l .where tl'.e llivivood can s'.! s c'"sid Saturday. Mr. Cia'g will ren.ain hen. iii.ti! tomorrow, when the catnpaig n will he at Fiat Creek. The ila'.i s . r tl e Senato: ial canilida'ts aie as tultows: Flat Creek, i-i mp gn a d, Oct. Id. II g Ivv H ip-isi il .ne:.. i le".. 1 7. Middle Foil;. Ma, I .-on. i let. 1S. Mars IM , '.!.o'i-oi!, I 'ct. I'.i. Sands 11 Hi m, Madison, I Ic'. L'O. Sjiriin, I. ,1,'k, cap ol im ant. lin. del. 'Jo. Meadow Fork. I V.. : I S mdy M'.i'li, i i.-t. .'o Sandy Mfs'i. Han oinbc, (!.'. Ji;. Leicester, I n coiiilu', i ic . "7. Cinoli r's, Ian'.'- mlie, i let I'.o. Skyhn.d, li n e uuli.-. I i.-t. 111. i-'airviiw. Hir e mil e. Nov. 1. Ciictin'starcis I'li'oiM'iu wai ineiiiii our opmiig on ilk' l.V.h instant as statid. Wc ate niakiiig ix'C'isive prep arations l-r a 1'saii:e ilisptuv at an eaily tiote. lint u aiee or s oiie ss ill be 'givin lo tl.c pi. I. ic as soon as possible. The nun's outline s. M.nie i s M inn.gcr. Ill I'atti n sis u! c. l'.inl.eley hotel building. t:ih sjkki:is. sfw v :; k . Nl -'!.l.. I lei. I : I'oiloll lutllie- ol'elH'.l l.iiely -ai.iay: S, j.teiii!''-! t:. - ; i leather. ,s Nnvrnaii-r Ili-eiiuhir. ii;: !;iiiiiiirv 5'-. l-el'iiairv. 5 a; .M.H'ili. 1 .-pril. 7.- . .'iTOi.'K IJl'llTA l'lONS. Ni e l.'KK. Oct li -1'ne. I; .Cliie.igo .111 I Nnrlhu. -le; 11 1 ,: laike S!iirt'. ; ,; Noiou'.k lei i -i-tei 11 a,: Kii'liia.m.l an. I West 1'olul ri:rililll..l. i e-tt ril t'llloll. L'HICAI'.O. Chicaoo. o.i. ii ', tKt . 5; Corn, ti t, : Hits. o. t , ; 1'uik. u ss: lain!. 1. 01.. 7 Ji. Kil's, Del. ' 1 pin.. ' iy SsllKVlt.l.K 0 I rt'ctn, itaily 1' I'ou'tl! .V Sni'ler, w lii.le-.ilt-11 1 relait i;roei rs. T!ie-.e j. rices are lieni; p.iii! tin- m:reliauts of llie city loitay. R't'lrr iy.i ; Apples !-a;es u Apples, uric! ,01 j ahi. ketis lit..' .v I'linipkins. i.ieli I'lirkevs 7-.1i! i.'i Sorciaim ie liueks 15,1 j.t lin ..wax. pi r Pi :o Potatoes, swtel 7. Honey a i' lllsll. ... .11. Wtle'.ll 7, I'm nips 3C01 ,ie Corn mums -- Mi ai -t C.i!'tia;i', tier It I t lats lle.lil., per lt'.l....l. a I.'.'- Kyt' t-e I'-'.is ui llav per tun Chtlmits Letirv, tn-r doi ...c, iji 1NIJKX TO NHW AIIVKKTIbKMHNTS. t.o-t ttistoirs'.t. Kay s W.inte'.i 1' li llox j.ji SV.inuil -s. Clierrs .-! A llav Main s Cireu- t-.irinaeeuut. Co nts-rowi-l! .V n 1. 1. 1 Ke'itiietiitn ill Prices-liiHiiii ai' ijioiiiiu ea r,V)R SSI.K - l'uiiiiliire nml oilier I ..a- I'rt'rets Miss mm s i-;k s. 1 I.'illf No. 1 1 stal 111 - Ave. 11 IS'T A pair of sinnketl eye i;; s. t.elun 11 J ti.oley ttliei't au.t Cliurcti street i.a ivi r.tit'. Kewanl it reliirneil la HKSTiiNS ii-is'lt J'. Somli Main. Mils. M. SI. thilil. I'lipil New Kllg'ailil eon sirvatiiiy ol Music, teacher ot niaiiiluaii. bunjo, cuitar ninl (liaiio. Kesiileliee ."i ll.ulev slrect. ii-luleotiiliu- IDR For east.. Satur.l.iy. Uel. , teiker's ilelivt-ry wajtoil to satisfy claim 1 have lll-llitlkt I 11 111 ' U V l."l"l' I0-411JW Y,TANT1'.I)-Jut arrived from tlie North, a " caiiatile. rt'lii'.tile woninti with eooil lefei- ences. di sires position ns companion, can of children ur house work. K S.. lo-i5iliv s... Cheri v St. IOCATION WANTED- ynuun m tn with nioiii'v woiiM HWr lo learn" ol a uood loca tion lor anv Uin-l oi' lilisitief-R. luinlwarf urt'- Irrieil; or wonKI o in n ith :m active ntiiii as partner. v. (. mx 244. io-!5iltw Harnsoiinurif. Va. VTTKNTK1N I,AMKS-Mrs. H. V. Kctl will take orilt-rs tcir iiniiirt(.'d material lor both cvt-nin nml visitinj; nowtis, ulttvrs. .shoes, wrati-, etc., to match, tit U'omltiu "teit. until (Jet 17th, when she leaves fur New Vork. io-.MU I want every nmn nu.l womnn in the t'niteil States interested in the opium nml wiskey habits to have one of my looks on these uiHenuvs A(Mre II. M. WOOI.l.hY, Atlnnta, Oa., box iSo. anil cue will le (tent von free. S-KHleod6nio IMPORTANT TO Truck-Growers, Market- men and Hotel Keepers. TIUirnLlV. N'uveiiihor ml. lK.ti nt II i.VI.'.-t shiirp, (lisplenisliiiiii sole hy miction at Arthur n ucimi- s nyi(,n iieaiii KRrucn, Iinw ercei;, 4 -i iiiui-a irom lown. w m. 'i iirner. Auctioneer, 1 crennl colored horse, 7 yenm old. Rood worker 1 lllillk horse. Blioil wnrkert I livn.hnrtu. vtnirnn I two-horse lienvy npriiiR wnon; I two-senteil Jersey stiriuR wairon; 1 set doulile wngon hnr ncss; 1 set doulile Imunv liaruess; I set sitiRle ""Si" immrw; i reaping tnaCllltlC IMCLor Ullekli 1 mowillGT nmchinc rlinin. ploiOtdjMsh Rliiss, irood as new, 3x6; 1 Disc harrow; 1 sets sinoothinn harrows; 1 two-horse hillside ulow: 1 two hors rilivr riiiu nin. , two-horse Dlxey plow; 1 oue-hor.e Dixey plow; 1 double wliiKed hilling plow, lor celery; 1 dou- me iuoi piuw; 2 music piows; i lionlfl pump; ISO rubber hose: I llouhle Cone nawder liellnw 1 root cutter; 1 Iron cultivator; 1 Iron horse hoe; 1 wheel hoe: 1 seed and Irrtili.. .It-Ill-', ul...l. barrow; 1 turning lath; 1 hay rack; 1'heatlnii mine, 1 ki uiMi-Kniuiin biiu carpenters' tools, hoes, shovels, lorks. etc., etc ; 1 milch cow; about aoo bushels corn, In lots to suit purchaser; 1 stacks lops; 1 stacks fodder, corn; 4 stacks straw; aiKiui 2110 ousneis insn potatoes (narly Rose); 18 thousand celery, in one thousand lots, good, Kverythtni in first class order. Proprietors go. ing out of ihe business. WM, TURNER, Auctioneer, When You "Think" "FURNITURE" "CARPETS Or . milling 1 1 1 the Furniture- ami Line. We Want In Have You Also "W. B. Williamson Id I-AT I ON VI ANHEVILLl, N. :. The Wfiitlock Clothing House, 46 S0UTH IMIIST. NOW IS YOLK TIME Better Clothing Th. ui ever before. There is no pl.iee iu Asheville where you can get a business or ilt ess suit to lit as well or near so stylish as ours. We show the largest stock in the city to select from, and we will undersell all competitors. The best place to buy elothiug is from a practical clothier und tailor, not from dealers that don't know 1 well ma le garment when they see it. We brag on our $10.00 all wool business inits and $lf. 00 dress suits. We sell the best class of goods in bats, wool under. wear, and everything that men nml boys 'oous. c are here to stay ami wc will sell Honest values as we nave none in tne pa.!. Compare our itock with others before buying. OLD HEADQUARTERS FOR 07 x Mnln, TtKpbone 67. I Plymouth Rock Pants Co. Pants, $3.00 And Up. Suits, 813.25 And Up. O vcrcoats, $10.25 And Up. MADE TO ORDER, H. II. FAIRFAX, Agt III.IMV1IN.H SHOD STUKF, Tin' l'Vatlierboni: iorit ai-.t is. ln-yontl qutrsttou, tiki' a Rtovc, all tin-style of a corset, and wears like iron. We make a specialty of these imoiIs ami ri'i-oiiiiuciul tlniu lo you without reserve. We are authorized to refund your money after linn weeks' trial, if not satisfactory. FISH and OYSTERS. Mr (ieo. X. Ives & Son have a stall in C'ty Market with Mr. P. E. Hare as man ager, and if you will give us a trial we will save you money. Give us a call any way. Kemember tbe place. Stall 17. Respectfully, F. E. HARE, (WITH GEO. N. IVES & SON). YOU CAJtST GET 100 Pounds Timothy Hay For $1.00. 100 Pounds Bran and Shorts For $1.00 At T. J. REVELL'S are overtaken by winter, prepare yourself for solid comfort by placing your orders with the -DBA.LiH1R,S IN- JELLICO, ANTHRACITE AND COKE. TRI.PHONR Ijo. ALL COAL SCREENED AND FORKED- & MATTING," Carpet Think "RUGS," & Co.," TO GET' For Less Money wear. We do not sell seconds nor shoddy Wc have on hiind a lull stock. I'rcs goods bought at bottom prices troni 6rst hands for cash. We get all discounts and brokerage that enn be had. Divide profits with our customers instead ol with brokers and middlemen. Kespect- fully. C. S. COOPER. FIT GUARANTEED. .19 PATTON AVENUE. BON MAROHE, EVBRYTHINQ NE3"W IN Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Notions, Ladles' and Gentlemen's Furnishings, NO OLD GOODS, BUT NEW GOODS CHEAP ICR THAN EVER KNOWN BEFORE AT BON MAROHE, 37 SOUTH MAIN STREET. the most cumfortable garment made; it fits "AH HONEST EFFORT TO PLEASB IIRISGS ITS OWN KBWARD." THIS MOTTO HAS BEEN EXEMPLIFIED IN THE CASB OF TUB ASHEVILLE STEAM LAUNDRY WE THANK THE PUBLIC FOR THEIR GENBROVS PATRONAGE DURING THE SUMMER, AND BY GOOD WORK AND PROMPT DB- LIVERY HOPE TO MERIT A CONTINUANCE OF YOUR TRADB THIS WINTER. MO ,fO M. Mala airocl. OVFICI PATTON AV8 If You Want Glean Coal, Buy The Jellico Coal, ASHEVILLE ICE & COAL CO., TELEPHONE 36 40 Wholesale and JcLlICO & ANTHRACITE COAL & ASHEVILLE WOODWORKING CO. Is Now Prepared BUILDING MATERIAL Fine Cborcb, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures 8BWP FOH Asheville Woodworking Co H. Kauffman, Supt. Quality not quaiv tityY NOPHBB GIFTS OP ANY KIND TO ATTRACT ATTENTION 08 DKAW Acme Wine, Liquor House & White Man's Bar What I claim It that I kp the lanrrat ttorlt of rst clou Roods of! an y hoow In thf State. An jonc in need of pure unadulterated liquors will find It to their Interest to en II and eiamiae mi itock. The time hat been recommended by tbe leading phvslclans In the State for medicinal purposes JaN, H. Loughrnii. Prop. NO. 68 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - ASHEVILLE, N. C. TBLBPHONB CALL 189, .... rnsTOPPICB BOX 688 OrdcnProm a Dlatancc Solicltied. Boxing; St Packing free. BONANZA WINE AND LIQUOR COMPANY, Nos. 41 and 43 S. Main St., Asheville. 'Jtit A I AUK DEPARTMENT, GENTS' ll J' ttl. PARLOR A0 HEADING ROOM. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND BOTTLE GOODS, SAM- T A VLU, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. iX J 0 Beer Vaults and Bottling Wc Respectfully Solicit a Share ot Your Patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Mala EatrMce, ao. AS. 48 Aoulli Main Street, Aahevllle. PURB DOMESTIC AND IMPORTBD Wines, Liquors, Ales Best Cigars and Tobaccos HEADQUARTERS FOR Cooper Old Corn and Rye Whiskey Prom ray Transylvania A. O. HAE.YBVRTOJC , Prop. P. O. Box 3S3. Thomss B. Long, James H. Rumbough, Hamilton C, Long. Beverly W. Hill, Long, Hill & Co., M Estate Agts. & Brokers Take pleasure in Informing the trading public that they have opened an office at No. 4 North Court Square for supplying the wants of tellers and buyers of Real Estate. Persons having any kind of property to rent will find it to their interest to place their busi nest with us at we guarantee the rents of all property disposed or by us. Stranger visiting the city are cordially In vited to call at our office. We will handle no property In which there is any doubt is to title, and will use every effort to protect patrons. Strictly square dealing with all parties la our motto. Business entrusted to iu will have prompt and business like attention. Try ut and tee lr every promise here made It not fully complied with. Asheville, N. C, Sept. 13th, 1894. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY CONTINUES TO SUSTAIN ITS ESTAB LISHED REPUTATION FOR FIRST CLASS WORK. Cnnrcb St., Telephone 70. CORTLAND BROS., BAL BSTATB BBOKBM. IKTB8TMBKT AOBNTS NOTARY PUBLIC - Loaat Sacartiy placed ai S par oral oata S8 a M Patto Ava., ap stain Rescreened. OFFICE J tk J PATTON AVE Retail Dealers In CRUSHED COKE FOR DOMESTIC USE. to- -Furnish all Kinds of BSTIWiTBB. Telephone, 104 TRADB AT THF My motto If, "Keep the beat and chartre accordingly.' Jhij place Is second to none In the State. Department in the Basement Telephose Call, .Ho. S 4. and Beers, distillery. No adulteration. American Surety Co. of N, T. IN ITS Fidelity Department Furnishes bonds for officer and employes o banks, railroad, express, telephone and tele graph companies, trust companies, nianufactur ing, mercantile and mining corporations, offi cers of Building and Loan associations, and secret societies, clerks in postoffices, letter car riers, cashiers and bookkeepers in mercantile houses, internal revenue bonds, and for persons holding other salaried positions who are subject to a satisfactory system of accounting. RDTLEDGE & PATTERSON, Agents In Its Law Department Furnishes bonds and undertakings for apical, arrest, attachment, capias, Indemnity to sheriff, Injunction, land damage, replevin, nou-resident plaintiff, security for coats, maritime 1111, ad ministrators, committee of lunatic, conservators, curators, assignees, common carriers, for de murrage, executors, guardians, guardians ad litem, trustees, receivers, warehousemen, grain elevators. Guarantee on bids and contracts. JULIUS C. MARTIN, Attorney. J. W. CHAPPEUL, CLSTOM BOOT AND SUOE MAKER, LAST FITTED FOR AFFLICTED FEET. Repalting a specialty, All , work guaranteed. . , . No. 35 College Street. smokb.. Porter's - Havana Mixture TUB BEST SUOKINO TOBACCO ON THE MARKET, FREE FROM DIRT I . ,. STEMS.