Asheville Daily Citizen ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMIJElt ., 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS VOLUME X-NO. 159. Did You Fnjoy Your Breakfast This Morning? If Not, Then Tomorrow Morniug Try Our Royal Blend Coffee, Puritan Oatflakes, BISCUIT MADE FROM OBELISK FLOUR WITH OBELISK BAKING POWDER. BUCKWHEAT CAKES MADE FROM OUR NEW CROP BUCKWHEAT FLOUR AND EITHER OUR NEW CROP. NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES OR Maple Syrup, And Von Will be Happv. POWELL & SNIDER Was Too Busy to Change My Ad. Now as luont of my new good, are all open, i; will cordially invite all ray customer and friends to call iu and look at the finest selection that haaever been shown in Asheville. It is unless to mention all, but you can glance at some of them In my windows. My holiday goods will be displayed soon. L. BLOMBERG, 17 PATTONBAVBNUB. FOR SALE! One judgment against P, A. Fanning for twenty dollars and eighty cent! (i ao-ioo. Will give liberal discount. Gr. .A. Oreer. Oakland Heps Bote WILL GIVE Reduced Rates Until January 15th, 1895. FOR SALE ! The entire outfit Cjf th I restaurant doing buewss at the corner of Main street and Court Square, over A. D. Cooper's store. Will be sold at a bargain Two front rooms and rent. two back for It. A. PEAL. - Blank Books! Blank Books ! Blank Books ! FINK ASSORTMENT AT Low Prices, We sell at reasonable the best makes of. . . prices ink: We do not cheap ink. handle poor, H.T. Estabrook, BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. 22 South Main St. See That Square ! Parlor Suits. 1 W. A Blair. NO. 45 3 no I loo II PATTON AVE. I" AND AI.I. KINDS OF FURNITURE. Rock Bottom FOR CASH OR 1BMTALLMENT. WEEKLY CLEARING SALE ! J. H. I1A.W M PallOM Ave., AtaTlll, M. Q sgjj I' Vv 2 fJ V w n Q. a 5 New Groods ARE MOW ARRIVIKU DAILY The tttrgaitia our buyer picked up are yim thlug immense. Will have grand opening in few. days, We know you will nut mis it. To make room for all these new and pretty things will close out some of the old stock at about half value Watch our space in this paper. It will be very interesting for the comlutf 55 Uuys, Attention is called to our Hue of oil heat- Trice only $5.uo. Warms a large room. Aliumimim ware is new tor cooking utensils, We have them. Thrash's Crystal Palace LOW PRICE LEADERH. REASONS For Using HESTON'S BREAD It's the best. It goes farthest. It's a pleasure to eat it. It satisfies. Always the same. Everybody praises it. You will like it. You should try it. 5' 6. 7 8. Ask for it; insist on having it. TELEPHONE NO. 183. THIS WEEK IT IS FINE CLOTHING FOK MEN, BOVS AND CHILDREN. FINE WRAPS FOR LADIES, MISSES AND AND C1I1I.KK K.N FINE DRESS GOODS, I TO WHICH WK WOULD lUIKKC r ATTEN TION. Ha RedWOOd &. CO. Heinitsh & Reagan, DRUGGISTS. CHl'RCU NT.. & PATTON AVE. TAKE CARK OH YOUR TEETH BY USING v Hygienie Tooth Wash and Hygienic Tooth Powder. PFEPAREO B neinllSn OL Keagan, . A M ELLIcoG AURMTH FOR CANDIES nKST DR ANUS .DOMESTIC KEY WEST C10ARS. SPECIAL AT TENTION TO BOX TRADE. C. I Agents 1'r.r t,tCoilfeeHoM.s, ITtlDAY. JAMAItY II. TIIK 1AY I IXKll Foil Til Kilt KXKd'TlON, .IlltlUC- .lOIICH I'l'UUOIIIH'CH Selllt-lle'O Oil llio Murderers; ol" I 'hurley Erwln In tho I i-liiilinil Ourt-Appcsil t" Oio uprvmr Court. : Criminal court convened until noon to day for the coLsideration of business not requiring a jury, and the most important work was the sentencing ot liillv Mc Daniel and Henry Webb, the colored bovs who were convicted Inst week of the murder of Charlie Erwin. About 11:30 Judge Jones commanded absolute silence in the court room. A very unusual scene was ubout to be en acted, and the Judge showed in his luce a full appreciation of the solemnity of the occasion. there was a crowd in ine court room and all turned their hcuds from Judge to prisoners and watched the proceedings interestedly. Solicitor bug. D. Carter, rising, asked the judgment ot the court in case 137, against McDnniil and Webb. Clerk Young made formal proclama tion, enjoining the crowd to keep silence upon pain of imprisonment. ludge ones commanded Mcuat ici to ""T!:.. i". r .Vi' mi; vei v ui hi; ivlihil:. in i.ciuu(. iv i Judge's qui'st Urn il he had any reasons why sentence should not tie pronounced upon him, McDanicl said sometuing that sounded line lam prepared to inc. Attorney Henry It. Stevens answered that there were no reasons. Then n Ige onis began the sentence: It is now mv melancholy duty, lie said, "to pronounce sentence. 1 will not lecture you; that is not for me to do. It you want consolation or comfort you can get it Irom men more capable of giv ing it than 1 am. The ludgmciit ot the court he tucn de liveredthat McDaniel should be taken in charge by ohn A. Urookshire, sherill of Buncombe county, to be salely kept in the common ) ul until Friday, January 11,181)5, on which day, between the hours of 1- in. and li p. ill. he should be taken thence to the place of execution 'and there hanged bv the neck until you are dead, dead, dead. And may the Lord have mercy on your soul. Henry Webb wus told to stand up, and when asked il he had tiny reasons why sentence should not be pronounced, began in a tremulous voice, while he ap peared about to weep, by saying he was not guilty ol the crime with which lie was charged, and lie would like to nave a new chance lor his lile. "1 did nut know," lie pleaded, "that he ErwinJ was going to be killed, and it's awlui hard to have to (lie I.t soimtmg 1 didn't do Chas. A. Webb, esq., one of the prisor- ei's attorneys, then made a plea lor anew I ,,;! I, I,,,,,. Win.- sf.nd that il ... . ! J""" J . . .. Webb was not guilty and could secure a new trial, no one would be gladder than he. Mr. Webb thought the new trial would never be granted unless Judge lones granted it. The lir'gc said il any new important evidence could be gath ered he would consider the iUtsti jn ol granting a new trial, but could not take the pnsouer a declarations as iheomy reason lor granting it. lie dually 1 elined a new trial, nnd Webb stood up to rcccne hw sentence, w hich was similar to that ol McDaniel. Webb beard Ins sentence with urms folded, The crowd started to disperse but stopped as Judge Jones said : "Wait a a minute. I want to say a lew wokij io the young men who have lit, ml this trial and the sentenev. Let it have some effect on tou. Yuiibovsvthi aic ad dicted to whiskey and last women, tor God's sake let this case have weight with you. The defendants are in your aistodv.Mr. Sherill'." An appeal has b.en taken to the su preme court in the McDi'im'l-uct.'i) case Saturday m the Criminal court l erry Hunt was convicted of laiccny trom llenrv M. Stale, and scnteuecd to two years on the county roads. Chas. Arner submitted on a charge ol assault with dtadly weapon, and was sent to the roads lor six months. "Dumps" Lane paid his line ol $1!00 and costs, about $-10, and gave bond to appear next term and show l.e had not violated the law. The rule against Constable K. T. Poor to show cause whv he had allowed a prisoner to escape, was tlismised. I lie n:rv was dismissed till VteuuC! day morning. YOl'NU 1MI1.K WINNKHS. AwiiiiIh Mi1i nt tho tii-y-iuil liemti 111 Inhibition ssutiiriln.v. The exhibition of chrysanthemums by children who wc.c given plants last pring by the Idlewild I'lornl company occurred at the Y. M. C. A. hall Satur day afternoon. Three pnz'.'S were nu'tirdiul fur flip heat- Drown nf these nlams, and the prizes were won as fol- inw.. x-irsi, li, miuv .iin, mwm $2 50, Ccnn Stevens; third, $1, Clara Whittington. The judges were Mrs. J B. Steele, Mrs. C. W. Woolsey nud R. G. Milford. Of over 301) pUintsgivenawn v, less thnn 50 were returned. The receipts nt the door and from the sale ol plants by auction amounted to $7.50, which will be dounted to the uuidren s nome. AT l.llll'.ll'I'V 1111. 1.. M. I.iillicr speaks There Fveiilmi. D. M. Lutbcr, csip, spoke to a large crowd nt Liberty Hill, Vpuer Hominy township, Saturday evening, and divided time with V. G. Candler, who s.iid he would make u Prohibition speech, but evidently forgot what he had said. Mr. Luther showed up Kepuiilican misrule in North Carolina in its true form, and made n long discussion. In rrplying to remarks on Swcpson, Mr. Candler said he with committee hnd followed Swep son to New York;" and," he asked, "who .In .iminBi. ivf Imind wit h htm ''" A boy hi the audience answered 'Sa The exclamation caused a luugu that came near stopping the proceedings. In .1 usi lee t'urlor'H Court. Robert Sams nnd E. L. Hunt had altercation Saturday night in which a charge of the llnzzard house on Beau stick nnd n knife figured. Sams cut a mont, discovered n man brcukiiiR into man nf the nnme of Hunt, but not one he hud the trouble with. The knife struck a rib, and this prevented a dan- gerons wound, Sums is under bond to nnnenr before lusticc Frank Carter Thursday lor a preliminary neat ing. lames Stevenson, white, and Miller, colored, had an nITrav Saturday night, nnd their hearing was set for this aiternoon uetore lusiiec inner, itest Show on Earth MAR ON BUTLER AND . . J ETfcK PSRITCHARD, . . . l ii'.inl nud Onl owners. All under the management of that Mag nificent Ihpnotist and Soloist King Master Windy Wallace Rollins. Will positively expose itsd! in all its hor rible nakedness ond deformity lit Ashcville, X. C, Tuesday, NjvembcrO, ISOf. NUMBER LLSS TRICK KINGS AND a WELL DEFINED PLATFORMS ALL INCONSISTENT, with us many more in stock ns the crowd requires. All under the greatest conscience proof canvas in the world ! Endorsed by the negroes and three white Democrats, one of whom, J. C. Murray, actually publicly states that he was NOT paid to do. A.SS'F.lliTIUlELlu()lI)! T11IKTY TRAINED TURNCOATS. ONE MALE Ll'SK, who glories that .... he recoir.niemled the Ucatli ot live hun died ol his neighbors the onlv one ever 9m, alivc A LIVE GOOSE ORCHESTRA, led by the ring mnster on hi 01301'.. ONE LIVE HAM ON FIRE, actually blazing in the ring ! ON IS TOOK CU.Sl..Lb,tllconlv one in the Republican party '. ONE THOUSAND BAKIi-BACKICD POLITICIANS, each going in a different direction, and all ridden and managed by one LIVE DUKE or one DEAD DUCK, which in tins case amounts to the same thing. THE MUSICAL ZEBRA, who plays the org in. THE GREAT SMILING MoiiDY.thc onlv one of :he name ever known. The only living American raised AM- MONS, an achievement in PARTICl'I.T URL. lie is unsurpassed in the variety ot fruit he has borne, nnd he is not dead vet. Prohibitionists, Contortionists, Popu lists, Chiropodist', Republicans and Jug- licms (only on earth). All having a strong flavor of Afrie s Spicv Brccses blowing on Pearson's side, but all unal' t0T nljl v oppose 1 to white supremacy, ... ' . , ,t I nciHiiyi.ini reaLeSL.i..uierui It' : t ... . .1. l.., l.o ingmua im"'uni;ie " '" Dark Ages. The Great Performing Clown Elephant HEAD ER, who is bath Opposing and Supporting the LNTIRE MAMMOTH COMBINATION atone and the same time, individually and collectively, as he is the onlv baby ol his size who ever sur vivid thi' sin. filing of bis HO'.Y-WOW All Culminating, Crowding, Convuls ing and Critcih ing in ONlv ilAT! licncath which several thousands of intelligent votcis pietend that they be lieve a wild 111:111 ol 11 irnco has concealed a thing that never ixisted, his Political Principles. The performance will close with the mrst Mind Distracting, Soul Sickening exhibition Ever Witnessed, by That Ac knowledged King of T lie Air and the black alleys, who wdl actually leap trom his pedestal of Gold, Turn THREE S11111 n:crs:' lilts, Clutch the Hands of HIS SILVER DUMMY, Hug Him to lbs Heart for a moment, then release his embrace, catch the Flying Har as it dies through the Air, nnd actu ally return unabashed and smiling to his pi;ii:sr.i. of gold. Many other Aerial Artists have at tempted this feat before, but Don, Mon sicur, Herr, Meiuhcrr, Mister nnd Duke Africanus Populisto I'rohibito Rcpublico Decinius PEARSON is the only one who Ins ever succeeded in accomplishing it, and even he can do it only by going to his political death, destruction, damna tion, disinteragation and degradation; but he is going to i!o it on the .6th of November, exactly ns advertised. All persons with principles admitted free. Others can get tickets by lenving their politics at the box oflicc until after the perlornianee is over, when they will be returned, if called for. No Catholic Need Apply. IKK. i s I'll KKTS OUT! Out lor Iti'piiblli'iiu Nairn liruiocrals' Plne-o. Look Ill Hogus tickets arc out, with the mimes ol Republicans substituted for those of Democrat!! Read your ticket closely tomorrow, and see that every name name ol a Dcmocint. on it is the ;Ol OI(K It.V'l'U YVEATIIKI! Mini nud snow In Northern New VorU St n to. S.vuanac Lakh, N. Y,, Nov. 5. A heavy snow storm has raged in this vicinity - 1 since 3 o'clock this morning, It is now four inches deep, which will make roads deep in mud and almost impassable. niiitltt In the Ael. nn This morning Mr. Randall, who is in the the house, ond captured him. In doing so. the houscbrenker was hot iu the and legs, out not Hurt seriously, lie proved to be a colored man named Avery. Janitor Hall of the City Hall iweiu to me seme in ictik w a kip col panic nicssngc tor an omccr, out Deiore he reached there the man had I brought down in Dr. Battle's buggy been and i piucvu m ju. ... ,, tillr J.iWlV M Wli I Mil SICKF.NKI) ON THE TOI'-ItAl). (OM- III NATION. flic- Entire l'opullst Ticket Withdrawn In Halifax Coiinty-ltepiihl leans Com ing OH' Their Tlokol-Coiilltlon l.olni: to l'U-oi'S Kimt. Kai.i;igii, N. C, Nov. 3 A telegram received here today says ex-Congressman Kitchin and the entire Populist ticket in Halifax have withdrawn nnd that Kitchin will support the regular Demo cratic ticket in Halifax. He repeatedly stated during the campaign that he would support the Democratic State ticket. His act was not unexpected by the Democrats. In an interview tonight Chairman Pou said evidences were strong ol a breaking- down of fusion; (that respectable Pop ulists arc coming down from the ticket in various counties; that some K publi cans are coming down in each county. and that in lohnson countv only one man, white or colored, could be found to icknowlcnge that he would vote tor the lull lusion ticket. He says positively that the Democrats will carry Wake county. There was a great gathering ot Demo crats at Morgauton Saturday, one ot the largest during the entire campaign n the Stute, nnd Burke county will give 4-00 to 500 majority. Pou is positive of I Cook's election in this district. Char- bttc Obs-rver. Vl.l. i:YF.S Tl ltNKI) OX NEW YOliK llnlh sides Now ( In lilt the Mtate As Sale. Nuw York, Nov. 5. All eyeB are upon the Empire State. With every condition favoring u sweeping Republican victory one mouth ago David B. Hill has thrown hiinsell into the breach and attempted to stop the tide. He has made a campaign that will be memorable for vears to come. He un loubtedly greatly diminished the ava lanche of votes w hich wus going to the lion. Levi P. Morton. Whether he has changed the tide or not will be known Tuesday night Should he win, his untiring fight for Democracy has raised him in the estima tion of most people, irrespective of party. 1 he bhrpardites and anti-Hill men have kept Everett P. Wheeler in the raci hut he niil draw only a tew thousand voters and his candidacy is not expected to c licet the result. The betting is in fuvor of Morton at odds of 10 to 7, and many heavy wngcrs have been rod that Morton s plurality will exceed .'3,000 The Democratic managers declare themselves satisfied that Hill will be elected. Claims of a 10,000 or 20,001) plurality are made nnd the enthusiastic receptions given the Senator are pointed out as ccrtuiu indications all over the State. Moitl I.U'ANF.sK VKTOKIKM. Drlviiur the Milium lie I. Ike slier)). Them Y0K0110MA, Nov. 5. Advices received here from the front show that there has been heavy fighting in the country just north of Port Arthur. Kinchow, which is a walled town and which was believed to be held bv u large garrison, was nt tacked Saturday. The Chinese made little further resistance and the nfancsc licet which had convoyed transports opened a heavy tire on lalienwan and Hayenko. 1 he tiring scarcely ceased lor muny hours. Covered by the lire Irom ene snips ine- lanu ioicc uiluckcu .010 .1... 1 1 C I. ...I .wl rn.,tnr..HTnlu.nrnn in., hrillimit fash- i iQfl, London, Nov. 3. A Central Ncs dis- patch Irom lokio uuder date ol today says tunc notning nas yet oeen neani I h, ri ri'ir.-irrlintf I hp mifrnt inns ot tllel Inoanese at Port Arthur. All fear that the Chinese will raid the apnticse coast has been ubandoned. Orders have been i?Etue-u uj remove ine lurucuuca num Tnliir. Hi - i i.i'.y l.l. . u iti 1 a i. i.i i r.ii. A l.i: i "l Kit. It lllll'H Not Say lllll, Driiioe'rnl lint II Heads Aliiion, N. ' , Nov. 5. Robert L. Tbaeher of this place, a life long Demo crat and friend of President Cleveland, today made public a letter received by him from President Cleveland m answer to one written by Mr. Timelier to the President upon the political situation In his letter President Cleveland said 1 am enough of a Democrat mvself and have enough laith in the Democracy of those who pro less allegiance to our party to believe that in the lace ot the common enemy we shall present a united and solid front. W. I.. Wilson's liuni es. Fairmont, W. Va., Nov. 5. The Dem ocratic lenders claim William L. Wil son's election and seem much encouraged bv the large meeting he had here, but give no figures on his plurality. Consid ering that Wilson enrr-cd the district two years ago bv 1051 plurality and taking the views of both sides it looks very much as it chances were equal to day. liepiiblieiiu War llorsei Deiid. Piiii..iii;i.i'I!Ia, Nov. 5, Wm, R. Leeds, or nearly 30 years a prominent figure in Pennsylvania and national politics, and tor nearly a quarter of a century one of the Republican lenders in this city, died this morning. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. Mrs. IcIVcmon Davis denies again that her daughter, Miss Winnie Davis, is in favor of woman suffrage, and also a rumor that she hnd said she would be a Republican if she had a vote. Princess Alix was received formnlly into the Orthodox church of Russia, Sat urday. After the ceremony she exchanged rings with her betrothed, the Emperor Nichols. The presence of Mrs. W, K. Vandcrbilt's lawyer in Newport Rives rise to the ru mor that she is preparing to begin a di hip vorce suit. At Ratcigh, N. C, Charles Walton fa tally Btnbbed James Davis. Both col ored. Walton had killed one man be fore. Johu Walter, proprietor of the London I r. i o . . I limes, uicu ouiuiuuy. R YOUll jj I HANDS gj j COVERED 3 1 WITH I DENTS '2 I MITCHELL, THE MEN'S OUTFITTER. 9 ( 28 PATTON AVENUE. M We have put in our show win dow some "odds and ends" in Pocket Books & Purses They are all first quality goods, but being only a few of a style left, we have reduced the prices ONE HALF. $1.00 book for ."0c, 75c. books for 35c ; 50c. books for 25c. 25c; purses for 10c. Come quick, for they are going last at these prices. RAYSOR & SMITH, ASHEVILLE, N. C v... Yohk. Nov. 3. 1894. I ' 1 e 1-1 1 1 a 1 HDU BIS Ol guous ucie eu u uBJ .1 1 1 . c i. n 1. 1 men i tow nurco lor cusn. cuugui iuu oca- side novels today for the 10c. counter. Many of the titles different from past , Picked up 00 trench briar pipes witU irenume amber mouth pieces which 1 will ofrcr at less than wholesale price, that t , , , , means I bought 'em way down l ircworks too ure greatly reauceo, ine ...:,r i u r. i. r c i. last season will be 2 for Sc. this Christ mas. The 5c. packs now contain crack ers twice as large as last season. RAY 8 N. Court Square. Roe Herring -AND I I I White Fish, TWO FOK 5C. AT W. A. LATIMER'S, 16 N. Court Square.