---p! J-" "SW '"PT' W"f"-!1' p? Monday Evening, November 5, 1894. THE 1 A8HEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. WANT COLUMN WANTED. WNTKD-Three gentlemen hoarders for Su per month eacn. Kear square. Oood . B" Care Ciliitn. board. ii-xltr WANTED Position as stenographer by young lady. Anxious for employment, several years' experience, willing to give week's trial free. Moderate salary. Address N, 11-idU Care Citizen. FOKJIENT. Hightrooined "COR RENT house, No. 30 - starnes avenue Apply on the premises. 1 r . UI'UIIIH'IL lo-lidlf J. A. ... v . . pot R KNT Pleasant sunny room, furnished W. A., foi housekeeping. Appiy 10-JUllW Care Citizen. 170R RENT-A J story store house corner North Main street ami aierrimuu i- Upstairs suitable for family. Apply to 6--dtf T V. MALLOV, Hirst National Bank. FOR RENT A six room, two story dwelling on East street car line. Water, sewerage and other convenience. Apply to W. W. BARNARD, 10-jidtf Or at J. O. Blanton s blioe store. IJOR RENT No. 67 North Main street, a good . boarding house and store room connected; 10 good bed rooms, nil other necessary room Apply to C. 8. cooi-BK, lo-l7Utf "outh Main t. BOARDING. CIOOD BOARD Reasonable rate. MRS. S. TERRY, 161 N. Main St. S-wdtf "1ASTI.B REST First-lass boarding house. Vj Centrally located. No. 24 Grove street. No. 24 urove street. IRS. 8CH1RRMBISTKR. 4-lodtf SEVERAL persons can get pleasant board in private house; home comforts; pretty rooms, prices reasonable. Apply deewmontf lot MERRtMON AVE. ALA MODE dressmaking. U-I NO. 29 STARNES AVE. lOR SALIC A set of furniture at M. n:nltl NO. 11 STARS KS AVE. FIRST CLASS Jersey milk for snle at juc per gallon at n-idiw P. O. BOX ,117. UTRAVKn frnlll No. aH Soruce street a red O and white milch cow. Expenses paid. iwdlf 1 I'OR SAI.K Cheap A nice horse and buggy, perfectly gentle. Apply H. n-nfiw Cituen Office. DR. W.H. Wakefield of Winston, N. C, will le in Asheville nt the Swnnnanoa on Mon day, November 12th. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. A CARD I wish to inlorin tny friends and the pub'ic that I am now with W. O. Roberts, No. 9 court square. Thanking them for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of the same with inv present employer, 1 am yours respectfully, V. A. TOWNSHND. TS.TOTICR Bv virtue ol the nower of sale con I tnined in a certain contract and bond lor title, executed by T. C. Marues to L. V. Hamil ton, dated May 12th, u, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds lor the county ol lliinrnmlM nttri state of North Carolina ill Imok 7S at page Jgfcet. acq., and by reason ol the de fault on the part of said L. I''- Hamilton iu the p-iyment of certain notes, according tothcterins 01 saia contract anu 0011a lor ime, 1 win sen in 12 111., on Saturday, the 17th day of November, isoi. at the court house door in the citv of Ashe ville. N. C , nt public auction for cash, to the Highest bidder, the land ami premises memiotieu in said contract and bond lor title, to which a. registered as stated aiKjve, relerence is neren; made for the purpose of description. This sti day of Oct., 1894. T. C. STARNES. lo'iidjod UVXECTUOR'S SALE-State ol North Caro- -s-j hua. county of Buncomtie, Septetnper 21st, 1S04. Pursuant to authority contaiued in the last will and testament o William John.ton, deceased, I will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, belore the court house in Asheville. in the county and State aforesaid, on the 25th day of October, ib). at 11 o clock 111 , tile following property to-wit : Two thousand (2,000) shares ol the capital stock of the Saluda Manufacturing company, a corporation of the State of South Carolina, and all the right, title and interest ot the estate ol said William Johnston, deceased, in and to Ave hundred (500) shares of said capital stock au thorized to lie Issued to said William Johnston, but never actually issued, also six hundred nod Blty-two and one half (651'-) shares ol the cnpital stock of the Columbia Bridge company a corporation of the Slate of South Carolina, THOMAS D. JOHNSTON, As Executor of the last will and testament ol William Johnston, deceased, 9-24d4tmon&w4w The lime of sale of the foregoing property la postponed to 12th of Novemlter. THOS. 1). JOHNSTON, Executor, October 21, 1894. NOTICE OH LAND SALE State of North Carolina, County of Buncombe; in the Su perior court, term 11. Kelly A Strachan, plaintiffs, vs. J II. Carter and Annie L. Carter, Ins wife, defendants Notice of sate. Whereas, at the March term is, of the Su- Krlor court or liiincomtie county his honor. Jas. Mclver. Judge presiding, rendered the fol lowing decree ol sale, to wit : 'This cause having been compromised by the parlies the defendants agreeing to allow the plaintiffs to take judgment for iim and the costs ol this action : "It is therefore ordered, by the consent of all parties, that the plaintiff recover Judgment against the defendants for the sum ofone hun dred dollars and the costs of this action. It is further ordered that the said judgment shall lie lien on the house and lot situated on Bailey street, in the City of Asheville. known as lots Noa. 25, 29 and 33, as set out and described upon the p'alis of the Cuy of Asheville; and it np-iear-lng to the court that the said debt is secured by a mechanic's lien and a laborer's lien upon the said properiy for materials ami labor furnished by the plaintiffs upon the properiy of th de fendant, Annie 1.. Carter, and that the same was her necessary and personal expenses in repairing and improving her individual prop erty; it la further ordered, by consent, that the defendants, within ninety days troui the en rolling of this decree, pay Into this court the said sura of f too, with interest thereon at the rnle of six per cent, per anuuiii Irom the 21st day of Novemlier, 1S91, in default of which the said property mentioned in lots Noa. 25, 29 nnd Si, situated on Bailey street, in the city of Ashe ville, will be sold for cash to satisfy said judg ment and interest aforesaid, anil that the clerk ol thU court be, and he is, hereby appointed a commissioner to make said sale after duly advertising said sale at the court house nnd iu ' The Asheville Daily Citizen," a newspaper published in the City of Asheville, for 30 days, and to report the same to the next term of this court; and this cause is retained lor further directions. Signed "JAS. I). McIVHR "Judge Presidiii),. And whereaa the said defendants did not pay the sum adjudged thereby to lie paid by them within the time required by said decree, and have not t yet paid the same or any part thereof; , I, John L. Cathey, Clerk of the Mi- therefore. nerior court for the said county ot Buncomtie. under and by virtue oi the power vested in me by aaid decree, will on the win day of Novem ber, A. D., 1894, at the court house -door In the City of Asheville, couuty and State aforesaid, self tor cash to the highest b'dder the lands and premises described and adjudged to be sold by said decree, it being the aame property con veyed to the said Annie L Carter by William M. Cocke and his wife, M. W. Cocke, and by T. D. Johnston and his wife, Loula B Johnston, by deed dated the 10th day of March, 1892, and duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for aaid county of Buncomtie. in hook 12, at page s et, ten. therein. This 23rd day of Octo ber, ikoi. I. L. CaTHKV. Clerk of the Superior Court of the County ol Buncomtie. W. W. Jones and P, W, Thomas, attorneys for piaintins, ocuicijou Many Men Often wonder why their grocery bill is so large. Thin 1 the reasoti; y still trading with oM established merchants which built up with high und they stilt have thnt name high price. Now I hnve gocH.li Of Many Kinds, Which 1 offer n little chenper than other mi' reliant. 1 have just begun in JLht world and I only hnve good goods ami honent dealing to Wick me in KurccBB, wnicn i guarantee. Many Men Wonder where to liny come to price uiy goods, Many Minds Wnnder wlmt 1 will do Herring, Bit(!Ii-i Clierrlea, FenclicH, Kdiiin Cliccae, SwIhh Cliei'c mid thounatidi of other new goods In canned meahi ami ItMltn, 111 lie luliel Tif ntntoe Catsup, etc., hue whether yon buy or not, 'tin n pleasure to allow you through. J. W. HOLLINGS WORTH,. THE STUDY OF NESTS. A Hranrh of lllril Hrlenee Cultivated at the Miulthsonhui. One who diil not know the subject would hardly stipiwise thut the study of birds' nests was a whole field for or nitholoxical investigation by itself. Hut it is. and tlio Smithsonian institu tion has two or three men who by fol lowing this specialty have lately added a number of new fuets. to the litera ture of bird-nesting. Of course, the birds' nest specialist knows a jrooddcal more than simply birds' nests, but after he is an ornithologist or mainnloist, nnd a taxidermist to boot, he hits only a (rood, broad foundation for tlio study of aerial housekeepinir. Mr. l'ulmer, one of the tuxidermistg of the Smithsonian, has for some years past (riven his spare time to this study. The (rreat feature in all the nests ig protective imitation, and Clie ingenuity thut sonic of the birds display is won derful. There is one nest of the blue L'rov (fnat-catcher that is a perfect imi tation of a lichen-covered knob on the limb where the nest is placed. Tho nest is not much bitter than the half of a hen ejjR, and is attached to or rather seems to prow out of tho upper side of a limb, about as thick as the base of the nest is wide. The inside of the nest is a thick, soft felt of vegetable liber, as (food a piece of felt as the best hatters ever turned out of their flic- tones, anil as soft as a inullen leaf. This felt lining is surrounded by an other circle of stronger grass weaving, and over the outside of this is the pro- tection in the shape of lichen Hakes fastened on with spider webs. The lichen is the sort with which the rest of the limb is covered, but taken from some other part of the tree, so as not to leave a single bare spot in the neigh' borhood. It is taken in Hakes about a quarter of the size of n lady's linger nail, and fitted 11s deftly over the sur face of the nest as ever a society girl fitted together the fragments of that defunct article of adornment, the crazy quilt. Kadi Halve of lichen is caught across with one or two single strands of spider web, that are scarcely visible to tho naked eye. and the completed nest at the distance of two feel would defy detect Inu but for the presence of the mother bird, anil even she was shielded by an overhanging tuft of leaves. This was one of the three nests that rewarded a two-days' seatvli early llii spring through the rushes back o Kour-Milo Kun. They were the firs specimens of this nest ever gathered in this region, though it was known for years that the bird, a tiny thing scarcely bigger than a humming bird was indigenous here. Spider webs area common building material for a number of birds, though they ore so delicate that their presence would be scarcely detected by the casual observer. They are used by humming birds and by neurlv all the smaller birds iu fastening protective decora lions to the outside of their nests. The reason given by Mr. rainier for the do tection of the nests by man with com' punitive case, is that the bird does not build to deceive thehilintin nest hunter, but to hide its home from nest-robbing animals and birds of prey. Thus every humming bird's nest is protected from above by a leaf or it bunch of them hanging directly over It. and as a rtilo the nest isalso protected from surprise in the rear bv a stout limb rising per pcndiciilarly out of the branch on which the nest rests, so that the mother bird has only to guard with her eves the part of the Held within easy range o vision. Though the mv-t so situated nutv be well protected from animal or bird foes, it may be quite distinctly visible to 11 man nest, hunter who knows his tralle and where to locate the bird's retreat. There is a singular persistence in the wavdittcrcnt species of the same bin adhere generation after generation t minor ilill'i'ivnces iu form and locution of nests. I'or instance, there are four varieties of yellow-throated vireo to be found about Washington and each one of them hangs its nest to the tree in different wav. though the nests them selves look almost exactly alike. I,et tho outstretched hand represent the limbof a tree, with tho thumb a smallc brunch at an angle of forty-live di crees, one variety of vireo will han its nest directly in the crotch betwee the thumb and tho forefinger, while another will hang it to the smallc limb, nnd still unother will select the side of a limb that has no smaller brunch projecting. Some of the nests in the collection have bunging from the bottom n cur ious tuft of dead leaves, waste and veg etable fiber. This varies in length In the different species. The use of tho tuft is a matter of conjecture, but it is supposed that as the bird using tho nest builds along the lino I line of the woodland streams the streamers of leaves and trash is intended to com plete the resemblance of the nest to tho "mare's nests" of drift that nre caught in the bushes around it. The nest has the outside covered with the sumc rough stucco work of refuse. Strange as it may seem, the time taken for the completion of 11 bird's nost is still a matter of conjecture. Some species build quicker Ihuu others but tho observation of continuous work is rare, and different observers state the time all the way from a few days up to as many weeks. From the great amount of intricate work on some of the nests it would seem hardly possible that they could bo completed in less than a week. Some have wondered at the remibir. good eowli clltnp. 1 extend yon a cordial wel ud I will do the rent, wltti nnotlier IiIk lot Doni'leas Codflnh. Kluucred Hour, etc, I will Mil tnein enctp tor can. come id ity ot many circular nests that look as though they hud been'luid out with compass and dividers. The fact is that the birds make themselves into ani mated compasses standing in tho mid dle of tho platform thut is to be tho basis of the nest, and, turning round and round, in and out, the long fibers that are to form the main wall. How the felt lining that many of tho birds put into tho nest is made is a matter of further study. The down of dandelions, thistles, the eottimwood tree, the milkweed and other vegeta ble silks have all been found iu this felt,, but they are worked iu with it nicety that delies imitation. Observers differ as to the part the male takes in nest building. Some say that he does not assist at all. bat Mr. l'ulmer has noticed him doing the light work on some of the nests. Though the major portion is undoubtedly done bv tho female, her mate prcferrim.' to sit with his thumbs in the anuholes of his vest, and whistling an accompaniment to her labor. There arc many other curious facts that a close study of the winged archi tects is bringing out us to the ma- tenals used unit tin- way tliey urn worked into shape and the curious de vices used for protection against storms nnd enemies. This matter will be in corporated in future reports of the in st U11 tii in . Meantime the collection of nests is growing, and is being arranged in form convenient for study in tho cases. Washington Tost. TO PREPARE ARTICHOKES. A Vegetable Tlutt Mukeft u Mont Delirious Entree. Prepared in French fashion, although artichokes are a little troublesome, they make a delicious entree, with the addi tional advantage of being out of the ordinary; the word which is being uoiv stantly sought after by capricious hit munity. Vegetables should ulwuvs be fresh to be good, and this is especially appli cable to artichokes. If too large they are tough, and if pulled too young have not enough "meat on the tips and t lie heart to be worth cooking at nil. .Medium size is the best, and thev J ion 1 1 1 be washed in cold water ami vinegar to draw out any lurking in sects. To prepare them in simplest fashion have ready a pot of suited boiling water and let them cook gently until von can draw out a leaf easily, if they boil too rapidly they will go to pieces, Lay them in a colander upside down to (Irani. If you serve them hot servo also llollandaise sauce iu a separate bowl, or, if you prefer them cold, with either a tartar sauce or plain l'rench dressing of oil and vinegar. The sauce llollandaise is easily made and is very delicious. Iloil together three teiispoonfuls o vinegar ami three small muck pepper corns until tho liquid reduces one-halfi strain this and allow it toUool. Cut up two and a half ounces of btitfer and udd the yolks of four eggs, a pinch o salt and one of grated nutmeg and the boiled vinegar, rut tins mixture into a bain marie, set in boiling water am stir with a wooden spoon until it quite smooth; strain into another ves sel, set it over tho boiling water and beat steadily. Add by degrees anotln two ounces and n half of butter iu bits and a teaspoonful of veloiite or plain white sauce (that which is preparer simply of Hour and butter and hot water). Let it get light anil frothy remove from the tire, add a little lemon juice and serve immediately. This sauce answers ei'iiully well for lisli. as paragus, ete. If vou wisli a special entree of the artichokes, boil them lii'st as directed allowing a quarter of an ounce of salt to every quart of water; lay them i .old water, drain and pull out the innc laverof leaves so vui can reach the woollv center, which must be taki out. Shake over the artichokes a liltl pepper and salt, put a few spoonfuls i olive oil in a skillet ami when il is h lay them in bottom upward to fry tlio tips of the leaves. (hop together a few mushrooms am some parsley and half their bulk shallots; fry these in a little butt frying the shallots lirst. about live mm utes, before adding the others, tli cook all together five minutes. Allow a wine glass full of this mixture to ery four artichokes and add to it four ounces of butter, the same of Hour am a wine glass full of clear bouillon Stir all these together over the I with a wooden spoon for live iniutit Kill the hollows you have formed in the artichokes with this mixture; ti string uround each one to hold the leaves together; arrange them iu linking dish with a bit of bacon on t of each, and two wine glasses of bonil Ion and buke in the oven twenty min utes. Siinec.e a few drops of lemon juice over before serving. It will be observed this recipe calls for bouillon, which, in the stock pot. iin addition easy to be. had. The Mug- lish proverb thut in a well kept house hold the kettle Is always kept boiling may bo applied in the French House hold to the stock pot, into which go Hill the bones and meat scraps. This fresl 11 clear bouillon is always at hand, and forms the basis of all the best sauces, St. Louis Republic. Won4errul Itti'llili'Hil of Slberlil. Considering the fecundity of the Si berian mountains and rivers In respee to colored precious stones, it would seem as if nature had, in a cynical mo ment, wreaked vengeance, on this por tion of the earth by making it hideous, vet rich beyond compare. With all tho marvelous mineral products, the por- phyry.tho blue and green jasper, gran ite, red, rose-colored and blue quart., chalcedony, lapis lazuli, topaz, beryl aquamarine, und crystals attaining two inches in diameter tilling these terrible mines und soil, who would wish to own uny part of it? No won der tho palaces of St, l'etersbur splendidly embellished from such teem ing quarries, or that tho rich nobility spend thotisunds of vcrsts for article that can only bo manufactured in tho dark Altai mountains. Siberia to tho Russians Is merely a magnilicent ter ritory of unbounded wealth, and u vast nr son house for I lie criminal unit ni lillist. No sentiment is wasted on the country. lloston llcruld. Annie Nulad. Tako six apples, four tablespoonfuls of powdered wigar, one-quarter tea- spoonful of cinnamon and one gill ot sherry, rare, core ana out the upph Into very thin slices, rut a layer theso siloes in tho bottom of a glass dish, sprinklo them with sugar nnd IllllC cinnamon, iiiott iiuouicr iuyer upples, und so continue until all used, l'onr thu wlno over, nnd stand away in it cool place for one hour, und It Is roady to use. X. V. World. fio.u Racket Store, 15 8. Main St. lust two months and wc will bid adieu to ISD-L, n vcur that lias iem lull of bus iness chan.e-), Inilurca nnd.disaster?, yet we should not overlook the manv .1 los ings that we so thoughtlessly rush aside We cry hard times wlun there is abso lutcly no necessity for it. The country never had such an uuuiiuniicc ol every thing that goes to make life lull i I lut. pir.cts. Hut what 1 s'lirleil ot to say was the record wc make f ir 181H must soou be made. We wish tn crowd a solid year of business success in these two mcnt! s. Wc nlrcudy have in sight some uif'gmliant bnrgaus. The third and last lot of that excellent goods, home spun, will arnvc otn or otii ot ov. nl ie. yd. One case of Cnr.tou Remnants, 8' :ic, worth lOc: one ease 17U0 vds Utica Wenched at 7U... bv the bolt, H'-.fi to cut ; one case U -rnct luniicl at 3i. yd new Hue wool suitingexpu'ted in Tue duy, bill, nt L'.ic , .ISc, o()c, hoc, ioc, 83c. and $1.10 yd. All woi.l twill bine flannel at L'oC yd.; all wool Iv.ilieii ivil flannel 20c. vd.; line mixed t-kiit ll-unnl at 19c; Vt niter Rims (or pntits liOe. to jic, ya. Insl reeenMl one case ccnit'iic army boots in mmi'ier 10, 11 nnd 12, nil solid and ol bc-t whole stock, at $1 SS Men whocxiiecl to 1 tiy a new hat just wait until loth .Nov., wc will show you a line of sample hats, otic-thinl of pi ice taken on". We- arc goin to m;ikc Knehet store he:i(hii:irti t s lor Christ mas goc ds and will soou begin to tell vt u about the nice things to give your n Und I. M. KT0i:i Mtsr. The "Blues." Do you ever have the "blues"? Do you know what they come from? Do you want to know fiow to drive tliem away? Listen: The " blues" nre dimply a natural rr fillltofa disorRanized liver. Your liver secretes hile instead of ilischatKiuK it. The Idle must lie filtered from that which is to make blood, and if not properly fil tered your blood becomes impure. Then you feel wretchedly, and " Vun't know u-lij you are to 'blue'," Now, iu two or three weeks time, you con make yourself feel like a new creature, with rosy checks, good appetite, healthy bowels and souud sleep at night. Ask vour druggist for Ramon's Tonic Liver Pills ami lla moil's Tonic Pellets. These are two separate medicines, in sepa rate boxes, but both together they cost only 25 eentt. You will then have n sure treat ment which will not only cure vour biliousness but prevent constipation in the future by strengthening jour digestive system. SOI. U IN SHISV'l.I.H I'V DB, t. a. SMITH, Wlinle-Hiile nnd Kelnil. W. C l linoichnel. Worthen r e'n., lleillilsli & Ke'iiKun, Ku.VHor id Smith. W.L Dowlas S3 SHOE. 13 t.-ie er.sT. NO CauEAKING. 5. CORDOVAN, rKLNU1(kt.Ml-!t;ULtI.MLr. M-.'a.spFlNECAU'&lff.IiSArSi) 3.5PP0LICF.3 Soles. 4,si.2. WORKINGS? EXTTA FINE. u 2.I.7-sBoysSchoglShoes. LADIES' 3nisT?4. t. SFNn TOO CATALOGUE ; WL'DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Vou enu miTi' mnni'T by purchn-.iim IV. L. IHIIIUIiin niMn-, Bccaudc, wc :ii e the lurt'c-st mnmifactiirfrsoi ndve-i tieil tlioi'S in the world, nml Kuarnnue the value liy niiimiiiu: the name nml pticc on the bottom, which 'itou-cls you nuinst hlijh iirtces nml the lnidillcman's prolin. Our shoes I'liunl cutom work in style, easy fillinK and wiariliK qualities. Wc have tlu in s-l.l evc-iy-where at lower ;n ici-s lor the value uivett than any oilier make. Take no substitute. If vour acnier caiuioi aiii,, jut, - . J. D. Blanton, Ashsville, Enock Rector & Co., Marshall -.1. ti ii j--"i:-i4f--:r, ITSF&'Vr' PIT- .rf"X 5 -w 'i9Ktiffl;prfv if' metyf','vV!9 zfw. TYLER'S FAMOUS ROLL CURTAIN DESKS. fEW STYLiES. HirmRmmothriilnl.ir"((if IT-milc eounli rfi. ili-MltN. unit other Ollico l'tirnllrrv t..r is1.!' low n ii.lv. IH'nIix. linlrs.'l'iil:'H, llixiii i;ir ami nl mfti'lilN ric', t'oi tin. Il' l"i..l" mnilf. DANK C0UN1ERS 10 OHOEK TO FIT ANY ROAM. Lti.loiti"' lr'. r,i'i"l 14o t" tiwr iiokiho. TYLER OFFICE FIXTURE CO., HT. I.OI IS. MO. kl.f , Mid -vi-1 Lya Restorer. 'jt, W. in , .fill, .iwil I'.vr.tMHtll.f-lvpiinni, l l' N V." H:"- I'--. ' niiinli. A.ilinm rwi-.Kii-in.t'l'-i-.l. "HTlM"ltTrt-el I'.H-hi I Ii..,,, rv ,i.l nt .11 ii""- lr r-Mins itii-l il-l. A ,.lunl Ir I.--V IV,-.. M l UlUk KtMMlV FI.HTIIH' ms-.. v.. ..- l.nn,-sl.. ,rl M.ynp. Inil. I'ret trnitim iit ut Norlli Miiln St., Aslitvlllt-. IMtltwim MISS HIXKS 8AWVHK, Amnl mm mm r rtitM t .w . to iJEUjranj v. 1 kii r-r-.s . 1 nil I p UI.UUI i . --. ' 1 -1. J 'it. I Opliii,-. HivMtt I ;t .' ji W i i, n il in i.. . i, ii- vi .-"-rvB'';(WlanH.M., twi,i.KY.M.l.. 1 Ai.wM..omvolHi'iWUiU)UU'- This is only for MONDAY, November 5, 1894. . . CREATES T Ever held in the State of North Carolina at the Baltimore Clothing, Shoe, Dry Goods Co 1 0 and 1 2 Patton Avenue. Our opportunity came on tlio 19th of October, when the entire stock of Hamilton & Co.. fin! Koau, Wilson & fY., of New York, was put up at auction and we bought it for spot cash IJarfjjaiu Oriifj; Net has fcooped in the biggest haul ever made in its history. The Silks and Yelttf coutaim- i iu this choice selection are of the most exclusive and fahioiiftb!t stores. Those, last groat r-a'e-i enable I ui to secure unparalled bargains at 5") cent.s on the dollar. We now offr these Silks and Velvets, suited exactlvtothe wants of our city, from ill great New York salt, challenging New York or any ot l."r merchant. The prices quoted below est in the country, lleni'-uiber Monday, November 5, 1 894. IT ISN'T AN ACC1DKNT Since the opening of this department of ours we have been busy. Y have been busier each day than we were before. Our trade hasn't in crensed by reason of luck or liking. People don't come here simply out of friendship. There are throe reasons, told in three words, why we gain permanent patrons: QUAL ITY. COURTESY AND ECONOMY. READ WHAT THE NEW YORK DALIES SAY: From the New York Journal of Commerce: "Ti e proprietor of the Riltmiore Clothing and Dry Goods Co., of Asheville, N. C , was oni of the promi'ient buyers at the Kean, VVilsou & ro sale." Kroni the New York Sun: "Tl e prii cif al buyer present who secured a large amount of t! e stuck cf Kean, Wilson & Co , and Hamilton & Co , was the proprietor of the Bal timore Clothing, Shoo and Dry Goods Co., of Asheville, N. C. fur ki;mmI exposition .! Iiili class forcinu imveltK'n in tall it ud unti- d-t-.-s lahrics. lor vark-tv ot .stvUsaml ti Iim o toil'', surpaswrs .nivtliiiiii luT toioiv e:;lulii-d. 1V iv show- me the tnosi pcrltct ',-oiiirti.m 01 new 1,1 ones. 1 such as l-i'-ni-h l;.uri-lts bom-ie cloth, iridescent siTL'es. scotch tweeds, illuminated clurolis. silk I! uni chicks. Fin i 1 mi. r Minimi 111 sm; checks and nltitS. covert cloth?, and Flench creKins. . inimnwe place on p.r au. puces jr(wV.xi snle at .'ii-. i r at ;s puces untie cheviots, in an imnu use line ol handsome, j colotinn-. and conildir-ti-nis. Kvet v yard iu the ' lot is worth -v-c. This h undoubtedly tlu best J Il'iriMlll I lai Vl!t Will t e IIM". M.,!-'--. tc .. - tin-. se;tsou. W e ex i pectto sell niin.irt.i.s 01 oic--s p.iueuis iouiwi- , oflhc rtu.t t,U' skilI nnl H'rench patent 'eath ruw. Come early. 1 t.r Klines made; all styles, in congress, laced and Mnndav moririiii we will niter at lie per yanl hluchers; slrictlv hand made goods; si-inch 'reucli ll.inm lv the tyle and coloring ill this line is, bevond doubt, the most select and largest .shown 'in the south; northing more stylish and seivice.ihU than these li.inncl suit ings; this quality always sell- al 75c and i; sate price 4yc. New dress mmds iuM arrived fur sale on Mon day, November .s, is"i Tr meiifloiiH t in in the Price ol II I. At K HI 3.MH ;. V-"in:h all wool lu uiit tlas and surah serges; both are in leliaUoi'ia'.itics and l-'reuch OC dyes, worth 5, -c, .it "v 54-inch all woi-1 cluviot. in a splendid quality and can be hm il lecoinmciideil for its dtiral.ilitv, wuilli at M inch stoiin prot black, worth tj-c. at 49c Kich Mack imveUv suitings, in the newest and predict woven deign, in broche nml fig ured effects, a supcritiv quality and are equal to any sold elsewhere at j'w a yard w-rw at jV" ,t. inch silk finish licurietta, in a splendid quality, all pure wool and I.vous dye uotth j.i i. al 69c Ifvituh Hindw cloth, India twill; 54-inch Hteiich cheviots, rough effect; M-ineh heavy wtiie-waie iiiagotiais, an 01 a superiur mfg luauly and fully worth ;i.25, all at 4 Zr TUv li'u Mal ol Arlliiifiou DrvHR f.ftO-lH. Tliest special v dues will be olTi't'ed on Mon l.ty ami until sold : 3 cases oi Arlington cashmere, iu all -vkp .hades; wotth vk:, at case of Arlitigloti .ishnure, iu all shades; worth Vuc; al 1 case of all wool Memkllns, in uavv. brown and black; worth .sue; at 29C iu vardsof all wool fancv cheviotsand w two toned Armures; worth 50c, at yaids if all-wool Arlington, ,is-in. navy blue slorm serge; worth 6jc, at 39 Tin great Cloak tstriko which has been tho means of almost ruining a number of manufacturers and compelling them to sacrifice their incomplete stocks, etill continues. The great Cloak Sale hnigurnted by us 10 days ago, and through which hundreds of customers have been enabled to purchase handsome and stylish garments at less than one third of their value, also continues, f 120.00 cloaks i'or $12.50, $15.00 coats for $8.(.M), $10.00 coats for $7.15 and others in proportion. TREMENDOUS SALE MONDAY. l!llJIIIII!!i;yilllLUII(lii! SILK I VELVET SAL! this sal ? is only for 700 yards of-i'i-iik-h imperoyal rltitli, in alt the m-wt-st oiluriuns; regular 8$ mil qual- m ! ity. at 55- , in all colors and mixtures; worth 65c, at j t.iou ynrd of .so i 11 covert cloth, in 20 mmg dillcrcnl mixtures; worth t.uo, at 5 Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. I Two lots for men, containing !'t nans men fm(. ,,(,., cait, OMIl,ress nnd laced -hoes, and , . i tn 1,- ..olmr..ss mi laecd nana we it shoes, worm irom t oj to $4 50, at 199 ! T-r nt.. I..r n.ti .'nln i no v-r ti-iii j worth Irom $4.50 to $7.00 at Two Its for children, containing u"o pairs of spring heel lxits, m.es 4 to 11, worth gg from Ji.25 to ii.75. at t1f V One lot for Imys, conlaitiiug all styles oflwys' fi 50 and fj.oo button and laced shoes, nnr sizes n to 5, at One lot for lioys, containing all styles of boys' button and laced shoes, sies 11 to 5, worth from J2 00 to fyoo, at a. Three lots for ladies, containing over ;ixk pairs ladies' line button and laced shoes, in kid and goat, worth from ?j on to f.i y Ladies' line slip pers and oxfords, in over m styles, worth from ji.50 to f..oo. Ladies' timcy colored suede and Mil oxioriis aim siipiers, lor evening Af wear, worth irom J.00 to $ 3.35, at Two lots for ladies', containing injo pairs la-1 dies' finest button ami laced shoes, iu ah styles, widths A A to H, worth from f j.jo to f4.n0" per pair, ladies' fiuc.-t Inncy slippers and low shoes, many dainty styles, woith AC from $3 00, at LADIES RIBBED IXDERWEAR. SPHCIAL Ladies' all-wool combination suits I in white or natural, long sleeves; bizes n a ,t, 4, 5; extra goon value Ladies' heavy ribbed cotton vests, long or short sleeves, fleece lined; pants to match; mg sizes , 4, 5 Ladies' heavy ribbed cotton vests, long or short sleeves, fleeced lined; pants to 42 match, sies 3, 4, 5 Ladies white wool ribbed vests, loin or short sleeves; pants to match, sizes 3, 4, 5, n good value Ladies' hosiery department will place 011 sale so doen ladies' line nmco yarn hose, double sole and huh spliced heel, fast black, at IOC per pair; usual price 35c per pair. Also loo Ooze n ladies Swiss ribbed vests, in white and natural, high neck, long ana snort sleeves, at 70c; us ual price $1.00. all prices ever quoted by are guaranteed the cheap Bargain in Blankets Wc have again secured 25 cases of to-4 heavy wool blankets, nnd although the regular price is j.oo, we will sacrifice them at per They arc slightly imperfect in weave. ii pairs full sized all wool white and greys, slitihtlv imperfect, regular price $s.?5; m a42 will he sold at pair JO Special attention is called to our 12-4 extra heavy wool blankets, slightly soiled, m a a worth $S.5oat Six) pairs all wool gray blankets, posi- 4 a ft lively worth s.sp, ul 3 10 cases crib blankets, assorted colors, worth 75c at 5 cases colored Marseilles, including pink saiuion, oiue aim yeiiow, usual price 1.98 We will also offer during this sale a full line of the best made in California and east- M Afi eru blankets, at 2.oS, 3.98, iT,?J0 Full sie crochet spreads, 79c., $1.20; 12-4 Mar stilles spreads, 1.S4. Special Ribbon Sale. 500 ieces 5-tnch cross grain ribbon, Aa black, nil silk, reduced from 49c. yd, to 'Jf' 2-k pieces s-lnch satin cross trrain. in... all latest shades, reduced from 29c. to J- aoo pieces assorted shades of 16 satin w. gross grain, guaranteed all silk, yd X IfV fioo pieces No. 16 taffetas, changeable. in all the latest shades, guaranteed all silk, per yard "V Ssnecialtv in black velvet sntin black ribltou, wide widths, per yard 15c. and V Don't miss these prints, ginghams, sheet- m g ings and bleachings, per yard ART EMBROIDERIES. Our stin k Is now complete with full line ol all tlie ditlerent grades ol yarnN and fancy neph yrs, also a line assortment of the New Comlon ilye wash silks. Anions grades of silk we keep are: The wash twist silks, per skein, JC. ; per doi en. J3c. The wash rope silk, per skein, 3c; per dot en, wc. The wash fllo selle, per skein, 4c; per dux en, jc The wash Roman floss, per skeiu, 4c ; per do Ken, 44c. All our ioc. and u'Ac outings for Monday, r'je. per yard. lllulllllllllll. Vll., U'US lllllllOcl Blchmuutl ou Ilia Tliutnoi. IOJ P4TTON AVBMVB. TKUPHONU 31