1 Asheville itizen ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, XOVESlIJEll (, 1X91. P1UCE 5 CENTS State Library VOLUME X-NO. 100. Daily n Did You Fnjoy Your Breakfast This Morning? If Not, Thin Try Our. . . Tomorrow Morning Royal Blend Coffee, Puritan Oatflakes, MOLASSES. New Orleans. Fancy Crop iSi, Good. Fair, Porto Kico. Sue. Cue. 41c. UK. SYRUP H18CI IT MADE FROM :ol)KI.ISK HLOfR WITH OBELISK BAKING POWDKH. BUCKWHEAT CAKKS MADE FROM Ol'R NKW CROP Maple Syrup, Cat. Can Vanilla Golden Sugar Sorghum ' we tmc 50C 4uc New Groods ARF. NOW AKRIVISW DAILY, The bargain our buyer picket! up are sun lllillK immense. Will have urinal opening in few. tlays, We know you will not mis it. To make room lor all uiese new am! pretty thing, will close out some of the old stock at about half value Watch our space in this paper. It will be very interesting for the coming n tun 1 INTKW: IVi'KltKsTslloWN F. T.m- WlIKlti:. some- Unit Wrullit'r mill Itntl litmds In Now Yiirk Mulo, Itnl the Fiii-nier Volo Will lit' l.iirf-T"t I'ni'l.v tti l-'iiroinst llie IIfs.nU. New York, Nov. C Weather is bright and clear with a cold westerly wind; mercury stands at 37 '. Th pulls in this city opened nt six o'clock; lull vote being polled, hi Itrooklyn polls opfiad nt sunrise and many voters were waiting to cast their ballots. Heavy storm of last nilit wrecked nil the wins running east Irotn New York and the telegraph companies report that they are unab'c to reach Huston this morning. Wires in all other directions in good condition. Lockport Weather tool and pltnf- Onlv t'lictioti (ml iv aic for s'x Congress men. No obst; tl-.s put in way ol rug roes voting. No present prospect tiouble. ILLINOIS. Chicago, N iv. li. Clear and cold; temperature helm; ihiseto freezing point. I Heavy vote. ' I'eoria Clear and etn.l Heavy vote, r Sptiiigtcld Largest vote in history ( f county w iil lie polled. 1.1 (IKI.IA. Ah.a.yia. Nov. Ci llcatitiiul but cold weather all over State. Very light vote I being polled in oth, Atlanta district. J Heavy vote, T h l.h.lOih and !) h dis tricts. Populists tuning out strong and result will li' ; it is tmiBLT warn -'I Tin: m:vs l iioMTin: .wn.vn.i.i: I'OI.I.IM. IM..U i. TRAINED HONEY, JRLI.IE. ALL HIZCD Bl'CKETN. riE NEBVK8 INLAH& Ul lKl.TS A. D. Cooper, N. COURT SCUARE.I linys. Attention Is callet! to our line of oil llcul- price only $5.00. Warms a large room. Aliuminuin ware is new lor cooking utensils. We have them, Ttirash's Crystal Palace LOW PRICK I.KAUEKH. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR AND KITHKR OCR NKW CROP NKW ORLEANS MOI.ASSF.S tOR Maple Syrup, And Von Will He Happv. POWELL & SNIDER Blank Books! Blank Books ! Blank Books! FINK ASSORTMENT AT Low Prices. We sell at reasonable prices llie best makes of. .... INK REASONS For Using HESTON'S BREAD We do not cheap ink. handle pool', H.T. Estabr ook ,1 BM AND STATIONERY STORE. 22 South Main St. It's-the hest. It joes f.u llicsl. 3. Its a pleasure to eat it. . It satishes. . Always the same. . Everybody praises it. . You will like it. . You should try it. sk for it; insist on having Tilt' Day l'i tti :!:: W (Jiiit l Ami Very llusy rt'iirxoii DPI Nut Develop Anything l.llie III llotlnloil xtl't'UKlll. 7 a. m. Itrijlit sunshine; weather cold. Small crowd around polls, but workers I for both parties out bright and early, with badges ar.d tickets. The Demo crats wearing white ribbons with rid close 111 those districts, bow, emblazoned on which are the words: S.ivnnral: Wen tin r line. Vote light. M.iriiiiM . San Francisco. Cal , Nov. li Fine wintticr throughout California. Heavy vote. Cntlft't'litur, EUEPHONE NO. 183. See That Square ! Was Too Busy to Change My Ad. Now as most of my new gootls are all open, I wi coriliallyliuvilc all my customer! and friends to call in ant! look at the finest selection that ha ever been shown in Asheville. It U useleu to mention all, but you can glance at some of them In my windows. My holiday gootls will be displayed soon. L. BLOMBERG, 17 PATTON AVBNUB. FOR SALE! One Judgment against F. A. Fanning for twenty dollars and eighty cents (Jjo 8o-ioo. Will give liberal discount, O. -A. Greer. Oakland Heights Hote WILL GIVE Reduced Rates Until January 15th, 1895. Parlor Suits. 4 cu tao W. A- Blair, THIS WEEK IT IS FINE CLOTHING FOK MKN, HOYS AND C1III.DRKN. FINE WRAPS NO. 45 3 FOR LADIES, MlhSKS AND PATTON AVE. I" AND ALL KINDS OF FL'RNITDKK. Rock Bottom FOR CAHH OR INHTALLHLNT. WEEKLY FINE DRESS GOODS TO WHICH Wli WOULD iDIKKCT ATT FN TION. H. Redwood & Co. CLEARING SALE ! Heinitsh & Reagan, DRUGGISTS. CHI Kt H HT tk PATIOS AVE TAKK CAKK OF YOl'R TKKTII II V USING Hygienie Tootb Wash and Hygienie Tooth Powder, PREPARED BY Heinitsh & Reagan IKLLInU AUF.NTM FOR Q, m, 1 p 1 n 0 1X9 5" Lff C V - gC 2 M J. H. 3Li-A.W M Pulton A Atbcvlllr, N. C. ool and ant. with sliuht Hurries snow. Heavy vote. Trov Ground covered with s!ikmi tall snow; lemperature nt freezing point; clear. lli(! vote. IUiflalo Wentherc'carand cold. I.nrjje vote. Advices Irotn Western .New ork counties state weather is all could he di- sired for heavy country vote and ex pected farmer vote will he largest in vears. Hudson Weather clear aril colli, I n- usually heavy vote. Sinn'ar reports reach us from eon: try (owns. Kmuston We it her el.ar, at Unisphere cold, mountains lieinu covered wi hsuow. Full vote will lie po led in I tica count . v. lilmiia We.ili.iT cold with snow flurries. I.ar;e v.ile, however, is living polled, lLuchninptor, Si.oa; wrntiier raw and cold. Country roads rather heavy Irom yesterday's rain. I.ai;;e vote. NorwichWeather raw anil cold. Yot injj iioiiitt on verv slov, ly ns there nic many tickets to handle. 1'almvra I.itjht vote. Weather cold and disiiu'eialile. Farmers finding it hard to reach Hintf p'.acis on account bad roads. Lyons Weather e. hl. damp and dis agreeable, with stiuw lalhnui:tinteials. Schenectady eat hir cool and clear ing. Large vole, t-'oiis iiutional ballots voted more generally than wasvxpected. Uticn Cold and bl.ali. K iin and snow have rendered country toads heavy with frozen mud, and count rv vote will Ik somewhat lighter than expected. In the eitv every thiitL' is niovini: tiuietlv. Tin vote here will he hirae. I i some district -there will he ihlli -ultv inc istinu full vole ns theie aic L'.'i ball us to haniMe and many ol t, e volt is areshiv. I'oll work ers say partv Inns ate Icing loilowed closely. Syracuse We.ithir elorily and cold. Full vote. Watertown Weathn throughout northern New Y.r' cold aid labeling with tccasimtal fliuiies of sn iw and strung wi ld, but vate will lie h'r.'e. NOU TII ('.MIDI. I A. K.M.i.H.ii, Nov. G ui atl cr e'ear and bracirg. City ( . let and onhtly. Vote at noon not up to usual point. Wilnii'.iiitnt. Weather f.tultKss. lih''1- tion proeeeding i tt e 1 1 . More interest It in I. gislauve ticket tuau in any ither. Hemienits will pro'L.Hy eUet one rtiirisen'ative m this county and mihlican one. KeiniuV.irs will prol ably eh ct State senalor. rhis will lie a loss of two members to llcinocrat Iilctionof I. it kli.-irt lU.ui I to tori- L-nssfroni tin, the Sixth, district is conceded. OHIO. Cincinnati. Nov.Ci Went'.'.ire'.e irand ml. Heavy vote. Columbuv-Cloudy utid mol At 10 'cluck, lamest vote ivcr cast w ispolled L'li vt 1 nil! t'lrtiundcovi ml wish slush. I H ;i vv vole Man-lield Six inches ot snow; at 10 cluck sunshine oral warmer weather envy vote. Ki publicans ar: claiming int nc county. Yoiitiusiown Uucct of v. .'ulnr on ate is to make voters ol city go to poll in large nunib.rs and to keen I trinei s iw.iv liom polls. Large lal! ot snow last night: roads bad. AND CIIILUKKN Z incsvillc Foils (.pined m driving now storm; light vote. Slur. 1 1 alter- noon prove lavorahle, usual vote will be it. Toll do Heavy vote. MINNESOTA, lit 1. 1 in, Minn., Nov. II Wiath Inudv, but large vote b.ing polled Many iKniocrals slaughtering candid itc lor governor in favor ol ropuhst ululate on strength staleiiun'n mane bv member of state central c .mmittce is to alliance with Kepublicans. Minneapolis Weather c oud v tliroug n mil .slate and clear west to rockie.i. No rain or snow. Tremendous vote. Ki cent cold snap has tVczeri all roads and there will he big vote polled every where, WEST VI1K.INIA. Charleston, Kanwha county W Ya Nov. (5. Cold and cloudy; vote s i lar light with no excitement; everything nassuiL' o 1 (iiu. tlv. .M ioriiy votes nolled fleinocratic. Wheeling eat Her eliar aim cot.i llcnvv vote. Kcmibltcaus eonhilinl Democrats hopcltil. Considerable scratch' iim being done by I'coio.-r a' 3 lor Con urcssman at,d legislature. Interest has seldom been greater in piisidculi'ii vent llttilMA. Norfolk, 'a Nov. (!. Weather picas- nut. New Australian nallol woi'King sntisfaeloiilv. Vote will be light in city Richmond Wentltcr clear, told; voting progressing onietly. I.iiler Klection lure timet nn to one o'clock- Negroes have not turned out there usual niimhc s. Koanokc Cold and cloudy, Voting slow. Dnnvillt Swntismi Idem I ronsid ably Hhcad. His inajonty w ill doubtless be 600 or more. Lynchburg, I p. m. Clear and rool. Light vote. Lynchburg will give (hey, Dem., about six hundred majority. NOl TIl ( AKOI.INA. Co!.r.iiiu, S. C, Nov. (. CUar and cool, lnrije vote. Negroes voting heavy throughout State for Pope, Independent candidate lor governor, andngainst con stitutional convention. MIsstlllM. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. (!, Looks as if there would be trouble here before dav is over. In certain districts of city po litical heelers have given every invitn tion by their arbitrary action, One bnl lot box smashed, 1.UI I-IAN.V. Nkw Oulkans, Nov. 0. llrijht, cold day. Large vote iu sugar districts, i " 1 1 : i ; r.i i.v woi:k. I'wu W''-t'l-. I'iii'd and Miifli t otloii liiirnt'il. Savannah, (1. i., Nov. d. Last night's fi;e among the cotton ships broke out aeaiu this morning on steamship W hite Fifl.l, hitig beside the llalegarth, burned last night. The II inns were cjuicklv subdued. Ncaily all the tugs! and lighters on the river were kept busy during the ni.tnt. 'lire burned bales of; eottun were dumped Irom the suriui' is or to lighlers and c.irriid away to places of sal', tv by tugs. Investig ili ni sho-vs traces ol phos- pliordus every wiierc on i lie Hurtling cot ton ships. Sample ol cotton with the I'cculiar odor were carried on b .aril the Kansas Ciiy this moi l ing for inspection. A sample ignited and fell to the ll mr. It will bennnhz"d later. In some instances cotton tits look mi a phoppiuaic glow last night. H is s li I that s ane ol tin longshoremen recently on a strike spread the phosphorous. The union men deny this indignantly. Tire matter will be thotoiighlv investigated. l."Ss. .."d,- ooo. At 0 o'el e!i this morning the steam ship County Down caught lire. The ll inus were put out after six bales had hurtled, len out of the i;t ships now loading have been on lire. K. F. liar moil, stevedore in charge I tlic tioit u ion men, nceived a threatening litter this moi i.ing. I'I'.kin is t!;As . ( Ulna linmigfd In swapping lloii- Wlillo ( ros.iin tlir Mi-nun. I.omion, Nov. I) -A Sliaitghai ties ile'.i to the Central News savs an edict li.cn issmil appointing Prince Kuti.. uncle ol the Frnperor, to supreme control i the niililitv all' lit s of China, and riritc Citing, who was recently s edtd as PresiJeut ( f Tsung'i Yatiien by i.ue Ktinz, ;is next in charge. The mc edict antn tK'cs a degradation ot .-u.-ral Wen on eua -gv-s ol eowarcice 111 ithdniw iiig Irotn Ping Yang aril ol inhcz ling l he pay ol soldiers in h command. Admiral 1 nig, ano, win tie eiirivcd ol lite honors recently bestowed upon him. ine feeling ol u icasiitess which Iris prevailed in I'ei.in I if souie lime past i: incrtastng. asiiinoton. Nov. I.. A stiorl calil atti rietivid hv si-cntaiv tireshnn to- 1 i liom Pnitcd Slates Minister Derby it Peking clni.'iiicli'i another iniiortant award nioveait-ut bv the Japants.: e I ip ita-se have taken Fan Chow ill the gull ot Liastuiio, apprnai'hiug Shan xian ivu in. Tin re are two campaigns igaiti'-t Monk len and Tien Tsui." a c insr.si: ! ami ho ill lirlorc .lapaut'-.o soo Tin-in a-- ft . l.OMiox, Nov. ibspatih to the ei;tral News Irani S'lar.ghai says the Chinese army has hen thrown into a panic by ibc J ipai'e-c ucorics and is Ih'iing l-elore the ip niesr. The Chitl- se troops in M.if.c'mri are rohhiag the natives and committing h -ri tiile a ruci- es wherever they pass, t he .ipaiuse on the ftl.er I'titnl, Ciiinese well ,"t d ao " Democracy. For the People." Penr s mites wearing blue badges, some o' them pinnetl across breast, with spread eagle and inscribed: "Rally Hoys for Pearson and Protection." Goodly num ber of the colored faithful in line at the booth ot the First ward. 7: CO a. m. Richmond Pearson passes along north Court Place, apparently in a deep study. Soon comes back a little ways and after consultation with some workers the latter set out for the Sicond ward. Later Pearson goes to this ward himsilf, stands in the doorway of the polling place and tukes a hand in what goes on. m Plot and crowd thicken some what. Business men, deeply interested. go about the streets and polls, showing their faith by their works. Streets get ting a little noisy. There's n hum in the air. .o a. nr. Dav blight as a new com. but good for overcoats. Crowd on the Itiarc grows larger, nut voting goes sieamiv on. At inc rirst warn i-o votes have been east, iu the Second 110. the Third 130, and in the Fourth, 1 I'd Now and then a challenge is heard. a. hi. The First ward has polled 10 vnti out ol GT-l registered; second L 1 i out ol ;s;ij; me i nirir ut of o l'J; and the Fourth 30(1 out ol ill") llogus tickets are lound well ittered, with the namv ol the Dimo itic candidate lor Solicitor in the iiirth Judicial district instead of the name ol Ceo. A. Joins, candidate in the rwellth, and Dtiuocrals are more loselv scanning every ticket. It is csti mated that in all of the wards except the First, the colored ward, Crawford is ahead lit least two to one. Democrats aic working hard and uneiasinglc. eb Vance, ol the l . K. Army, cast his first vote. Was it Democratic? Well. rather. 1L'.,"ii Justice Frank Cnrtcr dropped into 1 in; Citizi:n oliice to say that, even if the next Congress was unanimously Republican, he would not be entirely miserable if, onlv Hill, is elected in New York. 1 j. i Some people stopped working about the polls and on the street to take dinner but a great many more didn't think the meal worth the trouble. Over one half of the registered vote in each of the wards has bun polled. In the First 330 have voted, in the Second '-'73, in the 1'hir.l 3L'7 and in the Fourth 420. Oc casional cballengts have been made be cause ol the volets having registered by initials insterd af giving his first name in lull, and in sucheases the law is observed. Haw Creek precinct was heard from at 1 1 o'clock, when Crawford's vote was I t and Pearson's - t. At lliltmore Reed and llrookshirc arc expected to lead the ticket. J p. m. The battle of ballots goes merrily on, and the Democrats are figur ing on their majority. Hut they do not itlax in their hard work. It is believed that the county will be safe by fiom 00 to 000. 3 p. in. There have been 420 votes cast in the First ward; the Second is uearinc its last votis, 317 having been deposited; in the Third, 42."; and in Fourth. "i2S. .V:.W p. in Total vote at this hour First ward. 43M; Second, 327; Third, 413; Fotir:u, 537. YOUlt HANDS COVERED WITH DENTS $2.00. MITCHELL, THE MEM'S OUTFITTER. 28 PATTON AVENUE. VY have put in our show win dow some "odds and ends" in H Pocket Books & Purses They arc all first quality Roods, but being only a few of a style left, we have reduced the prices ONli HALF. $1.00 book for 50c, 75c. books for 35c ; 50c. books for 25c. 25c; purses for 10c. Come tuick, for they are going last at these prices. RAYSOR & SMITH, AHHEVILLE, Bf. C ceived with op. n who are litruis'-i-; ol various kit"!-. Viceroy l.i Ho lered to Pekin Shanv.iiai. N. v. Il.'IS brt'll let'- twd , the Via toe o I.', Lutai, to pi' cetil and take the seals b. -ri till The arc treating the ire c,.i s.iit tilly rc ! ins by I lie ll itivts them with supplier i nn: in l i:m alt. sKMiNAisv. Tlnvo del Natural New York, Nov. 4, '94. Bought toys today, many of the them arc cheaper than last year. Nearly all toys arc cither a little larger and better or sell for less. Did not buy a :i expensive line, and picked up some bargains nothing g Chan,' has I cell or- 0, An imperial ilicree it N inkiu, summoning uig Kiting pioviices, ,:t on.e to 'lien Tsui of ailing viciroynUy from Li Hung Chang. (iiioi) ih;mo KA'i ii n i:w . l'liv, Mai lt d III tin' Ha-.-. ( ar lu l l roundi'v. I.mmhu Cn. Tc-mi.. Nov. o. tine ol the most important events in the minis trial part ol Ib's city and in I'.ast Tcnn tsftc occur icd here today. The gicat turnaei t ol the Lenoir l oun- drv com, '.1 r. v. otherwise known as tin II iss company, had the lins in their poudi rolls caverns sta- ted with as much cerunonv mid cleat a ever celebrated the launching of warships ol our navies. ( arivi inn 1 outraliiiiul YoKoimiA, Nov, 0. The learner (Va-lv, Captain ailed 'rotn S Ml I't ant ise to leave lor li nig k"iig been stizi.il bv . pat cse is sniipos.d tile stiurc lliitish Pir.rne, which i nnd w as due vcsiiT.'-iv has intlioritics. It is due to the charge that she is carrying contraband of war, dim Tiil.i n: tin-(illo e l.t lt. W'asiiini. ion. Nov. 0 The President has pardoned l itius A. lassul, sentenced in MississiiUii to lour vears imprison incut lor pension frauds. Application lor paidon is dci.ied ill the ease of John 11. Slo in, seiili i.etd in s .lutiiLaroiinti t three nnd a hall years imprisonment lor coiintei luting. CANDIEH. I1KST URANUS .DOMESTIC KKY WEST CI0AR8. SPECIAL AT TENTION TO BOX TRADE. like being here to pick the line of ISaill.v lliinii'd- l.ii tlio ( huso. I-'out Wavni:, Iml., Nov. 0 la the Westminster female seminary this rnorn- g, while the dining ronm wis filled market only Stop for S1ZC Oi wii.li students, a icrrinc explosion oc- s(-orc euried imii.edititily beneath. The build- ing shook and a report like a thunder- Otl'UCK a liOODy lap rent the air. The girls rushed pell c.inCS today, VC1T SWcll. t illCl mill into tlic streets anil n tracs nurst ait iu all directions. The lire department was summoned CIUICS bought a lot OI latest mil the janitor rushed into the base ment. Misses Clara DuDoId ol i ortl W'nvne, F.litb Masters of Auburn, Ind , mil l.d he Anders of Lagre, Ind., were toiiml there cnveiopca in mimes, ineir shrieks ol agonv were horrible. '1 he lire in the building was smothered out (piii klv as it came. The victims ol the explosion was hurried to ol. loscpns snital. Misses I heboid and Masters were probably fatally burned. ( l ie ol the girls linn lighten n maien in a closet w hich was filled with gnu, and the explosion resulted. The natural gas pipes baked into a sewer near I tic sem inary and lined tlic closer wiiu me com bustible fluid. shapes the price is all right. RAY 8 N. Court Square. Roe Herring II Was Old. Washington, Nov. ti. Private Sccn tary Thin her states that the litter ol President Cleveland to Robert L. Tlnieher, made public from Albion, N. V., yesterday was written on the 3rd day of August, lHOU, and related to llie presidential campaign of that year. Miml llino V I'sillliuli-. For Molornon. Coi.iMiti'S, ()., Nov. 3 The Ohio Su preme court today n fl'n tned the coisti- tutionalitv of the law requiting electric cars to be provided w Unsubstantial vcs. tibulcs to protect the motortnen from the weather in winter. Annlf I'lvli'.vV AxIii'm to lio Itunii'tl. I.onimin, Out., Nov. 3. Robert Ful (ord, the husluind of the lute Annie Fix lev, has arrived in this city with the ashes of bis wife, whose body was cre mated in linglnnd shortly nfter her death there about a year ago. Fulford's pur i.i.se is to lui'v the nshrs lx-side the re mains of his wile's only child, who died in infancy. Now Knuhiuil. Nrw Yiikk, Nov. C Almost complete prostration of telegraphic nnd telephone service exists in New hnglnnd tins morn ing as the result of last night's furious suitm which swept over that section ot the country, it being particularly heavy along the const. -AND White Fish, l.i'llort urrli'in' Kxtr'n 1'n.v. Washinoton, Nov. 0. The I'niterl Stales Court of Claims today entered up judgments for extra pav under the eight hour law lor u;i letter carriers in Richmond, Va six in Petersburg, Ya., and five m Koanoke, Va. TWO FOR 5c. AT Dropped the Key. Washinoton, Nov, 6. A. F. Spare, a well known Western Union telegrapher of this city, died here last night. Spear had been transmitting the noon South ern press report for many years. W. A. LATIMER'S, 10 N." Court Square. 7, 1 v.vrrircA:

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