Asheville Daily Citizen. ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 12, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS VOLUME X-NO. 165. New and Seasonable DELICACIES! We nuw have in (tuck the largest ami bet stuck of American ami imported FINE GROCERIES HVKR SHOWN IN NORTH CAROLINA. We cordially invite the pub lic to call and sec our goods and compare prices. Just re ceived new crop layer and sultana raisins, patrolia clean ed currants, rigs, select drain ed citron, sutter yellow cling peaches, wine jelly, Laforest, Pate de Foie Gras, stuffed olives, red bigarreaux cherries PETALUMA ASSORTED FRUITS. French peas, cranberries, buckwheat, maple syrup, Sar atoga chips, club house, Neuf chatel, Philadelphia, Ameri can and pine-apple cheese, new cron cola prunes, olive oil, new jams and preserves POWELL & SNIDER BICYCLES AT A BARGAIN. I have on hnnd two bicycles, wood ritn, pneumatic tire, weight 27 lbs. each, '94 pattern, complete with lantern aud belt for $50 each. One with brake, weight 32 lbs , Morgan Wright tire, for $49. Any body wishing tn buy one, now is vour time. Thrx boys' pneumatic tires at $20 each. New wheels. JU 1SLOMBERG, 17 I'ATTON AVBNUK. lOIt SALE! One judgment OKaiimt P. A, Panning for twenly doUars nnd eighty cents (J 80-100. Will give liberal discount. O. .A. Greer. Oakland Heights Hotel WILL GIVE Reduced Rates Until January 15th, 1895. OATS HAY CORN BRAN SHORTS MIDDLINGS CORN MEAL COTTON SEED MEAL ALL KINDS OF FEED A. D. Cooper, N. COURT SCU'RF. Baskets! Baskets! Lunch H.iskt'ls, Candy Baskets, Work Baskets, raiicv unite duskc'is. Manv kinds of baskets which fur out week we shall offer at very low prices, to make room for our large display of Holiday Goods, Which will le of large variety, bctt quality and the lowest prices aud will lw ready soon at ESTABROOK'S, 22 South Main St. See That Square ! Parlor Suits. W. A Blair. 03 CO NO. 45 tuo PATTON AYE. Cl AND ALU KINDS OH FUKNITURK. Rock Bottom FOR CASH OH INSTALLMENT. WEEKLY CLEARING SALE! J. H. LAW 39 Fallon Krr A.tacvllli. N. C. " 2 S . S v New Groods ARK, NOW AHV1V1NO DAILY. n,1rralnoiirbuver Dickeu ui.are to .. tmng immense, win oavc gmnu upcuiug i fr av. we know von will not tnisx U. To make room for .11 these e J and pretty of the old things, will close ou some Watch our space in this paper. It will Ik cry interesting for the coming 55 Day. Atleution Is called to our line of oil heat-1 er. Price only $5.00. Warmi a large room. Aliumlnum ware in new tor cooking utensils. We have them. Thrash's Crystal Palace LOW PRICE I.KADKR8. REASONS For Using HESTON'S BREAD It's the best. It goes farthest. It's a pleasure to eat it. It satisfies. Always the same. Everybody praises it. You will like it. You should try it. 6. 8. Ask for it; insist on having it. Confection TELEPHONE NO. 183. THIS WHFK IT IS FINE CLOTHING fOR MKN, BOV9 AND CHILDRHN. FINE WRAPS FOK I.AU1KS IMISSHS AND CIIILIlK K AND FINE DRESS GOODS, TO WHICH WE WOULD lUlKHCT ATTEN TION. H. Redwood & Co. Toilet Soaps. lust received n Isrue line Irom the leading: maim r . i . i, I .... window, from ni:iiiiri n iiuh in um B OTS, TO 7B OTS, ALSO FULL LINE rM.J VflfiPllrlH I wOllfi S w w ' ' Atrrut.i I'or Helnitsh & Reagan, WHO WILL SECURE THE LATE SEN ATOR VANCE'S PLACE t There i Going to be a Hard Fluht I Among the Hepubl leans for the Bl Mum-Will It bo Mott, Prltehard or Doekery I "Who will be chosen lor the seat in the I .. , .... , un"ta oto" oena,e " wa ror a piled by the oelovea Vance c is a quel- tion that North Carolinians ere asking, some of the chief, id the Republican wig- warn especially. , . " ........ . Iitu aiiTsuyKiircu iuui uiuijr iuu;gpcciai ir.un naving iioouru rresweni Butler, tb lender who dictates to bin Cleveland. Mrs. and tluir follower, and ha. his wishes obeyed . j . , , I iniphciily. is lo be rewarded with one of tne senatorsnipsas a parr 01 me alliance between the Reps, and Pops. The re- maining Senatorship, of co-irse, will be given to a Republican, and here is where the worry among the "truly loil" comet. I A plum lik thiti. at big as a load of I hay to a place. This heme the case, there will I naturally be a scramble and a party fight for it. If one lrmltft over the rntnrMiiirn. as he I thinks uoon thin mutter, the conclusion will be reached that eter C. Pritchard of Madison county would be the man. I bile the tight was on. Pritchard wu viiBi-ijr ii(tiui tia uie luoii nun wouldgo Irom the West, and the tight was madepartlv. at least, on him; so that it would naturally seem as good as settled that I'ritrhard would get it. But candidates are springing up like I. flics about a molasses barrel. Tue oily Dr. Mott is mentioned strongly now that the diction is over, along with I llolton, wulsrr. rearsou yes Fearson Uockerv and bwart. who announced himscll sometime ago. Pearson, how- ever. need not he considered in it. he savs. nshe could not trv for the place 1 without beint' treacherous to Pntcbard. Holton. too. is understood to be in-1 debtcd to 1'ritefiord fur oast favors and it not to be srriouslv thought or, it he I totes fair. But Dr. Molt av. there! . - . . i comes the rub. and l'ritchard mav well gird on his nrmor. I A prominent Democrat in a talk with I The Citizkn was inclined to think that I the nrize would after all be awarded to I Dockerv. This, he thought, would be us a reward for party service, in memory ol I th; hopeless fights Duckery hui waged lor the Kcnuhhcnns. I he speakership ol the Mate House ol Representatives, tor which Col. Lusk has announced himself, mav not lie allowed u.. u...i.. ... .1... i 1 i u. i uv uulici Lit tin iiivu inc uni.usui viic -.1.1. . ,ti I. U...I... puuiiLcii.s hi nil, il ui in; aiiiu uini uu-..i i wants the place for one of his Pops. In any event, Cel. Lusk will be heard from. tlurnllain Will attenn. It is t among tl.e lawicis here that, when the RepuMicnn. get to work a: Kal.igli, instead ul the Huncomb Cumin lc will " sci uii. o NiiiiKu "i un.icuiiiiic, "- wood, Mndifon and llcnrlerson countiil. baeli county wii elect its cierK. wmie tne me juuc mm ullC.lor n i.i uc emwu i jr the four counties. Whatever befall, this will be nil inter- I ealii g winter at the State capital. THEY HAVE l'OHT AliTIIl It. A short lloiiibnrtlineiit nnd Tlu-ii tlu ( IiIiicho Guv Vp. London. Nov. 12 A despatch from I ci.....i,: r,..t,i v,., ..,i., . , , . . ... . '. .. today's date, inji It is iepo:ted there that Port Arthur was taken by the Japanese Sunday without resistance. I 1 he lacnncEc. li ter bombarding the pine; lor a short time, made a land as - Isnult upon the enemy's works, when the Chinese surnndcred. 1 lie general ' . . in command and the other chief olho-rs I of the Chinese forces at Pott Arthur bad I abandoned the fuits on November 0 and I disappear, d. A portion ot the Chinese It. 'it is at Tnku. Several European minister, are preparing to leave l ekin WASHINGTON, NOV. 12. Urtltllll COn firmation of the capture of Kin Chow and Talien Wan by Japanese troops was r'ieivtd at the legation this morning. IViliTul tirand Jury DIsihI-iwh tlio Umrtreoriiiiltiitloii ol'C'iirrcMify. Iackson, Miss., Nov. 9. The Federal l'.r.,.H;,,rU.l.nfmnr, than Inn v., J . to one refused to indict the covornor, treasurer and auditor of the state in the matter of the orintinc of the Mississippi state warrants, it being alleged by chief lluzen, supported dv secretary larnsie and Attorney General Olney. that they were designed in violation of the law, "being iu likeness and similitude of Uni - ted States currency and national bank notes." l ne state omciais were arraignea scv I eral months ago on affidavits sworn out by W. I. Burns ol the United States se- Icret service bureau I t'OXEY TIMES TO MAKE AMENDS. Farm Work fbr HIm Followorn-Oot Over 8,000 otvi for C'onKroHH. M assili.on, 0 Nov. 10 "Gen." J. S. Cntrv todnv nflVrrd emnlovment. at fair! . ,mt t 1,;. 'rnnmnn. weal" lollowers, now here in a destitute - 1 j:.: x ont. KAST LIVERPOOL, U., NOV. V. ine I . A - . 1 L-uiiuiiiiiiii 1 ni.i-uuv UH'IV .vu ofhrial count for the fcignteentn district eomolete itive Taylor (Reo.) 20.835. Raff (Dem ) 10.006, Coxev (Pod.) 8.538. Geu. Coxey'i vote exceed! the eitimatcof the Republics and Demo cxatic committee bv 5.000. - ;., . ,. At Trinity. Tpinitv College. Durham. N. C. Nov.10.-TrinilvdefeatedtheA.andM. eolle on Trinitv'i gronndi today by , , President Ktio leaves neit Friday lor the South Carolina conference. On bit h mill mnnA wmIt at tm W !- era North Carolina conference. Prof. Pearam will fill hii place ai chairman .l.; .n A.,..n i.;. hUC .OMILV UU, ,MH HVUV. The new Harriion. telephone are now I : ; nrh.m ri,i t.i.nhMt. I ... . wa. nut in tv live Liurnam nen mo cost considerable lew than the old otnetliing like 15 in price. Kiotd Evan. I. Elected. Nairvillb, Not. 12.-The American I considered at an end. The project ay. that on the face of the returns U. been abandoned, and the Rev. Dr. T. De Clay Evan 1. elected governor of Ten-1 Witt Talmage has sent in his resignation ncisee. THE S.T. LOUIS LAUNCHED. The Will- or the I'rtMltlt-iit Does C'huiiiiMtKUu Act. the Washington, Nov. 12. The special train bearing the Washington guests to witness the launch of the St. Louis left Washington over the Pennsylvania rail road at 8:15 this morning and will run direct to Cramp's ship yard where the launching is to take place. The party consisted of President and Mrs. Cleve- j c i ti...i... t. u,ut.,.i,. tarv and Mrs Carlisle. Mrs. GrrshinriP. Mrs. Lamont, Attorney General Olu v and Secretary Herbert and son and Am"r aM Mrs Bavard rilu-AUEU'lltA, fa., .ov. l'-iuc Pnrl attenu me iniincniiig 01 ine in- ternational line stenm-nu) M. uouis, ar- rjvc( t Cramp.s sllip var(1 at p m. Alter the christening party arrived the gates were thrown open and the waiting crowd thronged in. There was whi h to view tne laullcn and the erlcs of the uiers adioininc the olace where the steamship stood were soon black when the launching took olace. at 1:02 p. m. Mrs. Cleveland christened the vessel, using a bottle ol champagne MAY HE l'K.U EMAKKlt 1,M' I nltc-il mikkohIh mat (hum uiki Tokio. Nov. 12 United States Minis- i..nn ..muimi,, ; . . . ""J """"- ."r---- cipher caDlegram proposition received from Secretary Gresdtim at Washington, It .uersted that if laoan will minCliina .. ., ., . ,., ... , ,n rresinenc m tne i States to act as a mediator in settling the war, be will exercise his go-.d offices in inai capaciiv. n. similar proposition has been sent to Lhma. The cablegram was received by Minis- ter Dunn on Friday and was presented to a special meeting of the ministry. An address has not vet been sent. I lie prop- osition presents a grave question to me ministry. Tbev are urged on one hand . . . . . . .i oy popular sentiment 10 continue me war and crush China. On the other hand European powers arc threatening to intervene, as Dftween inese coinnci- ing influet cei the ministry lind great difficulty in reaching a decision on the American proposition, but the prospect n that it will be accepted, it is learned that lour davs ago France made a prop- osition to the Unittd States to intervene. WHAT KIND OF A CZAK IS UK f ItusMlu jjoom Not Know How she I to I iH. i(uu(i i . v. . n n,.:i.. v I L.UftUU, IMJV. I,- I IIC UiOIV ncars irom uaessa: "Anoiner ano more I important manifesto from the Czar is r,rrt,A almr thr funi'ml. I ij1ut Irom I n .:a... ,uut tu. ,.t ,nr , i, ,iHi-... d Cz lr is matcrinlly oualilud by a certain IfaHug of relief that his iron control has b en removed. Anyhow the momentary popular mind hovers between hope and I fnr hi.ih,.r Niplml ,.!! will Imul the prefs wjtn cqu.,i wciKht or relieve it ol ,tg more BrjCVouS bur I its more grievous burdens." NO 1ION1I IssfE. ltiMKO'l That Tlu-iv 1 to lit' Ono Di'iili'd at thu Treasury Drpiii'lini'iit W ashington, .ov. ;i ine report that Secretary Carlisle will announce at I the Chamber of Commerce dinner in I .ew York Ins intention to innKe a new I hond issue is emphatically denied at the I Treaaury Mr. Carlisle refused to talk, saving he I is too busy on his annual report to be I seen on dnv suoiect 1 It was said at the dcoai lmciit that an I issue of bonds was not necessary and .. . ... I was not being contemplated. A I World. OKOOM IILACK: HltlDi: WIHTK. Urldirt-t .Miillonoy tlm Second White- M'oiiiaii to Marry AlfXiiiulcr Harris. Kingston, N. Y., Nov. 10 Alexander Harris, colored, a widower, 70 years old, has married Uridgtt Mahonev, a white woman. She is a widow, much younger than her husband. IHnrris hrst wile wns a winis woman. She died a few venn ngo, leaving three -i t:. v..... v..-i, ll.. ,!,n.B- 1 ucv ' ?' " " rl 18 n as consider., .nc prop- erry, a. i. oriu. I CUtllOlll' ll'lll'llllV In I'libllo School I Fittsiii'kg, Pa., Nov. 12. The sit preme court this morning rendered nn opinion inthcGalitzin school case, affirm I inc the decision of the lower court. The i court reluses to restrain uv inunciion members of the order of St. Joseph I (Catholic sisters) from teaching in the 1 public schools in the gnrb of their order I or school directors from employing or f permitting them to act in that capacity lli-t $100 to a t ( lit and Won $ I .AIM Bingiiamton, N. Y., Nov. 9 A ret of $100 to a cent wns made between two citizens thnt Morion would defeat Hill with the proviso that for every vote Morton received in excess ol mil tne Democrat should pnv one cent to the Reoublicnn As Morton's plurality is now over 150.000. the Democrat stands 1 to lose over i,ouu. mewinner insists H 1 Mills to Start Kockvii.i.k, Conn., Nov. 12 Cheny Dro... the tig silk manufacturers o South Mancnester, announced aaturuay that thev would on Monday next Hart - a number of important departments ol their mills on full time. The. null cm ploys 2,500 hands. r ' navnr. m . .i .....,-. London, ov. Benin aispatcn a "tatei that Bnvarin hai prohibited the I imnortation of American cattle in nrd i q prcvciib auY cvubiuu ui mc iiiipcuiii CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. It having been demonstrated that the of woman s vmein uenver in election was 55 per cent, of the total I ... , 1 ' " ! t. I eaying women ..uve State organization of their own for ... I ;i l Tk. ni.r. "" s '" " f". one, ! to increase their political power and l"nM AH doubt on the question of rebuilding . Brnnfcln x-hA-n-ie mav now be i ai pastor, wdicd nai oeen acceptio. w:vrLtii ii.ll L UUUILU so MOItE WILD-EYED SOCIALIST WANTED IN OI.OIt.VDO. IjiIo lVlice Milken nil Attiifk on the (iovernor That Hoiidi-rs lllin Siecoh ! Tlio sundiiy l'olltli'al Mci-tlnifx Abnuiloni'il. Denver, Nov. 12. Governor Waite received a dressing down ia Lii owu ehnniber.Saturd ly night hy the conserva tive men of his party. Nearly all the Populist State ticket were present and each i nc in turn sailed into the old man rough shod. U ich man declared himself a true believer in the party principles, but that henceforth he wanted to hear no more from the man for whom were sacrificed. Lafe Pence, congressman from the Pirst district wns the principal speaker. He denounced the Governor and his fol lowing in unmeasured terms, telling him to get himscll otf into the wilderness as soon us possible after January 1st and there burv himself from the sight of men. "We want no more long-haired, wild eved anarchists and socialists in the party," he exclaimed with warmth, "and the quicker vou and your office grabbing friends take yourselves away, the better vou will be liked." The conservatives were so forcible that for the first time since coming to Denver the Governor was speechless, follow ing this conference it was decided to abandon all Sunday political meetings which caused s j much scandal and in curred the enmity of the churchmen, and organize on the basis of good govern inent. VANUKHItll.T'S MONGOOSE. It Is Not n llcslnililo Addition to Our Socli-ty. Washington. Nov. 12. Consul Kck- ford at Kingston, having h'.-ard that anderbilt has imported a mongoose for his estate near Asheville, N. C, says he will endeavor to have our govern ment profit by Jamaica's experience and prohibit the importation of the tnon into the Unittd Stutts. When the m ngoose wi;s introduced intojumaica to destroy rut. which in lct d sugar and cotT e plantations they did theworkso well and increased so rap idly that their natural foud supply was soon exhausted and they began to prev upon small living creatures. All ground birds were wiped out; all snakes and toads and land crabs. Newlv born calves, voung pigs, pupi.its, game, tur tles all fill victims to the mongoose, which became much worse a pest than the linglish sparrow in America and the rabbit in Australia. Only tlio l'opw. (ialnud. Mii.w u kke, Wis., Nov. 12. The Pop ulist party in Wiscons n was the only one ot the lour, according to State Chairman Schilling, that gained any votes. Tl.c g tin is estitnuted at 45,000, about four tunes the vote cast in is'Jt, and the Democratic loss wus evctily divided between stay-at-homes and tit setters to the Populists. A rl I nirl on 1 u ii I li'M riiy t-il . Fokt Woktii, Tex., Nov. 12. Fire yes terday morning at 3 o'clock destroyed the Arlington Inn, one of the best hotels in Texas. Ueing located at Arlington I Heights, three miles from the city, the fire department wns unable to stay the tlames, 1 he building and contents cost, two years ago, $12o,000, and was lully covered by insurance. .V TUB OLD NORTH STATE. A pretty little romance, in which two lovers were hnutiilv united, has just been brought to light nt Salisbury. The scene was Rutherford College and the parties Mr. P. M. Rutherford of Knox ville, Tenn.. postal clerk between Salis burv and Kuoxville, and Miss Anna L Aberncthv. assistant postmistress lit Rutherford College and a daughter ol Rev. Dr. Abcrnethy i f that place. The miirriaee wns celebrated on the evening October 21, Rev. Dr. Aberncthy olh- ,.iti(..,r I " ' , r.iriy aaturnnv morning uvwis u. ongcr, treasurer of Wake county, died at his home in Raleigh, lie was about 5 years of age. nnd had for four years held the office. He was for years a val ued member of Raleigh Tipogniphical nion. tix months ago he married a voung lady ot Durham, tie aico oi unsy nnd was sick only - hours. Mai. Wilson, chairman of the rail road commission, has received a letter from Traffic Manager CuId. saving that the "100 pound rate ' on freight had been rescinded, and that the charge on package Irom any point on the South ern railwav will be only 25 cents. Here tofore all packages have been charged as of 100 pounds weight. Chairman Marion Butler, of the Pop ulist State committee, savs the true cause of the defeat of the Democrats in this State is that they had to fight with superior organization, tor the hrst time. He declares he knew perfectly well he would win, and that could not be ceived as to his views. Following are the delegates from this State to the Cotton Growers' Con gress nt Montgomery, Ala.; R.C.Brown, Tarboro: . W. Mvatt. Polenta: . Sol. Reed, Mntsey's; lieorge W. Norwood, Wake counvv; M. T. Leach, Kalcigb; I W. McGregor, Lilesville. The result of the primaries for United States Senators, held in Mecklenburg county, as between Ransom and (urvis, is announced. Jarvii s majority wns 4ti, Tips wns the only county in which pri manei were held. There may be a contest ai to the Sntc Treasurer, based on the tact that the l-usion tickets bore the word. "State Treamrcr instead of "Treasurer" lim ply. The registered whiskey distillery I. M. Sloan at Jonesboro, wa. seized Saturday by Deputy Revenue Collector W. C, iroy lor irregularities, Democrat, do not now question fact the fusionist. have 10 to 12 major the ity in the Senate and 30 In the lower house. Governor Carr ha. appointed W. N Mebane judge uraver luccesior. The majority of W. P. Strond, fusion nominee lor Congress, is 4,291, hai Alfred Barrier (colored), aged 100, died at Concord Tuesday. The Tuck. seige Democrat ha. quit, 1 A CARD KTO MEN AND BOYS v r ' I have alwut loco pairs of men's and boys' shoes on hand. I have too many, too much money invested in my shoe stock. For a short time I offer every pair at cut' rate prices. r i Prices cut from 16 per cent, to 33I'J S per cent, on entirr stock. A great r J opportunity. Will you take advan- tage of it? It remains for you to say. You will find It exactly as advertised. MITCHELL, THE HEM'S OUTFITTER. j8 PATTON AVKNCK. We have put in our show' win dow some "odds and end." in. Pocket Books & Purses They are all first quality goods, but being only a few of a style left, we have reduced the prices ONU HALF. $1.00 book for 50c, 75c, book, for 35c ; SOc. books for 25c. 25c; purses for 10c. Come quick, for they are going fast at these prices. RAYSOR & SMITH, ASHEVILLE. N. C PlIILADELl'HIA, NOV. 10, 1894. Picked up a lot of bargain! bere in CANDIES. Made contract today for French Nougat which I can sell for 25 cents per pound. Nothing like it ever sold before in Asheville tor less than 80 I .,..,) w:.i u. AH -t. IlllHD a (IUUIIU, um wuu hk iu awm I a fortnight RAY 8 N. Court Square. I Am Surrounded By CALIFORNIA CiHHED GOODS of the ClLlfORIU CAHHED FLD1S over m A F S S n ? ' 5- 2 S t 5 g co S S 1 S B i l i Reduced from 25c to I 5g a Can

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