Asheville Daily Citizen VOLUME X-NO. 171. ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY EVEMXG, NOVEMUEli 19, 1891. PltlCE 5 CENTS New and Seasonable GRAND OPENING RH T V Nil! RR nT,i KWR WITH TP nifivTIIPY WftVT TlllTII TUB TIN Ft iTSSSJE w. . ...... I . .u imuiui is irui vvuu.i i v ii xi .i i vvvvu kiwi vii u 1 t. u wi v ii v 1 1 1 u i II u u.i il 1 ' v uii. MUM iuij VU.IMU, HILil II U 11 1 IVtV.ll IHLl Lulll 1 ' m DELICACIES! Wc now have in itock. Die largest ami btl stock of American ami imported FINE GROCERIES KVHR SHOWN IN NORTH CAROLINA. We cordially invite the pub lic to call anil see our ;oocls and compare prices. Just re ceived new crop layer and sultana raisins, patrolia clean ed currants, fit's, select drain ed citron, suiter yell o clinj,' peaches, wine jelly, Laforest. I'ate de Foie Gras, stutl'ed olives, red oigarreaux cherries PETALUMA ASSORTED FRUITS: French peas, cranberries, buckwheat, maple syrup, Sar atoga chips, club house, Neuf chatcl, Philadelphia, Ameri can and pine-apple cheese, new crop cola prunes, olive oil, new jams and preserves' POWELL & SNIDER BICYCLES AT A BARGAIN. 1 have on band two bicycles, wood rim, pneumatic tire, weight 27 lbs. each, '94 pattern, complete with lantern nnd bell for $50 each. One with brake, weight32 lbs , Morgan Wright tire, for $19. Any body wishing to buy one, now is vour time. Three boys' pneumatic tire nt $-'0 each. New wheels. L. BLOMBERG, 17 PATTON A VBNUB. FOR SALE ! One judgment against ft A. Finning for twenty dollar! nnil eighty cent! (x 80100. Will give liberal discount. O. -A. Greer. Oakland Heights Hotel WILL GIVE Reduced Rates Until January 15th, 1895. We don't talk ns much as some merchants, but what we are going to say will be a plenty. For a starter we will shake 'em up on Golden Grown Peaches At 18 Gents Per Can. Watch The Spot Cash Storcing th ' holidav and we will give ypu inside ' , ,... puvva. x kukj vi imv JR. OATS 0 HAY CORN IJHAN SHOUTS MIDDLINGS CORN MEAL COTTON SEED MEAL ALL KINDS OF FEED A. D. Cooper, N. COURT SCU'Rf. Baskets! Baskets! Lunch lUskets, Candy Baskets, Work Baskets, Fancy Office Baskets. Many kinds of t).krt which (or one wee k we shall offer at very low prices, lu make room for our large display of Holiday Goods, Which will le of lare variety, .test quality and the loweM prices ami will Ie ready soon at ESTABROOK'S, 12 South Main St. See That Square ! Parlor Suits. W. A Blair, NO. 45 PATTON AYE. cu CO 3 BO AND ALL KINDS OJ PORNITCRK. Rock Bottom FOR CASH OR IMTAUIIENT. MERELY CLEARING SALE! J. H. LJLW S3 Faliosi Arm , Aabcvllle, m. C. uvuz i invi v4ajiiaj hi uaiijt I 0 I -A 3 Q c i g A f l Jggg B. As)LAnD iSOII. New Holidaj Ms CRYSTAL PALACE Tuesday and Wednesday, NOV. BOTH AND BIST A cordial welcome is extended to all. Come. you will see the largest and best selected stock ever shown in Asnevlllle. TWO DEPARTMENTS The first floor is devoted entirely to China, glasawear, fancy goods, etc., while the basement is filled with all the useful house and kitchen things. We think we have the largest and best arraged store of the kind in the State. Do not forget the opening days, and come to see all the new thing in China, etc. THAD. W. THRASH & BRO. People BREAD Might n will get some thing uppct;z'ng as to eat something that isn't. What's the use of buying a poor article when you can get the Hest lor the an me money at Who EAT HEGTON'S, TELEPHONE NO. 183. Toilet Soaps. Just received a large line from the leading manu facturer's. Look in our window, from B OTS. TO 76 OTB. ALIO A FUM. LIHB Vaselirje Goods Heinitsh Reagan, czucmucr uic piHCC U' vit j,l:lWHl ...... n efntor tfcjjff Confections o i i O si i I I "SI H o 8 8 ot ; (J) fc- t S IV oo :u cf; s ) h,s a s: i Z si -I il h M w . 1 cs s8 ii 2- ul far AHOUT THIS LITTLE KILL. AGAINST THE fITV f S. It. C'iledesiter Sou Present u ltlll to the Alderiiiou Axklnu; l'a.v lor Six Keot or Islington stret-si."i a Front Foot the 1'rleo Asked. Every member of the Hoard of Alder men with the- exception of Henry Red wood was present Saturday altcroeon to attend the meeting that was not held Friday. The first business was the ion ideratian of a report from the finance committee on the question ot the exten sion of the Libtrty street water mnin from Chestnut street to Summit, 1U60 feet. The report was nccompuuicj by an estimate frem City Engineer Lee to the effect that the line would cost $495. The committee recommended that the city bear one-half the expense, the resi dents along the Hoe raising the re mainder. On motion, however, it was decided that the lity will pay $300 of the expense. Gen. Theo. F. Davidson and ohn A. Nichols, who wercprestnt, thought the remaining amount could be secured by private contributions. A. Rankin presented a petition nsking for sewer connection on a portion of Cumberland avenue, the estimated cost of which is $1000. The Mayor stated for the finance committee that he could not see how the work could lie done, but Mr. Kankin thought residents along the proposed line would give, and Gen. Da vidson announced bis readiness to con tribute his share, so the matter was re ferred to the finance committee, which will confer with citizens as to contribu tions, and report. A communication from the fire depart ment committee suggested a possible saving of expense by the installation of a private tilcphone line between the City Hall and the water works. This service now is furnished by the Southern Bell company and costs $100 a year, while, the committee says, nj;lme can be put up for an (stitnated cost of $150. It asked authority to make a slight expenditure to have a closer estimate made, and the report was adopted. The Mayor reported on the official visit of John C. Chase of the Slate Hoard of Health. It was gratifying, the rcpoit suid, to hear the words of commenda tion Mr. Chase had used in alluding to the condition in which he found Ashe ville. tie bad suggested the introduction of nutom tic flush tnnks in the sewers, at n cost of about $50 each. The would save expense in removing ohstiu. tions and would keep thesewers in satis factory condition. K.t'errcd to the water committee. Architect A I.. Melton was granted a , permit to erect a 12-room house on Lib crtv street for Gcti. Davidson. I The Hoard was uil vised that Col. Chns. W. Vtoolscy had put in a two-inch pipe connecting hu residence, Wucliwood, with the city water main, replacing the j inco pipe loruieriv useci; inriner, inni i Col. Woolsev would put in n meter nt his own expense and pay the meter rate if the usual rule were not observed, that of cbaigipg residents outside the city double rates Alter a discussion, on mo tion of II. L. Gudger, it was ordered that wherever residents outside the city would furnish thtir meters water would be furnished them nt the usual meter rate, A bill quite unlike anything the Hoard has received heretofore was presented by S. K. Chtdester & Sin. It is claimed that the line uf the Chcdester property on Lexington street (lately South Water! is lix feet east of the building at the cor ner of Lexington und Pulton avenue in other words, that six feet of the street now being used belongs to the owners ol the building. The charge made therefor is $250 a front foot or $1500 in total. together with $f0 interest. The bill, on Air. tiliiir s motion, wns tallied. Tax exemption was granted Noah Murrough on account of error in listing These bills were ordered paid upon an proval of the finance committee: W. II Wrstall, $125 56; Ballot Hox Pub lishing Co., $3 00; A. 1). Cooocr, $30 00; Asheville Priming Co, 73c.; I. C. B-ird, payroll, $!)2 53; J. L. Mur ray, payroll, $13.75; W. A. Allison, p iv roll, $a5.60; U. F. Kives. payroll, $4 38; Mrs. T. C. Collins, $1.50; II. V.. Hall. $2.62; Mrs. Jas. Walker. $10.13; 8. P. Mosely. 60c.; J. D. Henderson, $12; Hay wood Parker, $15; DeVault & Co., $1 20; C. E. Waddcll. 20c; J. D. Frndy, $21; I. A. Lycrlv. $12; F. M.Miller,23,; John Brooks, $1.50; lliltniore Brick nnd Tile works, $60.38. The Board held a short executive session after the meeting. KAT.I.Y DAY. The (KM) Mark I'nswd by the Flint HaptlHt Suuilny School. Yesterday was rally da with the Sun day school of the First Baptist chuich. The enrollment reached 601 pupils. Six hundred was tbe goal to which the; worked, being an increase of about 400 since September 1. One thoainnd ii now the mark they have set to be reached on the first Sunday in February. Prof. Lemmond, president of the Business col lege, enjoys the distinction of having the belt working class and now the largest class in the school. Hit is a Bible class of 106 members, haviug increased by 02 adult members, or about 450 per cent, since the reorganization September 1. They won the banner yesterday as the best workers, haying brought 64 mem bers into the school in five weeks. Tbe other strong contesting classes were Prof. Dickey's and Mrs. Tucker's Bible classes and the infant and the primary classes, all of which ore large, some of them having nearly a hundred memliers. AttlDEXTAL SHOOTING. JiMcpli Ijuicc, Colored, Inlurcd Near Ardeii Saturday, Saturday morning, ' gear Arden, a white boy of 12, named Lance, and Jos eph Lance, colored, went into tjie woods on a hunt. The tittle (ellow carried a gun loaded with No, 2 duck shot. While on the lookout for game the boy stum bled and fell over a log, and the gun he carried was discharged. , The entire load , was received by the colored man in one of bis legs, the shot tearing out about two inches of the large bone. ur. u. v. Mcurayer went to Aruen Saturday night and again yesterday, re moving the fragments of bone and dress ing tbe wound. It is possible that am putation may not be necessary. ' Ilraokluridga to Lecture. , '' i Lkxington.'Kv., Nov. 19. C. D. Hen, the well known theatrical and operatic manager, has securer? Col. W. C, P. Breckinridge for a series of lectures and the noted Congressman will deliver them in all tbe prominent cities of the country. ' West Superior's Producing Itooord. Wisi Supiiior, Wis , Nov, 16. Last week tbe local tnUH broke their record bv Maufactttrlat 103,334 Wick it fiour, Tbla eiceed tbe bsai brtvoua grind by more tsaa 4ooo barrjW. j c.'iri. t0 HtlaUrRUoCsk M rood aaaay 4 LOO bat oa tie snarket , it tto ICjiiitfltttr, BoM lWttltT. UE WILL IStfVITVTK A TIIOKUl till INVESTIOIATIOS. "Tla Citizen's" Story or tlio siiiMlnlnu; or 1'rlsouors C'mitlnp; Much Talk -A Letter Vroni tlio Mayor to I'liKtorn ltcsoliillous liy tlio I'titlu rlitii-i. The following letter was received nnd read yesterday by the pastors rf the city churches. It was dated November 18: 'I beg vour aid in bringing to the kuo wl ledge of the christian ptoplr ol our town everywhere displuved weie il.ipping a state of things of which I think they arc : with moistnri: therein in. The popn ignorant, nnd of which I nm sure they ) lance was astir bifore daylight, and nil should be informed. During the whole! the morning lines of people converged of last Sunday, inn building calculated upon the cathedral of St. Peter and St. to hold at most 4$ persons, there were con&ncd 88 men. In a cage measuring 14 bv 16 feet and divided iutc two stor ies, each seven feet high, there were shut up Irom Saturday night till Monday morning. CO men. My object in asking you to speak ol this sad and painful mat- soon lined w ith infantry, cavalry at.d ni ter, is that nil of our people, andespecial-1 tillery. From 8 o'clock until the hour ly those of us who profess j of the funeral there wus a continuous nnd call ourselves christians, may flow of state carriages conveying high be aroused to the detenmna-! oflicinls. who were making haste to tion that tins horrible tlnug shall recur take possession of places in thecatbedral no more among us; that we shall see to ! allotted tolheni, Heralds stood at the !5, ! ,l my ,m'lnern, "".I entrance to the cathedral and a group ol Christ srethorn. are not again penned clergymen headed bv the Metropolitan up like so many dumb brutes, even ;of St. Petersburg stood around the main worse, because we have a society for the , ,oor n waiting the anival of Kmpcror prevention of cruelty toauim ,1s, but uo I Nictml is II. nnd the itnuerinl familv. one seems to interest themselves about these milortunnte beings, our brothers "As a remedy please urge every man and woman in your congregation to make it his or her business to see the members elect to the lcgitlaturc, and demand the repeal of the law which requires our county prisons to be put at the dis posal of the Federal court. Surely il the United States sees fit to hold its court i,... l i'. i c... i..... i.i ..i . ! utii-, hue uiinu Ltiuii omiuiu iiioKe pro-1 vision for the decent ncconimodaliou ui , "s rrl" ... . I'tiling sure that it is only necessary i memorable burin! service of Alevaruler to bring this m:itter plainly to the ntten- 1 1. The music wns divine a"d !:c per tion of our people in order to have it j forninnces ol the liturgy sublime in tin remedied, i oner no npoiogy tor tnusim- poling on vour time, remiflni.'g. aflcc-, tionntely, your Mayor, T. W.Vaitim, I II 1 1 tl 1-1 11 11 llt'Mlllllloil, The following resolution has been ad dressed to Judge DicV of the Federal court, nnd to J. H. Kankin, chairman of the Hoard of County Commissioners: "At thcrcgularniccting of the members und c ngi cgation of the Unitarian church of Asheville, ou Sunday, November IS. the lollowing icsolution wus unani mously adopt! d : Whereas, the members ami congrega- tion ol the Unitnrlau church of Asheville have heard with regret mid nstonish- mi'til nf til.' nvi'r-r.tmfn.f nf ll,. ....... mon jail of lluncombc couatv bv prison-' rrs irom tnc fcuernl court, during present session, the report being that mnuy ns 60 prisoners were packed in the jail ai a lime "Now, therefore lie it resolved, That! we. the members and congregation of the Unitarian church of Asheville, do) hereby deprecate such barbarous treat ment ol the prisoners, and " 1 against man s itilium inity to man ns herein shown. JiulKo Dlcfc T'tilU- Judge Dick has taken hold of the m at-j st.j2..,i )V sJlrjo maiconienis among the "mined about the same as when the ni ter relcrred to in a way that shows the I students, who tore- il up, declared that jjlcI'"n w-is given. By November 0 the interest he feels in it. In court this morn- "'O' would permit no wreath to eliil.l had recovered from diphtheria, but . . I olaeed uiion the bier ol iin'i:miiir,.r cvh,. "a.l a indil attack ot scarlatina. ing ne aiiuii.d to it nt some icngtn, s.iv- . ..... ,, ,. ' ," ingthntit was a reflection upon the court that a state of things such ns that complained ot should exist, nnd it is thought that he will institute a thorough investigation of the case at the hands nt United States Murshnl Allison. He will submit n pnier setting forth the court's position in the matter. Thin morning the court took up the case of Henry lvoous of Bulliilo, N. V., vs J. H. Brvson K Co., an action on a question of the boundary of certain Jackson county lands. The plaintdls attorneys ure Chris. A. Moore and P. A. Cummings, while W. W. Jones nnd Wal ter K. Moore represent the drfendants. Iix-Postmastcr G.neral Jas. X. Tyner was a u-itor during the session this morning. In the United States ci tirt Saturday, in the case ut oorliees, Miller cV Co., Cincinnati, C. D. Wanton, W. M. ninnton.J. K. Hosticand T.H.Cobh, a judgment in the sum of $3,937.73 and costs waf given in favor of the plaintiffs. The nmount represented n clothing bill. ! District Attorney Glenn lilt lor Ins home at Winston today. MISSOl III ItKI'CHLIt.VN liV d.OIII. DcinorrntM Lont ll.s.i:!, While the ;. O. V. (inlnwl only J.IW7. Jei'I'Kkson Citv, Mo Nov. 16. The official vole on Judge of the Supreme court, head of tbe ticket, is as follows: Bluck (Dtm.), 226.547; Robinson (Kcp.), 229,641; Jnnt s (Pop), 42.466; Robin son (Pro ), 3,068; Sanderson ( Sue. Lab ), 1,572; plurality for Robinson (Kip.), 3,004. Compared with the vote cast two years ago the Democrats lost 41,853 and the Prohibitionists 1,154. The Republicans guiued 1,927 and the Populists 1,259. Hakkisiii ku, Nov. 17. The official re turns show thnt the nggregnte vote polled for Governor was 1)51! 8S6. of which Hustings (Ken.) necived 574 S01 . Singerly (Dem i 330 404, Hnwlev U'ro.l 23.443, Allison (Pco.) 19,464, nnd Grnndv (Soc. Lnh.) 1,733. Hasting' plnrnlity is 241,397. 11I IT I P IX STY1.H. How ii Itoporlcr should Ho When About to oiilllilt Sulfide, Minnkai'OLIs, Minn,, Nov, 10 After the suicide ol Editor James Tiddell, nt Lyons, la., yesterday it wns discovered that he had written a brief but accurate description of bis throwing himself in front of the railway train, stating thnt he had contemplated it for a year. Ue even added a display heading. He drew a chick in fuvor of his mother, another for his partner, covering funds in tne Dang, wttn a line note commend ing his mother and sister to the care ol j his friends, then committed suicide, sim-1 ply tired, wdrn nnd weary. Absolutely no cause is assigned. He wus always cheerful und genial. Those Lucky ShiIiIim Cincinnati, N iv. 19 -Rev. Henry Pre served Smith, of Lane seminary, nnd Presbyterian fame, came into formal possession of a fortune recently. His mother died a ihort time ago nt Davron, Ohio, and her will was probated. Her property, exclusive of bcqucathi nggre gating $15,000, is willed equally to each of her lour children. . Her estate is esti mated at $300,000. ' " Hiivo You l,(Ml,otK About You f Macon." 0a.," Nov, 19 The Georgia Southern & Florida railroad will be sold at receiver's sale on the first Tuesday in March under decree front the Superior court Tbe upset price It Died it $4. 000,000. , Suit! made to order for $13.50 no, nutate MOO.SMfit uTsstei, at M.twvraWjaota.BtrMiey,:; IN NT. A (irvut t'rowil. an Impo-lnu ( civ iliony. Divine Mimic, Itoynlty-Xotli-j llIK Of till' lHH'tlll'llllir WhiiIIiiu Oi Atlil Gloomy .MtiunllUent'i'. I St. I'etkrsiu'ko, Nov. 1'.) The tnorr-; ing oiencd c M and foggy. There was! no rain, but a thick mist over! urg thej streets, ami tnc emi'lems ul mourning Paul, where the booming of cannon nn- nouueed the beginning ol'the funeral ser vices. The troops which had been told oil fur duty nt daybreak took their positions promptly, but the thoroughfares were wno, wtien tney liu anive, were es corted by the Metropolitan and bis at tendants to places nt the loor rf the cot fin which was slightly raised nt the head i with tnc loot towards the altar. Close to the altar was a platlorm wideeiKnigh to accommodate most of the principal mourners. The wlm'c dais was covered with h canopy. The religious service oyer the body of the dead limperor was .... prooaolv tlie m modem times isl magnificent ol any in hi its external aspect lai exceeding ta beaut v and grandeur the extreme. The sin rounding were sub-1 dued in color, but they weieol thai u da character which greatly enhanced the splendor ol the whole scene. The cream ol royalty and the nubility ol the empire assisted at the service, and princes of the blood, prelates ol 'the oi tin dox church, no blemen, representatives ol loieign sovei- eigns and piinecs, lortign ihpl imats and other distinguished peisoimgcs joini d in !!!Li:",,!,",lU r!. , to, ludVn' A m.vumuck.vv l'l.TKltMUl'lUi. fji iviuae ui me soul ol llie UCiUl. At the conclusion of the religious cere-1 1J,S- B'-,ni!' Carman, resident phvsi monies the Czar slenped I'or .vanl to the H "' municipal hospital, nnd Drs cotliu, kiss:d the hps of the dead Iim- '-rcesc ami N. assot the Ot-i ii..u: hos lieror. the other memliers of the iinivri.-.l family i ml those Iioii;m bv lies of blood or in irriajo lollowing, the I'zir stand, i h, ot thl' tl all the I farewells were over. When the .-oil'.,, was closed, the grand dukes lifted it to their shoulders and bore it to the trance ol the imperial vault whi.liopcued in the pavement and, n moment l.ittr, tl.c mortal remains of Alexander 111. were lowered into the resting place his imperial ancestors. Vt, v.... .u . ....-. ..r '"-s in this city started a siibscrii.lion a day or two ngo to purchase n silvor vc.-ira iir-ti eight months, was ui wreath to be placed on the bier of the jcvt-d. By November 5, three days alter it..-, . I r,., a-1, c,,i,.-..-i.., i.. the iuioetion. the child's condition re- , , , , , , ., r-- "ad douulul their college Itcs. The nllair came lo tl... Umi.vl.-.l,... ,.i' .l. . Iiulk, who arrested 2J0 students. Most of those arrested are friends cf the stud ents who were recently expelled Irom the university f ir not paying their college assessments TIIK sIMil.K c;ol.l T.MAi:i. It K lli llov. il That (he 1'iv.lih ut Will Take a rirni Miiiul In l uvoi' ol' It . Washington, Nov. 10. There is good reason to believe that the President in his foithcoming message to Congnss will take a firm stand in favor ol the sii -gle gold standard. IL- will not take n step in the direction of free silver oii ogc, but will cn lorn' the single gold standard about us forcibly as it is possi ble for todo. Tiiedirectorol the mint is preparing his annual report, and will uevoic tuc larger part ul it to a history 1,1 lne UM of Rld for u standard ol value "uumivci) r ui us responsive ness to the demands ot the uconlc for u circulating medium. It is understood that the Picsideut will use the data col lected bv the director ns a basis for some ot his remarks on the wisdom ol sel eting ; gom lor trestnnnnrn ot vnlur. it nus , been biiiii iiini uic i resiocill win reeoin- l. l It :.I . i mend the ndoption of whnt is known ns the Baltimore currency plan. This, ac cording to one ot the President's advis ers, is putting the matter a little ton strong, This gentleman suvs that the President will endorse pint of tiie Haiti-1 more plan, lint will not advocate it in it cu'irctv. N. Y. Sun. j TIIK ( ()N11( TOlt MlilH.I). IS'j., 011(1 Awiii'ded iih lliiiiiaui'is I'm' lir ln Ilc-Tinliu il. Imiunai', Nov. 19 Charles A, Russ, n commercial traveler, Iia9 been awarded $25,1)00 by a jury in the Icdernl court lor damages sustained by being put oil' a lill'crionvilk. Madison and In- j dinnupolis truiu at Jelfcrsunvillc. He had a thousand-mile ticket which the conductor refused to accept and had , to wnlk back to Louisville, causing him to be exposed to bad weather and result ing in a six weeks' spell of sickness. ! The enmpnnv udinitted the error, but I held that the amount claimed wns ex , e(.ssj,c n,M) that the plaintitT wns 'trying to speculate otT the errors of the conduc tor. . COSDESSED TELEGRAMS. The bilief nt one time expressed thnt Japan would agree to the mediation ol the United States has been displaced bv nn impression that she would continue the wur until China, without resort to nn intermediary, shall directly sue for nn unconditional cessation of hoslilit'us. The ci uiser Cincinnati is ljing in dry dock lit the Brooklyn navy yard because she ran over n submerged obstruction in Long Island sound recently. William Bernhardt, a New Yotk an archist, has been arrested in Brunswick, Germany, for insulting the Prince Regent and inciting class hatred, A horrible story of th" massacre and worse ol perhaps 10,000 Armenians bv Kurds In.a been told to the Britiib for eign office. The Dowager Ducbess of Montrose, known as the "Red Duchess," famous ns the owner of a racing stable, Is dead. TheW. C. T. IT. may censure Mr. Cleveland lor using champagne in chris tening the St. Louii. Twentv-one divorce cases was the rec ord In tbe Supetior court of Augusta, 0t., Saturday, -n '"j j , Colored and full dress tblrti, night robes and Daismas at "Tne Men't Out- tiii:ii:mh itATiciw State l.ifj'f. NEXT ON(il... ' Wliul Will llo tlio lliMiill ol'iho Anici'l lati llt-iiii'tallti.' ( M. I.onlsr -Tlio sonar Ta rill' unit Iho iipili inoiitiil IIIIIm. j Wasiiinuton, Nov. 11). The executive committee of the American bi metallic j congros called a silver conference to be i held at St. Louis, November -'7,nt which I the J'olitieul situation will be fully (lis i cussed and the policy hereafter to be pur sued bv the b iends of free coinage of sil ver will be decided upon. When the Sen ate reconvenes on the first Monday in next month, unless the program mapped out by certain Senators should be r. -arranged, there will probably b: a cl ish on the tarlll question. S nator Harris stated that he intends to push the supplemental tariff bills lor action as soon ns possible after congress convenes) which probably means alter the hid day recess). This is in accord with the statem uts he made on the floor of the senate ut the time when ti c so called "pop gun" tariff bills were referred to the finance committee. The bills re lating to free iron ore, coal and h.ijbod wnc came committee back from the finance practically ns they went there, hut the sugar on the free list bill placing win p'geoncd holed and a substitute wns reported, placing a uniform duty of 10 per cent. on all sugars, thereby doing away witli tbc differential one-eighth duty that op- crates to the advantage of the refiner and the discriminate one-tenth duty Hint operates ag.iinst the German ex porter. Demo.'ratie S.-nntors nut among those classed as "conservatives" express doubts as to the desirability of attempt ing to p iss.viy of the tin ilT bills now on the Senate calendar ut the next ses iop. Tin: si:v ihimi iiikkia c nti:. ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I lil'pOI'l ul' (ho I'iM' ii-o Teoait il KtM'i'iill.v In St. Louis. PliM.Mii i.i'iiiA, Nov. 111. A clinical re pot lot live cases of diplithrri.i treated with am itoxiu, or dip'uheriue, the new cure lor that dis..r-c, i published in this Wei k'.s i .sae of I ho Mi dieal Vewfl. In. i-clions wire- m ole in the incenec of I'ltal Aiterwanl Ur. Louis risclicr ol Sew V'ok v, sited the luspitiil and in- Kcltd three adililioiini patients in the I'reseuce oi s verai pnys'.aar.s. I lie lirst uau nt, a child two ami a e.ais oil, h ,d been ill a little longer ui-!th'"' ll"vh wllul admitted. Ten c"'"c centimeters ol the antitoxin were '"iettcl on tlic day ot admission. The i cl,,l(l Imgired until List Saturday, 10 's from the day ot admission, when I death occurred. Ten moiiil.'s aflcr the lirst babv was tri'""'' 'li-' second case, u little girl, aged The third case, that of a thirteen-year-old colored child, was admitted on Nov. 3, having been ill lour dais. The treat ment in ibis case was successful, and in that of the toiinh and lillh cases, chil dren of live and ii.;ht respectively. In the cacs ol the two latter the exhaus tion was not so great as before the injec tions and the cluldicn continued to take nourishment nail to rest well. It seems to be the general impression that the new cure lor diptheriaissucccss lii!. N V. Sun. IIAMUTs I oii.i:i. I 111' Kimlnocr Hid Not Stop When Tlioy -lnnlU'd. Vicksih ui;, Miss., Nov. 10. As the Yazm and Mississippi Valley express train was leaving I'aiilberburg station, 00 mile s north of this city nt 11 o'clock Saturday night, three white men sig nalled the train to stop, using the switch light for the purpose. Ivnginccr Ilclmcr, suspecting something wrong, kept un at about 15 miles un hour. The robbers seeing that he was not stopping poured a volley of pistol shots into the cab and train as they passed them. I irem, in George Cole received a ,U s, .,, , u.ft ., llIlU another si11)t .,rZlll ilia 1,,,nll, " ! A Novil by Mrs. C . Y. llcali-. j Messrs. Henry Holt S: Co.ol New York announce that they hav: in print and ! ready for immediate publication "Jack ! (I'D ion, n novel by Marin llenlc" Mrs. ,- n '..- j-.i.J ti, i,vi,, ,,rnViikcd a hot discussion among profes sional readers, was accepted on Mr. Holt's own reading. Willi liCI'M' tiolim sunt ll, WiiiiiisniCK, Ya., Nov, IS. The wild kgeise, tliosc unerring liaruingers ot np- I pronclung winter, have been seen South in large numbers lately. ' Ariollier Mill lti-Miines. F.m.i. Rtvi-R, Mass , No. IS The An awaga mill resume I operation today i after n shut down of seven months. i - 7.V run Oil) MIRTH STATU. Charlotte News: Day and night the wbeilsol the cotton mills of Charlotte ate lo run, ceasing only during the Sun day hours. This means u double force ol hands for each null, and conseipiintlv n doubling 1 1' the weekly payroll. The Victor Mills now pays out in wnges$33. 000 niinually. Its payroll hereafter will be $05,000 nniiiinllv. Tbe Charlotte Cotton Mills ( Dates Brothers) has been running dav nnd night regularly, and now all the other mills lire nrrnnging for continuous dcy nnd night work. The Victor will begin night work withiu a week, and the other mills will fall into hue ns soon ns they can get the necessary force of bunds. Governor Cnrr oilers $100 reward for Charles Walton, the negro who mur dered Inmea Hrvuti. colored, in a liar room here on the evening of November 3. It is reported by tliebhcrilt tliut wui ton has lied the State. The most earnest efforts nre to be iniule to secure n great reduction ot the cotton ncrenge in this State, Those in terested in bringing this about sny they are more hopeful of success than ever be fore. The Supreme court has affirmed the ruling of the lower court at Raleigh in the suit of W. S. Barnes against Con grrssman Crawford. The lower court tustained Mr. Crawford's demurer. .-The managers of tbe colored State fair appear to be quite well pleated at its tuccest. -j ' Scrlven's drawers, half hose in woot merino and cotton at the Mcn't Outfit ter, Hotel UerkcstT. --. CARD r iii:n and doysj I have aliout 1000 pairs of men's and boys' slioes on hand. I have too many, too much money Invested In my suue biock. ror a anon umc a K oft'er every pair at cut rate prices, k v Trices cut from 6JJ per cent, to JjH Tl icrccnt. ou eutirr stock. A great Fj opportunity. Will you take adrau tnKeofll? It remains for you to say. You will find it exactly as advertised. THF. HEIt OVTFITTEI J8 PATTON AVKNDB. We have put in our show win dow some "odds and endt" in Pocket Books & Parses They are nil first qunlitygooda, but being ouly a few of a ttyle left, we have reduced the prices ONIJ HALF. $1.00 book for 50c, 73c. books for 35c; 50c. books for 25c. 25c.; purses for 10c. Come quick, for the are going last ut these prices. RAYSOR & SMITH, A9HKVILLB, NYC. ANY OXK CAN The niarvcllousehenpncssof those French Briar Pipes with amber Mouthpieces at shown in our window. At ordinary prices they sell nt $1.75 to $3.00 each. 1 bought four dozen, a job lot, to at to sell at less than usual wholesale coat. My customers get the benefit sale com mences Wednesday, November 21, at 10 a. m when choice ol these fine pipes can be had for $1.25, not before. The chance of a lifetime. Those nail trimmers are a necessity the price is reasonable just 75c 50 less than you are used to paying. One cent buys a paper of good pint here. Magic purses can't be opened by one not in the secret worth the price, 25c, without patent fastener throw that in. livery one can afford a 15c buggy whip others 20, 25, 50 and 75c. RAY S N. Court oquare. "Blue Label" Ketchup CALL ON W. A. LATIMER, NO. 16 N. COURT SQUARK, Anil rtuy n lkittle of The Finest Ketchup On The Market. 'B. H. Cosby, Successor To C. Cowan JEWELER. 1 , All Watches At GreatU 2 Reduced Prices. 1 7 ration Ave. . . . . AaarrtOt, tVC" ,11131,'. .r;..rv;K.V'r:V-'-''. ." :.. " "'. &yh uimr a, '. Hi- ,iI ' i i ' ' i''-ffc .siutJto...'.;. J-a;tsjiSsMi'; I ;?x M ' :;.i;:r ;)H.. fyf a v) '