THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Tuesday Evening, November ao, 1894. ABOUT THE RAILROAD. A Schedule That Dotxtu't Connect- L'loae Connection For Points West, Tbeeastbound passenger train on tic main lint wn late yesterday, and the tick will .be kept np. probablv, until a chanKe of schedule is made somewhere. Br tome inexplicable movement outhii railroad checkerboard the train is 1 scheduled to leave faint KiKk la turn oUs before the train turn Tennessee arrives. Of course the connection tnnsi be made, so the train is held. A complaint has already been hleit with The Citizen because of there being no eating stations bctwtea Salisbury and Knoxville. What the patsengr gets he most eat on the fly. It's a long time between eats. A uoubltdnily passenger srrvice began operation over the line between Morris- town and Paint Rock Sunday, hut ore, of the trains does not connect with any- j tlBy changes ol schedule on the w stern ! system passengers from North Carolina nninta make dote connection nt Knox- yille. for Chattanooga and Memphis. Coming this way, too, there is close con- nection. The latest Southern railway map has one thing of significance tbatmav not be generally noticed. In the old days these maps gave tbe Norfolk and Western 11 moderately heavy I lack line. This latest map, however, put the N. & W. down to 1 tbe smallnrss of a hair line. This is i taken as another significant link in the chain ot facts omitting to tbe diverting of the Southern's business by way ol There are 1")2 gucs'.s at Battery Park Asheville ultimately. j hotel. The gicatest number of persoi s The Chattanooga Times says: "The accommouutcd at nny previous corres Norfolk and Western has all along puuriing dute was 60. The figures show reveled in theet jovment of the truthcj going north oyer the old bast Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia road, but now ! that the latter has become the properly i of the Southern, which can ship it freight by way of Asheville to the North ; over the old Richmond and D mville ! branch, it is easy to see that the Norfolk ' and Western might will be looking out for a link wiih tbe South that It Call I claim its own." A LV THE RAN MISSION. Itev, Prof. L. E. llusby Called ny C'ongretfatlon at Asheville. A I..... a mx l?..v rip P W, ., . . . ,,,. . f b. Ptschau. nt that t me pastor of the , i,utntran cnurcn m niimingiou, vumcu tbis city and found a nurubcrol mcmbcis of the Lutheran taith here. He held ser vices with them, mid secured a ntidius of a lutid tor the purpose of purchasing a lot und erecting a church building. Ser vices since that time have been luld at irregular intervals in a rented bnll. The membership now realize that more tig-1 gressive effort must be made looking to permanent organization and erection ol : "Z. 1 "a TJ1. : I1 IZ V. , lA.VU.".. Ul'otu . u.iaU..B .... L. li. Busbv visited the mission rceentlv and steps have been taken to secure his services as pastor ol tbe congregation, j He will likely begin the work very s inn j Sneaking of the new pastor the Lutheran Viaitor .1 recent Hate has the followim?: "Key. l rol. L. Ii. Ilusuy has oeeti pas tor of the same cburches 10 years, and has done a work which is highly credita ble to himsell and worthy ot all com men dation. Sixteen years ago be located at Lecsville, S. C. Not choosing to go ile where to build on another man's founda tion, he locates here where the presence and the ability of the strong man (ire necessary to thc planting and develop ment ot the pure truth ol God's word, and time has fully demonstrated, both his wisdom and his power as a leader ot the people. In the year of his minUtry there, huudieds have had a new interest in education infused into their minds, marly 300 infants have been given to God in the sacrament of baptism and about bOO members have been added to bring the hist to send in to The Citizen thc church not to speak of souls ad- office calendars for 1833. Tbe calendars vanccd to higher degrees of religious ! aie pretty in design and have been put knowledge and lite, and of the streams j in position, so that Father Time's movr ol holy influence which have gone out to I meats next year will be kept up with manyotneis. rroi. uusov is not omy .u- c u.. ,1... C...l. umi.l IIICU1IISV uirutunsiu lilt ai'inii . r.i; i t.., .,!.. ,i, . , ,' any pulpit man in thc American Luth. rh.i.i.. " crnn inu 111. NI'EAKINU l'EHSONAI.LV. ... , ,, rr; - . ... . I lii-itiitolltiirM f,r t l,i r iitnlflir fitlll f .olllir w- " of the People. S. C. Oghurn is at tbe Swaunatmn from Wiunton. John Kerr and wife of New York are at the Hotel Ucrkcley. A. E. Deaver left today for Moons- boro, Cleveland county. J, W. Pettingill of Louisville is auto- graphed at the Asheville hotel, W. P. rinrk nnrl fnmilv are in the citv for the winter Irom Svrucuse. N. Y. t. M. llohlitol Lincoiu. ill ,i m tiie my v.Miing uisaiBicr, mil, . oi-i-ni. Bill Nye is in from Puck Shoals and wusoneol 1 HE t-lTIZEN 8 caacrs looay. Miss Lucy Mitchell left today for a visit to her old home, Johnson City, Tenn. F. C. Hui t of Knoxville and L. P. Er win of Kutherfordton are guests of the Hotel Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Senvey, late of the Ponce de I -eon at St. Augustine, are at the Buttery Park. Mrs. and Miss Pilonzf, who have been visiting Vrs. Davidson, have returned to their borne in Richmond, Vj. Mrs. N. E. Fulkeison of Rogersvillr, Tenn., who has been nt tbe bedside ot her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Blair, left yes terday lor her home, j State Senntor-elect Aaron Y. Sigmon of Hickory came up to Asheville yrster-' day. He is on a business trip and will , be in this vicinity several days. Mrs. Wash. L. Jacques and Miss latqiies, tbe wife and daughter ol Wash. L. Jacques, proprietor of the Murray Hill hotel, New York, are guests at But tery Park. FRENCH HllOAD'S NEW PASTOR. Rev. J. II. Rett Impresses Ills Con BTCuntlon Very Favorably. The congregation of tbe French Broad Baptist church is exceedingly well pleased with its new pastor, Rev. , D. Uctta. who arrived Saturday from Richmond, Va. Mr, Bttls preached Sunday mom. tag on the subject "Our Home in Heav- , to," and Sunday evening on "The Power of Prayer." Tbe sermons were very able ones and created a most favorable im pression on those whet beard. At the evening service Mr. Betts sang a solo, "Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters," in ' the rendition of which beshowtd that he is a good a singer as he it a preacher. . It it predicted that be will do a great . work in hit new field. The prayer meeting of the French Broad church it to be held tomorrow evening and all member! arc asked to at . tend. The dracon't meeting will te held Friday evening. Thirty-Two Drought In. ..: Thirty-two of tbe county't convic s were broaght in yesterday and quartered - tween lac eit limits and Biltmore. The road-making machinery it about all up , and it it probable that active work on ; the road will begin tomorrow. " . ...... A. Wis CoDOloalon, y He miased hit train, 1 heard him cr y That Rail way Agent lied. Thia very day I II go and buy . :- i laaa-ymai t un oe." 'I ". 'i-. M " ' Tf l t e4a.ete.. will be Nov. 20 and ILLr j. Tbraah's. . 1- S U trraaa opeaieff at tne vrya, tJ t m, Nor. 80 ed 21, 41 Puttoa simjf.v -" ' -."'r-.".":.,sk ,:"'!; AROUND TOWN j Washington. A'or 20 Forecast till S IS'""' S0U'" ; j C. E. Graham is getting on today ' wtllaacoold be tiptctcd. Bv order of the market committee Cer.. tral mnrkct will hereafter be doted Sat unlay flights at 9.30. Mnj. V. V. Rollins is bick from the Madison tobacco sections and says he never saw the leaf dryer than it is in the barns uow. I'rvf. J.M.E. UhII will organize fencing ilasses (or Indies and gcutltinen Thurs duv at 4:30 p. m. and at the same time Uive an exhibition. I. Wilev Shook wants a share in tbe divide which lulls to the lots of tusionists early next year, and is a taudidate for the position o( Stute printer. ,Lou,is U Mi-Caw, formcrlv with B. S. ??lth11,?'? accepted a ptisilion with J"h" K' 'l ks. ' the lk- ,iult pharmacy, I rust Court I'Lice and College stiect. A sister of the oulv Democratic Con gressman ikrt'd iriin Ciililornia is stat ing ut Mrs. McAfee's on College street. She is Miss Mary Mnguire ol Sau Frat cisco. The Chii-ngo Mining Kivltwof Novcm Ikt IS I1.18 u p ige article on Western North Ciuohiiu und the Sjutbcrn rail way, with illustrations of scenes ulong l be Swanuunoa. a rcmurkable incieasc in the number of visitors in A-bcville. , , . ... . . T.l,e B.nrnardsvillc linns says that a Pennon is being circulated asking tbe l're"l5nt lo n lease John Llewellyn Irom tbe Albany penitentiary. LUiwdlyn was K" l Iw pen I'-r his part 111 the killing "-. i'l y Ainrsuai BrocKns. Tho nlii,.f.ti . f llip I L-witm mion. ! zinc will lie eotuii.tHd in Asheville, an isue (ippcruing for December. Volume I time will litem in lunuary and be issued 1 monthly through l.VJo It will lw edited ! by Ti.laiun K. Gaitus, its founder. ltnyee & Burton's business has caused them to seek larjicr oil trters and they t()(1(lv ,C(15C(, thc bJllUi on Plltto avenue tor several ears occupied bv r. P. Mimnnugh. Thev eipect to go in'o their ucw store by the first of au uary, Uncle Picas Israel came in today to see if The Citizen was getting on as usual alter 1 lie recent sbt.ilU'. He felt sure Lei- i cester would do better than she did, Lut acc. pts the turpiiscs ol election nuv Phil osophieallv aial will bring in 8 .me extra satupus ol com. The business ol ti e Asheville TransU , , I L l , I t.riitiun, ii. in mill ui v iitiii.,i u v IICIUCU C. Allen. E, ll. Keeling und R. l Foster, and will hcrtak' r be under the manage merit ol Mr. A.l.'ii, Hie business will continue nt the oi l stand, 38 Cullrge ! s,m;l' u,1Jir l Iirm "' The last quarterly conference of thc year tor Kiverstilc A, k. church, south was held yestt rday by Presiding Elder Byrd. Reports in nil branches of the church s work showed a progressive con dition, and every church assessment, ex cept Pastor K ibtrts' salary, paid in full. Yesterday Fred Proctor, colored, was lielore Justice I-rank Carter charged with disorderly conduct and an assault upon Pearl Buzzard. Proctor was sentenced to 10 days on thc roads, with costs, but lpon bis threatening a witness in court the sentence was changed to 30 days and costs, Aston, Ra wis .V Co., the South Main ' insurance agents, have the distinction of ; just as tuey nave Ibis year. ! ,, . ... . , . The Houston, Ga Home Journal ol Noyember 15 savs: "Mr. jno. W.t.uthr.e i "m' lmilv will have Huuton today for ' r...u i- -,'i : . I .vim v-iiroiiiui, iiievniu maae lucir i home near Asheville, and their friends i line wish for them a lull m-.'asure of tap. ........ V ; tnrcss nil 1 nrn.ofi ir v Me liiifl.rif. la sonii-l.nv of I)r. A. S. YYhitnker of Hiltmore. The Sollcltorliip. R. S. McCnll has received a telegram i from Thus. R. Purnell of R ileigh which ' savs the figures lately given out as to the election of McCnll for solicitor over (ones, are probably correct. Thc offkiul returns are sealed, ard the exact vote cannot be learned until the meeting of " ; the Slate canvassing bourd on the 29th it jss iid that Mr. Jones now concedes me election ot Ins opponent, The Franklin Press says on the subj jcci : 'Aenrdlmm lion. K. lilias to A, S. Urvsun.ticnvid Mondav night, states that Geo. A lotus was dclrated for so licitor by 212 votes." The U. Y. 1'. I'. Entertalus. Tuc Young People's union of the First Baptist church will entertain members and friends this evening at the church, beginning ut 7:30. The program will be especially interesting. Everyone is cordially invited. L. 11. Wright will con duet thc devotional exercises, after wbicb thc s jcial leatures will be enjoyed. Driven Iusaue by "Jokes.. Malvers, Ark., Nov. 19. M. Mos cow itz of Hot Springs, well known in commrrciul circles, was made tbe victim of a nunihcr of rough practical joktsbv some drummers here recently, aud he re turned to Hot Springs Monday a hope less lUUUlUC. NcIhoii Morris Gives Roll, I mc ago, Nov. 20. Nelson Morris, the packer, under indictment for violating thc interstate commerce taw, gave bail m the mm nt $10,000 in the United Suites court today. Morris returned Irom buroi c Inst night. Here is what Peter Cooper, who lived to lie over DO ye.trs old and died worth many millions, said of a newspaper: In ull towns where a newspaper is published every man snoinu advertise in it, it notb nig more than a card stating bis name ami the busims-i he is in. It not only puvs the ADVEHTISER, but it lets the people nt a distance know tbut tbe town in w hkb you reside it a prosperous community oi nusiness men. As the seed is sown so the seed recompenses. Never pull down your sign while yon expert to ao Dusinest, W'c have made arrangements by which we can furnish Tub Semi- WeeklyCitizen und the twicc-a-weck New York World all for only $1.50 a year, Hire is the opportunity ti get your own paper and the New Yotk World twice every week at extraordinarily low rates, Ot tiers received daily, and delivered to any part of the city irom 45: to 60c per quart, rneo oysters per dot.. 35c. Deviled crabs $1, Special reduction in large quantities. 47 Patton avenue. Colored and full drcsa shirts, night robes and paj imas at "The Mcn'a Out fitter," Hotel B-rkelev. City Ticket Aent D..r.,y announce. that round trip tickets for the North Carolina conference of tbeM. E. church, South, at Durham, will be on tale Dec. 4-0, limit Dec. 14, lor $9.80. Slits made to order for $12.60 an. pants for $3 00 np, fit guaranteed, at thc Men's Qnlfittcr, Hotel Bcrachyy t ; - ; Oo voa traveir Ant oj ' a r M Tht-fiarV r C- TBB MARKETS. NIW YORK Nkw York, Kov. to. Cottoa futures opened barely steady : Norember, 5.50; December. 5.5s; January, S4i, February, s.51; lurch, Mr, April, ay j.-. STOCK QUOTATIONS. Nuw Yoaa, Nov. mKrie, ijH; Chicago and North wettera, wotf; Lake Shore, 115; Norfolk nd Wnttn. iiV Rlchraosd sad Ml Terminal. tt: Westers Oaton, S7H; Southern, iK; Southern Preferred. 16X. CHICAOa Chicago, Nov. so. Wheat, Nov., ; Dee, S5X; May. j Corn. Nov, joSs; Pork, Jan., liaj; Lard. Jan., J.07H; Ribs, Jan., 6 uH. 4SHBVIU.B. OorTflM dallv hv Powell A Snider, wholesale and retail grocers. These price are being paid oy in mercoanu 01 tne city loaay : Butter. Kgfra. Chicken. . sj' Apples isJApples, dried .1.5091.50 3M Turkeys............ 750115 Sorghum lj Ducks ius 10 Beeswax, per id. Potatoes, sweet 60 Honey 10 Potatoes trun... 10 to 50 Wheat of Turnips.... ...JWo Corn unions . 75 Meal Cabbage, per lb. Data 40 Beans, per bu.7wiix Rye 05 Hav. Her ton 17 os reus Chestnuts ICelery, per doa...ij40 E & W. Kaiser brand imported collars and cufls at "Tbe Men's Outfitter," Hotel Berkeley. Scriren's drawers, half hose in wool merino and cotton at tbe Men's Outfit, ter, Hotel Berkeley. INUXX TO NBW ADVERTISEMENTS. ripe Sale Ray's To Loan R CotTin Wanted Mrs I Hound J S Fullam Wanted 8 N M'ln St otice Checker Players Cork Role Shoes-ltitchelt Notice Market Committee tiood Bread Krench Bakery For Rent Natl Atkinson ft Son Change of Management Asheville Trsnsler Co Snecial Fate Baltimore Clothini Shoe a Drv Goods Co DANCING lessons giten by the MISSES COFFIN, dot At 31 Haywood St. IAMB to my house Saturday, a large red J cow. I. 6. FULLAM. dit Pine St. 1VANTBD. Boarders for three choice rooms. v v southern exposure, u-xxltf MRS. LKK, No. j6 Flint St, to lead, secured by improved real estate Sf' in Asneviuc. K. COFFIN. u-iodjt Si Haywood Street. THE city market will hereafter be closed on Saturday! at a: TO D. m. Bv order Saturdays at i v II-XM3I MARKET COMMITTKB. W ANT P. D Table boarders, upstairs over Coopers. No. s North Main St. Good fare and terms reasonable. ti-aodiw IVroTICR All interested In the formation of a chess and checker club, are requeated to meet in Hotel Berkeley Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. n-sodit FOR RENT WITH BOARD Two nicely fur nished rooms with excellent table. Hot wa- nished rooms with excellent table. Hot wa- ter heat. Location unexcelled. ApdIv to ll-iodiw NATT ATKINSON Si SON. IVKRVBODYhaatoeat bread to have good J healih-and it takes good bread at that. That bread cau be found always at the FRENCH BAKERY, Si College St. MRS. LA'IRA MY WBSTALI.. a church singer of eiperieuce, and a member of the New York Oratorio Society, will take a limited number of pupils in singing. Address u-ipUf p. o. BOX Jj8. A Great many visiting Aihevitle want to save aa much as they can, and at the same time have a p ea&ant, comfortable home. "A, dollar taved ia a dollar made " You can be accommo dated at f J4.00 per month. Best of references given. , D. B , si-idtf Care Citisen. I WILL organise night and day classes in fencing, for ladies and gentlemen, and give a sword exhibition Thursday afternoon from 4:30 to 5 jo. All interested are invited. J. M. B. HALL. Teacher of Fencing and Languages, No. 3s Pat' ton Ave. Telephone No. 40. Asheville Coal Co. n-aodjt VTOTiCR The 6rnl of Cowan Doggett is I v this dav dissolved bv mutual consent. Tne interest of M. w. Dogiett having been ci chared by R. S. Lipscomb, the business will be conducted under the firm name of J K. Cowan 10. a 11 iwieoicaneM 01 uowan s uoggeu will be assumed bv I. K. Cowan & Co. Novem ber i;th, 1S94. n-i9diw MORTGAGEE'S SALE By virtue of the nower and authority con lerredbv a convex. ance Irom W. O. Muller and wife to the late Re- becca Baird. dated J6lh dav of Mav. iss7. and re corded in book 10, page 3S4. Rdglster's office of Buncombe county, I will offer for sale, for cash, at public auction, at the court house door in the cily oi -tsheville on Daturday, the 15th day of December next, the following described land and premises : bituate in the city of Asheville, on tne west side 01 cnariotte street, adjoining lots of W. R. Young. 8, H. Reed and others, it being the tot upon which said sf uller now lives, and for a more particular description, of which rcicrcncc is uiauc 10 mia aeca. novemoer loin 1894. THKO. F. DAVIDSON 1 1-ikM raon Ex'r of Rebecca Baird. TRUSTERS' SALE By virtue of the power A vested in me in a deed in trust executed to mebyThos. L. Lealherwood, dated lith Sept., iSa j, to secure the payment of a note desctiberi tnereiT aaia trust need rtcing tiutv registered In the Register's office of Buncombe county in bonk No, is snd pasre 30701 mortcstres aud deed in trust records of Buncombe county, I will offer for sale at public aurtion at the court house door in Asnevuie lor casn tome nighest bidder, on the 30th day of November, 1694 the property des cribed in said trust deed, said property beina situated on east side of Gudger stre.t In the citv of Asheville containin&T about one and on. fourth acres with a froutage on Gudger atreet of 34B leet; no improvements, uct. 30, 1H94. A. T. SUM M BY, io-3od4t-tues Trustee. NOTICE Superior Court, Buncombe county. Matilda C. Rmbler vs. Elma Hawkins, et. al. Notice The defendant, M. B. Rmbler, will take no tice that a suecial proceedina- entitled aa ahnw has been commenced in the Superior court of nuneomDe couniy lor ine purpose ol Having dnwer in the Isnda of the late John Rmbler. al lotted to his widow, Matilda C. Kmbler, and the mid M. B. Bmbler will further take notice that he is required to be and appear before the Hu perior court of said county, at the court house in Asheville, on Monday, the 3rd day of Decem ber next, and answer or demur to the petition which has been filed in this nroceedinv nr tt, petitioner will apply to the court for the relief uemanaca uiercin. j nis uexoner . 1S94. J. L CATHBY, Clerk Superior Court. Per I. McD, Whltson, D. C. 10 s.tdot lues NOTICE Trustee's Sale By virtue of the power of sale vested in the undersigned as trustee by a certain deed of trust executed by H. C. Long on the 14th day of December, 1891, for the purpose of securing the debt therein des cribed, which deed of trust haa been duly re corded in the office of the Register of Deds of ouncoinuff coudiv in uoox no. 37 01 tne records of mortgages and deeds o' trust at pages 380 et. acq., to which reference is hereby made, and de fault having been made in the payment ol aaid debt, at the requestor the cestui que trust named in said deed of trust, the undersigned will sell for raah to the highest bidder at public auction at the court house door in Asheville on Friday, the 7th day of December, 1844, at 1 o'clock noon, the land and premises in said deed of trust con veyed and described, situated on the west aide of Depot atreet in the westers part ol the city of Asheville, adjoining the lands of Trapler snd others, beginning at a stags In the western margin of Depot street at Trapier'a southeast corner, and thence running with the said mar gin of said street south 31053' west fifty feet to a lake: thence south 65 50' west one hundred and sixty three and five-tenths feet to a stake; thence north 31 $1' west seventy feet to a stake, Trap ier'a southwest corner; thence with Traplers line south att H eaat one hundred and alaMv. one feet to the beginnlug, and for a more com plete uescnption 01 wmcn reference is hereby msdeto the above mentioned records of the Register of Deeds of Buncombe county; this sale being made for the satisfaction of all c-xnenaea nd Interest and the debt above referred to. This November Jth, 1894 L P. M'LOCD, II-7UM Trustee. NOTICB-Trustee's Bate-By virtue of the power ol sale vested in the ndmia-al aa "r - muira iHrm ol Iran CXCCUICG oy Amos Boon and his wife, Mexico Boone, on the soth day of February, 1891, for the purpose of se curing the debt therein described, sad which deed of trust la recorded in the office of the Register of deeds of Buncombe county ia book No. S3 of records of deeds of trust tad snort- gages, pages 005 el. acq., to which rertreact laTiereby made sad default having been mad ia the savment sf tha hwT auu at therequest of the cestui que treat saav-d la said deed of trust, the undersigned will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction at the no-jar ooor IB aanevillt OS FrUaSV, IBM) Tlh day of December, 1894. at 13 o'clock norm, lbs land and nremlaea In aaM AA nl . j and described, situated on Mm West stat of 1. JtltSM i:.r,Jz.,.',.F,m" immiB aegiaaiag earaer or I. at. Campbell's lot, aad taeaca raas srith the westeramarglaefaald street soath tight de ireca aad thtrtvleht salaataa aus asiS s. asUke; theaee soath etghtroaa degress sad tw.aty.two aUaates west oaw haadied aad slulcet theaca with said alaioi la s aanswra dT nu awaiiiaiBa wver any sasa aa a ttaaa watch gwPsa ah Zm ."K2 a. - ts- 4 r- fc r 1 . THE Republicans have kicked a goal, but- it matters not which party is in while we can and are selling Carpets, Furniture, etc , at such low prices. W. B. Williamso.. & Co., 16 Patton Ave. The Whitlock 40 SOUTH MAIN STREET. LONG ULSTERS FOR MEN Just Received a New Addition to Ouf Week in Our Stook. Than ever. Now it your best time to get winter snits. Heavy underwear, gloves, wool hosiery, and every kind warm clothing ready to wear. We invite you to examine oar atock before baying elsewkrre. No tremble to show goods. THE WHITLOCK MO. 46 OCTH THE LADIES' DOUBLE CAPES - IN Black, Blue, Brown and Tan IN BETTER G00D3 FftOM $7.50 TO $20.00. Have just arrived. Still a few Capes. No o Jd prices to catch the unwary, but first class goods at a uniform low price. a new lot. BON MARCH E, 37 South Main St. A BRAND Groceries Ss Not s pound or package of old goods ia the house, all bought St blest lowest prices. Also Tall stock ol , FEE3ID . Is Connection, storage Room at 67 N. Mala snd 39 8. Main sts. C. . COOPER, Tr LEPBOHB 7 Old Hickory. Wagons. J. E, DICKERSON & GO. X ffj Studebaker Wagons, Kindling Wood, Hard and Soft Goal, Store Wood aad Coke. Agent tor He Borne ScsrlsglachlDea. Rustic tests, Easels aad Frames Made of North Carolina Woods, C. E. MOODY, ' REVELL tapta) anal real-si Ursx Red Soapper, Speckled i.w'L'!!''!-..'1 if1 ,".?"B weelved dally. Mackinac Treat and Whttt Pish direct from Michigan aahtrmea, aad Uvt Lobsters every Thursday. Outers sad Scollops dally. . J. F. MILLER. Now it the tlaie to place ;our order for winter supplr. It takes a rich Man to draw check, a pretty girl to draw attention, a toper to draw a cork, a platter to draw a blister, a Jwrae to draw a bag 7, bat we are tbe onet to draw tbe trade by tbe wperfine quality of onr fellieo Coat, Coke aad Anthracite. Carolina Coal Co O A L TrisaboM No. tja. I hy Jest mdTed.'Mdiai rzX ictn err:?, T-i tJ Clothing House, AND OVERCOATS AND B0Y8 All Slice. From the Chespest to the Best Is Larger CLOTHING HOUSE, MUM ITKBBT. - left of the 93.00 aud f 5.00 Drees Goods first clans and Asheville, N. C. NEW STOCK OPJ -s Provisions. J9 . MAIN BT, No. so N. Court Square, fsrsscy arrocsrlea, araa attd cow Mock mt tMltl. All cooda f rcab ffsiaraBiMtl o m. maim sir, Sea Troot, Bine Fish TAU, IS, CITT MAatKBT. OsVt sj Psttoa Ave, c& it bretlr Yednoed wic. Axmlnnter. Moanettn. ValTet: Bodv Rrn)., Lzz? fe:t3, YIt: Czzttzi Ctr; I!tt4ngta riow Wl Change of Management The undersigned having bought out the Ashe ville Transfer Co., beg to announce that i will hereafter be managed by Herbert C Allen. We retain the old name and office, 38 College atreet. telephone No. t. We will give STRICT and PROMPT Attention to all orders for baggage, and respect- fully solicit your patronage. HERBERT C ALLEN, B. D. KEELING, R. P. FOSTER. See That Square? If your name were In It, It would be au adver tisement. See the Point ? Now you can't say thaljpersons do not read the advertising columnof Tub Citizen. "AW BOSBST BFFORT TO PLBASB BRINGS ITS OWN RBWAKD." THIS MOTTO HAS BBBN EXEMPLIFIED IS THB CASS OF TBB ASHEVILLE STEAM LAUNDRY WB THANK THB PUBLIC FOX THEIR CBNBBOVS PATRONAGE DURING THB SUMMER. AND Br GOOD WORK AND PROMPT DE LIVERY BOPB TO MERIT A CONTINUANCE OF YOUR TRADE TBIS WINTER. WHY DON'T YOU ECONOMIZE? Try Our WATER PAD. B. WORTBEN . Orniglat, Aston, Bawls & Co., General Insurance Agts, is g-a a. main avr. ire. Life, Accident, gtetin Boiler, Plate Glass, Employers' Liability. Alao.Guarautee Persons in Positions of Trust. THE IMPERIAL - TRIO. JEAN SClIABFEk, Violinist PARIS CONSERVATORY. CHARLES L. SCHABPBB, PUnist, FRANKFORT CONSERVATORY SIDNEY D. TAYLOR, Cellist BRUSSELS CONSERVATORY, Will open a studio at 71 Orange street, Ashe ville. on September the 1st and will now receive application, lor tne following Drancne. : violin, viola, cello, piano, organ, singing, bsrmony. compost tion, Preach snd German languages. Please address KENILWORTH INN. CORTLANDBROSy REAL BBTATB BBOKBRS. INVBST1IBNT AOBNTB NOTARY PUBLIC ' Loaas gaearsly placed at Spar ons. Ofltrta M ft aa Patton Ave., ap stairs ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD If Yoa Mad Anything But Bavaut In The Filler of Our Red Letter Cigar, Ashevlllo Cigar, Go. y3 The Harder The The Better The Quality It gives more heat and its use is practical economy. We ofter this specially hard bituminous coal, which burns to a soft firm ash, in Lump and Domestic Nut sizes at thc same price at which softer coal is sold. Hard coal requires more draft. To obtain intense heat and you will admit its superiority. HARD & SOFT ASHEVILLE ICE & COAL CO , TELF.PBOHB 36 ft 40 DAY BY DAY We all buy groceries, and of rmirw . fv,, THE - NEW SAY I SELL can save money by buying goods from me I fresh snd clean. Your wtronsi? ISKd J. W. HOLLINGSWORTH, toa PATTON AVBNITR. ASHEVILLE WOODWORKINfl CO. Is Now Prepared to Furnish all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Fine Church, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures 8KP FOB AshevHle WoodworkingCo H. Eauffmnn, Supt. Quality not quawtityY NO PKBB GtPTa OP ANY KIWU TO ATTRACT ATTENTION OR DRAW Acme Wine, Liquor House & Wbite Man's Bar What I claim la that J keep the largest stock of rat class a;oods of any house In th State. Anyone us need of nntv unadnlterated llqnora vrlll Und It to their Interest to cal lt"T&lhi 'am' 'n"" 'he leading phraici.n. in the J fin, II. Iongbrivn, Prop. NO. 58 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - ASHEVILLE. N. C. TBLBPHONB CALL 139 POfrTOPPK'R Ut)X H8 OrdcrFrn fitMrcr Woliclird. Hoilne; Packintr Frs? BONANZA WINE AND LIQUOR COMPANY, Nos. 41 and 48 S. Main St., Asheville. WH A I WlWLBtM.B DEPARTMENT. GENTS' 1 J I. PARLOR AND READING ROOM. Beer Vaults and Bottling Department in the Basement Wt Ruptcttttlly Solicit a Saare ot Poor Potronajjf. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. BImlai Eattraatce, No. 4M. 4 Sooth Main Street, Aahcvllle. PURB DOMBSTI0 AND IMPORTED Wines, Liquors, Ales Best Cigars and Tobaccos HEADQUARTERS FOR Cooper Old Corn and Rye Whiskey Prom my Transylvania distillery. No adulteration, PO.Bo.ao8 A-CHAI,VBJRTOW,Prp. ANIOH Episcopal Prayer and Hymnals Of all the best bindings on India paper-bound together, also separately, all the revised editloa. Prices ranging from ajc.lo away up yonder. We will make prices all right. Our motlo s "Sell (or cash only" and st a close msrgin, J. 3ST. MORGAN So O O., COfjatT CARPET Cloths and LlooleDinB. &ajm, Japanece and Fur RuRa, Coal free the grate from ashes. Try COAL & COKE OFFICE , ft J PATTON AVK -i. u. . CUSTOMERS COME EM CHEAPER kn PrvVhW f ". tell your neighbor she tZZ'Z Z& 8"'"' '' feed. TELKPIIONK ji. K8TIMATKH, Telephone, 164. TKADB AT THE My motto Is, "Keep the heat and charge aceordiniily.' .Uy place Is second to oooc la the tate. Telephoae all, Au. tit. and Beers, LjINBI OF aaVAKK. t.v.SM Sli'Vs. f , i

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