- . i Asheville Citizen State ut& 5 ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23, 1894. VOLUME X-XO. 175. PRICE 5 CENTS Daily I SPECIAL MENTION We hnve secured the fm st lot of 10o, OUR FLOUR IS A DAISY A. D. COOPER, GROCERIES COlRT HOISK fryUAUH prunes ever offered on this market. Yc hnve made large purchases of Domestic and Foreign Dried Fruit i Some are here, others to arrive. Prices 1 will astonish you. Goods arc Ivnight f' is on the Ni w York market f .r ci-sh Do You Like Cheese? I It F lt.lt F. SA I I KM OF Mi: A7..S7) i Dried Fruits? in: ha i i: ail kisvs cm., i m '.! i 'A'. I 111). ClIF.. I A 1 HE A I. THY. THE LATEST THING. The Parlor Dome OILj heater. I You cauuot conceive of the splcudor of this Heater except you see it. It surpasses any and all Heaters, not only iu beauty of appearance, I but also iu its heating qualities, power and pur ity ol its (lame. All of cast iron except the oil I reservoir, which is made ol the best quality of sheet steel, (tinned) drawn up instead of being ade in sections and soldered, so that we can guarantee it not to leak. i Canned Fruits? "i. riir. i i ky m:sr so: n at . i. Tin: M.iKKi-.r most every day in the week, and we n-r i rlhiineWrw.,clWe Can Furnish row buying the m cheaper t FOR THAHKSGIVINC We have a specially tine selection, inilii I i norr i I v A' im. 7 ) r . : .v ' A' N ''. Wl. : (il'fl.Vll (VA'l 7-' A' 1 S, mill I'KUi: ASP iKAI.ITY c.r.iAM.vr'. WO DEPARTMENTS The first floor is devoted eutirely to China, glassware, fancy goods, etc., while the basement filled with all the useful house and kitchen thine. We think we have the largest and brut imaged store of the kind in the State. Do not forget the opening days, and come to see aU the new things in China, etc. HAD, W, THRASH & BRO. ins Atrnue's Mince Moat, I'liim Pudding, Cranberries, Grape. PineTpoles. () -anges, Anplcs. new crop Raisins, Pigs, Currants, Citron, etc. We arc selling a Coffee that is a perfect dream, trv i'. New crop Teas are very fine nnd cheap. Canned eooda have never been so che-ar. POWELL & SNIDER ''The White Corner. Baskets! Baskets! Lunch Daskets, Candy Baskets, Work Baskets, Fancy Office Baskets. Many kind of R'hkus which tor one week we shall ofit-r at very low prices, to make room for our lare dip!ay of Ilolidny GoodN, Which will he of larije variety, best ipmlily and the lnweM prie- and will le ready soon nt ESTABROOK'S, 2 South Main St. THE And Those Lovely x DOUGHNUTS i HESTON'S, Grand Opening HOLIDAY GOODS Monday, Nov. 20th. It is rather early lo introduce my line of holiday presents, but to give everybody a chance lo sec where and how Ihey can buy valuable presents for such little money, I will only mention few articles, viz; 85 albums of the very latest de signs, Celluloid hacks, will hold 30 photos, worth fully from J1.50 to $4 00. for $1.75; ;' Albums, IMush aud Celluloid backs, latest styles, worth fully liom $1.00 to $j 75, for $1.25 each, and over 1000 other articles too numerous to meution here. Remember the day, November joth, L. BLOMBERG, 17 PATTON AVBNUB. See That Saure ! One judgment against P. A. Fanning for twenty dollars and eighty cents (10 80-100. Will give liberal discount. Gr. .A. Greer. Oakland Heights Hotel WILL GIVE Reduced Rates Until January 15th, 1895. Parlor Suits. CD CO IW. A NO Blair, 45 Si PATTON AVE. ej AND AI.I. KINDS OF FTRSITPRK. Rock Bottom ton C4.KII OH IMBTAI.I.MF.MT WF.EKI.V CLEARING SALE 0 2 K 2 I o S 3 I. o s 5 Hi irt sr. - cia Oli IS TENNESSEE TI1K DETAILED IIKI.I) ltKTlHNS HACK. STILL Kopuljlli nilH lle-e-eiiuluit Very I neuy About the- Deluv-Moantlnic It Is Not Known t'ertululy 'Vhutlur Evnns or Tnruey Will le tiovcnior. Nashville, Nov. 23. The sentiment which prevails at the capital of the state today In connection with the action of the state officials in refusing to give out, even at this late date, any information as to the vote for govern t, is of the most pronounced sort. On street cor ners, in club rooms nnd in hotel lobbies the officials are subjects of the most caustic conilcmuation. Chattanooga, Tciiu., Nov. .12 Chair man Newel' Sanders, of the Republican State ceimmittec, accompanied by Judge Lewis Shepherd, counsel (or the com mittee, returned last night from Nash ville, to look after their private affairs. Both exorcss belief that the deolorable controversy will terminate in the seat. ing of Governor-elect Evans, though"1' tto,r"e-T"e of cour,e !ntMted . ... .... " lln litre ttrttliat Vtm rnnnt ahm th mnn Sweetest Cakes, . Nicest Cream Puffs Confection ELEPHONE NO 183. they arlmit that this is by no means cer tain. The best citizens of Nashville they sav, arc, regardless of party, operlv con-de-niniug the action of Sicretarv of State Morgnn, and his associate in refusing to announce the tesult ot the election. Thcv point with confidence to the fact that the best ele ment of Democracy throughout the en tire commonwealth is now practtcully I unanimous in the belief that Mr. Kvans has n plurality of the votes cast and ! should therefore be seated as Governor. ! Hut the office holders, they contend, arc I determined to continue the struggle and refuse to announce the result so long as there is a possibility ot creating a con; test in the legislature. "According to law," said Chairman Sanders last nipht, "uny cit'zen has a right to obtain a copy of the returns on payment of the fees. I personally ten dered the officials $100 in cash in pay ment ol fees for a copy of the returns, hut still they were denied me. "A point which the public doesn't seem to grasp in its fullest inclining," continued Mr. Sanders, "is the fact that neillicr the Secretary ol State nor Governor Turney has any right to the returns. In the case of St ite senators nnd represent atives it is different. The speaker of the senate alone acts, so fur ns anv individu al notion is concerned. He announces the result to the legislature. The action of the secretary of state nnd his associates in exercising a control over t hv returns in the election ol governor is unwarranted !v law, and consequently ut jtist and un fair. But peril ips the worst phase of the whole nff'iir is the secrecy, Thi secrecy is what is making I he people suspicious, and one May it will have to he explained. "Neither Julgc Shepherd nor myself will return to Nashville until our presence there is required. Meantime Mr. lvvans will remain nt the capital to look after bis interests." 'JUDGE DICK'S CAMPMEETING." A t'orrewnondont Jumps On tbe 1. 8. Court. Willing from Asheville, a correspond ent of the Charlotte Observer "jumps on" in no light manner "Judge Dick's campmeeting," as tbe Federal court is called, and the court is referred to as "a laughing stock with tbe people." The article alludes to the U. S. money that is "doled out to jurymen who are selected through a system of favoritism." Referring to this, Deputy Clerk C. B. Moore said today the statement was not a tact. The jurors are chosen bv a jury commission composed of U. S. Commissioner Summey and the clerk. A venire of 55 is drawn. A list of names is sent by each commissioner and the ju rors are drawn from these. Remote counties are allowed two jurors each, coui ties adjoining Buncombe are allowed four each, and the remaining jurors are chosen from Buncombe about 20 white and five colored. The list is revised every two or three years, when, by order of court, 500 new names are sent to the clerk. Under the rule observed, Mr. Moore savs, a juror cannot get on the jury oftener than once in two years. to tne statement tnat "tne clerk and la a big docket the more cases the more money for them," Mr. Moore says the district attorney had made hlsmaximum ($60001 before the recent court, and his services at this term were without com pensation. Tbe clerk has no power whatever to increase tbe docket, to start a prosecution or dismiss it. The clerk's maximum is $3500 and expenses, and this amount has bten reached but once since the establishment of the court while J. B. Reed was clerk. The article savs further, "there is no leading lawyer in Asheville who will ap pear in this court. It is a teat which furnishes nourishment to a crowd who know, by)long practice, just how to pull on it." To this Mr. Moore replied by giving the nnmes of ex-Judge Jas. H, Merrimon, Cnpt, M. E. Carter, ex-Judge Chas. A. Moore, Gen. Tbeo. F. Davidson, ex-Judge H. Bnscom Car ter, F. A. Sondley, Tucker & Mur phy, Maj. Chas. M. Stedman, Gudger & Martin, W. W. Jones, J. G. Merrimon, Col. V. S. Lusk, Jos. S. Adams, P. A. Cummirgs, T. R. Ransom and others who practice in the court before Judge Dick. Any of the prominent lawyers, Mr. Moore thinks, would appear in tbe criminal cases bclore the court, if tbev received their fee. The truth is, how ever, that the defendants are always so poor that they are unable to pay more than a small fee. t Ol,. JOHN ( . LEUU IIEItE. a a O go a x I a 8 a o f a. a i s 0 0 H o O o o o o 0) 8 I M & " a C w K a 19 s u a a n i 11 II 3. u & 0 ! 8 515 9 In V Mill' A MASS OK H E. ( lonnOill for llm stt'iiiiu'r t'ni'cnu In a 'JVrrllilu storm. St. Johns, K. F Nov. 23. The ovei due Allen line steamer Corean, which ar rived here jesterday alter a 16 days' voyage, reports the worst weather Capt. Main ever experienced. Almost from the moment the Corean left Liverpool gales continued with terrific force, and for two days the steamer made no headway. The immense fe'ns broke ove-r her, ren dering it impossible for the officers of the I stentm r to maneuver her. Mnow storms wcie Irtqii'iit and the ship was a mass of ice, looking nsshe en tered the harbor like an enoimous ice berg. Oil h.-id to be used to break the force of the sens, otherwise, the officers Shy, the Corean would have been found ered. In tact, it nppcurcd imminent sev eral tunes that the steamer would go down. The sixty passengers on board the Corcnn declare that their experience was indescribably thrilling. Thev ex pected, they say, to go to the bottom every moment. No serious damage was sustained by tbe vessel. HE SEES THE KltltOK OK MEH WAYS. Kill!- The Pass Did HI in no Hiirin, lie Thinks, Hut Other Thought DltlVroutly 11111I Ho Bows to 1'lllillc Opinion-III Uni sons at LeiiKth. Topbka, Kan., Nov. 23. Associate Justice W. A. Johnson of Supreme court, re-elected November 6 for a term of six years, announced yesterday that be hurl returned his passes, and will receive 110 more from railroad corporations. He says: "Heretofore when a pass has been given me In pursuance of the general custom, I hr.ve used it without any hesi tation, and without any fear .f loss of my integrity or of respect and confidence of others. I do not now use passes, nnd have not used them since I heard tim ing last summer the firtt s?rious sug gestion from a litigant iu this couit that acceptance of these cour tesies might prejudice his interest here. While 1 think there is no inherent wrong in the use of passes ns they have been given in this State, and that no honest ludg: is influenced by such favors. I shall certainly decline the use of them because of recently expressed objections to their use by the judiciary. That course seems to be the one that will most surely guard against any loss of perfect confidence in our courts." IS CLEVELAND t Itl'KL Hie BIO MEN IX CLEVELAND. Harrison, McKlnlcy, Kornkor. Foster And lugersoll All t'lime to Town. Cleveland, Nov. 22. By a coinci dence cx-Presidcnt Harrison, Gov. William McKinlcy, ex-Gov. Foraker, ex-Secretarv of the Treasury Foster and Col. Ingersoll were in the city today. Mr. Harrison said lint lie wns hereto try a case in the United States Court. Mr Foraker had business in regard to conn matters; Mr. Foster was interested in the case in which Mr. Harrison was in terested, and Gov. McKinlcy crime tr get a new suit of clot lies. Cl. lngtrsll also had matters in court, .'mil he t'lso came to deliver n lecture, (ien. Harrison refused to talk on any S'lhj vet that sa vored of polities. lix-Secictnry Foster knew that the Republicans would haven tremendous victory because the Demo crats made so inuch;fuss trying to reform, and the others wouldn't discuss the Presidential ticket for lN'.IG. t Al UHT IN TIIK TICK K. The a U ?! Toilet Soaps. I'ulou ( utility (iolcl Find Scheme Didn't Work. Knoxvilli-:, Tenn., Nov. 33. There is still great excitement in Union county over the reported find ol gold in an In dian mound. A special from Luttrcl to the Journal savs that another jar of the precious metnl was unearthed today. It is be lieved now thnt onlv a small amount of gold has been found, that the woman, Anna McDonald, is a confederate ol "Dr." Bear, an Indian doctor of some what unsavory reputation and that tbe two had combined to swindle somebodv out of a few thousand dollars, but were caught in the trick. ON E HOIt.SK Est AI'KD liiii'iilntr lust received a large line from the leading iiiriiu fucturer's. Look ill our window, from B OTS. TO 75 OTS. AI.HO A FVLL LIN ft Vaseline Goods J. H. LAW 33 ration Ave , Aahe Title, M. C. Heillit8h St RCfHaii. of n Tract Ion Company's llurus In l'ltlslitnit. PiTTsinjun, To., Nov. 23. This morn ing fire broke out in the Allegheny Trac tion company's barns on Spring Garden avenue. Before the engines arrived tbe entire roof was on fire. The flames spread and burned 150 feet on Spring Garden avenue and 200 feet back. There were 50 horses in the barns, 49 of which were burned. Seven old horse can and seven new electric motors were also burned. In the rear a barn on Emanuel street, four single and two double frame houses were destroyed. The loss of the street car company ii estimated at $75,- 000: insurance not known. A Warm Friend of AsHovlllo-Hls Ap pointment. Col. John C. Legg of Baltimore is in Asheville for a few days, having come here with Mrs. Legg, whose health was very much benefited by a stay some time ago. Mrs. Legg returned to Baltimore, but the change affected her unfavorably, and another trip to Asheville was de cided upon. Since coming here Col. Legg has been appointed a police commissioner of Hal timore city by Governor Brown, and has received a number 01 congratulatory tel egrams upon bis appointment. The compliment paid him by the governor is considered a high one. t-ol. Legg is on the governor's staff and is a warm per sonal friend of tbe executive. Col. Legg is a director of tbe Western Maryland railroad and a flour and grain merchant of Baltimore. The Citizen formed his acquaintance on a recent trip over the Western road and has found him an enthusiastic champion of Ashe ville us well as an exceedingly pleasant, vigorous talker. Whenever he sees a friend who is unwell be urges him to come to tbe mountain metropolis. DOES ELECTItlCiTV KILLf OpiHirtiiulty to Te'st un Apparatus on n Criminal. Aliianv, N. Y., Nov. 23. It was sug gested today about the capitol depart ment that there was nothing in the elec trical electrocution law which would prevent Warden Stout of Anburn prison Irom appointing Dr. Gibbons of Syracuse one of the witnesses to tne Wilson execu tion. If Dr. Gibbons was a witness he could he designated as one of tbe physi cians to make the post mortem examina tion, and there is nothing tn the law which would prohibit bis ascertaining, before tbe autopsy, by using bit ap paratus, whether or not Wilson was dead. Of course if it was found that Wilson was not dead be would have to be placed in the chair again and the cur rent shot through him until life became extinct. l'EAUY'S STEAM Eli LOST. llvllevod to lluvo Foundered On the Newfoundland Banks. St. John's, N. F Nov. 22. The Peary xpedition steamer Falcon has at lust been given up for tost. Her owners have abandoned all hope of the safety of the vessel and crew. It is believed that the steamer seen by Capt. Colson, of the fishing schooner Gen. Butler, on the banks on Oct. 10 wps the Falcon, and that she went down, with all hands, during tbe terrific gale of that night. MANDEIISON HAS NO slIOW. lie- Nebraska Will Send Some Other piililleuii totliu Senate. Omaha, Neb., Nov. 21 -The Republi can fight for the United Slntc-J Senator ship has become very fierce and bitter. Senator Mandcrson has no following for re-election. Tbe leading candidate is John M. Thurston of Omuha, general solicitor of the Union Pacific. The other candidates are Governor Crounse. ex Senator Paddock, Church Howes, Tom Majors, just defeated for governor; 0. M. Lnmbertson of Lincoln, ex-assistant secretary of the treasury, nnd John L. Webster of Omnha. Thurston seemed certain of the plum at first, hut indica tions point to a combination ngninsit him. Friends of Majors nceuse Thurs ton of knifing Majors during the recent campaign. The legislature is heavilv Republican on 1 nut ballot. Atlanta Constitution. fjo advertising half so cheap, Our goods low, prices cheap, ook at the prices fall, As our customers call; fjow examine our goods, Don't fail give us your trade, Qave your mdney, live in the shade. 5-8 '.n a 2 o P5 y B U w B w e? J .a .2 .a .s & I 1 a I 1 J .5 O U 0,1?rjAS ,10 . M U " H CO a o 0 U NO NEW I'AHTV FOU HIM. Only the Denioenitlu l'nrty Cun Secure the Five t'olimire of Silver. Little Kock, Ark., Nov. 23. Gov. Fishback, in answer to an invitation to join tbe silver party to be organized next week at St. Louis, writes a letter to A. J. Warner, chairman ol the bimetallic league, in which be laid : 'I will not follow any set of impracti cables into a new party. The Demo cratic party is the one through which we can ever sci-iirc irec unu unumiicu coin age of silver." Justice- Dlvver's Cases, New Yokk, Nov. 23. A formal appli cation 'or the removal of Police Justice Divver has been made to Justice Daly in tbe court of common pleas. Tbe appli cation was made by Lawyer Wm. II Hale ol brooklvn who charees nrn ect of duty on tne part 01 tne justice. Even nil Kdltrons Can Krr. London, Nov. 23. Tbe Duke of Argyll denies the announcement made In tbe Realm, of which paper Lady Colin Campbell, tbe Duke's ex-dauahter-in law, is editor, that he is engaged to u w ' . . . marry mm ivnox L,i(tie. Au Eminent 1'byalclan Dead, Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 23. Dr. P. L, Sims, one of the most eminent physicians In the country, died at bit home in this city tuts morning, aged 00 year. HltlH l'ltESSl'KE NATI IIAI, tiAS. It ltt Always Possible to Have Tn Much of 11 (.unci Tliluif. Siit.Liivvn.i.F., Intl., Nov. 23. By mis take yesterday the natural gas was given a high pressure in the low pressure mains, and at midnight it was discov ered that over 500 stoves nnd beaters iu all ports of the city were melting under the intense heat and many buildings were igniting. Tbe bells rung, whistled sounded, nnd the citizens were ur uicrf to discover thctnulvcs in the midst of a general fire. The flow of gas wus finally arrested and onlv three houses were burned. If nn alarm had not been sounded till 20 minutes later no human power could have raved the city from total annihilation. Horses In the Kxeeiillve siublc Have TlielrTulls DocKcil. j Washington, Nov. 2(1. All of the horses in the President's stable have had ; their tails docked. This is a radical dc- j parlure from tbe "long-tailed" fashion that has prevailed iu the extcutive sta bles ns far back as the memory of the oldest inhabitant runs. It has iilwavs. j been ngareled ns humane nnd nt the' same time dignified lor the Preaidcn ; ' ride behind n team of horses whose tails ! flowed in graceful waves until thev almost or tpiite touched the ground. During l'nsiilcnt Grant'sailininistr.itioii j the- d'-cking of horses' tails was con- j si b red the "proper caper" in theswlli si t. and an utempt was mad' to obtain Gen. Grant's consent to an abbreviation i f the tails ol his favorite roailstcr Cia einiialus and the other tine specimens '.I hiiioc Hi sti 111 the stable. He not onlv 1 appreciated the beauty of a long, swop j rug tail, nut lie also regarded it as eiticl j to subject a dumb animal to the torture ! vtliieh the docking process entails. j The local Society lor the Prevent ion ,, Cruelty to Animals commended the ae- ti n of President Grant nnd ailonleel ap propriate rcsolurions on thestibject. Tin. same society will piob iHv undertake t- express the ollicial cnndi-mnn' ion of the recent departure in 11 i.-e iivle a: i.ic white Houc stable, After nil there may lie more or less Ml sentiment wasted upon the pul.j. et ol docking horses' tails, for vice-tt.i'!eiits. cabinet 1 lliccrs, fureign umbassailois and other public functionaries dock their horses' tail without subjecting tb; ni sei vest o criticism, but it is probable that President Cleveland wiil not be per mitted to csc ipe censure lor chopping olT the tails of his hoiscs, ChaiKston News and Courier. TO lMIO-sEt I "IT. HOP. CGLD AND WET WEATHER THI CORK SOLE SHOES Are Jut The Thing For Q 1 I h.tvc a ruu Hue of the afaove in the y rclelmiteil Hathaway, Soule & Har- Q rintou make, also double and ex- Uns-iun so'e for winter wear. Re- fu nieinl-e-r all prices cut from is per Q rent, to per cent, for a short time M lime only. yi MITCHELL, I KEN'S OUTFITTER. 3 1 JS PATTON AVENCB. M lie May Have to Wear si rlpes l'or K 1 1 1 -tim llioi'ilun, Syhacish, N. V., Nov. 21. District Attorney Hcj imin J. Shove, who is iu Cleveland, has telegraphed his assistants to use every i fl irt to secure evidence against B ib l-'itzMmmoiis on the charge of causing tbe Heath of "Con" Kiord.iu I -r the iunmst tomorrow. One of the physicians who was pn s-! t-nt at the r ntopsv on Kiordaa s.-ixs that j instead of only one blood clot on tliej br.iiu three were formed in d: Herein parts, anv one ol which would have caused death. Richard Kionlnn of San Francisco, has sent wonl to forward I be bod v of his brother, no matter what the expense. The remains will be placed in a metallic case and seat. Sl-NATOI! HANSOM-III l!T. lie Was Thrown From Ills liinr'ry and His l-'ool Injured, Wuliion, N. C.,N-.)V.21. Senator Ran som was thrown from his buggy bv run away horses yesterday, and his right foot badly hurt, hut not seriously. Raleigh News and Ob erver. Washincton, Nov. 23. A telegram re ceived this morning from Postmaster J. T. lvvans nt W'ehlon, N. C, stales that the injuries to S.'nntor Ransom by his accident yesterday were paitilul, but not serious. Ill UNED Till-: HOUSES. We have put in our show win dow some "odds and ends" in Pocket Books & Purses V They tire all first qualitygoods, but being only a few of a style left, wc hnve reduced the prices ON 15 HALF. $1,00 book for Hoc, 75c. books for 35c; 50c. books lor 25c. 25c; purses for 10c Come quick, for they are going last at these prices. RAYSOR & SMITH, AHi;VILLE, M.:c. There Are Two Ways Of doing Christmas shopping the old An lulldel t nil Testify. Mruimiis, Tenn., Nov, 23 In the trial of tbe Kcrrvillc lynchers Judge Cooper ruled that Butch McCarvcr who was forbidden to testify on the ground that be was an tnlirtcl was a competent wit ness. This probably means hanging tor the defendants if the Supreme Court sus tains the decision. A Livery Stable Fire tat Marion. N. ( .. Thursday. Makios, X. C, Nov. 22. -This morn- t t i .i..i. ,t.. i:. ...... .....i.i.. i i n - I Uf'll' ,.l (..-i.ti.t.T until tl.n rlnir kalnu nnA A. H. Gdkcv .V Son caught lire ami in n ! , . . , . , , i going in a grand rush, the crowd so few minutes was destroyed. Seven i , ... .. , . . . horses were burned to death, three ol : ri'u 11 s "np ,ss1' le to get waited on the firm's and four belonging to others , properly some one else lias what you A drunken negro who slept in the stable w inted most els;.' it's been handled too is supposed to he the cause ol the tire. ,mic;,ti,rn there's the modern and best .o msiiranee. toeai loss aooui t,. Hyilropbobia lly n Cat lllle. Jacksh.nvili.k, Fla., Nov. 21. A spe cial to the Times-Union from Gainesville, Fla., says: Mary Anderson died I'ere today of hydrophobia. The woman suffered untold ngony. The sight or even suggest i n of water threw her into spasms. The dis;nse was contracted from the bite of a cat, which, on the 27tl way com; around n week or ten days before take your time find everything fresh ami blight just opened no hurry akc p'enty of time pick out what von want and if you don't care to pay for it make a deposit and have it laid aside lor you, No ma ttcr hen or how you buy bear in mind that this is headquarters for all of ulv, inllicted u wound on the wo-1 holiday goods, toys and fireworks. Tbe man's hand. .V THE OLD XUKTIl STATU. Tito W. C. T. V. Cleveland, Nov. 22. Tbe proceedings of the W. C. T. U. convention were brought to a close tonight with a meet ing in B Music Hall under the auspices of tbe federated unions ol this city. The convention has been the most successful in its history. Next year's convention will probably be held in Unltnnore. The I'rcsldcut Still In Doors. Washington, Nov. 23. The usual Friday cabinet meeting did not take place today, having been postponed be cause tbe President was not quite so well, the wet weather aggravating bis gout and the sprain of bis foot which bas kept him in doort at Woodley tor several days. Fort Arthur Still Sal'o. IIikosiima, Nov. 23. A steamer hat arrived here from Moji to report that no assault had been made upon Port Ar thur up to November 10. Two inter preters, one a war correspondent follow ing the Japanese army, have been cap tured and killed by the Ibinete. Went liisuno To Her Death. Pktalvma, Col., Nov. 13, Mrs. W. P Evans, a dairy man's wife, saturated her clothing with coal oil, set her garments on fire and burned to death. She had been insane previously, but bad been released from the asylum. Queen Victoria's lnllrmlty. London, Nov. 23. Labouc here's Truth ayt in a paragraph concerning the Queen's health : "Her majesty hai aged very much during tbe autumn and can only walk a few steps, owing to recur ring rheumatism in tbe knees. Gold Taken Out. Washington, Nov. 23. Up to noon today tbe only gold withdrawal Irom tbe New York sub-treasurr wat $200, 1 000 by Southern National bank. Mr, ltlnluo'n WiiHlilugloii House. Washington, Nov. 23. The Ulninc residence in Madison place, that histori cal old house in which lames G. Hlaiuc died, will not be occupied by his widow this winter, as a hugh wooden sign planted on the front glass plot announces that it is for rent with a'l its valuable furnishings. Tlio Japan Treaty. Washington, Nov. 23. The proposed new treaty between Japan and the United States was signed bv Secretary Gresbnm and Minister Kurino this morning, and will be sent to the United States Senate for ratification on its reas sembling December 3rd. Well, Let It lio. London, Nov. 23. The Globe published a despatch from Tokio saying thnt the third Japanese corps has sailed from L'ji wa. Its destination is not known, but it is believed that the objective point is the YnngUe Kiang river. CONDENSED THLBGKAMS. A great increase in the number of va cant houses in Washington has followed the era ol hard times, and the numlier ot fine residences for sale or rent is larger than at any time since the Washington boom began blteen years or so ago. It is stated that Great Uritnin has favored the recent offer of mediation by tbe United States on tbe ground that it it presumed it would save China Irom utter destruction, and thus preserve tbe Uritisti trade witb Chum. President Cleveland it convinced that there are "leaks" in the departments by which newspapers get news, and it is said a board of inquiry will soon be ap pointed to bx the responsibility. A letter from ex-Secretary of the Treat ur Foster admitting that be did nrenate lor a bond issue in the closing days of tbe Harrison administration it made public. Tbe Knishta of Labor, in their General Assembly, re-elected Sovereign as General Matter Workman without opposition. The amount of gold withdrawn Tues day from the treasury by banks for the purchase of bonds wat 9i,uoo,uou. Ambassador Bayard was heart ly re ceived by the officials at Southampton on bis arrival at that port. Montreal is to have a World's Fair from May 24 to Oct 31, 1806. - The Supreme Court has tiled an opinion in the suit of Robert (). Hurton. esq , against tbe State treasurer and auditor, the suit i.ttng in the nature ot a mandamus to compel them to pay him the rcmniuder ol a fee alleged to be due him as one of the counsel lor the State in the suits against the Wilmington anil Wcldon railway for back taxes, etc. The Supreme Court's opinion is adverse to Mr. Hurton, on the ground that a writ of mandamus does not lie against the defendants to compel tlicnuditor tn issue n warrant, ns no specific fund is set apart for this specific purpose. Ilendersonvillc Times: B. F. Posey wns married to Miss 1511a Davis, on Sun day, November Kith, nt the resilience ol the bride's sister, Mrs. John II. Goodwin, Mcrrittsville, S. C, the ceremony ol the occasion being performed by Key. Mr. Sample, pastor ot the llaptist church at that place. Governor Cnrrnppoints W. J. Adams (Democrat), ot Moore county, and Chas. A. Cook f Kcpublican l,oi arrcn county, members of the State Hoard ol Canvns ers. The other members are tne uover- nor, secretary of State aud attorney general. Three men nre in jail nt Dunhnry charged with shooting Deputy Revenue Collector Lewis during a raid last Aug ust. During this rniil, which was made in Stokes county, there was a tit spcrntc light with the moonshiners. Wilkesboto Chronicle: On Fiidayol Inst week license was issued for the mar riage of Allen A. Whittington nnd Maria Vanuoy, both of Union township. Whit tington is now over 04- years old and Miss Vannoy is 01. H. H. Chandler, a well known cattle breeder of Nebraska, hos arrived at Ral eigh to make his home. Mr. Chandler adopted the novel method of sending his wile to K. Heigh last spring to see now she liked the State. RAY'S, bulk of regular stock will be in storeroom and our place will be n veritable toy bazaar willsliow the best selected stock of late novelties ever shown here. Will make a specially of dolls not second hand or shopwor'i, but new and latest designs keep all kindstbe elegant French dolls down to the chcaprst kind made. Sec thus: beautiful imported dolls in our wiudow tomorrow just a hint of what we'll offer. If there's a difference in price you can get 'em cheaper at s N. Court Square, "Bine Label" Eetchap -Aberdeen Telegram: Of the 220 white men registered in township five failed to the election, six voted the Re publican ticket, four voted the Populist and voted tne Democratic ucnet. Logan Meadows, who killed jailer Rovstcr iu Ferson county Inst January, pleaded guilty to murder in the second degree, nnd gets a sentence of 25 years in the penitentiary. There nrc'now 04 blind pupils in the white institution nt Ruleigh, an incrense of 25. There are 88 deal-mtitesnnd blind in the colored institution. Of these 24- are new pupils. President Hallndav. of the Agricul tural and Mechanical college, is sintering Irom a broken collar bone. Tbe injury is due to a fall from a train. Soutlinort Leader: A 350 pound hear was killed a few days ago near the Grren swamp in this county. The Cabirrut Cotton Mill company has nearly completed a new mill at Con cord. , . - CALL' ON W. As LATIMER, NO. 16 S'. .COURT BQCARB, Ami liny n Buttle of The Flnut Ketchup On The Mnrkct. B. H. Cosby, Huecesaor To O. Cowan JEWELER. All Watches At Reduced I'licOT. Greatly nFattoa Ave. . AtbtvUta. X, C

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