Asheville Daily . Citizen 0 VOLUME X-NO. 190. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 12, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS We Mention A few things received within the past week : TarMl Chess, the best American Cream; Pineapple, Keufcbatel and Philadelphia Cream. New York Liiscuit Company's C rackers-WateCThio, Social Tea, Oatmeal, Banquet Wafers and Shrewsbury Oyster, Etc. English Cured Breakfast Bacon. California Canned Frails, Dried Fruits, Hats, Raisins, Etc. POWELL & SNIDER "The White Corner." Grand Opening HOLIDAY GOODS Monday, Nov. 2(th is rather early to introduce my Hue of holiday presents, but to give everylwdy a chance to see where and how they can buy valuable presents for such little money, I will only mention few articles, viz; 8s albums of the very latest de signs, Celluloid hacks, will hold 30 photos, worth fully from'fi.50 to $4.00. for $1.75; 7 Albums, Plush ami 'Celluloid backs, latent styles, worth fully ironi $1,00 to 1.75, for $1.25 each, and over " '1000 other articles too numerous tomeutlon here. Remember the day, November 26th, L. BLOMBERG, 17 PATTON tA VBNUB. On Monday. Dec. .'led, I can be found at No. 10 North Court Square Jwhero I will be pleased to see my friends and customers. O. A. GREEK. Oakland Heights Hotel WILL GIVE Reduced Rates Until January 15th, 1895. SPARTANBURG STEAM BAKED BREAD, 7 LOAVES POR 25c. Mocha and Java, Lone Star, Broken Java, Ariosa, Mexican Feaberry, . Mexican Cardova, LaRuyni, Rio, three graded. Special prices on a)l , of these fine grades of Coffees. We have a large mill and will grind it fresh if desired. R. B. NpLAND ti IliiiWiii miiltt MlMii- " 1 ' ' lfl"" A Good Thing. li You Step Into Our Store, Don't Fail To Try Our CANDY Dlnilaved oo The Counter. Vou Don't Have To Buv Culess You Want To. PRICE SO CENTS LB. Florida Oranges, Best iii the world. Direct from the grove. Out premium brand. 30 CTS. DOS- I'.se our N. C. Buckwheat Flour. Free from jtrit and corn meal. We guarantee satisfaction, We are receiving orders for it from Wilmington, Charleston and other places. A.. X. COOPER, NO. 2 COURT SyUARK. Christmas Gifts ESTABROOK'S, 22 South Main St. 100 Engravings AM. l'RAMKD. ONLY SO OTS, BACH, The lcst present you can make is a good book. Toys break, candy makes you sick, but a Rood liook is a jny forever. We have that kind. OliiUlren's TJooliN A SPECIALTY. Standard sets, hiMes, gold and silver pencils and penholders, gold pens, pockettKXks, card caset pictures, frames, novelties, games, also larftes and t est variety of Christmas cards, booklet and calendars, etc , etc. AM can tie found at ESTABROOK'S, I a MAIN T. New Books, Handsome Books, Good Books. Historical Books, Biographical Books, Poetical Books. All the Popular Sets in Crimp And Fine Bindincs. Latest Bonk Received. 'JOHN MARCH SOUTHERNER" BY CEO. W. CABLE. J. X. MORGAN & CO, Shoes, Rubbers $1.00 Iluvs Ladies' or Misses' shoe, and remember that quality goes with these prices. $9 flA 1!u-vs " wc yU,j) ed fine do omen's genuine wilt- dongola button shoe, all widths, flcxib'e sole, easy. Just the kind for this time of vcar. $1.50 Duys men's and boys' shoes, narrow or wide toes, solid leather heels, inner soles and counters. Rubber boots and shoes (or men, women and children. Our goods arc all new and the makes only those that are reliable. Gaods exchanged or money returned If not suited. You can always dcp.'nd on gettting good values at SPANCENBERC'8 4 M. COURT IQVABB. niilndliiiifi WOLIDAY GIFTS IN ENDLKSS VARIETY DOWN AT TUB. . Crystal Palace. It would be useless for us to attempt to tell of half what we have. We mention specially the attractive Hue of lamps, silk shades, wire shade frames. Dennison'a paper for shades. Silk shades from $1.50 to $15 each. Cut glass and French China in everything that is pretty (ad useful. The line of Wedgewood and Copeland ware deserves mention. Quite the fad to have a piece in your home. Dolls, toys, books, etc. We havethein lower than any place in town. Our Bargain tables, jc , toe , ijc, jc.. sc., give dou ble value for your money. Yours for a merry Xiuas. IEAD. V. THRASH 4 BRO. Just What You Want CAN BBS FOUND A.T . HESTON'S We have one of the best selected stock Toys, Dolt, Wagon. Finest CONFHCTIONS to tie found in the city. Agents for CANIJIKS Big Bargains IN Walking Coat Busings Suits and Ladles', Hisses' and Children's Cloaks. LOTS. OF NEW GOODS IN ALL. DEPAKTMBNTS. CUKISTMAM GCODS. CURISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS. H. REDWOOD & GO. PURE HID DELICIOUS Candies For Christmas FROM 1-2 to 5 LB. BOXES. Heinitsh & Reagan. AOENTI. "& SON. CARLISLE FVltTHEn EXPLAINS niS FLAX OF REFORM. Where It Touchos the National Rank ing System-Not Good Poller for the Government to Store Gold and Stiver and Issue Certificate. Washington, Dec. 12. Interest in the second day's appearance of Secretary Carlisle before the Banking and Cur rency comorlttee of the Honse was shown by the promptness with which members of the committee gathered. uWltb few exceptions all were in their state at a quarter past 10 o'clock. Pending the arrival of Secretary Car lisle, Horace White of New York ad dressed the committee. He said he had drawn a bill which embodied bis idea of the Baltimore plan, but which had not been adopted by the Baltimore com mittee. He proceeded to read at some length a carefully prepared paper cover ing the general subject of banking. Secretary Carlisle, who had appeared some time previously, addressed the com mittee at the conclusion ot the hearing given White. He bad come at the request of a committee to present a bill he had prepared to carry out his financial plan, which he proceeded to read without the introduction. When he hod finished reading his bill Carlisle explained that It repealed sec tion nine and 12 of the act of Julv 12, 1882. Section nine of that act author ized the depositors of lawful money by the national banks to withdraw their deposits of circulating notes. It might not be absolutely necessary, he said, to repeal that section if the proposed plan were adopted, bat still the spirit of the section was that any National bank shall not retire in the aggregate more than $3,000,000 per month.and, having done so, shall not be allowed to incrensc its circulation within six month. Sec 1 2 of the act of 1883 relcrred to gold cer tificates and their suspension, when the gold reserve fell below $100,000,000. Concerning this provision, Carlisle said it was not good policy for the govern ment to establish a warehouse deposit of gold and to Issue certificates against it, for the reason that this gold or a Urge part of It would come into the treasury and stay there if those certificates were nut issued against it. But, said Car lisle, the repeal of this was not the essen tial part ol the matter. His own view was that it would be beneficial to the government to issue these certificates, but to have the treasury hold the gold and pay it out so as to get it into circu lation. To Brosiusof Pennsylvania Carlisle said his theory concerning national banks was that the government should he almost wholly divorced from rela tions with them, except iu so fur as it was necessary to throw safeguards about them in order to insure their sta bility and reliability. His belief in this connection was based on both constitu tional and practical grounds. Mr. Springer of Illinois bus Introduced in the house the financial bill which Sec retary Carlisle favors. The bill repeal all acts and carts of acts which quire or authorize the deposit of Halted States bonds to secure circulating notes issued bv national banking associations. and such notes hereafter prepared shall not contain the statement that they are so secured. KILLED RY Bl'HGLAKS. A Prominent Citizen ot Cleveland Murdered. Cleveland, 0., Dec. 12. William II. Price, the well known member of the firm ol printing press manufacturer, Chandler fc Price, was almost instantly killed by a burglar at bis home, 124 Hawthorn avenue, at 2:30 o'clock this morning. Just what occurred between the bur glar and Price will probably never le known. Shots were heard, and a minute later Price was found by his son lying face downward on the floor, rapidly expiring. The son, 17 years old, hur riedly put on some clothing, and ran to tbe home of Dr. Jewett.on Cedar avenue, who responded to bis call. Before he arrived, however, Price was dead. He bad been shot through the body three times. When Price was first awakened by the burglar, It seems he got up without disturbing any other member of tbe family, and, going down stairs, found tbe rear kitchen window open. No bur glars were to be seen, and he returned to bis room, probably thinking the burglars bad been frightened away. Getting back Into bed, he found his wife awake, and the two talked the matter over. After a while all was quiet again, and then Price and his wife saw two men standing near a dressing case in their bed room. The men were of medium height and wore white handkerchiefs over tbelr faces. They had on dark clothes and wore black bats, price sprang from his bed, and, as he did to, one of the burglars shot at him three times, all of tbe bullets taking effect, one in the right leg near the knee, one in tbe stomach, and the third in tbe region of the heart. Price fell, and as he did so the two burglars ran out of the room. Mrs. Price was so frightened at the appearance of the burglars that she was unable to remember whether any words were evenanged between tbe husband and murderers or not. The neighborhood was aroused by the sbots, and the police notified, but up to iu o clock no ciue nad been discovered. From a pocket book on the dining room table $85 was taken bv tbe burglars'. No other property was misting from the residence. DIED IN THE QUEEN'S HOUSE. Sir John D. Thompson, Premier of Cah ada M. A. Burdenu Dead. London, Dec. 12. Sir John B. Thomp ton, premier of the Dominion of Canada, died suddenly at Windsor this tfternoon, shortly after the adjournment of the council, which be went to Windsor to at tend. Sir lohn Thompson, together with Lord Ripon and Messrs. Fowler and Morley, left Paddington station for Windsor by special train at noon. It li reported bis death occurred in Windsor Castle. n.Dit n 10 vr 1 ........ d ... j.. .. president of tbe Chamber of Deputies.1 died at 8 o'clock this morning. He bad been suffering from congestion of tbe lungs. M . Burdeau was 43 years of age, nd bad held tbe office of minister ol finance in the cabinet of M. Casimlr-Per ler. Kptdomlu of Diphtheria. Ashtabula, 0., Dec. 12. Diphtheria in a malignant form it epidemic here, and numbers It victims la all sections of tbe city. There are now nearly 100 cases reported. Since Saturday 10 deaths re suited from tbe disease. Tbe board of health ordered tbe schools closed Mon day, and has recommended .that no meetings or public gatherings be held at present. , The city la panic-stricken, and aajnmiim are searing. , SHOT MY 1119 WIFE. Joseph Logan In the HoHUltul With nil Injured Lett. Joseph Logan, colored, is Mid tip with a shattered kg at the Mission hospital, and Is under care of physicians and at tendants of tbe institution. Logan is one of the foremen on the Vauderbilt es tate, and lives in the old Rice house at Long Shoals. Monday night Logan and his wife were discussing a trip that she wished to take. Logan asked that she postpoue it until Christmas. This prop isit ion did not suit the wife and upon Logan's re marking, jestingly, "I'll get me another woman if you go," Mrs. Logan ran into an adjoining room. Logan went to the door by which the rooms connect and closed it. holdinc it shut. His wife took a Winchester rifle and fired at the door, holding the weapon at such an angle that when she fired it tbe bullet weut through the door a foot or two from the floor. But for tbe fact that Logan was stand ing almost against the door he would not have been hurt. As it was, the rifle bullet struck him in the left leg below the knee, shattering both bones, and passing through, struck the baseboard on the other sde of the room. A messenger was sent to Ililtmore for Db A. S. Wbitaker, who went to the scene and dressed Logan's wound. It was thought best to bring him to the hospital, and this was done last evening. Drs. Wbitaker, Win. D. Milliard, M. H. Fletcher and Chat. E. Ilillinrd made an examination of the wound this morning and decided that tbe injured leg could prooaDiy dc saved. Mrs. Logan suys that the shooting was accidental. HOGS IN THE CORN. Neighbors Quarreled; One May Die, and tho Other In it r'uu;ltlve. S. P. Queen and J. L. Ferguson uic or were neighbors, living neur Clyde, on the Pigeon river, in Haywood county. Queen is GO years old, a good churib member and a man of excellent charac ter, while Ferguson is 23, of good Inm- ilv and the reputution of a quiet, steady man. But on Monday the neighbors, accord ing to the news received here yesterday, had some trouble because of the fact that Ferguson's hogs got into Queen's corn. Ferguson, it is said, called Queen a " liar." Queen struck or attempted to strike the young mun, who drew a pocket knife and with one stroke disem boweled Queen, The injured man was given medical at tention as quickly as possible, but at last accounts tbe physicians were of the opinion that be could not recover. Ferguson was apprehended but subse quently escaped, and bus not yet been recaptured. WILL RE ENFORCED. The Ordliiiineo Regai-dlmc .Meat Selllnit Hillside tbe Llmltrt. Violation of the rules concerning the sale of fresh meats was the charge against J. W. Melton, a butcher doing business near Israel's store on South Main, outside the three-quarters limit, who was before Mayor I'ntton this morning and fined $10, as provided by the ordinance. According to the ordinance passed by the Aldermen, intended to protect t lu oeaicrs in Lentrul market und ut llie j same time give n convenience to those j ly.iucui. nuu tome uisiuutv um , rnironds, rovnlt les arc lower, tne work the market, the butchers outside t he min are rt,orc 8l,hml9,ivc nnd not sub limit have no right to sell within the jcct ,0jtrik.s, and the coverntiicnt fa prescribed line, nor to deliver meats in-, vor8 t,xoort trmc uv permitting higher side the line and collect the money. 1 hey ,)ria.s (or homv consumption. are permitted, however, to deliver to ! persons who live inside the limit but buv RUINEII A SI(M,(KM) CAHCiO. . .1 - .. .. .1 ( I. .1 - . .,,-1 " ""-.l".'"-"""1... . 1 place where the meat is bouoht. Chief of Police Harkius says this law is going to be enforced. AN IMPORTANT CASE. A TexiiH Railway Kavorlnir Kuvl;iiern III the Matter ritnte. Washington, Dec. 12. The Supreme Court of the United States is hcuring arguments on one of the most import ant cases that have grown out of the enactment of the intcrsta'e commerce law. It is what is known ns the "im port rate case, it came up on appeal from a decision of the court of appeals lor the second circuit, affirming the de cision bv ludge Wallace under sections 15 and 16 of the interstate commerce act. This decision granted an injuctioti to enforce the order made by the inter state commerce commission, directing that tbe Texas and Pacific railway de sist from carrying import trollic from New Orleans upon through bills of lading issued In foreicn ports to intetior Ameri can points, at any lower, or other, rates than Inland domestic tralhc rates lor the carriaee of other like kind of goods. Iu other words, to cense carrying freights originating abroad over its lines at less rates than are charged for carrying freights originating in the United States. NEWFOUNDLAND'S PANIC. Business Paralyzed And Merehuntn Rnnkriipt. Halifax, N. S., D c.l2.-Thc latest in formation from St. Johns is to the effect that the worst feats of the effect of the panic there will be realized. The Commercial bank is a hopeless wreck, and nearly all its directors, who were among the principal merchants, are also bankrupt. The panic has brought ubsolute chaos, h'xcepl n very limited numuer ot canaiunn and United States bank notes the money of Newfoundland consists of the bills of the two banks. No one will now accept those bills. Hence all business is pnrul- Ized, and as the people ol the whole Island are absolutely dependent upon the merchants of St. Johns, the stute ol affairs can be imagined. RES1UNEI) UNDER EIIIE. A Mlnlaterlal CrUln Probable In Italy. Romb, Dec. 1 2. Signor Uianchcri, pres ident of the chamber of deputies, has re signed in consequence of the action ol the chamber In appointing a commission to consider documents submitted by Signor Giolitti, in spite of llinneherri's refusal to receive and read the documents. It is reported that thccommission has already unearthed the gravest scandals, and the investigation may result in a ministerial crisis. AdolphtiH-Mni'unret. London, Dec. 12. The mairiugc of Prince Adolphus of Teck, brother of the Duchess of York, to Lady Margaret Grosvenor, daughter of the Duke of Westminster, the richest peer in the United Kingdom, took pluce in Hnton hall at Chester, one of the tents of the Duke of Westminster, at noon today. Small Weliihti small Purwo. Clbvbland, 0., Dec. 12. Articles were signed here last night for a 15-round fight between George Siddons, the east- en feather weight and Johnny Lnvack. the Ohio champion. The contest comet on beiore the Cleveland athletic club on tbe night of January 3 and will be for a purse or 170U. TIIK SKXATE WOULD NOT CON SIDER THE HOUSE MEASURES. Gray of Delnwnre Undertook to Ilnve the Nicaragua Cannl Hill Set Aside For tho Pop-Uitu 111118, Rut Morgan of Alabama Objeeted Iu Time. Washington, D.c 12. At 2 p. m. the Senate took up the Nicaragua canal bill. Gray (Dcm. Del.) took the floor, but he expressed a preference for taking up and acting immediately upon tbe bill for free coul, free iron ore, and lor imposing a flat duty of 40 percent, on all sugars, doing away with differentials of 1-8 and 1-10 :euts. He said he believed It to be the duty of the Senate, as a mutter of common justice and common regard for the interests of the country, to vote upon those bills at once. He therefore moved to proceed to consideration ef the House bills to exempt sugars, molasses, etc., from duty, the amendment reported from the finance committee being to im pose a flat duty of 40 per cent, on nil sugars. Morgan (Dem, Ala.) inaden slight pro test against the displacement of the Nic aragua bill. The Senate refused to take up the sugar bill by a vote of 23 to 27. HA RHETT CONVICTED. HoUxed the United State. Mnlln Fraud ulently. CoLi MiiiA, S. C, Dec. 12. After a five days' trial in the United States court Charles P. Barrett, tbe tenter ol the postmaster conspiracy and two of bis co-defendants, John T. Tillman and J. W. Owens, have been convicted of con spiracy and of using the United States mails for the purpose of obtaining goods fraudulently. The defendant, Uurtett, was in court when the verdict was an nounced and displayed no emotion whatever. In the forgcrv case tbe penalty is fixed by statute at $5,000 and not more than 15 years nt hard labor in the penitentia ry, nrnl in the conspiracy cise the statute fixes it at not more than two cars' im prisonment. Barrett's coloss il nerve was displayed again vcsterilny. After the verdict was announced he got up, ntul going up on the bench, Judge Urn w lev being out fora moment, sat down in Judge Brawler's chair and began to talk to Judge Simon ton about not placing him in j id for the night. A GERMAN TRIUMPH. ll In Apparently Done at the ExpeiiKo of the Homo People. Washington, Dec. 12. A more anom alous event than the trndiiiounl "tend ing conls to Newcastle'' is the exporta tion of iron and steel products from Germany to Great Britain, and yet thi is just what is going on, according to a report to the state department from United States Consul Mason at Frank fort, Germany. And the German trade with Great Ilritain is increasing steadily. The explanation is found in the supe rior technical skill of the Germans, who overcome Ilritish cheup coal by utilizing scientifically every by-product in coke making, such as tar, gas, ammonia and benzalt instead of wasting all of these, ns is done in the crude Kngtish anil American bee Live oven process, Then wages in Germany are lower, reiKlts IUC cheaper on the government Salt Water Shinned hi ltouirh Weath er Made lleet siikiii' Like MoInt-eH. Piili.Aiiia.i'iiiA, Dec. 9 - Shipping of heavy seas by the German steamer Re mus during her rtccnt passage from Hamburg to this- port, where she ar rived on Fiidav, practically ruincJ htr entire cargo, valued at $100,1100, and the consignees have rcluscd to accept the consignments. The damage done dur ing a stormy passage, consuming M days, was lurtlier augmented by the ac tion of tho snlt water upon the large quantity of beef sugar which composed part of the cargo. The salt water, which attained a depth of five feet in the hold, came In contact with the sugar and transformed it into a practically valueless black mo lasses svrup. This liquid syrup was in turn mixed up with the remainder of tbe cargo, composed of saurckraut, rocs, clay, zinc dust, beans, muriate of potash and arsenic. It ruined everything that was not enclosed in tight cases. N. Y. Sun. TOOK TO THE HOOP, C lolhliiK Storo full of (iooils and Cus tomers In Flames. LonsviLLB, Dec. 12. Fire started late yesterday afternoon in the five-story clothing store of Lew Brothers, Third and Market streets. The flames spread rapidly, the store was crowded with cus tomers and a panic ensued. On the fifth floor eiaht employees, in cluding one woman, Miss Kate Fogarty, seeing that every other avenue of escape had been cut olT from below, made their wnv to the roof from which thev were rescued with difficulty. Miss Fogarty was badly burned. Loss $50,000, fully covered by insurance. t IT HIS TIIUOAT, AND DIED. A Mlllloniih'o llrewer Sueeeeds In Oolitic Over to tho Majority. Nhw Yokk, Dec. 12 Henry Elins, a 1 millionaire brewer, attempted suicide j Monday morning hy cuttine bis throat nt his hour, No, 1 Hast 37th, St., and died there this morning. Hxcept to the phvsiciuu attending him, his death was unexpected, as It was generally under stood he was out of dungcr. His death resulted principally from the shock at tending his desperate attempt upon bis life. Elmlrn Itel'orniatory WhltewaHhed. Albany, N. Y,, Dec. 10 The charges against the Klmira Reformatory mut agen have been dismissed by Governor Flower. The Governor says the charges are, in tne main, not proven. Calls Uor More HouiIm. Washington, Dec. 12. The Treasury gold reserve now stands at $105,000,000, hnviug been gradually reduced by with drawals for export and redemption pur poses, To Allow Railways) to Pool. Washington, Dec. 12. The House yesterday passed the amendment to the luic.tuvc viMiiuicivv law pcruiiuiugruii1 ways to pool tnetr earnings. Elected a Republican. Dobton, Must,, Dec. 12. The Globe, Democratic, figures the election of Curtit, Republican, for Mayor by 4,000 majority over Peabody, Democrat. For Marlon. Tub Citiibn received today a contri bution ol IS from "A Friend" to be added to the fund for the relief of tbe tuffercn by tbe fire at Marlon. For Ladies Only Do you want to ijive your bus- band, brother or fiic"1 T uung useiut lor uu If so, let me suggest a niulller, silk umbrella, silk hnmlker- chief, necktie, pair of cloves. suspenders, or in fait .my cup of the great variety of Men's Fixings That to make tip the wnnl- roVcofa well dressed man. of course you know that the proper place for the greatest vanity of up-to-ditt articles in 3IITCI1ELI The Men's Outfitter. JS P.U;oll Ave. Christmas Presents in Shaving Outfits. We are showing for n day or uu a omipUte line of Shaving CootK cousiMinn of China Mugs, Badger Bristle Brushes, Kanrs, Strops. Soaps, Etc. The l'or Safety Razor ami Strr.pp'iiK Machine makes a very handsome ns well as useful pres ent. Holiday Goods in great vnrkty. RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PATTON AVKNl'K. Groceries At Cost. We are now closing out the en tire stock of grocrties at J. A. White's Store, 17 South Main St., which consist of a full line of COFFEES AND TEAS, Chocolates and cocon; a's; a nice line of California fruits, np-i-cots, peaches, pe.Ti, prunes, cLc. All kinds of canned goods, tick les, chow chows, si'uecs and iuc gars. Call and examine our stock before purchasing, ns wc are compelled to sell these irnrls at some price. W. P. Brown, Trustee W. A. LATIMER NO. IB N. COfRT 6UUAKK. Hssn Nice Xssortnunt Of California Evaporated FRUITS, Pruucs, Cherries. Apricots, Peaches, etc. Also Sultans Raisins, snd other fruits for Christmas cakes Not the cheapest, but such as readers of The Cltlieu desire. B. H. Cosby, 8uccMor To O Cow mi JEWELER All Watches At Greatly Reduced Trices. sihttoa An. Atotvult, N, C -,.-.;o..i Keep This In Hind: 13 50 o n CO IT lftr5 M M 4 o I CO "S w o r The Bazaar Has e - CTS N j cr en oo If You Need H K, H i v 0 c H t CT5 Ex 3? V) Sa3 -a The Bazaar Has It. TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! Those wonderful monkeys who climb up a string a marvel among toys ball a dollar latest toy novelty. Walking Kangaroos never shown here before 15 cents mechanical dogt ridden by monkeys are something new 25 cents. Mechanical Toys, schoolmaster whip ping boy lio cents man smoking a lighted cigarette, 25 cents Goats, Hogt and Donkeps, wound up jump around, Tool Chests, 35 cents to $2.50, Ten Pius, 10 cents to 75 cents soldier out fit;, m itinted on cards, 75c. to $1.25. Doll Chairs, 10 cents; Bureaus, 15 cents; Cradlts, 25, 35 and 50 cents; Dresser, U5 ceutR to $1.25; Pianot, 75 cents to $2.50; Bedroom Suites, 10, 15 and $1.25; Tin Kitchins, 15 to 75 cents; Tin Stoves, 5 to 50 cents; Iron Stovet, $1 25 to $3.75; China Tea Sets, 5 cents to $1.25; China Bed Room Set, $1.25. Air Rifles, $1.25; Pistol and Target, 50 cents; Slide Trombones, 35 and 75 eei.t.-; Trumpets, 1, 5, 10 and 15 cents; Drums, 35 cents to $1.25; Violint, 26; ll.inj is, 35 nnd 75 cents. Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! New stylis new dolls pretty dollt patent dolls 3 feet $1.00, 2 feet 60 cents,' . 18 inches 35 cents. Rid body, shoes, bisque head, 35 cent to $1.25, dressed dolls 1 cent np, talk ing dolls, saying mamma and papa 85 cents and 50 cents, closing-eye dolls 35 cents up, real hair dolls 75- cents up, I'iucst imported French dollt, bisque heads, unbreakable jointed bodies, clos ing eves, beautiful Icaturet and long hair, the liiust dolls in tbit country, $1.00 to $8 00 each. , CHRISTMAS CANDIES Fcautitul boxes and baskets, Tenney's best effort, ut close figures V4 lbs. to 5 lbs, packages all grades of cheaper can this almond nounat 25c, caramels 18c, clicolatccrcams20c,marshmallows30ca F I R E FIREWORKS O R K S Just as well buy 'em cheap small packs 2 lor 5c, larger 3 for 10c., small cannon crackers 5c. pack torpedoes 2c. a pack Roman candles average lc. a ball all sixes sky rockett, pin wheels, triangles, joss sticks, colored fires, etc. Wholesale and retail. CRAY'S! - 4 k ,f:

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