7 THE A8HEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Friday Evening, December 28, 1894. THE "BONANZA": Baltimore Clothing, Shoe & Dry Goods Go. Wine and 10-12 PATTON AVENUE. Company jiiq.-u.or KTos. 41 and. 43 SoiAtli Main Street. IS carry the largest and finest assortment of Imported and Domestic Wines and Liquors of any similar establishment in the South. Our stock is strictly first class and represents the cream of the markets of the world. We call especial attention of same to parties irk desire Pure Wines or Liquors for Medicinal or Family Use. BUSY DAYS ARE HERE W We ask for no patronage on account of cheapness, but guarantee our prices as low as can be made by any reputable dealer anywhere in the United States. The government tax has been increased 20 cents per gallon, but having bought largely before the law went into effect, we give our patrons the benefit of our large purchases and extra age of the liquors, at our usual prices. Below we enumerate a few of our leading brands that we handle both in bulk and bottles : Rye Whiskies. R.O.&Co.'m Private Stock ' Old Saratoga " ' " Monogram " ' linker Velvi-tXXXX C hint t ' " Straight Cut " 1 ' Mouongahe'a ' ' Family Genuine Mount Vernon " (Jut kenheiinor " Orebolt liourboii Whiskies. 0I J Osenr lYpjor E II. Taylor. Jr Our stock of Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes can't be beat. Our wagon always ready to deliver to any part of the city free of charge. Before laying in your holiday supplies please call and see what thousands of our visit ors have pronounced the Liquor House South of New York. Boxing and Packing Free. WANT COLUMN WASTED, 1T7ANTH!) -Two furnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping. AMress j. i.. r.i.oKt. , itSi N. Main St., Asheville, N. C. FOR REST. CHR RKNT Newly furnished rooms, with or wiinoiu itoani. r.i iu avr Italy One Bl ck l-'rom Court House. 117 dmio FOR RKNT A spleudid 7-rooin residence with f.ii uecessnry outbuildings and 5 ucres land, iH miles out on Uookout Mountain street rail roan. Auolvto C. 8. COOI'HR, 39 S Main SI IXR RENT 3 story store house corner reet and Merrimon avenue. a. North Main street and t put airs suitable for fan.uy. Apply to S-7dtf T. F. MALLOY, First National Bank. IjOR RKNT-The elegant rooms in Johnston building, southwest corner Public square, now occupied by Carolina Club. Possession iven 10th January, lYudtf 1H0S. l. JOHNSTON. FOR RKNT A lo-ruom residence, furnished or unfurnished, modern improvement. Iwautiful location, within three miuutes' walk ofpostofnee. Address V. P., u-j;djt Citizen Office. FOR RKNT A new lo-room house with all modern improvement, has beta run Ihne And a hair yens as a succcsslul bonn'tug house. For fuller particulars emimre at u 7.I11110 47 1'ATTON AVENUE. FOR RENT The tore room occupied by J. A. While, No. 1; 8. Main street, will he tor rent on January I. Apply DR. C. H. MILLIARD. Hilliard building, or 105 South Main street, I2'24dW IOR RENT The very de!rable store room tn.l baaement No. 11 North Court Square. Also a fine basement under No. 14 North Court equare. I'owsslon given 1st January. Ap ply to C. 8 COOI'KK. 12-jdnno No. 39 South Main St. BOARDING. (00D BOARD Reasonable rate, MRS. S. TERRY, 161 N. Main St. S-udtf SALUDA First class bonrding; house. MRS, SCMRRMKI8TKR, 11 Starues Ave. WANTED Boarders for three choice rooms. v Southern exposure. MRS. LFK. u.wdtf v'o. 36 Flint St. Bright, cheerful rooms, with first-class board, All conveniences. 134 NORTH MUN STREET, ii4diw Opposite Starnes Avenue. MISCELLANEOUS COR SALE First class surrey, Rood as new; m. one second hand dukkv. cn an for cash. 12 l.Vltf BOX 197, City. NOTICE All persons Indehted to us will please call and settle at once, we must col lect past due bills, iMidtjam PITPATRICK & MAY. STRAYED from my pasture in Ramoth yes terday, one deep reu enw, and one pale red cow with white face, ropes around their horns. Ii. B. BARNARD, IJ.jMjt Asheville P, O. FOR SALB OR FOR RENT A house of nine rooms with all ntodern Improvements There is also a Rood stable on the lot. The house la within about five minutes' walk of the public square and near two lines of street cars, the sit uation commanding: one of the finest views in the city. Anyone wishing to investigate further can aaaress i2-7dimo B. C, FostoCnce Boi 691. NOTICE By virtue ol the power and author ity contained tn a certain deed of trust made and eiecuted to the undersigned aa trus tee by I has. L. Lindseyand wife Maria Und My, bearing date January a, 1891, to secure cer tain Indebtedness therein mentioned, which said deed of trust Is registered In the office of the Register of Deeds In and for the county of Bun combe and Slste of Korth Carolina, in book i Pg' 175 . ! ' "hlch relerence Is hereby made for full particulars, and default having been made In the terms and conditions of said deed o trust, and having been requested by the cestui que trust therein named to cvecute the said power of sale because of such default I will ell, at public auction at the court house door in the city of Asheville, N. C, on Monday, the 14th day of January, 1S95. at ti o'clock m the land conveyed to me In said deed of trust to the high est bidder for cash Said land Is situated in Doubleday'a addition at the corner ol East and Henev street, and a lull description of lha same is given In the deed of trust atoresald. H. D. CHILD, ia-ijdtdt Trustee, NOTIC R By virtue of the power vested lame a trustee in a certain deed of trust executed to me by C. D. Clark and wire, A, B. Clark, on the soth day of November, 1889, to secure to the Morristown Mill company the payment or one certain not bearing even date with aald deed ol imrf. fine twenlv-two hundred and Aftv ilnit.r. defaut having been made in the payment of said note when same became due and payable, only a part of t we aald note having been paid, and auch delault having continued until this dav, and at the request of lh aald Morristown Mill comma, tha cestui oue trust named In aald .deed of trust. I will sell to the highest bidder lor cash, at the court boas door In the eitv ol Asheville, North Carolina, on the jilt day of uecemoer, 1094, at is o cioca menman, 10 satisfy aid Indebtedness, the following described lot or parcel of land situated In the county of Bun. combe and State of North Carolina, described follows 1 Beglnlnnlng at a stake in Lyman's line on west side of Park avenue; thence with the latter north seventeen aad three-fourth degrees east seventy-live feet to a Make; thence north eighty-eight degrees west one hundred no eigniy nei to a suae; incnce bouib iweniy five octrees west eurutv one feet to a stake la Lyraa?sltae;lheacewith Lyman's tine a bowl outhelghly-nlae lhavssstaatVoowt otse hundred and alaetyWmaliMtjo the begtaata This the ana oaj ev ifoveaaawr, ana. - Latber ft fat aMty. . f..., . Tras. ll-jsdst-M Ai . v ' .''''! "', 1 '.'. " .'V... ' x. Old 'A'. H. MeBrayer " Woodford Co Crow " Uplift of Nelson " T U. Wpy " .1 i8 E. l'epper ' Me Braver, J. II., Corn Whiskey Old Bonanza" XXXXX Stat dard Old Corn Pure Whit Mountain Brandies. ,Ias. Hennessey & Co. Maitell&Co. (Hard Uupuy & Co. X. C Scuppernong Old California X. C. Tench and Apple WORN OUT. "Yea, tiling in the church are dull, nil at a standstill, It scorns to me. 1 think Parson Brown ought to open up a llttlo." Mary and I were sitting on the tront porch nlbath afternoon. Mary waa read ing sensational stories In a Sunday paper, sometimes rending aloud to me. I was little intercstl and finally began dozing, hut ninnnged to got wide awake before Mary indulged in the foregoing remark. Aftor n moment's thoughtful hesitation I remarked: "Well, I must aay I'm get ting tired of the aame old thing Sunday after Sunday, the name fnoe, the lame voice, the same gesture and sometimes the name Illustrations. Now, when I was at Spencorvllle, where they had Just re ceived a new minister, there waa so much going on and everything so lively. There were all the ladle fixing up the parsonage and everybody calling there and making present, and the house warming. Dear me. It all seemed to make so much good feollng" "That' It," said Mary. "There is no feeling at all here, l'nrson Drown la a good onouuh man, but he la so slow posi tively so slow. It sometimes cornea over me, John then Mary lowered her voice, whether It wna in fear of being heard by the leave of the npnle tree near by, or by the robin building their nest In the tree top, or by tho old dog Madgo that lay on tho mat by the window, I cannot say "that pcrhap It would bo beat for us to havo a change of pastors, though I would not llko to be tho ono to start the Idea In the parish." "No, Indeed," I said. "But still he has been here a long time." "Yes, and getting a trifle old, a little worn shelf worn, if we wore to use a mercantile term. A younger man, now, would liven up things. We could pay him a better salary and give thing a new tart," answered Mary. "There 1 no fault to be found with Brother Brown, though," aald I, for I could not find it in my heart to hear htm run down, "Not a bit, not a bit. It' only that that pcr.iap hi usefulness here is at an end. What do you say, Mary, to driving over to hear Parson Jones this morning Just for a changer He I more my style, beat and wakes folks up, ao thoy aay." "What," aald Mary, "clear over to Plpctownt" It waa ten mile away. "Yea," I aald. "I'll hitch up in a few minutes, and we can mako the trip In an hour." Mary made no objection In fact, rather enjoyed tho auggcstlon and In a little whllo wo were spinning on our way. As we nenrod Plpotown wo saw many people on their way to church. "Great many people out for morning services, " aald I. "Our folk do not turn out this way." "Parson Jones ia a man thai draws," aid Mary, "keeps up the interest In the church, you oe." There was qulto a crowd In the entry, and as we were waiting for some one to anew u a seat we overheard a man say: "You'll bear something worth bearing today. Mr, (I couldn't get hold of the name, though I tried) 1 going to preach." I looked at Mary. 1 was afraid she had set her heart on hearing Mr. Jones, but a far a I was concerned I didn't mind hearing a.strnngor, especially It he was like what they said, for they wore talking right on, "He's a strong preacher yea, strong, that's Just the word. We an alwava slad when we get him on an exchange. Won der ha haa staid so long In the oountrv. us s none 01 your nop and Jump sort, doss not waste any fores In hammering . . out sparks, but goes straight to the truth and drives It home end clinches It that Is Just the word, clinches It." I could see the folks wen expecting a little something uncommon by tha way they looked as they settled Into their seats. I wss looking about a little to sea If I knew anybody present, for I had fre quently been to Plpetown. I did not look toward the pulpit till I heard the minister's voloe, and then I al most jumped from my seat as I stand at him. Then I stared at Mary, and Mary stared at me. It was Psraon Brown, is ann as you live. If It had not been In church, I should have laughed right out to see Mary's blank look. But I sobered down. Then I could not help observing how the people listened. It was very plain that thsy con sidered Parson Brown a great preacher. Their Interest set me to noticing him mora oarefully. I Anally concluded that while bs was not a handsome man It It not often you sm a mora scholarly face or hear more earnest words, Than I notlotd the deep lines of ears on bis faoa, mad largely by the heavy church rardans he WM s&lged to ny. I tkought of the sUlolM)ha4baDUsd, of UwfsjswsJ M ImA 90aVJtotL of tata MHOWsf t H -i 'aaa, at Ma mf Rums, Gins, Etc. Old Jamaica Rum " Mtdford " ' Tom Gin " Oeneva Gin 44 IIoliaiKfGin Sherries, Ports, Etc. Puff Gordon's Sherry Club House Imperial Wedding Port Old Portugal Port, ! t We have a large stock of, imported Burgundy, Chret-Jst P. A. P. O. Box 146. swell In my eyes unci run (town on my I checks. I When ho enmo to his text, Mary gave mo a nudge, for, If you will bclievo me, It was tho Sftino wo had heard tho Sunday j before. But I am willing to confess that It was mostly new, for 1 did not listen well before In fart, I hud got Into the way of thinking that Brother Brawn's j sermons were not edifying to mo. I saw tho man wo heard In tho entry nod Ills : head, as much as to say: "Didn't I tell you sot That's one of his clinchers." After the sermon was finished nnd tho hnml ehnking time enmo I think Mary and I wore Just a llttlo proud to havo folks know that Parson Brown was our minis tor. Wo didn't speak a word for more than half tho way home, end then I sulci: "I say, Mary, there's such a thing as going farther and faring worso." "Well," said Mary, "if that's what you moan, we have been faring Just about tho same." "No, that isn't what I mcau. Mary, how much bigger salary ought we to raise for Brother Hrownf Yes, It ouiiht to bo done. Theso things need stirring up, nna 1 tor one mil going w but weui ) up." Hero I jerked tho lines till thchorso fairly jumped. "I am going to tako hold with tho pastor with greater heartiness than ever before. Tho old parsonuxo needs lota of repairing. Tho church ought to be renovated. I'll talk to the men about it If you will talk with the women." Ex change. THE WRITER. Mr. Thomas Hardy, tho novelist, Is do eccmlcd from tho Hardy to whom the dy ing Nelson sold, "Kiss mo. Hardy." Emllo Zola has become a lover of the bicycle A recent Issue of La Hlcycletto contained his picture In the costume cf a whcelm.in F. Marlon Crawford has no fads about the circumstance under which he writes He can work Bnywhero and labon en hit novels while traveling Louise Imogen Gulnry Is 0110 of tho most promising contemporary American poets. She was educated In the Boston schools, and tho Kltzauethan era hai been her absorbing subject of study. "Gyp," the writer of sensational novels, is Mme. de Mortle. She is 44 years old, waa born In Brittany and is a greatnieco of Mlrnbeau. Sho married at It), and her eldest child, a boy, Is 20 years of age William T. Adams, who Is practically unknown by that namo, says lie. soon tired t his nom do plumo of "Oliver Optic," under which ho has written U'Obouks and 1,000 newspaper stories, and endeavored to change It, but his publishers would not listen to tho proposition. THE CYNIC. Gossip tt generally a desire to get even. It U a rare man who can do a favor dell tat el j, Everything a roan likes to do a wonmn ciin prove is wlckod. The people pay more-for lovo than for any other Decennary evil on earth. The more friends a business man hns the more things he sells below cost. Faith In Bomethliifrposaesacd entirely by the children, and they don't know they have lb. The younger avtoman in the more in dlgnant she Is when sho hears of a biul husband. The majority of people aro much hotter innirini mm rj looking than their lingerie when It hangs . i, T.o , 00 "ub "Da A keen took at tho wolf at your door will show him to be the ghost of your 111 management and shlftlessness. Atchison Globe. Simplicity sad Charily. Wosmlloat the clilldllko simplicity of the kind hoartcd man whose oharlty "bo UoTothsll thing, hopoth all things," oven ol those whom tho man of th world dis trust. "But," a Dr. Bolmos lay, "tho angel laugh, too, at the good ho ho dono." Dr. Dobbin, an old fashioned clergyman of Dublin, wns noted for Ills kludnoss to the poor and for the simplicity with which he trusted them, aa It they could be guilty of no deosptlon. Onos a man was beg ging at the clergyman ' carriage window. Having no change about him, he banded the beggar a guinea, saying, ''Go, my poor man, get me oh an go of that, and I will glTe you a shilling." He nororsawths beggar's face again. One day bis wife, on coming home, found him In tho ball with his hands be hind bis back, as It hiding something. Bte Insisted on knowing what It was. and ha timidly brought out from behind- bis back roasted leg of mutton. Bo bad stbMIj take II from tho sedt In the kltea- te to s ton fm WsitbMt the I j Siiuterno, Rhine Wines, Champagne, Cordials, Bit ters. Native Wines. N. 0. Seupperiiong " Black biry 44 Catawba i California Sherry Port 4 Angelica Burgundy " Reining 44 Znfandel i. line'; ., nTp. uppernong('hampagn MARQUARDT, Silver Churn Butterine ut tip by Armour Pack- Co., is nuiruntecd t Iv absolutely pure. It is u hok'sorriL' anJ sweet. Retails for 25 cents per pound. A Silver Churn Cook tlt. UOOkUlVCnWllll rlW Wrappers. POWELL & SNIDER HARPER' BAZAARS IX 1895. Mritut nticl cxcliiHve ileMgns for out-tioor Tint iii-itour (oilrtlcH, drawn from Worth models by Samloz mul Ctiapuifi, arc an important feat ure. Tlusc aiprnr;evrry week, accompanied bv mi mile itewnptioiis and dt tails, Our Paris letter, by Kiithnrine de Forest, I a weekly trn mtcriiit ol the latest ittyles and catiricea in the mode, Under the head of New Vork Fashion, plain direct iomt and lull particular are given at to shapes, fabrics, trimmings and accessories of the costumes of well-dressed women. Children'! Clothing receive practical Attention. A fort nightly Pattern sheet Supplement enable resd-t-rs to cut and make their own gowni. The wo rn;.!! who takes llAWl'KK'S 11AAAR Is pre pa red for ev i y occasion in life ceremonious 01 informal, where beautiful dress is requisite. An American Serial, Dr. Warrick's Daugh ter's by kebeccn Harding Davis a strong novel of American lite, partly laid In 1'ennyslvanla and partly in the far South, will occupy the last half ol the year. My l.ady Nolwdy, an intensely exciting novel bv Maorten Manrteti. author of "tlod'a Fool," "'the ( renter Glory," eic, wilt begin the year Kssavs and Social Chats. To this department Spectator will contribute her charming papers on "What We Are Doing" In New York society. Answers to Correspondents Questions receive the personal attention of the editor, and are an swered at the earliest possible date alter their receipt. Heart For Iilu'rald Proapectna The volumes of the HAZAAR begin with the first nu miter for January ol each year When no time U mentioned, fulwcriplion will begin with the number current at the time of receipt of order Cloth enscs for each volume, suitable for bind ing, will tc sent by mall, postjwid, on receipt ol i. 00 each. Title poge anil index suit on plication. Remittances should be made ty Postomee Money Order or Drait, to avoiu cnance of loss. Harper's Periodicals Itn.p' r'N MHKMalne, one veur, t-t Hriii'i'i w. i kli, 94 HsiBfiM Haiaar. " 4 Musp.'i's Vuuok rcoplc," J I'ostnL'c Inc to all ultcrllien In the Vnittd states, lutmtiti ana Mexico, auurcss Harper & Brothers, . O UOX 9S9. M. V.. CITF. llavenscroft - School N(XT TIRM BEGINS MON DAY, J N- I - T. II. TOVNIIEB WIGHT, Head MaaKr. fiff To Imd in sums of fjoo, or the OliVUU whole li.ooo: to lie secured by Improved real estate In Asheville, II any one wishes to borrow this money, I advise to apply at once a. the owner who sent II to tne has In- stnu ted me to return It II not lonnea iiy tne 1st January. a torrin, la-Xxljl Jl Haywood St. For Sale or Bent. A house of eight rooms well furnlhed. All modern tonveulnces. Desirable location. On atrret car line Price reasonable, ' WANTKB Iwmooa one of the handsomest Improved properties ia Asheville. Apply to r ' S C. CORTLAND t Pattou Av, tnd Floor. unci Opium m.rj'U tmivtf at bt.itiv v till outt'ala.iM f iir UctilaniseutrKI.aV s.H.'UU.r,il k I 1 llllllllsv.1 has. Ales, Stouts, Etc. Bass Ale, White Label " Smith's India Burke's Stout Bass Ale Schlitz XXX Porter " Extra Stout " Pilsener Beer C. & C. Ginger Ale " Club Soda Burke's three-star Irish and Scotch Whiskey. Agents for the Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Win , and Foss-Schneider Brewing Co., Cincinnati. 0. most complete Wine and Manager. Telephone Call 72. Racket Store, 15 S. Main St. We are taking stock and while this is going on we will K'U goods just as low as ever, but we have a few things to close at a sacrifice; 22 plueh, leather and cellu loid rases, handkerchief, love, nfektie and jewelry boxes, shaving sets, etc.; 11 plush and leather albums; 1 silver plate castor; 1 silver plate sugar bowl; 1 rilver plate spoon holder; 1 silver plate cako basket. J. M. STONER. Mgr. Buying Beauty. " lea only good-looking," is the wish of uiuiiy a woman to-day. It never occurs to moat women that there ia a heauty ohtainulile at little trouble. It Is the Infinity cf rosy cheeks and ruddy health. Most women lose it through In digestion, biliousness, disordered liver, etc. If yon want to transform a sallow com plexion into the glow of health you can do It by demising the system from impurities tml causing the liver to work crTectively. .No single medicine can accomplish all that Is needed. A liver pill will merely arouse the liver; It win not purify th blood, or repair the naate, or tone up the system. For this you must follow your liver pill with some powerful, luvlgoratlng toulc. The belt, and also the least ex pensive preparation, is Rltnon'l Tonlo Jiver PlUn and Ra mon's Tonic Pellet. You get these two medicines in separate boxes at the cost of one only 38 ctntt. Your druggist will tell yon that this is a sure cure for bilious ueis sud constipation. OLD INVaBIYTLLa BY ' . SKi r. o. nuxvn, ; wasnsasi a smau. w.C. Can-' Vajtuua The greatest buying time of the year is here. We are ready with special offerings of useful presents. It is to your interest to recognize us, as we are the acknowl edged leaders of special sales and low prices. There are probably 5,000 people in Asheville who are mentally saying, I hope I get an umbrella this Christmas. Grat ify their wish and buy it here, as we have the nicest se lection in the city. In selecting presents for your friends it is well to remember a nice dress pattern, umbrella, shoes, silk and linen handkerchiefs, or buy your mother or wife a nice pair of lace curtains; makes a lasting im pression and gives pleasure every day in the year. From our immense stock selections can be quickly made for young and old, adapted to the purse and tastes of all. Don't miss buying useful Christinas presents from us. Bargains in all departments at the Baltimore Clothing, Shoe and Dry Goods Co. Bcmember our next special sale day, next MONDAY, DECEMBER 24TH, 1894. SPECIAL DECEMBER SALE. Commencing December 3, 1894, we placed on sale our entire stock of MEN'S AND BOYS' FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS. YOUR CHOICE CLOTH All wool in all colors and mixtures. TRIM MINGS Elegant, and TAILORING Unsurpassed. STYLES Regents, 3-button cutaways, dove tails, longs, regulars, stouts. MATERIALS Black clay worsted, Scotch tweed, home-spuns, cnssiincrcs, black and blue cheviots, tricots, kerseys, meltons. STYLES Single and double breasted Cambridge sacks, 3-button cutaway sacks, piccadilly sacks. Former prices, $10, $15, 14, $20. See window display. Remember our next SPE CIAL SALE DAY, Baltimore Clothing, Shoe & Dry Goods Co. 10 AND 12 PATTON AVENUE. . FOR, HALE . A LAtOB LOT OF Old Newspaper m All Clean. Jut the thing to put nadar etrnttstlils winter, Apply at $9.90 AND BEST w o 0 i fawsn W I- '. IN M .mmi, X ., ,, ry , tetfltttt .nam) ii ift-r'iu"" IN H hi agnialseasrsatMtai IAJ Pits Kbasok War Voo Hhould Tans TH ClTllltN 1. It Prints the New. 3. It Write IU Own UJItorials, It Is the Beat Local Taper Brer . Printed tn W. N. C. It Prints the Latest TelegrapMe News Prom All the World. It Believes la AsImtUI Always. a. 4. S. To (Oat t .a . IT IS) A NBWtPAPBI. stars too tstoooat et it U Dollar Win Oat - J -t- - ItaNraTasuyaMtfTo. " V LiiiiisuaSai isms aalsiasailail Ml ti iif i f i r " ""' " "