I t Asheville Daily Citizen, ASHEVILLE, N. C MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 31, 1894. ritiCE 5 CENTS VOLUME X-NO. 205. P -FLOOR: ! HOLIDAY GIFTS FAST .ON JUUAIS, W ATA U(U BOCK :WHEAT FLOUR, NKW OKLEANS a x D jALxpjy MOLl SKS. M ACARON J, rRI-CHJEE..U8Bp QUEEN OLWES. RECEIV- POWELL & SNIDER "The White Corner." raarktt A.. I. COOPER, NO. COURT SQUARE. Buckwheat Flour, Graham Flour, Flapjack Flour, Self Rising Flour, Gluten Rye IN BNDLBSS VARIETY DOWN AT THE , Crystal Palace. It would be use ss fur us to attempt to tell of half what we have. We mention itpecialty the attractive line of lamps, ailk shades, wire shade frames. Denulson'a paper for shades. Silk shades from $1.50 to t'S each. Cut glass and French China In everything that is pretty and useful. The line of Wedgewood and Copeland ware deserves mention. Quite Ihe fad to have a piece in your home. Dolls, toys, books, etc. We have them lower than any place in town. Our Bargain tables, 5c, 10c , 15c, 15c, 50c, give dou- And the best winter wheat floar sold on the I . . (or Tour monty. Yours for a merry Rice Flour, Flour, Flour. '1 THE ST. DKI.AVAN. AT III' UN' ED. VI.1IANY, Xmas. THAD. V. THRASH S BRO. NEW YEAR GIFTS, Remember all your friends by giving them a fine Art Calendar. Sold at ESTABROOK'S, 22 South Main St. AT GREATLY RRDCCRD fRIClS. DIARIES FOR 1895. BLANK BOOKS. A Full Block At Thanking Our Friends For Their Patronage Happily It Wm Not I .a to. and the liiH'stH Itoiiihoil tliv strwt siiR-ly six Servants Imported MImMiik One DoittH III lloxpllitl. Amiany.X. Y ,IUc. 3l. The eaudidacv of several men fur shaker nl' tlic assem bly received n startling baptism of fire here last uitlit. The Ik-lnvun house, the center of all bis state pi.litie.il events fur 40 ycuis, was coin pit t' ly (1 .'Stroyed. It was 8:30 o'clock when Slate Fac tory Inspector Connolly remarked that he smelted smoke and suggested an in vestigation. Hefore it could be begun there were cries of tire from different pruts ot the house simultaneously. The f ut burst oi ll.iniesl cfnre nil alarm could be given to amuse the inmates of the rooms was something appalling. Fortunately the gti st list wu9 not very huge. There was a tush lor the stairs, and in n lew minutes there was n turn bling mnsi of humanity coming down the few means of cgtcsi In less than 13 tniiui'is nfler the lire started, the entire structure was wrapped in II imes. In 20 minims the building re sembled a seething crater. 01 the hun dred or more gmsts at the hotel not one is known to have saved more than the clothes on their person. The lire burned fiercely for five hours. M least six servants arc unaccounted for. The payroll has not yet been fully verified and it may be that several per sons perished. ohn Norman, one of the waiters, says he took Louis P. 1'avne, a well known friend of Hamilton Fish, to room 303 just before the tire broke out. lie re tinned to the office to get some traps lor Payne and ilibvered them. As Nor man was returning to the cUvator, a dense smoke appealed and he rushed mound lorn room to room to give the alarm. Norm n says the sir-ants were appnsul of the fire in time to save i hem- srlvca, out thev ran iimurnl to nrouc 1)K( LINKS TO INTERFERE. I.i-ttor Vrum Juiluo Mnottao Reipinb luir Myrn Connelly's (as. Deputy Sheriff J. H. Hampton bat shown The Citizen a letter received by Sheriff Rrookshire from Judge Jamea C. MacRae, who presided at the term of I court sivcral yenn ago whcnMvra Con nelly was tried for the killing of Samuel Sumner, at which the woman was con victed and sentenced to 10 years in the penitentiary. Judge MacRae says he has recently icccived a petition from citizens ot Buncombe asking him to rec ommend a commutation of the woman's sentence. Continuing he says: "1 write to you to show that I have not been unmindful of these requests, and 1 btg you to iHlieve that it is from no vindictive tiding against the poor woman that 1 have to decline to make this recommendation. I have been al ways sorry tor her mother, who has shown so much affection for ber daugh ter, and I sincerely hope she may live to Nee here safe home Vgain My recollection of the case, refreshed by Ire qucut applications of this kind, gives me no ground for such recommendation. I thought ut the time and still think that the sentence was a light one. ... I must ask you to inform the poor mother nud the petitioners that while I am ex trcmcly sorry I cannot do as they wish." M'DAXi.lL AND WEIIB. tiov. tare Fixes Tuowlay, March 11, an "llaiininu'n l)ny." Governor Cnrr has re-sentenced Billy McDanicl and Henry Webb, the colored condemned murderers now in Buncombe's jail. The date fixed for their banging is Tucsdny, March 12,1803. Theiroriginnl sentence was for Janunry 11, which falls on Friday. Sheriff Urookshire has received the official notice of the re-sentcucing of the condemned bojs. It is thought likely that Webb's sen tence will be commuted to life imprison ment. urige Tims. A. oncs has written it letter to Governor Cnrr asking for the commutation, on the ground i f Webb's youth, that he was drinking nt the time of the murder, that he was grcaty under the influence of McDanicl, and that there FLORIDA'S DISASTROl'SLY COST LY FREEE VP. The, Los ou Orangea uud OraiiK Troon Will ltont-u Into tho Millions of Dol- Un-H-M'orso Than tho Cold Suup of 18HII. . Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 31. Reports by wire from 51 correspondents in the orange districts of the state indicate that at least 1,800,000 boxes of unpicked oranges are solid pieces of ice und more than 300,000 boxes of oranges in ware bouses, or lying in bulk preparatory to picking are frozen. Tomatoes, cabbage, beans, peas and all vegetables in the northern half of the state are ruined ex cept the pineupple plantations which are not mucn injured. The tail of the northern blizzard switched around through the Florida peninsula and within the space of a few hours Florida had sustained a loss that. estimated in money, would reach into the millions. The destruction will be felt for manv years, dirictly or indirectly, by all the people of the State. The lowest temper ature at Tampa was 18 and the same was reported at Titusville. At Cedar Keys it was said to he as low as 16 and at Key West it was down to 14. The cold weather played havoc with the plumbing and water supply in Jack sonville. Muny people lound their water pipes Irozen. The occurrence was so un usual that it was some time before the residents could realize that the water bad actually frozen in the pipes. There was ice in shallow places, however, and there were icicles everywhere. The weather nns moderated and the cold sp-.il is now over. lIUKt KlMtUKiU DAHNSTOHM IMJi A COLD WAVE IS HERE. TO PREVENT A ROVttll SKIN AKD CHAPPED IIAND- WHICH AM .It MOSTSVRB TO FOLLOW WITH THOSE OF DELICATE SKIS, VSI1 THE BAZAAR OFFERS SPECIAL PRICES In the Following Lines: Misses' and children's felt hats, latest st j les. I.adies's l.lt Innuels and hats. ROYAL CAUPHORLlNGi" Inf int's cips, velvet, silk and cloth. guests and in doing this thev were over- f 1 "8 l" VenD Knowledge ni rnme bv miinlie I Mel' iiiiel s intention to commit the WK wish to say that we have a fresh slock o Huyler'sdnd other fine con fections on hand. YKS. we have Home Toya left over which you can huy at cretil reduction. Sleds, wagon, dolls, doll carriages, etc. ESTABROOK'S, as . MAIM UT. -AT I.OWHST 1'RICKS- Char'es Kisecrans, m e of the night cli r I. s, cannot be found. Mis. F. S. Hill, l he housekefK'r, is missing. Kate Crow Icy, employee, is thought to lie dead, as she is missing. So lar as known none of the guests were lost in the fiic. At I lie Albany Iso-pi t . 1 1 at noon the physicians said lour of the lire palicnts remaining ill' re would ne ver. Mrs. Ilenrv F Fookc. wilcntji he agent ol tl e Amciican Cash K.gistrv company ol l)a ton, O'lio, was the only death, she ,W1 lit th,. li.iwt.itiil -si..' inrmi.-.l iVit.n OI R Baking Department Is now .unplicd wlih , , . , .. ,,,1... ,,,, I Y, r hus- the hest bread and cakes In the city. I aid elm g to a rope lire e-c ip-, lii Let justing on a cornice ol tlie liiirl stoty j I window for over ten mil tuis before the , ladder reached to him. i There me still twost'cams plating up- j on the smoking mass ol lU bri". Tbeliotil proprietors say the hotel eipploves I ad discovered the tire and bail amp'e oppor tunity to extinguish it lie I ore sprcadi'g, but fir n lack of water, Bradley Martin's family weic di'jiugiu state in cue of tbt small dining rooms, when the fire broke out. Thev iiad i I v lime to escape and sa veil aim istnotl.i g. Loss $3U,0Utl.00ll; in-uic I. HESTON HESTON wiikui: IK LAW FA II KKKP WARM WITH A I'.OOl) Al.t. WOOI, Sweater. While we are offerinR them at reduced prices, Seven don on hand. All colors, white, lilue and Mack. l oo will get you first clan sweater; fijowillget you a sweater with douhle collar, any lite, it oo will get you one of the lat sweat- era vou can buv in this city, Come before we run out of the si. L. BLOMBERG. 17 PATTON AVE. 10 North Court Square After getting on the square we had to increase our stock. Tbe store was too large for small stock. Our store is full to OTer lowing. All onr goods are fresh. Don't forget tbe place. Goods delivered tree and prompt. Gr. .A.. Greer Happy He who makes another so. A Christmas I piect,t makes two people happy. In toys I of many and varied kinds, in a selected! list ol books that includes gifts for babies, children, youths and all other ages; in I almost sn) thirg that is usually found in a book store, our stock is ample; our I onees are reasonable. It costs you I nothing to come, examine, ask prices I and test the truth of our statements. Morgan ol Co., WtX Court tfquwrt ""iiprciiK' onrt .IiiiIuji'k s.plll lliili-s, and Miirilfivrs) (io l-'ivo. Ki.i;ir.n, N. 0. Pec. 'JO The Supreme court has decided the most mu irkabl.' case on record in this country. It has, crime for which he must hang. In addition to udgc Jones' letter, Solicitor Carter has written a letter to Governor Cnrr, and the jurors btfore whom the case was tried have signed a petition asking the commutation. Notice is given elsewhere in Tim Cm zi:n tod iv bv Messrs. Chas, A. Webb and las. II. Cooper, nttornevs for Henry Welib that a commutation will be ap plied for on the first of February. TWO I'lltKs. Small Iiaiiiauc Poni'-strt'ctM too slick lor Truck llmws, Suiu'iiy morning about church time the firemen were summoned to the J. IS. Dicker soiuS; Co. building on south Court Place. Fire bad somehow started in the third story in the finishing room of T. II. Liudsey's photograph gallery. The fire was extinguished before it could se cure a goud toothold. There was nn I oil stove in the room, and it is thought I that from this the fire started. The ignition of the floor next the I hearth in Mr, Youngblood's house on McDowell strict, was the cause of a call j for the firemen's services about G o'clock i Saturday evening. The companies rc- a,, l.l I.... .... 4 . ni:l. ow,,ii,, jui tin Mieuuui ui i lie Biivb pavements could not run out the big Kow Wish to llnii'l tho Silvur Ilnlriil Kcntiickluu. St. Loi is.Mo., Dec. 31. Congressman V, C. V, llrcckinridge lectured lust night nt the Olympic theater on "Eras of American Development" to an audience of 150 people including two ladies, one of the latter being his wife. Tnc receipts did not pay lor the hall. There is a rumor that bis future dates will be can celled. Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 31.-W. C. P. Breckinridge is booked to lecture in Memphis this week, mid social mid club circles arc aroused to nn extraordinary degree. Yesterday two local chapters of the Daughters of the Revolution promul gated the following; "To the Daughters of the Revolution in Tennessee: In the name ol the late Mrs, Isaiah Desha llrcckinridge, a char ter manlier of our society und a grcntlv wronged woman, we appeal to you to discountenance in any degree or form any courtesy or attentioncxtended to W. C. I'. Ilreckiuridge, her husband, thereby up holding the dignity, honor and purity of our society in American wotnunnoon. Mildred Spottswood Mathcs, State Regent." Notwithstanding this a lending society lady has issued 00 invitations to a re ception to be extended Mrs. Urcckinridgc who accompanies her husband. AND YOV WILL Ufi PERFECTLY SUR PRISED WITH TUB HOOD RESVLTS. CtMPHORLlNK IS ,') MORI! AX EXPERIMENT. IT li KI'PT CoXS VAS T LY IN H"NVREIS OF llOCSEIlol.DH, AND IS PRIZED AS UXE OF THE IIHST DOMESTIC PHMBDIKS. FOR SALS II Y X EARLY ALL THIS VRVIi CISTS IX ASlllA'U.LB. MAXVFACTCRLD OXLY II V RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PATTON AVE. Oakland Heights Bote WILL GIVE Reduced Rates Until January 15th 1895. ; " K i w k o $ ?, t j 5 ', v 5 ' 5 C- sj 5: J is 5: .5 S $ h - -., . T i ; k S - h e r N r 5 ? 5 in 'T, r i ? ? S: h $ . - 3 1 ? r- horse reels and trucks The boscmen took out a jumper while the ladilcrmen carried axes nnc. other fire fighting Tl... i.i : ; i i in fact, no parallel. Two deputy shei ill's ' , "",a "n'"0 . ' . ' ' : oeliirc a gr.-at deal ol damage was done. ol Cherokee county, n.iiiuil lla.l and The lire department horses were rough Dockcrv, iieisued Audretv llnson anil shoo before the sevcie weather set in. I he l:illrr tl il ni'rn.4 t hi' T, nntiiif. lint' Hall and I'ockery, standing in CI croker, i "A" ''"As1'IMi At ( llKNT. shot and kil'nl him. They were tried . j, Nolniul siisIuIiih a llroki-u Arm formiirdtr in Cherokre und were eon-: Situriliiv Mglit. victcd. Tbev appeal -d to the Supriiu.- , .. court, which gave them u new trial. ; G. Noland, the young N rth Mam Then o mil pros was entered and they ' grocer, had an unlortunnte experience were din'hnrged, and immidi.itclv thev j while coasting down the slide on North were n.r.s'ed on n charge of coinniitling Mai Mnv Woodlin about 10 o'clock IIVItNKM ItKSIONS. Children's c:ips, velvet und cloth. Ladies' and misses' cloaks. Infant's long und short cloaks. Ladies', misses' and children's voolen underwear. Ladiis', misses' und children's woolen hosiery. All heavy dress goods. Also what is K ft of our holiday goods will be put at reduced prices. It will move than pay you to call and sec these big 'largains THE BAZAAR, 43 PATTON AVE. ! .een in cuslodv awaitinc extradition. I ntufonv night He was on a sled that 1 Tiu.e 11..1 ..., r i;' i carried besides himself another eentle- i tin.. fr,,t,i incii.' T..,i, ...! i ' dmh nnil twoyotitig Indies. While on Im.tU-en in 'that Sim.. The s,ir, ,11,. ! 'be way down their sled was run iuto 3": I court decides that this claim is jut nud that thev must be discharged. Two of the five iudt.es dissent and sav that as murderer was committed. f the murder cannot be tried in N irth Caro lina he should be delivered up to Tenn essee to be tried nad that cxtiaditiou is net n criminal, but a remedial statute and should be liberally construed to effect the obj-ct intended, which is that criminals may be aiiprebcndid in any state in the union. The legislature will have to pass a special law to cover this case, as the constitution does nut cover it. Atlanta Constitution. 8j 8 $ 1J Hot Soda, A HAD 1'KNSIONKK. bv a coaster that was following, with th; result that the occupants ol Mr. Noland's tied were thrown off. Mr. Nolnnd's right nrm was caught between n runner and the curbing and broken a few inclus below the elbow. Almost the entire arm wus very bndly bruised. Mr. Noland was taken home and his injuries were attended to bv Dr. E. C. Stiimcs. The victim of the accident is getting on as well as could be expected. but it will be some time before he is able for duly again. Tills NciiMiit tonal Fact Coiiicm Out Ik'" tore- tlio'Li'Xow I ollllulltcc. New Yokk, Dec. 31. Before the Lexow committee, which adjourned Saturday without day, Superintendent Byrnes an no u need that his resignation was in the bands of Mayor Strong. Nothing else of esixciul interest wns developed by the examination, Mr. Byrnes said the poli.-e commissioners wanted to be rid ot him; that they gave him no power; and that he wns worth $350,000, most of which hud been made for him by Jay Gould. Byrnes todav took occasion to correct the impression given bv his testimony before the Semite committee S tturdav, that all the commissioners of the police board had intcrlertd with him in the proper discharge of his duties. He said : "No, I have nothing to say against Messrs. Kcrwin and Murray. Since they have been on the board, things hive been very different. No transfers have been made except Tor cause, and in cverv way possible they have assisted the superintendent ol police." President James . '.Martin of the po lice department will resign his office within a few days. Martin so announced today at police beadquartcis. TI11EI) TO SAVE III SON. THE BEST SHOES $2.50 Mil. Klglit Ml'lllMMU MOVES 11'. by the NOTICE Hot Bouillon, Hot Beef Tea, Tkat while we are packing the llalllngsworth I foods to move to our other Urge stock at 14s I Roberta street, we vill offer to merchant, and I other ca.h buyers good. In .Ingle dozen lota at I the price of latge caae Iota. Our 40c syrup at aoc. Our 60c syrup at joe. Our ? avran at iu. Thla la s bargain of bargains, and only good XI Ot 1ilOCOUlte, till Saturday night, Our choice tomatoes la call ing In trade, Come and get prices, the stock Is I complete anil must go this week, GAY GREEN.I 101 PATTON AVKNDS;. P. I,-We art ready to tell and deliver any or I all of the natures at bargains. J I' I i Hot Clam Bouillon. lie lias Drawn ftlS.OOO Fmiiclulcnlly from tin' (Oivci'iiincnt. Fort Smith, Ark Taylor, 00 years old and blind, was sen tcneiil to five years imprisonment for perjury nud presentiig fibe claims against the government. For 110 years Taylor has been drawing a pension of $72 per month for total blindness tillegid to have been caused In a gunshot wound received in the army, A wound in his breast wns caused bv blister plasters, and five examining boards passed it lor gunshot wounds. The blindness was the result of sicknets contracted two years after the war. Taylor plvadid guilty aud claimed the Innirl was planned fiv pension attorneys. He has drawn $18, 000 fraudulintly from the govern ment, (.nines to liu I'lajcd Checker KxiH'i'ts, Messrs. Murdoch and McNuir, the i'li(.plir rtrrti tvlin nm air,at tin," ltr Del'. St. Illhn M. ! l. rlmmim.nnhiii nl Vnrtli Pnmlinn sat down to play Saturday evening with "Dyke" as the beginning game. Mr, McNnir was feeling unwell, but conclud ed to try one game. After a bard fight Mr. Murdnchwon, and Mr. McNnir de cided it best not to play further thut evening on account of his nervous con dition. This morning's sitting was for three games. Two of them were drawn and tbe third wus won by Mr, Murdoch. So, now the mure stands: Mr. Murdoch, 0; Mr. McN.iir, 3; drawn 13. There are eight games to be played before tbe championship question will be settled. THE WOMEN WILL EDIT. Novi Aud llotli I'crlslnsl In tho Flumes Tiiri'o llcsciiocl. Nkwaygo, Mich. Dec. 30. Fire early yesterday morning destroyed the house of Charles White, a farmer living three miles from here. The fire started on the ground floor and had obtained a good headway when White and his wife who were sleeping on that floor, awakened. I' our children were sleeping up stairs, White rescued three of them, but when be went back for the fourth he was overcome by smoke and both father and son were burned to a crisp. Snow Storms In Euirluud mid AValcs, London, Dec. 30. A heavy snow storm accompanied bv fierce gales pre viules in the north of Liiglnud and Wales. Travel in consequence is greatly impeded. CONMSSED TELEGRAMS. T- Heinitsh & Reagan, k MERRY CHRISTMAS TO Y00 ALL AMD A HAPPY MEW YEAR Thanking jon for the liberal patronage yoa bare given ui, and if low prices, good goodt and fair dealing it what yon want, wt nope to have a continuance ol the tame. Maple Brrnp, quart cant, 88 cents; half gallon cant, 65 cents; gallon cant, 11.00. Back, wheat Flour, SH cents, and car load ol good thing! to cat that will please tbe most faittdlontMMaaiMSBjgt a b NOLAND & BON. TUtKr-BOrtlt HI K1II1I011 ol' a Memphis Newspa per on I'Vliruiii'.v 1 1. M km I'll is, Dec. 31. The Commercial Appeal has placal its plant at the dis posal of the women of Memphis, who will edit the paper f ir one issue and re ceive nil revenue accruing thcrclrom lor the purpose ol siurting 11 fund to build a woman's temple in this city, similar to the iVoman's Christian Temperance I'nion building in Chicago. The edition will appear on St, Valentine's day, Feb ruary 14. The ladies will control eveiv department from editor-in-chief to ofli.-e hoy. , llpwortli Lcniruc 1 11I011 Mci'tluu;. Last eveniiu wus given up at Central M. B. church, S.nitli, to a reunion of the Bpworth leagues of the city, nud the church Wns pneked. A very instructive sermon wns dilivcrcd bv Rev. W. 11, Wi lis, pastor ol Kivrriide church, from I Samuel 17;45 "Then said David to the I'h'lisiinc, Thou cotmst to me with a sword, and wiih a sprnr, and with a shield; hut I come to thee in the name of the Lord ol hosts, the God of the nrmiis of Israel, whom thou hast defied." A collection wns raised for Rev. ohn C. Troy, former pastor ol Riverside, amounting to something over $10. Fair lion. 8an Francisco, Dee. 30, Charles L Fair, ton ot the late ex-Senator James Fair of this city, it not satisfied with the terms of tbe will leaving the control ol the forty million estate to strangers, nnd Item' Admiral Hi-own Hero. Kcar Admiral Geo, Drown, United States N ivy, it sojourning at Ilnttcry Turk. The last sea service ol Admiral llrown wus the command of the United States naval forces in the rucilie, and in nis capacity 01 commander in chief wns an important figure in the late Hawaiian troubles, While returning to his flag ship one evening nt Honolulu he fell and sustained an ii'iury to the knee from the 1 licet a ol which be is still suffering. Mikado" Toinnrriiw Kvoutug. It now looks nt though there will be a splendid audience nt the Grand opera house tomorrow evening, when the "Mikndo" is to be produced by tome of Asncvuie's uest talent, livery attention has been given to each detail' necessary for n successful rendition, and that it what may be expected. The proceeds, remember, will go to the Library and l?i n': ' i iunn luissiuu. Mulmtuiitliil Appreciation. ' The lollowing invitation bat been tent to the members of the fire depurtmtnt todav : "Wishing to show their appreciation of your brave work nn yesterday, in saving their building, Mrs. Sluder and Mils l'ntton invite you to an ovater supper at the Swtnntnoa hotel this evening at u o'clock." -Between Asltsvllle and Paint Pock. The Southern Railway company it now running a coach on local freightt Not. 8 and 65 between Asbevlll and Paint Kock, and second clatt ticketi wiU Senator Fair, in his will, .declares he is not married and has no children other than thoi" mentioned. To avoid claims of alleged heirs, he leaves "$"0,iU)0 to any possible widow and $50,000 to any other children that are decided by law to be bis. The French council of revision has con firmed the sentence of confinement in a fortress for life which was imposed upon Captain Albert Drey! us by court martial on December Jl, A snow storm fans raged continuously lor lour days iu the highlands ot Scot land. The roads ure completely blocked ana railway ttuint are mowed in. Thomas Denton Coulter, tixth auditor of the United States treasury under I'reS' went tlurrison, died at Uniouport, U, ints morning 01 ungat s disease. A telegram from Jacksonville tavt the great part of the orange crop was killed oy me com Saturday night, entailing lots 01 upwards 01 .',000,000. From sii to eight Inebet of mow is re ported from middle and west Tennessee, east Arkansas, nortb Mississippi and west Aiaoamft lamei McMullcn, a ritlsbuni laborer, chopped hit wife to death with a hatchet tnis morning and attempted suicide. He win die. Lord Kandoloh Churchill Dotted a fair lygond night and hit condition this morning thowt little If any change. Emperor Francit loteoh hat returned to Vienna without baring succeeded in forming a new Hungarian cabinet. Tbe Chicago Herald't fait train made tbe run to Atlanta In 10 bonrt and ST minutes. Tbt Flrtt Baptist chnrch of CfaaC Imnim . -- Are none too good for this kind of weather. Duvs a woman's Goodvear welt dongola shoe that have (very desirable quality that goes to makeup a good shoe. A welt means no squeak, a substantial sole, flexible and comfortable. They arc m.-'de to order by m ikers who excel in their grade. Wehnvc s'zvs from No, 1 to 9. All widths. That's why we fit you. J. SPANGEMJEKG, 4 N. COURT 8QIIARK. CO TO W. A. LATIMER NO. 16 N. COURT 80,1 ARK. l'or small size unltitnore Hnnis. Mnnlc Hymn, lleeker's lluckwricnt I'loiir, Oraiiies, Ran nns, Candles, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD If Vou Find Anything But Havana la The filter of Our Red Utter Cigar. Asheville Cigar Co. Snow Seems to Have Hceii Invented Solely lor coasting at least most young people think so every hill is crowded with merry coasters your boy would be there if he had a good sled we are offering n good strong sled made of hard wood with round iron tired runners for 7oc u good sleigh nt same price. Larger sizes $1 00 nnd S1.25. The Famous Flexible Flyers, steered by a bur in front $2.50 has steel runners nnd braces. Tenney's lionBons & Chocolate Pure and fresh, reduced from 80c to 60c a pound discriminating buyers get Ten ney's tbev appreciate its high quality and dainty flavors. Beautiful baskets, nil sizes, boxes Vi to 5 pounds. Canes and Umbrellas. $2 00 imported canes, $1.25; silver mounted, plain Congo canes, 50c; extra strong hickory, 50c. Umbrellas, 50c to $7, the latter leather covered the swcllcst umbrella on the market cane nnd umbrella combiucd. Ifhguy whips, 15c; Wostcnholm 2 blndcd knives, 50c, the knives that cut. Books, Books, Books. All books at reduced prices. Dulwer Lyttoh's works, 13 vol., $1.00. Shake- spearc's works, 8 vol,, $3.00; Webster's unabridged dictionary with index, and s'ang dictionary of 5,000 words, $3,00, leather bound, Chances of Success, by Erastus Wimans, 50c. Ships that Fast in the Night, 10c; Heavenly Twint, 35c; good novels, lc each. Popular music, 5c sheet; tong foliot, 25c. Meerschaum Pipes. The best quality at lowest price that't bow we sell eyery pipe guaranteed at represented just at well la ye 25 to 30 per cent, on pipes beautiful gold and silver mounted pipes, both Meerschaum and French Briar, Long, Hill & Co., No. Alt . Court iqw.rt.Vp Btairt.' tiiW.S.V,,VWiaajt Baal ,BiUia ItU gV.oVa .wiJ.l,4U'' ..."' H W. MAtftitT -lt a li X u sum iui nan iraius. .... .j, ,,, Ill it It Ultevea be will contest toe will ' ,.aC '''''"HW"w''"""'',Hl""""