Baily Ash i . Citizeno eviiie VOLUME X-NO. 262. ASHEVILLE. N. C. THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 7, 1895. PRICE 5 CENTS S! NORTH CAROLINA . . ROE HERR1NC. CREflm CODFISH, CHOICE. FAT. . . JUICY MACKEREL We are offering the finest lot oi Imported and Domestic Sardines ever offered on this market. Russian Caviar, Clam Juice, Deviled Crabs, Lobster, Sal mon, Pate of Game, Truffles, Anchovies, Pate de Foie Gras. POWELL i SNIDER, "The White Corner." Genuine Imported & Key West . i CijjSrs . Of Park ft Tilford, aad Acker Verrall and Con dit. All aizea aad best brands. BLOMBERG'S. 7 Patton Ave. Asheville, N.C. Branch at Battery Park Hotel. ...FI.S gj A Shore Mackerel. 2 Split Herring. FISH 003D S K E D Halibut and Cape Ann Finnan Haddies. G. A. GREER. Conrt tace,BiIf AabeTilIe. . OUR.- 50 Cts. Baby Shoe Will stand pretty strong talking. Siaes tto4,C,D,B," aad fat ankle. That's . why wc Ct a allni, medium or ft. padgT - foot, that reminds yon la shape ol ou. toy pane of glass or A brick. They will wear aa well aa our $' " - look -em up, it wont cent yo anythiog. SPANG ENB ERG SEASONABLE SEEDS! A loll and complete slock of all kinds field and garden .... SEEDS WHITK OATS, RUST PROOF 0AT8, CLOVER AND GRASS. SEED POTATOES E3A.R,LiY ROSE HHBRON, BURBANK8 These standard varieties are Northern grown and pure selected seeds. A. D. Cooper, NO. 2 COURT SQUARE. BON MARCHE NEW HOSIERY. These goods are fresh and fully as per cent. less than list fall. See our 15c hose, worth 35c; our wc hose, worth .15c; our 35c hose, worth 40c; finer grades, special good things for infants, misses, and the best boys' hose lot 35c ever aeen. New Foster Gloves, New Centemiri Gloves, New White & Black Suede Gloves New lot APRONS for the maid, nurse, housewife, and black ones for salesladies. New lot &. & G and C. B. corsets; wash china silks, worth 73c, for 39c; silk crepon in all the pretty colors, worth 90c, lor 49c; great cut in price on lace curtains. Some very pretty new mourning parasols just to hand. Dou't be deceived; for first class dry goods be sure to go to BON MARCHE 37 South Main Street. YOU CAN BUY AT. CHEDESTER'S, 22 PATTOH AVS. rlLEPHOHB 90. A FRESH LOT OP SO OTS. DOZ A fresh lot of Crackers just received. A lresh lot of floor just in. Tellieo. $1.90; Klectric Light, $1.65. COCOANUTS 5 CTS LABGEST PHE1PPLES 15 CTS. Fnilt of tie Loom Domestic 1 1-1 Cts. FLEISCHMAN'S YEAST. Alnll u a mxndm end ahoea at lower than any other honae In the city. price Sever , a mn- mna nsscunui .wu- No. SO Patton Ave. icktw- and Soreeis- We have opened a Una ol hand made Japa nese ruga ia beautiful Feraiaa electa Site axa, Sis JXJ. Sis 4xS.S1.t5. . The screens St black data with gold sea- broidery, and real bargain at the follow ing prices : Four (old, $ feet, Three fold, feet, 1.50. Come before these an gone. THRASH'S CRYSTAL PAUCE. For a 10 cent smoke there is none to compare with them. At H ESTON'S 26 SOUTH MAIN ST. Agent for e$Lfdr? MIMES TELEPHONE NO. ISA I Magnificent stock of " Clothing, Dry Goodsf Fancy Goods, Smallwares, Hats, Shoes, etc., now ar riving. II. REDWOOD & CO., 7 and 9 Patton Ave. IF YOU WANT TO BMOKg W HAVE BEST BRANDS OF ... . imported Havana and Domestic Cigars. If You Dou't Want To Smoke Use the Tobacco Kabit Core.' NO-TO-BAO Heinitsh & Reatzan, Charch St. aad rattoa Ave. I provisions or raz eixo, estab- USniNOIT. Tfes Jude tviu Reooive 1000 To and O0 a Tear tor Expeoaea The Bond of Buncombe's Clerk la $310, 000 Four Tor ma Tear tor Tbia County. "The CiUnlnal Circuit Court of Baa. combe, Madison, Hat wood and Header. soa couaties" is the title of the new court of record established by the Vrgli laiorc. lodge Tbos. A. Jones hassbowe The Citixbn a copy of the bill, which provides that tbe judge shall be elected by the voters of the four count, in the aatse manner as ia provided for the elec tion of bk tubers of the general sasembly. The lodge's compensatioa is to he $1800 a year and $300 a year f jr expensr. There shall be on solicitor for the (bar counties, who shall be a resident of one of the counties in tbe circuit, and shall receive the same fees as now all wed to tbe solicitors of tbe Indict! districts. Tbe clerks of tbe Superior courts of Marltaon. Havwood and Henderson shall be clerks "ex-officio of tbe criminal courts of their respective co until. There shall N a clerk fir tbe Buncombe conrt who shall be elected bv the voters of this countv. This clerk shall give a bond in tbe sum of $10,000 t) be approved bv tbe Connty Commta- sioners, to be renewed annually, tie shhlt receive tbe same fees and compensa tion as now allowed by law to tbe clerks ol Superior courts, Tbe uffioers of tbe Four Countv court chosen bv tbe legislature will hold t.ffice until tbe next general election. Fonr terms of the court shall be held each year in Bnncombr on tbe fourth Monday in January. April, Julv and October. Ther shall be three terms (or Madison connty on tbe second Monday in Jmie, November and February; two terms in Haywood on tbe fourth Mon day in June and the second Monday in January; two terms in Henderson on tbe second Monday in April and on tbe second Monday in October. Tbe trrms are to be of two weeks' duration if the business there of shall reonire. The J udge shall have power to bold special terms of the conrt whenever it shall seem neces sary to him to oraer the same, of which order 14 days of public notice shall be Riven in the manner to be prescribed by tbe judge. Tbe County Commissioners of each countv. at least 20 days before thereg- ular terms of the Criminal courts, or 10 days bt fare an v special terms, sball draw the names of 36 jurors, under tbe same rules and regulation- as are no w required bv law, to serve as grand and Ptit jurors at the next term ol the curt; and at tbe said term tbere snail or drawn ov a bov of 10 years of ase or under 15, 18 jurors from the 36, who shall constitnte a grand Jury, 12 ol whom anaii re nec essary to agree before a bill of indictment shall be returned as true. Tbe Madison court shall bold its first term on the second Monday in June, 1095; Buncombe, tbe fourth Monday in April; Haywood, tbe fourth Monday in luce; Henderson, tbe stcotid Monday in October. FOUND A BABY OK TUB PIAZZA. l Pretty Olrl Left at Mr. Morris' Bouse In Bamotb. About 9:30 last night a closed carriage drove ap to the front gate at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Morris inSamotb. A minute later Mr. and Mrs. Morris beard a noise and tbe husband stepped through a winnow and onto tbe piazxa, followed bv Mrs. Morris. A basket was noticed bv Mr. Morris, and he called to a man whom be saw going toward the carnage, to stop. 1 be Cf.ll went un heeded. Just then Mrs. Morns noticed a bundle on tbe rusi ic seat near tbe basket. Investigation revealed a baby. As this discovery was madeamaa was seen to run from the corner of tbe bouse to the carriage, reaching which be sprang in, tbe horses were whipped np and the vehicle disappeared down tbe road, no attention having been paid to tbe calls to stop. Mr. and Mrs. Morns took the rjuoaie and basket into tbe bouse. In tbe bun dle, snugly wrapped about withasbaw', was a pretty girl baby some three or four months old. It was nratly dressed, and tbe basket contained a number of garments made up for tbe baby. There was nothing about the hild that could lead to its idcntiBcation or that would indicate the names of its par ents. In tbe bundle, however, was a sheet of paper that appeared to have been a part of a child s copy door. jo one side of tbe paper were scribbled a few words in a juvenile hand. There was a line which looked like "118 Rob. erts street," but tbere was no signature. Prof. H. L. King and J A. Kobcrson were passing the bonse.saw the carriage and endeavored to stop it. but no atten tion was paid to their calls. It is probable that Mr. and Mrs. Mor ris will adopt tbe child. REDUCTION IN TOLLS. Southern Bell 'Phone Rent Are Cheap ened Considerably. There baa been a considerable reduc tion in the tells of tbe Southern Bell T1- ephone company to its Asheville sub scribers, beginning tbe tint ot Marcu. First of ail, tbe half mi'e limit bas been abolished, and. instead, the city's boun dary lines now mark tbe limit. Under tbe new scneduie nuMness nonses win dsv S40 a year, and residences wilt pay 130. Formerly the rate tobusines houses was S48 and to reirtences 936, any where within a radius of a half mile from the souare. Outside that limit, tbe charge was $5 for each additional fourth of a mile. ' In, a Special Train. Frank Thomson, first vice-president of the Pennsylvania railroad, and family came to Asheville yesterday at 11:30 in a special train of three cars. Tbev wire on tbe wav home from Florida, and atODned here to sre Vanderbilt's and other points about Asheville. This morning at 7 o'clock tbeir special left. going via Sal sbury. A "Va." aad Others la Court. Injustice Frank, Carter's conrt yes terday Whitson Johnston wss sent to the roads for 80 davs and costs for sn arsravated case ot trespass. Pre Tyson, colored, was given 30 davs for vasrancv. Chas. Haves, colored, was bound to co art oa a charge of assanlt upon Tom Banks. GOING TO AFRICA. ,000 Neci-or Headed for Their An cestors Home. Memphis, Tenn., March 7. Three bun dred negroes arrived in Memphis yester day on railroads leading from Arkansas, Louisiana. Mississippi and Texas, bound for Africa? Today they will take trains for Savannah, whence, on March 9, they will embark on a vessel supplied by the African steamship company. Tbey are transported by the African Migration society, each having paid $41, which defrays all tbe expenses of the trip; Six thousand ' negroes are now paying tbeir fares in advance. Tbe negroes who arrived yesterday are mostly farm' era, though there are carpenters, Mack, smiths and other craftsmen. One ball are women and children. Though they met yesterday for the first time, they have agreed to form a colony by them selves. WILL BK OABnOTXU. How- Spavin Maaaarea to Keep Cuba Under tier Beel. Niw York. March 7. Passengers on the steamer Ynmuri, from Havana; which arrived yesterday, did not bring any important Lews of tbe Cuban insur rection.; Almost all action was confined to the Southern part of the island, in the vicinity o( Santiago, and at Havana tbe news received was so distorted aa to be ludicrous. It seemed, however, as if tbe rebels bad hardly a leg left to stand on. If the government dispatches could be relied noon. - General Sangniiy, who was arrested in Havana Feb uarv 28. will doubtless be garroted, aceoi diag toopinionsexpressed on the Yntnurt. "Tbere is always more or less discon tent in Cuba," snid a passenger, "and it is only bv intimidation and force of exam ple that quiet is preserved at. all. Con sequently when tbe government has reason to suspect any one of teaching revolutionary doctrines, tbev try to make an example of biminorder to deter others. So I think Sanuity's fate is fixed." S. A. B. W. P. A New Society That May Be Formexl at Raleigh. Raleioh, N. C, March 6 Thing get warmer as the legislature approaches its dissolution. Everybody has a grievance to air, a punctured feeling-boll to soothe, and'1 it is understood that there is a movement on loot to organist a Society for the Administering of Balm to Wounded Feelings. Its existence would not be long, bat it is understood that tbe society's influence would be used to have the last two or three days of the session set apart for five-minnte speecbe of those desiring to arise to a question of personal privil ge. Knmor hue it that tbe president will oe Wil'ixms, R. P., the Craven legislator Lusk. the Buncombe speaker, is slated for the vky-presidencv, and Me Too Burnham will probably be tbe secretary. II the society is formed there will be some fun. In fact, tbere will be some fun whether it is organized or not. Tbe galleri-s must have some side dishes in tbe banquet of unreason every morning. Great is the Fusi m legislature ! WARSHIPS FROZEN IN". Americans Did Not Forg-et Christmas In tbe Far East. Washington, March 7. Secretary Herbert bas received a cablegram from Commander Emory of the Petrel under date of New Cbwang, March 6. statiug that the Japanese commanding general bas notified foreigner of his intention to occupy that port at once. The Petrel and tbe British warships have been frozen in at New Chwang since autumn. Tbey are able to take care of all foreign ers in tbe settlement. Recent photographs from Commander Emory Show the two vessels less then a hundred yards apart enclosed in mud d"Ckscut in the river binds and sur rounded by earthworks of tutfictent strength to make them almost impreg nable. Inside tbe works there is room lor several hundred refugees, and the guns of tbe ship snerp tbe land in all di rections. Each masthead of the two vesse's was ornamented with a big pine bushel in honor of Christmas day, when tbe two pictures were taken. Tobacco Tax. A telegram received here today from Raleigh states that an amendment to the revenue act was introduced in the legislature this morning, taxing munu lacturrrs of tobacco one-half a cent a pound on manufactured tobacco, both smoking and plug, and 10 cents a thous and on cigarettes. - An Asheville gentleman conversant with the tobacco business says regarding this amendment that tbe passage of it would sen usly afict tbe manufacturers. Our Distinguished Consideration. Washington, Match 7. The State de partment bas instrncted Minister Han- nis Taylor at Madrid to convey assur a rices to the Spanish government that the United States is taking extraordin ary precautions to prevent the orraniza tion of expeditions from this country to Cuba. These assurances are in 'ended to indicate the very cordial attitude of tbe United States to tbe government at Madrid. . A Bill to Paddle. Albany, N. Y., March 7. Elbridge T, G rry of New York city, was put off tbe Asemol fl or in open session by Sieaker Fi h this morning. Gerry, as sresidentof the L bildrrn s Societies, in New York City, is here in tbe interest of i be whipping post L'il wbicb was intro duced at bis request. Tbe bill provides for tbe padding of persons assaulting ch'l Ircn under 16 years ot aee. Oar Consul at Cuba Not Wanted. London, March 7. A dispatch from Madnd to a London news sgency says that tbe governor general of Cuba bav' ing made a demand for tbe recall of tbe United States conanl general at Havana tbe cabinet, at e meeting held last cven ine. decided to support bis demand. The province of Santa Clara, in Cuba, bas been declared under martial Is w. National Bank Statement. Washington, March 7 Comptroller Eckels today issued a call for returns of the condition of tbe National banks at tbe close of business Tuesday, March 5, IK TIE HIS TIM! LUSK CHAMPIONS THE CONFEDER ATE MONUMENT BILL. Tbe Raleigh Charter B1U Passes Third Readlnar A SS0 Tax on Drugaiats and One of f 10 on Lawyers-Printing Contract Awarded. Raleigh, N. C, March 7. Special. The Senate last night passed upon second reading the bill to amend tbe charter of tbe city of Raleigh. It divides tbe city into four wards, Fayetteville and Hargett streets quartering the city at the point of intersection. There will be three aldermen to each ward and a mayor elected bv tbe people. Twowaids will be Democratic, one Republican and one doubtful. Tbe House last night passed the rev enue act on third reading, including the amendments to place $50 tax on drug gists selling liquor and $10 tax on law yers, An amendment was also adopted placing a grade tax on railroad and bank corporations. The Honse passed the printing committee report swarding the contract to Stewart Brothers of Winston. Many local hills were rushed through tbe Senate todty, among them: to estab lish a graded school at Henderaonville: to incorporate the Carolina. Tennessee end Ohio railroad; to amend tbe charter of Gsstonin; to allow Mitchell connty to levy a special tax. The Raleigh charter bill passed third reading by a vote of 27 to 15. ' Tbe Hue passed i hr bill appropriat ing $123 000 to tbe North Carolina inssne asylum. Tbe bill to amend tbe charter of Wil mtngton passed second reading in tbe Hnui. It providrs for a police com msaion to ekct city officers. I te uonae then took np tbe bill appro printing $10 000 to tbe Confederate monument which has passed tbe S nate Lusk championed the bill and made an eloquent speech in f ivor of it. BLACK MOUNTAIN BUDGET. Pretty Catholto Chapel to be Erected by It. Uuaatavlno. Black.Mountain, N. C, March 6. The development of the country of the upper Swannanoa valley continues, tbe latest enterprise being tbe erection of a Catholic chapel near this point by R. Guastavino, w ho is planting hisrxtentire purchases of land into vineyards Tbe build'Ug is to be of stone snd brick, its ilans showing a suitstaatial and beautt ul structure. The site is a commanding one, overlooking tbe fane views tnrougb the valley ol tbe mountains toward Asheville. The chapel will be fitted with cbimes and an organ and the furnishings will include statuary and paintings from Barcelona, Spain, tbe former bom of Mr. Guastavino. Other improvements will follow the erection of the . aapei. The hotels and boarding houses antici pated the summer touriat bv harvesting big ice supulv dunng tbe February rerse, and nature promises an abundant fruit crop. i Be dcatnoi Mrs. juiiac Washington, a Virginia lady who had made her home at this place for a number of years, oc curred recently in Richmond. MORE MAGISTRATES. The "Faithful" Appear to be Taken Care Of. Raleigh, N. C, March 7. Special. Tbe following additional magistrates have been appointed for Buncombe county: Leicester township J. W. Nasb, E. West, W. U. Henderaou, LaFayette Sluder, D. B. Ford, D. W. Randall. Limestone J. M. Rirkman, Burton Brown, M. A. Rickman, T. B. Sumner, W. S. Murray, lames Brown, lohn R, Lambert. JUems Creek-I. H. Ballard. W. T Bradley, . H. McDowell, Tom Hale Weaver, George Robeson. Sandy Mush I. M. Rogers. P. C. Kan- dall, J. M. Kmg, W. E. WalJrop, T. J. Ferguson, J. M. Davis. bwannanoa It. M. Patton, P. H Folsom, 8 W. Davilson, sr., J. C. Craig. Upper tiomtnv J. C Clark. U. 2. Heth- ertoo. W. P. O'K.llv, H. A Luther, G. L. Brock, a. W. Candler, Tom Parker, Sol Luther. Lower Hominy J. W. Case, W. L. Henry. G. W. Ballard T. J. Candler, A. H. Felmct, J. M. Hawkins. Public Printers on the Sidewalk. Washington, March 7 Public Prin ter Bendict yesterday dismissed 100 em ployes of tbe government printing office, the mnjoritv ot them bring compositors. Tbe removals were caused by tbe ad' I inrnmenr. of Congress, whicb made s scarcity of work. Other diamirsala will follow as tbe bnsiness of the bureau de creases. Seven Times a Murderer. London March 7. At South London this morning, aa unemployed plasterer nat.ed Ta lor. bavmg become despond. eht frrm long idleness, murdTed bis wile and five children and thenkilled him self. ' Republicans of Kentucky. , Louisville. K v.. March 7. the Re publican state executive committee has det i 'ed to hold tbe State convention in this city May 20. Wm. O Bradley of Lancaster will be nominated for gov ernor. Geamany Will Show at Palis. Paris, March 7 Le Journal says that Count Munster. the Grman ambassa dor, bas unofficiHv inf rmed M. Hsno- tnux, minister of foreign affairs, that Germanv will probah'v take part in the French exbintion in lS(H). Succeed Burrows. Kalamazoo, Mich., March 7. Alfred M dries ol Coll water was nominated as the Republican candidate for Congress in the tbird district, CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. Indee Barrett of the New York So- prrme court has granted a decree of ab solute divorce in favor of Mrs. Alva E. Vaiderbilt, from her husband, William K. Vsnderbilt. Six new cases and one death b the small pcx record during tbe past 24 boar in St. Louis, Mo. President Faure is suffering at Paris from a slight attack of innaensa. do you smoke? XV YOU SO AND "JTOTJ WISH TO aaT rrxzai bxst TOR YOUR MONEY YOU'LL FINQ TUB PRINCE OF INDIA THE) BEST ALL. HAVANA FIL. LBR BO. OIOAR IK TOWN. A TRIAL WILL OONVINOB YOU As)iivin Agsnts, RAYSOR & SMITH Prsssorlptlon Druvgla)tsL 31 PATTON AVBNUXl "Visitors . . Can tad hers a Sue selection of cabmM photographs ol tk surrounding Besses of Inter eft yhotos ol the principal hotels aad pro ni nes! buildlnga handsome aewptetur of Van. derUlt'a mansion unique mountain cabins, queer animal groans groups ot mountaineers queer native teams beautiful Bta of landscape 15c each, $2 50 doren. RUSTIC SOUVENIRS Mads by ingenious native workmen from rhododeadroa or mountain mural miniature 'hairs, tables, sofas, beds, cradles, pretty easels, picture frame, ate, attractive mementoes of pleasant days spent la the Land of the Sky. Reasonable prices, Xead Land ofthe Sky. by Christian Beid, 75c. .Guide books, maps. etc. Newspapers, auura sines, novels largest sad shea peat stock la the Stats soon novels st $c snd toe. All the latest novels at reduced prices. RAY'S, S M. Court Square, Asheville, N. C. Picture Framing In All the latest Styles. A large assortment of framed and unframed pictures. J. Hi Xj -A- "W , SB PATTON AVI. far feat. II. SO. 4 M. CODKT fAQTJABXl?. Free delivery. -

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