I THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. AROUND TOWN. AT THE GRAND. Washington, t'ov. 8. Forecast till 8 p.tn Saturday: 'Local rains; variable winds; slightly changes in temrera Weather signals displayed daily on the Citizen building. ttm 8 tnui e Story. "That's a queer looking watch," ob- After a long interval, minstrelsy is once ierved the man whoso collar rmrt inriM i . - tun ore to Hold sway at the Grand opera ( showed above his necktie. nth house. Richards & Pringle's minstrels I "It's qneer watch," "Midnight Hour" and "Carnival' tbe Grand opera bout this evening. Rev. Dr. James Atkins of tbls city will Pringle's minstrels it 8 a queer watch," replied tbe being booked for next Thursday evening, man mackintosh, replacing it in the 14th. The Tacoma. Wash.. Union, i nlB vocmxx. it nas a history. atln speaking of this company, said: "Richards & Pringle's colored minstrtls, tbe famous Georgias.' as tbev have preach tbe sermon at tbe dedication of come to be commonly known daring the tbe Launnbnrg Methodist church on tbe years tbey have delighted the theater third Sunday in November. going populace of America in every part Central Eowortb League's literary ?tb? United States, have swung around class will be conducted this evening at 8 I DC.lm5 ?cce more- ad once more tar o'clock by Rev. Dr. James Atkins. All members and those wishing to join are urged to be present. n amuy neirioom perhaps. ' sassiest ed the man who had his feet on the ta ble. "Last member of the family that naa it was your uncle, who had previ 1 i ... . uubjjt jci, yoo nave a aouar and a half wit never was ont of my possession," resumed the man in the mackintosh. ned in tbeirnever-eeasinsr journey ineiust I w,tn a gce of disdain at the last long enough to fill tbe Tacoma theater speaker, "except oncej and there wasn Arsemas Buckner, who was arrested on suspicion Wednesday, was n leased yesterday, the Madison county man whose missing saddle it was suspected Buckner bad having found that it was not bis. The funeral services of tbe late Jesse G. McGuier will be held at the family resi dence, corner Charlotte and Chestnut streets, tomorrow at 1 o'clock p. m. by Kev. Dr. K. F. Campbell. Tbe interment will be made at Columbus, Obio. A letter to W. M. Clarke from a New Yorker who is coming to Asbeville with bis family to spend the winter says tbe writer was unable to secure sleeper res ervations for Asbeville before Saturday, which seems to indicate the amount of travel coming this way. Oeo. II. Hogbes, of the staff of the Bridgeton, N. ., Evening News, who has Deen at justice aummey s on Hay wood street several davs, left for his home to day. Mr. Hughes came here to look the held over with a view to establishing a paper, but he is understood to have abandoned the idea. i,. u. vope oi jackson county was brought to Asheville yesterday bv a deputy sheriff of that county. Cope is charged with obtaining money under false pretenses, in that he sold to D. G. Noland a witness ticket in the Criminal court, and it turned out that be had sold the same ticket to another person. 1 he amount paid was $7 or $8. Cope's hearing was set for this afternoon in justice Deaver's court. MTk. Tl . . r ... . i uc icvcrcst xvian in ine world is the heading to the folio wine item in tbe cnariotte Observer: "Mr. IS. P. McKis sick. the famed manager of Battery Park, is in tbe city. He comes to act as grooms man at tbe wedding tonight. Mr. Mc Kissick has friends everywhere, but none more ardent than those to be found in Charlotte. His coming is a pleasure for which they feel personal indebtedness to Mr. bcott and Miss Springs." llendersouville Timev John and Jesse ouuiDi-r were in riendersonville yester uay, ana in answer to interrogatives irum ine limes man, Jesse stated that tnev were on their way to bis home near Arden, and that thev both exnected to travel for the Murray Drug company. I guests. i. .uiuuiuiu, o. v., aunng tne winter, anu would commence upon their work f J T T . " "- uaya. ne says ne has never nad any doubt about being acquitted " ""-u iuc proper time came, it was only a question of time. as but tew attractions have ever been ame able to do when returning so often to a city. Billy Kersands, undoubtedly tne greatest colored minstrel the world nas ever known, was funnier than ever, ana Kept the big audience convulsed whenever he opened hiscavrrnnnamnnrh Every song.act or sketch was rantnrnn.lv received, and merited the applause that rang out whenever there was a cessation in the performance long enough to admit ui , ana at numerous times the perform " were oDiiged to wait for an Ovation to cease before they could proceed." BATHES PKIiSONAL. urieis mat Tell of th rnmlno .,,,! Going ot Resident and Visitor. F. V. Proctor is in thp r-itv (mm TfinVi- 1,J. VT 1 fi tto. b. Bason, esa.. of CharWf ; ; tne city attending Federal court. vjco. A. snuiord. eso . has enne tn lransylvania county for a few davs. ueo. W. Waddell and wife of Wilt. barre, Pa., are guests of the Hotel Berke ley. Brevard Hustler: Mrs. M. A. ib visiting relatives and friends in Ashe- viue. Mrs. Wm.Htlo left todav for Ilrhana O., where she will spend the winter with tnends. Cbas. E. Leuch and wife left tnrtav W .i.-. .. . . : nwama on tne way to their bume at wcw York. nnucnsucvmc noie YY.l.. Harwr Greenville. S. C: C. A. McD twell. Cum. oenand Gap. Geo. Pettit, tor some time a conductor on the Asheville street railroad, lett this morning tor Memphis. Mrs, b. L. tannmebam went to Pal- noun today, bemir called there hv th uiness ot her brother, Jason Shufjrd, Mm. D. M. Furcbes. tbe wife of Assn. ciate Justice Furches of tbe State Su preme court, is visitinc Us. T V TVr ren. b. W. Uabcl, Raleigb; W. C. Johnson. jr., Cincinnati, and D. A. Baker. St. l,uui, are registered today at the Swan- uuuua. ried H. Seavev of Boston Mrs lia.,; fioyd and Mrs. Emily E. Seavev of wincorop, Mass., are Battery Park any money borrowed on it that time. ' 1 1 T? i 1 iuuipau iook it away ironi yon, looked at it, and handed it back," ven tnred the man with the slouch hat. Traded it to somebody for a yellow dog and the other fellow retnrned it and told you to keep the dog, " hazarded the man with tbe soiled cuffs. ibis watch," said the man in the mackintosh, "has been my constant com panion for many years. One night iD iBi iwent to sit up with a sick friend I was instructed to give him his medi cine at intervals cf two honrs. Once during the night I lay down on a lounge and dozed. I waro't asleep over two minutes, and yet when I waked np my watch was gone. I looked at tbe sick man. To all appearance he hadn't moved. There was nothing to indicate that anybody had entered the room, and I was snre nobody could have come in without waking me, anyhow. It was a mystery, but there was nothing I could door say. I had fallen asleep at my post and had no right to kick. Well, that man got well. Afterward he concluded to move away from town. He sold his household goods at auction. To help him ont I bought part of them myself. Among the traps was that lounge. One day I got tired of seeing it about the house. I broke it np for kindling. When I knocked the back of it off this watch fell ont. It had slipped ont of my pocket the night I lay down on it and took that little nap. That watch, centlemen. was still going. " "How long ha? it been lost?" askorl the man with the bright green necktie. About six months. I told von iwn. tlemen, tbe watch had a history. That's the history." Then somebody exclaimed in a ton of deep disgust that he hated a liar, and the audience slowly filed out. Chicago Tribune. Si one A YE A It IN TUB REfOKMATOKV. eminence ot will Green for Ulfllnir KenllwortU Inn Letters. esterday alterooon in the United States court, for violating the revenue laws, Zeb Burgess, Levi Brown ana uen ureen were each sentenced to mree months imprisonment and a fine of $100 and costf; Gillette Evans, month, $100 and costs. inis morning Will Green, a colored ooy, was sentenced to one year in a re- tormatorv in Maryland. Green was em ployed at Kem! worth Inn. bis duties ia- ciuuing the carrying of the mail between Biltmore and the Inn. His offence was the titling of letters belonging to guests ot the house. The following sentences were imposed on revenue law violators: Andy Kirk laud, Joel Johnson, two months each; Robert Rathbone, six months; Eugene Jones, Thos. Tippett, three months each; Billy Sbelton, Andy King, Andrew How ell, one month each. In each case there was a tine of $100 and cc sts. uThe rule against Deputy Marshal Robinson, to show cause why he should not be committed for contempt, was dis - charged and the officer reinstated. It was reported to Judge Dick that witn- s. ticket scalners were nWIm, !.;, , , ' . I " N among tne witnesses attending this term, securing tickets at a discount uv representing that tbe funds of the tourt were exhausted. The -Judge i.ir5nai Allison to bring any Buvu n a i per oeiore dim whenever found The Marshal has a sufficiency of money iur ine neeus ot tbe term. WHO'LL GET T1IE PlUZESf luey Are Offered by Managers' of the woman's Edition. it is to be hoped that the children's crusade for subscriptions to the Woman's Edition of The Citizen has begun. Several pris are to be awarded as fol lows: For the largest number of sub scriptions, for the next largest, and to esch child bringing in 25 subscriptions. The name and address must be given and a dime accompany each subscrip. lion. Write tbe names legibly, enclose ltb money, and tbe name of the child securing the same, and leave at The Citizen office, for the Womarj's Edition. A list of the children thus aiding in tbe mnk, unuaiso names of successful "'""iaVl?i win dc published in tte nanitrgivmg issue. Dr. C. P. Ambler of Canton O firm. wunctwu wun tne winvab. is on a visit to his old home, and is the pnt of r- Ti , ui. von kuck. oeo. n. fame of Detroit- rhm tt Myers of Cincinnati, and Thro F krintti of Salisbury are on the Battery Park's nst oi guests. W. C. Smith, Geo. A. Bass. Washing- iuu, u. . ; aa. r. Morpbew, E A. Thom as. Marion; E. W. Stnrtevant. Hartford are hi me notel Berkeley. I. t. COlCman Of Collector Rorrer.' office and A. P. Boyd of Weaverville have returned from Atlanta, enthusiastic over tne signts ot the exposition. Mrs. J. W. Beaslev. Miss Rinehnrt anrl iuiss b lorence Kinehart of l.aptt iua., arrived at the Battery Park yes terday. Their will remain here until next May. EN KOt'TE TO ATLANTA. Members of the Philadelphia Manu- iacturers' Club to Come Sunday. Asneviile is very soon to have another distinguished party within her borders. in the persons of members of tbe Manu facturers' club of Philadelphia. The party en route to Atlanta will travel in a special train of three or four Pnllmar.a ana wm reaeli Asnevil e via Salihro at 3:05 p. m. Sunday, November 10, and will remain here until 8:30 a m., Tuesday the 12th. There will be 150 persons in the nt. nA .1 : l- . , . -' ouu vi.cjr win ue guests Ot the Batterv ran notcldunne their stav here 4m,.T inu tuuicmpiatea lor tne visitors entertainment is a banquet at the Bat tery Park Monday night. Asheville will ao weu to show her hospitable band in ucrown most hospitable way on the occasion ol this visit, and Mr. McKissick should be warmly seconded in his efforts to make tne manufacturers forever i member their trip to Asheville. Reasoning With Bruin. An you never heerd about ole fccott s b ar hnnt?" inquired an old hunter from Humboldt, evidently sur prised at the ignorance of Si's experi ences. "Why. he's the oldest h'ar hunt. er in (he state. Well, one day he was out on nis uttle jackass a-lookin fer b ar, an, not findiu any, concluded ter take a rest. He tied the burro to a tree. laid ins ole muzzle loader down on ther HT"l,-l- rl . . . . 1 . , . 1 , , 6'" uui uuu uy iner Dank or a crick to feed. He was a-sittin there cut tin ot hmiks o jerked ven 'son, when he neerd a terrible smashin in tbe brush lie started for his gun, but a bis b'ar come a-umbiin out o ther brush rii?hr alongside of it. He whirled around an run out on the limb of a rotten ole cot ,i . . i . , ... ,.j.jm;u uvrt me crick, which was about 40 feet to where the rocks stuck up through the water. mis was jest nuts fer the b'ar. He Walked up to ther tree, sniffed it a time er two, clambered up on the limb an commenced movin to'ds Si. a-smsirldn his chop an grnntin satisfied like. Si saw lie was in a pretty bad fix, an he crop out as fnr as he could, a hopin ther t) ar would consider the limb shaky an stop. But lie didn't. He kep coinin. Si s;:w Koiuethin had to be done. He eonJdu t drop without killing hisself, an lie bad never practiced b'ar fightin on a tightrope. The only thing he could no w;;s ,u set un a trmhl snnan-n,. uo pacic ! un back !' he veiled. 'Go fool! both. I 5!ood Friday Evening, November 8, i89j-. TBB MARKETS. (By Telegraph Today.) NEW YORK. Nbw York. Not. 8. Cotton futures opened steady at a decline : November. B-xo; December. S.s: January, 8.58; Febiuary, 8.6; March. 8.67: April, 8.7:. fcTOCK QUOTATIONS. f"7 Mov. s. Erie, 9)4; Chicago and Northwestern, 105; Chicago and Northwestern preferred. 147; Lake Shore, K7; Norfolk and i? Wftfrn Onion. 89H; Southern, H'c.cucu, 35 &mencan sugar, V)W. Baltimore & Ohio, s?: Canada SmthTrn 1 r'i1 f"1' '"d, Delaware 5 'Jo, ieiawsre, Lackawanna and Western, rf8; ManhaUan 108; Michigan ASHJJV1LLE. rrectea oauy Dy PoweU ft Snider, wholesale and retail grocers. These prices are being paid Butter 20 to 251. xgga u Chickens iono SINGE YOD MENTION IT We would like to call your attention to our immense stock. CARPETS We have them and are selling these at remarkably low prices, lost think of it the very best all wool Ingrain Carpet made, laid and lined for 60c. a yard. No old discarded patterns " fresh and pretty. To prevent carelessness We have every facility for furnishing clean coal, on tbe part of our drivers, we posted atourchnte: rpjjjg N0TJCE -.ayilri'''ri,i.'",l",p,y Mh deliver. oa ,Ua, . lie Ice & Coal Company. t sill kinds of Hard and Soft Coal. Turkeys 7ik Ducks. 15 jo Potatoes, sweet ...... 501 Potatoes Irish 40 xurnips 30940 Onions 60 Cabbage, per lb V, Beans, per bu.. 751.00 Peas 8c Apples. 4$6o Apples, dried Pumpkins, each .10 Sorghum so Beeswax, per lb so Honey 10 Wheat 80 ton j5 Meal .......... ..5o Oats . Jo Rye 70 Hr, per ton 17 0020.00 Celery, per dos...a.so FURNITURE We carry such a large stock of all kinds of Furniture, we hardly know what to mention first. We have anything you may want at pr'ces that defy competion. Index to New Advertisements. Bread Heston New Books Ray's For Rent G H Morri Riding Boots C happen Open Letter Blomberg Wanted R F Drummond Meats Jas Wolfe Meat Co Staples H Redwood & Co Dentals re Ray sot ft Smith Wanted T D, Citizen Office Good Shoes J D Blanton & Co A Good Fitting Shoe Spangenberg valuable Information Umrk-t Opera House Richards & Springle s S W. B. AVILLIAMSON & CO., AGB 16 Patton Ave. Bxtraordiarv Royal Bargains Meyer's Palais The End Chief of Man The Latest Drive is 1 FIFTY CENT LETTER FILE For 23 cents. You can see them in tbe window at 22 South M Mrnt JIGGER'S 150 OK STOKE POR RENT Store at 55 South Main St For merly occupied by Bearden. Rankin & Co.. il-adtf-4P M. 1. BKARDEN. WANTED A good yonna milch cow lor her 1 p, R. F. DRUMMOND, Is that covered by a hat. I have hats, kinds of hats for men. I sell 1 sell hats. I sell all dit Grace P. O. WETTER put your order in for riding boots M- prettv soon if mn 1 .v Jt,7 ,or C?ld weath- Chappell makes as """ maae at 35 College St. WANTED A Position as day governess too " ennaren bv a 0raHi,Qfi .i . .,imi . . ... New York City References given.- Address "'JTfte Men's Outfitter T. D., Citizen Office. KNOX WORLD RENOWNED HATS T T- 1 1 i 1 , . . x iuniap uiocss tor ?a.50 and $3.00. Identical in shape end looks to tbe Dunlap hat. Will wear jou a season, which is about all you want of a bat any how. Can't I sell you a hat? 11 8dim MITCHELL 28 Patton (Avenue FOR RENT Two large houses on Bailey St.. NOS. 117 and Ha arith ' - w- k- iiwmoia ufti on or auaress G. H. MORRIS. No 130 French Broad Ave. Ii-8d3t tw.., 5r? 7ey Particular about what tbey eat. but If ih hmH k. ... j I at the French Bakery, they neeS W have tears, for thev ukr niv ih. k... Vl J.."? ht. -Phnn- ' "'Kgt PIIUnin.K7IhaTe cured the services Ol an tzivrl n an, i .,, tee to give satisfaction or money refunded. . -j w. I HOUGH. '-MIW-4P church si ITT ANTED Immediately two or three unfur. v nished rooma inr ii..wt 1 . j vcrv ccmra iv locate or th. 6dlw Asheville, SV'c. on easy P. O BOXJ89. POR SALE-A very desirable 6 room cottage with laree basement nn. hi.w r . . uoogni reasonably . j uuaJs- Auaress SAK ?M .nd et JSght that is better than will A " 7"- " DU1 otr I vv una, iiy i. J. E. DICKERSON & CO. Hardware and AoriniH,,rai rmi . lo-udtl-p 1"tu"""'- IflsH and Oysters X.. Brown, mgr., for Geo Ives. Cltv market will ..11 c.u j rl the very best that can bTtauib W veTy8 low figures Call and examine qSality and pticT All goods guaranteed. l BROWN ii 5UIW-4P F0vRn,7A?--; "oms. , very, con- lurnishH i w:r-."5"m comiortaDly uuiaaiu lj utrMircimi rmntmr aa owner is going away for the winter. Call 'be r.r a 12 m " the Postoffice. "J" ' J. P. KERR. WOODLAWN CAFE-S4 South Main street. I-resh ovster rwn . i , .'. 3(le, night or day-for sale by pint or quart TVo private diniasr room, lor farfi, ' 13 7Vl week or month on application. MUKKOUGHa GREENLEE, WB re determined to have everything in our basing department of the very best A iow is tHe time of all times to buy your Carp Rug Get them down before the cold weather comes along, and be com fortable for the winter. Drhar.t.heVerythineyou waot' and what the PRICE i, can at the "only exclusive Carpet House in the : State" and ALL see about it. Sawyer s Carpet Store, No. 47 S. Main St. Assignee Sale an e;it (her jackass, yon mis ii nib 11 break blamed kill us uiiiih. tout tj ar ninst o' nutler lnni, or concluded that Si was tougli-r ii tlio bnrio, for he turned oroun ui UMirt Ins aiiDertito on tlin i.wl, " m riiiiicisc-u jfost. TT.r.. ... I V.i"1M everythiK "ice; inakes r.... J "'i7 none, consequentlv our trade is constantly increasing "y a ,OJ. HESTON'S, 26 South Main. waaniUHABLK Drcssmsiinir-T j my parlors from Havwood tre.t , , . . and 16 Sondley buildinir. seconH floo, -il-I ? ..u m uu rasnionaDle Ilrrnnitl.. K guaranteed. Work done on short nb- u:5dimo.4P TRULL. PEER'S Ink does the work. -Next week will brinar several rhn. nr. i . unlurnished and several f,,miU. j"r.I:. can" ?L,he 4nvestor we na bargain-we luiuugn our Atlanta omce. NOVKMBKR EVKXT8. opera House Bookings-Kate Claiton in "ine Two Orphans." The city's billboards were today decor aiea witn tbe paper for Richards & Prmgle's Georgia minstrels, which are billed tor appearance at tbe Grand 1 hursday evening, the 14th. ' Pollntvi ntr , v.. n ; . . uuuireia comes Katie 'The Old Lime Kiln." Her date is Sat urday evening, tbe 16th. Tbeatergoets will welcome th , nouncement of the cominfof the famous setrrss. Kate Claiton, who is to appear here Tuesday evening, the 19th, in "The j wo vrpnans. " THEY HAVE 8EPAKATED. vu-iaa-itee" and HU White Wife uve Together Only One Yar. I From one of the Cherokee Indians here b attendance npoo the Federal court's sessions it is learned that Richard H. otniin, "Cha-iab-kee," and his white wiir, to wnom he was wedded in New York State, bave separated, Mrs. Smith bavin returned to her old home. The conple lived together only a year. " ii now who me toicia- saw nation in tbe Indian territory. l he large show case in the interior of y- xuears fit Sons" ! is beautilullv decorated in Infants' wear. Tbe doll, Hie sue, brings forth eipressions of ad Why abend to New York for silk waists, $2 50 to $6 00 each? Cloak de partment. 0. A, Mean & Sons. . RE VEXCEt COLLECTIONS. auiouora rsKea in at the Offlees In the fifth District. cashier JBrenizer of Collector Rotrers' omce reports that the revenue collec tions lor the Fifth district of North Carolina during the month of October were : T -1 juubcco oc Spirits ..uVUo J.CKS fio 44i7o, 2.89 These amounts were collected at the various otiices as follows: w in.Mon . c- in. " t?-y.7J.' ssheviiie ' ii,ao58i DEALS IN DEBT. What Is Going on In the Real Estate World. The following deeds have been filed In Register Mackev's office : S. G. Plemons an 1 wife to W. E. Waldrop, 95V'a acres on Sugar creek $ T. A. Cary and wife to Mrs. id! V. Gentry, a interest in lot on Cumberland avenu; R. P. Foster and wile to Fannie E. Nichols, property on east side Church street Not a Mere Clerk. 1.1 1 1 uny -:ireiH Vhat! En2a"fid yonr.-elf to young Tapster? Ontraeeous 1 or a au Juneberry marryiug ujt-ru hiore cierK : u.iupnter tint lie isn't a store clerk now, papa. Me is a geutlemau of lei- srtro. "Fh?-' "Yis; he's been dischitrcpd. " vew rorK weeniy. W. M. Clarke, Mgr. J. B. FOR CASH dvantageously 46 S. MA IN ST. The stock of Clothing and Men's Furnisliiii- Goods norwr!rl0Wnei,by the Whitlock Clothing Uouse i now on the market for sale at cost for cash. This stock comprises hish erade Mp.'b s.,if o,i k;i' i. 3rVL Suits, stylish Children's Suits loflaVhSr wefr Also a lares Rtnplr rtf n..i. in.i.- t. ; . ir - iT . ""-iisj ursiers, iieeiers ana Cotton 3 w i SJ Whlte Shirts' Colored Shirts Tiou.a- f , uiuves, Hosiery and ZZi e aJfVaps and Mackintoshes, decidedl ZZn.V'. "i aJ1 "nes m the city, all eoin? COST fv : . i . o nvw is your oest cnance Tor bargains a IP 1 3NT S I ase, look radiauV' wttv VIS is a "thing of beauty anda joy forever." and we have in stock "Vr-n3mf.ni?-ar.tc'es that money and u- ofnrw and h-antPJJjQc worth $1.0Waking a gift that will O I r 1 choose somt thint: from " lut uimki; inose oi t ne".. tI r utsign you could ask lor m bro. that invariably o with a P'-'rTths ' he expensive- please, io our line o cost are the crearV finish and utility that'll . ot the little price kind have the tinf. ? with a good article. A. Kienle, Ashevilles Leading Jeweler. Watch Repairing a Specialty. PRACTICAL SANITARY PLUMBER. E. E. ELLIOTT, pi fg Sitviru and hot water heating. AH work will have prompt atten tion ard best workmanship. Es timates cheerfully furnished, lobbing promptly attended to. P. O. Box 138. Legal Block. 'Phone 1GO. SUPPLIED BY Buncombe Brick Co., J. II. LEE, MG1. ASHEVILLE, X. f. Phone to; Church Street, in Building of Model Steam BOSTIC CO. Telephone 130. For Sale. S. LIPIWSKY, Assignee. Stone Cutters' nlant Payne t0 h. o enoTA'. 'XZ;," aL w- Lidgerwood hoistinjt engine, steam derrick i gang aw. rubbinir hrf n ;V'' apply to J. E. Dickerson & CoT AVhevine"" GEO. BOTHGATE, Biltmore, N. C. ORANGES! ORANGES! ll-4diw-4p Laatlng Regreta. T . . 1 iifer Det ou a horse race but once, said the good deacon, "and I nave regretted it ever since." purely the sin has been forgiven ere now," said the minister. Oh, I don't doubt that, but th fW is I only won $2, when I might just as i-u nave maae it f 1,000, since I was 111 tor it 1 Indianapolis Journal. "Coartge!" . . ! . .1 1 ! gauiciuu jnniseu ior a supreme 670 85 700 At the Grand This Evening. lhe bnai dress rehearsal of the "Mid night Hoor" and "Carnival," which are to be presented at the Grand this even ing, took place at the opera house last evening, and was a big success. Those ho witnessed tbe "Carnival" arm say they are tbe prettiest and most real istic ever presented here. License to Wed. ; From Register Mackey's office license to wed has been issued as follows: W. L. Taylor and Carrie Smith T. M. Buchanan of lacksnn anrf Tnnia v-oiemau ot Buncombe. 1 Cloa kings and saitinra Bnwln seys. Beavers, Meltons and Broadcloths, 54 inches wide. 75 cts. to $2.00 per yard. Dry goods Department. G. A. Sons. i !' Tell ns not with lengthened faces "Advertising does not pay;" Ope yoor eyes and see its traces In the slid wealth today. He effort. "Courage !" He gathered himself, his lea from the mpooarrt siielf, j.nd his hair and teeth from the burean drawer, and hastily " liiuue. ijeiroit Tribuua NOTICE. a ne stockholders of the Asheville Drug com pany are hereby notified that on Monday, the 18th day of November, 1895. at 4 o'clock p. m., at Hotel Berkeley,, the stockholders of said corpo ration will have its meeting for the purpose of organizing said corporation and to perform such other business as shall be brought before them. inn v tjt.vo J.-w. A. UAWO, J. H. TUCKER, WM. W. WEST. Sweet and fine at ALLEN'S, the place to get nice fruit at r. i,. B upposne postomce. 'Phone 118. Send ders. a reason us your or- THE STEPPING STONE TO WEALTH Is economy. Tbe PHONE 70. strr,n . MODEL STEAM T AiTvrnffv"lY CT-"non?y 18 to patronize the with such caaT:T"V,i"analc 8mrt. hilars and cuffs "fH""-"" r iucy never wear out. K. W. BAND, PROP cry in New give up the Amended. Yeast is the political York this seasoa, "Don't ?h:p?" v iinisouoean well, I believe the wemiiics have mcdified it some. Their nout is. Don't give up the schooner !" x outers Statesman. wand Ooera Hnnsp. w npf v ONE NIGHT ONLY. THORSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, EYERTTHUB IEW THIS SE1S0J. Ricnards ft Pringle's KJ Famous Georgia MINSTRELS ! Headed By tbe Great BILLY KERSANDS Those who travel nowhave a tn-fM I The Man with Many Imitators hnt 1.0 rrason 10 rase tne Kand-McNallv Guide I ,:Mutt, upportea or a Coterie of first, it is the standard: second ir ) I tar Artists, including urc yon witnout cbarce tor SI 000 ar, I muukb & KEMP per copy, m Der Tear, iin aal. everywhere. Send subscriptions to 166 . - 1 A Good Ezcnae. JUibiress inis passes all hmmHa Anna. Last night yon had three soldiers in me Kictnen with you. v,ook ies, ma'am, but the hassar had had his supper before he came. eoiaa t erureund. kynx THE ONLY JALVAN, MARSH CRATfi HILLMAN & VERNON. HS. S. LACY. W. O. TERRY PICKANINNY QUARTETTE. "IS Unions Crescent City Quartette. HaU trimmed On short notic. Sr,U. h-.lrfV" . m- vp to date. M. Adam, and Miss Fair I bandsaling. tDe bant tnmmerm. Satisfaction enaranteed nr I Smafa Trwro. : -ioi. UIVIUU' AtU WE LEAD in STYLE ! We have the largest stock of Hats, Caps, Dress and Full Dress Shirts, Gloves, Hose, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Um brellas, Canes, Valises, Under wear, Men's and Ladies' Sweat ers, E & W. Collars and Cnffs. We have the Exclusive Agency for tbe sale of DUNLAP HATS, Kaiser Collars, Cuffs and Shirts, Dr. Jeager's Woolen System, J. & D. McGeorjje Woolen Gloves, Nicol & Thomas' Driving Gloves. Adams street, Chicago tic was said to be sharp as a lynx mis Drain was not troubled with He advertised well. His coffers to swell. wnicii was the whole secret, methynx.l money refunded. G. AjMears & Sons. MAX MARCUS, Manager. The Hen's Outfitter, THE BAZAAR, 43 Patton Avenue, ,0ST Complete line of xiu auiunery. Everything new Juu siyiisn in tnis line will be lounain tne Millinery Depart ment where von shnnlri oii u f " w .,4 UC" lore you make your selection, for &"U3 are nanasome and the ynces very low. THE BAZAAR, 43 Patton Avenue, TJ A O -mro.. of winter Dress Goods, all the Ciicis m novelty goods, and everything in plain goods as well as Plaids, Broad Cloth, Covert uui, trench and Diagonal wiecb ana i;ninhiii.i iv. fp, -..a.c V1UUI, xuese gooas are marked at re- marKaDly low prices. THE BAZAAR, 43 Patton Avenue, HAS A MOST TTarW of new Capes and Jackets which u.tve jusc Deen received and are marked at lower figures than ever before. You will do well to call and examine these Wraps and prices before making any se lection. Yon will remember the place. . THE BAZAAB, 43 Patton Ave. FALAOS MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 12, 13 NOVEMBER The Ginuhain do and the Calico cat bide by eide on South Main sat. ISext morning where the two h id sat 1 ney found no trace of the dog or cat ine truth about that cat and pup Is that they ate each othr ud " Extraordinary Bargains. 89c. Kid Gloves for 50c 30c. Ladies Ribbed Vest for 20e ' 15c. Ladies' Seamless Hose for 10c 0 Je. Linen Table Damask for 50c. 20c. Linen Hmk Towels for 15c loc. Linen Damask Towels for 10c ArV Vtton Towels for 9c 40?. AU-Wool Cashmere for 25c toe. Bilk" Tlaids for 49c. 20c. PlaidDreFs Goods for 14c 15c Dress FJaids for 10c. lard wide Unbleached Domestic for 4c 1 ard wide Bleach Domestic for 5c Extra Heavy 10 4 Ready Made Sheet for 49 - Extra Heavy Ready Made Pillow Cass for 14c Three Cakes Genuine Butter Mi!k Soap for 10c One Package good White Envelopes for I S?e Papf Sood Pins for lc. The best Pencil Tablet for 4c. Wash Embroidered Silk for 4c One ounce Columbia Z-pbvr for ;ic One ounce Germantown Wool for L One ounce Saxony woo! for 8c. All Linen Handkerchiefs for 15c Hemstitched Handkerchiefs for 5c LADIES' WRAPS. Have iust received oetter tnan any Wraps we have seen thi ann win wV special inducements on them for rt ta T'"n . arly as tbe assortment will soon be broken " Wleyer's Palais Royal, NEXT DOOR TO HESTON 28 S. MAIN ST. 1 PATTO.I ATE.

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