Tuesday Evening, December 3, 1895 THE ASHEVILLE DALLY CITIZEN. I Cloak and Gape Sale ! At the Baltimore Clothing, Shoes and Dry Goods Company, See This! 1 Wednesday, I Friday Thursday, and Saturday We have just received 100 Jackets, the latest style, 2 and 3 button, large sleeves. For these goods we have been getting $3 and $3.50, and will oiler the remainder of the lot for $1. 8b. 50 Ladies' Black Jackets, worth $1 and $4 50, for 2.48. 10 dozen Ladiesl Felt Walking Hats good styles, and sell in any millinery store lor $1 and $1.25, for '!; cents, one to each lady. I 0 pieces dark printretty styles, for 3jc, one dress to each buyer, and a hundred other bargains you will find by visiting the great cheap store. Baltimore Clothing, Shoes and Dry Goods Co. 10&12 Patton Ave. Racket Store News.... Southern Railway. PlfcDMONT A!R Llfc. 30 South Main St SOMETHING TO BB MiAkVED "Be a (ientlemnn." -NO.ti EASTBOUND 38 (Ctntral time) Lv Chattanooga k . .vil. " M orristown " V uiii Koc. Ar Ht Ar. Asheville L. AkOrvule ' Rouad Knoj - ' Marion " Moranto-j Ar. Hi....- Lv Hickory " NcWLoil ' . Smusvlllr. . Kr Salisbury.. Lv ur.-ea-boro Ar Da ivli'e Ly i,v barff. Charlottesville " VVudumuL'j& ... " Baltimore tJhtladeiphi&... '' York " Richmond. . . " Unrhrr " Rnteifch ... " Ootdsboro 12 stem T iine. ) ... .... In 4.s pm la 00 in 1 53 mid .. .. 3 Jio am ..... 4-2 am ... O.I P.IIi .... 10 2o atr ....12 53 pm 4 3arr 8 r-U'aro 55 1 1 b(art 1 1 43a 1 o 1 ."Opti 2 4 (pi 3 1 S 3 sprn 4- 30 pm 4 Ati 5 7prr 6 00 pit 6 50prr 8 ICprr 11 25pm 0 0HC ft lOen 7 2ii 1 in 'Tim It vou arc a nentli niiin you ;ne a suc cess, if you never -a' tain another step higher. Next to the aciiiMtirn ot know!- e.lne to I)' a teml. enn is the greatest clement of sm es. You cannot desire the sitnp'tst ruUs of :ul 1 haver. Mil vou know one of the hardest thii-RS to do is to itmilt a gentle margin t.u t, a pentletnan is rattlv tver insulted. Thev holil th' ri sitect of the most v i 1 . Ia a linok stoic vi;ti I'fin u t a liltU potket volume 1 ib.U-d "D.in't." It you s'mlv that b ok and obey it you will never cease to think me fr suisjesting it. Lick ot rtfi'innent is cettiri-j to be a dis grace C iVesv is just asessn tiul as nionev a:)il n xt to honesty. s a mer chant, i f er VI) years ot os rvation, I sav.it iH liberau lv that si H resutct redeem-! more men than a 1 the K il cures in the worl 1. I heard it said 1mm the pulpit once that a ru in that would swear would 6tcal. 1 dor.'t txlleve that. There are a treat many men, honest to the core, that will sweat; but I do, siy you ;et less for it than anything tle yti do, and you should be luartilv ashamed of yours -if fur it. A gentleman in the tiue bense will not swear. If you are a jjen tleman vou will be too proud to swear, too proud to drink, too prou I to loaf'or quarrel, too proud to utter a l iasulting word or cast an insolent lanc , too proud to be a sliven in his dress or in his d o irtiuent so proud that he will al wavs ha ieer I r the best society, the 1 fticst t p.1 of moral b-autv until his pride bicotms mobility ol soul and all that is excellent. You may ask what this h isto do with mv bmincss. 1 answer bv sayinj, what ha9 a gentleman to do with anv busi ness? They are alvavs readv to correct an error, and you nl "ays feel better after having met a getilltm u ; and you can rest assured that we c on t the air of gen tlemen and want t crowd our store from front to rear v ilh such a clas of customers, and we are pleased !o siv we have been f uecesshd. J. M. STONER, Mgr. 3:5 am JVESTBOUNDL ' iitlH!)or-. . ... " Rile'ph Unrham HKtnivncI Ner Vnrw Philadelphia " Baltimore W 'm , - n " Ch rlottcs ilTo i-ji in uuuig " !. viilc 4: uui ' lir nshoro . H 32 iim Ar S i' i si jry t Central ttmt- j I. v 'Thlicr' llicko y Mr.n. M ran3 Kn-- ... A'-'r-v- i v she ilk- Lv Hot pitis.. 37 i Ji pm 6 Sf 1 o-arn 3 "8ra 5 oOn 7 o4m h 17;im 40 inch Wool and Silk Plaids at 60 cents per yard. 40 inch All Wool Plaids at 50 cents per yard. 40 inch Wool Plaids, 40 cents per yard. 3G inch Fancy Mixtures, 40 cents per yard. 40 inch Fancy Mixtures, 25 cents per yard. 52 inch All Wool Sackings, 50 cents per yard. 44 inch Wool Serge, 50 cents per yard. x 40 inchFlannel Suiting, 35 cents per yard. A few very fiue All Wool Blankets, 13-4, at $15 per pair. Handsome Woollen Blankets, 10-4 at $3.75 ; 11-4 at $4.50. Manufacturers' agent's price today on Fruit of the Loom Bleach Domestic is 8 1-4 cents. We sell it by the bolt at 8 cents. TYPES I C0( FSS THE MAN YOUR daughter knows. QUAINT FIGURES THAT MAKE FIRST APPEARANCE. TKU.. A Salvation Army Soldier, a Tex-s Con " and a Caahboy The Poet of tlir . Statesmen of Many Tarlrtio. t t. Morrison & DO 39 North Main St. Asheville WANT COLUMN F 1R R KT Three B.u!ev street. nov o-i i w furnished rooms No. so g. l.. Mcdonald. IOX KENT No. 37 i-'outh Main street. commodiuui store now occupied bv Mi rche. n-63tf MRS. M. K. H1I.I.IARD, Hie Bon IJRIVATK TUITION t rienced and well App y BUREAU OF INFORMATION. 1 A M M 1 1 M Pifst class board in private 14 II III A Id family All modern improve ments beautiful grounds, on reasonable. car Terms -KiiEMsh pradu'te ex re-. ommen(?ed visits or ! Klegant Tooms. First class table. Newly decorated and Private Northern family n PTinurr iwr 04 OlHnnr.0 Hit furnished through . receives pupils. ti-jbdiw Pwo or three pleasant 143 BROAD ST.. City lf AXTFI) To bercd re al .iress DOV3odiw borrow $;ooo on uti ncum estate. Security amtl. Ad LOAN, t itizrn orBce. nnmiTr nninn t rnllAIC DUAnU rooms with board private family Convenient to street cars. Ap ply at No. s etarnes Ave. Nicely furnished rooms iu a pri or without board. FOR SALH Fine saddle horse has all gaits and ij found and kicd. Sell at hdf cost. 47-M0NTF0RD AVE vate Nortneru lamily, with AMres 2dtf FLORIDA ' Citizen Office. FOR RHNT-furnished Three or four pleasant rooms t'-r liiiht houseketpinz with small private family. Ad rcss S. K.. t5diw Citi.;sn oince. ott, will be Y on Hridav. De- cemb t 6th. Hi- practice is limited to the eve tar, nose aud throat. 1 123-d Mr wti 2-6 DR. W. H. WAKEFIwi.i) ot CharN in AhtviHe at thf Berkeley on U7"A TKD A position as day governess for children bv a aradua'.ed ki uderarnrtener of New Yoric Ciiv 1 1 hdmi Keft recces given. Atidre&s J . D., Citiz-n 1 ffice. and K'WOOU Daiiv Farm Fresh milk deliv ered to anv prt of tlie city Horses cows wintered and well tken care of. JOHS KIMBWRLY, ic-i (I2111 box 19, Ashtville, N. C. All conveniences. Reasonable. On car line. PRIVATE BOARD to mf'Te than one Clayton street. Rates reasonable, near car iine. special rales occupy log same rooai. 54 CUinV CinC 161 N MaiuSt. Central lo- OllMUl OIUL cation: on car line rooms; Mrs. S. nrst ciass Terry. board. Terms pleasant reasonable Mcl.oud place, brieht sunny rooms, hrs cIhss board. Location unsurpassed Nicely- heated and all conviences 234 N. MAIN ST PRIVATE BOARD RHNT Store room and basement No. lawyer as a carpet st' re. uarv is-t, iSf6. Apply to it-5dU Possession tiv-n fan P. H. BRANCH, Hotel Berkeley. Two or three com fortable sunny room". with board in private family. Close to street car line Bath. Ke-sonHbl- rates. 31 NORTH FR-NCII BROAD AVE. Atlanta, Ga Mrs. Wm I Archer, is prepared to accommodate select par I 1 ica nun 1 vuili anii u miu. ai jo.uu iu iu w j week lof lod-nni?, supper and breakfa-t. lxca uon one ana one-nan niocKS irom reacnire street, half b'oek from Mooiy tabernacle and io minuses' walk from Union depot 45 WEST CAIN ST F riR RHNT The Comiru rc-.al hotel, on Tat- ton avenue Twenty-two rooms, modern conveniences. Terms reasouabie to a re-ponsi-blepiTty. Apply to L. A. F RI MHOLT, Real Ftate broker, No 25 Patt-jn Avenue. ( i-zsdim 7ANTED Fur garments to repair or make over. Old seal kiu sacques niride into stylish caps, and small mink rar-es enlarged ine years' experience in New York. All work euanteed. MRS. O S. BISHOP, io-i6dim 145 College St. TIC H Having qualified as administrator of the estate ol Loranz.t C re as ma n, de- eased, all parli-s having claims against th- ts-tat- will present them for pa 3 mrnt to the nn drtsened within twelve rromhs !rom the date here-. ', or this notice iil be p'.eaded in bar o' he recovery the-reoi, and all claim due to said -stile must b- t tied at of.ee. This the i?th day of Novc-i-ber A D.. 189. !IK F. CRHXM N, Admini-ir.'.t'. r of Loranza Cieisiuan dec d. u-i2d6t-tues Vt; rristowr ". . Krits vilre Chutlunooga 'J am :t am u5f am 11- m ' a n J 2 a-n l 'o . m ' - pin 1111 : .'. pin 4- 'J pm ii pm 7 2 pm 1 pm fit S. HaiLkUmD (Cent rtil tune ) ( Kast'.iai time ; 1 Lv. AabcTjtle . " shevdle .., ' Liilt tire....: hcQticfa.nvuT " T ror Spanaabarg , Ar In ion Lv I'nion Iston ... Ar. Columbia (CL-ntral time.) Lv. Columbia ; .., a r, Savannan Jnckso'tville 7 IO am S 10 am H I ji ni 9 13 air. IO 2. HI 111 am 1 0" pm 1 o1 1 pm "J 55 pm o pii. . 1 30 an. .. 5 4-6 am V" t T I V. T v virtue of the power n e lUnined i a . c rtii in cha t 1 mor ecnlttl to the i;ii.:ersiLrned bv Gc j li tcr da ed the l th day ot en embrr ' and egistcred a t nn g 5 , of book 12 of -h re e rd :f C attei mort ai'fs in the olhe of the egi'te of ci ls f Hun.: mbe county, a d solvent e are the payment f t e prinei; al -i d interest f a ce ta'n promissurv note executed by thesaidtvo K inber a"d default ha vin--been ma e in th payment i f the said tirmcp 1 and interest. I jll jd Tiics ay ti thtlay of dt cember. 1' at the rourt hou-e door n th c ty Ashevilie. xp ;se Ut s letothehi htst bidder for cash t e i-rop-ert v con veyeel in the sa d battel mortgage, to wit : Kortv rail oa 1 i'ieks. t vo and iie r.'i f ftet long and mar-ed under each hand'c with twii small b les ike th s - This Nu vc nlicr Jfith, fS'J" M ii. KICLl.V. I -2bi2 t Latest, Best, Quick, Strong, Wears ' Long, Writes Well, Never Fails, : Simply Made, THE NEW MODEL 6 THE Remington of the Therefore Standard Typewriter John B. Cnlpeper. ' Sales Agent. LeauS. 706E.MainSt..Kichsiond"VA. Lv. Jscksonvil'.i' S -vannah ... Ar. Coiambia (Eastcru time. ) Lv. Oolumbi i Al.ton .. I'uion . . ' tipartarburp ' Tryon ' Hfnrlrs'nv'V " Hilt more Ar.Asbevilli (Central time ) Ar. hrvi1I M U RPH YBKANOh 5 pm 10 14- pm 2 4-U am 1 1 aani 1 'J 10m 1 3opm 3 touo 1 Tin. 5 30p'- 6 37pm G 45pm 5 t-5rm (Central Time ) Lv Asheville TlOur WvvnmrvtUe. s .13 ht Ar. r.alsara t 8 ri7 am r ItTyson t'itv . JO 50 an Lv. Hryson City 11 IO am ' A n a rr w 2 If'J p " Tomotla H ( p- Ar. Murphy 3 2s- No. 18 Lv Marphy 4. J am TotnotlA . Kt Andrew Lv. Andrews r Rt-vv--- Jlty " Ilalsam Lv. Halsam W tyncsville Ar A?hVv4te 50 a 5 .'5 an 5 am 8 n; I O r7 am II 17 am 1 1 4-3 a 1 s NO 64 NO 65" (Central Time ) LT Asheville "Oam Ar Asheville 9 25pm ( liastern tunc ) Ar Spart'b'c 11 O -am v part'b"c 3 '."tiTr- R-I-P-A-N-S 0n5 Gi?8S Relief. NO 62 " U 63 ( Central Time ) Lv Asheville 5 0tm Ar shevil e Ar S tlisbnry 6 5Qpm Lv Salisbury no 66 Lv It Rock 1 3Spm r P't Kock Ar Asheville 5 SOrim l.v Asheville 7 0''pm 5 3(lam NO. 65" OOsm Mattress Fa ctory , . zn Pittoo , avenue fSuard against sick nsa bj having ynur hair and wool Mat treswa renovated; mattresses made to or der. Wilt call lor and deliver all work Upholstering and furniture cleaned with j care. Orders by mail promptly attended JAMES F. STBVBNSON. SLEEPING CAH St RVIUfc. Trains Nos 11 and 13 Pullman Sleeping -ara oeiween Kienmona ana treensb"TO Knoxville and Hot Springs. Ashevi le Washington and Jersey Citv south bound between Washington, Asheville. Hot Sprines, Trains Nos. 1 1 and 12 Pullman Sleeping Car between Asheville and Cincinnati, via Ivnoxvtiir ana flarnman luncti -n. Trains Nos. 1 3 and 1 k. solid between Ashe vil e ann C harleston . M Cn.P, Traffic Manager, Washington .A UK K.. H HAKUnitk Gen'l Pass. Afrt Asst Gen 'I Pass Asrt Washington D. C- Atlanta. C. A BENsCO'B1), Assistant General Pas senircr aernt Knoxvitle Tenn. I H. WOOD. Arti" CP ft T A.. AshrvilV J. A. TENNENT, ARCHITECT & CONTRACTOR Office and Jobbing Shop South Court Square - XO'I K ru-itee'?! s'ae By ' x wtr of sa'.e co.iierrrd oq rae in a deed o' trust -x-cu;el bv K. M Hiirnan, as trustee. R. vi Huinun atitl hi-wi-e. Marv M Furman. ani lary J. MUi-wsuii dtetl the HtM day of No- emun. '"vi. an" rrttisttred on De?1 Hi ft q.. ol book v( ot tlic rt'0'rl of m.iriRates ami reds of imt i n the office o 'he keiri-.ter ol )-tdsol Huiiconih1 c unu, oith Carolina. hich deed of trut wa given to secure a loan t s-vcii thousand five huiv.lred dot'ars made by (. K. David, the undersigned will sell tor cash o the hii;hej-t bidder t !ul!ic a'e at the court onse door tu the citv ot Aj-heville, county ot Buncombe and Stale of North Carolina, on Mon- t;iv. the .6th day of !ecemher. iSus, the fodow- n g dt scribed real estate, lying in th city ot Aheviile, connty of liuncombe and Stale of N'-'fth Carolina, and nwre particularly des- nbed as foilows : n the north side ot Court Square bv-EiDningat the south-vt corner of he three story brictc ouildmg bui t by ev j. hui nett, on t tie nan n side ot court riare. and running theuce with the line ot the wst side of said hmiditrg northwardly 67 teet to he norlheat cornerot said building in the outh margin ot College street; thence east- wardty with said CqI ege street ?7 leet to tie ioriheat corner of the store housi which now oeionstoW M. Cooper; them-e southwardly nd parallel with the eastern line ot the afor aid Burnett building 67 teet to a stake in the northern line of said Cou't Square or street; hence with the said line of said Court quare westwardly 27 feet to the beginning, it being he vtine 'ot on which is now located the three torv brick building known as the "Furman building.' This the iSth day of November, i&js- A. T L YM N, J W. Summers, Atty. Trustee. MivcUt tues NOTICE TRT STEK'S SVLE-By virtue of the r owe- of sale vested in the tinder- s ened trustee, bv a certain deed of trust ee cut-d oy n f Suttle and wit- M I Suttle n tnc tn aav ot June. ifyj. lr the pur pose 1 secunnfj certain lndebteonts as set 1 rth and desenbt d n said deed of trust which is only r c rd d in the office of t-1 Ke; ster of reds f Huncoir be county N C. in book 29, of records f deeds of trust and mortvages nt ptes f4-H et sea , to which re- ord r- ierence is hereb m dc. and default having bet n made in the pavm vt of the eltetTness so s cared, and the p ver ot sale having beenm t ercby operative ani hi v'njj !een r quested by the cestui que u -t to sell the land and premises m sa;d d ec! f f trust described rnd c nv ed I will thcrctore on -ti av, th day of I k-cc ber 1 8V5 sell for ash t the highest bidder tt the fr- nt do 'thec tire house in -shevill -. v C. for the purpo-e ot satisiying t-e at res-id debt and n'erest ad cosrs, the aid 1 nd ad prem ,es situate lying and bciax in ihe townshfp d Hawcrcet an c u tv 01 But-c 'mw and State of orth Carolina, and b-un'ert and nore Darticularlv desc ibed as ft! ows. t wit . Beginning, on a rock, Chedester's, nnw ntt!e8 southeast corner, in an oM r a1 and mn with buttles me na said id road north 4- dear east 20 poles to a sta e- then north 4 deg west tiG poles with uttc line to a stake. uttle northeast c me- una . w. )rV ulcs tine; then with Oe Vault's lines 17 t oles. cr-ssini? Rss creek t a stae on the ea-t f k of said creek, thi bein an east 1 ne aud said -tke b-ing at foe h Gnnowav northwest corner, then down the meand rs fthe eist bank o( ai ere k south 4 deg wst a po'e to a s'akcon the east bank the creek. Oanow y' beginn-nR corner; then ortn k 9 uf,g east 1 k p ie, pastn e G ano way's Su nh oak corner to a stae and pointer- on the top of the mountain; then wito tnc main top tfc mountain a south erl- rtireetion SS po es to a stake - nd ro'nter and old comer; then west k 7 p-le to the beginning cr -ssinrf the creek a f- ple - below the rni'l dam coarainiog 7: acre ann 4-5 square rod- be the tarn- more or less. This 2 day of November. 18a5. W. W.2CHARY, U -26 Ht-tues Trustee. DUKE OIGaSETTES I - 1 f in rim 1 1 1 if p -1 (SlGARETTES . c . 1 KS'THEAMERICHK TOBACCO C0.V pSf DURHAM. W.C. U.S. A Vf-A Out of the 356 inciulx-rs of tin- Kiftv- fourth congress 162 are !ilsolun lv m w to GODgTossionnl duties. The Kepublii":u t idal wave of last November niivde ui.-.dv "ac cidental" congrreKiiu-n men who had been put up by their party, merely us a matter of form, and who were not exect ed to win. But they did win, and it will be no easy task for the hpeaker of the house to keep them lu line, individually and as a whole they are an iineertain lot and may develop eccentricities which will keep the veterans In a sad state of worri nient. Of the H53 new men only 27 ;;re Dem ocrats, and the Republican majority will be made up of 135 youngsters and loii vet erans. The old timers aimmx the IVin ocratio memlwrs are enjoying the melan choly thought that, notwithstanding their rwlueed nuniuers, they will lie able to have plenty of fun with the raw recruits on the opposing side. Asa result of so many accidents bcin in the house there are some curious men among them, and iu the coining session they will be sure to attract considerable attention. For instance, the First district of New Hampshire sends a Salvation Army soldier to represent it iu the person of Cyrus A. Sulloway. Sulloway is a big, brawny man, and in the old days could hold his end up in a stiff fight with charming ease. It will not do for the veterans to take too many liberties with him. Ho is an able lawyer and is well up in parlia mentary rulings. Mr. Sulloway was formerly a rapid liver and expert at the game of puker. Ten years ago he became converted and joined the Salvation Army. His tall form was often seen walking in their processions and his strong voice heard chanting their tunes. About two years ago he made a profound sensation by marrying Mattie B. Webster, a Salvation lassie. Texas sends from the Tenth district Miles Crowley, a young man who does not know much about lawmakiug, but is sure to take as good care of his constituents as a man skilled iu the intricacies of legisla tion. Withal Crowley is a sensible man and able to take care of himself in any com pany, for he has lnien cowboj' and boss, stevedore, flruman and political boss of many "bad men-' in the Lone Star State. He succeeds Buck Kilgore, who kicked in the doors of the house during the Fifty second congress. J. Frank Hanley, from the Ninth In diana district, is the log cabin man of the Fifty-fourth. He was lorn 3U years ago amid the forests of Champaign county. This was a sparsely settled section, and his parents were very poor. They had no neighbor nearer than four miles. When 6 years old, his father purchased a ''History of the Civil War," and from this the boy learned to read. Harrison H. At wood, from the Tenth district of Massachusetts, will bo the artistic member. He is a clever architect, having adopted that business in preference to the more uncertain one of painting. He Is also a skillful politician. Ho is but Si years old and a native of Vermont. Dennis M. Hurley, a Brooklyn man, who will represent the Second New York district, begun life us a carpenter. He is an Irishman by birth, hut was brought to this country when a small boy. He be came a contr;M'tor in 1S!S0 and lias since accumulated a snug fortune. He has a lot of sturdy common sense and is a popular man in his district. William Alden Smith, from the Fifth district of Michigan, is proud of the fact that he worked in a dry goods store. Ho was born in 1S59 and had a hard struggle for existence, as he left his home when very young to make his own fortune. William M. Treloar. from the Ninth Mi.i-onri distiict. used to he professor of music. He taught music to the pupils of Mount I'lcasunt college. Iowa. He also taught Knglish. and his knowledge in that respect mav give him an advantage over some of his fellow congressmen. He Oiled a professorship at Hardin college, the Yassar of the west, and also in various other colleges. . Frank S. Black, from the Nineteenth New York district, began life as a farm hand and now looks like a college pro fessor, lie is a Maine man hy birth and taught school after he gave up farm work. Later he was a nevpaper reporter, and then he studied law, a profession in which he has been successful. The poet of t lie new congress is Row land Blcnncrhasset Maliany, from the Thirty second New York district. He is a native of Buffalo and has had a stiff struggle with fortune. He was graduated in lns.1 from the Central or High school with highlit honors, taking the Jesse Kctchmn gold medal of that year. He entered Har vard college in 1Ss4 und was one of the "Detur" prizemen of his freshman year. Immediately after his graduation lie was chosen poet by the Ninth Veteran regi ment of the New York volunteers at tie dedication of their monument at Gettys burg July 1, 1S8IS, the occasion of the cele bration of the iiarter centenary of the battle. In February, 18'.1l, President Har rison appointed him minister to Ecuador, a position he filled acceptably. Colonel George B. McChilan, son of the late war general, is about the youngest member of the new congress. He is just 30 years old. Chicago News. See if Too Can Recognize Hi FortnUt la Till Picture. His appearance is so eminently respoct able that you feci tne same satisfaction on finding him around the house as you ex perience on seeing a choice bit of Chelsea on your wall or a well bred horse in your stable. His eyes are sleepy, honest eyes enough, and if they rarely in your pres licj express anything more than vacant indifference you don't much rare. His hair Is always beautifully smoothed, with a sadiron, you surmise, and the part ing. Indelibly in the exact center, has evi dently grown there and is not, as are other partings, the result of artifice. An in cipient mustache does honor to his expec tations, and if you sometimes wish the ends were not so stiffly starched you never hurt his feelings by mentioning it. His at tire is always faultless, immaculate, and his shoes especially win your warm and envious admiration. They are never spot ted, creased nor cracked as are your own. Personally your are not well acquainted with him. Your wife mentions his name sometimes, nnd your daughter is not averse to his society, you understand. Quite often you meet him on the doorstep when you return home from the office, whereupon he shakes hands with you quite affably, if In a somewhat high handed fash Ion, and you strive to recollect his name with but indifferent success, usually call ing him by the appellation of his prede cessor in the good grace of your daughter. Sometimes you run across him at your club, and more often your wife has him to dinner, and you sit over the coffee with him afterward, while he smokes your cigars a trifle condescendingly and kindly speaks a good word for your wine until the conversation dies away for the twen tieth time in ten minutes and ho excuses himself and returns to the ladies, the "la dies" in the case Ining your daughter, who, during the last half of the ten min utes, has boon beckoning to him from bo hind the hill door, where sho imagined herself unsi.en by you. You do not beg him to stay. Somehow it is very difficult to make conversation with the man your daughter knows. And so you keen on meeting him at short intervals, until one day your daugh ter decides t hat he is absolutely necessary to her future happiness, and you purchase him for her nt a figure which you consider auite modest, when vou come to think of his shoes and hair. Whereupon your wife assures you that you have done well, and you experience a slight glow of pride as a result of her commendations, and you leel rather thankful that you won t have to talk to him asrain for at least a month. Richard Stilhnan Powell in Life. HERE THEY ME! Come Early. 54-inch witle, all wool blue serge, our price 50 cents worth T5c. 52-inch wide, Black and Blue Waterproof, price 25c. worth 50c Imported and Domestic Serges from 20 cents to 11.25 per yard. Do You Want Anj thing in Black Silk, Brocaded Silk, Plain and Brocaded Satins I Inspect oui before buying and we will p'ease you in price and quality. Ladies' Vests. Heavy Ladies' Natural Wool Ladies' Cashmere Hose, 2k, Ladies' Cashmere Gloves, 25c Ribbed, Fleered. Vests and Tants, 25c. pants to $1.00 worth 1. 25. 50c. and 75c. examine . 35c. 40c and OOc- examine match. 5 each. them, them. Harmonious Prose, but ?ot Verse. The un-at est danger which attends the would lie writer of harmonious prose i the pitfall laid by hk knowledge of the swift exnclieiits of verse, it can nanny rx' said of any other modern writer of Eng lish whose pages are as musical as Steven son's that he always avoidstnispltI.nl. But in Stevenson's we never come upon tho smallest fragment of pseudo verse- a too pn'ttily rounded paragraph and a too sun-ly expectetl cadence, a too evident balancing of phrases, a too regular ar rangement of wonls or repetition of sounds. Of course he is never seduced by the vulgar charms of the rhetorical, the grandiloquent or the sentimental mode, and it is almost an insult to take paius to say that hi- never descends to "cheap fin ish," is never caught by tho prompt ap peal of trito verbal formulas, by the at tractiveness of superfluous words or of words which do not precisely n-tiroducj the thought, or by those terrible brum magem devices, like loud alliteration, which are so often loved by English writ ers when they aspire to stylo at all and so generally accepted by the public as proofs of technical mastery. Perfect accord be tween sense and sound, perhrt liettuty of sound and a perfect avoidance of palpable artifice these, with fre-lmi ss and a very masculine vigor, are the qualities ot Stev enson's prose style. 'RolxTt Louis Ste venson and'Ilis Writing." by Mrs. M. CJ. Van Heiisscl-.icr, in t'eiitury. RECEIVED FOR DECEMBER! New Line "Foster Lacing" (iloves, Tans and Blacks. The Celebrated 8. H. cV M. Skirt Bindings. Klegant Line Capes and Jackets ; come and Inspect them and learn how cheap they can be bought. BLANKETS We have them from $1.00 per pair up to COMFORTS We have them from $1.00 a piece up to S If you want hue curtains. Chenille Curtains, liaw Silk Curtains, come and see ours. Will save you something every timyou buy of us. umner & Co. 30 Patton Avenue. MADE FROM High Grade Tobacco I ABSOLUTELY PURE Epidemic of Reminiscences. General Scholleld appears to be anxious to advertise his book of personal reminis cences. Just now we appear to have a sort of epidemic of authorship anions states men and soldiers. General Miles is writ ing a book, and it ought to he a good one. Senator Sherman s book is out and beau tifully advertised by a combination of printer's ink and vitriol. Senator Palmer has been working at his book for a couplo of years. Ex-Postmaster General Horatio G. King has just published a book of rem iniscences of the capital. There are others. Chicago Times-Herald. ii Complete Manbood How to Attain It." A "Wonderful New Medical Book, written for Men Only. One copy may be had free on application. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. A Little Christmas Shopping. It's ail a mistake to assume that the big Republican lenders who are now in New York arc thc for any political purpose. Of course they are not there on politics. Every man of sense knows that the holi days are coming on, and that the politi cians have merely run down to buy Christ mas presents. Philadelphia Inquirer. NOW Is the time ef v-ar when it is bard for you to decide what yon want for breakfast. Try Kinghan'g Reliable Breakfast Strip, Worth 15c. pound, will sell for 12Vic pound; 19 pounds Granulated Sugar $100. W. J. Postell, 39 College t. Poor Prinoet Quel n Victoria refuses to take the med icines or follow the directions of her physi cians. No wonder the Prince of Wales is hopeless of reaching the throne. St. Louis Republic. Oar late arrivals are new in design, and the best timpieces in quality. All watches sold bv us are fully guaranteed for both time and wear. llough on the Sentry. One of tlie mo-t amusing stories of the day treats of mistaken philanthropy. At a certain army pot there was a sentry on dutv near the hospital. The surgeon was preparing to go to lied inside, when bo was annoyed and alarmed at the sentry's coughing. His experienced ear told It 1 1 it that the man had a severe bronchial i.fflic tion, needing a strong remedy. Ho debated awhile with himself, and then, going linn the dispensing room, com pounded a powerful mixture. This he took outside to the sentry with instructions to swallow it immediately. The man rcf used. The surgiHin insisted and finally command ed the soldier to lake the medicine, which he did with much grumbling. Then the worthy surgeon went to bed, pleased to hear no more coughing. Next morning, to his surprise, the com manding oflieer sent for him and said that the sentry had complained, declaring that the surgiun had forced him to swallow something he thought was poison. An investigation followed and revealed the fact that while the surgeon was mixing the medicine the coughing sentry had tieeu re lieved, ami consequently the remedy had been given to tho wrong man. London Tit-Hits. Chest Pains. Chest pains usually cause great discom fort to a patient and arc sometimes not sufficiently appreciated by the physician. Dr. J. K. Crook relates a series of causes as illustrating the diagnostic value of chest pains. Iu some cases these pains are re flected from an overloaded or disordered stomach, in some cases it is neuralgia, and in exceptional cases the lungs themselves are at fault. Most jmtsoes with pains in the chest think they have some lung or heart disease. Pneumonia causes pain, but tho other symptoms make tho diagno sis clear. Consumption is not a disease accompanied by pain, and whon it does occur it is from continual coughing. Cincinnati Enquirer. Youthful Ambition. Mr. Howell (of the firm of (Jet tup oj Howell) Well, little girl, what do you want? Six-year-old Waif (tired of selling pa pers on the street) Say. mister, don't you want to dress a little girl nil up in linj clothes an put her. in y'r front winder to look puny an dror a crowd? Chicago Tribune. There is .something on earth grander than arbitrary power. The thunder, the lightning and the earthquake arc terrific, but tho judgment of the jxiiplc is more. Daniel Webster. The wise iroe and the foolish coufi.sj by their conduct, that a life of employ ment is th-) only life wer'.h leading. Paley. MCM 0AT1 0 TT J j 1 Wafer Ttiis is For You I TELEPHONE 22J. OFFICE 1 1 W. COCK T SQt'AKE THE 4HKTILLB DRAY CO All kinds of drayitas; goody delivered from freight depot to toy pan of city. Moving heavy machinery a specialty. ml should you wish a reliable watch la. JCi'JkfJb'. V. R 4HRRT, -PBOPRIEIU. Remember alothat we employ skilled watchmakers only, and are railway watch inspectors. B. H. COSBY, Jeweler, T Patton Arenoe. Mrs. M. Henry, Organist, teacher f piano, organ and vocal mo sic Highest references from New Yotk City. Rochester, etc Music lurnished lor receptions I and entertainmc nts. For terms and particulars call or address INGLKS1DK. y French Broad Ave. The most valuable of all waters, containing bicarbonate of lithiu. For sale by druggists generally, or in cases of one dozen half-gallon bot tles, 55.00 f.o.b. at springs. I.inrnln IL'U Opn all th jur Vir-I-l.iifaia Inn claw in all itaapiMiititmvnt. Write for pamphlet ami full information. The LINCOLN LITHIA WATER CO. Lin coin Ion. N.C. SPECIFIC FOR 8riaht's Disease, Oiabetes. Stone in Bladder. All Kidnej Diseases. All Urinary Diseases. Gout. Eczema, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Nervous Affections. Diseases ot Women. Inebrrty. Opium Hlbrt. QUALITY NOT QUANTITY NO FREE GIFTS OF ANY KIND TO ATTRACT ATTENTION OR DRAW TRADE AT THE mmm Acme Wine and Liquor House and White Man's Bar Wbat I claim is that I kt.-ep the largest stcck of first class foods of any house in the State. Any one in need of Dure unadulterated liquors will had it to their interest to call and examine my stock. The same hss been recommended by the leading physidsns in the Stat for medical purposes Jas. H. Loughran. Proprietor. KO 58 !. MAIN HT. "HKVILI K, 11. C My motto Is, "Keep tne best sna charge accordingly My place Is second to none in the State. TELEPHONE CAU. IS9- POSTOFFICK BOX S. Drdrr From a Distance Solicited, nnxlmg A Packing; Free. DRIXK DIXIE" Natural Mineral Water Totonetbe system It ct ufion the ki.lncy snd bladder, also ftood for biliousness, dysrep sia. etc. Resd testimonial of Capt. Wm. Rule, Knoxvitle Journal: The Knoxrillr Journal. Have, tor past year or more, tx-en a constant suffrrer from lirer troubles, also indieestion. not be'na able to eet any relief until I nrank Disie Mineral Water, and obtained ereat bene fit therefrom. Am now able to retain any and everything upon stomach. elf ant appetite and eel a new man. 1 annoi rpeaa in man ennngn terms for the wster. Also leel it my duty to recommend iu ue. CAPT. WM. RCLE, F.dlor. Call for it. Bottled by For sale In your city. MAKING A LONG TALE SHORT DIXIE MINERAL WATER CO. KXOXVILLE, TENN. SMOKE TI TI Smoking Tobacco. 5 cents xr package. For sale by I. BLOMBERG, 17 Patton Avenue. Buy Your Meats Of 4 F. Ziniiuermann & Co, I TV MARKET. 'rnojrK ; V