Tuesday Evening, December 3, 1893. THE A8HEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. (CONTINUED FIOII FIRST PAGE.' AROUND TOWN. $064,000 000, their outstanding circula tion baaed on bind ecuritv amount to onli? about $190,000,000. ' I tbitik they should be allowed to issue circulation quil to the oar value of the bond tbev deposit to secure it, and that the tax on their circulation should be re duced to one-fourth of one per cent., which would undoubtedly meet tbe ex penses tbe government incurs on their accpuut. In addition they should be allowed ti tuhatitu'.e or deposit in lieu of the bonds now required as security for their circulation those which would be iued for tbe purpose of retiring the ( anted States notes and treasury notes. So Coutrnetlou of thejC'nrrenev. "The banks alreafy existing, if th?y desired to avail themselves of tb; provi sions of law thin modified, cou'd issue circulation in ad lition to that already outstanding, amounting to $178,000, 000 which would nearly or quite equal the' currency proposed to be cancelled. At pay rate, I should confidently expect to see tbe existing national banks or others to be organizid avail themselves of tbe proposed encouragements to issue circulation, and promptly fill any vacuum and supplvevery currency needed. . . ." Silver. It i neither unfair nor urjust to charge a large share of our present finan cial perplexities and dangers to tbe operation ot the laws of 1878 and 1890 compelling tbe purchase of eilver bv tbe government, which not only furnished a treasury obligation tip n which us gofti could be withdrawn, but so in rreised the iVar of an overwhelming Hood of silver and a forced descent to silver payments than even the repeal of these laws did not entirely cure tbe evils of their existence. . . . Many of my countiymen, whose sinceiitv I do not doubt, insist that the cure for the ills; now threatening us may be found in the single and simp'e remedy of thefreecoinageofsdver. . . . No government, no human contrivance by act of legislation, has ever been able to hold the two metals together in tree coinage at a ratio appreciably different Irotn that which i established in the markets of the world. Those who be lieve that our independent free coinage of silver on au artificial ratio with gold of 10 to 1 would restore the parity between the metah and con sequently between tbe coins, oppose an unsupported and iraprobible theory to the general; belief and pactic: of other nation, and to the teaching of the wisest state men and conomists of tbe world, both in tbe past and present and, what is far more conclusive, they run counter to our own actual experiences. . , . The tree coinage of silver, at p ratip differing widely from actu il rela tive valuvs, would be the signal f r trie complete departure of gold from ciicula tioni, i he immediate and large contrac tion cit our circulating medium, and shrinkage in the real value and monetary ctticiencv ot all otner forms ot currency as thev settled tip the level of silver mon ometalism. livirv one who receives fixed salary andkvery worker for wages would hnd the dollar in his hands ruth le.lv scaled dovf n to the point of bifer disnppointnienti if not to l ir.ching priva tion. A change in ourstandard to silver' monometalisin would also bring on a collapse of thejentire system of credit wb:ca, when bnied on a standard which is recognized and adopted by tbe world . i .. A . : . l'I UU3IIK99, 13 If UUT UUJCS U1UIC pULCIll and useful thah the entire volume of currency and is faftly capable of almost indefinite expansion to meet the growth ot tr.ac'e and enterprise. In a sell invited struL'o'.e through darkness nnd uncer tainty our huujiliati in would be in creased by theijconsciomnesi that we had parted company with all tbe en lightened and progressive nations of tbe world, and tba,' we were desperately and hopelessly striving to meet the strtfS ol modern commerce and competition with a debased and unsuitable currency and in association with a few weak and Haggard nations which have silver alone, as their standard, ot value All history warns us against rash ix periments which threaten violent changes in our monetary standard and tbe degra dation ol our currency. . . I will not believe that the American people will yieldl to the false allurements of cheap money, when the, realize that it must result in the weakening of that financial integrity and rectitude which, thus far in our history, has been o devotedly cherished as one of the traits ot true Americanism. Our countrv's indebted ness,, whether owing by the government or existing between individuals, has been contracted with reference to our present standard. To decree, bv act of Congi ess, that ithese debts shall be payable in It ss valuable dollais than those within the contemplation and intention ot the parties when contracted, would operate to transfer, bv the fiat ot law and with out cvmpcnsatiou, an amount of prop erty und a volume ot right and interests almost insuperable. ' In conclusion I especially entreat the peopled representatives in tbe Congress who lire charged with tbe responsibility ol inanuurating measures for the tafety ami prosperity of our common country to promptly and effectively consider the ills of our critical financial plight. 1 have suggested a remedy which mv judgement approves. 1 desire, however, to assure the C"iigres that 1 am prepared to co operate with them in pertecing anv other measure promising thorough and practicable relief and that I will gladly lalxir with them in every patriotic en deavor to further the interests and guard tbe welfare of our count.-ymcn whom in our respective places of duty we have undertaken to serve. "Orovjr Ck-vckiail, "Kxicutive Mansion." In the Senate today, alter prayer and approval of the journal, the President's message was read in the presence of a I airly lu'l Senate. In nhe Moue at 12. 13 o'clock Mnj l'rudcm presented the President's mes sage which the clerk proceeded to read. Superior- Court. TheSuperiorccurt yesterday afternoon took up the case ol John H. McDowell vs. J. E. Sluder and wife, an ejectment suit. The cae was beard at the last term, and resulted in a mistrial. The; hearing of the case continued through the afternoon, was resumed this morning pud was still on when court adjourned lor tbe noon recess. Washington. Dec 3. Forecast till 8 p. m. Wediiesdar: Fair weather; north erly winds; co'der Wednesday morning. Weather signals are displayed daily on tbe Citizen building ' Mayor Davidson ha? gone to Raleigh on professional business. P. I. Welles, superirtccdentof the third division of tbe Southern, is here today in n is private car. For n cbanae. Asievil'.e ha 1 a fivine snow last tight and today, with a be low freezing wave. v Fred Moore,. esq' , and bride returned from Mniphy yesterday and are at I u nice A. T. Samrjatv's on Haywood street. Now the fountain's stjjppea a-squirtiu' Hit am t sicb a party sight. Why no't hev hit lookin' lusciou-? - Let the pawner painty hit white. Newton Stockton, wuo is wanted in C harlotte on a misdemeanorcharge, was arrested here last night and is being held awaiting the arrival ol the sheriff" ot Mecklenburg. City Hall Janitor Hall has availed himself ol his leave of" Absence, going to the "old moonshine district" in the upper edge ol Soith Caroltrgi, wh re he once lived, an J where he wijl fpend a week hunting. ' F. Slikeleather. J. I. Mackev and J. C. Curtis rtturned yesterday afternoon trora R-idsville, where they had been attending the -sixth session of the West ern North Carolina conference cf the M li church. Smth. They ay the ent r tainment ot the visitors by the Kcidsville people was of the v.ry best. 'TIS A GOOD WAY OFK. BURIED AT MILLS KIVJEIt. Tbe Remains or Mrs. Fulton Taken to Henderson Yesterday. Tic remains, of Mrs. Mary Fulton, whod:ed at her home on North Main street Saturday, were taken to Mills River. Henderson county, yesterday. Faneral services were conducted at the Prebvterian cburcb there by Rev. Dr. R F Campbell, ot tbe First Presbvterian church of Asbeville, and the interment Wf-s in the cemetery nt Mills Kiver academy. The remains were accom panied frcm Asbn'ille by A. F. P King and family.' Rev Dr. Campbell, B Bur nett. Mrs. Dean. Miss Lucinda Parker. 11. N. Lockwood, F. M. Foster aud B. M. Le Mr3. Fulton, nee King, was born April 6, 1811, in what was then Bun combe but now Henderson, tear King's Bridge. She was married January 1, 1828. to Wrn. II. Fulton ot Laurens county, S. C.Vvfco died J ilv 24-, 1870 Alter ber husband's deatli Mrs. Fulton spent sevtral yeais in Missouri with relatives, returning thence to Ashevillc, whtre she had lived ever since. Her only relatives living in Asheville are A. F. P. King and Mrs Daniel Kay, of whom she was tbe great-aunt, Mrs. Fulton owned property between North Main and Chestnut streets the value of which is estimated at $8000 or $10,000. It has been uaderstood that the bulk ol this would be bequeathed to the First Presbyterian church,- ot which sh? Wfs a devoted member. TBR MARKETS. (By Telegraph Today.) NEW YORK. New Yoke. Dec. a.-Cotton future opened steady. NovemDer o. : December, s.24: lanuary 8.27; February, 8.31; March 8.38: April, 8.44; May 8.4S. cmci Chicago. Dec. Wheat. December 561',.': corn. December, a69 26; txirk January, 7.70; lard, January. 5 40; ribs. January, 4.42, 1 STOCK QUOTATIONS. New Yobk. Dec. t Erie, ixvl: Chicago and Northwestern. 107: Chicago and Northwestern preferred, 151; Lake Shore. 15; Norfolk and Western 10; western union 88; Southern, i"V Southern preferred. itl4- American Sugar, loOi: Baltimor- Ohio. 5s!.; Canada Southern, 54!; si. Paul. 76' ' Rock Island, 75H ; Delaware ano Hudson, 127; De'awnre, ackawanna and Western, 17; Manhattan 101!; Michigan Central, 101; New York Central, lou'4. Theiefore, be-e thankful for mmy things, amorg others, that the Carolina Coal Co. e xists 1 o furnish Ashevil'e with the world-tamed JVIl co Coal. ltut to the '( rauk" Uuseball Talk Is Good Food Any Time. Because in this day of reigning football one bears continually stories of "iusbes and "tackles" and "fumbles," and of bow "Smith kicked goal," it is not to be presumed that baseball is dead. Tbe great American game is only keeping, and wh.-n the springtime comes again and old mother earth pokes forth trora her wintry shroud her benumbed fingers the world will otce more ' rear tbe wel come talk of "doubles." "singles ' "cotkers" and "fouls." Then will tbe baseball season be on. And then well, maybe Asheville will have a team to draw the cranks out to Allar.dale, to pay their monev and shout themselves hoarse. Kaoxville will evi dently be in for the war again, according to the Tribune, which devote consirie -aide space to the telling of how tbe old members ot the Reds ill place them selves for the coming season.! Frank Motfett is again to manage the team and cultivate hit garden. Craw lev ( ' Algie," be ot the yellow trousers ) will come to Asheville, according to the Trihune. to play with obn lobe, "who has secured control of the team of thai city." Tbe paper pdds that Crawle and lobe would be drawing eards when the Ashevilles went to Knoxville. The Tribune thinks there will be no Southern- League, which will put At lanta, Chattanooga, Nashvilleand Mem phis on the eligible list, and ought to make the baseball sport gilt-edged. Jack Grim, tbe Rtd's solemn backstop, has signed with tbe Kansas City team in tin Western association. "Farmer" Davi has signed n itb Cincinnati, but it is pos sible that he will change his mind and plow in tbe old helds before getting into stumpy new ground. Willie Hill, whose of) arm was nood tor only one bit here, will work tbe catapult tur Louisville, in the big league. Abe Liiz is "throwing coil s at the bell cor t ot a Chattanooga street car." and will probably not b with the Rds. Leahy goes back to Lycchburg, while Dillard will camp on third f.r tbe Detroiters in the West-rn association. But with all these gone, the team promises to be up to date with the new material, among whom Johnny Htilman ot tbe Masvilles is expected to be numbered. Then, if Asheville gets in the push, the season of '90 will be one ol roseate j yousriess. He that believes in the truth of what he is writing can convey that conviction to bis readers. It is such advertising that has built np big businesses in this country. Read vour copy ot the Woman's Edi tion while toasting vour toes before an open hre made of Jellico Lump. Larc- lina Coal Co. If you cannot think of anything new to say in your ad., or a new way ot saying it, have the ad. reset. That will show that vou do not neelect it Index to New Advertisements. AG1 Wngons Ray 4 Figs Heston 4 For Rent P O Bex i -- 4 Headquarters Mitchell 4 To Pu"hc A Wernwaii 4 . For Kent or Sale Box 47 4 Land Tale V p Southern 4 1'rice List G A Vearsfc Sons 1 Dissolution eainpSell & -mith 4 Watr.ed Model Steam Laundry 4 Importations Mrs Harriet V Keel 4 Private Board 31 M Frrnch Hroad Ave 4 Cloak Sale Baltimore Clothicg House 3 HOUSE TO RENT-Inquire at NO eS BAILEY 1 i-jod3t ST. YT.VNTHD M! people to look neat we will ' do our Dart it vou Wl' pive us a Inwl M"DKL "TEAM LAUNDRY, Phone 7c, Ci'uich street. PORKENT-R B Tohnstou s former resi - dene, Noith Main street, near Farmers warehouse. Address P. o. Bu.X 177 decsdiw A cold wave brinssto memory the fact that vour tect are not oropeilv protected. Don't put on oraenng a pair 01 good Suoes uu'.it it too late. Chappell makes the best, 15 College street irooDI.AWN CAKR 54 South Main street t-resn ovsters every day. served in every style, niKUt or ay lor sale by pint or qu-irt. Two private dim. in moms 'or ladles. Board by week or mouth oa application. MDSRUUGH J GREENLEB, most sue Ash- vine at p-esent tul'. Every modern convenience and most destraote location. Ill health cause of re- citing 47, Bo-x oifice ol this paper. Cec3d3t rilETTY HOME WEDDING. Marrlaee of Miss snsau E. He-yuolls aud Geo. A. I'nrker lu Woolscy. A pretty home weddi' g occurred nt o'clock this morning at the home of Mrs. Susin A. Reynolds in Wookey, when h daughter, .Miss bus jn t,. Keynolds, was married to George A. Parker of Blacks- burg, S. C. The ceremony was solemn ized in tbe parlor 111 tbe presence ot members of the family, the couple enter ing the parlor to tbe strains of Mendels 8'ihn's welding mirch. rendered bv Miss Dollie Sei ier. Rev. II. I'. Doane ot New ark, N. J , pronounced the words making the couple husband and wite. Thev were the recipients ol a number of hand some presents. Directly after tbe ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Parker left on the 8:10 train for a trip to the Atlanta exposition, whence thev will go to their home at Blacksburg. They were flccomoanied to Atlanta b Miss Annie Lee Reynolds, a sister ol the bnde. Mr. Parker is a prominent merchant in Blacksburg. He at one time lived in Ashevdle, arid was the builder o! th mills of the lL-hevi!le Milltng companv The bride is a most estimable lady, wib very many ftriends in this city. 1U SCOM?UK MI ST "GO HEAD." Elltlit Brothers Who Servod In the Confeilerate'Ariiiy Still Living. Maijiv a woman's f,ece is her fortune- yet no lace ran retain its beauty it pinched aud blue with cob ; therefore in justice to your daughters, beat your i'ouic wun jemco Lump, Anthracite or Coke.; Carolina Cal Co. Comforts. Go.:., 90c., $1. $1.25, $1.50, and $2 50 each; excellent value. Blan kets, 75c, $1. $1 25. $1.50, $2. in white and gray. Also $3.50. $4 and $6 in all wool; u. A. Mears & Sons. Tell at not with lengthened faces f'Advertising does not pay;" Ope vour eves and see its traces In the solid wealth today. Remember the ooor. bnt dont forcet that charity begins at home, and glad- aen ynr wile s heart by hllinjj your coal house to the roof with lellicoLump, Antnraciteor coke, Carolina Coal Co. O.ice more ahead, as Buncombe county goes shown by facts givtu lett.-rto Thk Citizen from N A. Pec- land ot' Buepa .Vista, N. C., dated No vembcr 29 fin his letter Mr. Peuland A VI" I noticed in your pater a tew days ago an item',, copied, 1 think, irom Hie Lenoir Top;i, giving the names of five brothers who went through the Confrd erate armv.tand are all living. Hun combe can beat that. I herewith enclose tbe names and ages ol eight brothers, all still living in Buncombe." The list lolltiw: Dr. T. M Stevens. ..681T. N. Stevens. ..65 D M. Stevens ti.l VI F Stevens. ..61 F. M. Stevens........56,l. S. Stevecs 5 R. M. Stevens 50; A. A. Sievens....8 Mr. Penland concludes: "It yc ti tiod anything better tor tbe Conteds. let os hear Irom vou." To which The Citizen ventures to add, that this wondenul record in all probability cannot be bcateu. Enumerate, wito your children, all the blessings vou erioy, and don't fail to appreciate your comfortable home it it is heated with Jellico Lump, Anthracite or Coke. Carolina Coal Co. j ON KV is saved every week by those who buy th. ir bread at the French Bikerv and nev get tne best 51 college bt. Thone 27. FOH RENT OR ALE One of the ees.tullv run hnardintr hnnua in atisTaction Our Hobby. 4SHF.V1LLE Corrected daily by Powell St Snider, wholesale and retail grocers. These prices are being paid by the merchants of the city today : Butter 20 to JSlApplea. 30 01 Sees 17 Apples, dried 2lA.t Chickens 10520 Pumpkins, each 10 Turkeys 7si25iSorghum 20 Ducks i5($2oj Beeswax, per lb 20 Potatoes, sweet ..4.. 50 Honey 10 Potatoes Irish . Wheat 82 Turnips 30W40I Conn $ Onions 6sjMeal .... 45 Cabbage, per lb ljOata ; 40 Beans, per Du.. 75ai.oo;Kye 70 Peas Hay. per ton 17 ocMa-20.00 Chestnuts ICelery. per dos...2s40 - - - - E4 I and Carpets jjlj St I It is our aim to sell Furniture that will give satisfaction in every particu lar. We buy carefully and sell carefully because we do not intend our customers shaii ever icel that they could have done better. The newness and variet) of our stock appeals to your good taste. See our line of Couches and Lounges. W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., 16 Patton Avenue. ) Do Yon Know Where to get an Ai 5 French alf Cus- tm Made Shoe for 3 &iU Most Ashe; J viile people do it s to your interest j to find out ! Hyndman, Opposite P f Oil Comer. r. . , it i Am Prepared l-'or the cold snap. I liave all kinds of warm (Jloves for men and boys. I have all kind of Winter I'nderwear. 1 We have every facility for furoiihiDg clean coal. To prevent carcl.-ssnefs on the part of our drivers, we posted at our chute: THIS NOTICE "Aaydrirrr in our cinp'oj- wbo deliver real lliai i. .I rltHH ad frre rrom diit. will be d I r barged Miid. out furiher Motice." Asbevillo Ice & Coal Company, Dealers in all kicds of Hard and Soft Con!. A NEW DEPARTURE. Miscellaneous HSool At less than publishers' list prices. It is not in sary to send off for books ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 2? SOL' TH MAIN STREET. 4 have just received a new line of Mutllers line of Sweaters. I have a full Fine Fish and Baltimore Oysters Received daily. Scallops, Clams, Lobsters. J. F. Miller & Son, Stalls 14 and 15, Telephone 237. City Market. Are YOU Prepared? If not, why not ? Dont take risks such weather, don't care about fillinj: the doctor's pocket at your pense. It s cheaper to clothe your bo.iy properly. you pay, where must I o 2 course that's You Why. to headquarters, and of MITCHELL'S, The Men's Outfitter 28 Patton Avenue. WE SELL Oyster CracVers Tn d Crackers, ft tjing;er S aps. he Citn.n, I urrants He Cr-amChtcse 15- Chnp-d Hrct 15c Bt-st Qu In v Uaras, 1 Leaf LarU, jc Her- sene il. It Dry Gtjods, Shr c, llaniwart. etc , at as liv prices. A Kemington No. Typewriter $3j. S. H CHEDESTKR, Phone So. 22 Patton Ave arpets & Rugs FOR CHF1STMAS. Xiuas l'resents a-e C.nrra'Iv riitlit-uh ."nlt-it Y ii find it cmsv to make vur sfltctiors out (Our stock. what 's m"rc. eat h nnH e v v sr irl"ifiii -loi t will m-jL-p Ornainer.tal. Useful and Durable l'resents. H'M.FD VIG- re much bft ter than those packul in lavers cost but little more come in five pound boxes at 2.sc. pound why t try lhen. FloMdi Oranges tnnty;ht via ex press 50c. ricz-u. HKa iO.N'S, Mone No. Almond Nougat, 25c. Pound. D.-licious cor fettion mijjht pav 40l. and j;et no Letttr Iresh lot in yesterday. The best Marshmaliows. 40c. kind retai'ed at whol sale price 25c a pound. Cream mints anil winterereens, 10c. the pound. Wa&'ons. Our entire basement floor i dtvole l tn- tuelv lo wagons, honhy horses, riosl car riages nnd velocipedes hi i? stock bought ! at rocte bottom prices Irom tactory cheap est puce in North t arolina lor wagons. Big Wagons ' ittle Wagons. Wooden Wa- gonsntid Steel agons - extra shafts tor goats if you want wagons we will save you money. 5 V a r (Is of St t a w Matting Roiay regard less of Cost. awyer s Carpet ouse 47 South Main St. Telephone 228. ELEGANCE! COMFORT ! ECONOMY! RS HAR IKT V. RFEO. canvassing aeent of New Vork, has moved to her new store. iS Church --trretand is pr-pared to furnish the latest impoi t-.tictns in Dress Goo-is and 1 rim miuR. et 1 carry in addition the best line ot dress findina. Call and examine some X iias Koods next week-. decsdiw FASHIONABLK liressmaKin I have moved mv parlors from Havwood street to rooms i; and to Sondley building. seond floor, where 1 am prepared to do Kashionable Dressmak'ng. Ail work Ruirantt ed. Work none on short no- r. MS.C. H. TKL'LL. it-5dimo-4p N'ET Cottaets and rooms are In we are sUDolvin? that demand ; mand rapidly as possible. List your propt-rlv with us special advant-ges for placing ihrongh our Atlanta of- hce decide today wait until tomorrow and be disappointed THK J. B. BnSTIC ci.. J. B Bostic, Mer., Atlanta. W. M. Clark. Mjtr., Asheville. Telephone 130. OOOO o O Oilier O OOOO F"MSSOLl'TION The fim of & Co. is this day dissolved. J. M. Campbell excen lor the purps.se of final settlement of ii'-finished busi- uess. 1. M. AMPBE L. STFPHEN O -MITH. The business will he continued as heretofore hy Stephen O. Smith at the same place, N. 9, Lexington aveoue, alter this date. Asheville, N. C , Nov. 25, 1S9-. it FIR NIT I'm F, carpets and household goods. Having decid-d to Tetire Irom the hotel business 1 now otter all tre furniture, carp-ts and househ' ld goods of every descrip'ion at prices that will surely sell thrm. A chance to -ecure goods at a great bargain for this week only all at the Cosmopolitan rfbte1. Alo a fine mi ch cow aud call. MRS. J fcTRAl'SS, 11 25diw-p South Main St. i LAWnSAt.lt By viitue of the authority con ferred upon the undersigned bv the last will and testament of A C. Melke. deceased. the nndcrsigr.ed ill oner at public auction to the hiwmst bid ler. on the premises, on Monday. tne 30m uecemner. i"9s. tne I Mlowing ce scribd lots; - ituated near the present termi nusof the Asheville Kleciric ftr-et Railway, at the Me ke Place, in the Citv ot Asheville. and beginning at the corner of View and Buxton streets and ru-s with Buxton street s. hc o' VV 16) teet to a stake on sai 'street; thence with the S msrgin of aid street 124 2-10 feel to a stake in sa'd margin. J. M. Campbell's corner; thence with nis line nearly . 100 leet to View street: thence K. with lew street 100 teet to the begin ning. nein i-ts .vos 1. 2 iann 4 01 the nlat re corded in book 71, page 27 Terms One thiid casn balance tu one and two v--ars at six per cent, interest, secured bv deed in trust on the lots. V. P. SOU HERN, decjdtds Executor 01' A. C. Melke, deceased Those who travel now hare a two-fold reason to take the Rand-McNallv Guide. First, it is the standard; second, it in ures yon without charge tor $1000. 4C cents per copv. $3 per year. On sale CTerywhere. Send subscriptions to 166 Adams street, Chicago How the ruddy glow from thatbrizht, clean fire enhances tbe charm of your chimney corner. Be thankful that yon bought vour Jellico Lump from tbe Car olina Coal Co. To the Public I am sellln; Best euderl jia Steaks 10c. pound. Best Rouid Steaks S1 j-. pound. Best Koasts S' 3?. pou .id. Ret S jusage, 8' si. pnnd. Lamb Chops, 10c. puad. Lamb Stew 5;. pound. S-.ew Beef 4;. ponnd. Veil from 5 to 10c. pou;id. Choicfl com fed pork 5 to 10c pound. Fresh Butter, Chickens, Egt;s and all kinds of frtsh Vegetables at Lawtst Market pr'ce. A, WEUNWAG, Cor. West Haywood and Spring Streets. HAY'S ). 8 X. t OVIST SQUARE. Sus- 1" 1 Y Won V V Are Iteadlng- I'liisV Will Read It Too IT i: I pon Tliis Fitct We Ituild If v u wan; thi i);stin tli ket in Neckwear, Hi? penders, Gloves Ilar.dkf rcliifis, Umbrtllas, Cams, Yalist?. Shirts. Swcatcs. Agent for the sale of Dunlap and Stet son iiats, Dr. Inrtrtr's banitsrv liinerwear, Krmer an! E. & W. CollarsJaud Culls, i Xlonarch ai d W'ilsin R:os' Shirts, Fones Gloves. J. cc D. Dumfrirs, Scotland, Kr.itted Woollen Gloves ;md fancv Scotch plaid Golfe Hose at the ONLY AND ORIGINAL LOOK OUT! Tbe;c ii a Big Holiday St c'i io Town and Vju cid Lu . Cbritma Presents for a Tery Litt'e Montv. Get on tin richt track and sive money. If vou want to Luv a nice and appropriate Cbnstm..s I'rtst nt. do not fail to see our New Holiday Stock. It is ovr-rll wirg with tbe ufelul, tke Novel and the Beautiful, and tbe prices are so Extreme I v low that ail canafTrd to buy. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Silver ware, Novelties, etc. A. Kienle 2 Ashevilles Leading Jeweler. II PATTON AVENUE. Our New Store. No near futnre. 53 Patton Ave . mill Ik opeued in th- Assignee Sale The Ftyck of Clothing and Men's Furnishing Cioods formerly owned by the Whitlock Clothing House i now on the market for eale at cost for cash. This stock comprises high grade Men's Suits and high grade Boys" iSuits, stvlish Children's Suits for fall and winter wear. Also a lare stock of Overcoats, Ulsters, Heefers and extra Pant in alls sizes, White Shirts, Co'ored Shirts. Cotton and Wool Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery and Handkerchiefs. Hats, Caps and Mackintoshes, decidedly the best stork in all lines in the city, all going COST FOR CASH. Now is your best chance for bargains at 46 S. MAIN ST- S. LIPINSKY, Assignee. A Mean-Looking Letter-Head lias lost many a dollar (or business men If a man is judged by the coal be wears he is also judged by the letter-head he uses. An artistic and business-like letter head has fre quently been a basis of credit. It may be looked on ai a good investment. Let The Citizen Company fit your business with a good coat of printers ink. Scy Ptrrins' ; McGconre ; MAX MiLRCXJS, 3Iauaarer. Patton Avenue. Are 1'ou In Itusinrs Suppose Tin M at Vour A1. I CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES 1 Th? Bazaar, 43 I'atton Ave We have a beau.it'al line of ladle's' Frit Hats in tbe newest st les in the following shades, brown, tan, cream. white, navv blue, light blue, blue. ttc. Ail tae snades ot frey, green in every new shale, which we will s.U for the next tour weeks at reduction of 20 per cent. These g ods are all new, of latest stv'e anil mot popular shades. You will do well to see them before vou make auv selec tion. We also have a beactifjl li- ot trirDmea gnoas wnicn we give very close prices on. The best Brands of Whiskies on the Market. We keep all brands of . , . . Beer, Ale and Fore'gu Stout. Which we will sell you at New York prices. All g .ods nelivered free in the city anil vicinity. . 19 North Main St., 1 & V2 West College, Asbeville, N. C. Agent for Col .1 K Hoyt'a . .FAMOl S-. Wines which we of fer to the public at the rmarknble low price of 1 -ir PEU GALLON Hoyt's Claret, $3 Per l)oz. Qttat. Pooling Sherry, $1..-j0 PcrUallon. R'S THE Palais Royal, Frank O'Donnell, Proprietor Carolina Wiuc and Lienor Stores, Aslieville, N. C. f PRACTICAL SANITARY PLUMBER. E. E. ELLIOTT, The Bazaar Has a very handsome line of ladies' Jackets which are lower in price than you can possibly get any where else. ' Steam and hot water heating. All work will have prompt atten tion and best workmanship. Es timates cheerfully furnished, lobbing promptly attended to. P. O. Box 138. Legal Block. Thone 160. The Bazaar Money Saved Has a complete stock cf ladies' Shoes. We make, a specialty of this line and can give von a perlect fit, a fine quality, a splendid wearing ar ticle for $2.00 or $3 00. We will be del'ghted to show yon these goods when yon call at IiY HAVING VOlii -MADE AND REPAIRED BY J. T. Harris AT The Bazaar. 3iO. 11 W. COTJItT SQUARE. (J. M. Alexander'! Harness Store.) Work Called: Fcr and Delivered. TELEPHONE NO" 3. FRUITS, CANDIES, NUTS. AT ALLEN'S, Opposite PostorBce. Phone 118. Offer Has Detenniued To Make His Sales For the Month of December More Than Double Any Previous Month of the Year. He Will Great Bargains in Dress Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Underwear, Holiday Goods, Blankets, Wash Goods, Capes, Jackets, And Last, But Not Least, Handkerchiefs He Will. More Than Double His Working Force. His Goods Are All New, Fresh, Desirable. He Has No Old Stock For You to Select From. Remember His Special Cut Price Sales On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Of Each Week. Come And See. Rfleyer's Palais Royal, 28 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 4 Let us have yonr orders. Next Door to Heston's, Telephone Call No. 231.

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