Asheville Dail izen ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, APftlL 28, IS96 PRICE 5 CENTS VOLUME XI NO. 304. Oil!! y 'Bread h tbs 'Staff of Ufe!" Therefore Hits it Good i t Ballard's Obelisk Baking Powder f he Fine!., Purest and the (lest . . Always Reliable. Picture Coupon With Every Can! Flveoi tliese mailed to Ball aril Hallard Co., Louisville, Ky., with two-cent stamps will entitle? sender to choice of seven beauti ful imported pictures, suitable for framing. POWELL & SNIDER. PLAY TENNIS 'iv I invite the public to come in and Took ocr my line and compare prices. BLOMBERGS, 17 Fatton Avenue. Established Since 18S7. Illinois Creamery . . , Butter l-'rrsh bv express every Mondav, Thurs day and Saturday, pot up in two pound brick w-apped in parchment paper. Seventy-two pinn Is to box. Gr. A. 10 1. Court Square. f OXFORD TIES ARE IN SEASON. You thould e our latest styles t $2.50 AUD $3.00 B fore purchasing. Width to fit you. SPANGENBEUG, l N. COURT SOL'ARK. IT COSTS MONEY In ny line of mechanics to keep . a plant equipped with all the im provements -of this progressive age. The Latest in Laundry Machinery Is a collar shaper by a Pennysl- vania laundryman. At consider able expense we have secured this machine. Yon doubtless no ticed the improvement in our col lars for the past two weeks. Our Patrons May Rest Assured That we will spare no expense to give them the best possible work. Remember our motto, "Satisfac tion to every customer." Any work not satisfactory will be done over free of charee. ASHEVILLE STEAM LAUNDRY 43 W. College Street. BON MARCHE, Special. Just received a large stock four button Kid Gloves, Every pair guaranteed, at $1, ia the fol lowing color?: Blacks, Tans, Browns. White With Black Sti'cbine, Canarv with black stitcbirg, Pearl, with black stitching heavy embroid ered back, Ladies' Tan and Black Driving Gauntlets, only $1 50; a ! walking or driving glove, fine dogskin. equal to bent's, only $1 50; also sole Agent for "Centimeri" Button and "Fos ter" Lce Goods. New designs in COTTON GOODS Just in. NEW WHITE GOODS. NEW SAILORS for Wednesday, April 29 Indigo Blue Prints 4c 10 yards limit. BON MARC HE, 15 8. Main St. LOUD TALK! It o'ten necessary. Hut when it comes to speak ing or the many choice things to be found in our present s'ock ot Hals, Caps, Shiils, Underwear. Neckwear, Gloves, Collars and Cuffs. Belts. Ladies' Shirt Waists, Ladies' Sailors, Ladles' Sweaters, La dies' Colter and Cuffs, no talk at all is neces The Men's Outfitter, Max Marcus, Mgr. 19 Patton Ave. Pure Dalmation . . . Insect Powder At wholesale and retail. Have j'ust received our spring supply. HEIN1TSH & REAGAN Druggists, Ctwch Strut, PittoslATsnas If you are interested in bar gains a look at the things that we are closing out will convince you that our Is attended with many great sac rifices. Arthur M. Field, Leading Jeweler, 18 South lain St. See the new attractions in our window. The progics: ol the Spiing season has developed a uum berof strong favorites on vir ions lines. Of several of these nothing remains of our first purchases, but we have been prompt to oidrr dupli cates, most or which will ar rive in a day or two. A few cannot be had. H. REDWOOD CO., Clothing, Dry Gjodr. Hats. Shoes and Buttericlc Pat terns Wall Paper 5C Per Roll 5C Other grad s in proportion. We can tlso surprise you in prices on PAINTS ar.d painters' supplies, as we are Headquarters For lo k pi ices on evervthing in our line. MAY & MILLER, 47 Patton Ave. Sawyer's Carpet Store. Are You Going to Paper Your House This Spring ? It so, see these elegant samples at J. JU Carroll's Office, room 23 Temple Court, Patton Avenue. Agency for Alfred Peats, New York and Chicago. J. H. Law 35-37 Patton Ave. Exceptional Values in English Semi-Porcelain Brekfa$t sets in two colors Wedgewood made, Special 4, T - I ' 1 1. . . cnmisu atmi l orc.iain unner sets in new dark green decoration, 60 set pkce. Special Q 70 24 sets of Triple-Plated knives war ranted triple-plate all ov r, regular value $2 23 per set. Special Forks to latch Above at Same Price. 44 3 pint Glass Pitchers at 15 cents each worth double. A Special Sale of Ensrlish Toilet Sets Next Week I ! REMOVAL SALE COLLISION WITH THE WYANOKE OF OLD DOMINION LINK. All the FuMMenirera and the Crew or the Steamer Saved Small Carvo Loss About 80,000-The Columbia Injured Some. New York, April 28 Word was re ceived eailr this morning at toe offices of the Old Dominion Steamship company. Pier 26, North River, of the sinking of the steamship Wyanoke, which collided with the United States cruiser Columbia near Newport News. The news of the accident was contained ill a telegram from the company's agent at Newport News, which said that all the passenges and crew were saved as far as known. The company's officials said the steamer carrief but few passengers. She bad a crew of about 40 men, and was commanded by one of the line's best men, Capt. N. H. Jenney. The Wyanoke car ried only a rmall assorted cargo. She left Richmond last r.igbt brnnd for this port. She was scheduled to stop at Nor folk, Va.. where she was to take on her principal cargo. The steamship Old Dominion will be put into commission in place of the V vanokr, and will sail next Saturday from this port in place of the sunken vessel. The Wyanoke. having but a smill cargo, remained a mat some time alter hitting the cruiser, thus a Hording time f,r the crew to man the lite boats and get the passengers into them. The Wy anoke was valued at $sO,000 and was partially insured. Washington, April js itie toiiowing official report of the Wyanoke disaster was received bv telegraph at the navy department at 10 a. m. : Fort Monroe. Captain Sands reports that the Old Dominion steamer Wyanoke last night fouled the Columbia, anchored at Newport News, and sunk under her forefoot. The passengers were all saved Several of the crew were injured, and are being attended hv Columbia s su-geons The damrgee sustained bv the Columbia consist of one bole two feet in diameter on the port side ten feet a hive water line; a heavy indentation two feet above the water line on the same side, and an indentation of one plate on the starboard side opposite the hole, opening the seam for about six 'eet; temporary loss ot one anchor and 45 fathoms of chain. I shall take her to Norfolk navy yard as soon as the requirements of paragraph 400 of I the navy regulation is complied with." Fort Monroe. Va., April 28 The Wyanoke bit the Columbia while coming into dork, and rank in about 30 minutes. There were 107 passengers and a crew of 42 men. The Wyanoke stink the Columbia with such force as to awaken all the passengers and crew. The ship lies in about 40 leet ot water, and can no doubt be raised. NOTHING NEW. Uezeklah. Gadtrer's Speech ot Con fession at the Opera House. There was much drum beating neccssa ry in order to gather a sufficient crowd in tbe opera house today at 1 o'clock to justify H. A. Gudger in delivering h's reasons for quitting the Democratic par ty and joining the Reoublican party. It was 1:15 when E D.Carter organ his introduction, which consisted of a sky scraping panegyric of himself and Gudger lor their superior sagacity, in in tellig nee and manhood, asshown in their leaving the Democr-itic party, and joit. ing the Republ cai There were on the sta' d to hear Mr. Gudger. G. M. Roberts W. W. RYnin. I N. Morean. Harry Rurnbough, J. R Reed, arnes Frank. A B Wa-e, T. I Harkins, T. B Long . H. S'ag'e, H. C ones, and two or tbree strangers. Mrs V S. Lu-k and daughter, occ pied one ot the boses. Mr. Gudger a speech was evidently prepared with much cm re, and be kept tbe manuscript btf re him, but as he warmed to bis work it was disregarded The speech ocmpied about one hour, and contained no new ideas. Tbe rea sons inducing his change of heart may be said to be Scnptual, in that he evidently now hates what he once loved, and now loves what he once bated. Protection and a free ballot those stale old Republican hobbies were d ated upon as if they were new. It may not have occurred to the speaker, but doubtless did to manv ol his audience, that the last time he stood on that platlorm. less than two years ago, be bad declared, with much flourish and much noise, that the Wilson bill had passed and tbe country was free. Today that bill was denounced by Mr. Gudger as tbe hane of the country. There was a good crowd present, nearly equally divided divided between white and colored, the white portion of the audience being largely made up oi those in attendance on tbe Criminal court. Not over a dozen Democrats beard the talk. li. O. PATTERSON, CHAIRMAN, It la Likely That He Will be Chosen By tbe State Convention. A telegram sent out from Raleigh says it is alleged there that Senator Pritch ard is pressing R. O. Patterson of Ashe ville for the chairmanship of the Republi can state committee and that Mr. Pat terson is canvassing tbe State for that place. Mr. Patterson told The Citizen this morning it was a mistake that he is nsakirg a canvass for tbe chairmanship. A chairman is wanted who will uot an tagen ze Senator P itchard, and ft Chairman Hoiton and Settle persist in their opposition to the Senator it i- very likelv that Hoiton cannot be redected at the coming State convention. Mr. Patterson said that il he should be elected chairman it wonld tiecessitate his resigning his position as ckrk f tbe United States court. RUSSELL'S CAMPAIGN. It Uas Fallen Oat With II self; Collars ed: Quit: Ended. Raleigh, April 28. Special Repnb iican inairmau tioiton, says Kuss-li s whole campaign is a failure; that it has collapsed, an j that Russell's friends so admit. Paper Mills Burned. Baltimore, April 27. The Mentzel pap-r mill and plant, comprising a group 1 of four buildings, near EUxott City, was destroyed bv fire last night. Loss $40,-1 OOO, insurance $IO,O0O. JETMiE E WART'S CHARGE. His Instructions to the Grand Jury Concerning Elections. In bis charee to t be Criminal Circuit court grand jury yesterday Judge Ewart, referring to bribrt v, intimidation, etc, in elections, said in snbstanci : 'I desire to especially call yonr atten tion to the stringent enactments against violations ol the election law. The foun dation of our government rests upon the parity of its elective systeu. "Illegal ret. titration, false entries dv officers of the election, the refusal to reg ister voters who off r to take the pre scribed oath, betting on elections, treat- i: g on election day, the selling or giving away of liqnors within five miles of a voting nrecinct, stealing ballot "boxes, assaulting officers of the election, giving or taking bribes, intimidating voters. hiring voters to remain away Irom toe polls, are grave offences against the law. and punishable with heavy fines and imprisonment. It will not be mv fault while I am the presiding officer of this court if the provisionsof this law are not rigidly enf irced as against gouty vio lators. It matters not to what political party tbev belong, whether cf high or Ijw degree, rich or poor, black or white, with influence, or without influence, when convicted in this court, the utmost penalty will be itiflicted." At yesterday afternoon's session ia the case aeaiost S. P. Smith and I.E. Hamp ton, affrj-y the jury returned a verdict of guilty as to the former, but could not agree as to the latter. It was still un able to agree this morning, a jurrr was withdrawn and mistrial bad. Hampton gave bond to next term. State vs Ben Foster, rolored, larceny, gnilt ; 12 ruontbs in chain gang. John Greenlee, who was indicted in the same case, was acquitted. State vs. Will Fleming, colored, carry ing concealed weapon; pi ad guilty, sen tenced to fjur months in chain gang. State vs. Howard McHenry and Biown Twittv, colored, affray; plead guilty, judgment continued till costs are paid. State vs. Geo. Wilkie, false pi etenct ; on tial Harrison B. Brown was sworn in as an attorney. The grand. jury yesterday returned 17 bills as true and three as not true. PLAYED AND LOST. Took Goods of His Wife and Slster-ln Law , and Now Is In Trouble. Not- long ago John Hunter, colored, and Nancy Evans were married. They have been l.ving on B attack street Tbtir married life has evidently not been one unbroken path of jovousness, for it ,roriert to lustier IVnver that few das aso Hunter, while bis wife was away, bad bundled up a great portion of his wife's clothing, a watch and other articles of value, preparatory to leaving. Btfore taking his departure, however, it - is said Hunter went to the bouse ot his sister-in-law, Hattie Evans, and packed up numerous articles which she owned, with $8 50 in cash, a watch, etc justice Deaver was applied to for search warrant, issued it, and on invent i gation it was found that Hunter had taken tbe property to tbe Southern freight depot to be shipped to him at Anderson. S. C. Tbe property was re c vered and a teltgram was sent to Chief of Police J. W. Dillingham cf An derson, asking that Hunter be arrested when he appeared to call for tbe freight. Last mght justice Deaver receive a dispatch announcing that Hunter had been arrested. Application tor rendition, papers was sent to Raleigh this after- n on. TO THE WATER WORK'S. Ma j . Waddel 1 Con tern plates Construct ion: Anotbftr Electric Railway. The grading fjree on the McDowell street portion of the Asheville and Bilt- more electric line ii making slow prog ress because f the blasting that has to be dane there. The road will run from MrDowtll street over the east sidewalk of S uth Main to the citv limits It will leave South Vlain a litUe north of New ion academv and, bv agreement between Mni. Waddill and those most interested in tbe suburban portion ol the line, wil' go bv Kmilworth Inn and down tbe bill to the Swannanoa and thence to Bilt more. Tbe road on this hill will not have greater than a seven per cent. grade. Mm. Wsddell said this morning that after this portion of the line i bu It he will endeavor to constiuct a line to the citv pumping stall n, following the Swannanoa river as closelv as p -st ible The building of this line would b; a treat addition to tbe routes artjrding deliebt ful ridis for Asheville people. BAILEY AND 8WEPSOX. Colored Men Indulge in a Fight and Are Bound to Court. About noon today Nelson Biiley and Cal. Swepson, colored men of oppositt political faiths, indulged in tbe luxury of an argument while basking in tbe sun in front of the court boose. As tbe argu ment waxed warm, Swepson said be "wouldn't let a Democratic nigger eat at his table. This rued Bailey and be applied to bis vis a vis an epithet that Swepson didn't relish He caught up a rock and struck Kailey ov.rtbeeye, making an ugly cut, and then grabbed Bailey's stick and beat h m with it belore they were parted The scenes ot the next chapter were laid in the court room, where Justice Frank Carter sat on the case and bound the combatants over to court in a bond of $100 each. Seaboard Not Coming. If reports can be relied upon Asheville is not to get tbe S .-a board Air Line, the news coming in a paragraph in tbe Charlotte Observer's Raleigh corres pone ice, as follows: It is now expresslv denied that tbe Seaboard Air Line will build the railroad link between Asheville and Rutberford- ton. President Honman makis the denial." Deputy Sheriff Hampton Resigns Deputy Sheriff J. H. Hampton has tet.- dered to Sheriff Brookshire his resigna tion, to take effect May" 1. Mr. Hamp ton has held this position 3Vi years. He will continue to reside at lnanda and will reta:n his position as deputy U. S. marshal. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL GAMES. New York 4. Boston 7. St. Louis 8. Louisville 2. Philadelphia 4. Brooklyn 6. Cincinnati 9. Cbtcigo 3. Washington 1. Baltimore 4. Atlanta 9. Mobile 4. Columbus 14. Birmingham 5. Montgomery 16. New Orleans I. IT BEGINS TO FALL TO PIECES THE REPUBLICAN TICKET ONLY A FRAGMENT KOW. R. L. Fltcpatrtok Comes Oat of the Radical Nest-Who Will Be the First to Follow the Good Example! No Successor Yet. The polit-'cal secsation of the day :n fact, cf the wbofo campaign is the with drawal of R. L. Fitzpatrick from tbe race. Mr. ritzpatnck was nominated as candidate for the place ol Alderman from the Second ward, on tbe aocalled "non partisan" really Republican ticket. Mr. Fi'zpatiick bus not formally au nt asced bis withdrawal, but it is stated on tbe very best authority that be is out of tbe race. Ia fact, he informed several gentlemen interested that be had with drawn. President Eug. D. Carter of the Repub lican club, when asked this afternoon as to the manner in which a candidate would be put on the ticket in Mr. Fi'z- patrick's place, said that a mass meet ing would be held, as had been tbe case wb.-n the ticket was pnt out. Among tbe names beard suggested to day of possible successors was that of Capt. T. W. Patton. CONDEMNED TO DEATH. Will President Kraster Pardon Them, Guilty of High Treason! Pretoria. April 28. Five of the lead ers ot tbe national reform committee, who pleaded guilty of high treason yes terday, imluding John Hay Hammond, the mining engineer, were con drmned to death at tbi f irencon s sit ting. London. 28 In tie house ol commons today Joseph Chamberlain. secretary of state for the colonies said: I have received a private telegram ol tbe accuracy of which I have no doubt. saving that five of tbe leaders of th? no called national reform committee at In- nannesDnrg nave been condemned to deatb. I thereupon cabkd to Sir Her cuies Kooinson at Capetown mstruc.i ins to communicate the f blowing to Presi dent Kruger: 'The government has just learned that sentence of death has been imposed upon tbe chief leaders t f tbe re form committee. The government has no doubt that your Honor will com mute the sentence. Indeed tbe govern. ment has assured parliament that this is yonr honor's intention."' TO SAVE FROM LYNCHING. Joseph Cocking Accused ot Murdering His Wife and Slster-ln-Law. Baltimore, Md, April 28. Joseph Cocking, accused of murdering his wile and sister-in-law at Hilltop, Md , last Thursday night, was harried to this city yesterday from LaPlatafor safe keeping. "There is not a man, woman or child in all Charles county who believes other ban that C eking murdered bis wife and sister-in-law," raid Detective Gaulc as be alighted with his orisoner. "We had to bring him to Baltimore to save him J from possible lynching at tbe band oil the infuriated p?ople ot his home place." The train left La Plata before dav break and Cocking wai met at tl.e depot here bv a pitrol waeon. which conveyed him to Marshal Frey s headquarters, Tbe prisoner would not make a state ment, nor would he answer env ques tions. He was locked up at the Ceutral police station. 1H0 BASEBALL. The Y. M. C. A. Players Make Up Two Teams Regular Practice. Tbe Y. M. C. A. baseball teams will see to it that Ashiville is cot without some of the national game this season. The material at hand was sufficient to make np cwo teams. The members of the first team have elected Dick Weaver as their captain. The players on the two teams are: C. S Pueh, Gjy Rankin. Geo. Brown. C. M. MiElrath. J. W. McElrath. Ralph Lee, J. L. Carroll, D Weaver. E. Saw- ver. I. M. Yonng. E. Dukes M. Miller, C. Sawyer. J L. Rich. W. War, F. M Lindsey. G. H. Mills, J. Clark, M. Casse- born, R. Alexander, H. Merrimon, Charlie Miller. Practice games will be played regularly Tuesdavs, Thursdays and Saturdays. H. Redwood was appointed at the meet ing last evening to arrange for a game with Bingham next Monday if possible. SPLIT IN ALABAMA. McKlnley and Gold Divides the Uepub- llcaus Thero. Montgomery, Ala., April 28. A polit ical hot wave is prevailing here. Tbe tension between th? McKinlev and anti McKinley forces is so great that a row at tbe door of the hall where the Repub- ucan convention was to meet seemed inevitable. There is no o the talk than of two convenli ns. All hope of coming I together seems to be abandoned. The! Mi Kinley Republicans are for a straight sound money platform and ticket, while the Moseley men are for fusion with the Popilists. INTO A RECEIVER'S HANDS. The Cumnock Coal Co. of Chatham! County Is Embarrassed. Raleigh. N. C, April 28 The Cum nock coal company, formerly the Lang don Herz;y company, at Cumnock, Catham county, has gone into a receiv er's bands. Judge Seymour of the TJ. S. District conn appointed Samuel Z Hec- xey receiver. Tbe company has been em barrassed ever since the explosion last Di cember, in wbicb 40 persons were killed. FROM THE TELEGRAPH. Afarorable report was made to tbe Senate MonHav afternoon on a bill ap propriating $250,000 for a public build ing at Tampa, Fla. Tbe census of Paris up to March 30 shows tbe French caoital to have a pop ulation of 2,511.455. P. W. Carmack has resigned as editor ol tbe Memphis Appeal. According to Gen. Grosvt nor, McKin- ley has 444 delegates. Fine fruits and candies cheap at Allen's. Call for Sensation cigars 5 cents. All ye that ate thirsty, come to our fountain and drink. We are now serving our delicious Ice Cream Soda ! With Crushed Fruit Flavors. The only Egg Phosphate that is appetizing fo the taste, and grateful J to the Stomach. Tine- apple Snow, a frozen sherbet Coca-Cola, Hires' Root Beer, Bon- Bous and Ices. All the popular Mineral Waters ou tap. In fact everything that goes with a well conducted Soda' Fountain. It's too HOT to say more. C. A. Raysor, DRUGGIST. :il PATTON AVENUE. Nunnally's Fine Candies Fresh today T fj V r' 1 Xj1 ' -- X3 MA DECEIVED By merchants advertising Knox Ladies Sailors. I have the sole agencv Tor Knox goods in Ashe ville, and the genuine. WORLD RENOWNED Knox hats can only be lonnd a( my store. The Knox Derby, the Knox Alpine, tbe Knox Straw, and the Knox Ladies' Sailors are each representatives ol tbe ideal in headgear. F. E. Mitchell, The Men's Outfitter. '48 Patton Ave. The Postofflce Drag Store- New Store. .... New Drugs. Experienced prescription clerk. Everything as repre sented. A fine line of per fumes, the very latest, just received. Soaps, Powders, Brushes and all toilet re quisites in abundance. A cool and pleasant place to wait for your mail. I invite your patronage. WHITErG. SMITH, Ph. G.f Pharmacist and Chemist, 60 Patton Ava. Tlifho ISO. r ? QUEER THINGS Happen in Asheville as will as in Jersey. Some time since we dressed a man ia a frog suit, sent him out advertising but. alas and lack for tbe Frog Uas! In less tbae a jiffy be was arrested; be was even imprisoned.' Appearing before tbe Mayor, to nnswer for bis conduct, he was kept waitirg posniblv an hour and be thea learned there was no rfcarge mgaioat him'.! Tbe brilliancy of such proceeding is only equalled bv tbe closeness of our fig- ares, tbe quality of our roods and in tbe selection of our stock. We wish to ARREST YOUR ATTENTION With regard to prices toda : Carter's L'ttle Liver Pills 15c. Welch's Grape u:ce.ptc. 40c ;dcz S4.00. Welch's Grape Juice, qts 65c ;do $7.00. Mex. Mustang Lint., 25c. size, 18c. Mez. Mustang Lint , 50c. tiz. 35c. Mex. MostaoK Lint , $1 00 size. 75c. Household Ammonia, 15c. siif. Wizard Oil. 5' c. size, 35c. Wizard Oil, $1.00 s-'z:. 75c. Bird Seed, best mixed, per package Uc. Castile Soap, Conti's white. 1 lb., 22c. Castile Soap, Conn' green. 1 lb , 20. Castile Soap. Conti's red, 1 lb.. 18c. Copperas, lb. 5c ; 6 lbs. 20c. Beef, Iron and Wine, pints, 5o. Packer's Tar Soap 1 5.. Pnpircd Chalk, drops. 3 lb. 10c. lb 15c. No To-Bac. $1.00 sizr. 65c. M oiler's Cod L'ver Oil 59c. Scott's Emulsion, $1 .00 size, 67c. Benson a Plasters 15c. Pond's Extract, 50c. s'ze. 38c. Pond's Extract, $1 00 s ze, 75c. Woodbury's Facial Soao. 50c. s'z;. 25c. Pierce's Purg. Pellets. 25c. s ze. 17c. FaircbilJ's E:S. Pepsin, $1.00 size, 75c. Nelson's Gelatine, 15c. King's New Discovery, 50c. size. 38e. King's New Discovery, $1 00 size. 75c. Kilmer's Swamp Root, 50c size, 40c Godfrey's Cordial, 8c. Carbolic Salve, 25c. sze, 18c. Brushes a lull line hair, nail, flesh, cloth, tooth, shaving, etc., at close cut prices. Pelham's : Pharmacy Tie Leading Cut-Eats Ding ston in iiheTille. Call For Pries List. Open every Sunday except Church hours .... Till May 1st! We will continue our 20 Per Cent. Discount On most miscellaneous books and Brown's Stationery. Take advantage of tliese bar gainsonly a few days longer. MORGAN'S BOOK STORE, 3 V. Court Sqnara. Heiskells Tetter Ointment L'sKD IN CONNECTION WITH Heiskell's Skin Soap Will benfit any case of skin trouble. We guarantee it to do so. Dr. T. C. Smith's Drug Store. fCBLIC FffUARB. TP ortnond o Cigars.

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