Ashevllle Daily (Liti zcn M 1 1 V i i i 11 ! VOLUME XII-NO. 8. ASHEV1LLE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 15, 1896 PRICE 5 CENTS New Catcli North Carolina Uoo Herring. Roe's Finest Sjublime Olive Oil. Also J. W. Ueardsley's Sons Celebrated Shredded Codfish. Sliced Beef And Boneless Herring Just In. POWELL & SNIDER. Hammocks and Croquet Sets. Tlx linRisl line "ui the ritv Prices lower than ever belore. BLOMBERGS, 1 7 Pattou Avenue. Established Since ISH7. Monarch Varnishes Stood at the very top in the test made of 24 American Varnishes by the National association of mas .er paint ers and decorators. Dayton Paint cheapest and best in this market. Also i full line of painters' eupplits of every description. Wall Paper in abundance If you get our pr'ccs vou are sure to buy. MAY & MILLER, The Ixading Painters and Decorators, 47 Patton Ave. Sawyer's Carpet Store. You can often crowd value into a pair ot shoes and the shoes not look it. YOU can olten leave value out of a pair of Shoes and the shoes look as Jjif they had it. l.otti'ni isn't it f lint not as ice sell them. .' SPANGENBERG'S, NO. 4 N. COURT SQUARE. GO TO THE Epicurean! 41 S. Main St., Upstairs srus. weian elicacy. Toe -. -.v.. tnetabi Mtnrcbtt oa auywv 1. Bk Jules Wiesmanii Manager. jT COSTS MONEY In my line of mechanics to keep a plant equipped with all the im provements of this progressive age. The Latest in Laundry Machinery Is a collar shaper by a Pennysl vania laundryman. At consider able expense we have secured this machine. You doubtless no ticed the improvement in our col lars for the past two weeks. Our Patrons May Rest Assured That we will spare no expense to give them the best possible work. I Remember our motto, "Satisfac j tion to every customer." Any i work not satisfactory will be I done over free of charee. ASHEY1LLE STEAM LAUNDRY 4 W. College Street. BON MAROHE ! Commencing Monday, May 11. SPECIALS iA BKAL'TIFl'L LINE of NEW ! Challies in light ground with Persian and Lires I den designs, black and navy ground i with Dresden design; marked to sell tor ;i'Jc. for this week only, 22 12c. Newsheer Linen Grenadine, Linen Batiste ; and Linen Homespun; also Linen Color Cotton Batiste Dimities, Lawn, etc,, 5c. ! up. Best 38 inch Percales, in light and dark shades, Shirting Calicos, 3c ; Percale Prints, 5c. MARCHE! 15 S. Main St. WE BLOW OUR HORN Bui you are to judge or the misic. Por instance, when we fay that we have the largest, best and most com plete line ol men's .... FURNISHINGS! Dunlap and Stetson Hats. Monarch S'lirts, in stiff and soft fronts. E. (K: W. and Kaistr Collars and Cufl-i. Dent's Glove?. Newest Novelties in Neckwear, Hosiery, Caps, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders. Umbrellas and Canes. The Men's Outfitter, Max Marcus, Mgr. 19 Patton Ave. CUT PRICES! Stick; Fiy Paper, 25 DOUBLE SHEETS, 50c. BOX, 322. Simmons Liver Regulator, 25c. SIZE, 16c. 50c. SIZE..35C $1.00 SIZE, 65c. nennens Borated Talcflm Powder 25c. SIZE, 17c. Welch's Grape Juice, PINTS, 30c, QUARTS, 50c. HEINITSH & REAGAN PUCGGI3TS, Church Street, Patton Aysnne. Pocket Kodaks 05. OO ! Sample pictures in window. A select line of Silver Table ware B. H. Cosby, Jeweler, If you are interested in bar gains a look at the things that we are closing out will convince vou that our la attended with many great sac rifices. Arthur M. Field, Leading Jeweler, 18 South Main St. See the new attractions in our window. 3 P T 2 e o -i c ( t. S3 o p. f o c re p -t o :r o w r-r- re" w p E3 re O cr o 3 o Q. O o Q. O o 3 O C re -t re p CO ft -t O 3 re o o o a. p P r-r- cn o o" crq GEORGE W. CHILDS Was a Rood man and it would a most be irrev erence to attempt to perpetuate his name by means otherwise than that which would be sug gestive of goodness and purity. The George W. fluids Cigar Is to the smoker what the man was to the needy, a solace and a friend, and affords such satisfac tion that the effect is almost a moralizing one, as oiie cannot fail to associate the quality of the cigar with the worth of the man. With its abso lute HAVANA FILLER l nd SUMATRA WRAP PER and workmanship as fine as hands can make it, it will satisfy you as well as a 10 cent cigar. For sale by the following reliable mer chants : W. E. Allea, C. A. Itaysor, Herkeley Cigar 8 tor 3. W lil te. 8 nil Hi, Ci. A. Career, IleiniUth &. ReaiSM, S. II. Mlchaloe, . . Nolaad, Roberts. St Nichols, C. F. Ray, I. Gross, Glen Rock Hotel, J. M. Hestoa. T. V. Terrell, Battery Park Hotel. H. 8. Wortnea, X. J. Revell, Ei. Bloinberif, Candy Kitchea, C 8. Cooper. J. B, Selgler, J. A. White, Blltaiore. 9IcloeIl A JohiMS I. 9f Ichalee. Fresh Lot Dove Hams 14c Pure Leaf Lard 9c. Arbuckle Coffee 22c. 17 Lbs. Granulated Sugar $1. SEIGLER, No. I B. Court Square. Next to Market House Oue of oar open stock Dinner Sets. J. Wedge wood & Son' English Semi-Porcelain in the new Green or Golden Brown I i REMOVAL SALE 1 dtcora t ions aav S-in Flatters... 10-ia Platters.. 29 12 in Platters., 14-in Plattrs.. Din Plates, doz a5Q Bkf Plates, do ,3Q Tea Plates, doz Q Fr'tSau'rsoz lnd'l But, doz Cups and Sau cers, set t15 7-ind'p Dishes 5 S-in d'p Dishes t34 Soup Tureen... jg Gravy Boat ,30 Pickle- ;2D Covered Dish- gQ Sugar ...... ..... .45 Cream. J 3 NAMED BY TDK XINTH'S DEMO CRATIC CONVENTION'. The Nomination AVas Made on Second Ballot B. D. Gilmer for Elector Geo. S. Powell and W. E. Moore for Delegates to Chicago; A. E. Posey and E. J. Jnstloe for Alternates. "Geotleiiien, I bespeak you fur har mony," said Judge Geo. A. Shufcrd in the Grand opera house yesterday after noon in bis speech accepting the chair manship of the Ninth district Democratic Congressional convention. And the har monious feeling was everywhere present. The di legations occupied seats in the parquet and drss circle, and the delega tions from the various counties filled that portion of the hruse. Old Buncombe, with her 72 votes, was as ever in evi dence, while there was something new in seeing a card labeled "Mitchell, "over the delegation from that coantv, in a Ninth district convention. Before the opening ex-Congressman W. T. Crawford walked upon the stage and was greeted with cheers, which were doubled when a little fellow in the Jack son delegation was raised above the beads of the crowd and relied out "Rah for Crawford!" Geo. A. Sh.ilord, Chairman. At 4:17 R. D. G.ltucr, chairman i-f the Congressional executive committee, called the convention to order and caller udge Shuford to be temporary chair man. "As it is always a pleasure to serve the party of the people." said the Judge in taking the chair, "I very readilv take upon me the duty. It is relreshing to lie here. This is in some respects an unusual ton yentior. In many instances delegations have come instructed to vote lor some pet candidate first, last and all the time, instead of trying to select the best candidate. There are but tew of this; delegations instrncted at all. We have but one motive: to find the strong est man, the man who will beat Rich mond Pearson. The man we select will be the choice of the Democratic party and will be t he choice of the people of the dist L-t in the next election. We owe to the country one thing: to nominate the strongest man. As a delegate said to me today, 'We are for the runningest man whatever his name is.' I have nothing personally against Pearson, but my ob jection is that he ba no politics, and won't keep what he pretends to have. I believe in political as well as personal k tegrity. We owe it to ourselves to defeat such a man as he. We want to give to the people a man of clean political and personal record, and a man of ability. I wouldn't trust any question to Pearson; btfjre his term is out hewillbetraveverv trust for bis personal en J. We should show to the world that such a man can not represent this people. He has a repu tation as the grand briber and corrup tionist, the most skilled in this that ever ran for office in Buncombe. I nevir saw bim buying a vote, but he has that repu ta ion. And now. I bespeak yon for har mony, and for deliberate acd wise action I in making your selection." Representatives of the city Democratic press were asked to act as temoorary sec- : etaries, and J. P. Kerr was made reading clerk of the convention. The roll call showed that tv.ry county of the district was represented, and that tbtre were no contests. Committee on Resolutions. E. R. Hampton moved the appoint ment of one from each county on perma nent organization, but a motion pre vailed to make the temporary organi zation permanent. Jos. E. Dickeisin was made permanent secretary on motion of Walter E. Moore. When it came to selection of the com mittee on platform and resolutions a motion was made by a Yancey delegate that each delegation should sehct one from its number. This was cariied, but Judge H. B Carter moved a reconsider ation, as all stood for free silver, acd there was no need to consume time in ibis wav. Gen. Hampton took issue with Judge Carter. He said the conven tion should speak emphatically and with no uncertain sound. The convention was of this opinion and the following members were named for the committee : Buncombe, R. B. Vance; Clav, W. P. Moore; Cherokee, T J. Cooper; Graham, W J. Cocke; Haywood, . A. Collins; Henderson, M. W. Egerton; Jackson, Walter E Moon ; Madison, Jasper Ebbs; McDowell, Thos. Morrir; Macon, esse S. Sloan; Mitchell, J. M. Buchanan; Folk. U. . Markham; Rutherford. Edward Beam; Swain, R. j.Roan; Transylvania, T. S. Boswell; Yancey, C. L. McPeters. Gen. Hampton moved to adjourn to 8 o'clock, in order to give the resolutions committee time to make up its report. On the motion the roll call of counties was began, Buccombe starting with 72 against it. By the time Haywood was recorded the vote was 115 against, to 14 for the motion, and it was with drawn. M. L. Shipman moved to have W. T. Crawford address the convention daring the absence of the committee, bat Chair man Shuford ruled that speeches would be out of order until the convention busi ness was concluded. Executive Committee. Then on Gen. Hampton's motion the following Congressional executive com mittee, to serve two years, was named, each county choosing its representative on the committee : Buncombe S. F. Chapman. Clay 1. W. banderson. Cherokee W. M. Cooper. Graham W. D Crisp. Havwood J. S Davis. Henderson las. P. Rickman. Jackson E. R Hampton. Madison W. W. Zicbary. McDowell R. H. Moore. Macon Lee Barnard. Mitchell J. W. Bailey, jr. Polk J. O. Wilson. Rutherford Frank Reynolds. Swain J. H. Everett. Transvlvania W. H. Duckworth. Yancey W. H. Anderson. Delegates and Alternates. A vote by counties was taken on a motion by Gen. Hampton to elect two delegates and two a'ternates to be recommended to the State convention n rt.tTata mrA olfr rmm n k KT tional convention from this district. The motion carried. 1 Geo. S. Powell ot Asbeviile and Walter E. Moore of Webster wtre named as delegates. S F. Chapman s-onded Mr. Powell's nomination. "We know be is for free silver," tbe speaker said; "is Mr. Moore for free silver ? On being assured that Mr. Moore, who was out with tbe committee, was a silver man, Messrs. Powell and Moore were nominated by acclamation. The nimes cf R. P. Walker of Bar combe, A. E Posey of Henderson and J. lust ice ot McDowell were presented as alternate. The roll was called and Messrs. Posey and Justice were selected, the Tote being; Posey, 296; justice. las; wratg, 168. Tbe Resolutions, The committee on resolutions then returned witb Ha repbrt, which was rod by W. f. Cocke, as follows: Wkercaa, Tlic Democrats of the Niath Con. rraaskwal district at eoaventioa assembled hereby again declare their aUegiaace to the rjri set Dies of the Democratic cartv: aad "Whereas, We beltcrt that the financial qoea. tion ia one of paramount importance to the masse of the people in the approaching cam paiga, and thut genome prosperity cannot be reMored to ihia country under the financial policy ecttblnne d by the Republican party in 1S73. but cx B only be brought ab ut by restoring to silver its lunctioos as a rati lecal tender money, and believing that ailTer can only re gain its place as the money of the people through the Sorts of the Democratic party; therefore, be it "Resolved, That we declare ourselves in favor of the free and nnlimi'ed coinage of both gold and silver . at the ratio ol 16 to I, without dis crimination against either at the mints, with full and cqnal debt paying and purchasing power to both alike by the government of the Lotted Mates, indepeuoeot ot the action ol any other government or nation. "Kesolvea. second.. That tne delegates elected by the convention to attend the National Demo cratic convention at Chicago be instructed to cast their votes first, last and all the time for a platform and candidate for President and Vice President in fall accord with the above resolu tions. "R. B. Vance. Ch'n, "Wm J. Cocte, Sec'y." E. R. Hampton moved the adoption of the report. Thos. A. Jones did not think the latter portion should prevail. "It we instruct for one thing," Judge Jones said, "and the State convention lor an other, which will the delegates obey ?" "In that case, our delegates will obey this convention," answered Mr. Cocke, amid much applause. The report was then adopted. W. W. Jones moved to adjourn for ball an hour, to consult before beginning nominations for Congress, but the mo tion was voted down, and nominations were called for. Locke Craig. The call of counties began for nomina tions, lodge H. B. Carter came to the chairman's stand and said: "The duty 1 now attempt to perform would have been performed by Jude Menimon bad be not been unavoidably detained. We have assembled to nominate tbe next Congressman. I firmly btlieve that the man who leaves this house as the nom inee will be the next Representative. Th party is to be congratulated, not only 1 on the personnel, but c n the s:re of the , adopted. Tbe outlook at noon is favor body. I think Locke Craig is tbe best i able for the nomination of Dockerv for man f r tbe nomination. Since the dtatb i governor, but Bovd is extremelv strong, of Z?b. Vance, Craig has been the best A hearty endorsement of MiKtnley is political orator in North Carolina. He i certain, will stir up more enthusiasm than anv A Hot Fiitlit. man we cau name. He is a man of as When the convention met at noon fine character, personally, politically, j there was a hot fight on the report of it. l-- ' j - r II. Una n. I . ,1 ! nrrtrlr tip hm Hnn d.r thf rUmnrot! partv; he bos done more service and got , less out of it than any man in the dis-; trict. I appeal to your sense of justice; ; do not make tbe men who bear tbe bur dendothewoik and give the offices to ; those who have not done anything. Mr. ' Craig probably has no money, buc he ; has a we ilth of character and Democ-: racy, enough to sweeptbe district. If be is nominated there will be an uprising in i bis favor such as has not been seen since I the voice of Z.-b. Vance tvas beard in tbe '. land." . ! Buncombe gave way to Yancey for fur- j tber nominations. j C'has. N. Vance. j Julius C. Martin, esq, was tbe next; nominating speaker. "Six years ago," ; he said, "I stood iu thia bouse in the first ; Democratic convention I attended west j of the Ridge. The grand old Democratic ! banner was trailing, but the convention ; nominated a young man, W. T. Craw-1 ford, who led the hosts to victory. 1 j cometonameacandidate who is a young ; man and who will carrv us to a victory ! as grand and memorable as tbatof 1891. j We have just had a contest in Asbeville, j where the party nominated a young man j whose face I now see before me, and he j won. The young man whose name I present is the Honorable Charles N Vance." Joseph 8. Adams. Cherokee nominated lames H. Merr: mon of Buncombe, and Henderson yield- ; ed to Yancey. Representing the latter county, G. Ellis Gardner said he was from a countv that since 186H had not failed to give a Democratic majority. It will give 300 majority for the nominee. ' "I present a man to you whom my pec-. pie love as well as they love themselves. , He has fought his way to tbe highest place in his profession; who asls no i compensation for his labor; who works j for principle and asksno reward. Ia the ; northeastern part of the district he will get enough increased majority to bury j the Republican majority in old Mitchell 1 He can beat any man who will leave his ! post in Washington and come to Ashe ville aad wallow with tbe negroes in a political contest. We know tbe district will tlect him, and he will bean honor to : tbe district, the state and the nation. When you go to Washington and meet him on tbe street, you will feel like going up to him and saying 'Howdy, Joe'.' Tbe name ot that man is fosepb S Adams." J. n. Merrlmon Withdraws. When Jackson was called G n. liamp- . ton said: "We are here in the interest of harmony and united action. There is no friend we love above tbe man who can beat Richmond Pearson. We want a man who can beat bim. Two years ago I beard liezekiab Gndger declare in tbis house that a tariff bill bad been passed, and that another Democratic pledge bad been tedeemed. And now Ki is with us no more ! I present to yon a man pre eminently popular with the people of tbe district." Here a telegram was banded to the speaker. It proved to be from lodge Merrimon, w ho was being nom inated by Gen. Hampton, and stated that he could not accept tbenomination. So Gn. Hampton spoke no farther. W. T. Crawford. Jasper Ebbs of Madison desired to i name a man whose name is a household word in tbe district, "whose Democracy bas been tried. His record has been tried weighed in the balance and found not ! wanting. We are for the man who can j carry tbe most votes. This man was a j public servant and answered every roll call. He came up from the bum :.le peo- 1 pie and knows all of their wants and 1 necessities. That man is W. T. Cnw- lord oi Haywood." j Seconds. lohn C. Tipton of Rutherfordton sec onded tbe nomination of Chas. N. Vance I - a man who is a Democrat from the j crown of his head to the soles of bis feet. His fatness tnd qualifications are of a! high order." R. L. Leatherwood of Swaia seconded j Locke Craig's nommation ' For two j years, be said 'we have had no Con-; Carolina ever produced said 'Democracy ! i9 immortal. v oen too in ASDCTHir j came ?ut Wlth hat ,oor banner you gained a great victory over Pearson and the South Carolina negroes. I belitvt Locke Craig's name will bring a thrill to i be Democratic party in my countv." K. B. Potey of Henderson, in seconding tbe nomination of Joseph S Adams, said Mr. Adams was a man whose record was withont a scar. "He stands as a D.mocrat loved by everybody. Against bis political and private record no thrusts can be hut led." W. W. Jones of Buncombe seconded Mr. Adams' nomination. "He is one of tbe best citizens Buncombe has ever Known in its Dounaary. tie can carry the district by a greater majority thin any man named." W. M. Nettles seconded the nomina tion of Chas. N. Vance 'a noble ton ol a noble sire. The idea it to set there, and Mr. Vance is the man to get there." Gen. Hampton seconded Mr. Craig's nomination, as did Chas. A. Henderson of Madison. J. S. Dvia of Haywood pledged an In creased majority for tbe nominee. "Every fcotrrnroiD ok fourth rao k. NOMINATION S TET REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION IN A TANGLE. Credentials Committee's Report Mak ing the Discord Doc-kery Gains, But Hasn't Landed Yet Prltchard and Settle Lock Horns and Fettle Is Downed. Raleigh. N C , Mav 15.-Specia.J The committee was not ready to report at any hour last night. While awaiting it H zekiah Gudger said the Democratic was dead but did not know i". He tulc g'zed McKinley atd Jeter C. Pritchard. Marshall Mott said the temper of tbe Republican party in North Carolina is a little over confident. There was a great demonstration lor I'ritcbard when be appeared and introduced Rev. Dr. D. A. Long of Ohio, who said he was tbe first Democrat North Carolina ever elected pastor of a Negro church. The conveniij" then adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock tbis morning, but did not do so, as the committee on creden tials, which was busy ail night, was still not readv to renort. A receaa wn at 10:30 taken until noon in order to ! give tne creaentiais committee more time. All arrangements made yesterday as to tbe compromise between the Pritch ard and the Holton factions stand. Tbe reports of the credentials committee is favorable to Dockerv in many contest between delegates who favor him and Russell. The latter's adherents threater to raise a row about tbe committee's re port and say tbe minority report will be the credentials committee which devel- iuto a Pritcbard-Scttle dispute. settle was downed. There was gret disorder. Tbe majority report was favorable to Dockerv. the Russell men i tried to get the minority report adopted. The delegations from Wilkes, Krquia:- ana, vvuson ana u ;ion were seated, a gain of two votes for Dockerv. Other contests are being taken up by counties KNIGHTS TK. VI 1J, A it. Ofllcers Elected by the Grand Cum mandery Wilmington Next Year. NbWBERN, N. C, May 15 Special The Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of North Carolina at the session of tbe annuil conclave held here elected the following officers: R. E. Grand Commander W. A. With ers, Raleigh. V. E. Deputy Grand Commander T H. : Hackburn, Newbern. E Grand Generalissimo N. B. Bailey, i Winston. j E. Grand Captain General W. E. , Storm, Wilmington. j E. Grand Prelate Rev. C. L.Hoffman, I Charlotte. j E. Grand Senior Warden W. F. Rac I dolph, Asheville. j E.Grand Junior Warden J. D.Bullock, Wilson. E. Grand Treasurer W. Simpson, Ral i eigh. E. Grand Recorder 11. H. Mnnson, Wilmington. The grand bodies go to Wtlmingtcn in :'97. Tbe Mystic Shriners are making exten sive preparations to conduct 30 initiates across the burning sands tonight. CL'TTINt; AFFKAY. Haywood County Boys In Jail U11 a Bud Charge. Canton, N. C, May 14. List night several biys were going from meeting of tbe Epworth League when three of Dr. Henry Smathers' boys and Don Wil son became engaged in a ro w. Suddenly knives were brought into use, resulting in Haywood Chapman being very dar gerously cut; Eugene Smathers badly gashed in breast and neck; Turner Smathers painfully hurt on bead, and B a scorn Smathers badly cut in fice. Tom Chapman was beaten somewhat, but not seriously. Wilson ran from the fight, acd it seems to be the opinion that Havwood Chap-j man was mistaken for Wilson ia tbe 1 dark. Tbe cases furnished Dr. Abel , ,, , , j , . j several nours worn, ana an were put in good condition as possible. Young Chapman may die. AH concerned have been arrest. placed under THE MAUQUETI1; ST A IE, The House to Consider Accept It. W nether to Washington, May 15. The Marquette j statne, which was presented by the I State of Wisconsin to the government two months ago was the subject ot dis cussion by the House library committee at its meeting today. The committee had before it a concurrent resolution, which passed the Senate April 29, accept ing the statue and giving it a place in national statuary hall." () motion of Cnmmings of New York, ! who is one of the three members of the i committee, tbe others being Mr. Q'ligg ! ( N. Y ) and tbe Chairman, Harmer ( Pa). ' tne resolution was referred to Quigg to j investigate the proceed u re in such cases ! and to report to tbe full committee at I bis earliest opportunity. A orth Carolina laa Nominated. Washington, May 15. The President j today sent to tbe Senate tbe following j nominations; lohn Fowler of Masa ! cbusetts, to be consul of tbe United States at Chtfoo, China; Robert Lee ..Lin. nfVnrlli n ..v I . .. k. .w. n 1 of the Urited State8 at PatraS( G.-eeceJ New York Democratic Convention, New York. May 15. The Democratic State committee today selected Saratoga s ; th. lace acd Jone 2i ag the dte &f hodiD it9 state convention. S. F. Chapman Chairman. At a meeting of the newly -elected Dem ocratic Congressional executive com mittee S. F. Chapman of Buncomle was elected chairman. XUBS OF MEWS. There is no truth in the report that Capt. George M. Mathers, a newspaper man, formerly of North Carolina, now at Tampa, Fla., was a member of tbe party captured by the Spaniards on the schooner Competitor. Capt. Mathers is at his home near Tampa. Chairman J. Taylor Ellyson of the Vir ginia Democratic committee, who bas just returned from a visit to the South, reports that the free silver sentiment is very strong in all the Southern States. Rev. A. I. Dial,-tbe Baptist missionary recently expelled from Cuba, bas gone to Atlanta to live. He has connected him self with the Second Baptist church of that city. Very Rev. Father E. D. Caffcrty, vicar general of tbe Catholic diocese of Savan nah, died yesterday. : Dr. Welche's Unfermented Grape Juice AT THE VERY LOW PRICE OF 30c 55c. Per Pt. Per Qt Bottle. Bottle. We are iu busiuess to protect our customers to the end. YOU WILL NEVER PAY MORE FOR AN YT1I INO, AND A GREAT DEAL LKSS FOR MANY THINGS, IN Ol'R LINE IF YOU BUY FROM US. S0D1 FOOHTAIH KEWS. Have you tried our CREAM SODA lOc ICE Crushed Fruit Flavors. Ol'R PINEAPPLE SNOW. 5c A Frozen Sherbet. OUR EGG PHOSPHATE.. Very Fine. MINER'S FRUIT NECTAR For That Thirsty Feeling. 10c C. A. Raysor, SUCESSOR TO RAYSOR & SMITH. 31 PATTON AVE. N LADIES' SHIRTWAISTS I have just received a line of patterns that are suitable For Mourning. BBaasaaasssssssssssssssssssHBBassssssssr Also some new patterns in Colored f loods that are extra swell. . . . . F. E. Mitchell, The Meu's Outfitter. "iS Patton Ave. I meet all cut prices in PATENT MEDICINES, WHITE G. SMITH, Ph. G., Pharmacist and Chemist, Opposite Postottlce. Tryon Strawberries. Received Fresh every day at Allen's Ftnit Store, opposite postoffice, Phone 118. Let ns have vonr orders. f I We are sole agents for Celebra ted Tryoa Fruits. ON AND AFTER TI1IS DATE WE OFFER REMEMBER! "Aye, There's theRab!" Remarked Hamlet in his brrezy style, as bis eye caught sight of our rxrellcnt as sortment of RUBBER GOODS. And Hamlet knew a good thing when he saw it. These goods we buv direct from the manufacturers. Obtaining j bber'a dis counts and freights piid by tbe manufac turers we are enabled to sell you at retail at wholesale prices. The quality is guaranteed in each in stance. A new lot just received. 2qt. II. W. Bottle-"B" 75.- This is good value for the money. 2 qt. H. W. Bottle "A" $1 00 This bottle made of the best ol rubber and ought to please anyone. 2qt. H. W. Bo'.tlc ' Venetian" ... $1 50 This bottle i made of pure guru. i extra heavy and will lat for vears To those who fastidious we recommend this bottle Fountain Syrinjjes. 2 qt "Oucen" ."c 3 qt. "(Jueen" $1 Oo pt ' yueen" $12.". This syringe is made of the het quality of rubber, each is full capacity, has patent "shut off" and furnished with three hard rubber pipes. Packed ia paper box. 2qt wood boxrs 5H. K. Pioes. $1 OO 3 qt. wood boxes -GH. R Pipes. $1 25 qt wood boxes 5 H. R. ''ipes. $1 50 Combination Svringes all s-'z-'S, and ranging in price Irom $1.25 to $3 00. The "Gem" bulb Springe 4Sc This is nude of pure slate rubber, hard rubber joints and furnished with 3 H. R. Pipes. This is the Syringe usually sold by others at 65c. to 75c. O her bulbSyringcs $1 50. Ear and I 'leer soft rubber 20c Infant Syringes best quality l'Jc Air Cushions, Catheters, Throat, Head and Spinal Bags, Stomach Tubes, etc.. etc., all at close cut prices. Pelham's : Pharmacy The Leading Cut-Rate Drag store in LheYille. Call For Price List. Open every Sunday except Church hours .... Has lly music any charm for you '. Ijioicall and supply yourself witli window screens and doors. Brown, Northup & Co., 33 PATTON AVENUE. Asbestine Cold "Water Paint Is instantly prepared hy mixing it with cold water. One coat ap- j plied on wood, brick, stone or jover whitewash gives a beautiful ihard white surface which will l i not rub or flake oiF and which i will not grow dark with age. This 'article is worthy of a trial cn everv wall or ceiling in Ashe ville. Call for pamphlet at DR. T. C.SMITH'S DRUGSTORE, Public Square. P0RTU0ND0 CIGARS. Croquet Sets. A large line now in will have more in a few days; 8-ball sets irom $1 OO to $3 00 per set come and see them. League Balls. ; Spalding's 96 league baseballa, MORGAN'S BOOK STORE, 3 W. Cooit Squire. 1 iCIose lllll Enough r 5 If 1 PATTON AVKSUE. I ''''''wa