-, Asheville Daily itizen 1 ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 10, 1896 PRICE 5 CENTS VOLUME XII-NO. 9. New Catcli North Caroliuu 'Joe Herring. IT COSTS MONEY Roe's Finest Sublime Olive Oil. j In iny line of mechanics to keep j ; a plant equipped with all the im-1 j provements of this progressive j : age. The j Latest in Laundry Machinery Is a collar shaper by a Pennysl-; vania laundryman. At consider- ! able expense we have secured this machine. You doubtless no ' ticed the improvement in our col ! lars for the past two weeks. 1 Our Patrons May Rest Assured T Xyou are interested in bar X JL gains a look at the things that we are closing out I will cenvince you that our 1). L. RUSSELL NOMINATED OX THE SKVENTH BALLOT. I I ' REMOVAL SALE j i 1 LOOKOUT PABK. attended with many great sacrifices. Arthur M. Field, j That we will spare no expense to give them the best possible work. Kemember our motto, "Satisfac-! :tiou to every customer." Any Leading Jeweler, 18 South Main St. I wurn. uou bausiaciory win ue ' done over free of charge. Also .1. W. Heanlsley's Sons Celebrated Shredded Codlish. Sliced Reef And Boneless Herring Just In. ASHEYILLE STEAM LAUNDRY: 43 W. College Street. BON M ARGUE! In order to k' ve our full attention to the following brands of Corsets, of whicb we have a nod stock, R & G , P. N.. Warner and H jyal Worcester, will close out all onr P. B. Fcatherbiue and Ar morside $1 00 CORSETS 69 See the new attractions in our window. 3 to 3" P o p P 30 3 O FOK New designs in Shirt line for POWELL SNIDER. & 7f cent and $1.00 Silk for..... ITS. I i Waists, our 7"c. j in Wa'ist leDgths ! i Just in, new flelts. Fans, Parasols, Shirt ' Waist Sets, Bang Nets BOB MARCflE ! g 3 p 3 p ( V o o cu en o o 3" 3 33 a Qm o o Q. o o o c 5' o -i o -t ft ft) -i o 3 0! o cr o v. o o -t ri o r-r OT re CO p 3 r c n P cn re 15 S. Main St. Hammocks and Croquet Sets. 1 l l.iiKibt line in 111? titv. Prices lower than ever belorc. BLOMBERGS, 1 7 Patton Avenue, lvstablished Since 1SS7 WE BLOW OUR HORN 11 nt oi are to judge of the misic. For instance, when we say that we have the 'arrest, best and most com plcte line of men s . , . . FURNISHINGS ! GEORGE W. CHILDS i l'unlap and Stetson Hats. Monarch Siirts, in stilT and soft fronts, H. & W. and Kais:r Coll.irs and Curls. IVnt's Gloves. Newest N iveltics in Neckwear, Hosiery, Caps, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders. Umbrellas and Canes. Monarch Varnishes The Men's outfitter, Stood at the very top in the '.i st made of 2 American Varnishes by i hi National association of master paint cr and decorators. L.tytoo Paint v lu apist and best in this market. Also a lull iine ol painters' supplies of every 4lis.-ripti n. Walll'aper in abundance I! vou Kt-t our prices vou are sureto buy. MAY & MILLER, The Leading Painters and Decorators, 7 Patton Ave. lawyer's Carpet Store. Max Marcus, Mgr. 11) Patton Ave. Was a good man and it would a' most be irrev erence to attempt to perpetuate his name by means otherwise than tb&t which would be sug- ! gestive of goodness and purity. The George W. fluids Cigar Is to the smoker what the man was to the needy, a solace and a friend, and affords such satisfac lion that the effect is almost a moralizing one, j asoue cannot fail to associate the quality of the cigar with the worth of the man. With itsabso- j lute HAVANA FILLER i nd SUMATRA WRAP- j PER and workmanship as hne as hands can make it, it will satisfy you as well as a to cent cigar. For tale by the following reliable mer chants : W. E. Allen, C. A. Itaysor, Cerkeley Cigar Stora, W bite . Smith, . A. Ureer, IleinlUtH & Keagaa, S. II. Tllchaloe, . 3. Poland, Roberts & IIcliols, C. F. Ray, I. Uros ilen Rock Hotel, I. n. lleston. T. V. Terrell, Ratterj Park Hotel. It. S. Morthen, X. J. Revel!, Ii. Rloinbergr, Candy Kitchen, C. S. Cooper. J. R. Seigler, J. A. White, Riltmore. 9IcloveIl & Johnson I. Jlichaloe, Protection and Gold and Silver as ''Standard Money" in the Plattorin A DIsKrnntled Faction McKInley Endorsed and His Nomination De clared Sure. Raleigh, N. C. May 16, special Marshall Mott was elected permanent president of the Republican conyention yesterdav ; Loge H&rris, John C. Dancy and J. E. Ellington secretaries. Pritch ard was nominated for tbe Senate by acclamation and a rising vote. He made a strong prottctiTe tariff speech. Pritch8rd introduced a resolution ia- I strccting tbe delegates to tbe Republican national convention at St. Louis to work for McKinley. Tbis was adopted. not, however, unanimously. A committee on platform, Richmond Pearson chair man, was adopted and then tbe conven tion adjourned to 8 p. m. Then ballot ing lor governor began: First vote, Dockerv 96, Rjssell 97, Bo?d 20. Moody 18, Losk 4. Tbe second ballot was: Rusfell 101, D -ckerv 90. Boyd 20, Modv 22. Third ballot: Russell 107, Dockery 90, Moody 18. Boyd 20. Fourth ballot: Rj,11 111, Dokcrv 101, Boyd 19. Fifth b Hot: Russell 115, Dockery 105, Bovd 15. Sixth ballot: Rustell 116 Dockery 112, Bovd 5. Seventh ballot: Russell 11934. Decker? 104Vi. Boyd 13. Prit chard was absolute lord of the convention an crushed Holton and ) Settle. Pritchardjtbis morning appointed on the newly created executive committee, R. O Patterson, chairman; Tbeo. Glenn, seretar;H L. G.ant, James H. Vjung and lobn C. Dancy. M. H. Hvams is elected secretaiyof tbe Repub'ican State executive committee vice J. C. L. Harris. Tbe plan of organization is so changed that the exreutive committee will here after make up the convention roll. Moody writes a letter to Russell ask ing him whether be voted the Republican ticket io 1888 and 1892. The Ticket Completed. (By Southern Associated press ) Raleigh, N, C, May 16 Republican state convention adjourned at 4 o'clock tbis morning after nominating Daniel L Russell of Wilmington for Governor. Zcb Vance Walser for attorney general, J. Ruffio Henderson for auditor, Robert M. Douglass, son of trie famous Stephen A. Douglass, for associate jastice ot the Supreme Court; A. E. Holton statechair man. D. legates to national convention: Teter C. Pritchrrd, C. M. Bernard, James E Boyd, and George H. White. The con vention declined to make Russell's nom ination unaminous. It adopted, at its closing work, the platform and rc solutions submitted bv ! Senator Pritchard, whicb favored the i protective tanS on raw materials of the ! Soutn, protection to ship owners and I tbe use of gold and siher as standard j money. The -platform further declares I that McKinlcy's nomination is sure; i that the national interests are therefore ! !af. ; that no difference on currency and ! tariff must deter the Republicans from islanding together' to preserve North Carolina's present election law: declares ' f r the improvement of the public school system and for taking it out of politics. 1 H. L Grant, Tyre Glenn. R O. Patter son, James H. Young, Abe Middleton l and John C. Dancv were elected members i at la ii(e of the State Executive corr- mitte. ! Tbe 6ght over tbe gubernatorial nom ination was on of the tnosc remarkable ever known in Njrtb Carolina, and the vote for Russell and Dockery was close on all stven ballots. Russell in accept ing the nomination said be favored tbe protective tariff and also co-operation with tbe Populists, but declared tbat tbe Republican party would not be absorbed by tbe Popu'ists or any other party. A large faction of the party expresses intense indignation at Russell's nomina tion, bat tbe Russell men say all will te united ia November. An Attractlvepot Where the Visitor! May While Msvy Hoars Pleasantly. Receiver I. E. Rankin of tbe Asberillei Street Railroad company, in carr ying out ' his plans for the improvement of the lines j under bis control and furnishing attract ive rides for tbe patrons of tbe road, bas developed tbe idea of a park at the term inns of tbe Lookout mountain division. For two weeks a force of men under E. P. Hart, superintendent of tbe construc tion forces baa been busy clearing tbe ground and erecting buildings necessary to carry out the plans. Tbe resort, for such it will undoubtedly become, bas been christened Lookout Park. It lies im mediately west of the car lice, and com prises a tract ot eight acres. Tbe under growth has been cleared away, leaving a grove of shade trees. A pavilion 30 x 40 feet bas been erected, acd will be used for dances and enter tainments. Four large diuble swings depend about the grounds, while benches are arranged under tbe trees for the comfort of the visitor. Cool water is to be bad frorua well nearthe pavilion. Tne grounds are to be beautified by flowers and plants. Tbe park bas been leased to Charles Evans of Indianapolis, an experienced man in amusement enterprises who will b: assisted in the management bv Georgt W. Rogers. Mr. Evans proposes to haVe bands of music in the pavilion daily, with Sunday concerts. He will build a pony track and putupamerry-so-round. It is also bis purpose to give vaudeville entertainments as soon as tbe artists can be booked. A refreshment stand is also to be built on tbe grounds. Tbe oark is open to tbe public now, but Mr. Rvans will not have tbe formal opening until about two weeks hence, when everything will be ready for full op-ration. The spot is an ideal one for those who wish to go into the country for a few hours, and is likely to become popular with picnic parties and social gather ings. Tbe Asheville Street Railroad com pany's new summer cars, 13 and 14, were put into regular service today, one on tbe Lookout line and the other on Charlotte street. ' Car 14 was run over the Lookout line yesterday afternoon, carrying a party that included Receiver Rankin, Secretary B. M. lones. Superin tendent R.J. Sherrill, Electrician Chan. E. Waddell and representatives of tbe press. The cars are handsomely fitted. They will seat 50 passeneers, and were built by tbe Jackson & Sharp company of Wilmington, DA. Each car is fitted with two 25 hoTse-power motors, and have B;mis trucks with sever.-foot wheel base. The electric equipments are of the TERRIBLE VISITATION OF WIND UPWARDS OF 00 DEAD, WITH I)E STBUCTION OF PKOPKBTY. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE WE OFFER K , . . swnai is a ronsmra Cyclone in Texas-j5 lhyt,lclaus On the U round to Attend the Wounded Women MinlsteriuK The Telegraph Wires Down. Denison, Tex., Mav 16. The cyclone whicb parsed over Grayson and Denison counties last night destroyed millions ot dollars worth of property and a consei vative estimate places the number of killed at 200. Howe, Tex., May 16 () i yesterday a terrible ryclonestruck tbis town, leaving a path a quarter of mile wide ia whicb everything was wrecked. Eight persons were k lied outright, and many injured. The bark was ripped from many trees. Sherman, Tex, May 16 The death list from the cyclone of yesterday after noon is increasing. This morning over 75 bodies bad been found. Twenty five physicians from Sherman, Denison, Whitewright, Howe and Van Alstvne areattending the wounded, and hundreds of women are helping. The colored peo ple, having recovered from their first fright, are working like trojans. The excitement cannot abate as long as tbe reports continue to come in as they do. It is reported tbat 12 dead bodies have been found in one pile north of town, and there are no means of bringing them here. Many persons are missing and entire families cannot b touod. It all the reports are to be credited, tbe number of dead must already reach 150. Tbe storm passed two miles from Deni son and is thought to have broken up beyond there. Telegraph and telephone wires between here and Djnison are down, and many other towns have no connection. It is feared that a restora tion of telegraphic communication will bring information of loss of lite and prop erty in surrounding towns, greater than already estimated. Dr. Welches Unfermented Grape Juice AT THE VERY LOW PRICE OF 30c Per Pt. Bottle. 55c. Per Qt. Bottle. We are in business to protect our customers to the end. YOU WILL NEVER PAY MORE FOR AN YTIIlNGj, AND A GREAT DEAL LESS FOR Pappus of Alexandria says the porisms of Eu- 72 F$ rliH arc neitrtpr theorems .J Ri 1,1 u.. : , uui y.i uuicius, uui aic 111- y termediate. That's the r ancient version. pj Poor-ism of today con- fy sists in not buyine; Drugs 5 Rcf PELHAM'S PHAR MACY. It is no long- er a problem. That's the modern version. TIT . .1 I we put our ineories in- , and give you k3 r to practice y drugs at E PRICES. THE Y. C. BALL. MANY TUINdS, Ol'R LINE IF YOU BUY FROM lirllllaut Adair at the Battery l'ark , Last EvenluK. The ball given last evening under tbe j auspices of the Y. C. of Binghaai school, to their fi tends ot this citv was a bril- j liant affair, and in ivery lespect cbarac- most improved pattern, by tbe Oe0eral i trestle of the voung men who represent CfteCtriC Company. I iuai luauiu.i u. l iuui iw u null uum a verv late hour ths ball room ot the Battery Park was the scene of merry- UN DEtt THE Sl'UtKS. Subjects of Pastors in Several of the Citv Churches Tomorrow. Pastor M. A. Adams' subject tomor row at 11 o'clock at tbe French Broad Baptist church will be '"The Final Com mission of tbe New Testament to God's People." At 8 p. m be will continue bis series, tbe subject being"The Ekcted; or. Our Officers a Power for Good or Evil. The discourses of the series have proven ; very interesting. An especial invitation j to this service is extended to the young men. The Sunday school bcur of this I church is 9:30 a. m. The members of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will remember thit 7:30 tomor row morning is tbe regular time for tbeir corporate communion. j At the Haywood street M. E cr.urcb, South, Rev. J. Cad wallader will preach at 11 a. m. The subject of the pastor's sermcn in the evening will be "The Uc employed." Tbe service will not be longer than one hour. The Ladies' Aid societv will meet at the parsonage Mondaj afternoon al 4 o'c'.ock. Rev. Chas. A. Newball of Hoi Springs, j N. C. will preach at 11 o'clock at Oal -i land Heights Presbyterian church. ! Unitarian services will be held in Hil. iard Hall, South Main street, at 11 a.m., conducted by Rev. Henry A. Westall. Suliject. "Infidels." Rev. M. P. Matheny, editor of the Southern Baptist, will pretc'a at Beaver dam at 11 o'clock. Dr. C. W. Byrd will occupy the pulpit at North Asheville M. E. church, South, at 8 p. m. PROF. EtJGLE3TON'8 ADDRESS. miking. 1 be Ashevil'e orchestra fur nished tbe music and did splendid work. The young men of the school present were: Capts. Bingham, Grinuan, Lee, McAllister, Bailev, Fit; Lieuts. Allen. Wbite, McTeer, Crane; Sergant-Major Bvwaters; S.-rgeants Williams, B. Wil liams; Cadets Reece, Wilkins, Bvnum, R. White, H. Nash, Rector, Hetnberg. Collius, McCall, Matbes. Among tbe Asheville people present . c m . . . - 1 ' were misses aawver, Annie acoir, aaaie Scott. Mansfield. Branch, Merrick. Gud-1 ger, McCrarv, I'ulliam, Grant, Moore. Carrie Reynolds, Ada Reynolds, D ckson, Basler, Redwood, Pirniman, Strode, Wadswortb, Martin, Ntljn, Bingham, Powell, Wallace, Carev and Tavloi; Mesdames- Rsv, Moore, Pcnniiaan, Glaser, Darbv, Morgan. Basler; Messrs ! Murphv, J. V SluJer, Erwin Sluder, Dr. G O Roberts, Arthur RaDkin, Dunn, Woodard, lones, Harrington, Rogers, i Bearden, Branch, Darby, X chols, Kum- bough, Jordan. Felix, Siuder, Denison,! Glaser, Cocke, Fearrirg. SODA FOUNTAIN BEWS. Have you tried our ICE CREAM SODA ..... Crushed Fruit Flavors. Ol'R PINEAPPLE SNOW. A Frozen Sherbet. OUR E(JO PHOSPHATE.. Very Fine. MINER'S FRUIT NECTAR For Tbat Thirsty Feeling. thines K serve your rich- loc 10c oc C. A. Raysor, SUCESSOR TO RAYSOR A SMITH, close CUT 11 it 3 tnc Milan that count; ob- these and poor-ism becomes i ism. VVp snvfl vnn J f y money all through our line, cut completely thro : Just now we are issuing 11 UUUR. Ul fXll 1IUIIUK.U Knaprp"!. Tells von all r o j 1 i J 1 .t i auuui urugb arm wnat tnc prices are OF US. This book also con- fe tains description ol liilt- ot; railroad fares correct- ed bv Frank A. Darbv. h J City Ticket Agent S. R. R.; map of Asheville by B. M. Lee, City Engineer; f$ list of physicians in active t practice; distances ana 'points of interest and lots of other things. It's l yours for the asking. Pelham's Pharmacy, 1 The Leading Cnt Bale Drug Store in Asheillle. Iiurrh ' Stnrp pen ePTj Sumlaj- exi ejit honr'. 31 PATTON AVE. N LADIES' SHIRTWAISTS iangpwtjDiBirBsaigfjaiBJgtiigiga THE IXAfGl'IUTlOS. It U WEYLEB PROCLAIMS. You You can often crowd value into a pair: oi shoes and the shoes not look it. can olten leave ; value out of a! pair of Shoes and i the shoes look as , if they had it. !.!! , ) iti't it f Hut mit a ICC sell the in .' SPANGENBERG'S, NO 4 N. COURT SQUARE. CUT PRICES! Sticky Fly Paper, 25 DOUBLE SHEETS. 50c. BOX, 32;. 1 Simmons Liver Regulator, 25c. SIZE, 16c. I 50c. SIZE, 35c. $1.00 SIZE, 65c. Mennen's Berated Talcum Powder 25c. SIZE, 17c Welch's Grape Juice, PINTS, 30c, QUARTS, 50c. HEINITSH & REAGAN DRUGGISTS, Church Stutt, Patton Aienae. Fresh Lot Dove Hams 14c Pure Leaf Lard 9c. Arbuckle Coffee 22c. 17 Lbs. Granulated Sugar $1. SEIGLER, No. i K. Court Square. Next to Market Boose Trying to Surround the Iusurseuts' Sources of Food Shot. Havana, May 16 QiO. Weyler iias issued a proclamation orderirg tbe farm ers and peasantry daring the nest 20 dais, to transport to tbe towns in their viciailyall ol the grain stored upon their farms. This order applies to the prov inces of Pinar D-l Rio, Havana, Matan- zas. Military quartermasters are au thorized by this order to purchase grain sent to tbe towns by farmer at the cur rent price, and if the grain is not re quired b? the government, it will be stored for account of its owner. After a period of 20 days, the proclamation de clares, any grain found upon farms in tbe provinces mentioned willb: regarded as contraband of war and will be seized, and the owners thereof subjected to criminal proceedings. The rebel leader Manuel Romero was shot yesterday at Cienfaegis. to Occur Monday at Noon There AVI11 be No Speech luuklnte. The inauguration of the recently-elected . officials of the city will cccur in City Hall next Monday at noon. The oath of office j will bf administered to Mayor-elect W.J. Cocke by W. A Blair, tbe retiring Mayor. The new Aldermen will in turn be sworn ! in bv Mayor Cocke. For three y ars it has been the custom to hold the exercises in the court house, ! i and to have an inaugural from the new j , Mayor. This precedent will not be fol- The Pamphlet to be WIdelv Distributed ' lowed Monday. Mr Cocke said when Through North Carolina. asked about the program : "We rvere not j of Consent Legislation" is the elected tor spee chmaKing, bat for work. "Age title ot a 16 page pamphlet just issued by the Asheville Wbite Cross society. The, publication contains tbe able address on j this subject delivered before the society i at its first meeting, March 24. 1806, bv ! Prof J. D. Eggleston, jr., superintendent ! of the city schools. Copies of the work ; are being sent tothenewspapersof North Carolina, and it is believed that it will result in the securement of tbe legislation i needed on tbis important question. ! Copies of tbe pamphlet mav be obtained from Capt T. W. Patton, president, or L. B, Alexander, secretary, of the Ashe ville s icietv; single copies at 4 cent; 10 copies at 3centseacb; 25 copies and over, 2Vi cents each, postpaid. A meeting of the Board will rectlv after tbe inauguration. be held di- FRICTION i Not a Oje of our open stock Dinner Sets. J. Wedge wood & Son's English Semi-Porct-lain in the new Green or Golden Brown decorat ionsMBmr GO TO THE Epicurean! 4LS. Main St., . Upatairs. ShaaVRoet, new Asparagus. Welsh Pocket Kodaks S5.00 ! 'HShad and any other finetable delicacy. s WieSniann, Sample pictures in window. A select line of Silver Table ware ....... B. H. Cosby, Jeweler, I PATTON AVEJTD1I. -in Platters... 10-in Platters.. 29 12 in Platters.. 4g 14-in Platters.. g5 Din Plates, doz gQ Bkf Plates, doz 3Q Tea Plates, doz Q Fr't Sau'rs, doz gg lnd'l But, doz 3g Cups and Sau cers, set 7-in d'p Dishes 2B 8-in d'p Dishes t34 Soup Tureen... 2g Gravy Boat.. (J Pickle . 20 Covered Dish.." tgQ Sugar ......... ... ,45 Cream. . ,9 fl O O 0 (O u o d p A (0 d o (0 o o u o o o 0 (D c fl u o fl o 00 Bit of It Between Spalu and the United States. Washingto:-, May 16. The Sranisb minister, Dupuv De Lome, being shown a Jispatcb from Madrid asserting tbat the Spanish government bad authorized a formal remonstrance to be presented against tbe attitude of the Lai ted States in regard to Cuba, replied tbat this was direc.lv contrarv to all his information. He said that his government had warned him to pay no attention to disturbing dispatches ia tbe press, ps they would keep bim fully advised on all points. Tbe relations between Spain and tbe United States, be added, were entirely cordial, and there is no friction of any kind. REPUBLICAN METHODISTS. They Go Wild Over McKlnlev-DiscN pllne Amended. Cleveland, O., May 16. Tbe Metho dist general conference so amended the Q. j discipline that peisons baptized ia infan- : cy may ne rroapiizco. n ency aesire it. Major McKinley visited tbe conference. He was received with great enthusiasm. The canterercf rose to its teet and with much waving of handkerchiefs and loud cheering welcomed tbe ex-governor. Tbe galleries sent down a storm cf applause. Bishop 'vce introduced McKinlev and tbe people tairlv went wild in tbeir el ; forts to honor him. SECRETARY CARLISLE'S CALL The Last Bond Sale Account To Be Closed By June 15. Washington, May 16. Secretary Car lisle bas made another call on the de pository banks in New York to pav into the treasary about $4,000,000 held by them of the recent bond monev. Tbis amount is called to be paid by June 1. This will leave 'of the money deposited, designated on account of the bond issue, another $4,000,010, and this will be called for by June 15, the date of the last payment due on tbe bond issue, so tbat the whole transaction as between the banks and the treasury may be closed by that time. Otey Seated. I Washington, D. C, May 16 lu the) House yesterday Mr. Dearmond called up the unanimous report of elections committee No. 3 upon the contested eltction case of . Hampton Hoge (Rep), vs Peter . Otey (Dem.) from the Sixth Virginia district, con firming tbe titleofOtey to the seat whicb j he occupies, and it was agreed to. Almost keadr tor Ilavaua. Washington. D. C. May 16. Gen. Fit zbugb Lee bas returned to Washing ton to receive fioal instructions from the President and Secretary Olnev before leaving for Havana to succeed Ramon O. Williams as Caited States Coutul Genn al there. Off tor a Picnic. Three wagon loads of merry hearted pupils from tbe Skvlacd institute left town early this morning for a picnic up the S wannanoa. They were supplied with bat and ball, fishing tackle, cro quet, rop s for swings, guns for target shooting, and almost a wagon load of lunches. Ample preparation for lemon ade, "made in tbe shade and stirred with a spade," was bv no means forgotten. The party was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Dickey and Mrs. G. W. Purefoy. j Skvland institute will close its second I session next Friday. L have just received a line of patterns that are suitable For Mourning. Also some new patterns in Colored Goods that are extra swell. F. E. Mitchell, The Men's Outlltter. it, Patton Ave. iCIose jiPfej I Has lly music any charm for you '. If not, call and supply yourself with window screens and doors. Brown, Northup & Co., 33 PATTON AVENUE. "Esmeralda" Next Thursday Eveniun. Asbeville's pla-kviog public will have an opportunity next week of witnessing tbe production of "Esmeralda," reheat -sals for which have been progressing for several weeks. Tbe play will be given next Thursday evening, tbe 21st, in the Asheville Light Infantry armory. Penitentiary Factory Burned. I'advcah, Ky.,May 16 The shoe fac tory, broom factory and spoke factory inside the walls of tbe penitentiary at Eddwille, burned Thursday nght. in volving alossof $100.000 on which there is only light insurance. FROM THE TELEGRAPH. Remember I Meet All Asbestine OP A Kentucky Democrat. Washington, May 16. The House elections committee No. 1 bas unani mously decided the contested election case of George Denny, ir..(Rep ) vs. Win. C. Owens (Dem ) in favor of tbe sitting member, Owens. BASEBALL GAMES. St. Louts, 5; Washington, 2. Lontsville, 9; Philadelphia, 3. Cleveland, 10; New York, 4. Pittsburg. 6; Boston, 8. Chicago, 8; Baltimore, 7. Standing of the Clubs. won. V hero Was Weyler I Havana. May 16. A band of insur gents yesterday set fire to and destroyed tbe whole San Miguel estate, close to tbis city. TbelDSsiiestimateifat$500,-000. PitUborg ... Clevelaad.... Philadelphia . Bastoa .......... Chicjr..-- "Baltimore Cixnaiiati BTOoklym... IJ ..... 13 M 14 14 IS IS ..... lo Washing. torn .. St. Loots. 9 I9cw Yorti nmi n... ... 7 Louisville s LOST. 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 II 13 IS 15 9 PER CT. .6m Jb .609 9 -591 4311 y7 3'9 .we Senator Teller states tbat several of j McKinlcy's agents have been traveling j through Colorado for tbe post month as- j suring tbe people that McKinley would 1 not under aoy circumstances veto a tiee silver bill. Asa resu't of the v:goroo action of tbe foreign ambassadors and ministers Turkey bas ordered tbat the enforced conversion of christians to Islamism at Biredjik be stopped. The University at Budapest bas been authorized by Emperor Francis Joseph to confer the honorary degree of doctor of medicine on Dr. ohn Sbaw Billings of Philadelphia. Sister Rosini. tbe last of tbe eight sis ters of Notre Dame, who came to tbis country from Bdgium in 1840, died Thursday at tbe convent at Reading. By a rote of 31 to 30 tbe Senate de tei mined tbat Henry A. Dupont was not entitled to a seat in the Senate from tbe State of Delaware. The textile maenfacturersof tbe South ern states, meeting at Atlanta, adopted a resolution urging a curtailment ol production. CUT PRICES. Pear's Soap, unscented, 10c. Pear's Soap, scented, 13c. Cuticura S3ap, 17c. Cashmere Boquet Soap, 2lc. Violet Toilet Water, 10c. to $1.25 bjt'le Florida Water L. & M., 63c. I Mennen's Borated Talcum Powder, 17c j ootb Brcshes, 5c. to 50c. j Hair Brushes, 25c. to $3. I Pocket Books. 25;. to $5. ! Dr. Welch's Grape Juice, per pint, 30c. I Remember the Place. Cold Water Paint Is instantly prepared by ruixini; it with cold water. One coat ap plied on wood, brick, stone or lover whitewash gives a beautiful White G. Smith, PL G. Pharmacist and Chemist, Opposite Postoffice. hard white surface which will not rub or flake off and which will not grow dark with age. Thi article is worthy of a trial on every wall or ceiling in Ashe ville. Call for pamphlet at DR. T. C.SMITH'S DRUGSTORE, 1 Public Square. I PORTL'ONDO CIGARS. Mr. McKinley and free silver were de clared inseparable political twins by tte Wyoming Republican state convention Friday. Rear Admiral Thomas H. Stevecs. U. I S. N , retired, died Friday in Rockville, lMd. Tryon Strawberries. Received Fiesb every day at Allen's Fruit Store, opposite postoffice, Phone 118. Let ns have your orders. We are sole agents for Celebra ted Tiyon Fruits. Croquet Sets. A large line now in will have more in a few days; 8-ball sets from $1 00 to $3 00 per set come and see them. League Balls. Spalding's '96 league baseballs. MORGAN'S BOOK STORF. j 3 W. Com t Squire. -A I 41 anager. j