Asheviile Daw Qti zen. ASHEV1LLE, N. C TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 19, 1896 PRICE 5 CENTS VOLUME XII-NO. 11. Now Catch North Carolina Uoe Herring. Uoe's Finest Sublime Olive Oil. IT COSTS MONEY In my line of mechanics to keep a plant equipped with all the im provements of this progressive age. The Latest in Laundry Machinery Is a collar shaper by a Pennysl vania laundryman. At consider able expense we have secnred this machine. You doubtless no ticed the improvement in our col lars for the past two weeks. Our Patrons May Rest Assured Kyou are interested in bar gains a look at the things that we are closing out I will convince you that our THE COlMSlll CilPAM.TIE WMl HUGO U1ED'BA?E ELECTED 11 M BISHOPS i IT AT THE TAJfCEY COUN TY CAPITAL. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL CUBAN EXPEDITIONS. I WORK OF THE NORTHERN METH ODIST CONFERENCE. REMOVAL SALE It. attended with many great sacrifices. Also .!. W. Hcanlsley's Sons Celebrated Shredded Codfish. Arthur M. Field, That we will spare no expense to give them the best possible work. Remember our motto. "Satisfac tion to every customer." Any Leading Jeweler, 18 South Main St. worK not satislactory wiil be done over free of charge. ASHKYILLE STEAM L&ONDRY 43 W. College ("Street See the new attractions in our window. Hon. W. T. Crawtord Arraigns the Republican Party and Touches Up Pearson's Record Joseph S. Adams Outlines His Position. Burnsville N.C., May 18 Tbe Con gressional campaign of 1896, in the Ninth Congressional district, which promises to be, in many respects, the most remarkable in the history of West ern North Carolina since the war, opened here today with the tbetmometer regis tering 89 in the shade. One ot tbe largest crowds tver seen in this town at a political speaking was present to hear Hon. W. T. Crawford peak, and to pledge their votes to Jos ph 3. Adams at the coming election. Every cove and creek from Mitchell s peak to Possum Trot emptied themselves into the county capital, and when Judge Brown adj turned court at 12 o'clock, and the bell announced that tbe epeaking was to Deem, toe court nou.e was packed to overflowing in a few minutes, I S. Adams made a snort speech out lining his position on the questions of the dav, and concluded by introducing Hon. W. T. Crawford Mr. Crawford spoke for nearly two hours, commanding tbe closest attention. Sliced Beef And Boneless Herring J list In. BON MARC1IE! In order to give our full attention to tbe following brands of Corsets, of which we have a good stock, K & G , P. N. Warner and K jyal Worcester, will close out all oar C B. I-Vatherbone and Ar- morside $1 "" CORSETS 69 VOW ELL .& SNIDER. AAA A A A A AAAA.A WV1 V V V VW WW Hammocks and Croquet Sets. fOK CIS. New designs in SI irt Waists, our 7.e. linc for 5)e 75 cent and $1.00 Silk in Wa'st lengths 59c Just in, new Celts. Fans, Parasols, Shirt Waist Sets, Bang Nets BON MARCHE ! 15 S. Main St. Light weight Dress Goods and Muslins. Light weight Dress Cools and Muslins. Light weight Dress Good and Muslins. Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves. Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves. Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves. Laces, Embroideries and Bands. Laces, Embroideries and Bands. Laces, Embroideries and Bands. Ribbons, Parasols and Corsets Ribbons. Parasols and Corsets. Ribbons, Parasols and Corsets. Light weight Clothing. Light weight Clothing. Light weight Clothing. Light weight Hats and Caps. Light weight Hats and Caps. Light weight Hats and Caps. Summer Shoes. Summer Shoes. Summer Shoes. Trunks and Bags. Trunks and Bags. Trunks and Bags Butterick Patterns. Butterick Patterns. Butterick Patterns. I in l.ngi!.i " tlicfity. 1 than ever before. 'rices lower BLOMBERG'S, 17 Patton Avenue. Established Since 1887. ' or altogether correct WE BLOW OUR HORN But you are to judge of the m'isic. For instance, when we say that we have the largest, best and most com plete line of men's .... FURNISHINGS ! Dunlap und Stetson Hats. Monarch g lirts, in stiff and soft fronts. U tic W. ard Kais.r Collars and Cutis. Dent's Gloves. Newest Novelties in Neckwear, Hosiery, Caps, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders. Umbrellas and Canes. The Men's Outfitter, Max Marcus, Mgr. 19 Tatton Ave. GEORGE W. CHILDS An Attempt to Postpone Voting Till Stronger Timber Comes Into Shiht Only Spurred the Conference to Im mediate Action. It Cost 9140,000, and the Snanl&fa Would Have Been Glad to Have Cap tured It it Means Arms For tlie In- surjjeuts. New York, May 19 Tbe Sun says this morning : Official news of tbe fate of tbe Lanrada is momentarily expected was received yesterday by a prominent time this morning. This was the 16th member of tbe I acta, giving news of tbe I day of the conference. None of tbe great Cleveland, Mav 19. Bishop Bow man, the venerable senior Bishop of tbe Methodist chnrch, presided over the ger eral conference, probabW for tbe lat ... . i r na exciting toe enthusiastic appiause oi i .i on non tbe crowd throughout. He showed how I the Republican patty had utterly tailed to make good its pledges made to tne peoole two years ago, both ia national and state affairs. He held np tbe record of Richmond Pearson in Congress, and showed tbe people bow be bad made promises to secure votes and then gone to Washington and allied himself with tbe Republican party by going into Its caucuses and voting for 1. B. Reed for speaker and thereby organize tbe House so as to make it impossible tor legislation to be pissed whereby tbe people could hope tor relief along the lines laid down by Mr. Pearson in bis campaign in 1894 lie showed that not a solitary measure bad passed the House which promised the people tbe relief they sought and which they bad a right to expect at the hands of Pearson. Mr. Crawford's arraignment of tbe last legislature was most scathing. He showed how it had violated every pledge made the people and disregarded every promise made in the campaign ot two years ago, He urged the people to rem- mber tbe promises made by the R-publicin party. and compare them wrb its perform' ances when placed in powi r, and tee if it was again entitled to their confidence or their votes. It was conceded bv evtrv one present that Mr. Crawford made one of the best efforts of his life, and that the Dcmc crattc party in Yaccev was never in better fighting trim than now. It looks as though Joseph S. Aiams would not only get all the Dem' cratic and Populist votes in this county, but very many Republicans a's.i. Yancey is Mr. Adams' native county, and all the people, irrefp:ctive of party, havi the greatest regard for him as a man, and it will not be surprising if bis majority in this county at the November eh ction will largely exceed that given any Democratic candidate since the war. ate landing ot the expedition, but. as usual in such cases, neither Senor Es trada Palma nor Dr. Castillo liked to confirm tbe report until they received a cable from tbe manager of tbe expedi tion dated from the port from which she will proceed after leaving her cargo in the bands cf the patriot army. The Lanrada expedition is considered by Cubans, as well as by the Spanish, to be the most important which baa sailed from this country to aid the patriots. It is now an open secret that the Spanish consul Baldasano sent a long despatch to Gen. Weyler when the expedi.ion sailed, in which he stated that it was formidable, and that he had been pre vented from detaining tbe steamer at New York by tbe fact that it was San day and he could not obtain a warrant. Tbe Lanrada expedition cost lunta ALL SliRENE ONCE MORE. printing, clean, quizk, i worK can cheap as he tlone rood 1 . .. Tl,., semi to Jl- c'iti.en Company. Was a good man and it would a' most be irrev erence to attempt to perpetuate his name by means otherwise than that which would be sng gestive of goodness and purity. The George W. fluids Cigar Is to the smoker what the man was to tbe needy, a solace and a friend, and affords such satisfac tion that the effect is almost a moralizing one, as one cannot fail to associate the quality of the cigar with the worth of the man. With its abso lute HAVANA FILLER tnd SUMATRA WRAP PER and workmanship as fine as hand can make it, it will satisfy you as well as a 10 cent cigar. For sale by the following reliable men chants: W. K. Allen, C. A. Kaysor, Ilerkeley Cigar 8 tors. Vf liite di. Smith, ji. A. Career, Ileinitxh & Reagan, . S. II. .llicbaloe, 1. 1. Poland, Roberts A: Nichols, C. V. Ray, . rom. Cilen Hock Hotel, J. 1. Hesion. T. V. Terrell, Battery Park Hotel. II. S. Wortbea, X. J. Re veil. I Blomberg;, Candy Kitchen, C. 8. Cooper, J. B. Selgler, J . A. White, Blltnaore. McDowell & Johnston I. Jlichaloe. I. X. I. Grocer, tUAS, P. FX. XX Eft. CUT PRICES! Sticky Fly Paper, Oue of our open stock Dinner Sets. J Wedge wood & Son's English Semi-Porcc lain in the new Green or Golden Brown 25 DOUBLE SHEETS. 50c. BOX, 323. Simmons Liver Regulator, HOUSE SLIPPERS! FOR COMFORT, JUST TO SLIP ON. NO TIE OR STRAP, BUT HNDY. THE OLD FASHIONED, AND YET NEVER OUT OF STYLE. OPERA SLIPPERS, $1.00 AMD 11.25. SPANGENBERG'S, NO. 4 N. COURT SQUARE. 25c. SIZE, 16c. 50c. SIZE, 35c. $1.00 SIZE, 65c. Mennea's Borated Talcum Powder 25c. SIZE, 17c. Welch's Grape Juice, PINTS, 30c, QUARTS, 50c. HEIMTSB & REAGAN DRUGGISTS, dmrcb Stmt, Patton Awae. decora tions-sns S-in Platters... J9 10-in Platters..-. 29 12-in Platters.. t4g 14-in Platters.. g5 Din Plates, doz 50 Bkf Plates, doz 3Q Tea Plates, doz JJQ Fr't Sau'rs, doz 59 lnd'l But, doz 3g Cups and Sau cers, set 75 7-in d'p Dishes 25 S-in Tp Dishes Soup Tureen... .28 Gravy Boat .30 Pickle ,20 Covered Dish.. gQ Sugar 45 Cream J 9 A Former Ashevillelan the Hero oi the Hour In Louisiana. The New Orleans papers ot the loth print tbe speech oi Senator Charles P Fenner of that city at Baton Rouge be fore the General Assembly in the Govern orship contest. Tbe States has an ed: torial referring to Senator Fenner, head ing it "A Noble Youth," and compliment ing bim very highly. A special in tbe Times D.-mocrat savs Mr. runner Has been the lion ot Baton Rouse today, and it is doubtful if any speech ever made here produced buch an effect." The Picay une s account says Mr. renncr was a great hero, and tbe crowd demanded a speech. " Wherever he went he was cor gratulated, tbe report concludes. Tbe States has a special witn a quar ter column heading, beginning with "A New Star Has Risen Young Fenner the Hero ol the Hour His Speech a Master piece of Eloquence. Tbe article follow ingsats: II l barley 1-enner wee Jo vears of ate there would be no senatorial situation here today. In other words the deadlock would be broken quicker than it takes to write these lines and Mr, Fenner would be the next senator from Louisiana. But unfortunatclv Mr. Fen ner is not old enough to sscceed Mr Blancbard atd cannot be considered in the Senatorial race. It is rare tbat a young man wins success so sudden as tbat young t enner won here last mgbt Now and then a Grady wivh his eloquence bursts upon the public; but it is rarer still tbat a man comes forward to solve a complicated situation such at that which was presented here last night. Standing before one of tbe finest audi ences that has ever gathered in a legisla tive hall of this state he captured his au dience before he had spoken half a dozen moments and from tbat time forward be moved bis bearers as if he had bee n an experienced orator of many years.'' Senator Ftnner is a son ot Judge t-bas. B. Fenner, and is very well known in Asheviile, having spent a number of vears here. He is an exceedingly bright yonng man, and bis many friends here will be gratified to learn of his taking such a high place in Louisiana s affairs. CITY DIRECTORY. The Republican Club Moves Along the Even Tenor of Its War. The Republican c'ub meeting last even ing was not so eventful as tbe one of last Monday. President E. D. Carter was there and effectively exercised tbe same characteristic tranquilization pow ers with which he averted a riot at the Republican State convention. "Hesh was tbere, and assumed a meekness that ould nave done credit to a cooing dove, and no one thought of renewing hostilities. All shillelabs were concealed. and no threats of libel suits were beard The Democratic press was requested to make reports of the meeting only when invited to do so ! A resolution to this 1 fleet was discussed and carried without a dissenting voice. This resolu tion is, of course, tbe result of The Citi zen's report of the club's performance last Monday evening. Oa motion of H. A. Gudger a commit tee ol three was appointed to arrange for the ratification meeting to be held in tbe court bouse Thursday evening. Will Smathers, P. A. Cummings and Hunter Arnold form tbe committee. This meet ing is for tbe purpose of ratifying the re centlv nominated S'ate Republican ticket. Invitations were xtended to Geo. H Smathers and I. M. Mody, of Hay wood; W. H. Anderson ot Hendersor: I A. Hendricks cf Madison and Col. V. S Lusk to address tbe meetirg. H. A. Gudger and E. D. Carter spoke during toe evening. When President Carter was informed this afternoon that tbe ratification meet ing would cofcfli:t with the production of ' Esmeralda' in the A. L. I. armory at tbe court house Thursday evening, he said tbe meeting would probablv be post poned until next Monday evening. Tbe committee later decided to postoone to tbat date. questions to be settled by tbe conference have yet been discussed on the fl tor. Tbe great question of time limit, lay rep resentation, amusements, temperance, recognition oi the Methodist Christian Endeavor societies, foreign Episcopal residences, location of Epitcopal resi deuces in the United States, and many other equally important questions are yet to come up. Rev. Cbas. L. Stafford put the confer ence in a great uproar by moving that the election of bishops be indefinitely postponed. I am satisfied," be said, tbat we do not need these bishops, and the vote of tbe last few days looks as though tbe conferee? thought so to. Any 10 bishops in good health could at tend to all tbe work; and we have 14- besides two who have been declared non effective." Rev. Dr. Buckley said: "Are you sure that the remedy offered is good for the patient? What is our situation.' Three men have already had a mnj jrity of tbe votes cast, and one man came within 30 or 40 votes of being elected. To post pone this election would make this con ference and onr great church ridiculous in the eyes of tbe world In one ot tbe dioco;es of tbe Protestant Episcopal church tbev have taken 50 and 60 ballots, and then adjourned for six months to think over it, without an election. And yet the election of Methodist bishop carries with it more power than a dozen Protestant diocesan bishops. Tbe remedy is this: Let the voting go on until we elect a bishop or until it becomes plainly apparent tbat we cannot elect anybody." The convention took this view of it. and on tbe 16th billot Cbapla n O. C McCabe was elected bishop, and tben Earl Cranston was also elected bishop. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE WE OFFER Dr. Welches Unfermented Grape Juice AT THE VERY LOW RICE OF 30c. 55o. FLEDGED AGAINST M'KINLEY. Some of the A. P. A. Men Will Fight Him Till tbe End. Washington, May 19. A condemna tion meeting of delegates of the American Protective association, claiming to rep resent 20 States, was held after tbe ad journment of tbe convention yesterday and these resolutions were adopted : Kesoived, tbat tbe delegates in coc demnation meeting assembled denounce tbe unwarranted interference of tbe pi id McKinley lobby with tbe affairs ot tbe order, and denounce the cowardly denial by McKinley of his indorsement of tbe principles ot the order given by bim to our committer; and, "Resolved, that because of bis record as reported by tbe national advisory board we herewith pledge ourselves to, bv ou influence and effjrts, accomplish bis de feat." MOVING ON. Per Ft Per Qt Bottle. Bottle. We are in business to protect our customers to the end. YOU WILL NVER J'AY MORE FOR ANYTHING, AND A GREAT DEAL LESS FOR MANY THINGS, IN OUR LINE IF YOU BUY FROM US SODA F0UXT1II 1EIS. Have you tried our ICE CREAM SODA 10c Crushed Fruit Flavors. OUR PINEAPPLE SNOW. 5c A Frozen Sherbet. OUR EGG PHOSPHATE.. 10c Very Fine. MINER'S FRUIT NECTAR 5c For That Thirsty Feeling. C. A. Raysor, SUCESSOR TO RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PATTON AVE. What is a Pons to? Pappus of Alexandria sajs the porisms of Eu clid are neither theorems nor problems, but are in termediate. That's the ancient version. Poor-ism of today con sists in not buying Drugs cf PELHAM'S PHAR MACY. It is no long er a problem. That's the modern version. We put our theories in to practice and give you drugs at close CUT PRICES. It's the small things that count; ob- 1 serve inese and your poor-ism becomes rich- ism. We save you money all through our line, cut completely thro'! Just now we are issuing a book ol an hundred pages. Tells you all about drugs and what the prices are OF US. This book also con tains description of Bilt- more; altitudes by Guy ot; railroad fares correct ed bv Frank A. Darbv. City Ticket Agent S. R. R.: map of Asheviile by B. M. Lee, City Engineer; j! list of physicians in active jj practice; distances and i DOints of interest nnrl lots of other things. It' I yours for the asking. Pelham's Pharmacy, The Leadlig Cat-Bate Drag SUre 1 Askeville. lb Store open every Sunday except chnrch hours. FIRE IN WASHINGTON. Four Men Burned to Death or Receive Fatal Injuries. Washington, May 19. A coofl igra tion which resulted in tbe loss of a quar ter of a million dollars occurred in this city about 8 o'clock last night. Tbe burned district consists almost entirely of commission and wholesale jobbing houses in the square bounded by B street, Louisiana avenue, Ninth and lenth streets. The list of fatalit:es was increased to four todav when Fireman Joseph Mul ball died at Providence hospital from burns received early last evening. DEATH OF AN ARCHDUKE. The Southern Associated fresti Gath ering Iu All the Good Papers. Augusta, Ga., May 19 -The Macon Telegraph, tbe only morning paper in Georgia, which has been receiving the reports of tbe Associated Press of Chi cago during tbe past year, has resumed its membership rrlation with the South ern Associated fress. I be leleerapb di continued the service of the Chicago Associated Press because the news fur nished by tht organization was not satisfactory. This change limits tbi publication af the Chicago Associated Press news in the State of Georgia to two afternoon papers. OUTRAGE OX A NEGRO. Seasonble Stuff FLIES OR Principal Celebration of Hungary's Millenium Postponed. Vienna, May 19 Archduke Charles Louis of Austria, brother of Emperor Francis Joseph, died this morning. His death cast a shadow over the celebra tion of Hungary's millenium, the princi pal of which, to take place June 8, has been postponed and a period ot mourn ing officially ordered. Archduke Charlrs Louis, second son ot Archduke Otto Francis Joseph, is now regarded as the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne. BUILDINGS BLOWN OVER. The Cyclone Seeking; Whom It May Devour In Kansas. Hiawatha, Kas.. May 19. Word has been received here that a cyclone struck the towns of Reserve and Falls City about 8 o clock last mgbt. 1 be wires are all down at these points, six sur geons acd several helpers have gone to Reserve, where 10 people are known to be hurt, and a dozen buildings blown over. Two farmers in from Reserve say the damage is frightful. 150 ARE DEAD. O ft Prof. Mcllwalne Meeting With Success In His Canvass. Prof. J. S. Mcllwaine of the Montford school, who is canvassing Asheviile with tbe intention of getting out a citv direc tory. has met with a cordial response from tbe business men of Asheviile. and tbe success of the undertaking is assured Prof. Mcllwaine will give his personal attention to everv detail ot tbe work and his industry insures a hrst-clacs work in every respect. The First of Many. The excursion season is on, and it likely that Asheviile will this year at tract thousands of excursionists, as was tbe case last year. Tbe first train cf the ' season is to c me from Mary ville, Tenn and it will come Saturday, tbe 23 J. Tbe j train will leave Mart ville at 5 o'clock in I the morning and arrive at Asheviile at 1 11 o'clock. It will have six boars to stay in Asheviile. The fare for the round trip u advertised at $2. Killed By Whlteoappersand His House Bnrned Down. Pine Bluff, Ark., May 19. The hous- of Raymond Jones, a prosperous negro farmer near Tamo, was entered Sunday night by three masked whitecaos, and Jones was sbotand killed by one of them. ones wife and children, bv threats of violence, were forced to leave tbe house. after which tbe building was burned with the remains. Officers were sent from this city yesterday to track tbe heads. Mckinley, mc-kinlev, Mckinley Hp's Got It; He's Got It; He's Got It- He Seems to Have It. "Washington, May 19. All the dele gates to tbe Republican national con vention have been elected. Mai. Mc Kinley is fifteen short of a majority. There seem to be no sdoubt but be will get tbe lacking votes without difficulty. In short, be will be nominated on tbe first roll-call, provided be be not nomi nated by acclamation. CRASH SUITS, WHITE DUCK TROUSERS, I STRAW HATS, H.. S. A H. TAN SHOES, NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, CRASH CAPS, LISLE THREAD AND BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR. IF NEW AND CORRECT YOU'LL FIND IT AT iMiitotiell's, THE MEN'S OUTFITTER, 28 PATTON AVE. NO FLIES If you are opposed to flies and don't want them in your house more especially when they get to your dinner before you do come and see us. We hare a way by which you can keep them out. Brown, Northnp & Co., 33 PATTON AVENUE. PHONE 142. A Million Dollars' Worth ol Property Destroyed. Denison, Tex., May 19. The cumber of dead in Sherman is 100, and the num ber of wounded 150. Tbe loss of prop erty was placed at $175,000. The'jnnm- ber of tbe dead in tbis and adjoining counties is 250. The entire loss ot orop erty, estimated, in Texas and Indian Territory, is Sl.00O.000. Tbe relief fund for Sherman has already reached $25,000. Gen. Lee and Cuba. Washington. May 19 Gen. Lee was again in conference with Secretary Olney testerdav about Cuban affairs. Today will see the President, and tbe date ot hisSdeparture for Havana will be deter- minetL President and Secretary Olney are anxious to have bim in Havana as soon as possible. CUT PRICES! REMEMBER I WILL MEET CUT PRICES IN EVERY THING. The Kola War Nearly Over. St. Louis, Mo.. May 19. It is not at all unlikely that the fight between the warring cigarette makers and tbe plug tobacco mannf icturers will be calUd off at an early date. BASEBALL GAMES. Simmon's Liver Regulator. Simmon's Liver Regulator, pkg 16. Simmon's Liver Regulator, small. liquid 35c Simmon's Liver Regulator, large, liquid 65c Will Not Be Heard of Again. Washington, May 19. Tbe Senate yesterday, by a vote of six yeas to 41 nays, defeated a motion to proceed with the consideration of tbe resolution to in vestigate alleged election irregularities in Alabama, occurring at the time Gov. 0 ilea was elected over R. P. Kolb, Pop ulist. Imprisoned Miners Rescued. Richmond, Va , May 19 An official just from the Midlothian coal mines says tbe 11 entombed miners have been rescned. The buildings over tbe Grove nhafts were completely bnrned and the fire at tbe month of the shaft is now oat. Louisville 3, Washington 5. Chicago 15. New York 3. Cincinnati 9, Philadelphia 5. Cleveland 4. Baltimore 3. St. Louis 2, Boston 3. New Orleans 3 2, Atlanta 0. Mobile i. Birmingham 9. Columbus 4, Montgomery 7. Standfast ot the Clubs. WOU. LOST. FBI CT Pittsburg ij 9 .591 Clevelsad .. 15 8 6sa Philsdclphia 14 10 .51 Boston ij 9 .62s Chic (TO. ij 11 .577 Baltimore 15 10 .603 Ciscissati 16 9 .640 Brooklyn , 10 14 .419 Washington 13 13 .500 St. LooU. 9 16 .36s New York 7 17 Louisville S u .191 Fountain Syringes. 2 qt, Pure Rubber.. 75c. 1 3 qt. Pure Rubber $1.00 4 qt. Pure Rubber $1 25 Why pay 50c and 75c. for a bulb syringe when you can buy the Leader for 25 cents from p White G. Smith, Hi. G. Pharmacist and Chemist. Opposite Postoffice. Preparations are very beneficial in cases where a reliable tonic and stimulant ia needed. Wampale's Digestive Kola Wine; Parke, Davis & Co.'s Kola Cor dial and Kola-Cordinette, are tbe most elegant preparations of tbe kind known. For exhaustion or depression of any kind they act like a charm, stimulating wttbont reaction. DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE, Public Square. PORTUONDO CIGARS. - i i i

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