THE A8HEVII1L1E DAILY CITIZEN. Tuesday Evening, May 19 iJq6. TBE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN BY THB CITIZEN COMPANY. PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT SUSDAY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I One Year 6.00 1 Six Month 3.00 Three Month. 1.60 I One Month, ra advance 60 I One Week, paid to camera... 10 Tub Shmi-Weekxy Citizen. ctctj T jesdaT and Frldar, to advance, $1. ' OilLT cmrmn TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1896. Seeing that what Asbetillc wants is a competing railroad, and not a pleasure line between here and Ratberfordton one that would threaten tbe supremacy of the Southern Vice-President St. John's sapgestion that "an electric line might be built that would meet your t?etT it cjuiremeft," doesn'tseem to indi cate a complete grai-p of the situation. Whether it does or docs not is not ma teria), however. What is material if, that, on a point in which Mr. St. John is certain to be fully informed the chances of the Seaboard getting into Ashevillt he is definite in expressing the belief that there is no hope whatever. As for the electric would help some, not much. It could of course be built tor much less expense than a standard road, and ought to do a fair passenger service; but in tbe way of freight, hardly enough to relieve the pressure of the present monopoly. TUB SITNDAY OUTING. The Citizen is in entire sympathy with Mayor Long's determination to prevent the desecration cf the Sabbath in Woolsey by lawbreakers and rowdies, and will back him in all sane efforts in that directiSn. However, the large num ber of visitors who went to tbe new park Sunday show that there is a con siderable proportion of Asbevilie's popu lation who enjoy getting into the coun try for an hour or two one day in the week, and to whom a ride on the street cars and the purchase of light refresh ments and an opportunity to hear good music too infrequent in Asheville form in their minds a rational means of harmless enjoyment that does not inter fere with what they consider a proper observance of the great day of rest. The trip and the visit come as a diversion as something new, adding a variety to life that was lacking before. So loDg as tbe park s visitors are orderly, and as quiet as can be reason ably expected tbe nrst excess ot any kind being sternly nipped in the bud we do not see that the innovation can be characterized as harmful, it imposes very little extra Sabbath breaking on anyone tbe street cars being certain t run anvwaj and in tbe bands ot men who realize that, to make it a continued success, it must be kept free of objection able characters, mav become a source o good rather than harm. THK CCMTEVNTIOX'S WORK. WELL DONE! Thk Cituen has taken a look through City Clerk Miller's books to see if abseo tecum had aftl ctcd to any considerable extent the Board of Aldermen that closed its official existence yesterday. It was found that Major Davidson attended 26 roeetingsof tbe Hoard. Alderman Blair presence is recorded for 42 meetings be fore he succeeded Mayor Davidson. After that he attended 16 sessions, in fact every meeting since he became the head of the government ; making a total of 57 meet ings. Alderman Suttle comes next with 55, Alderman Terrell with 53 and Alder man Fletcher with 52. Illness interfered several times with Alderman Carter's at tendance, his total being 44-. Alderman Snider is credited with 38 meetings which means every meeting held since be was elected. Alderman Westall, the youngest member in point of service, at tended 13 meetings. When Mayor Ulair walked out of City Hall yesterday once more a private citi zen he left behind him a record that is honorable alike to him and to the city. He entered upon his official lite equipped with strong business sense, the requisite amount ot firmness to let notbingswerve him from his duty, and so balanced as to make it certain that the city's interests were at all times iu wise and prudent hands. When he was elected Mayor he took bold ot tut ors witb a tirm grasp and at once prcc?eded to give the office the time it required. He kept thoroughly acquainted witb every department under him, and it is not likely that any predt ce sser ever had cleater conception of the c ndition of every branch of the munici pal government. The expiration of Tbeo. V. Terrell's term as Aldeiman took a valued member from the circle. His record has justified the confidence the party had in him when he -vas nominated. Through tbe term he held one of the mtst important pns: tlons on the Board that of finance com mitteeman where his easv mastery of ficures stood bim in good stead. He has been progressive, conservative in his pre gressireness, and always stood for Ashe ville. W. F. Snider was el cted to fill a va cancv, aud that the choice was a bappy one has been demonstrated by his work on the Hoard. He is of the material that makes Aldei manic timber of the very best quality. He. too, was a member of the finance committee, and was peculiarly adapted to that branch of the work. He was as regnlar as clockwork, always prompt in attending to the city's bos: nesa and quick to see the justice or ir jns tice of anv claim made upon tbe city be was serving. VY. H. Westall had served tbe city com paratively only a short time, having been chosen late in the term to fill a v. cancy. He was one of the street commit tee, an important acjurct of the Board and his practical knowledge made bim well fitted for a seat io tee cental chain bcr. Tbe records of these retiriog gentk- men show for themselves, and from the observing citiztn who can see tbe result? the iudument must come: "Well done.' And That's All From the Cincinnati Peat. GrOTer "1 am a goldbug. of a bog are too f McKtnlej "I'm a June bug." Truly, time works great changes. Ev ery year that passes brings ns so much nearer the sere and yellow. Thia sa a fact, although it is not intended to startle any one bv announcing it. Even each day's going by takes us so far to ward the walkingstick and spectaclea. We go to Sulohnr Springs one summer, and the next the track is torn up. and we turn elsewhere , for our pleasure rides. Ct Todav things look bright for a political oartv. and men swear eternal allegiance. Tomorrow the party seems to be wear ing its arm in a sling, and men somer sault into another camp where picking promises to be better. Today tbe youtb revels in the smiles of bis fair Marguerite, nd tomorrow, vea, even tonight, be gets be cold shoulder and mouths to tbe 1 1. moon, wearing a lace long cuongu ior a bridle. Yes. time works ereat changes. We are .forcibly reminded cf this by the in auguration of city officials Monday Time was, and not beyond tbe memory of man. when this ceremonial was the occasion of great powwow in Asbevule. It, of course, did not approach in pomp tbe coronation of a Czar, but it was nevertheless made quite a thing for show. There was a ringing of the court house bell, and everybody invited they were lust as free to go as it it were an assemhlinirof a non-oartisan convention Then there was an inaugura', and it tbe hearers wanted to tbey shouted witb a great shout. It was a splendid oppor tunity tor a speaker to "get nunk it there was anything be didn't like, and. being of a peculiar nature, there was no division of time with those who didn t like tbe ukase. This year, instead of the usual program, the ceremony was quiet ly gone through, and work began at once. It was not tnougbt wortn wnne to follow the custom of the first to ot serve tbe old rule. Yes, time brings great changes. O Bv the way, did the Patriot ever ap pear witb the result of tbe election? It should at least have come out to tell what those 1400 and odd voters bad to say about it. o That is a wonderful organ, tie one to be placed in All Souls' church at Biltm ire. It is to be so constructed that the organ ist can play it fromany part of the church so I see from THE Litizen. With oi gans of this character in all tbe churches it would seem to be possible tor one oi eanist to do tbe work for many services. Then why wouldn't it be possible tocon nect the churches by telephone and bave one grand choir to do all the singing ? o o o Lockoit Park! The very name brings a leelirg of coolness and rest. Asheville peop'e and tbe visitors want some place to eo far relaxation and genuine rest. There is no reason whv such a place, Kept always in first-class style, would not prove a very great attraction. Commended In tbe Weet as Well - "Where It was Done. From the FnnkHn Deaaocrai. Mr. Jos. S. Adams, our nominee for Representative in tbe 55th Congress, is a man of prononnced abilitj ; and of ster ling integrity. 5 Tbe people are this year much le si in clined to bestow their suffrages on a raedidate because c-f bis personal popu larity. What is imperatively demanded is that he shall be sound and unswerving in bis devotion to principles; and shall be able to inspire confidence in his honesty and reliability. In all these respects Mr. Adams is an entirely satisfactory candidate. Oa the financial question, which is this year the greatest of alt issues, he is a pronounced and consistent advocate of the Democratic doctrine of the free coin age of both silver, and gold, and his pefsjoal integrity is such that be can be relied on to stand by this position to the last. He com. s btfore the people with an untarnished record in marked contrast witb th'.t of bis competitor, Hon. Rich mond Pearson, who has been a political weatbet-:ock, assuming politics to fit tbe occasion. Honest voters, who are in earnest in their determination to do their full duty in helping forward the cause of silver will not hesitate between the two can didates. - Hon. R. D. Gilmer, the candidate for Presidential elector, is another right man in tbe right place, provided of course that the national convention shall nomi nate a Democrat of tbe old fashion kind who has not gone astray after rew Re publican ides s We do not believe that Mr. Gilmer will canvass tbe district in behalf of a candidate who favors the single gold standaid. Tbe national convention at Chicago will never nominate such a candidate if tbe m iority of tbe delegates are like those selected to represent this Congres sional district. Mr. G. S Powell of Ashe ville, and our own countyman, Hon Walter E. Moore, may be relied on to faithfully reflect tbe wishes of tbe Demo crats of tbe district and especially so on the coinage question. Both of them are pronounced free silver men. It has been a good day s work, and tbe people will commend their delegates for it. WILL. TTJHN THK OTHER CHEEK j W AMT COLUMN Just a Word THK TTT.V MRAT POR BAXE-A boy bicycle. aaie cneap. apply 3-i3dtf Ramblet. for CITXZ89 OFFICK. Not POSITION dress by erailaate in pharmacy. Ad- W. B.. Care Milboarne Advertising Agency. Baltimore, Mi s-asdiw OPIUM or Morphine habit cared on a guaran tee. For particalara address P. O. BOX WO. 37t. S-adU Asheville, N. C. "ITOH BENT Two furnished rooms and floor -a- central: suitable lor offices Call S-i6d3t or apartments. 17 8. MAIN ST. Company, PHONE NO. 23. FOR RENT or SALE Tea room-brick dwel ling, tine street, opposite Chestnut street; modern conveniences, about eight acres. Mdlf T. W. SHARPLESS. WANTED A responsible and respectable man snd wile, to live in and take care oi my house at Buck bboals, N. C Address MR. E. W. NYE, S-iadti Arden, N. C. WAftrtMB. WANTED Capable v ptete line ot lubri salesmen to sell corr.- I plete line ot lubricating oi's and greases. Liberal terms and permanent position for the proper party. GARLAND REFINING CO., 5 9diw Cleveland, Q. fPHH assignment of F. Schumacher does not a tied the American Cereal Co., and you I can sun get ine Dest nour in A-nevuie Dy call lDg on your grocer lor F. S. Premium. 1. M. CAMPFKLL & CO. 5-i6djt Agents. IS POR RENT From June rst. that very -a. able place at corner of Mont ford a desir-1 avenue I and Cullowhee Place, now occupied by Dr. A. M.Moore House haa lour bed rooms and all modern conveniences, and is partlv furnished. 5-ijd5teod W. B. GWYN, Agt. FOR RENT A one story brick warehouse, fire proof: also a eood stable with two stalls. cutting room and storage lolt on Water street. opposite j Banner warehouse. Price $2.00 per moDtn tor eacn. apply to C. S. COOPER. 5-l3dtf 39 S. Main St. A RTH0R T. Wills, successor to Wills Bros. architect, announces that he will resnn.e the business 01 architect in Asheville about the last ot May, and will be better prepared to carry out works from study while traveling the past two years Mr. Wills solicits the instruc tions ol clients intending to build. 4-idtues&fri-tf Concerning meat. Do you get quality and weight whsre you trade, or do you pay too high a price ? We give both quantity and quality for your money. A trial will con vince you. Spring Lamb,,Spring Chickens, Corned Beef, Frankfort oausage, bmoKed longue. Corned Tongue. Jas Wolfe Meat STALL "A," CITY MARKET. Bargains in Furniture ! We lead in low prices and will sell you Furniture Cheaper Than the Cheapest. If you need a Bedroom 6et, Parlor Suit, Sideboard, Dining Table, Couch, Bed Lounge, or any other Fur niture, call and see us and we can save you money. We sell the Read Odorless Refriger ator, the only Odorless Refrigerator on the market it does not consume half the ice that other refrigerators do, and besides we guarantee it to be per fectly odorless. You can place onions What You Eat Bnt rather the amount assimilated and converted into organic tiisuc that takes"away that tired feeling. Our meats are health savers. Juicy beef, fat mutton, this Spring's lamb, tender veal, com fed pork. W. M. HIJX & CO., City Market ONLY THE BEST. The Guarantee News About s .Pi WE ARE DETERMINED TO Store!. . . . Shoes You will not refuse to listen v. hen it is for your feet and ti ket book. It wont take a whole col umn of talk to tell you that we will sell you a better shoe for less money than any house in Asheville. BE LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. PATENTED JULY, 1886. and cream in the refrigerator together just received, a full line child's and infants' black and tan Oxfords and the cream will not be affected. , . - .. f . , ,. , , , , and strap Slippers. A full line of trunks, valises and dressing eaes. van an" ace mem. Telephone 166 Mrs. L. A. Johnson. 32 8. Main St. 30 Pattern Ave. At. Levy, Prop. The Charlott? Observer says that "Judge Timberlake has made a very fair impression since he came to he bench." Is it possible that the Judge has been harshlv mif judged np this wav? From the expressions I bave heard, tbe esti mate is not in accord with that of Bar. combe people wbo bave bad to do with court. Ann it reports are trne there is no verv fair impression in same of the conn ties farther west. C One can see frequently in New York papers artic'.cs on judges that would put the editor in jail for contempt till the millennium and cost bim the wealth ol a Cru-ius, were the Judge a Ewart. At last so they read to The Tattler. what kind MISS WILL AUD IN ENGLAND. A Lamentable Lack of Courtesy Shown Southern Methodists. Prom the Richmond Despatch. Rtv. Dr. . C. Morris of Nashville Tenn., whose treatment by the General Conference ot the Northern Methodist Churrb, to which he was sent to bear fraternal resolutions from tbe Siutbern Conference, was characterized on the floor of th-former body by Dr. Buckley of New York, as the worst case of ir bospitalitv that has ever ocenred in any of tbe sessions of General Conference on a visit to Richmond. Dr. Morris went direct to Cleveland from Nashville, and tbe press reports from the former city state tbat be was introduded to the conference and made a tprech which elicited great applause. It appears, however, from subsequent re ports, that he was treated in such a man ner as to cause bim to withdraw from the conference, and then it was tbat be came here. A recent despatch from Cleveland says: "William V. Keeler of New York, East, introduced a resolution, apologizing for the shabby treatment accorded to the Revs. Dr. Morris, the fraternal delegate. Sjoth. After some delegates bad sug gestcd tbat the matter was a very deli cate one, and tbat tbe less saiu the bet ter tbe resolution was passed." Another telegram, referring to the evening session of tbe same day of con ference, says: "0 j motion, the action of the cDnfer ence in relation to the treatment of tbe Kev. Dr. J. C. Morris, fraternal delegate from the crurch. South, was reconsid ered. and resolution passed asking Rev Dr. Morris to return to Cleveland, that be might be properly received by tbe confererce." It is suLpos.d that Dr. Morris laid the Idcts in his case b.fore tbe Southern Col lege of Bishops, and came South to await their decision as to whether he should return to Cleveland. Tbe pre sumption is, therefore, natural, that be return to the Northern conference with the approval of the Southern bishops, RDRN Park Hotel, Arden. North Carolina, - oners a most. comtoitaDie ana name n place to those who wish to spend a summer in the country. The hotel haa been much lm-1 proved this season. The table is always sup-1 piled witn trie best tue market a (lords. The climate on an average is 10 degrees cooler than I in Asheville. and the water hae and pure. Ad dress MRS IAME U. MARTIN. JR. S Udtl Asheville, N. C. VALUABLE Heal Estate at Public Sale On v Saturday, ao June, proximo, at n o'clock a. m . will be suid on the premises at public auc tion to the highest bidder, without reserve, un less sooner said at private sale, the following valuable real esiate in Asheville, N. C. to wit : One lot on the east side of South Main street and the building thereon hereto'ore known as the Cosmopolitan club Hour.:. The lot has hom age on bouth Main street ot 90 teet more or less and a depth of about a 14 feet extending to Market street- The house has 24 rooms with modern improvements, and is suitable for pri vate residence, hotel or boarding house, with ample room for enlargement. Also one vacant lot adjoining on the south, fronting u'4 feet! more or less on South Main street with a depth ol about 214 leet, running through to Market street. Also one vacant lot next north of the late residence of W. T. Penniman on South Main S'reet, fronting on said street about 22 feet and running back about 153 feet to Maiket street. Also one vacant lot on Sycamore an-1 Market streets, triangular, fronting on Syca more street about 234 leet and on Market street, about 2i3 leet with a base line on South, from street to street, of about 44 feet. Also th'ee lots on west side ot Valley street, south of Sycamore, with a frontage ol about 24 feet and depth of about 100 feet each. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance in equal installments in one and two years with 6 per cent, interest. For fuither information apply to W ALTKK S. CUSHM4N, 4-ibdtI 2 Legal Buildiug, Asheville, N. C. Arresting the Eye ! The girls of would certainly be at a loss to know where to buy a good Bicycle for $65 were it not for Bp In our 6tore it arrests your eye; in your homs it arrests the eve of every one who enters. It rests every one who sees it. Peo ple entering a house for the first time look around to see if there is any of our furni ture; if there is they know it and know thev have come to a house of refinement and srood taste, to sav the least. Come in and rest yourself when in thia vicinity. Our chairs are free for this purpose. (Fleetwing, 45 Fatton in. W. A. BLAIR, REAL ESTATE! W. N. Roundy REAL ESTATE! Asheville Boarding Houses. 00 DCIilllin CT Kear postoffice and 00 rLllLHflU 01 streetcar lines com fortable rooms and good board. Mrs.CE. Vader 711 UllU First class board in private 1411 MA 111 family. All modern improve ment', beaut'ful grounds, on car line. Terms rea sonable. Carriages free to boarders. Mrs. B. Claverie. l'lTKppi-t ot Lady Henry Somerset's He- turn to America With Iler. Editor The Citizen: cablegram from Southampton April 20th announces the safe arrival in England of Miss Frances E. Willard and her secretary. Miss Gordon, both of whom spent tbe Xmas holidays in Asheville. America's president of temperence reform is the Kuest of Lad v Henry Somerset, president of tte British Woman's Temperance Un ion which is to bold i.s annual session next month. Ltdy Henry claims America's W. C. T. U. president as a guest during the sum mer months, after which, by wav of reciprocity, Ameiica hopes to have Eng. land's president ii attendance at the national conv.'ntion of the W. C. T. U. During Lady Henry's previous visits to America, her visits were confined to the Northern cities. Consequently the South etn W . C 1 . U. s are now sanguine in expectation of comingevents. Asheville is hoping to have the bench? of at least one address by England's most gifted platform orator and earnest hearted reformer. Miss Willard and Lady Henrv Somer set bave been styled the "uncrowned queens of America and England. " and their strorg allegiance in philanthropic lines is doirg much to nnite the two countries that so recentlv seemed in need ol the welding power ot bnman sympa thy. - CHUJJBEN'S PAT. A DellKlitful Service Promised at Itef- uire Church, Near Alexander. Alexander, N. C, May 18 At Refuge Church of Christ, about three miles from here, on Sunday, June 7, at 10:30 o'clock. this program will be presented : March Song and Children's Offerings. XX III. Psalm and Song Prayer, by School; Salutatory Recitation. Eugene Peck; "Light of tbe World," Children's Day Service, (consisting of responsive readings, recitations and songs); Mis cellaneous Readings and Recitation;; Class Exercise, "The Great Commis sion;" Formation of Motto and Floral Offerings: Collection Poem, Grover Smitb; Collection Song and General Col lection; DjioIobv and Benediction. All are cordially invited to attend ttis service, tbe object of which is to r is; money to have tbe Gospel preached to tbe heathen, r ree will cnerings are re quested. Xotlce Legal Holiday. Wednesday. May 20. (Mecklenburg Declaration davV being a legal holiday, tbe banks of this city will be closed. W. J. Cocke. Cashier. W. H. Penland, Cashier. . L. P. McLocn, Cashier. J. E. Rankix, Cashier. Large Tryon berries fresh at Aliens. OX THE RUN. Republicans Greatly Dissatisfied With tbe Nomination of Russell. Raleigh Correspondence. The dissatisfaction caused by tbe norr. 'nation ol Russell has nearlv reached the dimensions of a Republican revolt. Thousands of Republicans are said to be waiting to vote for William A. Gutb rie, wbo it stems is almost sure to be the Pop-ilist nominee for governor. The secretary of the Populist state ex ecutive committee declares that the Pop ulists will capture many more Republi can votes than the Republicans will Pop ulist votes. Guthrie savs tbat Kussell s nomination suited him; tbat if he could not heat him he could not beat anybody Governor Carr sas: Our p?ool have all the while been saving Russell was tbe easiest man to beat ; now let ns prove what we have so frequently as serted." A prominent Republican t x-congress man sirs: Kusseii will be taken down in 60 days. Dr. J.J. Mott S3 predicts, Another Republican State convention is already talked ol. If tbe i'opuliits de cline to 'use it is likely another conven tion will be called to fix tbe ticket and do tbe work over again." TEALS IN DIRT. What Is Going on In the Real Estate World. Tbe following deeds bave been fi'ed in Register Mackey's office: V. C. Miller and wife to-A. E. Miller, lot on bwannanoa road J. W. Sluder and wife to Geo W Pack. lot on Montford avenue J. B. Shope and wile low U hbope. lot on west side South Main street John Claton and wife to John Cathey, lot on east side Pine street $150 1250 615 REDUCED RATES. Offered by the Southern Railway Com lany From Asheville. The Southern Railway company offers the following rcund trip rates from Asbe ville for the occasions named : Bicycle races. Charlotte; tickets on sale May 18 19. limited to May 22; rate $5.25 via Spartanburg, $6.20 via Salif bury. Annual commencement Salem Female academy. Winston-Salem; tickets on sale Mav 23 27, limited to June l;rate $7.15 Annual commencement Greensboro Fe male college, Greensboro: tickets on sale Mav 23-27, limited to May 29; rate $6 30. Annual commencement State Normal and Industrial school, Greensboro; tick ets on sale May 16 20, limited May 22 rite $6.30. Call Phone 130 for the best bitumi nous coals. Anthracite, Gas and Furnace Coke to be fonnd on the local market. Carolina Coal Co. 1 dozen boxes matches 10 cts. Postell. FOR RENT House oa Blake street at $35.00 per month furnished FOR SALE One lot on Cumberland avenue near Chest nut street. 80x189 feet- FOR EXCHANGE House and lot in Roanoke, Va., for Asheville property. sister to Envoy. The Fleetwing is one of the prettiest and best made machines on the market, and the most astonishing thing is how so good a wheel can be made for $65. The Envoy (for gentlemen) is a machine of unsurpassed beauty and strength they cost $75. Examine these if you are intending to purchate. T.V.TERRELL Old Depot. REAL ESIATE! 54 PATTON AVE Opposite Postoffice. REAL ESTATE! FACT FIGURES TELL 'THE SANITARIUM"- Terms on application. 22 Orange "Miss Denne. IC DCADnCM UC Pleasant room ami DLAnULlI Alt. eood board in a nice location, within a lew leet of Montlord avenue electric line, northern cooking. 5 STARNE SAVE First class board in private tamily: large grounds; on electric car line; terms reasonable. Mrs. E. B. Phihips. THE HAYWOOD WHITE SULPHUR, Waynesville, N. C. OPEN MAY 1ST. 11 U IIIIU H. Ill ft IU 01 cheerful rooms, first McLoud Place, bright jcciiui uuuia. iiibi i . v . . Uss board. Location nnsurpassed. Large sp'enain anves, howling naay lawn; an conveniences. Ic the heart of the Alleebanies, 2756 feet above sea level. The most desirable place to spend the heated term in the South. Large lawn, beautiful shade trcs, billiards and tennis. First class orchestra. For full I4STARNES AVE Board: new house; rood elevation healthy location. Mrs. T. W. Branch. information and rates address J. R. Stewart, Manager. 31 GROVE ST5& vemences Beat locality. class Northern nth modern con- 88 N MAIN ST The location most cen tral, accessible and most convenient to churches, places of amusement and business portion ol city. On electric car line. A large lawn n front. ALL WHO SMOKE HILLSIDE COTTlGESSrS entirely new management. First class accom modations. Light airy rooms Well furnished table. MISsES DOUGHTY. BONNICASTLE lias a beautilul cummer location near Lookout Mountain car line, a mile and a half from court house, and oners excellent table and comfort able rooms at moderate terms. Mrs. A. McK. Gulliver, box 7. Trifield's tine brands of cigars get the best 5c. cigar on the market. For sale bv all dealers.; Don't take any substitute. Brands to order a specialty. Powell & Snider, wholesale A. Tri field, Manufacturer, 38 SOUTH MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE. N. C. This store is Asheville's Bargain Mint. Bargains coined on a sound value basis. The great distribution of high class merchandise at our easy prices is a pleasure to us and a substantial benefit to you. Uur telegram of last week explained the exact situation of things here. The fleet-footed have been here and almost every hour some body says, 'T did not know that you were selling so cheap.v There is oniy one way to know. Head every line that this store prints jBuy nothing until yon have asked the price here. RAY COTTAGE Sunset Drive: two I squares Iron) city railway; on mountain side; away Irom city dust and smoke; beautiful scenery; large, airy, well ven tilated rooms; bath room; spring water. Mrs. c sattersnwait. I OIIIIDCDI lain IWC Private board I 44 UUIIIDLnLHIlLI HI L in a delizht- iui nouse witn an m jcern conveniences: on cur line. CAIN HOUSE 2i Grove street, open thronehout the vear: central location; large, sbady lawn. Does Your House Need Painting? If so, come to us aud get the best paints in Asheville. It will pay you to use the best. We keep a full line of new YORK world, Ready Mixed Paints, Tnrice-a-IeelL Edition. Is larger than anv weel ly or semi weekly piper published and is the only important Democratic "weekly" published in New York Citr. Three times as large aa the leading Re pub'ican week'y in New York City. It will be of especial advantage to you during the Presidential Campaign, as it is pub lished every other day, except Sunday, and has all the freshness and timeliness of a daily. It combines all the news with a long list of interesting departments, urrque features, cartoons and graphic illustrations, the latter being a specialty. All t est improvements hare been mide without any increase in the c-'st, which re mains at $1.00 per year. We offer this unequalled newspaper and Thb Semi-Wei kly Citizen together one year for $1 60. The regular subscription price of the two papers ia 2.0O LEAD and OIL, painters' supplies. BRUSHES and Umbrella Sale. Black Gloria Umbrellas for la dies, with ring metal handles. The price should close f" f the lot in a few hours JUu Lot No. 2. The handles of Coneo and oak loop, the Gloria of the very finest grade, paragon frames, hand somely finished ; here they are tnougn, worth 11.50 anywhere and everywhere, to the qq swift, each a7 O C Parasols. J. R. RICH & ioisr. Are You Going to Paper Your House This Spring? II so.Csee these elegant sampks at J. Lu Carroll's Office, room 23 Temple Court, Pattoo A venae. Agency for Alfred Peats, New York and Chicago. The Asheville Woodworking Co. Is prepared to furnish building finish of aL descriptions, including .... DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, STAIR WORK, MANTELS, ETC. Public Buildings, Bants. School Houses and Stores a Specialty, We do the highest grade work, also lower grades to suit customers. Send for esti mates. The Asheville Woodworking Co., W. G. Rich, Supt Telephone No. 164. T 11 1 1 uvbs man me wnoiesaie price, brown and white China, The white have Dresden effects, some are worth as much as $3.50. lit i ' J omers less lours fl at 9.17 Kid Gloves. o -xr.: it t opecicti tmering, me color is a beautiful brown, the jo price is QOv Ask to see the gloves you usually pay fi.ou tor, don't make miscaKe, our price is O but y o c Shoes. Cast your eye in our window gives you an idea ol the tieth Century stvles. Tlit'-e styles cannot be obtained else where at the price. As one cus tomer remarked : "Well, declare, never saw anythin it for the price. I expect thi- is what you call sample shoe .-ell-ing." wen- 1 .lo like Clothing. We got a good strong grip on the public confidence and we iihmii to retain it. Mothers! your lit tle boys are wanted at our this week. The special lot tains 265 suits. The price be just about one-half the co-t f the material. -t"re will MERCHANT TAILORING. $3 For this week only, All-Wool Made to Your Order Men's Pants $3 Baltimore Clothing, Shoe and Dry Goods Company, IO and 12 Patton Avenue, I Originators of Low Prices Our store closes promptly at 7 o'clock. Saturdays, 10 :30 p. m.

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