THE ASHEVTLLE DAILY , CITIZEN. SATCBTAT. MARCH 2. 1900. Thousands of yards of NEW EM BROIDERIES, bought before the Ad vance, selling thm M to 50 per .cent. i under prevailing- prices. NEW SHIRT WAIST SILKS, 89c, 99c. and $1.15 yard. able Linen, Jaj)dn& aiidlSjojlselieepers CO ririENCES MONDAY, MARCH 5TH. . - - ------ - --- j H n"H 1 Tini lrir ini iOic ! : P " " I It I I-' -' lioods f Towels,! i r The largrflt anil finest assorted stock New Linen and Cotton Torchon Laces ever seen In Asheviile. The plans for this sale were made last August and September. Our buyer, on the advice of, old experienced buyers, bought Table Linen at a forced, sale in New York, and we offer you tae goods New Imported Black Grenadines and ALL OVER LACE I DRESS i PATTERNS, $1.00 yard to $3.00 yard, exclusive patterns. I ' , : 1 today at less than wholesale prices. Come and examine the goods, quality and price is our argument 1. The prices are Eye Openers for Real Bargain Hunters. : One Hundred Large Size Moquet Rugs, $1.98 Each. - IP Table Linen. MI'BLIN UNDERWEAR, 30 to 50 per cent, less than you pay other places. An Immense stock, all desirable well. made garments. Gowns 9c., 69c., 89c. 9Sc. $1.39 and $1.69 each. Drawers, 29c., 40c., 9c., and 98c. each. Pkirt 19c. 69c.. t9c., 99c. and up to $1.39 and $1.9. NEW NECKWEAR, THE LATEST THING AT THE LOWEST PRICES. New Gloves and better Gloves for the money than you can buy In the state. Tour monsy back or a new pair if unsatisfactory. 500 yards 72-inch (or 2 yards wide) Cream Damask; closely woven durable goods. Actual value 69c. yard. OX SALE MONDAY AT 39 CENTS YARD. 1,000 yards Bleached Irish Damask, 72 inches wide, assorted pat terns. Actual retail value S9c. MONDAY 57 CENTS YARD. 2,000 yards Scotch Damask, closely woven, good, durable, bleached linen. Actual retail value $1. MONDAY 66 CENTS YARD. 100 yards Extra Fine 2-yards wide Satin Finished Damask (2 pat terns). Napkins to match. $2.00 yard goods. MONDAY $1.50 YARD. ! Ready-Hade Sheets. (H) New Horieryiand New Pully Belts, all the new Ideas in belts. IXXJ COLLAR BELTS, 2m: to $1.50 each. GOLF BELTS, 25c. to $1.50 each. 2,000 ready-made Sheets, of the lt grade of Muslin, Torn and and Hemmed. 81x90 inches. MONDAY 49 CENTS EACH. After Monday ;e. each. 50 dozen Pepperill Mills Pilluw Cases. (Full size and full bleach), 3!x46 inches, Monday 11 1-2 CENTS EACH. A few of the fine all-wool 11-4 Blankets. $(5.50 kind at $4.88 and $5.50 kind at $3.88 pair. Fine flarsellles Quilts. i Just 100 of those Fine Marseilles Quilts left, j We can't duplicate them for $1.50. AS LONG AS THEY LAST ONE DOLLAR EACH. To make this sale a genuine bargain sale we put in some special lines. - L On hand about 30 of our best Double-faced Satin e Quilts, FINE WHITE COTTON PADDING. THEY WERE $3.00 and $3.50 each. MONDAY AT $2.00 EACH. f 1,000 yards of Dark Flannelettes, suitable for hoiise dress and wrappers. The 10c. kind. MONDAY 5 34 CENTS YARD. 1,000 yards yard-wide Fruit Loom, MONDAY 7 CENTS YARD. 10 yards to customer. i - 1,000 yards yard-wide Barker Mills MONDAY 7 CNTS YARD. 10 vards to customer. ! NEW STOCK WHITE LAWNS. 8 to 50 cents yard. 100 Dozen Towels. 17x32 inches. Closely woven (huckabuck) all lienf goods. Would be cheap at 15c. EACH. MONDAY 10 CENTS EACH. This is the greatest bargain towel we have ever put on sale.-,; Linen Napkins. One hundred dozen three-quarter size smooth Linei Napkins. ; , Regular $1.50 dozen kind ; MONDAY $1.00 DOfcEN. NEW HANDKERCHIEF LINEN, 69c. to $1.50 yard. (H) s GGMEMf UIVLNER, DEAL & Leaders of High Class Goods and Low Prices. New York Office, 610 Broadway. ASHEVILLE, N. O. NEW PLAIN AND FIGURED DEN IMS, 15c. to 25c. yard. NEW LACE CURTAINS 75c. to $6 pair. -aMfawrrawftawftawftam t(o)i (icom ucoiii uon i i wy i i i i . -y i ivvy i v w wvy ; vw vv 'Ji vvy vvy w vy vv wy vv vwy vy vvyy vw vv?v vvv w v w v v vy v-v s rs x. s v. rs v. v s- -v- aa i i tJLZS ZS VS5 NS N-X ZS VS i Sr x xr x x x j ' . " ' " flil.l rfc it VJoman iCnovsc Woman, t Zuaica. Kaji. , Jaa. l. 1 im4 Wla. .f Csnlol low sar vmsbm. ! VMkiau ia tb. worn.. After Uklof on. bottl. I wu wU cia. 1 ta midwife ad always ncanunnd Win. of Cardvl to my Mr friaad. daring prriuttud rtr birth atonic. Erary Udy who take. It Bad. Uutt It do, .r.a uon taaa U el aimed UBS. T. M. BOISVBRT. Nobody knows woman Hk woman. Men go to medica colleges, tudy books and listen to lectures. They learn Indirectly of the diseases of women, but they are men and can never fully understand the ailments, the sufferings, the agonies of mothers, wives and sisters. A woman knows. Mrs. Boisvert know. She has passed through the trials and tribulations of her sex. She has been near by when her sisters suf fered. She has seen them relieved and cured with Wine of CarduL b it any wonder she recommends it f Is tt any wonder that thousands of other women recommend It. They know. They have ac tual experience to prompt them. They spread the tidings from mouth to mouth, telling how Wine 'of Czrdui helps young girls, helps umr arrisatf imiTMiiT. For a.HI la raaa tvqotrln. nwrlal Unrtiiaa aditma. imimt'iuHniin. the weak of all ages, helps and cures all womanly ilk Drustfsts Sell Luge Bottles for $1.00. PRESIDENT N'NAUEE IS 1 HARD WORKER AND STATE FAIR COMMITTEE IS OIVINC, HIM ENTHUSIASTIC CO-OPERATION. CHARTER FOR A $135,000 MILL IN CATAWBA THE STATE GUARD E.VCA M PMENTS. Tfouscwoik is haid wo& wthotit GcMDiisf WASHING FEATHER PILLOWS Faaitwr rillov. aaad vaahla. aaa. l Ckoaaa art .at. SSaa car; flU lara. la a half fait af watar that la almaat kaUia. aae diaaaiv. k Goli Dust Wasaiag Powder " la k ta mala a aaad aaa! pm aa. ar af)a nv accaardlag ta alia, aaak (liaaa a. aad aova rak ikaa karwaaa tsa kaad. aatil aiaaa. If aaa aada ia aa aaaack. aa nr. ar locat riaa. la ciaar tva aa, arrtac aa dry aa aoaalbia, aad kaag aan kaa dr. akak. U, aad taar will aa aa liaki aad oh aa aa. aiUava. TW u takM (Ma tmt rM aktot Bwus ua minttmiM. - mtm aim thc a. A mi" in ' ' , Tax Notice. Y .u ull know the tax was du last s.-t.t-mhr; an.t ouicbt to have been ihi.I rtr now. Don't think you ar. II riiiht. and th. tax eoii.ctor will not 'thr yni. The time for nuch thoughts ha iatd. Th. taxea must and shall i-olim-ied att-ording- to law. This ta th u.t ntic I ha v. to xlve befor 'l'!in coat. I. r one of my deputies, will be at my office In the court house every day. Yu can see me there or meet me at hr follow ins places and settle, and ave trouble and coat: Hilt mora P. O.. 1 of Uareb. Haw Creek, Johnson's Store. 11 of March. tieaverdam. Garland's store. IS of March. Hasel. Reynolds' store. 14 of March. Uiwer Hominy. Sand H11L 13 of March. I'pper Hominy, It. J. Oaaton'a store, 11 of March. Leicester. Brown's store. 13 of March. Sandy Muah. Waldrop'a atore, 11 of March. . - - . Umeatone. Garrea A Shuford's Store, 13 of March. Fair-view. Aahw.rtb'a store. - IS - of March. Swjinnanoa. Cooper's station. 13 of March. Averr'a Creek. Ldbetter's store, 13 of March. Black Mountain station. 13 of March. rteema Creek. Weavervllle. 13 of March. Flat Creek. Blackatock's store, 13 of March. R!a Irr. narnardsvllle. 13 of March. French Broad. Alexander. 11 of March. J. K. CHAMBERS. Tax Collector. AsberUl K. C, Feb. ti. 1S00. Cures Dandruff, Falling Hair, Brittle Hair and all Scalp Troubles, such as Itching, Eczema, Eruptions, etc Purely Vegetable, harmless and reliable. Curo Guaranteed failed. rprw after ail ethtr ramadtoi ar iwjiiim rarimaM. A MKW VORKSR WStlTCSt 1.1 M E. Btfc TarkCTtT, rw, hntil.of 1VikaDMlra Omrm' a.uaaua. I ra- hair aitar aa For Sale by all Druggists arid Barbers. TmtiM nn Hair and Scalp Troubles free on request. taB.ESEIIHCa., - Chlcar -BEWARK OF IMITATIONS." Tb. only hair prvparaUow admlttl to th Paris exposition. DR. T. C 8MTTH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENT. A8HEVILLE. N. C Raleigh, N. C. March 2 The new ex ecutive committee of the state agricul tural society appointed by President Charles McNamee met today. He pre sided. The grounds are to De somewnat enlarged; the matter of the removal of the grandstand to the west side of the track is under consideration; many at- ractions are to be secured; the race program and the premium list for farm products will be issued very early next month; there are plans for athletics. bench show of dogs, a flower show. etc.; also for an encampment of troops. President McNamee is a worker. The new committee has 30 members and will give him enthusiastic co-operation. Financially the fair is in fine shape, with some $1300 on the right side. The state charters the E. L. Shuford Manufacturing company at Hick ory. It will own and op erate a cotton spinning ana weaving mill on Henry's Fork of the Catawba river. The machinery will be bi ought from a mill in Maine. The capital is $13.1.000 and the stockholders are E. U Shufotd and A. A. Shuford of Hickory; Mrs. Kate Shuford of Ac- worth, Ga.; H. J. Holbrook and E. W. Holbrook of Maine. Dr. Halre," who fakes the papers on smallpox news, deserves to take rank alongside th raker who some years ago sent out the news of the "Bloody Butchery at Bakersville. S. A. L. EXCEPTIONS. The corporation commission devoted today to a hearing of the Seaboard Air Line's exceptions to Its order requiring that continuous mileage be charged on freights over that line. The SA. L. claims that it is not one system and not under vhe ame management. The commission takes an entirely different lew and will in all probability not re voke Its order. The state superintendent of instruction expected to go to Wllmlng ton today to see about the accommo dations for the North Carolina Teach ers' assembly. He will not go until next Monday. There are intimations that tne en campments of the state guard this year will be held af Wrfghtsvllle,- by regi ments. The tents w-htchrer burned here this week will be replaced. " Senator Butler attacks the - demo cratic national committee for fixing" the date of the convention as July C He sees In (his ah attempt to prevent co operation between the Democrats, Pop ulists and free silver Republicans on Bryan, but predicts that the conven tion in spite of these schemes will de clare for harmonious co-operation. , it his sayings and views cut no mere ice with national Democrats than they do with state. ones be la wasting ink and words. . It was the comment .here to day that "Butler can't, put a ring in any Democratic aose."' - Tomorrow the attoraey-generar 1U give to the press the criminal statistics for 189. All the reports are now- rn his hands and today he verified his sum mary of them. CHEERING NEWS OF THE CONTEST! (Continued from First Page.) j on the Porto Rican tariff biU. Repre sentative Atwater.the Populist of Rial to. has been very ill and It was thought that he had better not attend the house on Wednesday. However, he was present, and voted against the Porto Rican bill. Representative Bellamy of Wilmington was paired, but on each ote announced that he was present and that, if he were not paired, he would vote against the bill. Mr. Bel lamy is making an active record here, and is devoting himself not a little to t he passage of needed bridge legiela . tion for his section of the state. He has had passed a bill to maintain a bridge across Fishing creek, within the boundary lines of Edgecombe county, and has also secured legislation for a lridge across Lumber river. A number of petitions have been for warded to congress from the eastern section of North Carolina to secure a resident clerk of the United States Circuit and District courts at Charlotte. As is pretty well known in the Old North State, the w estern division of the state has a per manent clerk of the United States court, but that the court at Charlotte is not provided for. Petitions have been presented from the members of the bar at Rutherford ton, Shelby, and Monroe, and also from members of the Albemarle bar. All these go to the committee on judiciary of the house, where they will be con sidered. There is great pressure for legislation affecting the Judicial dis tricts before this committee and it is no easy matter to secure legislation, as the passage of one bill would only be the precedent for letting down the bars and passing of many others. Neverthe less an effort will be made to relieve the situation at Charlotte, as it is a very urgent matter. Notice of Sate. NUTS AS FOOD. We have little idea in this country to what a considerable extent the nut is used for food In a few foreign lands. Nuts, when properly prepared, are very nutritious and fattening, contain ing certain food elements that make them a very desirable article of diet. With most people, however, they axe hard to digest, and cause distress after eating. -The Sanltas Nut Food Co., at Washington avenue, Battle Creek, Mich., has'diseovered a unique process whereby nuts are manufactured into a score of dainty, delicious - and nutri tious foods, easy Of digestion and as similation by the "weakest stomach. Sanltas nut foods mark a new era in public fool elements, and are -becoming the iuubi puuiar pi efn.i rv lovus w. market. One of these delicious new foods is Protose, a vegetable meat containing 25 per cent, more food elements than beef, a food that the dyspeptic and rheumatic can eat and relish with no fear of the Uls that follow when one suffering from these diseases eats flesh foods. .Six cents sent to the maker will secure a sample can free. State of North Carolina, Buncombe county, in the Superior court. Sarah S. McRee, et aL vs. J. H. Rob erts et al. Notice of sale. The undersigned commissioner, ap- I pointed by the Superior court in the above entitled cause, by virtue of the judgment and order of said court made in this cause at the February term, A. D. 190, wi on i MONDAY THE 2ND DAT OF APRIL, A. D. 1900. expose to sale at public auction, to the last and highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the city of Ashe vllle, county of Buncombe, state of North Carolina, in accordance with the terms of said order of sale, the fol lowing described tract of land: A cer tain tract of land lying in said county and state, on the north side of South Flat creek, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Fair, W. R. Chambers, A. F. Eller and others, and described as follows: Beginning on an old forked beech, the old Edmond corner, and runs south 45 degrees west 82 poles to a white oak and gum, A. F. Eller's corner; then with his line north 80 degrees west 23& poles to a stake in said Eller's line; thence with said Eller's line south 30 degrees west 10 poles to a stake on the north margin of South Flat creek; thence up and with the meanders of said creek south 68 degrees east 20 poles to a stake; thence with said creek north 62 degrees east 8 poles to a stake ; thence with the creek south 82 degrees east 13 poles to a stake; thence with the creek south 28 degrees east 24 poles to a stake; thence with the creek south 50 degrees east 18 poles to a stake; thence with the creek south 24 degrees east 27 poles to a stake at the ford of said creek; thence south 75 degrees east 20 poles to a stake; thence south 61 de grees east 83 poles to a stake in the road leading up said creek; thence with the north margin of said road east 66 poles to a stake; thence north 149 poles to a black oak on top of a moun tain; thence north 83 degrees west 9 poles to a hickory; thence south 70 de grees west 19 poles to a b ack oak; thence south 75 degrees west 27 poles to a hickory on Fair's line; then south with Fair's line 65 degrees west 55 poles to two Spanish oaks; thence north 65 degrees west with said Fair's line 80 poles to a stake and pointers; then north 49 degrees west with said Fair's line 12 poles to a stake; then north 5 degrees west with said Fair's line 24 poles to the beginning, containing 150 acres, more or less. This March 2d, A. D. 1900. 3-3d4tSat. CHAS. A. WEBB, Com. THE SMALL STORE AROUND THE CORNER. Royal The f alais r 17 SOUTH IVIAIIN STREET, Arc making a splendid shp'Wing of ttie new j TailorMade Ladies' Spring Suits Skirts and Silk Waists. We arc now displaying in our little store room a most complete stock of f he newest Spring Styles in Ladies' Tailored Suits, Golf Skirts, Skirts and Silk Waists. i CONSOLING THOUGHT. .4 , J. A, TENNENT. irchltect and Contncion Jobbtnf and BapaJra , Promptly Attended to . SOUTH COTJBT SQUARE.: From the Chicago Tribune. . "Well," aald the tramp who had lost both feet la conaeqaetkeo of an. accident while stealing a ride on a freight train to the doctor Who was bandaging the stumps, ""old dad was Wrong; when Me prophesied that I would die some dajr- wtth my boots on. - " - HIS CIVIL. QUESTION. aaBataaaaas - From the Chicago Daily News." - She was the typical gy widow. - . I am looklBC for number - 7." . she chirped, gaslng up at the doors, "Husband or roomf , ipouired the clerk 'with a ledger under each arm. KIDNEY TROUBLE HEUMATISM, t U S3RE THROAT, im DISEASES fiOVT, SLDOa pISBRDSRSr PIHPLES ;f CPEM S3RES, - r til POSITIVELT BSBE& JT.SBtPHOaat. t AalaaMalMokaatfa?ta -- WWNMt GO, . a amiai aiaa . Caliaai ... - -aaBaaaBWmmaa '-"-" EjULPMUUIS aaslaaaaf ar ataa aa uwamaaa mm WaloV aafcaUtacaataiaallOaaaaB or nJlaaai 13foatf Ira-ra hatha. P-a tL .. .....,. ..j .j DR. T. c smttb; AEnnVTLLE, N. C. Notice of Sale. State of North Carolina, Buncombe county, In the Superior court. B. E. Georgia and wire vs. C. C Brown, et al. Notice of sale. The undersigned commissioner ap pointed by the Superior court In the above entitled causa by virtue of the Judgment and order of said court made in this cause at the February term, A. D. 1900. will on MONDAY THE 2ND DAT F APRIL, A. D. 1900, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in the county of Buncombe, N. C. In accordance with the terms of said judgment, the following described city lot or parcel of land: ' "All that certain lot Of land situated in the city of Ashevtlle, county of Bun combe, state of - North Carolina, and described as follows: According to the plat of the Catholic Hill property, filed and recorded in the office of the regist er of deeds in the county of Buncombe aforesaid, namely, the east half of lot No. 1, Catholic avenue, fronting' forty HO) feet on said avenue, and running back 80 feet, more or less, to Grail street, said plat being recorded' In the office or the, register of deeds for said county. In book 70. page 602. and Deimr tne same lot of land described in a certain- mortgage executed by C C. Brown and wife on the 18th day of Oc tober, . 1S92, and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, in record of mortgages No. SI. at page o&Z. This March 3d. A D. 1900. - JULIUS C. MARTTW J-J-d4t-Sat , r Commissioner. Notice. Having- aualifletf aa the am1ntatra.trtx of the estate of Lon Mitchell, deceased, notice Is hereby given to all persona holding claims, axalnst said estate to present the same to the undersiamed for payment, duly verified on or before tne of February, 1901. or thia no tice will he pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persona Indebted to . said estate are hereby notified to settle the sam Immediately and save cost. This February "23, 190ft. . ... - ROXIB A. MITCHELL, -Administratrix of Lon Mitchell, dee. - t TUCKER A - MURPHT, t-tl dBtm Attorneya. Tailored Suits in th Newest Styles, $5 98 1 Tailored Suits in thrt Nobbiest Effects, 87.50 - . t Tailored Suits, just 'the thing .for Spring, SI 1.50 Tailored Suits they are Beauties 8ll50 and others for $15.00i$18.00 and $20.00. ' i r 1 See our line of Silk Waists - worth S6.50, sal- price f. i " THE NEW LADIES' PULLY BELTS, for INDIES' DOG CQLLAK BELTS for 4?c- 10-4 Ready-made Sheets, 46c Pillow Cases, j EMBROIDERY SALE for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. i One Lot of Remnants at i 5c. One Lot of liemnants at 7c. t One Lot of Ibices, Sale Days, from 2 to 6 inches wide, j 2c yard. Ginghams, 5c. Calicoes, 4c. bleached Domestic, 4c. 4-4 Un- BARGAINS IN TABLE LINENS I BARGAINS IN TOWELS! $1.50 FORSTER'S GLOVES For Sale Days pj ... 1 1 . FORSTEB'S $1.50.I4DIES' KID GLOVES Sale Days C ; Bargains in Ribbons. One lot. of Ribbons 1 4 inches wide, worth i ' double the money, sale day j 10c. Don't miss to call on the Palais Royal Little Store Aroun4 the Corner. Remember, 3 Cakes of Soap for 5c. Stationery at Cost. when you want to save money. Remember the pr ROYAL iodicaiTickets Taken Here. Come and get your book. for 1 flHaaaaMsasflaV t IWHUORUI 'V MuBiaidB I wn fed - s IVctmoro'G Chrdd Cocophui Given Cotc'irji' aot a j t"tC(v I -IZ. WITH EVERY PACKAGE OF double refined and unequaled for purity and strength, from which can be made the most r ;-iarrvV ry i rnrf such as pies, puddings, custards, s ue s, 17 My" " Slr , etc. etc Easy to make, m-.icMv prepared, trifling: in cost, appetizing and nutritious. lOo m gtackaO Throo oolofsi Pink, White, ondOrano-At&llCiaoorsm Trade Supplied by Slayden, Fckes & 1 Co - z K. -