r- THE ASHEVUXE DAILY 'CSXSZES,- " SATURDAY, MARCH I, 100 SAWING WOOD la not a favorite pastime. We all hare o urj at II, nowtin. If we did not keep on reminding you possibly you might forget. let. Thst every man who waits upon you la our establishment l tt,e graduate of medicine or a gr aduate of pharmacy. No incompetent nere. . m nrl ntirvst druK ZO. None di ," s p STAND and chemlcaie used. L. S. 1'. ARD." - id. Paying no exorbitant Patton av enue or Court Square rental w. give our patron the benefit derived. 4tH w lire you money on drugs, ehemlc.ls toilet good. In fact, almost Teething in the drug line except pat lit medicine- these we our price. wUl be no higher than any other drug tore In Asheville. THE CAROLINA PHARMACY, "HlghGnvl WKnpuoa wurm. i COLLEGE ST. A COURT SQUARE Battery Park Bank. CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000. Excellent Facilities tor Doing a General Banking Business. All buatneaa Intimated to ua will hare the beat possible attention. Collections made and reported promptly. Correspondence and accounts solicit ed. Safe depoalt boxes for rent. Banking hours: a. m. to t p. m. J. E. RANKIN. Cashier. J AS. P. SAWYER, Pres awyer's Carpet House Phone 2:3. 18-20 Church street. ''Strongest in the World." A NEW 28 YEAR POLICY, For less than straight life rates If death occurs within the 20 years. For less than term lates If you are. compelled to withdraw during the 20 years. Granting e'ght advantageous choices of settlement at the end of the 20 years. And In ad dition containing all the latest advantages In life assurance. Kvery pulley backed by the STRONG EST COMPANY IN THE WORLD, having a surplus of over $61,000,000. For full particulars call on or nil up and mall coupon to VV. B ALLEN, Dist. Agent, The Kiuitabl Life Assurance Society of the I'nited States. 94 North Main street. AsheUlle. N. C. Mr. V. R Allen. District Agent: Dear Sir: Please mall me a sample of the policy described above. Full name Address Date of birth IS Our ver Increasing cigar trade en courages us to buy the Best Brands of Cigars Known to the trade, Our guarantee goes with every nickel cigar, at LEE'S Fruit. Cigar and Candy Store, PHONE 250 25 SOUTH MAIN ST Our Specialty Hot Peanuts and Pop corn. E are showing a Dark Percales many of them a little Price. ; v Wool Dress Goods - just to hand. H. 7 and 9 Patton Taj -1 it ex iw 7 his 3 - vffi. - sis t I pp. asfs Vl li) s"- V m vh IWi &rf ca77 h s- V23?A C33,, 2 a .c Carpet Aahcrllle Hardware Company. 5 Around Town, t J ! FORECAST till S p. m. Sunday Fair tonight and Sunday: The county commissioner -will meet In regular monthly session Monday morning;. j The Flower ItflMtan w11 VTm W. C Carmichaers Monday. March . at 1:30-p. m. . i This evening will be devofed to games at the T. M. C. A. W. C. Stephenson will give exhibitions of mind reading. The hearing in the supplementary proceedings case of Sims against Lind say concluded yesterday afternoon. De cision has not been given. Postmaster Rollins has been author ised to Increase the salary of Postal Clerk A. R. SherrlU from $900 to $1000. Mr. Eherrill's route is from Asheville to Murphy. The Democratic precinct meetings will take place this evening at 8 o'clock In AshevlUe. Delegates will be elected to the county convention which meets next Saturday. Rev. J. J. Gray of Bethel M. E. church, South, will speak, to men at the T. Mr C A. gospel service tomorrow afternoon at 1:45. All men are cordial ly invited to attend. Miss Catherine Basler will render a solo during the opening; service. Messages received from Dr. J. A. Burroughs by his family state that he vas operated upon successfully Wednesday and that his condition 'since that time has been most satisfac tory. Dr. Burroughs Is at Grace street Infirmary, Louisville. The Pittsburg Times of February 2S contains an account of the death of David W. Llewelleyn at Phoenix. Arix. Mr. Llewellyn resided at Pittsburg. He had a number of friends In AshevlUe, having spent last summer and fall at the Manor, with his family. Yesterday afternoon Wiley J. bprouse was convicted In Police Justice Brown's court of violation of the vac cination ordinance. He was fined $50. An appeal was taken to the Superior court, Sprouse's father. H. M. Sprouse. giving bond in the sum of $100. Mrs. Jennie Pletress Bylngton of New York, who has been here with her hus band and young child since December 1. died early this morning. The inter ment will De In Connecticut. Mr. By lngton's father Is editor and proprietor of the North Connecticut Gazette and at present Is U. S. consul at Naples. All persons who are In any way in terested in cattle ace expected to at tend the meeting to be held in the county court room Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock. This meeting will be oi great Importance to the cattle Inter ests of this section and a full attend ance Is necessary. M. H. Harris, the Patton avenue merchant, has purchased a lot 75xl4o feet on Merrimon avenue, near the In tersection of North Main street, from Mrs. Adejla S. Southern. Mr. Harria will probably build two neat cottage for rent In the spring on this property. The sale was made through the real es tate agency of L. A. Failnholt. The Citlxen Is asked to say that the peoples' meetings are gradually as suming more definite shape. Their ob ject and scope will be considered at the Hilllard hall meeting tomorrow after noon. It will Include the free ana reverent consideration of the great so cial problems of today, and an attempt to foster a deeper sympathy and a more genuine feeling of brotherhood among those who attend. J. R. Oates. who has ordered a new automobile with pneumatic "brake" at tachment, has received a cable message from its keeper, by way of Cripple Creek, saying that although the autogo autoget here next Tuesday, it would probably be too rubbertlred to take any outdoor exercise for several months. Mr. Oates Is therefore reluct antly compelled to cancel orders book ed for straw rides next week. The case Is referred to the autobe expert of the morning paper. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES TO NIGHT AT 8 O'CLOCK. HORSES FOUND. Officers Secure a Team That Was Stolen In Tennessee. Circulars have been received in the city announcing that J. F. Ryan & Bro. of Ellxabethton. Tenn., had lost two horses and a buggy by theft. The team left Elisabethton driven by a man and a woman. The horses referred to were found In AshevlUe today by Deputy Sheriff Jones and Patrolmen Jarvis and Col Una Harvey- James had bought one horse and set of harness, while J. F. Jarvis had bought the other and the buKgy and harness. The horses and buggy were brought here by the thieves and sold Monday at auction at the court house. Messrs. Ryan A Bro. have been v.lred to send for the horses. A reward of $25 was offered for the recovery of the team. GREETING. To my friends and the public In gen eral: t have opened business at 84 South Main street, and while I don't claim to have the largest or best stock of 11 uuors in AshevlUe or elsewhere. I will say that there are "none better. My long experience in the liquor business enable me with confidence to state that I can satisfactorily or ders you will favor n with. I will keep on hand all leading brands of wines and uquors usually kept In a first-class house, but will make a spe cialty of my own bottling of whiskey under the following: Brands: ..merlcan Gold. College Club. Blue Belle, and ray old popular brand. rank- O Donne lis Private Stock. 1 will be glad to see all my old friends and receive their orders and guarantee careful and prompt attention to all orders. Very respectruny. . w1 ...... .nMkmr T Telephone 630. AshevlUe. N. C. .- dtr WILL ENTER MONDAY. Several more pupils will enter Ashe vlUe Business college Monday, March 5 Only two more special contracts to let. H. S. Shockley. Principal. For a delicious cup of coffee use Gregg's Standard Java and Mocha. Sold by Clarence Sawyer. Wood's Garden and Flower Seeda New seeds only. At Grant's. very strong lot of for Early Spring, below the Market - T Menjs and Boys' Neglige Shirts values unu- sual -that is, about Twenty per cent below real worth, but NOT 1 - Y I" Worth $2.00 oui price 85c" and Silks in sundry New Effects : , REDWOOD & CO., Clothing, Dry Goods, Fancy Qoods, Shoes, Hats and Butterick Patterns. - Avenue. "The Paragon." Opposite Poetofnee. PURELY PERSONAL. Abwt paopizwh ArelTfavelln. R. S. Howland left today for- Provi dence, R. L Mrs. A. H. McQuUkin left yesterday for a visit to Canada. Alderman W. W. West left this after noon for Philadelphia. J. A. Hamilton, who has been at 97 Haywood, 'left today for Indianapolis. Traveling Passenger Agent Leahy of the C. H. A D. railroad, was here today. Capt. and Mrs. George Cline have re turned from a visit to relatives In Hickory. Dr. Littlefleld and sister of Portland, Ore., who have been at the New Wln yah for some time, left today for their home. - Miss Frances Mudd, who has been staving at Mrs. Reynolds', 21 Woodfin, wiU leave for Washington, D. C, to morrow. Mrs. Snowden and Mrs. Moore of Cleveland, O.; Mr. and Mrs. Klelnber ger of New York, and Mrs. B. Harris of LouisvUle are guests at the Ingle side. Mrs. H. B. Stephens of Denver, Col., has been in the southeastern part of the south writing southern tourist let ters for the northern papers. She has just arrived from Florida, Georgia and South Carolina, and will spend some time In AshevlUe. She Is staying with Mrs. B. F. Bernard on Chestnut street. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES NIGHT AT e O'CLOCK. TO- REVENUE COLLECTIONS. The Total for February Went Above Three Hundred Thousand. Cashier Norrls ef 'Collector Harkins office reports the following collections for February: Tobacco.. . $238,436.74 Spirits 49.691.62" Cigars and cigarettes 1,718.23 Special tax.. 389.68 Documentary.. 4,400.81 Proprietary.. 2.763.49 Miscellaneous 3.083.36 Total. $300483.48 These amounts were collected at the different offices as follows: Winston ..$226,445.71 Statesville 39.01S.60 Mount Airy 14,708.82 AshevlUe 20,313.45 Total collections since Collector Har kins has bad charge of the office, $6,759, 843.13. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES TO NIGHT AT 8 O'CLOCK. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Page Notice R. F. Lee. Nuts as Food Protose. to Loan J. B. Bostlc Co. ihomson Corsets Bon Marche. Jur Motto IXL Grocery Store. vV hat We Want Wheat Hearts, .t ailor Made Suits Palais Royal. Notice of Sale Julius C. Martin. Sidney Troubles Mrs. Pinkham. Notice of Sale Charles A. Webb. About Trusts Rogers' Book Store. Nubile Speaking Mrs. S. C. Wilson. BIG BARGAIN Wilkle & LaBarbe. 4 onoes for March Weather Spangen berg. Nunnally's Candy Raysor's Drug Store. 1 cflysell Carpet Sweeper Sawyer's Carpet House. Jon't Monkey With Your Wheel Asheville Cycle Co. 4 SENSATIONS. The days for sensations have passed. None here. Our business is conducted In the Interest of both buyer and seller. Try our methods of doing business. We'll never disappoint you. Win good's. The Prescription store. Q. U. I. S. I. S. A. N. A. What does that mean? Ans. Here you will grow well. 167 S. French Broad avenue. Ladies clean your kid glovea. with LaBelle glove cleaner, for sale only by Sumner. Deal & Co., headquarters fo. kid gloves and the celebrated Scruggs v-i-. All the leading shades. Gloves guaranteed. NOTICE. By virtue of certain executions now in my hands, one in favor of Stephen Putney & Co. and against E. S. Hall and the other in favor of Wood Drug Co. and against E. S. Hall, said execu tions Issued from Judgments in the Superior court of Buncombe county, no personal property being found out of which to satisfy the same, notice is hereby given that in order to satisfy said executions I will on MONDAY. APRIL 2, 1900. at the front door of the court house In the city of Asheville, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following land, to wit: A parcel of land lying and being in Leicester township In Buncombe coun ty, N. C. adjoining the lands of M. F Hampton, Lafayette Shook and others, more particularly described as follows: Being a portion of the Swalm land, be ginning at a double ash In the branch, M. F.- Hampton's corner.and runs south 2 degrees west; south with old line 63 V4 poles to a black oak, Hampton's corner. thence south 87 degrees 30 minutes east and with the old Une 5 poles to a stake on the top of a ridge, thence south 9 degrees 30 minutes east 13 poles to a black oak, thence south 30 degrees west 39 poles to a pine on top of the ridge. then south 6 degrees 30 minutes west 18 poles to two chestnuts, thence soutn 11 degrees west 20 poles to large forked black oak. thence south 33 degrees east 43 poles to Jesse Lannlng's line, thence north 50 degrees 30 minutes west eight poles to a small chestnut, Jarrett's corner, thence north 88 de grees, west with the old line 151 poles to two chestnuts. Jones' corner, thence north 2 degrees east with the old line 100 poles to a hickory post, tnence south 88 degrees east 25 poles to I a stake 3 poles beyond a pine marked B," thence north 2 degrees east nvi poles to a white oak. E. S. Hall's cor ner, then north 80 degrees east 28 poles to another white oak. then north 40 de grees west 70 poles to a white oak, L. Shook's corner, then north 39 degrees east with Shook's line 54 poles to the middle of the Newfound road, thence south 78 degrees east with said road 56 poles to the corner of tne aower, thence with the line of the same south 18 degrees west 24 poles, thence with the same south 78 degrees east 28 poles, then south 64 degrees east 32 poles to the beginning, and containing 183 acres. This March 3. 1900. R. F. LEE. Sheriff of Buncombe Co. Per J. H. REED. 3-3-d5t-Sat Deputy Sheriff. . NOTED DESPERADO CAUGHT A noted desperado was -recently caught trying: to steal, a bottle of Wingood s Koaella Cream for chap ped lips, hands and any roughness) of the akin. - . ; . Gregg's New Double Roast . Process retains the strength, flavor and aroma of their eoffeea which are roasted--daily and insures to the consumer - freab goods at all times. ' For sale by Clar ence Sawyer. - SPECIAL MOTItfcbl FOR SALE Two large gas stoves. VU1 seU very low Paris MeU. Co. ' BUN NT ROOM with board. Starnes avenue. 1-1$ dtf No. WANTED A cook and nurse to so into the country. - Apply to ' Merrick A McLoud. J-I4dtf LANQDON'S Butter -Crackers (same as Michigan Butter), at A- D. Cooper's, 12 South Main. -J-dlw TURKEY DINNERS Sunday Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at Noah Murrough's, Woodlawn Cafe. I NtTO LOAN 825.000 To loan on Im- proved city real estate, five years time at 6 per cent. J. B. Bostlc Co. - ' - CALIFORNIA FRUITS Peaches. Oranges, Lemons and Prunes. Thos. W. Fltipatrick A Co.. 14 North Main street Lay the baby down in- a reb lining Go-Cart. You can get a handsome one from Mrs. L. A, Johnson, 43 Patton av enue. LOST From the Manor Thursday, February 22 Skirt part of a blue mack intosh with checked lining.- Finder will please telephone 613. . 3-2-d3t LOST Small, black cur dog, white breast and feet, named "Rambler." Wm. Johnston Jr. H. G. Wade. J-l-dtf PUBLIC SPEAKING At the court house Thursday, 8th day of March, 1900. Speaking by ,Mrs. S. C. WUson iur me oenem oi tre people. . iv 20-H-P Boiler. Atlas Engine Works, first-class condition, and C H.-P.' Payne Automatic Engine -in good condition. For sale by The Citlsen Co. . LADY, good reader of English or French, wishes engagements to read to invalids and the sick. Address M. A. S.. care The Citlxen. 1-4-dtf. HIGH-ART DRESSMAKING Wanted Four young- ladies to learn first-class dressmaking. Apply Miss H. S. Read, 7 Starnes Ave. 2-10 dStSat FOR SALE Two horses, not match es; two sets single harness and whips. A. M. Field, corner Church street and Patton avenue. 3-2-dtf SECOND HAND We buy every thing. Furniture, Stoves, Carpets and all kinds of Household Goods. 33 North Main St. 'Phone 157. E. C. & R. L. Fitzpatrick. PRIVATE BOARD Pleasant rooms grate and furnace heat; central, high location; near P. O. Rock Ledge, 62 Haywood street. Mrs. L. V., Cole, proprietor. WANTED One teacher of shorthand (lady). Position in Chattanooga. One bookkeeper and stenographer (young man). Position in Georgia. Call at Asheville Business College. ' 3-2-d2t BLUSH OF ROSES" positively cures pimples, freckles and black heads, whitens the face, giving a per fectly lovely complexion. At Dr. T. C Smith's and all druggists. FOR RENT House No. 64, Haywood street, containing 10 rooms and bath and all modern improvementsC One furnished and one unfurnished -room fiat' and a few furnished roomis. One cottage, 815.00 per month. 0. D. Revell. PARTY with six or seven hundred dollars wishes to buy home in good lo cality; house to contain three to five rooms. Give street and number of house. Address W., Care Citizen office. 2- 28-dlw. FOR RENT The old Asheville Club rooms over Western Union Telegraph office. Store house. Depot street, re cently occupied by Mustin-Robertson Co. Store house at Arden, N. C. Apply 16 Patton avenue. W. B. Wil liamson, Trustee. 3-2-dlm LOST A Masonic harm,order of the Mystic Shrine. The pendant is the In signia of the Knights Templar; crown set with small diamonds. Liberal re ward If returned to Dr. John Hey Wil liams, F3 Haywood street. . 3- 1-dlw FOR RENT March 6th, one good I room house with all modern conven iences with good large stable and car riage house, No. 18 Vance street, three minutes walk from square. Apply to J. M. McCanless, Photograph Gallery, 7 and 9 Patton avenue. 2-24dlw TODAY I have an invalid chair, nearly new. Wardrobes, Extension Dining Tables, Folding Lounges, a Patent Combination Bed Rest and Bookstand, etc. Call and see me or phone 226. W. Turner, 35 North Main street. TO EXCHANGE For Asheville real estate or any eastern property a valu able orange ranch, situated near the city of San Diego, Cal. This is a splen did opportunity for any one seeking a dry or sunny climate for health.. Full information will be furnished by Dr. J. A. Watson, 13 Grove street, Asheville, N. C. 2-28-dlm By Weaver & Alexander, Real Estate Brokers, -26 Patton Ave- P. O. Bo 244. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Unfurnished 6-room house in suburbs; newly renovated; hot and cold water and sewerage; near car line; could let furnished. Weaver &. Alexander. 14 FURNISHED 8 -room Irouse; 1 miles from postofflce; piano and libra ry. 3 A. lot, barn, woodshed, grapes, apples, good water. Near church and school. $16.67. Weaver A Alexander 21 . UNFURNISHED 7-room house, on Vance street; bath room; linen closets; pantry, etc; can be had very cheap on year's lease. Weaver A Alexander. 18 ' - V . . UNFURNISHED 4-room 6oftage. on car line; in good locality; weU buUt; comfortable; a beautiful little home; $12.50 if taken for. year. Weaver A Alexander. 20 FURNISHED 7-room house;, two blocks from court house; desirable lo cality; near car Une; modern conven iences. Only $40. Weaver & Alexan der. 19 FOR SALE. A COZY LITTLE HOME Near the Manor; we can offer at $1200. Has S rooms, is new; desirable location, tine view. Lot 75 feet front, weaver Av Alex ander. - 16 GREENHOUSE; - weU established: In good location for trade; equipments and buildings good condition;, large stock plants; good reasons for selling. Weaver at Alexander. --r,. - 17 IMPROVED and vacant lota. South Mala street: good gardens, orchard and small fruits; rents well; will ex change for country property .Weaver A Alexander. . , ,v ;.., 13 -. .... hat?; TtmriATN 1-4 a1 lot '1ft. roora bouse. Walnut and Cherry finish; Ev, 8.. and West plaxaas; conservato ry, cistern, barn woodshedV fruits, large shady lawn, superb view. Wea ver Alexander -ilj .' V RESIDENCE LOT on paved street and car Una, about four squares from court bouse: excellent locality; eastern frontage; nice shade trees; price little more than half cost. Weaver A Alex ander. 15 I Clearance Sale.... For the Next 30 Days we will give a dis- -count of 10 per cent for Cash on all last years 34 and 4-4 . Carpets. This isa ' chance for a bargain as new goods are much higher. FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. "TH 8IGIT OF THE You have doubtless heard that all except one, of the larare Fine. Writincr Paper mills have joined the Paper Trust. That one was the Whiting; Paper Co., - and we are the only dealers in Asheville having an account direct with the mtIL We have just received a new lot Including: French Organdie. Organdie Bond, (white and blue). Wedgewood. - West Point Blue. All In the newest shapes and sizes. Prices ARE NOT advanced by the Trust. Rogers' Book Store, PHONE 254 20 SOUTH MA IT STREET STATEMENT OR The Blue Ridge National Bank OF ASHEVILLE, N. C. At the close of business Feb. 13. 1900. (Condensed from report to the Comptroller of the Currency). r RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts Overdrafts U. 8. Bodds Premiums on U. H. Bonds Due from treasurer U. n Cash In banks and In vault.... S22M12.18 204.86 .. 125,000.00 . 6,064 10 1,136 00 .. 89.904 65 Total $386,710.84 KNOX HATS. The Knox Hat is known and recognized by all as the leader in Style and quality of workmanship. This season's Bhape is prettier than ever in the Stiff Hat, in a conservative styl that will suit every gentle man's taste. -1, x" Spring shapes now on sale. The Whitlock Clothing House, SOLE AGENTS. J.Jt Jl J Jt Jt J J JJ Jl Jt J.iC . , . .... rmr . - ' r New shapes and styles and sizes to H suit any size pocket. Handsome line Ladies' Purses and Change Books. . These are new goods, In leather, seal, camel skin. A serviceable gent's book. ' j , All styles. Prices are close. . , fc I I ' 3 W. Court So. MORGAN'S BOOK STORE. ff'pje'i,iriprirffrir!'f'ie'ic? mrfar ip " tr$rtr$rtr spspk K f FOR SALE OR RENT Many houses and Jots in city great bargains. Will show same and furnish descriptions on application. One 20-room house, beau tiful location, suitable for hotel $55.00. It will pay you to see us. John M. Campbell, Real Estate Agent. No. 9Vs North Main street. - WANTED A thousand readers to read this ad: A full Une of the follow ing brands of cigars: General Arthur, Robert Burns, El Principe de Gallia. Stachelburg's, Porfuondo, Traylor's Havana. Magistrates, at Blomberg'a, the leader, 17 Patton avenue. Estab lished 1887. X-lS-dtf BOARDERS DESIRED Persons de siring a quiet homelike boarding place, where tubercular patients are not taken, can find the same at SS Orange St. Halls as well as rooms comfortably heated. Good fare and pleasant ser vice guaranteed. Call . and examine rooms and ascertain terms. S-14 dtf FOR SALE We are offering Special bargains In the . following properties: Two Merrimon avenue lots, 100x200 each, $850 for the two; two desirable lots near new Sanitarium in Ramotn Woolsey, at $425 for both big bargain; two good 7-room houses Montford ave nue, $4300, for quick sale; 40 acres good land and good timber, t miles from city limit, very cheap at $750; 200,000 acres of mountain timber land. In tracts, 2500 acres to 40,000, fine timber. Natt Atkinson Sons Co.. Real .Estate Dealers.- - - i .-.r---..-:-...-": INT TODAY Six good second hand sewing machines; several plecea of old mahogany and walnut furniture; a new and full assortment of tableware; nice lot second band and new bed room suits, besides - a fnll assortment of useful household goods. We will seU yoa for cash- or on Instalment at prices to suit the times. We : are ready to pay yon the highest market price for anything In the furniture and house furnishing line you may have for sale. Give ns a trial. Baird A Rector, 44 North Main st. ,t" 2 W. B. Williamson & Co., ! i6 Patton Ave. BOOK About Trusts. Imperial Bond, (white and .blue). Angora, (kid finish). . s . Irish Linen. DON'T MONKEY WITH YOUR WHEEL. When there is anything the matter with it. but bring it to us and you will find that it will not only be done PROMPTLY and WELL but that our charges are always reasonable: Our shop is well equipped: and we can do your repairing In a first-class manner. Asheville Cycle Company, ' Phone 228. -18 and 20 Church Street. LIABILITIES. Capital 100 000.00 Undivided profits less expense and taxes paid., U... .. .... 11,938.49 Circulation i ; 22,600 00 Deposits i I.- 262,271.85 Total ... ,.tR96,710.84 No. 41 Patton Avenue; . J J J J J Jt Jl J JK Jt Jt Jt J$ : i I SPECIAL ATTENTION is called to "The Pines," unfurnished house of 18 rooms with detached kitchen and out buildings; 41 ne view, good locality and low rent. Other property of every de scription for sale and to let. Apply to A. J. Lyman. Real Estate Broker, No. 13 Church street. I ; PIANOS TUNED by the year cheap j er for you and , more ' convenient for ' me Pay when work Is done, not before. Call at store and learn particulars If the plan suits you. join our club and have your Instrument kept la tune and repair. E. M. Martin, Piano and Or gan Tuner, with W. J. Hough. 4S Pat ton ave. i - A BIO BARGAIN We have a gen uine bargain to offer in property on Montford avenue. Lot contains about i one acre. House of eight rooms (out of repair). This property has been sold iur sd,ouv, out ix soia wiinin next two weeks we can make price of $2,200.- Lot alone la - worth more than above amount. We also have other bargalns.fi wiucie a LaBarbe, Real Estate Agents. 23 Patton avenue. - ! . FARMS FOR SALE A good farm TO acres, 24 acres of same fine river bottom, one-half mile of city limits, right near street car Une. Four finest building sites around Asheville $5000. 211 acres, one five-room house and other outbuildings, $2500; t miles out, on public road. Farm For Sale 100 acres, right at railway station, only miles out, $0 acres of It river bottom. House on it of rooms, CO acres clear ed, balance in timber. Price $3000. Fine farm. J. M. Campbell, Real Estate Agent, No. 0 North Main street. Spring Suits- . - Just received a full line . of . samples of spring and summer suits. Fit guaranteed. - v ThoTanorfl 7 Seuth Main street. ; -'J A VISIT. To oar yard shows how we are able to furnish a Cleaner, Better Prepared grade of Coal than yoa - can get elsewhere. We have the only equipment of the kind in the state. Cxlj Cap Craie if Ual TEE EEST. Asheville Ice and Coal Co., St PATTON AVE. Important Notice . -The Emporium needs room for further Spring stocks, and beginning on Monday, March 5th, there will be for one week a big Slaughter of prices. On Saturday next, the 10th inst., The Emporium will have something: to say about its big discount sale which will begin March the 12th. NO. AB PATTON AVENUE. Imported and Domestic Cigars Sold by the Box ' at Factory Prices at the ericelev 0ia;ar Stand A Good Lunch can be Indulged in at any time when you keep a case of our Cincinnati beer on hand. As stimulant when doing- housework or for the delicate and debilita ted, there is nothing- like ""our Nonpareil beer for restoring lost energy and recuperating your strength. As a night esp It ; is soothing and delicious, and a foe of Insomnia. Bonanza Wine A3 SOUTH MAIN Woodbury Coal Co., The Finest Line of French Briar and Meerschaum e Pipes" south of N. Y. OUR LINE FOR 100 K i Monarch, National. . Olive, Crawford, Ek. Samples are now on our floor and we would be glad to have you call and ex amine them.' - : Phone 121. i 1 ALL KINDS OF COAL J. M. HEARN & CO., 64 PATTON AVENUE. UN FERMENTED Grape Juice We have a supply from the Fremont Grape Jnice Co. in the following sizes: i pt. Bottles, 15c. 1 " . 25c. 1 qt. 50c. H. C. JOHNSON 39 PATTON AVE. PHONE 1S$. Supplies. We sen everything needed by am ateur or professional photographers. We carry aa unusually largo stock ef Dry Plates. Photo Papers and Chemi cals. All sizes usually used of Dry Plates in three brands np to 18x2J Most sizes of printing papers of stand ard makes. Careful workers can avoid waste of materials by talking it over with na Our experience costs you . nothing. lours ia expensive. " RAY'S Photo Supply House, IN. Court Square. . MASSAGE AND PROF.: EDW. GRUNER '6SosjthS Main Street! " Phono 20CI ' Home or Oflce Treatment, hours (-10 a. m.; 2-4 a. na, Ofce Kodak 'PHOXE3 UuHlM and Liquor Co. ST. PHONE 72 21 North Cosrt Square That Bowl.... Never comes from j people who have ns do their .1 plumbing. We are practical plumbers ourselves and em ploy none but experienced men, and every job we do is guaranteed. Ball & Sheppard, A PATTON AVENUE. J Berkeley Cigar Stand, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. NEW YORK WORLD THRICE'A'WEEK EBIT18N AS GOOD AS A DAILT AT THE PRICE OF A WEEKLY. During the Spanish-American war the Thrice-aWeek World proved it great value by the promptness, thor oughness and accuracy ef its reports from all the scenes ef Important events. It was as useful as a daily to the reader, and It will be of equal value In reporting the great and com plicated questions whlcn are new be fore the American people. . It prints the news ef all the world, having special correspondence frost all important news points on the glebe. It has brilliant Illustrations, stertes by great authors, a capital hsiaer page, complete markets, departments for the household and women's work and other special departments ef un usual Interest. i We offer this uneq-ialled netr.pnper and The Semi-Weekly i CUizen to gether one year for $1.60. The regular subscription price ef tht two papers is $3.00. PURE Certified Milk. Even the average man now has to be satisfied aa to the "freedom from eontamlaatlen of the water supply for himself and family, Tou run a greater daily risk with your nllk supply, unless you know that It is produced from healthy cows that -e fed wholesome food, and eared fer by clean milkers, who art tsera selves healthy and ; live la healthy families. All : guaran teed by the Btltmore Dairy. Biltmore Milk Is net only a healthy beverarv hut also aa economical food owlag te Its high per eentJia of nutrients and fata, . - Prices from Nov. 1 te May It Quarts Sc., pints Co., balance ef year each Ic less. Biltmore Dairy PHONE C3-2. BjssssssMsas

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