THE ASH K VI LIVE DAILY CITIZEN". SATURDAY. MARCH 24, 1900. 4l9 HILLS CHARTERED H If V o S is e (3 Foulard Silks 49, 75, and 81.00 Yard. A Beautiful Line. IN N. C THIS YEAR fi I ill li! ! ft Si r. !l Hi 1! ;?! : Si !!! li Crepe De Chine All Colors. Mexican Imported French and Grenadines... A very choice line, S1.00 Yd. to S3.00 Silk fladras,.. lteautiful colors, best i wash materials, 32 inches wide, ? ovular 60c. kind, Special, 36c. Yd. THE LATEST ON THE LIST IS THE OXFORD COTTON MILL. WITH A CAPITAL OF $125,000. WM. B COUNCILL OF WATAt'liA NOMINATED BY DEMOCRATS IN THE TENTH FOR JUDGE. See the display of Fine Laces and lieudy Made Muslin derwcar. 3rd counter notion side. Huh (iarmeut iia-s I'lain Iicket with price attached. 30 to 40 percent le Un- h iat merit ha-s I'lain Ticket houe- fur same uradt- gooda. Lace Strip' 1 K new lot received, .... imported and I domestic Cotton Mousseline de Soles, i than other 39. 43, and 50c. yd. A VEUY CHOll E selection of "Applica Lace' Trimmings now ready in Black and White effects. ALL OVER LA' HS, NETS, MOUSKLlNE DE and Fine Jetted Nets for Trimmings Lace Collars, New Belts and Collars to Match. OILS IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC BLACK GOODS in abundance. FivENv.II FLNNIiLS in Plain and Fancy Colors. ( Kor Suits and kiri.) HOMlxSPlJX SUI PINGS, -t9c, 89c , and up to $1.50 Yard. Uuleigh, N. C, March 23. Thi miming your correspondent went into jail and there saw Tom JiXies.the negro pn-acher, who at Garner night before iiiuiaereu six people. Inn-' lue I'usuiiers in jail, nve ot tnem nsiu wcrmn. Jones, a little man. .ih the face of a brute and eyes nearly all wnues, was in the midst of a crowj of men. He was called by a deputy and stood apart while some questions wer e iiSked him. He talks very well. He sajs ne is JO years old and thinks he was born in Wake; that he was ba iieu a aietnoaist, had no license to preach, but exhorted; that he was a farm hand; that he had visited the murdered woman Klla Jones for sev eral years, as a friend. He began to say "Now I will tell you something. It will be in my favor." He was stopptd at this by the remark that the writer had no desire to hear anything which might cause him to be a witness in a murder trial, and this ended the matter. While Jones was speaking the negro women in a cell adjoining were saying, so that he could hear it, that he ought to be lynched; not simply killed, but tarred and burned. There will of course be no lynching. Only one lynching by negroes can be at this moment recalled as having oc curred in this state. That one was in one of the southeastern counties, some 1) years ago, when a man who had murdered a woman was taken from jail and hanged. If memory serves a preacher cut quite a figure in the lynching party. A charter is gianteJ by the stale to tiie Oxford cotton milis. capital $1 Jo. 000, with lease to increase it it S5')o.inr0. The mills will both sp n an.l w.ave. J. G. Hall. K. T. White, J. It. I'urrin and others are the stockhol 1 e;s. This is the 19th mill charter -d April 5 the company ,i. The Greatest Bargain Sle of Towels and Table Linens and Napkins... Ste the Unmatchable Values, Ever inaugurated in the Cit- Then you can appreciate the cheapness of the goods offered. iVULLIINERV. GO WHtiRE OTHERS GO. The crowd has been so large since our ipeuii gin Millinery Department, we could not give each customer the atten tion wejwould desire. Come again. We will do our best to serve you. The grandest display of Ladies' Hats, Sailors and Trimmings ever seen in Ashcville. Our prices more reasonable for high class goods than any house in the state. v e guarantee to please 30U or refund youi money. Some Choice Goods Honday At 35.00, $7.50, T avoid the Easter rush, let us have your orders early. t h- i v r It is to be 310.00 Sumner, Deal & Co. Leading Dress Goods and Millinery. N. Y. Office. 610 Broadway . 40 and 42 Patten Avenue I this yeai i organize. i Good progress is being made n j work of constructing the Neu.s.- i; cotton mills, at tile Falls of Men .-, ' miles north of here. Th bull Jin v:ll I 1k' entirely of granite, vihich Is raised j out of the quarry by derricks and swung right into place in the walls. the dam is also of granite. an woo spindle mill. An eastern Republican who w as he.e today was asked If the negroes v.eie not anxious to register this year and if the white Republicans were trymg to hold them down. He replied: ' The negroes say they are anxious to ie.1 dish." as they term it; but are listening to advice." This is too thin. The while Republican leaders who are fight ins the amendment want all the nc-ro-s to registef. They give it out that ; h- y do not want the negrot s to register be cause if they do the Democrats will surely count their votes. Henry A. London, esq., of Chatham was here today. He says one thing which is very observable this ye i r is that people in the country are tuiui.ig out to hear the speeches. There s it-i the "deadly apathy" there was a few ytars ago, but there is interest. Isut a linie while ago the Populists w.ela ro t heal- Democrats speak. N'mv ih.-y a l lend. captain Z. li. Vance, in charge or I'.ie leeiU'Ung in this place, sajs u is m w eiy slow, so slow that in the part L I oays he has not secured a man. Tins ... ! bt cause no enlistments aie made 'n i service beyond sea. and for the ab m ! .nice i f w. rk and tiie increase i f wages in the state j illiarn li. Council, esq., of Watauga is nominated by tile Demociats as i jiioge oi the Tenth district. Of course lie will be elected. lie will hold his lost court in Johnston in August, di rectly alter the ejection, as of ceuise he will be immediately commissioned, j as he will fill and unexpired term. Judge tiou man, w hom he w ill succeed, w ill j In. M his last court in Wake. I The movement for the nomination of , John S. Cunningham for lieutenant : governor grows. Gentlemen here today ! trom those counties spoke of it. saving ; i they warned to see this step taken and k believed it would be. I i ( IN NOKTM CAKOLINA. p . .. - . - TT .TT-HI I Notice. h t N f certain executions now one in favor of Stephen . and against E. S. Hall, r in favor of Wood Drug st K. S. Hall, said execu frum Judgments In the i't of Runcombe county, no ; : ;--rty being found out of s.ii.ffy the same, notice is that in order to satisfy ,;: -ns 1 will on Ni'AY, APRIL 2, 1900. .t io .! uf the court house in ' .ih. vilie, sell to the highest i !i the following land, to- lind lying and being In ship in Buncombe coun irung the lands of M. F. uyette Shook and others, uly described as follows: :i of the Swaim land, be- i. uMe Rsh in the branch. a s corner.and runs south : south with old line 63V4 k oak, Hampton's corner, degrees 30 minutes east ': 1 line 5 poles to a stake a ridge, thence south 9 :.utes east 13 poles to a su e south 30 degrees west line on top of the ridge, 1. grees 30 minutes west ' chestnuts, thence south 2o poles to large forked ace soutn S3 degrees ' to Jesse Lanning's line, degrees 30 minutes s to a small chestnut, : thence north 8S de th the old line 151 poles uts. Jones' corner, thence s:-.-s east with the old line a hickory post, thence i -rees east 25 poles to a ! s beyond a pine marked t n .rth 2 degrees east 27Mi white oak, K. S. Hall's cor r.orth SO degrees east 28 poles ' white oak. then north 40 de ; 'J poles to a white oak. L. rrur, then north 39 degrees hook's line 54 poles to the ' the Newfound road thenc i t: tees east with said road the corner of the dower. -irriee with ,1. ii - m .w- .n,ith w , -..i. nie line ui iiie Benito duu M F. H t'.a. k 'a- k . , 't 4.;--. - ( , Ja::', T u ;" tv-j , "Tin ; i" ; s-uth f'..Ue 3 I: th. 1--1--S t r'r. th- r l arii rL ; -. t'. k "t Oi.dd ie uih"; JK.'ies 1. t -t west 24 poles, thence with 'tith TS deerees east 28 poles. ' i I h I I . A 44 . ing, and containing 183 acres. h 3, 1900. R. F. LEE, Sheriff of Buncombe Co. j.. Per J. H. REED, J "ftlt Deputy Sheriff. &Air1?1hri! CVFi?frfT.invent or Improve also get for flriL0N- 8end modesl, sketch, oi photo. IJOX OH PATENTS UeJZ& I2rai Uwt-Washincston.D.C- A SUHE MEDICINE. Haxdsom, V., Dec. 81. I have been Buttering from female weak ness for four year, and have taken many medicines, bnt Wine Jf Cardni and B'aek Draught have done more for me than any thing else. MRS. CAROLINE EVANS It is a mistake to take any and every kind of medicine when you are Sick- There is danger in it Most of the so-called cures for " female weakness" do nothing more than deaden the pain temporarily, and when the effect wears away the patient is weaker and sicker than before. It is never wise to take chances. You have only one fife, and that is dear and precious. If you have any pain, ache, disorder or weakness in the femi nine organs, nothing will help you hke Wine of CarduL It helps do away with morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy, and modifies the pains of childbirth ; recovery is rapid and future healtb b assured. The. Wine is purely veg etable, being made of herbs whose medicinal properties act directly upon the organs of womanhood. It to a long-tried remedy, and has manv vears of success behind it It is sure. Why take a chance medicine when you can get t sure medicine? Druggists sell Large Bottles for $LOO. IADIES' AlVISm IEPAITMEIT. For ad vice in cues reonlrmg special directions, address, giving symptoms, Ladi AdviMry Dep't, Th, CHiTTi S006A BfUICMS CO, Cbattanooea, Tens. JJaBbJ-tai CITY MARKET. I cer and retail" 7nr. ' Tie ' nt, more food elements than beef, prices are being paid by the meico...; j and tasting so similar to beef and of the city today: i chicken that one can hardly distin- A UNIQUE FOOD, vegetable meat containing : Country butter Eggs l-.iekeiis . Turkeys Dncks Peas Potatoes, sweet Potatoes, Turnip Onions - Cabbage, per pound Beans, per bushel .. Peas Apples . .20 to 25 12 ...1525 ..50&L5Q ...1520 1.00 1.25 90 Irish ?590 25 e 1H ,.$2.002.B0 85LO0 751.10 Atoles. dried Wheat; ....... Corn ....- Meal ... Oats - Honey - Sorghum Beeswax, per Hay. ton Celery per doen pound S&S , 80 60 62 S9 ...12Vs15 ..2025 20 ....1819.60 tOU 50 - FLOUR MARKET. Blltmore Patent. U. sack, S; H sack. IL30; sack, 13.60; barrel. $5.00. gulsh the difference, is a unique food, called Protose, made by the Sanitas Nut Food Co., 400 "Washington avenue. Battle Creek, Mich. This is truly an important addition to our food products. Progressive phy sicians have long agreed that rheuma tism, indigestion, biliousness, Bright's disease, diabetes, heart trouble, and various nervous affections were in many cases due to, and always aggra vated by, eating flesh foods. Many people are so accustomed to their meat dally that the meal seems tasteless without it. and It was hard for pa tients thus afflicted to break the old time habit, Protos. however, meets all the requirements of the meat eater and furnishes a more nutritious and palatable meal. It can be manipulated In the culinary department In all the various ways that flesh foods are pre- pared. " , The makers will send a free sample on receipt of six cents to pay postage. . t'harlc-tte News: The will of tile late Mr. Samuel V. Alexander was read today at noon in the office of Air. George K. Wilson. Mr. Alexander's es tate was valued at about $15u.0o0. lie left $20, WW to benevolent causes of the l'i esbyterian church. Brevard News: A reward of $."' i? offered by Dr. C. A. Schenck of the Billmore estate for the conviction of the man who struck one of the forest rangers with a club, while in the dis charge of his duties. All such miscre ants should be apprehended, and good citizens will lend their aid in the en forcement of the law. Brevard News: There is a prospect that the manganese property en Boil stun will be worked on a business ba sis in the near future. The develop ment staie has passed, and it only re mains to mine and ship the ore to make this one of the best paying in vestments in the county. Good weather is only awaited to begin operations. Salisbury Truth-Index: The big air compressor at the Union copper mine was put in yesterday and is now in op eration. This compressor has a 16 drill capacity. Two car loads, w ith a capac ity each of 60.000 pounds were loaded with copper ore and shipped by the Union Copper Mining company this morning. Most of the shipments in the future will consist of concentrate. Concord Standard: The news comes to us of a file on Mr. R. P. Craven's place near Coddle, which occurred on Wednesday night. Some time in the night, after the occupants, who were negroes, had retired the building was found to be on fire. All escaped in t:me to save being burned except one boy, about 12 years of age, Adam Caldwell, whose body was found in the ruins. Asheboro Courier: Some two wevk asro the blight little son of Mr. J. A. Branson of Providence was returning from Freeman's mill with a 12 years old brother. The horses ran away and the little boy was driving at the time, lie held on to the lines, the horses ran for a half . mile when the wasron hh a tree throwing him to theg round and his head was crushed. He lived only u few hours. Kutheifordton Vindicator: A strange story comes to us from Brin .iletown. just over the Burke line, of the disappearance of Tom Biggerstaff. who, having quarreled with his wife, left home in high dudgeon, and for i three weeks has not been heard from, i His hat and coat, perforated with bul lets, have been found, but no other traces of Tom. Connected with various contradictory explanations of his ab sence there are intimations of foul play. Wadesboro special to the Charlotte Observer: The press dispatches a few days ago contained the announcement that the astronomers of Princeton uni versity would observe the total eclipse of the sun on May 28 from this point. The news now comes that h Royal British Astronomical society of London will also send representatives here for the same purpose. The advantages of fered by Wadesboro for this purpose will be the means of attracting many noted scientists here. The observatory will be erected on Carrs mountain. The derangements of the female organism thai breed all kinds of trouble, and which ordinary prac tice does not cure, are the very things that give way promptly to Lydia Em Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound Uterine and ovarian troubles, kidney troubles, ulcerations, tumors, un usual discharges, back aches and painful periods these are the Ills that hang on and wreck health and happiness and disposition YOU WEED SPRING GOOD S AT THE Lydia E. Pir.kham's Vegetable Compound wonderful record lve them 1 and 12 IPattoii Are. You will find the most complete lines of Ginghams, Percales, Shirt Waists and Spring Dress Goods ever offered in this city. To a start on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March has a I. r.. troubies-a constant, 26, 27 and 28 we make the following startling low values which thirty years Thousands of women vouch for this Their letters constantly appear in this paper can't be beat: 3000 yards fine percales, yard wide, in the very latest stripes, checks and PURELY VEGETABLE. Acts as Tonic and Stoos Hair from Falling- Out, Cures Dandruff, Brittle Hair, Itching and all Scalp Troubles. Guaranteed to Cure When nil other remedies have failed or Money Refunded. Sold everywhere. Safe, Sure. Reliable. Treatise on Hair and Scalp Troubles Free. A. R. BREMER CO., - CHICAGO. "BEWARE OF IMITATIONS." DR. T. C. SMITH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENT. ASHEVILLE. N. C. The only hair preparation admitted to the Paris exposition. plaids, all new colorings, the kind the other stores charge 12V&C. for. Three days only 8c yard. Great corset special. Just received a big shipment of corsets, made of fine satine, long and short waist in white, gray and black 75c. value. For three days only 49 cents. 2000 yards of fine French ginghums entirely new weaves and latest de signs the colors are absolutely fast the loc. kind. For three days only 9c yard. Just received 5Q dozen skirts. Made of figured brilliantine, lined and bound in velvet perfect fitting: and extra wide actually worth $2.50. For three days only $1.23 Never before was there such a bar gam offering in boys' three-piece Vestu Suits, again showing our ability as bargain leaders. 500 Boys Suits trimmed in braid, pearl buttons and silk made of wear-resisting cloths actually worth $3.00. For three days only . $1.98. Sizes 3 to 8. Examine the specials we are offering in shoes this week and you will see why we do the Shoe Business of Asheville THE BIG BALTIMOR ; Could Not Haar Thomas i Orchestra. There was one angry lady in Asheville Wednesday night, Mrs. Smith, who lives on the avenue. Shu- had tickets for the conceit. J laving a few friends to dine uilh her before going to the fes tival she told the cook to have hiseuits for tea. When the bis cuits came on the table they t i e fiat and they gave Mrs. Smith a severe case of indiges tion, so that she was unable to CM to the concert. The fault v, as with the grocer, who sold her a can of baking powder as iod as Kumford. Mrs. Smith found out the grocer told the un- tiuth and next time will demand the Reliable Rumford Baking Powder, as it never fails. Notice. county North Carolina. Buncombe Notice of Trustee's Sale. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust, exe cuted to the undersigned trustee bj' M. F. Roberts and wife, M. S. Roberts and W. J. Clontz and wife, S. P. ciontz. dated the ISth day of May, lV'S. and registered in the office of the le.nist r of deeds of Buncombe county in book 46 of the records of deeds of trust and mortgages, at page 202 et seq. to which reference is hereby made; (!-fault having been made in the pay ment of the principal and interest of the note therein secured, and having bt en requested so to do by the holder and owner of said note, 1 will on MONDAY. THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF APRIL, 1900, at 12 o'clock m., expose for sale, for cash to the highest bidder, the follow ing described piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Buncombe, adjoining the lands Of Henry Shepherd and others. Begin ning at two small black oaks on the side of the old Warm Springs road, and at the head of a deep hole washed in the ground, and runs north 31 east one hundred and seventy-one poles to a small black gum and sassafras in the old field, then east 38 poles to a stake, then south one hundred and three poles to a stake on the bank of the branch, then west 80 poles to a hickory, then south 80 poles to a white oak near the old road, then w ith said road to the be ginning. Being the land conveyed to the said M. F. Roberts and W. J. Clontz by W. H. Hunter, trustee. This March 16, 1900. ALF. S. BARNARD, Trustee. 3-17-dat Sat Notice of Sale. State of North Carolina, Buncombe county, in the Superior court. B. E. GeoFgia and wife vs. C. C. Brown, et al. Notice of sale. The undersigned commissioner ap pointed by the Superior court in the above entitled cause, by virtue of the judgment and order of said court made in this cause at the February term, A. D. 1900. will on MONDAY THE 2ND DAY F APRIL., A. D. 1900, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in the county of Buncombe, N. C. in accordance "with the terms of said judgment, the following described city lot or parcel of land: "All that certain lot of land situated in the city of Asheville, county of Bun combe, state of North Carolina, and described as follows: According to the plat of the Catholic Hill property, filed and recorded in the office of the regist er of deeds in the county of Buncombe aforesaid, namely, the east half of lot No. 1, Catholic avenue, fronting forty (40) feet on said avenue, and running back 80 feet, more or less, to Grail street, said plat being recorded" in the office of the register of deeds for said county, in book 70, page 602. and being the same lot of land described in a certain mortgage executed by C. C. Brown and wife on the 18th day of Oc tober, 1892, and recorded in the office of the register of deed for Buncombe county, in record of mortgages No. SI. at page 582. This March 2d, A. D. 1900. JULIUS C. MARTIN. 3-3-d4t-Sat - Commissioner. J. A. TENNENT, Architect aad Contractor Jobbing and Repairs Promptly Attended to. SOUTH COURT SQUARE. Do You Know .:. I THAT MONEY NOW, INVESTED IN DIAMONDS will be worth for some time to come 100 per cent, on the dollar? WHY IS THIS? The war in Africa has made it impossible to work the diamond mines. RESULT: The Diamond Syndicate controls all the Diamond output, and the advance in price of these- gems will go higher yet. DO YOU SEE THF. POINT? , LET US EXPLAIN: For 68 weekly payments of $1.2.. or 17 payments of $5 each, we will deliver to you two 3-4 karat or one V'- karat commercial white. Dure and rverfect Diamonds, worth in open market (retail) $150. Should you not desire to re tain the Diamonds, we will purchase them from you, and pay $100 cash for same: Thus, giving you a 30 Perjcent. Cash Profit on Your Investment. DIAMOND CONTRACT CO., (Incorporated 50,000) 315-321 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. (Enclose self-addressed stamped en RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED, velope). SPECIAL MUSLIM 111 AT THE ERIHSAEJ Palais Royal, No: ,7s1-0RUETE.mAIN MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. We are showing at Special Sale the best line of Ladies' Muslin Underwear evtr shown for the money. A word to the wise is sufficient. 12 dosen Assorted Gowns, worth .5 cents. Sale price 47 cents. 6 dozen Gowns, well made, trim med nicely, worth $1.25, sale on C 89 cents. f Pee the line of Gowns we are of- J fering for 98 cents. C See the assortment of Ladies' f Muslin Rants, worth 75c., on J sale for - ? 39 c o to en o o CO O - u VI u O O CO C3 C o N o a. in u o a 3 O CD . a. v 05 c 0 C3 O . j 1 ! I 1 M ' One lot of Underskirts, slightly soiled, worth from 75c. to $1.50. Placed on sale for the next few days.. Wash Embroidery Silks, 4c. $1.25 Black Camel's Hair Dresn Goods, 46 inches, at this sale for 93 cents. Great assortment of Fancy Neck wear for the coming season. Grand display of Infants' head wear. We have received from one of the best houses of New York 50 Spring Pattern Hats, worth from $5.00 to $8.00, on sale for the next few days at.... $3.98 Don't fail to see them. Buy your , Children's School Umbrellas. See the line we are showing at " 48 cents. tell Suits for $5.98. Suits for $6.98, Suits for $8.98, Suits for $10. When you want your Tailor-Made Ladies' Suit don't fail to call at the OJ7