THE ASHEVILLE DAIL1 CITIZEN. FRIDAY, MARCH 50, 100. i 13 E Our Fi rst Big .Sale of fnilUl imuu (Very Mi Mm mm. MONDAY, APRIL 2, near half regular retail price) . SXLE C OMMENCES 9 A. M. Lot No. 1; 17 kiixl. roll?. Extra heavy fine jointless China Mattings Regular 35c. SPECIAL MONDAY 21e. YARD by the roll. 40 yards in roll. Lot No. 2. Roll. 140O yards Bright China Mattings, assorted patterns, rlo-ely woven go.ds, cheap enough at 25e. yard. SPECIAL PRICE M ONI A Y 1 5c. YARD, by the roll ; 40 yards in roll. The above goods bought at Importer's sale. Outside wrappers lightly water stained, but the goods are in perfect condition; every vard guaranteed or money refunded. The goods are now ready for in spection. Examine them. We sold mattings last ?ea?oit one-third to one-half less than regular prices. The goods we-will offer Monday are equal, if not .better, values than any previous sale. c llEWARr GOES BACK T TO THE CAPITAL If you don't want the goods after you take them home, money cheer fully refunded. Every piece guaranteed perfect and full 40 yards. Eor the conven ience of some of our customers that cannot use a full roll, we will have ?onie 20 and 25 yard piece?. (At same price as by the full bolt.) Sumner, Deal & Co. Fine Dress Goods, Silks, Notions, Millinery, and China Mattings When be they sold ca " Under Regular Prices Mail Orders wll!freceive?prompt attention. Hies lured Without the Ifnife I Itching No Cure, No Pay No Cure, No Pay This proven by iiinetv-five ordinary in fourteen ease ami rot. it on sale of is a new discovery which has actual tests that it will cure per cent, of the cases. Cures cases in six days ; the worst caes days. One application gives Relieves itching instantly Can be ent by mail. We have placed with evry druggist in the city Asheville. No Cure, No Pay No Cure, No Pay Ask Your Druggist If In- is uot authorized to give you ahove guarantee. . the $i.oo, YOUR DRUGGIST WHOT YOU KNOW TO BE RELIABLE Will telljjyou that he is authorized by the manufacturers of Pazo Pile Ointment to refund the money in every ease where it fails to cure. THE JUTX3E IS SURE SENATOR PKITCHAR.D WILL. NOT AL LOW HIM TO BE DEFEATED. MEETING OF THE FT'SION HIGH CAMP LIGHTS IN AT RAL EIGHEASTERN JUDGESHIP. Raleigh. N. C, March 2S. The event of the day here was the trial of Torn Jones the negro "exhorter." the worst murderer this state has ever known, it required nearly two hours to get a Jury The court room was packed, interest was intense. When Jones, diminutive and aniruai-faceo. stood up before the juiy with uplifted hand he was a tar fcet of execration, noiseless but nun the lead Ielt iis hand nervousi) closeu and unclosed. The chief witness against him was the seven years olu uaughter u the woman tAXa. Junes, on uf uie victuxui. Her testimony was, a given beiore the coroner s Jury, direct auu tuunnmg. There was also plain yruof uiai tne s tuuipttiiu Meie muse lounu iti tne lroute. luen wee turee wniie witnesses tor Ui sutie wuo lived near me scene, anu tteveiai colored. Junes was oruughl u me cuurt toom from the jail on the liuufee ot bigns." He was at all tim eu.geny watcneu. Axis conviction ww ot cour&e a toregone conclusion. ueorge C. Round of Manassas, Va., wmtB tu the state uutnormes assung leave to use the uoinr ut the capital ur a point ox view of the touu solai ecupse in May. rle says that in April, ifioo. ne was in charge of the (Jniteo slates signal station on tne dome. juuge tiwart was here last night ano lelt tor Wasningion this morning. 4 is ttuie Senator r-riicliard will not per mit him to be defeated and says he i iiow entirely reaoy for the lignt. The tulsion machine men got together last nignt at the. xarboro. Uepubli..ii Chairman Hoiton was rather moie communicative than usual, and saio ne nad issued his first campaign circu lar. li deals with what he terms the democratic pledges agaiiiBt the fran oil use matter. He expresses his pleas ure that his headquarters are - not at rtaieign, where newspaper men would oolher him by asking questions. It was quite tunny to talk with Re puoucan ana .fopuust machine men and hnd out what they did. A Populist said: "The Republicans defer to uc They are asking no questions. They want us. When I came here I found Cy. Thompson the bluest man I ever saw, bluer than indigo. Somebody had talked about him for governor. H nad declared he wouldn't accept th nomination for any consideration. At ter he heard the reports from the east and the west last night he has changed his mind Those reports have put a uifferent aspect on affairs. Cy is thi best man we can put up because no body can say anything against hirn " A Populist state committeeman said. l assure you we didn't do a single ining except talk. We didn't agree on anyone for governor." On the contrarj another Populist said: "We talked bui little about the amendment. I will tell you that our main business was to find out who was the best man to be put up for governor." Revenue Collector Duncan, who of course was present, said he believed there was an outlook for the defeat of the amendment and the election of the fusion ticket. Some of the fusionists tried to niakt hi-asts of the news they got from th east, as adverse to the amendment and said not a few Democrats opposed it but others admitted that they could see no sign of activity in the east. One of them added that the "slate" would of course be made up at Washington and that Senator Prttchard would pick tne men. it seems that not long ago .tsutler far ; governor and Spencer Blackburn for lieutenant-governor were thought to be on the slate. A Re publican made the prediction today that for governor a Winston-Salem man of prominence would be the nomi nee, on a sound-money, protective tar iff platform. The fusion machine is down on StaU Superintendent Mebane because h favors the. amendment. Chairman Simmons, speaking of this, says that if the Republican machine gets down on leading Republicans who favor the amendment, it will array itself against large majority of . Its leaaer. and best organisers in the east, men who have led the party for years. He added that such men could be found in coun ty after county. The chairman thus neatly punctures the Republican bub ble. x Any one who hears the negroes talk will quickly see that they feel and know the amendment will be ratified. A great many of them don't care if it is. Rev. J. William Jones of Richmond will next Sunday morning preach at the Baptist tabernacle here. In the evening he will preach before L. O B. Branch camp, C. v., on the christian character of Stonewall Jackson. Mon day evening he will lecture, his topic being, "The Confederate soldier as 1 knew him." The state charters the Atlantic Man ufacturing company of Wilmington. It will make baking powder, snuff and to bacco. A charter is also granted the Farmers' Tobacco Warehouse company of Smithfleld. A letter says that so far no fertilisers have been delivered in Person, Caswell and Rockingham counties, for tobacco. that there is much uncertainty among -. - toDacco planters, and that great numbers of negro laborers have left and are leaving for the coal and irou mines. Clerk Brown of the corporation com mission finds that there are 218 . towns in the state, which report: also that there are railways -in 86 of the 8 counties; there are 87 banks, 13 tele graph,- to telephone, 9 street railway. 58 steamboat companies, one sleeping car company, and 34 building and loan associations. Miss Angela McCaull, daughter of the late Colonel McCaull, and well known in operatio and theatrical cir cles, left here today for New York, af ter having spent the winter visiting friends. The mm Wl i f S " UUiit f CI V 1 1 w i 0 HdD audi US IPatton M BUSY f V No wonder we're busy at our prices always quoting better qualities, bigger quantities, and lower prices thanour competitors. BARGAINS rumlV In reading this "a 1 ' I I. 4- Ml f I -l , xiiut win crown -our ftr- t ANDX SATL xlDAY. ami noting the exceptionally LOW PRICED, bear in mind that every article mentioned- is HIGH GRADE and desirable gotfds As soon as he got news of the death of Judge Dossey Battle yesterday the governor sent for Charles A. Cook of Warren, who is a member of his stall. and tendered him the position. Colonel Cook left for home today, but before leaving said he had not accepted, and was considering the matter, lie inti mated that it was very uncertain whether he would accept or not, but the odds were he would not. As to the length of the term he said he was un certain. A lawyer who was asked says the act of the legislature under which Judge Battle was elected reads, "shall be elected by the general assembly for four years or until his successor is duly appointed and elected by the next leg islature." He went on to say that in bis opinion the legislature in June could elect. "Why not?" he Queried. "It raises a new point, but I believe it will be found to be one well taken. According to this, Cook if he accepted would have only about two months to serve." Cook says he has a good practice and some other interests to look after. He took occasion to pay a high tribute t the late Judge Battle. Cook is general counsel of the lJorth Carolina railway and also special counsel for the gover nor in several cases, notably in- that of Mehegan & Mallett against the state. He has always thought that when tbe fusionists came into power he should nave been given a good office, but be never got anything of the kind. The state fair executive committee .net this afternoon, President CharWi" McNamee presiding. Many matters re garding the great fair to be held next October came up. Attorney General Walser left for Lexington this afternoon, to be absent a couple of days. Jnst received tho very latest stales in hand some Plaids all new colorings. Homespuns, Camel's Hair and double face Suitings, at prices which menu a savins of one third to you. $125 and $1.50 wrappers, - - - - 98c Fifty doz. fine Percale Wrappers, in an assort ment of patterns, both light and cark.made with flounced skirt, waists handsomely braid trimmed. These wrappers are perfect fitting, and none bet. ter anywhere at $1.25 and $1.50, special, 98c On our Bargain CentertTable you will find dye and 50c Woolen Dresi Goods of the most desirable stuffs for skirtslnd suits for spring. Tou will have a great opportunity to buy them at a great saving Friday and Saturday only 25c Ysard Big Towel (Special Large sizes, 20x40 inches, linen. Note the weight and they are extra good value"a toe Friday and Saturday lie arranted all pure u will understand 15c ft fOMPARE these values in TRIMMED HATS with those offered by others. Two lots o! Trimmed Hats offered for FRIDAY and SATURDAY arid the savinsr in each is immense. Hats of the newest co!orines some comes ol Pa- lisian models- imported straw braids, maiines, crnnons, elc. $2.98 lor Hats lor which 'others ask $5.00 $2.49 for Hats for which others asti $4.50 RABBI WISE'S FUNERAL Cincinnati, March 29. The funeral of Rabbi Wise took place today. Despitt; a drizzling rain the concourse was probably the largest that ever followed a private citizen to a grave in this city. TO BE REAR ADMIRAL. Washington, March 29. The presi dent today nominated Captain James N. Cotton, United States navy, to be rear admiral. Munyon's Improved Homeopathic Remedies WILL CURE YOU Most Popular Hedicines Ever Put JBefore 4heJ Public. See Our Window Display. Cleaning Silver Instead of scouring and rubbing each piece of liver separeteiy, tbe whole aervlce can be as effectively cleaned in a few minutes. After each meal the silver should be put into a pan (kept especially ior the purpose and cover with luke warm water, to which a teaspoonfull of Gold Dust hashing Powder Is added; set the pan on the range until tbe water gets to boiling point, then lift out each piece with a wire spoon and lay on a soft linen cloth, wiping quickly with chamois skin. Tbe pieces so clean ed will be highly polished and look Ilk new. Thr abo-p is taken from oar ff booklot ii'JLDLy Ul'lS FOR HOUSK70&i" Bant bm on requoit to THE M. K. St. u FAINUANK COMPANY. Mia. Maw Va II VE7 U 5 r W Vffll gf I I ''li TRANSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO Formerly Henderson vllle and Bre vard Railway. General offices, Brw vard. N C. Winter schedule. In ef fect October a. Nn. 4, mixed No. S, mixed x x P.M. STATIONS. P.M. 12:01 Lv'. Breraxd Ar 12. IS Lv... Davidson River ...Ar ; ....Penrose Ar I:u4 ... Blantyre Ar "4:& ... Etowah Ar 4:60 ... Cannon Ar 4:44 . Horse Shoe .... ..Ar i:t Tale ...Ar 4:2 Henderaonvllle ...Lt 4:10 12:27 Lv 12:37 Lv iJ:46 Lv 12:55 Lv :06 Lv 1:10 Lv 1:30 Ar Flae stations. x x Passengers nly on Sunday. Connects with South m railway at HendersonvlUt tor all oints north and south. J. F. HATS, -General Man&irer. T. S. BOSWELL, SuDrlnterInt ML'NYON'S IMPROVED HOMEO pathic Remedies are as far in ad vance of the regular school of home opathy as homeopathy is above all other schools they combine all that is best in all. systems. WITH MUNTON S REMEDIES Ev ery one can become his own v.octor No experimenting No guesswork purging No nauseous doses The cure is certain, quick and perma nent Munyon's system is to build up, not to tear down; to strengthen, not to weaken. MUNYON'S KIDNEY CURE promptly cures pains in the back, loins or groins, and all kinds of kidney dis eases. It will prevent and arrest Bright's disease, Price, 25 cents. IF YOU ARE SICK CAST ASIDE all other medicines, bury prejudice for a few days, step into the nearest drugstore, ask for Munyon's "Guide to Health," purchase a 25-cent vial of one of Munyon's Remedies, and cure yourself. -" MUNYON'S RHEUMATISM CURE seldom fails to relieve in one to two hours, and cures in a few days. It re lieves sharp, shooting pains in arms, legs, side and back In a few hours and generally effects a permanent cure be fore one vial has been used. Price 25c MUNYON'S DYSPEPSIA CURE re lieves at once and positively cures all rnrm si? HvsrMta. inrlis"fKtirn. or any I stomach trouble arising from overeat ing or drinking. Price, 25 cents. MUNYON'S COLD CURE WILL break ur any cold in a few hours and prevent pneumonia. It relieves head, nose, throat and lungs almost Instant ly. These little sugar pellets can be conveniently carried in the vest pocket ror use at any time or anywhere. Price, 25 cents. MUNYON'S COUGH CURE STOPS coughs, night sweats, allays soreness and speedily heals the lungs. Price, 25 cents. MUNYON'S LIVER CURE IS A RE liable cure tor biliousness, constipa tion, jaundice, torpid liver, worn-out feeling, coated tongue, etc. Price, 25 cents. MUNYON'S GENERAL DEBILITY CURE cures the exhausted feeling, produces a : fresh, healthy color in bloodless people and tones up the sys tem generally. Price, 25 cents. MUNYON'S HEADACHE CURE will cure ail kinds of headaches, no matter from: what disease arising, in from three to 10 minutes, with abso lutely no injurious after effects. Price, 25 cents. i 57 REMEDIES Munyon's Inhaler Is a positive cure for catarrh, asthma and all dis eases of the head, nose, throat and lungs. Two styles, "Hard Rubber" and "Glass. Family." Price, $1, wlh all medicines. Sc for I e vted rSTrts. V r;.:fes v-ttil I i urns i i 1 1 i ii ii u rtii w - , mm ii it mmii, ITT k 5al VJcti y Fm mm W JlaT fw Given iFHiijfA pf flcraWe refined and unequaled fctj&rt DELICIOUS D tyand strength, from which tan tbe made the. most. t mi m m ww - etc, CUj to.. ---j v . nrmar-A triflmo- in mst. anoetixin? ana nurxwous. lio. aw prfbaavv-'f oolont Fin. Y?Mto, OMfOaBAt ma Crooo. Trade Supplied by siayden, t FaK . - c Co Come and See It. , . Free Demonstration Come and Try It. During the week at the following . Drugstores: DR. T. C. SMITH, Court Square. '. ' W. C. CARMICHAEL, Court Square. . ? V c." A. RAT80R, Patton Avenue. , TTINOOOD'S PHARMACY. Patton avenue. ORANrg PrTARMACr, South Haln . Street . -.THE CAROLINA PHARMACY, Col lege street and Court Square. c THE PKLHAM PHARMACY, 24 Pat ton avenue. . j 1 THE WEST END PHABMACT, Trade supplied by T. C. Smith. Munyon's Recedies;: Munyons 67 remedies are so conveniently put up. plainly labeled, with all directions, so ; clear and simple that their presence In a home iri case of Illness allays a01 ears of having to run for a doctor. Munyon has tried said proved spe cine for . every disease and ailment of young or old. with thousands of tea timonials endorsing . it. His reme dies cure rheumatism, kidney trouble, liver - complaint, dyspepsia. Indiges tion, blood impurities, fevers.. cougfaSi colds, piles, headache. debiUty chol- era morbus, measles, etc, etc.- At sJK druggists; mostly 25 cent a viaL . - Write to Professor Munyom for tree medical advice on any disease. 1505 ArchJSW Philadelphia. Woman Knows Woman. Zcaica, Kxji. , Jan. gt. I aaed Wine of Cardol f r ner voaaoasa and weskness in the womb. After taking ona bottle I was wen again. I am a midwife and alwaya recommend Wine of Cardni to my lady friends daring pregnsncy and after birth aa a tonic. Every lady who takes it finds that it does even more than ia claimed for it. ' MBS. V. U. BOISVERT. mm CITY MARKET. Nobody knows woman like woman. Men go to medka colleges. Study books and listen to lectures. They learn indirectly of the diseases of women, but they are men and can never fully understand the ailments, the sufferings, the agonies of mothers, wives and sisters.. A woman knows. Mrs. Bo is vert knows. She has passed through the trials and tribulations of her sex. She has been near by when her sisters suf fered. . She has seen them relieved and cured with Wine of Cardui. b it any wonder she recommends it f b n any wonder that thousands Ulltr AIVISOIT lErAITMEIT. For adriee in casea requiring apectal dlreetiona. addreae. giTing symptoma, Ute Mitarl Drp'l. TlwClimiliOIMl i 1UMUI CO. Cbattanooa. Tens. of other women recommend it They know. They have ac tual experience to prompt them. They spread the tidings from mouth to mouth, telling now Wine of Cirdui helps young girls, helps Corrected by Clarence Sawyer, wholesale and retail grocer. These rrices are being paid by the merchants of the city today: Country butter ..80 to 25 Eggs.. .. io h.-ckens .. ......... I5Jri5 Turkeys 60411.60 ! 'ueks .......... .. 15?20 Peas L00S1.25 Potatoes, sweet.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..85 Potatoes, Irish 7080 Turnips 25 Onions ". ...... .....0 Cabbage, per pound.... 114 Beans, per bushel 12.006 S2.&0 Peas -..8561-00 Apples 7661-10 A j.ples, dried ...SS xVheat ....... .........................60 Corn 60 Meal 57 Oat3 41 Honey 124 15 Sorghum ........... ...............20625 Beeswax, per pound 20 Hay. ton 18011. & Celery, per dosen ......20G& the weak of all ages, helps and cures all womanly ills. Druggists Sell Large Bottles for $1.00. A2l Co Cures Dandruff, Falling Hair, Brittle Hair and all Scalp Troubles, such as Itching, Eczema, Eruptions, etc Purely Vegetable, harmless and reliable. Cure Guaranteed even after all dOirr remedies have faded, or money refunded. A CHICACO MAM WRITES: 6851 Parnell Ik, Chieaan. May IS. ISM. I wwd 'fjok. indff OnreJ for b)dD and aftar two meki mix tha hair began to srxrm. Iaaida of au mini, my bmd waa oorared with hair. Atao ewM attj anghtar ot tho wort ea ot daaamtfl gygoaTE. For Sale by all Druggists and Barbers. Treatise on Hair and Scalp Troubles free on request.. k, Ba SEEKER CO., - Chicago. "BEWARE OF IMITATIONS." DR. T. C BMITH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENT. ASnEVILLE. N- Cl The only hair preparation admitted to the Paris exposition. ASHEVILLE MAILS. Schedule Showing ArriTsJ and Closing at the City Postofflce. The following Is the schedule of the arrival and closing of mails at the Asheville postofflce J. Ar. TENNENT Architect: and Contractor. Jobblaa and Heparin " - Promptly AtwaiMlad to . J SOUTH COURT SQUARE. Ar. .1:45 a.m. .:35 a.m. .1:25 p.m. .2:35 p.m. .2:00 p.m. .2:45 p.m- 7:20 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Tr. Prom. 35 Salisbury , 38 Knoxville 20 Murphy. . 12 Knoxville 9 Columbia. - 11 Salisbury , 13 Charleston 18 Wayavllle - Sylva.. .. . . " IMllsboro . . - WhitUer. . .. - Bryson City . " Clyde Canton. . - . STAR ROUTES. Prom. At. Burnsrille . . .8:00p.m. -Rutherford ton. . . 8:00p.m. Riceville ..12:00m. Mills River.. ... -6:00p.m. Leicester . . . . . .11:30a.m. All malls for the railroad Clos. 12:15 am. 5:15 a.m. 2:45 p.m. 2:40 p.m. 2:06 p.m. 1:35 p.m. 7:05 a.m. 9 :15 &.m. hour before tare. Clos. 4:30a.m. 5:00a.m. 8:00p.m. 7:00a.m. 12:00m. close one schedule time of depar- Notice. Having qualified as the administratrix of the estate of Lon Mitchell, deceased. notice is nereby riven to all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned for payment, duly Terlfied on or before the 24th of February. 1901. or this no tice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to settle the same Immediately and save cost. This February 23, 1900. ROXIE A. MITCHELL. Administratrix of Lon Mitchell, dec, TUCKER & MURPHT, 8-23 dStPrt Attorneys. Reduced Prices on Suits and Cloaks WE have reduced prices on nearly every suit and cloak in our line. Yon can now secure a fashionable garment at a redac tion of one-third from formerprices. Ta3or-Made Suits, former price. $5 1 reduced to $3.34. $10 Suits reduced to $6.67. $15 Suits reduced to $10. Winter Jackets, former price, $5 i reduced to $334. $9 Jackets reduced to $6. $12 Jackets reduced to $&. - Separate Skirts, former price, $4 reduced te $X47 $6 Skirts reduced to $4. $8 Skirts reduced to $534. Reduced Prices oa Capes. Newmarkets. Kalny Day blurts. Bicycle Mists, etc ' We are also doaing oat s few sample garments, vnicn were maae up tor ex mbitioa ta regular prices. roa acta price salesroom at one-half we tell yoai all about oar rannents ia our Winter Catalogue and Bargain List, which will be sent Jrm, togetner wltn samples of Ute materia ta. to any ladv who wishes them. Write to-day the choicest goods will be sotanrsu THE NATIONAL CLOAK CO 123 aad 12S Wast 23d SC. New Yark. aswa wfcasy si 1 anvthinc em tnvertt or trrrvwre; a" r-t CVET.T!fDE.alARIC. COPU.6HT0 US. PROTECTJOM. Send model, sketch, or paoto. for free examination and a4ir. p""rr' ciTrt'Te f ree. koat bww ba rialtiildleebeioraptat. Write fi m fmmi-f 0 I Patent Lawyers. VASHINGTC fi.T