WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 11. WOO. THE ASH KV ILL'S DAILY CITIZEN". WITH POLITICIANS IT STATE CAPITAL P IJ nr 0 HQ Li I il kJ L,' "3 Li i i lOm , lOt I X0" I 'XP I P THE IVIost Select STOCK OF SHOES Ever Shown in Asheville. Ziegler Bros, j Every Thing New Up to Date. GATHERING OF DEMOCRATS AT THE TAKBORO HOUSE, OLD "STAMPING GROUND." Tlif a hove rut represents one of ii r lft LoIi-s' Shoes. This line is -o Wfll introduce! tht it needs no ;ilv.rri-iiii. They are well made. -r v 1 1 -h . and in the wear yon wili Imd iiid comfort. Pri-e, $2.00 to $500 Krippendorf Dittman. Cut above represents a beautiful line for dress as, well as eervice. Welts, McKays and Turn soles. All sizes and widths. Price, $2 00 to $4.00 ' ANOTHER COTTON MILL, CHAR f j TEKED. THIS AT SAN FORD, WITH CAPITAL OF J100.0OO. 3 LJwirwU E BANiSTcR'S Low Ot Shoes V1.1 l'at".t I alht r, ICnst-t Viri K I. and Cho--oiatc J'i. A. Banister's f5.00M.ool Oxf 4 rd Ties. Pncc, - $1.50 to $3 50 o.OO Shoes. i'i Im I..w re; rcsfii's latest style lor die -s and service. There is no mak" Miifnnr. Viei patent leather, hut ton and TTu-e. Vic-i kid, choco late, ru-set and ox Moot. MADE JA VBEST It will pay you to examine the W. L. Douglas shoes, and see for yourself that they are just as good in every way as those for .which you have been paying JS to 7. For style, com fort, and service, they cannot be surpassed by custom-made shoes. FOR SALE BY The Little Giant. f'iie cut helow is j-i-t what it lepresents : a (iiant Sh o for -cli ol children aim very dres-. Pr.ce, 60 cts. to $2.50 THE Boston Shoe Store Leading Shoe Firm Phone 571 Next to the Blue Ridge Bank. --5- 4 l v fa. i,. e 1- ll U SHE H' S F'tX )LEI. 1 1 h I .' . 1 ..Mil l' I : rn in I.Kfi pool bfin .,'lihti'.l 1 ! .1 ih. it ..lie of lt finployt'S ' r 1 m. to j.'iri tin- rt''rv ; Muni. I to pay half his w ;!" in his atf ln-. At in. inoiiih the Woman ap- , i.-l iti. in. !! was at uiii't' j -at.. f our . : i. l Hi., s.-nior parttif-r. .u il hall , won y you are i' I am not satisftVil. Why f i ..o- h. has toJ me that he only .i.;mx altoir.-ther ami -ami tt " I ' ...( .ton t kill him I will." FATAL GRIPPE Few In This City Have Escaped This Dread Affliction 1'iHiiiut.iiia anl KinJrtd Evils in k' Most 1'Vart'ii. Vul t;u Ursit Taws Thi Cures and Prevents Grippe's After Effects. X In .North e-arclina. News r.f the i tate (lathered From the J Tar Heel Pre-.. J 4 i4i Vui il, rL- l?oJy loiilder, Should c Taken Now. t'crsitiblly Guarantee tha It NMIl IK) All We Claim For It. Vuir M.mcy Mack If It Does Not. li r. V .ii h ..I tV. i.pinnd Uava VOU , ut.j. , . t., tdijs antj coughs this 1 a : - u all run down? Is your '" ! 1 1 it at. vl? Do you feel weak? l" u t.ik,- easily? Do you sleep ''"o : Is .,Ur appetite fickle? yi. n v . 11 ha. I letter look after your ' ' The (jnppe leaves people in a r i t n , opinion. Another little cold 1 1; iniotiia has hold of you, and t . at a time when U is apt to 'r"e fatal. '" n. t neKlect your health. If you ha. I the Krippe. or have suffered rr-m ,oi i this winter. Fortify your t-m. net strong, be rugged and you tan ,trfy tne jlseases that are lurking n Jh" atmosphere. '""'.' an.l see us ami let us tell you fcut Vinoi. it is a great tonic recon lrij, t(r ,hat mHke8 rtch rej blood, 'un.l riosh an.l hard muscle. Vinol 't! favorably on the stomach. W "e prove.1 that those who take It an.l eat as they should. Ther n-'thmir that we can recommend so "'rriKly a.s Vinol. especially to b 'n at this time of the year, and by P"pie who have suffered from Grippe n.j other debilitating diseases. BRi'Al SE WE KNOW VINOL. SO WELL, AND BECAUSE WE KNOW J 8LRELT WHAT IT WILL DO. A-N'D HOW IT WILL. ACCOMPLISH THE GOOD IT DOES IN A BCIEN TIFIC WAT. WE UNRESERVEJDL.T K-N'DortSE AND RECOMMEND IT. A,D IM EVERT INSTANCE GUAR NTEE TO REFUND TO ANIONS HATTHET PAID U8 FOR VINOL, , THET DO NOT FIND IT ENTTRE LT 8ATISFACTORT. WInjcci's D1T3 Stcre. 'h 1 1 lot Observer: Mis. . . L i-1 auks of Mo; gain. .11 pasM-.l through ( batlotte last nit:ht on her way to 1 'bester. S. '.. w hi re she will acpia i as j plaintiff in a suit for ilamaces a jinst ; I he Souther n n.ilway. The farts in the .of, it is, alleifpd. are that last year j Mrs. I'T.mks was on a tram Roins into fhestev, where she intended visiting lelative... Just as the train was pull iur Into the station she. with .nber passeng'-rs. otinxl up, Mr8. Franks be liiK near the car door. By some chance 1 here wai a stationary- car on Hi". track, which the incoming train col lided with. The Jolt was sufficient t.' throw Mrs. Franks forward on her laie an t her nosp was broken. Thee loie she brought the action. Winston Sentinel: Mr. Levi Kver l.arl. one of Salem's special policemen, vent out yesterday afterniM.n with a warrant to arrest two negro men and a woman on the charge of nuisance. He found the parties in the pines be low the Fries coal chute, east of the Salem cemetery. When the ofB.ei tol l the netfioes to consider themselves -St one of the men. Will San - di-rs. who has a bad reputation, drew pistol and began tiring at Mr. Ever hart. One ball struck the officer In the left shoulder. Inflicting a piinfuf wound, but it is hoped that it will not ptove serious. The second phot burnt it. policeman's ear. -Oroensboro Telegram: Mayor Tay lor has received notice that Season- ; wood & Mayer of Cincinnati have paid over to the city's agent in New York ( the sum of $38.216. 50. purchase money j f..r building bonds recently sold, and , that said amount is now with said agents, the Tnited States Mortgage and Trust company subject to check of Captain Nell Ellington, treasurer of Greensboro. Everything is now in readiness for pushing the work of erecting the municipal building, ex cept the building plans, which are daily expected to be delivered by the architects, Messrs. HayJen, Wheeler & Schwend. i Salisbury Sun: A big fire swept a portion of the country Just outh of Salisbury yesterday evening. Something like a thousand acres of icround was burned over. It Is not known how or by whom the fire was started. Tersons living in the burned territory saved their property- by burning around their building before ih. fire reached them. So far as learned tr the Sun, only one barn was burned. Tarboro special to Raleigh Post: Glenny Hedges, son of Jno. R. Hedges, of the firm of Day St Hedges, this place was killed by runaway horses this afternoon. The young man was assisting In the loading of baggage and standing on the singletree of the wagon when the horses became fright ened and dashed off. throwing young Hedges between them and crushUvg him to death. -Green. bo ro Record: Scott Brown. weU Known In hotel circles, has leased tne Almeria at Tamp and will run It the year round, leavtn for his new to! next Thursday. Mr. Brown has awrred a long apprenticeship In the Hotel business, has- many friends and the Record wishes him his share or prosperity. The Salisbury ' Truth-Index says that Robert Johnson, a negro tramp who had been about Salisbury for the past months, was found dead in th woods Thursday. Johnson probably died some time Wednesday. When found he was lying near a nre which he bultt and by which he probably lay down to sleep. Charlotte Observer: At T:45 o'clock last eyenlns Rsv. William Perry WUl- iinns died at his home at Davidson af ter a few weeks' illness. The direct iaupe of his death was an attack of pneumonia. At the time of his death Mr. Williams was grand lecturer of the Masonic order of the state. Taiboro special to Raleigh Post: A handcar on the East Carolina railroad ju:nj.i 1 the track here this afternoon. sMirhtly wounding Chief Engineer flat tin in the leg and breaking the bark of a young white man named Stamper, w ho was one of the employes. The Chronicle says that Willis I ivi'i'. colored, of Lew is Fork township. Wilkes county, lost three milch cows week hffore last from hydrophobia. They had been bitten by a mad dog. Statesville Landmark: A flock of wild gese, 75 or 100 apparently, passed over town yesterday morning, going north. The older people say this is a sure sign that winter Is over. The Prt sbytcrians of Monroe are to build a I'.iX'O or tsOOO church this summer. TO VETERANS' REUNION. Reduced Rates Offered by the South ern Railway Company. PAVE MONT FORD. '"(Jood Roads" Gives Reasons for Pav ing the Avenue. Editor The Citizen: The proposition to brick Montford avenue seems to me so eminently wise that, though I do not live in that section, and am not an owner of property there, I would speak a few words in its favor. Good streets, not simply for the comfort of permanent residents, but far more for that of our visitors, on whom the town depends for its prosperity, are admittedly essential for its continued growth, and it is well known that the number of these visitors would be largely increased were it not for the scandalous condition in winter of the mud-tracks which we call streets. The brick pavements we already have have been the best investment the town ever made, and In bad weather are the only available drives for the visitors, and the plan of the present excellent board of aldermen to push them further entitles them to the thanks and support of the whole city. They, moreover, showed their sense in their choice of streets for bricking. Chestnut and Haywood, and I trust they will carry out the good plan thus begun by completing the circle of w hich these are parts. When Hay wood. Montford. Chestnut. Charlotte and College are bricked we will have an almost continuous circle of fine streets on which. In any weather, our visitors can drive in comort, and which, moreover, will encircle the most actively growing and populous part of the city and render access to any place within it easy. Paving Montford will give access to a region actively growing and much frequented by our winter visitors and would be taking another step in the completion of the circle of bricked drive I noted above. I realise what pressure each section brings to hart Its streets attended to. but In urging th above I believ.- that I speak for the good of no one section, but of the whole town, for what makes our town more pleasant for its visitors ledounds to the benefit of every sec tion of the city. GOOD ROADS. Special excursion rates are offered by, the Southern Railway company as follows: On account of the annual reunion of t'nited i 'on federate Veterans. Louis ville. K. May 30 to June 3. Ticket on sale from stations in Kentucky and Tennessee May JS. 29 and 30 and from stations in Virginia. North Carolina. South Carolina. Ajroama, Georgia anil Mississippi May 27. 28 and 29 to Louis ville, final limit i f all tickets June 6. at the rate of 1 cent p.-r mle, w ith min imum rate of 50 cents. Round trip rate from Asheville. $7.90. n account of the Eastern Carolina Fish. Oyster. Game and Industrial fair. New Bern, N. C. April 16 21. Tick ets on sale April 13-20. final limit April 24. at rate of one first-class fare plus 50 cents f r one admission to the grounds for the round trip. Round trip rate from Asheville. $12.85. For full information call on tirket agents or address F. R. Darby. ". P. & T. A., Asheville. or R. L. Vernon, T. I". A.. Charlotte. N. C. SLOW WORK. From the Cleveland Plats Dealr. "Maria, you let that.youn Bobster stay last night nntil 1 o'clock." i - "But mama, you told me that I must give him time to propose." "But five hours!" "Why mama, you know ha stutters." CALLING DOWN A POET From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. " The Indiana poet ' w ho blithely aings, 'Ho. for the maple and ho for the sap!" Is respectfully informed that the "Sap-ho Isn't running1 to any extent this aprlnc , ; -. .;. , ., MEAT AND DISEASE. A number of noted physicians have been making a series of experiments and have discovered that Bright's dis ease, rheumatism, diabetes and various nervous disorders and affections of the liver, such as infectious Jaundice and sclerosis, are In many cases caused by, and always aggravated by, a meat diet. It was hard, however, to induce pa tients thus affected to break off the old-time meat habit. An experimenter has been at work on a series of experiments, and has suc ceeded in discovering a combination of nut meats and cereals that is now manufactured into a product called Protose. which not only has the desired taste of beef, but contains 25 per cent, more nutrition, and can be served in all the various manners that flesh f. ods are prepared. The rich flavor of the new food and Its nutritive elements have made it a popular addition to the diet of the ro bust and invalid. Those who desire to try Protose can secure a sample can free by send ing six cents for postage to the Sanitas Nut Food Co.. 400 Washington Ave. Battle Creek, Mich. Deeds of conveyance at The Citizen time. PURELY VEGETABLE. Acts as Tonic and Stops Hair from Falling; Out, Cures Dandruff, Brittle Hair, Itching and all Scalp Troubles. Guaranteed to Guro ' WhenaB ottwnmHet haotfaOtd or Mont Hefumieti. Sold everywhere. Safe, Sure, Reliable. Treatise on Hair and Scalp Troubles Free. I. Um C-Hin co., t cmsi9 "BEWARE OF IMITATIONS." V ' DR. T. C, S3JTTH. , WHOLESALES AND RET L. AGENT. - - ASI rjETVTLiIJL N. . The only hair preparation admitted to the Paris exposition. Raleigh. N. C. April 10. The dele gates to the state convention, and vis I itors too, poured in today. All trains had extra cars. Last night over 1C0 arrived. All the candidates are now on the ground. The office and lobby of the Yarboro house, always the "stamping ground," was of course packet. That is the place where for 0 years ov more political slates in North Carolina have been inaue ana broken, too. it is almost like tailing a roll ol i u mort als to prim tne arnvais. nti t are some of them: T. J. Jerome o Al. tiioe, Cameron Moriison uf Rocking ham. M. H. Justice, S. Uallert ot Kuiiienordu.u. V. J. uoai.iiu, Con gressman John H. Small of Wash ington, George L. Morton, Frank H Stedman, George RouSftree, E. K. Dijan oi w uiningion, li. c . lMXon, K . Y. Wehh of Shelbv W P" PrntK-h of Lumbeitoii, Ciiaiies L. Abemethi of Beaufort, R. ii. Peebies of Jackson, J. C. L. Bird, R. L. Dur ham of Gastonia, W. B. Councill, Jr., E. F. Lovill of Boone, A. .Cannon, M. L. Shipman of Hen- i; I... , i.. itr-.i of Biltmore, W. H. Duckworth of Brevard. E. B. Norvell of Murphy, Walter Murphy ot Salisbury, R. D. Gilmer, G. S. Fergu son of Waynesville, T. S. Morrison, A. S. Barnard, W. B. Williamson of Asheville, W. C. Hamner of Ashe- boro, H. G. Connor of Wilson. B. F j Aycock of Fremont, Charles B. Aycock of Goldsboro, J. A. Brown of Ciiad- , bourn, J. Frank Ray of Macon county. i A. e . Avery of Morganton, Frank D. ! Hackett of Wilkesboro. W. K. Jacob- son of Washington, O. H. Allen ol Kinston, F. C. Hairston of Statesville, E. Moffltt of Wadesboro, W .W. King of Danbury, Paul B. Means, J. O. Gib son, G. F. Crowell of Concord, J. W. Bernhardt of Lenoir, T. B. Bailey ot Mocksviile, George 1'. Pell of Jeffer son, J. A. Long of Roxboro, J. Y. Jov ner of Greensboro, S. M. Galtis ot Hillsboro, D. McCauley, J. F. Pickard of Chapel Hill, J. R. Llew Uyn of Dob oii, James T. LeGrand of Wadesboro, D. E. Mclver of Sanford, W. C. Petty or Carthage, J. A. Lockhart ol Wadesboro, W. L. London of Pitts boro, J. D. McCall, M. Shannonhouse, W. M. Lyles, W. C. Dowd, W. E. Abernethy, Heriot Clarkson of Char lotte, S. H. Webb of Alamance. George iKennedy will be the door keeper of the convention. Admission will be by card. The hall will contain 1600 persons. It Is difficult to guess at the attend ance of the convention. One man says lie figures the average will be 20 to a .-ouniy. This is probably close. Next time there will be an audito lium. The money is raised. It ap pears that the location will be between the capitol and the union passenger station. The weather is very agreeable. There was no frost this morning, though there was rather a close shave. "White supremacy" badges made their appearance today on coats quite numerously. There Is quite a lively war on be tween the morning papers here. The Presbyterian church here will this week be turned over to the build ing committee. All the stained glass windows are not yet In place. There is much grip here. Persons who come from many sections of tbe xtate. particularly the west, say it ia quite widely prevalent. The state charters the Calmacha i otton mill, at Sanford. to both spin and wiavo: capital, $100,000, with in crease to $: .00 000 authorized: stockhold ers. A. P. McPherson, T. C "Wilson and M. H. Caldwell. It is found that the loss by the re cent fire at the power House of the Vgricultural and Mechanical college is txon. As yet no repairs have been made. President Alderman of the state uni versity ariiied today. He says he will go to New Orleans next week and 'hen lecide whether he will accept or .f.ject the call to Tuiano university. Judge Simonton makes an order that Standing Master James E. Shepherd lake the evidence in the tax assessment ruses without submitting to the court omment or conclusions. The original order imposed too much responsibility upon the standing master. There was alk today of making W. D Turner and F. D. Winston electors- i laine 1 he first st:;te weather and crop bul iftln of the year was issued by the "nited tntes this morning. It i follows: "The beginning of the crop season of !P00 must be recorded as unfavorable, chiefly on account of the delay in farm work caused by continuously cold vet, disagreeable weather during Feb ruary and March. Spring is unusually '".t-i and vegetation very backward: forest trees west of Raleigh hardly yet phow signs of growth; the ground 1" old and unfavorable for the germina tion of seds. The lack of snow cov ering and alternate freezing and thaw ing during winter materially injured winter oats: on the other hand, most of the wheat -crop, though small, is thrifty and is progressing favorably. A relatively small crop of spring oits has been seeded. As the value of truck rops grown In the east depends on 'heir early maturity, the backwardness of the season is especially unfortunate tti that section: early cabbage, pea.s and lettuce are not as good as last year; beans, peas and onions are up; Irish potatoes are late. Strawberries also, though coming into bloom rapidly new, are a week or 10 days behind the average. The blooming of fruit trees has been greatly retarded by the lati advent of spring, and so far the pros pects for fruit must be considered ex ceptionally good. "A maiked and sudden change to summer-like conditions occurred Fri day. 6th, and the temperature rose to above 80 degrees on Sunday. On the whole, the week was favorable for farm work. which, though very much behind, is now actively under way nearly everywhere except in the extreme west. The ground has dried out and Is in excellent condition for working. Much corn has been planted in the south and east portions of the state." The P o) Waves Over Every fin fin Via Li Department in Tha Carp; in Contor nf A luilln afl and 4L2 Pattern Ave.1 mm ( CARD FROM MRS. PAINTER. One Who i:as Suffered Pronounces Vaccination a Boon to Mankind, Editor The Citizen: Kindly allow me space in your columns to ex press my appreciation for the kind treatment: given me by the city officials during my quarantine. Everything -wanted or needed was promptly supplied. Dr. Morris and the sanitary Inspector, Mr. Bird, were especially kind and atten tive, and, I am sure, did everything possible for my comfort. Vaccination lsa boon to mankind and should be considered a privilege, and Is certainly a safeguard that none can in Justice to themselves overlook. I had not been vaccinated, and suffer ed, while my husband, who remained constantly at my bedside, had been vaccinated, and was not sick or mark ed. With best wishes for The Citisen and the city, MRS, A. C PAINTER. Everything iu V earing Apparel for Men Women and Children. Money spent with ns &ets more gem ne value, goes farther, lasts longer, g. ts more style and more q mtity than is possible 'to get anywhere. Our aim is to get the trade of every liARGAli SEEKER in Asheville, and to do this lor Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Saturday we make the following special Offerings forEaster: Ladies' laiior Made Suits for Easter. We Lave placed on sale a sample line of Tailor made Suits, at prices that defy competition. These garments are stylishly made and strictly up-to-date. $1.50 Suits, $8.50. $10.50 Suits, $0.50. J ust received a nobby line of Mercerized Silk and Cotton Petticoats, all specially low priced . The other stores' $4.00 kind, only $2.U8. The other stores' $3.00 kind, only $1.98. 'Ihe other stores' $1.50 kind, only D8c. fctylisli spring cLtliing for Ail Mankind. cnuic new creations, and all jmade well and per lecL niuno . soroo lancy'orstedd and all tho new ciutno are iitre aud prices that mean a bii; saving to jou. i $15.00 Suits $10.0 $12.50 Suits $8.50. so.uu .boys' estee S , $1.U8. ft SHllil W Aid IS for Taster. Silk Waists, made in the very latest styles, new colorings, and at prices that will con vince you of our leadership in Shirt Waist selling. Our Wash Waists comprise anything that you can possibly think of in this line. i ...... . v aid (JLOVTS TOll E2WTE1S. Tutire new line that wo oner,' in all the leading shades, a $1.25 value for 73c )ur $1.00 Glove is positively warranted, and equal L the other stores' $1.50 (Jluve. i.asur Jviiiliiary Offerings whieh)are by far the gicaioi iu value that we have yet offered. -.5.(10 Hats, $2.(J8. ;.o0 Hats, $;;!-iy. , 91 L Shoe.-, tur Easier. liargains can lie liau prices and variety thai are ri for men are the $:J..0 kiud ; ere at any tune; styie-. i. Our line at $i.S'S the other shoe st-re- Dress uoods for faster. ;! - - 1 .Never . ;i- i here such a collection of Dress Fab rics Jin. I . .1.-11 (nil ds in Asheville jbef ore . Double faceil l'hiii!-, (Jolf Cloths, Iloijfiespuns, Zibeline i'i:ii!s iind everything that is new in this line. THE LINK THAT BINDS. Jacxso, Tbks. . Not. 23. I waa subject to miscarriage for three years, and suffered constantly with backache. I wrote to you for advice, and after using three bottle of Wine of Cardai , according to your directions, I am strong and well, and the mother of a On girl baby. Mrs. E. N. JOWEES. There Is no use talking a baby in the house is the link that binds husband and wife together. Nothing is sadder than fruitless wedlock. The prattling and cooing of the little ones offset a thousand times the occasional worries and trials of life. When a wife is barren, thert is a derangement somewhere in the genital organs, caused by one or more of those common disorders known as " female troubles". Wine of Cardul is the remedy. It puts the organs of generation in a stron? and healthy condition, fitting the wife for the sacred duty of reproducing her kind. During the period of gestation the entire system of the expectant mother Is built up to withstand the ordeal of labor, and when the little one maices its aavent it is lusty and strong, well-fitted to grow to ma turity in perfect health. The mother, too, passes through the trial with little pain and no dread. Wine of Cardui is truly a wonder ful medicine for women. I Ulirc inwicnD ntulTSIIT. 1 ' - . I H H . r --- - . ForadTtoe In cutmm requirm? ipi.rlai directions, ad.lress, ivina Kvnintnm, ldbV Advborj lVl, Th HirTASOOUA BkDICINK CO- t hftAn.w.Lra Thiul Large Bottles for $!.C0 at Druggists. Mm l B tl l try s -A i5 KnB- .rii ir 1 n o (Tfoiiscwoikis had work without GoldDnsf Washing Dishes To wish dishes la hslf tbe time, and do It well, follow this recipe: Always use hoi er not warm, bat hot, It is best to as mops with chins snd (Imu, and, to hsvs a aloe lather, instead ol nsing soap ase Gold Dost Wishing Powder Dissolve a tablespoonful in the hot water and wash quickly : have plenty of nice, dry towels to wipe with ; have a drainer that will allow the water to ran off the dishes Into receptacle be low, when you will have blchly polished class and china. Th abon la takra from r fraa Vxtklat '.GOLDEN HULKS TV H0U8EW0BJL" INI ! tt VAIalBAHsr .wt4,Ma Rt?.rliir.t?.rl v7 Prices on Suits V and l' Cloaks '44 WE have reduced prices on nearly every suit and cloak" In our line. You can now aecure a fashionable garment at a reduc tion of one-third from former price. Tailor-Made Suits, former price. $5 1 reduced to $3.34 $10 Suitureduced to $6.67. v $15 Suits reduced to $10. Winter Jackets, former price, $5 1 reduced to $3.34. $9 Jackets reduced to $6. $12 Jackets reduced to $S. Separate Skirts, former price, $4 reduced to $2.67. $6 Skirts reduced to $4. $8 Skirts reduced to $5.34. Reduced Prices on Capes, Newmarkets, Rainy Day Skirts, Bicycle Suits, etc We are also closing; out a few sample nrmrata which were made un for ex. ibition in our salesroom at one-half regular prices. We tell you all about our railuced orice srarmenta in our Winter Catalogue and Bargain List, which will be sent free, together with samples of the materials, to any lady who wishes them. Write to-day the choicest goods will be sold first. THE NATIONAL CLOAK CO.. 123 and 125 West XM St.. New York. The Asheville School of Stenography and Typewriting 3ondl?v Building. Patton Ave. cor. Church eit. Room lrt Tel. 9H. Miss Faskir Kmamkl, Teaeher, On Monday, April lGth, I will commence a Night Class for the instruction of young men and women in Slioithand and Typewriting. I teach the "Munson System." whl eh is the best in use and one tauffht in the principal business schools and colleges in the United States. Inlorina tion as to cost of tuition and length of term for either,nenl5v h,,7irt classes may be had by application at the class room In the Son; die X ing between 10 a. m. and 4 p .m. dally, where Inquiries will receive prompt attention. Out-of-town corresponden ce solicited. - :., I ASHEVILLE MAILS. Schedule Showing Arrival and Closing at tbe .City Postofflce. The following la the ached ule of the arrival and closing t mails at the Asheville poatofflce: Tr. From. Ar. Cloa. 35 Salisbury . .1:45 a.m. 12:15 am. 36 Knoxvllle . .6:35 am. 6:11 am. 20 Murphy. . . .1:25 p.m. 2:46 p.m. 12 Knoxvllle . .S:SS p.m. 1:40 p.m. 9 Columbia. . .:00 p.m. 1:06 p.m. II Salisbury . .1:46 p.m. 1:85 p.m. 13 Charleston . 7:20 p.m. 7:06 am. 18 Way'avllle . S: 00 p.m. 1:16 a.m. . " Sylva " Dillaboro . . " Whittler. . .. " Bryaon City . " Clyde. . . . " Canton. ... STAR ROUTES. From. Ar. Cloa. Burnavllle . . ... .8:00p.m. 4:0a.m. Rutherford ton. . . 8:00p.m. :00a.m. Rlcevllle ...... .12:00 m. 1 :00p.m. Mills River.. ... :00p.m. 7:00a.m. Leicester ..... .11:30a.m. 13:00m. All malls for the railroad close one hour before schedule time of departure. executions. Summons and all Legal I'oi ms at The Citizen office. Deeds of trust. Ions; and short forms, at The Citizen office. 4 - .' y2 WtmORES wmnuws EHfln PACKAGE east at ar auv at v of SJhwGiJ Donannut pel. OF GiJfQEM FfHZIZ WITH EVERY PACKAGE VJ lit 3 6) RE'S (SULnTUCJE double refined and nnequaled for purity and strength, from which can be made the most , r-rrTr w r- such as pies, puddings, custards, sauet-s, DELICIOUS UEOCZnTS, etc.. etc.. etc Easy to make, nuickly prepared, triflinar in cost, appetizing and nutritious. WOm m gtmckago ThfOO valors Pink, WhJle, and Orango At all Grocor. Trade Supplied by siayden, Fakes f-

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