itlzeno (1GV! Vol. XVI. fk 72. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 4, 1900. Price 5 Cents. SUNDAY FIGHT FATAL EXPLOSION ON DREDGE BOAT CANVASSING HUMBERT'S FUNERAL ON NEXT THURSDAY U. S. FLAG ON BURNED TRAIN ROCKBROOK FARM" CREAMERY BUTTER. IS EXPECTED THE RETURNS A fl c A q Do you want Pure Spices and... Extracts? . W have only the absolutely pure .pice, mad. from the finest berries, and they will cost you no more than you pay for In ferior goods. In extracts we have them from five cents to $11.00 per .bottle, Burnett's being our leader. Once bought you will have no pther, CLARENCE SAWYER.... grocer. 6 N. Court Sq. Bon Marchc The SPECIAL SALE on Wash Shirt Waists has proved a success, and in order to close out will sell $1.50 Waists for. . 2.00 " .. 1.00 " ".. .7$ " Full assortment added BET DEPARTMENT. ..$1.00 .. 1.38 . . 75 ' .. .50 to our COR- Good Summer Corset for.... 39c Better Summer Corset for. ...60c Straight Front Corsets at 11.00 and $1.76. Batiste Corsets, 1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, In all the leading makes R, and O., W. B.. Royal Worcester, J. B., P. D., Dowager. Sole agent for Her Majesty Corseta, celebrated Centemeri Kid Gloves. Sample lot of Ladles' Felt Hats at half regular price. Bon Marchc 15 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 0 X b 4. W 01 c o 5 E E a W o c JZ A JZ - 3 o to in d c to Cj m IB H 3 O o u a o 5 ti a o o a a o k u O O 111 Z IU Crf a J z o o O a O a z 3 V O x m o c 3 M - o CO : 5 -2 on o E c v E s I m - i is fa j3 With General Maa's 10,000 Chinese at Yang TsungL WORD FROM CONGER Message Dated July 25 Ar rives at Chefoo. HE SATS LEGATIONS CAN HOLD OUT SIX DATS EMPRESS' IN STRUCTIONS TO EN COURAGE BOXERS. New Tork, Aug. 4. A message from Conger In Pekln, dated July 25, has ar rived at Chefoo. Minister Conger says the legatloners have provisions and can hold out six days. Food In Pekln was growing scarce. It was reported that the cessation of attacks on the for eigners was by imperial decree. Before the bombardment of Tien Tsin prominent natives urged the viceroy to put down the Boxers, but the viceroy was In their power and wired L4 Hung Chang for aid, says a Chefoo special. The latter advised crushing them at once, saying the Boxers Had gained too much headway. The viceroy also had instructions from the empress to en courage the Boxer attacks on foreign ers. The Boxers have released all criminals. Proofs have been discov ered that the viceroy offered and paid a reward for the heads of foreigners. A cage was found especially made for foreign prisoners. Documents found in the viceroy's of fice at Tien Tsln give the names of the heads of the Boxers. The numbers are said to be 20,000. There are copies of reports to the throne on the Tien Tsin fighting. A private letter to the viceroy's sec retary indicates that the Pao Ting Fu missionaries were killed. The viceroy is at present in camp with General Maa six miles away. General Sung is at Yang Tsung, 20 miles to the north. 1 J fi haa nhntrnntail .Via t I'nr Kir alnlrfnar stone-laden junks. The forces of Gen- erai aiaa unu uenerai sung are i.i.wu. London, Aug. 4. Nothing direct from the allies operating beyond Tien Tsin is to hand, but a news agency dispatch from Shanghai today says a battle ts expected Sunday with General Maa's 10,000 Chinese at Yang Tsung. The Kusslan ana Frencn contingents, ac cording to this dispatch, are guarding the communications of the Americans and British, who form the advance col umn. A dispatch dated Tien Tsin July 27 says another dispatch from Pekin July 21 has been received duplicating In part one sent by a different route, but adding the military information that the American, HritlHh and German le gations have provisions barely suf ficient for 14 days, and ammunition ts short. The ministers again rejected the proposition of the Chinese govern ment. They leave Pekln under Chinese troops. Another courier from the Japanese legation brings a dispatch dated July 23 saying that but five days' provisions are. left and 25 rounds for each man. Dritihh Consul Frazler and the for eign community are leaving Ching Kun, province of Sze Chuen, in con sequence of an official warning from Shanghai. There is no trouble In Ching Kun now or In any part of Sze Chuen, but disturbances are' expected when the allies reach Pekln. St. Petersburg, Aug. 4. General Grodekoff has sent the following to the war omce: Khaabarovsk, Aug. 1. Two columns from Blagovestchensk crossed Amur river 3 a. m. under Col onels Schwerln and Scherlklnoft. at tacked Chinese troops and took ' the town of Sakhalin, one gun and quanti ty of Mauser cartridges. Steamer Sllenga suffered severely from rifle fire. Transselsk detachment under Colonel Paotenhauer bombarded Algun with 12 mortars and Chinese reDlled. On officer and five men killed and 15 wounded. Four armored, steamers are patrolling coast." A dispatch from Shan Hu. dated to- day.says that after LI Hung Chang left Canton Imperial troops Joined the Box ers. The dispatch adds that the nro- vlnclal troops along the Tang-tse river remain quiet, owing to a promise of the viceroy of Nankin. The Boxers, It Is further stated In the dispatch, are mur dering missionaries In South China.but are not disturbing the treaty ports. Troops are being brought to the treaty ports. Batteries on the Tang-tse river, the dispatch says, are being repaired, and new ones are being erected at Wu Sung despite the declaration of the viceroy that the work would be stopped. Five guns have been mounted. The dispatch accused the British of a secret un derstanding with the viceroy In ac counting for the Indifference of the British fleet to the strengthening of the Chinese forts at Wu Sung. Washington, Aug. 4. Minister Wa called at the state department this morning and presented a copy of a ca- Iblegram receive frcm his overnment (Continued on Fage Four.) . Blows Up in the Middle of Tampa Bay. tENTT PEOPLE WERE ABOARD AND IT IS BELIEVED THAT ALL PERISHED. Tampa. Fla., Aug. 4. Dredge boat No. 2, belonging to Rlttenhouae As Moore blew up In the middle of Tampa bay at 7 this morning. Twenty people were aboard and It Is feared all per ished. The boat was valued at 160,000. It was equipped with four gasoline en gines and had two large tanks aboard. It is probable that there were at least KOflO gallons of gasoline on board at the time of the explosion. Tugboats have gone down, but will not return for some time and give a list of fatalities. There was no Insurance, according to the best belief. The dredge drew 13 feet of water and could not have been towed close enough to shore to allow the men to swim. ! INTEREST CENTERS IN SENATORIAL CONTEST THIS DISTRICT IS CLAIMED BOTH SIDES. BY AH interest In Ashevllle in the recei election Is now centered In the senato rial contest for this district.. Both sides are claiming the places. The Re publicans are basing their claim on the supposition that Madison county has gone Republican by from 1100 to 1300 majority. This Is the Information they have. Admitting, they say, that Bun combe's Democratic majority Is 700, Haywood will not give a large enough Democratic majority to enable the Democrats to offset Madison's vote. The Democrats say that Gudger Is certainly elected, and that probably Strlngneld is. They say that Hay wood's returns will give a safe Demo cratic majority, and that if Madison's Republican majority Is over 1000 there must have been some fraud perpetra ted. The exact returns from Madison and Haywood are not yet In, and the situation appears to be extremely un certain. Chairman Donald Gillls of the Demo cratic senatorial committee, states that the senatorial ticket will be suc cessful by a small majority. ST ER AND WIFE A LOVELESS COUPLE FORMER TAKES BEDSTEAD AND SHOTGUN AND LEAVES. Pnna, 111., Aug. 4. Rev. Mr. Query, for nine years pastor of the Ilaptist church at Honey Bend, startled his congregation Wednesday night by an nouncing that for 18 years no love had existed between himself and his wife and that they had finally decided to separate. He asked the church to ac cept his resignation as Its pastor, de claring that he had been warned In a dream to take this step. An affecting scene fijjlowed In which the tears of many of the congregation were mingled with those of the pastor. In the division of property, Mrs. (juery was awarded the house and lot at Raymond; the family horse and buKKy arnt !irn rflth Tim mirilntp ,rtnt,t,ito.l "l'"Ml .". U LIV'. l'll.Vli-l Rill, u DIIUV gun. Mr. Query is over 50 years old. STRIKE ON THE C. P. Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 4 On the Can adian Pacific yesterday the machinists, blacksmiths, bollermakers, fitters, la borers and locomotive painters from Lake Superior to the struck Pacific coast, at Moose Jaw, Medicine Hat, Hevelstoke, Kamioops, Vancouver, Winnipeg. Laggan, Field and Cran brook. In Winnipeg, including the men dismissed on Monday, 650 are out. The men claim many dismissals were made last week In an attempt to break up their unions, hence the strike. They believe a sympathetic tie up will be ef fected. COLLIER CROSS-EXAMINED. Georgetown, Ky., Aug. 4. Adjutant General Collier was placed on the stand this morning for cross-examination. The witness told of keeping sol diers at the state arsenal prior to the shooting, but could not remember whether they brought any arms Into the state capltol grounds. He admit ted having refused to allow civil offi cers to go Into the executive building to execute a writ of habeas corpus, saying he had orders from Governor Taylor to do so. ELOPERS DROWNED. Poplar Bluff, Mo., Aug. 4. Martha Hendricks, 17 years old, and Paul Ver ner, an eloping couple, lost their Uvea yesterday by drowning In the Current river while attempting to escape from the nn?ry father of the el: I. The lin ers sought to outwit their pu:sm r by crossing the river. They embs'ed In a skiff, which struck a snag midway ;he stream and overturned. County Board Meets Here Today at Noon. CASE 0FSWANNAN0A Facts About Its Vote Stated by Chairman. OFFICIAL RESULT OF VOTE IN COUNTY MAT NOT BE DETER MINED TILL LATE THIS AFTERNOON. The county board of canvassers met today at noon In the court room to canvass the election returns for the county. The board Is composed of one election officer from each precinct In the county. The chairman, elected by themselves, is ex-offlclo member of the state board of elections. W. L. Gash of Swannanoa was elect ed chairman and T. R. Harrison of Ashevllle secretary. The following Biconstuute tne Doara: Avery s creea, B. ti. Ulsnop; LKjwer Hominy, Church Crowell; Upper Hom iny No. 1, C. W. Howell; .No. 2, A. Z. Wright; Leicester No. 1, T. F. Rey nolds; No. 2, absent; No. 3, J. L. Wil liamson; Sandy Mush, O. T. Anderson; French Broad. W. J. Clonts; Reems Creek No. 1, F. P. Roberts; No. 2, ab sent; Flat Creek, M. F. Roberts; Ivy No. 1; J. B. Hyder; No. 2, T. G. Garri son; Black Mountain, J. O. Gregg; Swannanoa, W. L. Gash; Falrvlew, W. J. Melton; Limestone, J. B. Powers; Biltmore No. 1, W. G. Reed; No. 2, A. J. Roberts; Hazel, E. B. Atkinson; Beaverdam, D. L. Reynolds; Haw Creek, B. F. Smith; Ashevllle No. 1, L T. Bustle; No. 2, Harold Johnston; No. 3, F. N. Waddell; No. 4, T. R. Harrl Bon; No. 5, W. J. Postell; No. 6, A. R. Ogburn. Before the board can declare the re sult of the election it must pass upon all questions relative to the accuracy of the count In the different precincts. The first question of this kind arose about the Swannanoa returns. The facts were stated by the chairman as he understood them, and were corrob orated by George W. Young, deputy Superior court clerk, vho resides at Swannanoa. It appears that at 4 o'clock in the af ternoon the election officers thought that everyone had voted, and they counted the vote. When they had done this 1 voters came up and deposited their Votes. In recording these ballots, through inadvertence, on the senatorial ticket, only the heads of tickets were counted. Thus Gudger and Iioone re ceived the proper additions, 13 for the former and six for the latter, while the remainder of the senatorial candidates and legislative candidates received no credit whatever for the additional votes. Mr. Young testified that of his ' own knowledge the 19 votes cast were : straight tickets and all the candidates I should have been credited as the head . of the tickets were. The board decided to take the matter ; under advisement. An adjournment! was taken at 1 o'clock until 2. Other 1 n vehicles, Koing Into the country. Ex matters are expected to come up which ' citeincnt is not running high so far. will engage the attention of the board, I so it is the expectation that the official result will nut he deduced until late this afternoon. If at all today. The returns from the different pre cincts are all In. but are sealed and not I accessible to the public. IN HAYWOOD. A message to The Citizen today from i J. 1). Boone at Waynesville says that i Haywood will give the state ticket a , Democratic majority of from 450 to ortO. MORE RETURNS FROM THE STATE ELECTION DEMOCRATS HAVE 100 MEMBERS OF LOWER HOUSE. Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 4.-Special. Chairman Simmons has a telegram from Dare county. It goes Demo cratic. Brunswick goes for the amendment but re-elects McNeil to .the lower house. He Is the one who twice voted against the amendment. The Democrats have elected 100 mem bers of the house and 38 senators. Chatham, Moore and Randolph ara yet In doubt as to the senatorial vote. If the Democrats have carried them they will have 40 senators. Yancey and McDowell are safely Democratic. Burke Is Democratic by over 400. Watauga is Republican. DOUGHERTY AND FELTZ. Brooklyn. N. T., Aug. 4. Danny Dougherty, the champion and Tommy Felts of Brooklyn will fight for the bantam championship of the world be fore the Greenwood Athletic club this evening. Ltttli.g Is In favor of Dough erty. " ' . Shoemaker Nicolini Was Bresci's Accomplice, MESSAGE OF THANKS TO PRESI DENT MKINLEY FROM VICTOR EMMANUEL III. Rome, Aug. 4. The date of Hum bert's funeral has been fixed for Thurs day next. Monsa. Aug. 1 It Is now believed that shoemaker Nicolini of Billa waa Breeds' accomplice. Nicolini has dis appeared, but he telegraphed to Breed July 20, announcing his departure, "everything being ready." Washington, Aug. 4. The king of Italy has sent the following to Presi dent McKlnley: "I heartily thank your excellency and the great American people who share in my grief and that of my country, which has strengthened the old bonds of friendship existing between the two countries. Victor Em manuel III. COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHERN STATES REPRESENTATIVE METING TO BE HELD AT RALEIGH. Atlanta, Aug. 4. The second annual meeting of the commissioners of ag riculture to be held at Raleigh, N. C, August 28, promises to surpass both in point of attendance and In Importance the meeting last year In New Orleans at which the association was or ganised. Indications point to the representa tion at the convention of Georgia, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Ala bama, Florida, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina and possibly Indian Territory and Okla homa. The commissioner of each state will be called on for a paper reflecting the agricultural conditions In his stats during the year with especial referenca to the extent of the cotton acreage Judged by th . figures of last year. The -vommlssloners are endeavoring to. get in closer touch with the farmers of the south and all branches of that Indus try will be discussed, In addition to the attention given the cotton crop. REPAIRS FOR THE OREGON. Washington, Aug. 4. It will take probably four montns to put the Ore- j gon In condition for service. The de I partment people have no Idea of the cost of the work, but Judging from the two months' work necessary on the Brooklyn, which cost $70,000, It Ib thought the government will be ob liged to spend $100,0(10 on the Oregon. Naval Constructor 'Ruhin, who is en route to Manila to take the place of Constructor Hobson, ordered home, has been Intercepted at Yokohama and In structed to proceed to Kura and 8U pi rintend the work. TAMPA FHVEH SITUATION. Tampa, Aug. 4. The tevcr situation is unchanged. No new cases hud been reported up to noon. State Health Of ficer J. Y. Porter and Assistant Sur geon General White of the marine ho" piul service arrived here this morning but have made no report yet. A num ber of people left this morning on out- going trains. Many art also lea; Ir.g SKUVICK IN CHAPEL ROYAL. London, Auk. 4. Simultaneously with the funeral of the Duke of Saxe I'ubuiK' und (jotha today a memorial si'ivlce was held in the chapel royal at St. James palace, attended by the roy al family. The service wns fully cho ral. Tile congregation wore court ureas. MACON VOTE. Franklin, N. C. Aur. 8. Special. Semi-official returns give Crisp 4S ma jority, Dean for representative 2tl ma jority, Hlgdon for sheriff 5X, Illalne, Democrat, 10 for register. Fusion com missioner elected. SHOT OVER ELECTION. Chattanooga, Auk. 4. A special from Decherd, Tenn., says that Will Elder xhot and killed James Armstrong at Elk River, as the result of a quarrel over the flection. Both were well to do citizens of the place. Elder surrendered to the authorities. Our... Soda . Costs You.., ..No more .Than the ..Ordinary Kind It... . Coats , Ts More . To make ....It We're proud .. of our '"hnrnltCo , lM radicular .. .W.nrrnod'e "He Puts Up I Prescriptions. " Work of Patrol of Boers in Vicinity of Kroonstad. U.S. CONSUL ABOARD 2,500 Boer Prisoners at Gen eral Hunter's Camp. RAVINES ARE CHOKED WITH WAGONS. AND ROADS ARE ' BLOCKED FOR DISTANCE OF TWENTT MILES. f t 1 Bloemfonteln, Aug. 4. A train ofll board which was United States Consul Stowe and over which was flying thj stars and stripes waa derailed audi burned at Honlgsprult, south of Kroon stad, by a flying patrol of Boers. Na prisoners were taken. Fouriersburg, Aug. 4. There are 2500 Boer prisoners at General Hunter camp and 1600 prisoners and nine guns at Ian Hamilton's camp. There wer about 6000 In Caledon valley originally but some refused to acquiesce in tha Prlnsloos surrender and slipped away; In the night. These have now sent Id asking terms of surrender. It wilt take some days to ascertain the exact number. Boers who excuse themselvaM for not fighting say they are In a help less condition. Ravines are choked with wagons, which are placed In the most danger ous spots of tha roads, which art blocked for 20 miles. London, Aug. 4. Roberts telegrapha to the war office General Hunter re ports that 24$ men have surrendered to him. COAST STREWN WITH WRECKS. London. Aug. 4. Channel traffic waa Interrupted today by a gale and the Welsh coast la strewn with wrecks of coasters and pleasure craft. The rac ing yacht Corsair was sunk In a col lision with a steam fishing boat oft Itamsgate. . A steamboat believed to ba the Fairy Queen sank off Lapwell. Crops are much damaged and telegraph wires in Great Britain and over half the continent are partly down. OHIO PYTHIANS. Cleveland, X)., Aug. 4. The annual reunion of the Ohio Knights of Pythias 1m belnn held here today. Visiting mem bers of the order from throughout tha state to the number of about 3000 ara In attendance. The amusements of tha day consist of a program of sports that are being greatly enjoyed. At tha close of the parade a Hag was present" ed to the Second Ohio regiment by th Kuthbone Sisters of Cleveland. RACK IN CANTON. Canton. Auk. 4. President McKlnley! returned to Canton this morning. 50,000 MAJORITY ! The country is safe now all that remains to be done is to buy your drugs and medi cines at Dr.T.C Smith's Drug Store --we lead the procession in medi cines, chemicals, paints and oils our entire stock will be closed out at a small profit in or der to make room for a large lot of fresh goods now on the way from primary markets we don't want the earth but will be satisfied with a small part of it come to see us and bring L your prescrip tions along ; we are filling these every day except vinenv. N i JtV'.-W

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