11 4 neviiie cizea Vol. XVI. No, 206 ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 9, 1901, Price 5 Cent?. As 1 M I Watches Watches ! ll . i Watches Arthur M. Field Co. Leading Jewelers and Makers of Special Mountings. Church Street and Puttou Avenue AfcSHEVILLE, N. C Good Advice for 1901 When you have run all over town and find It very hard to get something special or out of the ordinary In DRY GOODS, NO TIONS SMALLWARES, WOOLS or SILKS; before despairing try the BON MARCHES, where you will be more apt to find Just what is wanted. But better still, in or der to save time and worry, go FIRST to BON MARCHE 15 SOUTH MAIN ST. Sumner, Sons & Co. (Successors to SUMNER, DEAL & CO.) If If Will Close Out Fur Capes At these Big Reductions : $12.50 and $15 Coats, $5.00 6.50 Coats 3.00 I lot $25.00 Coats . . 10.00 I lot 25.00 Coats .. M-98 One Let FURS reduced from .00 and 18.00 to $2.98. $9.00 and 212.00 Furs 107777 7.13.93. One lot tl.50 Dress Goods at TDc. yard. One lot $1.23 and $1.00 Silks at Me. yard. Sumner, Sons & Cc. LEGISLATURE BEGINS WORK The 1901 Session Gets to v Business at Noon. MOORE IS SPEAKER H. A. London President Pro Tern of the Senate. LIEUT. GOV. REYNOLDS HA3 CHANGED HIS MIND ON THH MATTER OF HIS RESIG NATION. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 9. Special. Lieutenant Governor Reynolds decides that he will not resign, but hold on un til Tuesday. He says he thinks this the proper course. The legislature convened at noon. The officers of the house are: Walter E. Moore, speaker. Brevard Nixon, chief clerk. Frank Bennett, doorkeeper. J. II. Fonvllle, engrossing clerk. W. W. Wilson, reading clerk. Y. B. Howell, assistant doorkeeper. The officers of the senate are: President, Charles A. Reynolds. President pro. tern., H. A. London. A. J. Maxwell, chief clerk. Walter L. Cahoon, reading clerk. Frank A. Clinard, engrossing clwk. Ja8. B. Smith, sergeant at arms, George Blggerstaff, assistant door keeper. Senator Justice is chairman of the Democratic caucus. Lieutenant Governor-elect Turner ar rived today. He and Justice will select the senate committees. At the house caucus last night II. G. Connor presided. M. II. Justice presid ed at the senate caucus. All senators present today save James, who Is sick and will not arrive before Monday. When Strlngfleld was sworn in notice of contest was given. A committee was appointed to notify the governor that the body wus ready to receive his message. This will be sent In tomorrow. A resolution was adopted providing for a canvass of the vote and Us an nouncement at noon next Tuesday. Officials of the three great systems of railway in North Carolina are In con ference today to see whether any com promise or settlement of tfrp lax as sessment matter can be made. CHURCHILL UNPOPULAR HE IS CONSIDERED ENTIRELY TOO BUMPTIOUS. London, Jan. 9. It Is not generally known that Winston Churchill was about the most unpopular young man that ever went Into the army. His so journ with the Fourth Hussars was not a particularly happy or Interesting one. There Is a story told of him that he wrote to a certain general asking him if he might send the general a copy of hid book on the war. The reply was so un flattering and unsatisfactory that the ! letter has not been kept In the archives of the Churchill family. Although he Is undoubtedly clover, ' the young man is generally considered j far too bumptious. When at New mar j ket soon after his return from Af i lea he I swaggered about the place to such an I extent that many persons thought he ! represented all the stewards of that ; course rolled into one. NITRATE WORKS BURNED FIREMEN SUFFOCATED BY THE FUMES FROM CHEMICALS. Rochester," NV T.7 Jan. 9. This city yesterday was the scene of another fatal fire.- The nitrate building of the Eastman Kodak company was de stroyed. Two firemen were suffocated by fumes of burning chemicals and others were bo seriously Injured that they will probably die. The dead are: Lieutenant Edward Murphy, George F. Long; Injured, George Kittilngcr. The fire was started by the contact of escaping nitric acid with a wooden floor. VENEZUELAN AFFAIRS. SITUATION REPORTED TO BE MORE HOPEFUL. Washington, Jan. 9. The last advices received by the state department from Minister Loomls in Venezuela gave the situation thpre as more hopeful. Mr. Loomls cables that the revolution led by Perexa appears to be completely suppressed. The favorable turn In affairs will not lead to sny present change In the naval representation at LaOuayra. Caracas. Jan. . The last place occu pied by the revolutionists, Carupano, surrendered yesterday. GERMANY OPPOSES OUR PROPOSITION At Least Feeling in Berlin Points That Way. PROPOSAL IS TO SHIFT CERTAIN LINES OF. PEACE NEGOTIA TIONS FROM PEKIN. Berlin, Jan. 9. It Is expected that the subject of . a lengthy interview Ambassador White had yesterday with the secretary of state for foreign affairs was in regard to the proposal of the United States powers to conclude the convention at Pekin except those ques tions relating to indemnity and com mercial treaties, these being left for settlement' at a conference of the pow ers at Washington or elsewhere. No final decision is announced, but the feeling in diplomatic circles here seems to be opposed to the United States proposition. Paris, Jan. 9. As a result of the In- qulries made in ollicial circles the Asso ciated Press learns that the United Slates has put forth a tentative sug gestion that the peace negotiations be shifted from Pekin to Washington. The French government has not re ceived the formal proposition and therefore its attitude on the subject Is not determined. ROOT HAS COMMITTEE'S REPORT ON B00Z CASE NO INFORMATION TO 1!E GIVEN OUT NOW. Washington, Jan. 9. The record of proceedings and lindiugs of the mili tary committee, appointed to investi gate the ease of cx-Ciuiel Hooz, whose recent death is i.ltributed by his fam ily and friends to injuries received by hazing at the West Point academy, has been received at the war department. The recoid comprises four large vol umes, each of lull typewritten pages. Without undei taking to read the re port, not even the conclusions of the court. General Cm-bin, to whom it was referred, took it to the secretary of war personally. In accordance with the es tablished rules of the war department, no ollii ial information concerning the nature of the conclusions will be di vulge, 1 in advance of the secretary's action. ONE DAY ENOUGH. PUGILISTS DON'T LIKE TRAINING. AT SEASHORE. j New York, Jan. 9. One day's training ' at the seashore was enough for Ruhlln and Jeffries. The weather was raw and cold and neither man would venture outside to do any work. Ruhlln, who had planned to remain at Hath Beach until lu days before the light, which Is to take place in Cincinnati February 15, lias changed his mind and will leave for Covington Sunday. Jeffries' experience with the seashore winds at Loch Arbor convinced him that a warmer climate would be more desirable and he will move to West Baden, lml., within a few days If the cold weather continues. Tom Shaikey, who will meet Kid Mc Coy in a limited boat in San Franc. sco February 2! has gone to West Baden. The sailor will train at the, Indiana health resort until February U and will finish up at Los Angeles. i TO CLOSE PORTS. PREVENT OMMUNICATION LE- TWEEN THE INSURGENTS. ! M.aula. Jan. 9. --The military govern-1 , nient Is considering the question of closing certain ports of the southern islands m order to prevent communlea- ' I Hon between the insurgents. The port ; I of Uijay, on I'.obol Island, has already. ; bee.li ordered closed us the garrison atu.- j tioned there has been withdrawn. j An act for the organization of the metropolitan police of Manila has been pas.-ed by the Philippine commission. ' The force will consist of three com- . ...... l.,a e..lut ...1 fn.m Uit n III ....f UJil.l li.i-V ' LAWYER'sTuiClDE. HIS ACT THE RESULT OF AN UN HAPPY JdARRTAGE. Atlanta, Jan. 9. Felix N, Cobb, a prominent politician and lawyer of Carrollton, Ga., committeed suicide here last night. He left a not to his parents saying the art was the result of his unhappy marriage. Cobb was the candidate on the Popu UK ticket for attorney general at the hist election. BICYCLE ACCIDENT. While Hal R, Stephens was riding down Merrlmon avenue Tuesday even ing his wheel struck a stone and the rider was thrown front the bike, caus ing several cuts on his face and a num ber of bruises. The accident occurred at the corner where Mr. Rogers was killed a year ago and where O. A. Greer was severely Injured some months ago. HALF MILLION BROOKLYN FIRE Beard's Shipping Stores Are ,l Partly Destroyed. LIVES ENDANGERED f Excursion Steamer Burns to Water's Edge. ONE FIREMAN INJURED AND FIF TY SEAMEN COMPELLED TO HUSTLE OUT FOR A PLACE OF SAFETY. New York, Jan. 9. In an early morn ing the lu the basin front that lighted up South Brooklyn, Beard's shipping stores, at the foot of Richards street, were partially destroyed; an excursion steamer, the Idlewild, was burned to the water's edge, one lireman was in- j jui'cd and close upon 60 seamen tiav rowly escaped with their lives. The total loss Is estimated at $J00,0OO. The lire started from an unknown cause on board the Idlewild about 1 1 o'cloi k. The steamer was lying just Inside the breakwater. As soon as she was cut loose she drifted directly! t across the basin and up against one of t Betu d's pier heads. j In a very short time the big coveted pier, where jute and cotton were stared in bales, was lu . flames from piling to r;'-V Brooklyn fll peats utter u hard light succeeded in gelling the liauies ', under control. On the ether side of the pier was ly ing the tramp steamer St. lunstan,: from Liverpool, with a cargo of fruit' and sugar. Her crew huiried on deck when the Idlewild banged al. tigside. 1 lushed over the side and 'managed lo get ashor while the Hie boats look care of the abandoned ship. Thuy quenched the liana's after the deck house had caught lire and her port side was badly blistered and then si t In r adrift. The Idlewild. mianwnilc, had burnei to the water's edge and a couple of lighters had also been deOioy.-d. PLENTY 0; ROOM. : WASHINGTON IS PREPARED TO I TAKE CARE OF VISITORS. Washington, Jan. 9. --Members of the Blaine club of Cincinnati having said . that the club had decided not to coma to Washington to participate In the i ti augural parade because of the lack of suitable accommodations, Chairman I John J. Edison has made a state I inent bearing on the subject prewired by Mr. Welly of the public comfort , committee. The latter says Ids committee has Tiad no application from the Blaine club ; and has seen flone of ii-s members; that j the public comfort committee Is pro pared to furnish quarters for any body of 1 25 or up to .'iipi men. If necessary; In i any one of (lie prominent hotels now I listed on the books and at prevailing rates, without any advance on account I of lite Inauguration. ! STAMPED PAPER. , COMPARATIVE STATEMENT FOR j FIVE LARGE OFFICES. Washington, Jan. 9. -The postoflice department lias Issued the' following comparative statement of the Issue of stamped paper to the live largest olllc-s on luc iiuaiier eii'uii; i-'eceinuor Ia99 and 1900. II. I 1839. New York J 1.991, 237 Chicago 1 3ll,J5 Philadelphia .... .... : 4-7.U. Boston TH.mij st 1 jioia 'n e.- 1900. S.!,S.'.3,929 WW.ili') HHM3') This shows a total of J ;,:"J.",,90S for Won as compured with $."i,Ul,6)4 for 1S99, an increase of $t.S01,223. .. PRESIDENT BETTER. RUT HE MUST STAY IN BED. BEV- ERAL DAYS. Washington, Jan. 9. Secretary Cort elyou retuirted this morning that the president had passed a very comfort able night, and that his case Is yielding rapidly to treatment. No unfavorable symptoms have ap peared, but from the nature of the dis ease the president will be compelled to keep his bed fur several days. ASTOtt . CONTRIBUTES 5000. London, Jan. . In response to tht appeal of the Prince of Wales for fur ther contributions to the fund for the families of the men at the front. Mr, William Waldorf Astor has contributed S0O0 pounds sterling. Try The Antlers' hot chocolata and whipped cream, 10 cents. HISSES AND HOOTS FOR THE MARQUIS From Disgusted Sharehold ers of the Company, AFFAIRS OF THE SUSPENDED LONDON AND GLOBE FINANCE CORPORATION. London, Jan. 9. Amidst cries of "Turn, him out," hooting end other hostile interruptions, the Marquis of Dufferln and Ava, chairman of the suspended London and Globe Finance corporation,, limited, at an extraordi nary meeting of the company today succeeded in at least temporarily ap peasing the wrath of the shareholders. The hiilUwas packed and the direc tors were evidently supported by a considerable faction, as warm cheering was mingled with the hisses and hoots. As a result of explanations of the di rectors the shareholders voted an ad journment until Monday, when a scheme for the reconstruction of the company will be submitted. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. TWO LODGES ENJOY A GREAT HANQI'ET. One of the most enjoyable banquets Si von lately was that last evening giv en by the Plsgah mid Ashevllle lodges, K. of p., at the t-'-w anna iioa hotel. Previous to the banquet the' newly elected ntlkers of I he two lodges were installed by Grand Chancellor George W. Montcastle of Lexington. After the installation the Knights ad journed to tlie Suaniuiuua where an elaborate menu had been provided. After the feast of solids Vice Grand L. I'. Mc Load look charge as toasttiias ter and called on the speakers In bright and happy bits of witticism that won him merited applause . J. D. Murphy was first cnlled on and welcomed the guests, lie was respond ed to by Grand Chancellor Montcastle in a very appropriate speech. Charles A. Webb responded to "The supreme lodge and endowment rank." "I t Ida nlsin" was responded to by Alf. S. Halliard, and "The Carolina Pythian" was spoken to by J. R. Jor dan. They were in turn followed by lr. J. W. 1'elliani, Judge Jones and J. V. Summers. Slate Lecturer J. Robert Jordan was present and conducted bis vhool of ltl slructlnn lo the advantage of members of both lodges. The speeches of the evening thUKh not prepared, Weie pitched on a high plane and were as good as have been heard fit a banquet In Ashevllle. The service was exi client ami reflect ed credit upon the management of the S w a u mi noa . Grand Chancellor Monfcaslle made a most pie. is, ml impression on all Knights, both by bis gr.ici.nis presence and addl e s, his ci dia iii y and earnest ness and tic cloquei !' his icmaiks. BLUE RIDGE NATIONAL. ANNUAL MEETING F STi M'KlloLDERS. the The annual meeting of stockholders of the lilile Ridge National bank was held ye.tciday altcinoon, at which the pi. sellt dilei I. us Were re i . i ted. They ate J. W. Norwood. S. P. .MclMvltt. G. A. Norwood, W. .1. Sl iy lcii, Eiwin Sliidi r and J. J. tdow n. J. V. Norwood will be president and Ei . In Mudcr'cashicr. as hci ct of i e. 'Hie ('malices of fin., li.mk woe shown to he ill IX. ellctlt 1 1 1 1 J I i i i II . AllllOllgll tin- bank has I u i labelled less than tl'.ee y.-iiiH. the nil piuiiis have been uer $;ii.eini, :iemi id Hindi has been paiil in dh idends. NEW ARTESIAN WELL. EVERY INITIATION THAT IT Ri A SUCCESS. I The artesian well which Is b. lug sunk by the Hydhor Well aful Pump company f.the C, i the CVliiM aroliiioi Coal it Ice company at iiipjn'i factory near tnu depot, gives t-v.'iy I n -I leal loti of proving a suc cess. An IS Inch Vein of Clear water hag been Struck at a depth of 17ti feet, almost oil of this distance . being through solid granite. ' Yesterday a "small pump' was used as a tester .and the results were very sat IMfaclory. A laiger pump has been tel egraphed for and hs soon as It arrives another lest will be made. : CLERKS' UNION, The semi-annual election of officers of the Retail Clerks' union, set for last evening, was postponed until next Tuesday, The delegates lo the C. L. U. were appointed, however. Those named were B. L, Scruggs, Benuie Swartx burg, S. H. Davis and Joseph Goodson, SAFE CRACKERS GET $8000. - Mansfield, O., Jan. Dsvler & Oih er's private bank at Hhiloh was en tered by burglars and the safe blown. About IbCMJO was stolen. Coal, Coke and Wood. Best quality at lowest prices. 'Phons 40. Ashevllle Is and Coal company. l-21-tf A fins lot of Rockers at Mrs. L. A. Johnson's cheap. Don't you need oneT NEW ORLEANS KICK IGNORED Memphis Stands by Invita tion to McKinley. CITY IS IN EARNEST Delegation to Bear Invitation , to Washington. IT WILL BE MADE UP OF PROM INENT MEMFHIANS, THH TARTY HEADED BY MAY OR WILLIAMS. New Orleans, Jan. 9. The trmy of Tennessee camp of United Confederate Veterans last night passed a resolution, protesting against an Invitation by Memphis Veterans to President McKin ley to attend the Confederate reunion next May. Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 9. At a meet ing of the various commercial bodies of Memphis it was decided to extend President McKinley a cordial tnvllatloo to visit the city during the annual re union of the Confederate veterans, which wilt be held the latter part of next May. A delegation of prominent citizens, headed by Mayor Williams, will go to Washington at an early day to present the invitation to the presi dent. Arrangements for the entertainment of the veterans are already under way and the various committees have begun their work. ' The protest of the New Orleans vet erans against Inviting the president to attend the reunion will be ignored, bo far as Memphis is concerned. STRANDED STEAMER. ALL EFFORTS TO REACH HER HAVE FAILED. Marseilles, Jan. 9. Dispatches from the village of Faraniau, near which the Flench mall steamer Russle. from Oran, Algeria, stranded In a violent slorin with 50 passengers and a crew of 10 on board, say that all efforts to reach, the steamer have failed owing to tha tiemeiidotis se;iM which are running. Pilot boats and torpedo boats whlcll attempted to reach the steamer hava been "unable to battle with the wave and have returned. The only hope seems to be In tha ability of lite savers to throw a Una over the Hassle as th" wrecked vessel Is driven closer to the shore. The fore castle and part of the forward deck house Is all of the Vessel remaining a ho c water. IM'EI.EICH HILL WINS. ! Washington, Jan. 9. In the house jjesleid-iy tr.e Ruile'.iih apportionment bill w on by the vote Pni to p'2. The Twentieth Century Kinds us in the lie A possible fhnpe for conducting the whole sale and retail drug business our wheels a re rubber tired, and we roll out into the new century .v ith (Mleting pi-espe, ts and high hopes for success and prosperity. There Is no mystery about It, our facilities havo grown with our grow th and our prices are based on the smallest possible margin of profit consist ent with a permanent high standard of quality Tf we could only show up our advantages as wo see them, we would not be able to (111 our orders as it Is we are doing splendidly and number our customers from the best people for miles around we should like others to share our profits on drugs this coming year whether they are consumers or dealers. DKrTr Cr SMITH, On Court Square. West End Drugstore,, 272 Patton Avenue. Biltmore Drug Store, BUtmort Village.