THE CITIZEN Gives All the News. 10CTS. A WEEK. 3 ! o o iieviii THE WIATHErl forecast till 8 p. m. Tues- ix'iutial ruins; northeast winds, iay:-- Threatening weather; oc- zen. Vol. XVII. No. 1 ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING. MAY 20, 1901, Price 3 Cents. (bill California Asparagus Is the largest, whitest and tenderest asparagus grown. It grows in salt marshes, is perfect ly white, and every pai ticle of it can be eaten. y iiu uuiu niiu rvniu ui 7 50 cents per can. We also have QYSTER BAT ASPARAGUS at 35c. can and 15c. for Points In small tins. Green Peas Our Shrewsbery Brand of Peas are specially nice, small and tender, the best quality at 22 cents can, Dried Fruit Is a good thing for the table this time of year. We have Prunes, Apri- ! cots, Peaches, Pears and Nectarines, an in nice condition. reer $3.50 For Women. OXFORDS The above cut represents some of our that w are offerlnff for $1.60, 2, -M, 3 weit and McKay. BOSTON SHOE STORE mADINO BHOE FIRM. fl Mas G S Whole 7 Wholesale ?,:.J Retail h Groceries and Feed. O 1 A & l vW o W i It 'Sv- l , ion O viz 70 J on Ehlned Tr. Phone 671. MAYOR MILLER TAKES HEAD OF THE TABLE Inauguration of the Recent ly Elected Officials of tfie City'Takes Place Today. Oath Administered to the New Executive by Retir ing Mayor Committee?. Almost a complete change took place In the city administration today as a result of the recent election. Tha may or, three aldermen, water superintend ent, police Justice, chief of police and treasurer went out. I The first Indication of the approach ing change took place this morning, 'When Judge Brown delivered a little : talk to the police force after court was over. He Bald: "Gentlemen. I want to thank you tor your kindness to th s court and the manner In which you have executed the mand-Hes of this court, and I must say that Asheville during the past two years has had ft ; very efficient set of policemen. I think you have done your duty thoroughly and served the city faithfully." Chief Lyeriy, on behalf of th;- foice, expressed thei, sop ecldii.n ol Judgi Brown's treatment oi them. The po'ice court h-r accomplished a great deal ut't'tt- Un lelirlng edminls UaCou. Jt'tlsc Brow" bin- c'oue a li- : tie fl,u!i'; and dlsetveiej ihii duiiug 1K two years udnmii''1 1 atlun lie l.iei 3013 cases, an evera.y. ot about live v i day. It Is enoi l!y fi.e- i 'vi JuUge Brown deiiuwilrsied ilv. he ( ir .. a number of the qualities necessary for a "iHX'tosCul juuge-a sense ol jur ' tloc an. i no evident desire to I. Icr'e-it with prtsono-s if t.. so doing i.f coo'a induce t i itriii to to" the line 01 gouu conduct in the future. The inaugural ceremonies at the til j hail took place promptly ut noun. The : proceedings eie entirely formal, and ihere were no speeches or felicitation:. ! Mayor Blair euministered the omiIi o' oilice to Mayor-eleci Miilei and the ; latter did the same to tne oiii ' olfl ttrs-eleti, beginnoig !'.' the altiei- i men. The new board fini had a nissloii. Mayor .Milter annrjimi ed u:s comml. tei.s as follows, the fist naniel bci;v; chairman: Streets -Chum be Flnar.ce--Kawis, .. . i'ddcl! .' id I' ll Vi .;tid 'I n-j ','."l- bers. ! Police-Vad!':M lit ! '.'(I D j Fire Uoi sr I . li"'' d aim c' - 1 ihls-liavvl.-. V.vnO ' id i''". i Water Illll. iKi.i '.id r.' . i Market Bat to Hi'l am! U( , ! Bulldlim-WaK.-V.I P;'V. ts ;r,i.: i:. iid. : Special tax- P. vs lilH s.'rf I o.w.r. ! The Board then vcietl ' rini'J.c tn: selection. i The new off' Kits lre' piesentid th-l,-bonds, which o.i -nv.i'on of A'dc -.nan Bill weie relt, d to i'ie atiornei ! loi api uival. 1 lie bords vill then be 'acted upon bytbe alt1' -. mci. which which will obo!. b at the m 'ding ; Friday cvenMi?. .'-c uv fie 'nev city ' olliceis will pio'i.-M'' not lake cha,x,e 'until ttu'.v-U'3i is i.e t.1'. eir vviio i hav;e to felvc . Tii''" w. s a ; -cumstaiiK Ciat r:o ly cv ..-.. te s. ..n ed to hav-f osril..ok d mri p" h" tliinvr iiHIiei.i vv re P.c j i.-d i'i ;.'i.c un 'their nines et noon. '!!'. vwl! i mil ,.uh- : ably i.o'd on v-ii S. , It was aie.d ihrt m. 'i-.y nioi'.e"",. s- i , a ; i-t n '(-ii is ui commillee :-,o our lilt mal e a icdih t "i ip ' ' June. Treasmc; t-f 1 ih le ' (O di'sifinan a bit'iK cL U . i ' i i i e i' io l-e ) 1 ie city tunds It w ! an'e no- . 11'; 1 1 nr .1 the 1! Hae. i y i i. h '"" .'t 1 ; positoiy. ard :'i'i .m? funds in lb 1 lee lin'' H was ! li i ed tleit i the old board be ace. .i K' 1 i e -'.'. -t cf - 1 .'v i In n .i ' he enly m ir- f '..'Kill. board. Alderman Pie n i" rcr of the lei., i . bi 1 1 lie follow Ins was nd : (1 on unit Ion i of Alderinnn Wpdth 'I : Resolved by th. Boiivil oi Aen meii of the city of Asucs.Hf 'hat (lie ,cri lar meetings of said boin'd this date until the thl d Monday m May. shall be held a I the efitnril cham ber in the el;y hall on Friday evening of each and evei v week except that the Hmi rnon'i'i' incftiiis in the rn'intn or June, 1901. shall be lv Id nt the city hn'l Saturday pccntn? June i, at s o'clock: that peeinl nif-iinf?s may ai?o be held on the call of the muyoi -witn written notlc? to all of the a'l'frmen then In lac cltv or on a nil of a mi" joiliv of the Bo-'i1 of Id rmer wl.h ...ii ,,,-iii.iiit to the mayor and such rldernien ns shall not have join ed In the call." The bond of he vva - simerinten- dent h J.'i, of n(- th' f ot p-inc o' m. n iBiiii r $"C 00i , rnd i f the $r,ouo. tux (Ollffior $15.0iW. . ( out t ier ((' . , TO ARCANWiADIES. INTF.P.KST1NO SI'NDAY EVKNINO AT THE BATTERY PARK. a a.m.i.v eveidmr of Interest, com plimentary to the ladies act oinpanyin'; the representatives i" i"r ........... ....i....u,t l.v ii .nirp nartv COlincil, "ill" ruj...-j. -j r.- - . of guests In the palm parlor at Lat- ttry Perk hotel yesieruay. Markham s "Man With the Hoe was given by Prof. ti. W. Blish of Boston who gave other deliirhtful renditions that Included the "Palace o' the King." professor Bllsh preceded the lines of the "hoeman" with the reading of the suthor's history of the composition of the poem. The numbers were spoken with fine effect, and, with the orchestra program provided by Prof. E W Spear, were received with pleas ure by the audience that Included many Asheville people. MACHINISTS WANT A NINE HOUR DAY Great Strike Qrdered by the National Association Goes Into Effect - ,t. ' Washington. May 20. The general strike of employes In machinery and allied metal trades throughout the country to enforce the nine-hour day with an Increase of wpges to meet the 't lu:iloi tr hour? e, ltoi lou? effect ''. t'c'ou r.HC veil . by' I -fsident Ol'nncvi of ti-o Na. oii. i .".v.wiaucu of J"l'.ris rnd O'ln-. 0'')' who are In lite cu- u. . . n - .;-ft Inry i . i .1 tiei r cs, i)i siini" i s t lOto. e ll'i lllllg Oli ,.!. ! ln-ll. t lit o! t .13 iiic.i e C KH'Ui.S. An. Oi e ss;i? ,v con- to i f(i! the number r n liiak( o iv o. men oc.. A I Cl.i i, .i.- p men n . he point.- v. .eii'.-'iiv"-. t -i Nrw V j I ''tTJiit'Tiie' t- e i'ie lute n.;ii . chinists it v . 'nore than Stiui :n the New Y' Mrilte. M:' ( ., I'jtrei .1 in ll.i-.-j cr . I e ! i) il,' j'i;. ip.t ops ? that of . 'ffl ii! y , i n: oe.i. ' . tl' W).l Til b. aid of ' .'i iii M-i- ..v th-f no, iiLi lacliinists ,eie on p . Xi v York i . iii'v-.s. for a :C. o ii'iie-lion it . Cli'ceh.nd, , fripioyed be.e vie oi dei ly. 1 the uiiioii co:' itoyeis I' i ' '.i , MilV'"il:ec, A MniHts . Lj.- yi.- ut 200 men 'i. or : i-ike. They ''ly .1 int. members of wo K tln.ii em- i .i ll n'e'i tie. ni lids. :.' - .joiu liiUO ui.' 1 o I i)e order o tne .'en "'id w n1 on r i '.'"is emn'oy ing 1 il; . i.' "Dpi p .."i oi a io ot 28 !n V.- A '.'out 100 nvi , Bc((i Si eel C m com t,Mi ii" tor a nlne- Way 2C- Evf u )ln- naticniH strike in ,'iachlui'-i irpnts eli Uie clt- Plttslli. Cll'l ''UH !. .(h i vr in i r d . . nJ i. he i r-iiiv s'l'e.i tii i.'OUK" da . tit. Josepu Mi .. in Kt. j r'i I p Intei lioa.i 1-. ctrical oi K"i iio .i! a nietni).-. ol Bioiiu i 't"od of is on Hiiil.e. They irnuiiid an iiic.e.'se ot 22 cents the dav and sliui ter hours. - LIGHTNING'S WORK. BUNCH OF FLA-MKri ON A MONT FORD AVK.STE POLE. Yesterday afternoon lightning be came entangled with the terminal head of the Cumbti lend avenue cable of the Asheville Telephone company, located a the top of i pole on the corner of Mi. m to il avenue and Wist Chestnut air. ii. ami in a short time the pole h, nl a bunch oi lianas at the top i. tuong the liii;n'iei: of wires diverging tioi.i the eio.'-hhea Is at that point. The company vv s 'ph i.icd to. and a force of li in n it ii went ofu or the car. They ,e ioi nii'ti the dil':"ii'( feai Of i llniiiiiit, the iole will' b.'il-'r.R ot waier and 'inaily e.ii i ,t Wli : , il'i flamis. ii.e i ..jnin-.l lu ' is tne pi :U where the c.iHe. " i ad d : e s. i tr.iR on In sulaiors seoarateiy. Meuovvhi!. . ii the c.i'.iel oilee the tnse li.iaid lila-..d U U't s-ii'e time. Buckets of watt I rod sand a'-e k'.pt on hand to meet sti.h eiiifi jseiieit and the opiiatois dashed the vveler on the beer. I b I'm Uih li t uprta.l .tu any . cxi nl. A nuiiihei' in I uses were dui 'itu i in and many 'phone weie tlisci.niT cl eil. linilii ally nil the daii.-ese repaired th ir.oi.iins. There was said 'to tu no tlniiMiT io subsei Uicn- fio"' lightnins siiiliim Hit. wirer as the fuses protect boih opeiatois and sub- : scribers. CHILDREN'S DAY. SPECIAL SERVICES AT CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH. The children had charge of the ser vice at Central M. E. church, south, at the morning hour yesterday, and it was an exceeding Interesting occasion not withstanding the downpour of rain and the coTWiiifn absent' of a large por tion of the children who were to have taken jrt in the exercises. Superintendent F. M. Miller of the Punday Hchonl presided, and the pre gram" consisted in songs, a short ad dress by the pastor, Dr. J. H. Weaver, reiponsive readings and recitations by nit rubers of tin; Juvenile department of the Siinduy HiiL.ol.. The recitations by the little folks were specially attractive, and a solo by Master Ilerl eit Stone, a mite of a boy, perhaps two htkI a half feet high, was exm-edingly well done. The church was handsomely decor ated with wild Mowers and palms. A collection was taken for general Sunday school work. MARRIED APRIL 30, BUT THE NEWS IS JUST NOW OIVEN OCT. W. F. fatten of this city, stiward at the Kenll worth Inn. and Miss Helen I. Moise of Boston. were married here April 30. but the marriage his been kept entirely secrel. fs the coupl,? wish ed It so, and no record was made of It In the register's oltlce, until today when the license was returned by the minis ter, Rev. J. M. Ilamrlc. He performed the ceremony In his study. The couple have left for the north. HEAVY LOSS BY BILTMORE BLAZE Fire Starts From Lamp in Sumner's Store and De stroys Seyeral Buildings. Loss Estimated at About Ten Thousand Dollars, Only Partially Insured. A fire at Blltmore yesterday In which several lives -were endangered and In which the loss on four buildings was In the neighborhood of $10,000 created much excitement In that village. It was more disastrous than It ought to have been and the blame for that fact, according to the sioiies told b; those who paitlcipet U in tisrt'iis the ltaiiKs u-sts upon C'oi. J. 'i. i!silc tf tit Asheville tire roippiiiy. The blai- wai uiscrveiod . 'joiii: 4 o'clock St'nciciy nu. ax a. id a u'oj ,'t a notilicaiion was ku in to t.i.' J n -tor of the Cily H'i ps hotn as pu.s. b!e and ir: la.v -p ., i lo - tic lie (c .M Jia old .' . i. o .n' inujike.2 vvno ... nii ii- id uk-niea.-iuies it te id ui' t . pa iidii ic t;i. l i ef ot Uu jiJop . .'i i piu.'K'-i.v vv t b ing desutyeti wir" . . i .uh o. v oe city. Jt w i , un. i f .'t. ... teot l'liuinan 1 o i i, ,e ,t -o.i - p. ny li.'u'ed t: ! a'i.i'jn a.i liou- a iter i'i . , "i i e c : ii . ia,i the Cny l.'v' in, i nj .'.o.i u.i rau'e to feet out in? lOiaiM.'i. M, lan-in tailed un the clilei aad i.i a iv) t till)' om.v,ij' e.e- .. the wa i.)--J Blllmoi out . .as ioo laie o i rveiii 1'.-- tie i in .inn o' uitl. bllil.1 ln;,". with tlrei i on.i .is;. toni of I in Ii might na j ', ' tuved under '"e Ii :l.ll:i.s t Pe 'ion & ' .'n '( i.i , 'ui.- a .'i.i to it;. ) :l" i()';i). fii ' ! '-... i .11 tu-lt . '( . I'-V .ilU.,1 . li . J .ft ' (i.i 'e Ik.I.o- i'i' . ,v . '. '. , ) Ui,, vv till.' e Ai '1 .'. 'I:CI"H i e- ie of e . ' t io - s -t's 'l.'i'i' vv'i i'l.d M0.S 9 tr v. i.'.d 11' y w . 0' , IO - - tf y - o . p; e(''ui r v i itie i ii ' lu'ir w . ,-. i-i'ii !i,iC i'oi I ' e,.j n fa. "T" I , till .'i'lUl M 'J.i ! nt. - s.o. e ; .,i ' t e. e i Ji ni Ji'.i I ! ; () . j e i il ;' . 0.1.. i l.)e, id i. I'!.". ul i 1 , I o f . III " tie i '' '.. Iii m u h- ' '". .li t ,i . n iv s ,. 1 1 3 " ie p:'i , ill 1.1 .s. ie;. v, iy 1 lii.iip ei.aiiini.'i, fii-d Maui i, ni.m.ii .in the stj.e add 11 tU li-, ) ,0 er. Scv:r;l ,.-.u tia;:i t p a.'..: b u i : : 1 vv i 1 -i 1 Me y l'i:,h. U V J , u! , )K the ii'.'iii;,!-, i)., gave the Pi...,,. Io the ineaini ' l.'i.'t v as l'o vi i "i 1 1 ot i' ,.u I . U I liiu , 1 . ,i. I) 1 l. end o .. io, , 4 ) '(.jo, j , . l.. I.) a ,i . -,, '. il" hlioi iin. ii. .' s . -ng 1)1 1 Cii-ei il io co. n : o '-'-sioiy bull --v . I 0:.ter lie ,i a I I )1 il k.Oi i. n . ,iii a'- .! i 'i ? o i( , iiiK next i ,ju. .i. i , CO,. ,(.i.l pjv-,( , l nis ham ;,k ., -i ii..-sui-.i as it v, ;, 1 nililings vvne i i .' , nixing In I lie se o i. : . hmi e In vvhi j. il0,i IV have their gio- v,, r . li. ned io s. -,t ... .. i '' he pei'sor" who o. . i this house y. r e Lee tit.i .1 .I a .in ' i ha I Oil; L 'I' p( I -IJ y of 1'if .Mi holla. ;.i Used Hi J .inns :n .lie.-. Harri.-i Jaenb ( rewmfi. W'. H, rW In-other, Mr. Boil. A. ,1. (iainii, I.o'i Freeman and t'nri Tower. This build ing was doomed togethei with the greater part of the cnntei.. hut the o. -cupants escaped la s,.iio, At the helsrht of ! l., H ,h nod u;i very brightly find w s ,o be seen for :i long distance In ed dliccilons. In the faiure of the . Ivi fjiemen to ni rive the residents vvc.e dlsnn olntml hut they organized no livjn omi tu com pany and did their best to fi-rht the llames. Will Ward broke open the tool house nt Blltmore and secured a "three inch hose with which water vves Kur ed on the burning buildings and when they seemed to be doomed water was also turned on the nthor adjoining property to prevent their going too, Thp blase was coihiuck d In a few hour but the pli of ruin continued to smoke all through the day. This niorn ln workmen were ahout lh place cleaning out the debris whl(h still rrnve evidence thnt there was smould er msr fiT-p somewhere. In addition to the loss of Pntton -Milholland It Is roughly pollinated that Sumner's stock was worth In -th nek'hborhond of f nnd 'that Mr. Por tpr's stock of grain was worth About tWMi. These were partlallv Insured. Pafton & Milholland. nlthoiieh one e tnbllFhment. occupied really two bull 1 ings, one of, them being a smaller structure on the bank of the river used ns a meat market. In Sumner's store vMnnble papers were burned Including Jl'nrt wcrth of notes nnd mortgages. ATTACKED BY REBELS. AMERICAN SOLDIERS KILLED IN THE PHILIPPINES. . Minlln. May 20. It Is unotlbially re ported thnt a body of icbils under Angeles, attacked a d .iniiirnent of American troops, sii'iposed to be the Twenty-seventh jegim.i-t rear Pasn co. South Cameiins pioiime, Ulling two soldiers and oe n' tlve scout and taking one oldlr pilr ncr. Insurcenis are slill In pivxFilor if the mlnliif town of I'pinole N.rih Camarlnes The nearest troops are at Pan, 30 mllea away. reunion OF ELKS .COMMENCEMENT HERE NEXT YEAR! B. P. 0. E. Folk at Char- 111 T 1 , M l ! loue ueciue ron Ahue- ville for 1902- Charlotte, N. C, May 20. Special. Ahiville, was selected as the next i iiitrcrLtiifj yia r ni .mc millllUl IVUI1IIIII j of the II. P. O. Elks of North Carolina. I H. M. Dickson of AshevHle was t lei ed dlrector'geneial. The corvent'on will be one of the most ImpoiiHitt tom'ng to Ashevllle: next year and tne secui la.T of the weti-1 ing by the nhcvl"t. delf.atesi I.i cau.e for congratulation. The convention Is expected to brms anywhere fiim 300 to 500 visit J'-s here. The present convention was the first annual letu' oti held In- this b ate, and ! allhou ,h tl'. ordei Is a new one here. , It has b en I" i.-.i'if 'nee at the north a number of yc-ix pod has ar immense nit mbership, while the fc.owth In the, stiie has ten rap d The local V.'i-'s pre now hoping to se- ' cure the natlona' reunion next year. MISSIONARY ADDRESS. BY MISS ABRAMS OF POONA IN I DIA, TOMORROW AFTERNOON. Tlie members of the Woman's Mis sionary soiitly of th- Frisbyii. an church have extended rn Invitation 'to the ladies of Ashevillt to aUend a meeting of unusual Interest, to be held at the Presbyter rn chuich Tuesday af ! ternoon at 5 o'clock. ! The nitetlng will be addressed by Miss Minnie F, Abrnms, recently from ; India, upon the subject of woman's 'work for women In India. Miss Abrams ' has been for several years associated with Pandlta Ramatal, the famous re I former, in her great work for child Lwldows In India. The Sharada Sadan at Poona and the Mukti mission at Khedgaon, about 40 miles from Bom i bay, are two of the most remarkable ' and widely known, missionary enter prises of any land. Both were founded 'and are personally conducted by Itam abttl herself, having suffered all the wrongs of desolute and despised widow hood. I Miss Abrams shared her work as manageress and Bible teacher, and has had, therefore, opportunity for close ' and Intimate acquaintance with one of the noblest and most wonderful women ' of this century. She comes here direct ! from two years work in the famine districts, and will tell of the extraordl inary Journeys undertaken with Kama- bal to gather up Btarvlng women and children from the stricken regions or the Interior, and the rescue of scores of helpless, outcast girls. . in the churches of the city Sunday morning a notice was read Inviting all I women to attejid this meeting and hear this distinguished missionary, and it Is hoped the convenient hour, 5 o'clock, . will Insure a large gathering. MRS. M'KINUY. TO CO T ' i AX'li'N IN A W KKK OR TEN DAYS. San Fin.ii b-.-n. May 20. Althougii Mrs. McKinley s condition is great i improved, her physicians have r.uui. I a week or Hi days as the shortest pos sible ti.ue In which she can gather m length to make the trip across the uiiitiiienl. The immediate members of the presidential party, therefoie, will n main lvre that long, thaugh It I: pi ..liable the others will lecve for tin . ; i during the ; i lent week. The president a id Mis. McKinley will ' ton, where it Is expected her recupera ' lion will be more rupld than if she went ' to Washington. President McKinley v ill probably V. a : Il 1 1 1 ' i n c ley, rcttienl.;;, more pn ssiii . ot -eed Immediately to . Ie; ing Mrs. Mc Kin io t'.i .noil as soon as the pjldlc business has been disposed of. I.'or their ieiain the Oilen route will he taken. No hi ops of any leprth will be Hindi. The i resident will not leave the iinin, though he may speak brief ly from the him puiifonn nt one or two Important titles. Secretary Corlelyou this morning gave out the following: "Mis. McKinley 'h physicians report that ihe has had the in-t night Hnce her Illness lii'gan nnd her progress Is very satisfactory." TO HAVE NEW TRIAL DECISION IN Ii REESE AND DICK ERSON CASES. W. E. Hreese and J. E. IHckerson, the Flrrt National bank officers who were convicie.l of mbezli inent, have been granted a new trial by the Circuit Court of AptK-als nt Richmond. Satiiiday night Judge Moore, of coun sel for the defendants, received a mes sagi to this effect from II. T. Maloney, clerk of the court. Probably n special term will be ordered to tiy these cases. In the Bieise case the new trial was granted upon the following charge -to the Jury by Judge Purnell: "Now, gi luleim n of the Jury, In con clusion of the whole matter, the law, as laid down to you by the court, as I have said to you before. Is supreme so far as you aie concerned. In the view which the court takes of Its under standing t f the law end of the evi dence the court cannot see how the defendant can escape conviction, and while you are rot bound by the opin ion of the court, I say to you, as I have a right to ray, that In the opinion of the court, understanding the law as the mnrt does, the defendant Is guilty, and It Is your duty to say so." Judge Mooie does not, know upon what grounds Dlekerson secured a new trial, as the copy of the decision has not been received. in oi 1 1 ounuuLO Exercises of Ihe Primary and Grammar Schools at the Oranrje Si. Buildinq. i Cekificates of Award and V Dipl omas of Honor to. Many of he Children. In spite of the rain, a large audience gathered in the hall of Orange street .school this morning to witness the clos ing exercises of the primary and gram rc?r rehoolr. Especially gratifying wag t: present of a large number of par i:M?. which evinces an Interest on their pin i In the wo k of the school. The ePit-ii4 Here opened by Supei laleiidriit T'.iie. wlio. sfifr a few well cho 'i words of welcome.. led the i.uilleice in the Lords P'.'y.r. The Hilowlii? pi os am was ihe.i tendered: Son-;, "Hob ill?,' ooys of second A grade. Becitiilioii. Grme Bion i' "M irgiv. t.e and Will," Sons, 'Flvi Litle Pussy Cats," fclila oi llrm A i.-ido. Music lesson 20 chl divn of tlrst A grade. Hiciiutlo.i ' ilu L iis :nd Downs of tln Brown-., " Jarvis And utv.C R'.'ciirl'on.' ' The Wieik of ihe Hes pei us," Nina Ouiitiln-jtiarr. VYimliiiil' soot, biyp oi re'ond B guide. Reiitei'iu ' Wn.i' W i. go d-fishlil'", Ed. Neff. Sons, ' Tilt L'1 Robiv" sixth grade. Conceit i Blynl-eii am! Pu itailoi line l niji'l . Sens, (till ii na.i n "W'ynktn and Nod Hist B grut'e. "In S hool 1 , ys," Pau- .V ide. I. mbi fi i.i dull iii" Hi grade. The whole p;o, 'im vves cai lied out In a meiimi hl'.i'l.v ttaiisfneloiy and entci I 'lidns. AalOi's i lie m ,r,y exeel 1 1 ii L si I .el Ions ihe two scnsfi f.oni the beys ot ihe fciatle, w h a whist ling (hoi us; the song by tha third s-itMlp, and the incite lion by Ei'. NelV, were cspi dally woi thy of no tice. One of the most auirtn; of all, however, was the music lesson of the fUsl A grwde, given by MLJs Daisy E. Soi'le. Ttieiily children of the lowest guide in school sons the scales, read r. 'w nius' ai.d k)t lime In a wey that wus a genuine si'iprise to all, and showed luiihtvl and successful work on the part of the teneher. The following pupils were announced (Continued on page 4) There's a Welcome Always awaiting you at Wingood's Come In any time, look around, ask questions, don't have to buy anything. We Ilka to see you. WINGOOD'S, 'Ha Puta Up Prescriptions," Cor. I'atton Ave, and Church Street. SPECIAL Palais Royal Monday and Tuesday. NEW SHAPES, NEW HATS, NEW RIBBONS. " All our Trimmed Pattern, Huts, worth from J;:.L'.ri to t'i.UH, on sale for- See our Ladles' Sailor Hats, Special 19c. Pee our Sii-imh Curtain Swiss, new designs, 10c. Our Corset Ssle of 40c. Straight . Fronts are still going. . . Our New Lot Velvet Ribbons nt Cut Prices. See our Lonsdale Cambric Special, 10c. Fruit Bleaching g0. New White Oooda..... I0c Quality Special 12'4e. Millinery SALF, AT