, t,- i " o TfTS THOtTSAWD WEOPXE R-ad The Citizen every day. I Tour announcement In this p&. lr trill bring results. f a - ' " w w w W w "W W V 'drodtrxATioir books are ALVTATB opek to ADVEB- ', USEES. . VOL XVII. NO. 313 ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING. MAY 27. 1902. PtICE 2 Cents Ashevifl PANIC IN FORT DE AGAIN GROWS Great. Inky-Black Clouds Rise Over Mont Pelee, and Fright ened Inhabitants Flock to the City On the Island of Dominica Ashes Begin to Fall, Though No Noises Are Heard at That Place jnr-rt I- France. May 27. As thl3 4ip.-i, h i" snt (Monday at 9 p. ra.) Mor.r !' ! i ."again In eruption. Huge, inky tl '' k ' louds are rolling over Fort I France In great masses in which ih r- ai p" uliar lightning: flashes. The inhabitants are now flocking- Into the prrfi- fri.in- of the town. If the des-iru.-r.'C: ifafi a panic is imminent. A . ;, hf-avy surf has been beating . n tr - -huro for the last two hours and an -i:rnious, greyish yellow cloud at great ri- i;rt. is dimly visible in the di re t.:i of Mont Pelee. The night is In tn?t y u.irk and stars are onlv faintly . isltiie Fert Ix France is in no danger from m- vol. .it:u. but there Is considerable ..i r. h. i.Hi .n of a panic In the night tun.- : houi'l th. greyish yellow cloud ri.i.h hi- ;nid ashes and stone begin "to full. Th--t- :irc no noises from the volcano rft .i-. nt. DEMOCRATS WILL (FORCE GANAL BILL (Special to The Citizen.) Washington. May 27. Tonight's Re publican i-oiift-rence on the Fowler cur y bill has been further postponed until July a on account of the absence oi many Republicans from the city. A f ill for a Democratic caucus has t... :i issued for Wednesday evening to .'.ni..T plans to force the passage of the Nicaragua canal bill at this session "( i oni;ri ffs. it being the purpose of the nK.crits to prevent adjournment un til . anal legislation has been enacted. HOWLAND. For R.ervt ral .-.null cottages, furnished and unfit: : .' 'i houses, large boarding li..ii ; or out of the city, and a few s ii i . H f trm. For Sexle I magnificent suburb property at . t imrties leaving state. This i investment property, fail and i. before Investing elsewh'-re. J. II. WEAVER CO., ".EAL ESTATE BROKERS, 'a Pa: ton Avenue. P. O. Box 214 WE 00 ALL KINDS REPAIRING W- ;ir. now prepared to GRIND the ri! ! i ompIji'atkd lenses and re i in 'a p. ctai les and eye-glasses in t'it (,..tt.t time possible to be done. S. U. McKEK, SSJSU? 'I'l' l'."tofflce. M Patton Ave. Kr.--i Iltu. i:,c. do.; Cooking Eggs, -I . ' ooking Buttter. 20c. lb.; T. : l. nr. ,, a."c. lb. HIRAM LINOSEY I " s M Strt'et and City Market. CORN FED BEEF AT HOWELL'S Stall tv . ,ty Market. Pbon 20 BAPGAINS l i I'.iiMt.k, Porch Shades. We have il --z. s from 5xS to 12x10. Also M i !:,, Nets and Hammocks. HANK IN & WILLIAMSON PRBS- SINC, CLUB. fh' v-- Opera House Block " I UK Outfitter" FOR WOMEN Extraordinary Values in Wash Suits, Skirts, and Dress Skirts -ire offering them at prices which v, i ar.nut the closest buyers. Only -rly .aliens will secure them as the '-rp!y is limited. FOR. MEN Stein-BIoch Cos Clothes Ar in a class distinctly to them 7 . , K,r nt a,11 finish they have no 'uai. ve are showing- some vey at 'r.i. tiv patterns in Suit. CoU and iroUsers m Cheviots, Homespuns. nnnelg and Serges. 11 Patton Avenue, oa 71. FRANCE IMMINENT THE CHEMICAL COMPANY IS HOT A TRUST Knoxville, May 27. Judge Clark, of the United States Circuit court, has handed down an opinion In the case of Rogan. Noce and Smith of Rogersvllle Tenn. versus the Virginia-Carolina Chemical company. In which he holds that tha w-.li 1 i . w' v..""uo ciairn ior a am ages from the defendant on the ground that the defendant company has created a combination in this and other states in uusiness, is not weU founded. He holds that these repealed - ivuomuie ijie i ennesao anti-trust legislation are In controven- 1 1 On (t the foAtfal . i .... i . . .UCICI.t LvuniKuuud ana ttju because they interfere with interstate commerce between the states men tioned. SCHOOL AND WATER BONDS CONFIRMED The sale of the city water and school bonds has been confirmed. News of the confirmation of this sale was received today by Alderman Rawls in a telegram from the purchaser's at torney who stated that he had found the validity of the bonds all right. Although this confirms t i r n was fullv expected, yet it comes as good news as u runy decides the sale of the bonds. Mr. Rawls thinks that it will now be only a question of a few weeks until the money on the bonds will be receiv ed. "It will only take a very short time,' he said this morning to a Cit izen reportsr, "to get the bonds printed and signed." It is expected that the bonds will be ready for delivery with in a month's time and active work will then begin at once on the city's new water line. Will Not Try Waller Again (Special to The Cit'zen.) Washington, D. O, May 27. It is an nounced that there will be no new trial of MaJ or Wraller, whose acQulttal in Manila on the charges of murdering na tives was in part disapproved by Gen eral Chaffee. HOWLAND. Dr. Palmer Sinking New Orleans, May 27. Or . B. M. Palmer took a sudden change for the worse at 8 o'clock and is gradually sinking. IklJ One of the most Important things a druggist defs Is nutting up prescriptions. There is no drug store where this featvre has more scrupulous attention than here. It doesn't pay to take chances In matters of health, of life and death, perhaps. i;ing your prescriptions here, where everything is orteln to be right. Paragon Drug Company EDWARD HOPKINS. President L. B. WHEELER. Sec. A Treas FOR RENT UNFURNISHED 7 rooms tkins St.. $15; 6 rooms Vance St., $16; 9 rooms Cumberland Ave., $30; 8 rooms Central Ave., $15; 4 rooms Central Ave., $11. Also a large list of furnished and un furnished houses for rent. BRADFORD & WAGNER Real Estate Agents, 10 Paragon bldg Phone 823. Op. P. O r- FEED I handle a full and complete line of feed as well as the finest groceries to be naa. m No. 1 Timothy Hay. $1.10 per 100. No. 2 White Oats, 68c. per bush. No. 2 Mixed Corn.. 96c. per bush. Shorts 1125 per bag Bran $1-00 per bag. 1Chas. W. Baird 148 Montford PHONE 224 A Good Face Every face possesses some good points, fine eyes, a well shaped head, a good profile, that will show up well in a picture. It is part of our art to loos: for these good points and to show them In the photograph .we make. Our pic tures represent you at your best. A8HSVILLB ART PARLORS. i Successors to -i f Lindsey McFarlaad. south Court PUcik '-- 1 1 ii I ill DISPUTE OVER THE BOUNDARY LINE OF .STATES Tennessee and North Carolina Issued Grants for Land Both Claimed A NUMBER OF SUITS AROSE Supreme Court Dismisses De fendant's Appeal, Though Other Cases Are Pending Clerk W.S. Hyami of the United States court today 'received notice of a very important ruling of the United States Supreme court in a case in which the boundary line between the states of North Carolina and Tennes see is involved and also a large boun dary of valuable mountain land sup posed to be located in North Carolina, but claimed by United States Senator Wetmore of Rhode Island and others from the same state and the heirs at law of M. Fain of North Carolina who contend that the land lies tn the state of Tennessee. As a result of thta con tention, officers of the one state were arrested by officers of the other for trespassing and placed in Jail. Action for recovery was brought and the matter fought in both the Tennes see and North Carolina courts with the result that It was carried to the Unit ed States Supreme court. That is, one phase of the question. Other litigation is still pending; GRANTS FROM TWO STATES. It seems that a great many years ago the state of North Carolina issued grants to certain tracts of land then supposed to be in this state. Previous to that time the state of Tennessee had also issued grants for the same lands upon the supposition that these tracts were in Tennessee. The difficulty about the location arose from the uncertainty of the boundary line between North Carolina and Tennessee. The grant ees from the state of North Carolina who were Messrs. Fain and others from the county of Cherokee, insisted that the state line followed a certain mountain ridge and the grantees of the state of Tennessee insisted upon another. Commissions appointed by the state of North Carolina attempted to locate the dividing line between these states but it was rumored that after reaching a certain point on the Smoky Ridge they met up with a blockade still and instead of surveying definitely, as is most usual under such circumstances, guessed the location and the line has been in doubt ever since. FAINS DISPOSSESSED. The parties claiming the land in Tennessee brought an action of eject ment in that state, obtained a writ of possession and dispossessed the Fains, one of whom was then living upon the land. After Fain had been ejected, he commenced a suit in the county of Cherokee against the United States marshal and his deputy who had dis possessed him, sent out an order of arrest and placed it in the hands of the sheriff of Cherokee county, who at once invaded the same premises with his posse and arrested the United States marshal and his deputy, brought them to Murphy in Cherokee county and placed them in jail. The action by Fain and others was for $20,000 dam ages. HABEAS CORPUS DENIED. The United States marshal frorn Tennessee sued out a writ of habeas corpus in the United States court which was heard by Judge Ewart who upon hearing the writ dismissed it and remanded the marshals back into the custody of the North Carolina officials. The United States marshal guve bond and appealed to the United States Cir cuit Court of Appeals at Richmond. After hearing the case at Richmond the Court of Appeals rendered a Judg ment overruling Judge Bnvart and the North Carolina parties appealed to the Supreme court of the United States. APPEAL. DISMISSED. They failed to perfect their appeal as required by the rule3 of the Supreme court and upon motion the appeal was .ismissed and the mandate of that court has been sent to the Circuit court for the western district of rorth Carolina at Asheville and is now a rec ord of that court. SUITS AND COUNTER SUITS. In the meantime the North Carolina parties brought an action in the Unit ed States Circuit court in the state of Tennessee for the possession of the land in Tennessee and obtained a writ of error from the Circuit court at Knoxville to the Court of Appeals for that district. The Court of Appeals heard the writ at Cincinnati, reversed the Judgment under which the gran tees in the state of Tennessee dispos sessed the Fains and granted a new trial to the Fains in Tennessee. A new trial was held and the Fains succeed ed in the action, and the Tennessee parties obtained a Writ or error to the Circuit Court of Appeals in that trial and the hearing of the writ is now pending in the Court of Appeals at Cincinnati for argument. The action for $20,600 against the United States marshal is still pending In Ttorth Carolina and now stands In the Superior court of Cherokee. Messrs. Seymour, McCroskey and Jones and Jones appear as counsel for the United States marshals and the parties interested In the recovery of the land, and Messrs. Merrimon and iMerrlmon and Posey and Axley appear for the North Carolina parties. 1 Just What to Give 2o FOR A O t Wedding - Present 4$ s fO Is ofttimes a very puxxling 0 2 question. If you favor some- os J thing for individual use. a & Wt hint of our stock may suggest 43 something suitable. m 40 Toilet Silver Sets, 40 Gold Watches. jj 49 Lorgnette Chains. Brooches, T 2c Neck Chains. ?T 2n Cut Glass. ?f Table Silver. inrniin nr n rtrt An I nun m. ricku wu. it 4? 4? Leading Jewelers. vor. v,nurco du ma niun ? : & J IV.IltM A Great Mxisic Hold Summer Session Here Asheville Summer School Officers Endeavoring to Secure New England Conservatory of Music, and Apparently Will Succeed For some time the question, "Will there be any summer school here this season?" has been asked by Asheville people, and the general interest that is expressed shows that the summer schools of the past have been appreci ated. A summer school such as Asheville has had for the past few years there will not be at least, not from the pres ent outlook, but an effort is being made by the directors of the summer school company, to secure the summer session of an instiution known all over the country the New England conserva tory of Music. For some time the movement has been on foot and the hoped for result is now almost certain. But a few ar rangements beside those already made( have to be completed and It these are satisfactorily concluded, Asheville will nave for two months the best known conservatory in the country. The directors of the Asheville sum REHEARSAL OF THE CORONATION PROCESSION London, May 27. A full rehearsal of the coronation procession, along the whole length of the route from Buck ingham palace to Westminister Abbey and return, look place this morning. The attendants and horses were prac tically the same as wTll take part in the parade June 28. The vehicles were plain coaches and brakes, representa tives of the elaborate state equippages to be used on coronation day, and grooms and outriders represented the notable personages who will ride in at tendance on their majesties. The first nine carriages will be occupied by members of the British royal family. They will be followed by vehicles con taining their suites. The great state coach will come last. The rehearsal in cluded the picking up of the passen gers at Buckingham palace, their alighting at Westminister Abbey, etc. ANOTHER HEAVY f ALL OF ASHES Uoheau. lt-lan.: of Dominica. May 27. During the whole of last night, ashes from the volcano on Martinique fell here in greater quantities than experi enced .since the outbreak on Mont Pelee. REPUBLICANS READY FOR OHIO CONVENTION Cleveland, ..., May 27. Every incom ing train today is crowded with dele gates and visitors to the Republican state convention which will be called to order late this afternoon. The indi cations are that the convention will have a very large attendance. The platform, which was the subject of long conference of the party leaders last night, has been agreed upon and is ready for presentation to the conven tion. Richardson Makes a Correction (Special to The Citiseu.) Washington, D. C May 27. Repres entative Richardson of Tennessee, the House minority leader, denies having said that imperialism will be the lead ing issue. He said "As there are other important questions impressing them selves upon the public attention." HOWLAND. Carriage Workers' Strike Ends YnhinRton. May -The strike of uiiio-i carriage workers in this city uhu h has been in force for seven we. ks. has come to an end. both em ployers and the union m-aking concessions. In Our Millinery ...Department We are making up some fine dress hats to sell at $5 to $7.50 eacsh; Our trade on fine goods this season very good indeed. Correct styles, moderate prices. Two Expert Milliners In charge: of work room We are : showing some desirable Outing Hatujat 4&.&i3 and $2.98 Teach;; S: j Children's Gauze Vests 10c Ladies' Cool Ribbed Gauze Vests 10c, 15c, 25c, 39c, 50c, and 75c each. New Belts, Silk Gloves with black embroidered backs, Lace Stripe Hose, Neckwear, Muslin Underwear, Laces and Embroideries. A choice assortment; and if price is an item to be considered we are in position to offer special induce ments along this line. Some heavv and attractive cuts on high grade tyash Goods. Our late purchases of summer goods arriving. For values and assortment. Sumners Department Ladies' Shoes Shifted Frec School May mer school are responsible for this movement, and to them' will be due a delightful musical season if the school comes. If all things are -satisfactory the school wirl close la Boston late in June, and faculty and students will ar rive here early in July to remain until the latter part of August. As the school is one of the largest, in the country, it will not be dependent for the season's success on local patronage of the branches taught, but it is probable that many Asheville people will take advantage of an excellent opportunity of two months fine training. The con servatory has a large southern patron age, in fact, it is Said to have the larg est number of southern girls of any similar institution in the north. Asheviile's advantage in having such a school would be obvious. Beside the benefit to music students in having such a school here at home, concerts and recitals would be given. UNDERSOLD THE TRUST WITH ITS OWN ICE New Orleans, May 27. The fight be ing made against the local Ice trust has developed an extraordinary turn. The trust has some opposition, among which is the ice plant at Thibodeaux. a small town nearby, which has been shipping ice to this city and selling it at $4 per ton, whereas the trust sells Ice here at : $6 per ton: The trust concluded to run the Thibo i deaux plant out of the business and has ; been shipping ice to Thibodeaux and ' selling it there delivered at 10 cents per I hundred or $2 per ton. It now develops ; that Manager Claudet of the Thibo deaux ice plant has been quietly buying ' up all the trust's product at Thibodeaux ' at $2 per ton and reshippinjr it back to , New Orleans and selling it again on the I trust's own territory at $4 per ton, twicfe : what the trust is getting for its product ! in Thibodeaux. INVESTIGATING POOL OF MEMPHIS ROADS Memphis, May 27. The Federal grand jury today entered fully into the investigation of the cotton pool, alleg ed to have been organized by the sev eral railroads entering Memphis. The witnesses examined this morning were W. C. Stith, freight traffic manager of the Union Pacific: Frank Anderson, secretary of the Memphis committee: A. S. Dodge, freight traffic manager of the Frisco and J Mi Culp, vice president af the Southern. COTTON GENERALLY IS IN GOOD SHAPE .Washington, May 2". The weather bureau in its weekly summary of crop conditions says: "But few adverse re ports respecting cotton are received. In I portions of Texas, Oklahoma and Ala bama the crop is getting grassy, and he boll weevil is increasfrfg. Lice are appearing in southern Texas. Gener ally throughout the cotton belt, how ever, the fields are clean and the crop 1 has made good growth, and squares nre forming throughout the southern . .rtion. Carried Out His Threat Chicago, May 27. Bmil Rossman, aged 19, last night shot and killed his sweetheart, Sophie Batal, and then shot himself. The girl was but 17 years old. They were sweethearts in Bohemia and the girl was brought here by her aunt because Rossman had threatened to kill her and himself if any attemp't Was made to separate them. Biltmore butter 45c lb. 27 tf phone 68. tore... Order by Mil POTT'S SNUB IS NOT CREDITED If True, United States Would Request Withdrawal of Ger man Naval Attache (Special to The Citizen.) Washington. D. C, May 27. The re ports from Berlin that Emperor Wil liam had snubbed Lieutenant Comman der Potts of the tJnited States navy re cently appointed naval attache at that capital, are discredited in Washington.- The emperor's displeasur was said to hjne been due to the antt-Schley testi mony offered by Potts before the late court of inquiry. It is authoritatively stated here that if such reports prove to be authentic, this government would T-equest Germany to withdraw immedi ately its naval attache a Washington. Potts will not assume his new duties Until next fall, when the presnt at tache, Commander Beehler takes .his departure. FIRST ARMY OFFICER TO DIE OF CHOLERA Manila, May 27, Capt. Charles E. Russell of the Eighth Infantry is dead. He ts the first officer to die of cholera. Up to the present time in Manila, there have been 25 cases of cholera and 20 deaths among Americans and 13 cases and 10 deaths among the Europe an population. The cholera to tals to date follow: Manila, 1165 cases and 935 deaths; prov inces, 5001 cases and 2878 deaths. THOMPSON PARTY IN WASHINGTON Thanks of the Party for Their Pleasant Trip Through the South (Special to The Ciiizari." Washington, D. C. May 27. The Thompson Congressional party return ed to Washington this morning. The only mishap that befell any member of the party on the trip occurred at Asheville. As Representative Darrough was in the act of boarding the train he slipped and fell on the platform sprain ing his wrist. Just before leaving Ashe ville the members of the party met on the hotel veranda and appointed a com mittee to formulate resolutions on board the train expressing the thanks of the visitors to their host. Colonel Thompson, the cities visited for their entertainment and the railroad com panies for their efficient service. A special to the Washington Post this morning says: "The day at Asheville was one of the most delightful of the entire Journey. Breakfast and lun cheon were served at the famous Bat tery Park hotel which institution in it self proved Interesting to the northern visitors. A WARSHIP WILL CARRY I HE REMAINS (Special to The Citizen.) Washington, D. C, May 27. The British government has gratefully ac cepted the offer of this government to transport Lord Pauncefote's remains to England in an American warship. The cruiser Brooklyn or Olympia will probably be the ship selected. The ex act time of sailing has not yet been de cided by the late ambassador's family. The funeral will be held here tomorrow with an imposing military display. HOWLAND. BADLY HURT IN FALL FROM MOVING STREET CAR Charles Lominac, who was injured yesterday afternoon is resting easily today. About 5:30 o'clock yesteraay Jir. uom- inac was seriously injured by a Jump from a Charlotte street car near tim- side street. Mr. Lominfte s nat was blown from his head and without wait ing for the car to stop, he leaped out af ter it. He struck tne pavement, wnn great force and was rendered uncon- scious. Jrie was tanen uie miooiuu hospital and attended by Drs. Fletcher Hi Williams. It was found that the fall had caused concussion or tne pram anfi tor a umc grave results were feared.' Mr. Lom- nac Is much better, however, toaay. The injured man is 20 years old. He lives neaf the Albefnaris park property. He was an employe of Lambert 8 wood working shop on South Main street. Will Build Cottages Wllkle & LaBarbe. real estate ajfeafs"; have sold to FVank Longhran tie tejge lot on the corner of Montford and West Chestnut, known as the "Buckman ' property. The consideration w-as $4000 cash. Mr. Loughran improve his property at an early date, his" present plan being to erect five modern cot tages, thre'e fronting on Montford ave nue and two fronting on west cnest nut stret. SeveraJl TKovisand Dollars To lend on improved Real Estate. H. F. GRANT & SON, Real Estate Agents, S PATTON WE. NEAR P. O. THOSE WHO ARE POSTED Are never surprised at the bargains we offer, s claims can be disputed- But who can dispute the fact it our aver age savins to our customers of from 25 to 40 per cent? Our live and quick, -way of selling because oar low prices. The" I. L". Qepartment Store 22 PATTON AVENUE. Phone 107, v .. T , PROPER SUPPORT WOULD INSURE BLEAOHERY This Evening Exact Statement Will be Given of What Will Be Done RAILROAD WILL AID PLAN Conferences With Power Com pany Leave Little Doubt as ' To Establishment The party of northern capitalists here, interested in , a bleaching factory for Asheville, mention of whicli was made In yesterdajr's Citizen, held an other conference yesterday afternoon with President Weaver of the Weaver Power company, in regard to the pro posed movement on foot. As was stat ed in The Citizen all of these men are highly pleased with the situation. They believe that by a finishing factory here a great deal of money can be saved to the cotton mOl men of the south. Ashe ville's nearness to the big South Caro lina cotton mills is another point in favor of the location. The entire party are highly pleased with the conditions. "It is most ideal," said Mr. Seabury to a Citizen represen tative. Another strong point In favor of the tocatton is that a natural water fall of more than 30 feet is obtained at the proposed site of the works. The area of land owned and controlled by the Wea ver Power company is 300 acres. In the boundary of land deeded to the company by W. T. Weaver there was one tract known as the cotton mill tract located near Beaverdam creek upon which it is proposed that the bleachery be located. It Is the desire of the capitalists in terested in this movement that the cit izens of the town will lend their co-operation in the matter not so much in lollars and cents as in good will. How ever, some money will be asked for. Mr. Hart, one of the party of capital ists, will explain the situation of af fairs at this evening's meeting to be held In the auditorium In the interest of the proposed movement. Mr. Hart will make a proposition and wlii give in round figures estimates, etc., of profits to be realized. His company is willing to at once go ahead and expend three-ouarters of a million dollars here in industrial improvements if a proper guarantee from the citizens of the town together with their hearty co-operation In the matter can be secured. Mr. Hart has already taken the question up with the Southern railway which has agreed "to do the right thing" in the matter which it is understood prac tically means the delivery here of the output of all southern cotton mills free of charge. The Southern perhaps would not make much reduction If any, n the freight rate on the finished pro duct. The bulk of the finished product would be exported, the most of it going to China. It is believed by many well known citizens of the town that the support asked for by the capitalists interested tn the matter will be forthcoming and that the big finishing factory is an as sured thing for A6heville. Daily drawings for 25 5c cigars; get tickets with each 5c. purchase in cigar and tobacco department, Biomoergs Cigar Store. 5 26 tf Bowling alleys specially reserved for ladies r parties at 86 Patton ave. Ice Cream, made from pure cream only, in ice cream soda at Grant's Pharmacy. 6 20 10 CORTLAND WAGON COMPANY'S J. -It '"CORTLAND GEM" BUGGY On the Glenns Falls gear. Wide, roomy seat, hung low and easy of ac cess. Gear easy riding, yet very strong. On exhibition and for sale at L S. Morrison's Carriage Warehouse CITY BAGGAGE COMPANY Phone 25 4 Patton Ave. Quickest service In the city. Furniture and Piano moving a spec ialty,' Largest .Furniture Van In the city .-. -. j H. R MILLARD, Prop. Green RJver 90c bottle Milwaukee Export Lag er Beer $1 per dozen at JOHN O'DONNELL'S "or. Lexington Avenue and College St. ' V 'RURE&OTt.RYE., WHISKEy JO? f..,tT?-TtCT Mini p3?mm' nm FOR SALE BT AMERICAN SA LOON AND LAUREL VALLET SALOON- IN ASHEVILL AND ALL Your doctor and , Smith's Drug Store I can supply you with medicine that will do all that can be done to help you In time of sickness 1 Your doctor knows just what you need and we prepare them just as he directs 1 Your prescriptions are in safe hands when they come to Smith's Drug Store I Monument Square. Bargain Sale Muslin Underwear AT THE Bon Marche IS South Main st. THE DRY GOODS SHOP Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday The littleness of these prices coupled with the goodness1 of these garments will make this Muslin Underwear sale as one of unusual values. Tou cannot af ford to make . these garments when so little money is needed to buy the completed garments. GOWNS-49. 69 and 89c. worth double the amounts. PErrTttOOATS 96c.. 89c, and $1.20. Big values at twice these figures. CORSET COVERS 10c. 12c. 15c. and 25c. LADIES DRAWERS 49c., 69c. ana 89c. CHILDREN'S DRAWERS 15c. and 25 cents. s Children's White Aprons and Children's White Dresses at Special Prices. Perfumed Violet Toilet Ammonia Refreshing requisite for the toilet. Price 25 cents per bottle. Household Toilet Ammonia For laundry, toilet and household purposes. Price 10 cents per bottle. MANUFACTURED AT PFAFFLIN'S DRUG STORE Successor to Win good. Cor. Patton Ave.-Church St. PHONE 132 j Bargain Sale for - Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday AT THE Palais Royal IT South Main Street. One thousand yards Lonsdale Cambric will be placed on sale special for sale days worth 12o special, 10 yards limited,. 8 l-3c yard. Barker mills Bleaching, special, 8c yard; Sheets 10-4 size special 49c; Bed Spreads worth $1.50, special 98c; Towels wortL 10c, special, 6c; Towels worth 15c, special 10c; Towels wor.th 18c, special 12V4c. 60-inch Table Damask worth 50c special, 29c; new line ot Plquas special, the 15c kind special 10c; the 18c. kind special 12Hc; the 20c kind 15c. Grand SaleWhite Goods Greatly Reduced ' 10c White India Linen special 5 cents. 12 Vic White India Linen special 8 l-S cents. ISc White India Linen special 10 cents. 20c White India Linen special, 15 cents. 30c White India- Linen special, 19 cents. ! '.!! Hardwood Mantels - Finest Line In the city. W. A. BOYCE 11 South Court Square. String Beans.. ...... ..S lSc quart New Potatoes.. ""... 1-So. quart Fresh Strawberries., w. ...10c quart f...i HIRAM UNDSEY