" .,41 : TEN THOtJSAHD PEOPliE Head The Cltllen eyery day. Tour announcements In this pa- per will bring result. C1HCTBXATION BOOKS ARE f Alt WAYS OPEN TO ADVEB- TISERS.- V ' VOL. XVIII. NO. 19 ASHEVILLE, N. CM SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 21, 1902. PRICE 2 Cents The THE AMERICAN DERBY WAS ' RUN TODAY AT CHICAGO Heno was the Favorite With the Betting FraternityCrowd That Witnessed the Event Numbered 60,000 Thirteen Horses were Entered for the Start.--.The Eastern Men Bet Heavily on Racers from Their Section Chicago, June 21. Washington park tbif afternoon was the scene of that mo.-it famous of western turf events, the fifteenth American Derby. This historical race was the third o " the program.- It Is estimated that between ;,,( and 60,000 people were present. 1 lit- air was cool but the sky was t.rmht. Th- Dotting ring contained a verita hi.! mob and the weight of money was ail'arently going- on one or the other ;' the eastern colts. The westerners wei- hard played too, in fact, there s'-rmii to be a very healthy divergence opinion as to the merits of the con- ii stunts. Tit AO K IN GOOD CONDITION. t'hicago, June 21. Ail of the 13 horses , hi' h were to start today in the fif ii . nth American Derby at Washington I .,, i k are said to be in good condition .in. i it is doubtful If there will be many withdrawals, though the owner of i'M.v.l may decide that the track is not -i.--.v tnough to give his colt a chance. A i present the prospects are for ideal .-.iiner and It is believed the course .1 ill have dried up so much that by the rim' the race is going It will be fairly if not almost fast. This will en- hiie it- . the chances of Heno, the favor iiid of favorite horses generally, retary Howard is counting on an ,,u.i.lHiue of 60,000 people. The latest I., tiiig on the event as announced this iin -ruing at an uptown hotel was as i. !!. h n, 2 to 1; Pentrost, 4 to 1; Ai rial. 4 to 1; Belles Commoner, 7 to I. lU-rmis. 7 to 1; Otis, 10 to 1; Hild i.tli n.tlile (Lord Quex and Lucie Ap-i-i. i. 1 to 1; Wythe, 10 to 1; Aladdin, hi t 1. Prowl, 13 to 1; Corrigan, 25 to 1. STOLE A LOT OF SHOES (Social to The Citizen.) Washington, N. C. June 21. A color--l li.'i'litted was taken in charge by th. p"h. e this morning for robbing the Knight v 1'imper department store wli' r h- u;is employed. $27.50 worth of f-hi r-s. .il I..- was found in his possession. British Won Polo Match .i:.'. .lime 21. The polo game be- i i - American and British teams I - : Ji.iiii today were won by the i . ; -i-veii goals to one. For R.ent . l "l ike and sleeping rooiii!. new u-'imin cottage. ii- w i ' ,,om flat, i il: i . ! 1 1 1 .'.Vihd unfurnished houses, s-, in :.-t of properties for sale. J. H. WEAVER CO., :lvL ESTATE BROKERS. 45 pat ton Avenue. P. O. Box 244 A PAIR I OF GLASSES Y SJM May help you more tnan f y ymi think ro"sibl Come !-s before 't is t' late. It may soon save y.t: lot. of trouble. Kxamlivitions -1 lire. Repairing . . s;e ialty r s. l. McKt a V The Optician "i't. I'o-.torHce SIPattonAve I'll, I '. en I'atton ave.. op. P.O fSHt VILLE TRANSFER CO. W illi ui hern Railway uptown of- n,e Rat-- ice necked with railroad check at r.'si'i,'iici ; saves trouble at depot. "a.r: i.i.;.- -vrvice. Storage and moving. " Thk Outfitter" Have .You a Boy? If so, read carefully the fol lowing prices : Vestee Suits 3 to 8 years. $2.50 to $4.oo ; to $5.00 1 $&00 ; to $9.00 ! ; $1.48 $2.48 $3.48 D. B. Suits 8 to 16 years $2.50 to $3.50 $4.00 I $1.98 $2.98 to $6.00 These suits are all wool, well made and perfect fitting. u : We do Merchant Tailoring 02 SHEVIH,E.M.cT U PHtan Atmm. HENDERSON IS FOR JUDGE CLARK ALSO The County Primaries and Con vention Will be Held Again Next Week (Special to The Citizen.) Hendersonville, X. C, June 21. ThK eounty convention was held here thi. afternoon and Judge Walter Clark was practically unanimously endorsed for chief justice. One or two of the smaller precincts of the county failed to hold primaries last WpflflMliMU n llA tr o-i t7 .,11 ---r - . . v.. . . ili 1 1 1 chance, the rrlmrit will ho riol.l on July 3 throughout the county. "if convention to select all delegates will then be held July 5. A majority of the county precincts, it is stated here Imlav went f.n- T f Gudger, jr., for Congress. MARRIED IN NEW YORK On Wednesday, June IS. in Xew York, Bernard Whitlock of this city was mar ried to Miss Fannie Gallert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Gallert of 4S West 119th street. The wedding took place at the Kllerslie on West 126th street. Rev. T. de Sola Mendes officia ting. Victor Whitlock was best man and -Miss Ray Whitlock acted as brides maid. Mrs. A. Whitlock, the mother of the groom, was also present. Mr. anil Mrs. Whitlock will live in Asheville. ar riving here about July 1. They will be at home at 'Jso Haywood street. PROTECTED BY OUR GUARANTEE You take absolutely no risk in buy ing 'Clifton'" flour. Suppose you want lo try it. You want a flour as good as you have heard "Clifton" is. But yuj don't feel sure. You have heard, but you have not seen. You don't like ex periments. That is where our guarantee comes in. It puts all possible risk on us: none On you. As a matter of fact we run no risk whatever, for we know what. 'Clifton" flour is; but we assume all possibility of it. Some day it will amuse you to look back and think of ever having wanted a guarantee on Clifton." But it's all right to want it now, be fore you are acquainted: and we are glad to give it. BRANSFORD MILLS, Owensboro, Ky. One of the most Important things a druggist des is putting up prepcriptions. There if no drug rtore where this feature has more scrupulous attention than here. It doesn't pay to take chances In matters of health, of life and death, perhaps. Bring your prescriptions here, where everything i3 c-rtin to be right. Paragon Drut Company KUWARD HOPKINS, President L,. B. WHEELER, Sec. Treas. Roasting Ears 20c. dozen .Sic pound ...Te. quart. T'-ic. quart . ..lT'ic. dozen Tomatoes Cherries Blackberries . K!ccs 121ic. to I1V2C each Spring Chickens . tTTT A T.T'NTTlSF.Y. Phone 200 and 173. South Main street niiuiuu - - and City MarKei. A CIGARS U. Edward the First HConchas Especial" " This vt K?y y1 ft1: gar of merits It's made from the best selection of the 1901 crop of vuetta abajo. It s a cigar that draws free and easy. 6olId white ash. nialn. seet and fragrant to the very last whlf. and satisfies the smoker as " no other brand can. 50 in a .box. J4.00. 11 for $1.00 Or 10 cents each. Chas. W. Baird 148 Montford PHONE 22 ; f W W Durable Beauty Our photographs. Have you seen the latertit the TaJe Folder? Call at our Ltudwhere you are always welcome 22 1 Cithern. Bst photographs; best prices. h. r t -Saocesor.to ,;;.f South Court Place. ml iE253B NEGRO TRAMP STEALING A RIDE, SHOT BRAKEMAN (Special to The Citizen.) Salisbury. X. C. Juno 51 T P; Sh.r. rill, a white brakeman on the Southern local freight ti.ac ai rived in Salisbury last nixhl at 11 o'clock, u-aa chin aarlv in the night oy joan Williams, a negro tram p. Williams was beatine the frplvr when fiherrill attcmntwl The negro drew a pistol and fired, and the bullet entered Sherrills right leg just above the knee. He was broucht to Salisburv and the bullet extracted. Williams escaped. SPECIAL SESSION WILL BE CALLED (Special to The Citizen.) Washington, D. C, June 21. It is the present purpose of the President to call an extra session of the Senate immediately after the end of the present session, if no action oo Cuban reciprocity is taken before adjournment and at such an extra .session to sub mit for ratification a reciprocity treaty with 'uba, which is now being prepaied at the state de partment. HOWLAXD. THE GOOD EFFECT OF CLEVELAND'S SPEECH Is Principally in its Weight For Reuniting of Eastern Men 1 (Special to The Citizen.) j W ashington, L. C, June 21. Demo clutic comment at the capitol on the sptech of ex-President Cleveland at the i Tilden club banquet is generally com ; mendatory, not so much for what he I said as for the effect it will have to- wards reuniting the party. It is recog j nized that most of the Democrats who left the party in 1896 and 1900, are east l en: men and it is believed that the speech will draw most of these back and materially increase the chances of Lontorence but with no intention of the country. HOWLA.N'D. TO ARRANGE FOR STATE BAR MEETING J. D. Murphy, a member of the exec executive committee of the State Bar association, announces that a meeting of the bar association of Asheville will be held at the office of Judge Charles A Moore, Temple Court, Monday af ternoon at 4 o'clock, to consider the matter of making arrangements for th: meeting of the State Bar associa tion. July 9 to VI. It is hoped that all the members of the Asheville bar will be present. SENATE CONFIRMED CAPT. CR0ZIER STRONGLY (Special to The Citizen.) Washington, L. C, June 21. Captain illiam Crozier, whose appointment to chief of oulinance in the army with e rank of brigadier general over the ads of many of his seniors, aroused stility in the Senate, led by senator octor of Vermont. was yesterday nfirmed by the overwhelming vote of to 12. Senator Pettus of Alabama is one of his chief supporters. Oener- ('roziei's fitness for the place is uni rsally recognized, the opposition be- g generally based on the ground that was unwise to establish the prece- nt of giving such rapid promotion to junior officer. HOWLAND. WILL FURNISH DEAVER WITH COPY OF CHARGES (Special to The Citizen.) Washington, D. C, June 21. The au thorities of the postoffice department toda agreed to furnish J. Clyde Dea ver with a copy of the charges which caused his removal from the Asheville letter carriers force, but steadily de clined to reopen the ease. HOWLAND. LYNCH AGAIN REMANDED London, June 21. Col. Arthur Lynch, member-elect of parliament for Gal way, and formerly of the Boer army, who is in custody on the charge of hi,fh treason, was today again remand ed until June 24, the witnessess in the case not having arrived. Senator Cullom's Daughter Dies Baltimore. June 21. Mrs. William Barrett Ridgely, wife of the comptrol ler of the currency, died at Johns Hop kins hospital today after an operation for appendicitis. She was a daughter of United States Senator Cullom. A AAA A Wedding Gift 8 9 should be beautiful and it t should be desirable. J In Solid Silver.. 49 49 49 49 many VZ srlfts. o ZZ XOU Will llliu 1 nrtirles suitable for 4? .-hich combine beauty as well 6 40 as usefulness. & g ARTHUR M. FIELD CO. 9 T.eadinjr Jewelers. " ' at and p&ttoa St. 49 - 7 o- -4 I ft. ,49 W wl ALL IS READY FOR CATTLE RAISING IN SOUTH A Number Will be Shipped to Northern Florida at Once CENTER OF THE INDUSTRY Experiment at Once Launched of Feeding Stock on Cas sava Root Chicago, June 21. The plans that were first taken Into consideration about one year ago, have been devel oped in the last few months to a point where some of the great packing es tablishments in Chicago have begun experiments on what may prove a rer olution of the cattle industry of the country, says the Inter-Ocean. The project involves the settlement of several hundred acres of what is at present nearly valueless land in north ern and northwest Florida and south ern Alabama and the cultivation on a large scale of cassava root and its use in feeding cattle and hogs. If the plan developes as it is now in Uie minds of leading packers, the south ern states will become the center of the cattle raising industry. It is stated that arrangements are now being made for the accommodation of a considera ble number of cattle to be shipped from the stock yards to northern Florida, to be fed on cassava root. The results of the fattening process will be compared with similar work in the west regarding which the condi tions and cost are already definitely known. The results obtained will de termine the future of the cassava ex periment. OUICK SILVER FOUND AT J. '. Rumbough is here today from Hot Springs and reports that quick silver has been discovered on the grounds of the Mountain Park hotel. "The purest deposits," said Mr. Rumbough to a Citizen reporter, "have been found. The chief source of deposit is in a well near the ho- tel. the bottom of which is entirely covered with a thick layer of this mineral. With every bucket of water drawn from the well large lumps of quicksilver are found." Mr. Rumbough says that an expert geologist has been sent for from New York, who is expected within a few days time to locate the vein V and make future tests. This is the first deposit of quick silver known in western North Car- olina. This mineral is very valuable and is worth about 15 cents an ounce. A. A A. A A. A A A A A A A. A A A A A A A A A A A PREACHER TOOK OFF HIS GOAT TO FIGHT Divine Made a Remark For Which Man Wanted to Whip Him (Special to The Citizen.) .Washington, N. C, June 21. Tracey, th I'lehiate.l temperance lecturer, is now holding a meeting in Eliza beth City and he is assisted by the lo cal cleray in hitting the whiskey men. I . Ii. Tunic, u Methodist minister, is assisting him principally. Thursoay W. M. Baxter, a man prom ineiu ir. business and social circles call ed Tuttle down about some remark, threatening to thrash him. Tuttle pull ed r.t'i his coat and dared him; Tuttle says he is going to break up the intiinnoe of the political whiskey ring. Things are seething and trouble is anticipated. Look at the Price for Saving Look at the Goods for Quality Finest mercerized Madras cut to 18c yd.; soft French Percale; 25c ydicutto 18c; 35c Cotton FoulaiJdis okit to i8o; Silk Striped Madras cut to '18c;7Fignrecf Organdies and Brocades 45c, cut to 18c 50c Wash Silks cut to 35c. We Don't Want Your Money Unless You are Satisfied With What You Buy! The new style 5-gore Flare Flannel Walk ing Skirt in dark blue striped. $1.50. Grey and Oxford Tucked, $3.50. Melton, extra fine in grey and blue, $6. For Values, Style And Qviality... wkii;and Outing Hstfs, 69c, $l.:ncl1.0a Ai G. L'S BIG E IS FILED (Special to The Citizen.) Washington, N. C, June 21. Presi dent Warren Q. HUioit's son, of the Atlantic Ooat Line arrived here on a special tran this morning to record an $0,000,000 mortgage on the A. C. L. for ?n 4ssue of per cent bonds to cover he absorption and consolidation of the Plant system. $18,000 In stamps were on the papers. HOUSE WANTS THE CANAL; WILL NOT HOLD OUT Speeches for Nicaragua in Con ference, but Chances Will Nut be Wasted (Special to The Citizen.) Washington, D. C, June- 21. Pros pects are now more favorable than ever to a speedy acceptance by the House of the Senate canal bill, giving prefer ence to the Panama route. A large number of Democrats of the House stated yesteray that they would not fa vor standing out longer, against the Senate and that te chance to get a canal was too good to be thrown away through undue resistence upon the Nicaragua route. Arguments in favor of Nicaragua will be presented in the conference but with no hesitation of standing out long. HOWLAND. Street Car Strike in Toronto Toronto, June 21. The street car men of this city went on a strike this morn ing; DEPOSIT HOT SPRINGS MONDAY, FIELD DAY FOR ARGANUMS The Royal Arcanum's anniversary celebration will take place Monday at Riverside Park, and will be gin at 2:30 p. m. Some slicht rhanpps havp Viaii mHa in the order of events already publish ed. The complete program of races wiil be as follows: First race, greased pig, at 2:30, prize, I i . Second race, 50-yard sack race, piize, $3 hat. Third race, long and short race between Gay Green and John Machin, prize, $3 umbrella. Fourth race, potato race, prize $3 pair of shoes. The committee on sports wishes to say that the greased pig race will be absolutely fair. Only the hands will be allowed in catching him. He received his shave today. There will be a baseball game at 4:30. The First Regiment band will furnish music. At 8:30 there will be a fireworks display on the ball field, followed by a vaudeville minstrel performance. GAVfJOR AND GREENE SENT BACK TO JAIL DISEASE IN MULES CAUSED IN THIS COUNTRY Boer Sympathizers Inoculated British Stock, it is Said New Orleans, June 21. It developed about the boarding Houses where the sailors and muleteers were recruited fur the British during the South Afri can war, according to a story printed here today, that the diseases raging in South Africa among the live stock there is due to inoculations made in this port by Boer sympathizers and disgruntled muleteeers playing even with the British, It is said the virus used was secured from a Philadelphia chemist and con sisted mostly of charbon -and glanders. It is also tsated that the British sus pilioned that the crime was being con stantly committed and for that reason i l moved their headquarters to Mon treal. The inoculations, it is stated, were also made in Iathrop, Mo., bo it was necessary to break up that camp as well. The British are now retaliating, so it is intimated, by refusing entrance to Louisiana cattle in South Africa. AN EDUCATIONAL RALLY IN IREDELL Governor Will Speak Next Fri day, With Prominent Edu cators (Special to The Citizen.) Statesville, N. t, June 21. Governor Ayeock will speak in Iredell next Fri day on education. County Superintend ent of Education Butler has arranged for ;i monster basket picnic and educa tional rally at Harmony, IS miles from Statesville, in the northern part of the countv. President Winston of the A. & M. college, and C. H. Mebane, ex-State Superintendent of Education, will also make addresses. It is hoped to reach the rural population or nortn ireaeii ana adjoining counties. Later Governor Ayeock will make an educational ad dress at Mooresville. this county. The delegates to the judicial conven tion at Salisbury returned yesterday, fagged in body after their all night ses sion, but in good spirits over the nom ination of their townsman, Hon. B. F. Long, for judge of this district. The nomination did not come until the 412th ballot. Mr. Long is one of the best known lawyers in the western part of the State. A man of fine ability, he has always been a close student of the law and will make an able judge. Candidates for county officers in Ire dell have been stirring around for som" time and now that the judicial conven tion is over they will have a clear field. although the nomination of Charles H Armfield, esq., for associate justice of the Supreme court is the matter of chief concern to all Iredell now. CORNELL FAVORITE FOR TODAY'S RAGES Poughkeepsie, June 21. A drenching rain and a nasty gray sky without a single rife in it, to justny the hope of clearing, greeted the weather sharps this morning when they looked out to see what the indications were for the day's boat races. The early morning rain has a depressing influence not only on those who were here, but on those who were possibly coming. Up to the middle of the forenoon there was the smallest gathering of spectators ever seen at Poughkeepsie on a similar c- icn. With, the rain there has been little or no wind and the course was perfectly smooth. All the coaches this morning said their men were In good condition for the race'. For the freshmen eight, Wisconsin was the decided favorite. In the 'var sity Cornell is a strong favorite against the field. Coach Courtney of the Cor nell crews said that while he consid ered his crew very fit he did not share any of the outside predictions of sure victory. He thought it was going to be a very hard race. Burton Files His Defense (Special to The Citizen.) Washington, D. C, June 21. Pritch ard today introduced Capt. W. H. Day and John H. Burton to the President. Later Pritchard called at the postoffice department and presented Burton's de fense against the charges that have been preferred against him. Capt. Day advocated the cause of Burton, who has been nominated for postmaster at Weldon. HOWLAND. For Rent... Two desirable suburban cot tages within short walk from the street car line. Several acres of grounds; good water, shade and fruit. For particulars, see H. F. GRANT & SON, Real Estate Agents. 48 PATTON" WE. NEAR P. O. Just Think Of It ! Photos 5 for lOc.10 days longer. All photos, mounted on "Cards.1 Photo but tons fronielO centanp. - AGMEr PHOTO CO., 7 ' Main St,(5pstairs " Justice Andrews in Decision Censures Case Against Detec tive Carpenter and Discharg es Motion For Contempt Also Rejects Petition for Writ of Certiorari, and to Quash Writs of Habeas Corpus For Prisoners Quebec, June 21, Judge Andrews to day discharged the motion for con tempt against Detective Carpenter and has remanded Gaynor and Greene to Montreal in charge of the jailor of that city. In rendering the judgment Justice Andrews remarked that the proceed ings connected with the arrest of the accused deserved certain censure. Jus tice Andrews stated that he had receiv ed a declaration from the attorneys of Gaynor and Greene, whereby they withdrew their declarations and in formed the counsel that he was ready if hear them. Mr. Mi-Master for the prosecution moved that judgment be rendered on the motions made by the prosecution to set aside the writs of habeas corpus. Mr. Taschereau, coun sel for the prisoners objected to the motions. Judge Andrews said since re given the matter the greatest atten tion and as the case was in his hands he would now render judgment on the motions to quash the habeas corpus writs. The judgment was a very elab orate one and concluded by rejecting the petitions for writs of certiorari quashing the writs of habeas corpus and ordering that the prisoners be re manded to jail and Sheriff Langelier to deliver both prisoners to the Montreal jail. DE PRIEST MAY NOT GET POSTMASTERSHIP (Special to The Citizen.) Washington. D. C. June 21. George W. DePriest may never be confirmed as iostmaster at Shelby. He was nom inated by the President, but it is charg ed that he was a non-resident at the time his application for office was fil- d. HOWLAND. The constant offering of 'Tiargains" rcqil'res the purcnase ot LHLAlMii TRASHIEST goods. J. H. Law don t supply such, but his porters are busy delivering, all the same. CORTLAND GEAA Open an i top buggies, runabouts, surreys. .New goods constantly coming m. On:.'1 and see our line before buy ing. T. S. Morrison's Carnage Warehouse Green River 90c bottle Milwaukee Export Lag er Beer $1 pe: dozen at JOHN O'DONNELL'S 'or. Lexington Avenue and College rt. BARGAINS In Bamboo Porch Shades. We have all sizes from 5x8 to 12x10. Also Mosquito Nets and Hammocks. RANKIN & WILLIAMSON PRES SING CLVB. Phone 822. Opera House Block THOSE WHO ARE POSTED Are never surprised at the bargains we offer, as claims can be disputed. But who can dispute the fact of our aver age saving to our customers of from 25 to 40 per cent? Our live and quick way of selling is because of our low prices. The I. X. L Department Store 22 PATTON AVENUE. Phone lCr. 6 19 tf Moth Balls For packing with-clothing and useful for sanitation. 10c lb., 3 lbs. fot 25c. : GRANT'S PHARMACY Agency for Wood's Seeds. FOR SALE, BY AMERICAN SA LOON AND LAUREL VALLET SA LOON IN ASHEVILL AND ALL. IRST CLASS DEALERS EVIJRY- YWHIKEy Jsr?jvsGcAsr& coy You CaLn't Know a good epg until you break- it then how can you know a good ci gar without smoking it? We are expert judges of cigars but we depend on the reputation of the fac tory to an extent-our best goods come from Portu ondo and their fragrance is not equalled every day try us when you want a five or ten cent cigar that will be a comfort to an old smoker you get genuine Portuondo cigars at Dr.T. C. Smith's Monumental Drug Store. See Our Big Ad. on Secorvd Page Bon Marche THE DRY GOODS SHOP 15 South Main st. Comfort Powder For the toilet and bath. Price :15c. Comfort Powder is antiseptic, astrin gent, disinfectant. It is a powder comfort. It is a safe and certain external application to relieve irritation, to cure the dis eases and promote the health of the skin. Call and get a book that will tell you all about it. ' PFAFFLIN'S DRUG STORE Successor to Wlngood, Cor. Patton Ave.-Church St." PHCNE132 Monday Tuesday -and Wednesday SALE AT THE Palais Pi oyal Vt South Main Street. Grand sale and display of Lace Bobiet and Muslin Curtains. For this sale we are showing some of the best value in Cur tains eve shown. 100 pair Swiss Curtains; worth $1.69 special 98c Pair 25 pairs of Bobinet Curtains, greatly reduced. Don't miss this sale; it will be money saved for 'you. Bargains In Table Linens, Bar gains in Napkins. 25 dozen Towels, worth 10c., spe cial 5c. apiece. See our largfe Huck Towels, worth 25c.. spe cial 15c., two for S5c. Bath Tow els, extra large.the 25c. kind, spe cial, 15c. apiece, two for 25c. Don't miss our Ribbon Sale. 25 and 30c. Taffeta Ribbons, spe cial for this sale 12 and 15c Yard Bargains in Muslin Underwear. Sale of Embroideries, 15 and 25c Embroideries, special. 7c Yard Hardwood Mantels Finest Line In the city. W. A. BOYCE 11 South Court Square. FORCHOICESTTEATS HOWELKS Stall B. City MaxkeW . PJiona t I-