r J XEX THOUSAND PEOPIE ? The Qtlien eTenr day, he T announcements In thU pa- ' Vr 5 J per will bring results. I vv aiwax ppfifl TO AOTES- TTSFR VOL. XVIII. NO. 92 ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 18. 1902. PRICE 2 Cents r Ashevi ff -n 1l--n r77TK-n"YV 11 . ii ii ii t ii . . 1 1 ii iM f I I , LET AUTOS AND MOTORS RUN LIKE EXPRESS TRAINS ma spntiment of London Dailies' Which Term Opposition to Speed - Senseless Prejudice" and -Persecution" irty Miles an Hour in Skilled Hands Not Unreasonable. They Argue. While Slow Ma chine Often is Dangerous j - , , - Tli.- Kill Mai! i ;.t t . : -s th.- Rfti. I .11 .,, ,i l-i.t.ii'.i in souix'tns a r! ; . ii. . i i i i t tion with d ,- ' .-!is-l.-s prejudice .... itii.n" of Iliof.ol - Th Kieat energy a id : t i.i t - . J in Fr.iiK'?. t ? . I ill -a t I Irt ! a i i 1. ii a in. o hin- : y f'r t I permit iiiK opposition to h.llllpcr tht-S-- li'g i.t--." la ! t-4 that spe- 'I i - a slow mat hin in ii:-i-t dangerous. It iK-s an hour by a . isi.natil-- sta mlcrr.l. INCREASE IN INSANITY IN BEAUFORT COUNTY The it iz. ri. ' . S.-pi IV --The !n ... Il-aufi.rt county V ii-iil.ij n of le re takiis Mr, ile.yli to th-- asylum. "paper i or r .-spond- r 1 1 a k- s t hi r teen 1 : le- i r t eel 1 1 a I rac -t 1 1 i aint y ! show Km up these At the present time -a r sons in ttie i ii I : .iiifni I t ban :nt in North faro- 1 1 l.euinnina to dis- ! llsiV. There is lir Ml.-e ..f the HISillillV MUNDAY NOMINATED IN THE THIR1 Y-FIFTH - ill I Tin- i 'It 12.11. I . A- : - N ''. s. pt. is. The... Mun .: . : -! h.-t .- I .. lay f or iTni t -tilth district. The r - - I and h.i i in. n io.is. Song Recitals in the North 1 i ' i-'d left this morti'iig t - ! -..tig rec ital engageniBtitik duo. Michigan and o a 11 l-e at home for tn ": autumn work on .-tt- FOR SALE 'lmng city limits. Will 'i t purchaser, or sell as e tract for speculation. . mile .'rum . U lim ine innui.t.iin sites for : Pi ins. pro.. On inacad.im seit electric car ell as a whole, part h-ulat s. ileared. Three on m; cadam 11 watred. Fine 1 . ! or v i - and Mostly hums :..l.e. W S5.500 : .-.. Ics from city. Well ! i of subdivision. On ' - Th;s prop, rty can be is, FOR RENT OR SALE -p:--ndid v t house. ' ! : - miles from .-. urt . l is Well watered. s,o I t : run in tro.j room house, ' "! ! -bard . - mil. s from I'rio- fi sale-- S3.000 J H. WEAVER CO. l.'s Ai, ate Brokers. . Asheville. M. C. Investors: at. out 41 th.ln 12 p k hi, h pruce street. Insui e Aston awlsiaVatt: St Hardwood Mantels W A BOVCi: '""x The Eve M Needs Great Care may not annoy you ;!'. make your eyes se. Properly adjusted ; cr time will preserve hey will do you good ) age. Kxamtna- a:.,- S. L. MrkPP THE OPTICIAN. i I'iiltuo Ave. Oup. PO. u iiV D-.iN'T YOU? - ar. i set- w hat we can do in " -ing you money. Vinegafr -"-i!..2'V. oil. kerosene, oesl. : Arbuckle"s coffee, per lb. "taadarj granulated. IS lbs. e are the nnlir YimiR In II,.. r1 citv , licit v an offer you an entire .. ten "d enamelwar and rvrices s"'-nds. - f H - 1 'il Ne I. X. I nanai.tm.nt 'WM - - biai iiiiciii uiwis c WElftTE. t . I It IV, MRS. STAFFORD IN GREENSBORO TO SEE CHILD (Special to The Citizen.) Greensboro. N. c., Sept. IS Mi. I Jo. Stafford, who eloped with Ernest Har din two months ago. leaving her hus band and two children, arrived incogni to last night and stopped at a hotel. She went to her husband's homo to visit a sick child, later returning to the hotel. She says she thinks her husband will take her back, but Is afraid he will be angiy with her if she talks with the reporters too much. She is dressed luxuriously, looks fine, and says she has enjoyed her trip, but will not talk about Hardin or say where he is. She wrote a letter to him this morn ing, addressed to Baltimore. If she dees not l.-ae m two weeks, she will not b- able to travel, owing to her del icate condition. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR TURNER ON CAMPAIGN Sp.- ml . ( i I eetlSbol l). N I The "itlzi n.i '.. Sept. 1-V Lieuten- aid t.overnnr W. D. Turner made a strong, logical speech before a small audience in the court house here Tues day night. Governor Turner had more than an average audience and being the first gun fiteii hud a fine effect. Commencing with the premise that the I renin, i atic party represented prill, i pies as eternal is the eternal hills, j he showed hou the Republican party was one of policies as shifting as the sand dunes of the east. Illustrating, he declared that the money question was merely a policy of the period, given life oy conditions ai tne time, ann tnere was no Iunilamental principle involved in; the issue of gold or silver, and that ep-' isi.de in the life of the Democratic par-; t having been by conditions settled.' it was hogging the question for any m. in to forsake the eternal principles ol Democracy "ti account of disapproval Hi' a temporary policy of the organiza tion which formed only one of a thous and greater qualities. He next went into a review of the Democratic and; h usiiui administrations in North aro Una. and demonstrated by a forcible from A. L. Daley who is now in Mil presentation of comparative figures, waukee. Wisconsin Datev writes that appropriations made bv Democrats! . . were distributed among all the people, askins lflat hls valise, keys and bar of lor th.- benefit of all. in the form of jsold be sent to him. The bar is of real schools, old soldiers" pensions, asylums, gold but quite small. It was a part of etc, while the appropriations made byithe paraphernalia of Daley, and his ll-.e i iisionists were distributed among i comrades. In his letter Daley states certain individuals as a rew ard for par- f urther thafc he furnished the money tisan , f forts or a bribe for f uture as- for the wh()le tfl He sent his r e sistance. Kxplaining the alleged In- 0 . , T c.a,..- i appropriations made by the jard9 to fhTeriff Jx?rdan. tty Sheriff li.mo. rats and the 12110 000 loan, he Jones and Jailor Neely. The letter was showed how. in the three years of jr- slsnel a. Dunham, know n to vou sion rule as compared wi'h the;a-s A. L. Daley." past three years nf Democratic, i nearly half -a million dollars, and j GREER GIVES BOND AND 1 (h's had been, available instead of! havtag t borrow $200,000. there would hae been $300,000 surplus in the treasu ry, the exact amount turned over to th Kusjonr.sts by the Democratic treasur- ei nor Turner was practical, logl 'II through his speech, making no. effort at heroics or clap-trap and his j argument was highly praised by all w ho heard it lli'iltnoro Fir-woou -Phone Ti0. One of ti, e most importai; things a druggist does is putting up prescriptions. There is no drug store where this feature has more scrupulous attention than here. It doesn't pay to lake chances in matters of health, of life and death, perhaps Bring your prescriptions here, w here ?ver thing is cer'ain t- h t ight. Paragon Drug Company EDWARD HOPKINS. President. I.. B WHEELER. Sec. Treas 1902 Pack 0; Canned Goods J3""3"1,, ComPany n ; Home Office, Baltimore. ..id. Nabob corn 2 lb. cans 13c, 2 for 25e;. Nabob pens, 2 lb. cans, 20v: Buncombe county tomatoes, 3 lb. cans, lSc each- These are the bet goods that are packed in cans, and if you are looking for the best only, we have it. CHAS. W. BAIRD 148 Montford Phone 225 Creamery butter... Ccuntry butter Eg Egt Plant Nw beets.. -- 30c lb. 2Sc lb. 22c doz. .10 and 15c each 5c bunch 5c bunch - farrot.4 - iYttj -r T.rvnoinr A ilim - - 3. Hain U Phone aoo Market phone too. PRESIDENT CASTRO GOES TO AID TROOPS Takes Remforements to General Garrido. Considering His Position Dangerous W'illemstani. island of Curacoa. Sept. IS. President Castro of Venezuela. con - ; in' iii-u'n vnu in ain.i evei sidering the situation of General Garri-j since the Manor was finished and found do, his war minister, eminentlv critical!1" e ;l good investment the fmprove- at Valencia, marched to assist him with 37W men. The President crossed the Los Terjues river Wednesday and be gun his march to Valencia. His army is carrying many sick men with it. Ac cording to the reDOrt. Castro will flttaiL- the Revolutionary army under Mendo-,a """eii. sa at Tocuoito f,ilo th rov,ii,iiinn.,r,i'il'i resident leader, is stiil at Orituoo. NEW KIKES RAGING. Washington. Sept. 18. New forest nits are repoiiea in oiii i.il telegraph-I what result the alwavs popular Manor ic advices today, raging in Idaho, near I with ils tasteful, complete surround ellowstone Park. ings. 'shows. Propt-rtv values in that -xmiJ Ubr lATED. Cape Ilaytien. Sept. 18. The forces of the provisional government of Havti commanded by the war minister. Gen - erai .ora, have sustained a severe de- I feat at Limbe. I PANAMA TRAIN STOPPED. Washington. Sept. 18. Secretary of I Navy Moody received the following dis patch today from Cotnm.-i nder McLean I of the Cincinruu!1 i Colon. The train for Panama went! through without the Cincinnati's guard; of riflemen and the rapid fire gun. A i freight train coming toward Colon was stopped by soldiers at the sides of the' track continuously pointing loaded muskets at the engineer and train hands, demanding the opening of lock ed box cars for inspection. The conduc tor had no key and so could not. Thev Went to find worne r06iimiiilJa ttr,Af I and also sent a man to flag the follow- i ing passenger train, but all menace Is removed. The freight came in with the passenger train. I will vigorously pro tect life and liberty of American and ther peaceable employes and maintain unobstructed transit. Have instructed the Ranger to assist in this duty." DALY WANTS HIS GOLD BRICK AND VALISE AGAIN (Special to The Citizen.) Greensboro. N. C. Sept. 18. Sheriff Jordan yesterday received a letter IS RELEASED FROM JAILi,he eecutive committer iutho.it to (make the nomination. ; The evening papers here publish the .auusoii v.reei. wno last w ecK assault- , announcement that Prof. T. E. "Whit led A. Kosky. today gave bond and wasjaker, present member of the hous? of ! released from jail. Greer's bond was 1 1 f presentatives, and recently nominat fixed by Judge Brown a few days ago led by acclamation as one of the Derw1 in police court at $'.'CNi. Greer was at first itratic candidates. had declin -J th refused bond on account of Kosky's se- I r omination, and would go to Winston" !mo,t vin" n'T- MSk5i, 13 repor,,ed aS ;o accem l Position as chief stcnogra agairi PerhaPS Sn 1P OHt!pher with the American Tobacco com- ;any. In a conversation last night Charlotte Gets Epworth News George L. Hackney has sold his pub- I ieation. "The. Epworth News" t.. Dr. 1 Jno. R. Brooks, who will move the pa- j per to Charlotte and publish the p,st ; j issue from that city next month. j j The Epworth New s af started horr j il y Mr. Hackney ten years ago. In its I : phet it lias been quite an inllumtiar r publication and has leen largely quoted J , by the church press. ! Dr. Brooks w as for a number f j years presiding elder of the Greensb. ro j and Charlotte districts of the M. E. I i-r th. in !i last alth he did not take work at conference- ; The .'.eveland Star tells of a chn ken in that county that "went mad" a.vl ! had to be killed. It w as bitten by a do- having hydrophobia- The Star says , tnis is tne nrst mad chicken on record. SATISFACTION. ' Clifton flour always satisfies because lit is always kept ri?ht up to the stand iinl the highest -standard of purity and excellence. : "Clifton" possesses every nuality es sential for making bread that is w hite, light and sweet. The rich flavor so rel- !dom found in the bread made from or dinary flours that delicious pure ; wheat flavor Is alw ays found in the bread made with "Clifton," which ii no ordinary flour, as most people know. "Clifton" flour is milled from the pick -of the finest wheat grown; milled sci entifically, with the best of skill and ! machinery in every detail of its manu- ; facture. "Clifton" is easily a leader and Is standing the test of thousands of fini ilies. If you do not use "Cllftcm" have your grocer send you a jack. The sat isfaction experienced by our many cus tomers is assured. Bransford Mills. Owensboro. Ky. We Will Bond You : Thp l lnirfrKiAtt FiHplitv Paid-up Capital. Jl.500.000.00 j Surety Bonds. IFI QELITY nnNTRACT llimriAi ! I - - - - . - w w . , fl m b Judicial bonds executed without delay , BURGLARY INSURANCE Banks, stores, residences insured against burglary or theft. HUGH LaBARBE, Gereral Agent. Asheville. N. C. Correspondence Solicited. Green River 90c bottle Milwaukee Export Lag er Beer $1 per dozen at JOHN O'DONNELL'S "or. Lexington Avenue and Colle St. Five More Cottages to Be Bviilt a,t Albemarle Paurk Will Be of as Many Designs and Sizes, Though Each Will Con form to the General Plan Adopted in the Manor and Surroundings Albemarle Park with its attractive h..tel ami distinctive cottages and de- liKhtfu! grounds, is to have added im i provement in the election of four more cottaires j The management of the Manor seems tireless in the effort for the best and mn.sl ;i ! r I :li r i w inrancpmonto that ; a siein-u , c .... ... , :.,k i . mem or the Albemarh has continued. park property As will be remembered bv manv Ashe- xlnt I the property now occupied by the Manor was fifteen years ago a vacant tract ot land. It was bought by apt. W. G. Kaoul and for several years rhe design was to cut it lots, but the advice of friends here aused Capt. Raoul to change the plan and to build the Ma- i . j lit f.i'1 i iiniii o rinciii .11 property was begun immediately with i part or tne city nave risen greatly in the ', p u'n .Vt'a, s , reason .n nit junior mis year ' oeen a soon one. i tie nouse ana good one. The house and eer conage nae oeen lull tor nearly the entil e summer and the increasing demand for cottages has had the re- suit of a decision on the part of the sizes, and though the general architect- ! to the development of southern in-managem.-tit to build five new cottages. ' ur e w ill he such as will conform w ith ' dustries of all kinds. It will endeavor One. the Galax." is just now receiving i th - Manor, each will be individual In;'1" interest northern capitalists in this the finishing touches. The remaining many nsper-ts. They w ill be built in a U'"1 tion. setting forth the resources, wa four are to be built in a short time. ; row on the spur lust west of the Manor Iter power, etc.. here and the climatic The --Galax" is the most attractive of the cottages yet built in Albemarle Par k. It is situated w est of the Manor! ALASKA MEAT MEN COMBINE ON PRICES Daw son. Alaska. Sept. IS. The Daw son meat men ar" organizing a combi nation to control the stock. The Klon dyke combine has taken care of not only all stocks on hands, but all that has been contracted for. the value of which is more than $1,000,000. Restau rants, hotels and large mining compa nies are laying in large stocks in an ticipation of a sharp rise in price. ONLY ONE AT A RADICAL CONVENTION (Special to The Citizen.! Greensboro, N. C, Sept. IS. At th? Republican judicial convention to nom inate a candidate for solicitor against Solicitor A. L. Brooks, only one dele gate was present except Guilford coun ty men, and he came from Person county. There was an informal confer ence among this one and the Ouilfort delegates, and it was decided to e-ive with Prof. Whitaker he mentioned the probability of his withdrawing, but said he had not finally made up Ins mind and did not wish to have th" ru mor made authentic. Rev. John Seagle of Henderson ille. i rought his sister. Miss Kate, to the State Normal Tuesday and le't that Light for New York to complete his last year's course in the Epc-copal Theological seminar;- there. The Normal girls are fairly " iiing" in by the hundred. Where all those trurks alone sta nt s. iiii-i e uninitiated. find room is Itself of speculation by ad i - i 1 1 1 1 1 i i i lit 1 1 it i tt n 'iu ua : i 1 1 , spersiiini;- wra! days here Mi his .brother. J.ir'ui. Piitrhant, on a fuMcuarh ,ril'm 'V'" '" .i ''""V h' 'hltl 1 ac-el Hill todav ; j 01 L FUU N D I N AN0TH ER ill" POINT IN LOUISIANA Alexandria. La.. Sept. lv A special to the Alexandria Record states that oil has been struck at Ausemla Butte, near Lafayette. La., in miles from Alexan dria. It is expected that a gusher will result, in which event a steady supply of fuel ui , an !.- had for the numerous oil buming furnaces in Alexandria and vicinit v PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT OFF ; FOR THE WEST TO-MORROW i Oyster Bay. L. 1.. Sept. IV Rev. Ly jman Abbott of New York and Prof. J. I W. Jenks were Roosevelt's guests at J luncheon today. The President will , leave tomorrow on his western trip. He j w ill go to New York on the Sylph, ac jcompanied by Secretary Cortelyou and ; Assistant Secretary Loeb, and the ; hue House stenographers, j Roosevelt will go as far as New i with him. Mrs. York Gans Won the Fight Baltimore. Sept. IS Gus Cfiiutr was knocked out last night In the i Music hall by Joe Gans in the fifth round A full line of Spaulding's and Wright's and Ditson's Tennis Racq-iets and Tennis Balls received. Blomberg's Sporting Goods Department, Pa'.ton avenue. rr ii a 1 New Fall Stock in Black and Colored Suits in great variety just received. H6eWhitlock Clothing House I "41 Pattern Ave ' on the read toward the mountain. The ""use msie-tinistied, and on tne ei ti rior is in red-brown and white. There i a re 1 i.;oms. Mi'h of thpm n Btilrlv in ' f j;ljsrl an-1 furnishings. The entrance is into ;i living room, where green pre o'iininates in walls, woodwork and rugs, 'i i e walls are of scratched plaster, kal s mine 1 in dark, dull green. The ceiling is smooth and of lighter shade. The woodwi iU is of pine, stained green, a shade lighter than the walls, and a t, een rus lends a harmonious shade to tiie co!":- scheme. The big fireplace has i mantle ol clinker brick. The dining j r.,0m .:!ls are finished in cream and pa!.-i- of a conventional design and 1 th. lil.iarv is done in nalc shades of blown. The furniture is of the square ' .nissio.:" type. massive. picturesque i coo fortable. That is in oak. stained I.; ow n. In the dining room the chairs, t.-ible a ad sideboard are green-stained oak. The kitchen and bullet's pantry are :.eatl finished and will be complete with i a ."es. cooking utensils and dish es that the cottage may tie read?" for , occupancy at a few moment's notice I There are four bed rooms and a bath upstaiis and a laundry, two servants rooms mid the furna ; rooms and the furnace room in th l baseiix i.t. Taste is displayed in each detail. The t,,m cut t aces in i.u ..f r.s m-invlnmnunv. The magazine will be devot one will be small, three rooms and a i Path. Pe- others w ill be larger and w ill be for i.ousekeeping cottages. MANY FINE TIMBER REGIONS ARE ROINED Denver. Colo.. Sept. IS. Forest fifes are sweeping bare the timber sections of the Rocky mountains from the Wyom ing line to central Colorado. New fires are reported daily and much fine tim ber heretofore untouched has been de stroyed cr is now burning without hope of being saved. MORMON TEMPLE TO BE BUILT IN BEAUFORT (Special to The Citizen.) Washington, N. C. Sept. 18. Prac tically the first influx of Mormons to North Carolina began in 1835. Travel ing elder s came first to Beaufort coun ty and branched o r in the sound coun ties. They gained a strong following in the firmer county, which has in creased each year. Old Ford, a smart village, was then and is now, their stronghold. More elders have come each year. Wives have deserted hus bands and children and joined Brigham Young disciples, and husbands have done likewise. Beaufort county's Mormon believers now number several hundred and a temple is to be erected at Old Ford, a central place of worship. The spread of this religion here has been amazing and it is reaching a stage where it de mands attention. The temple will be one of few east of the Mississippi river and will come in for a good deal of attention from the state press. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTIONS HELD IN SEVERAL STATES Provo, Utah. Sept. 18. The i'mh Democratic- convention notri'iated Judge W. H. King of Salt Lake City for Congress and Richard W. Yourg. formerly of the Supreme court in t'ne Philippines for justice of the Supreme court. The platform condemned trusts and favored beet sugar. The Kansas City platform was endorsed, bat ro mention was made of silver tli. ugn Bryan's name was loudly cheered. Tocoma, Wash., Sept. IV The Doiv. ocrnts of this state named candidates Lor Congress and the Supreme court. ! endorsed Senator Turner and endorsed lhe Kansas City platform, denouncing imperialism, trust, and high tarif . Dover. Del.. Sept. IV The Demo cratic State convention nominated congressman, auditor of accounts and treasurer. WASHINGTON MAN SAYS HE'S FOUND THE SECRET i Special p. The Citizen.) - i Washington. N. C, Sept. 1. John Ti. Respass. jr.. assistant postmaster here, has invented and nearly perfected a metal that he claims is non-pierceable. . To what extent he has succeeded is at tested by the fact that the United States government has carefully examined his invention and promised him aid In his tests, on a trip to Washington a few weeks ;:g,, he was treated with every j courtesy by the navy department offl- j cials. i From an explanation given by the in- ventor it seems that the invention is a, comomati. n of mathematical thougnt and a formula fQr a decided hardening of the present day battleship steel ar mor plate. Preliminary tests have al leady been made and should the inven tion show up all the inventor claims for it in the final test it will mean a hand same fortune for Respass and it will revolutionize this country's naval war fare. YOU HAVE GOT TO HAVE THEM But don't buy dog collars until you have seen the fine assortment at The Nutshell, opposite Heston's. o - ' S ': ! t PEARY TELLS OF DREARY TRIP HE-BOUND LAND BUNCOMBE PRODUCTS IN EVERY CLIME Buncombe products go round the world. The Biltmore farms manage- ; ment recently shipped several fine Berkshires to Brazil and a number of chickens to patrons in Germany. THE MANUFACTURER WILL APPEAR ABOUT OCTOBER 5 The first isue of the new manufac turing journal to be published here will make it appearance Saturday. The publication will be known as "The Southern Manufacturer." The editors v. ill be Messrs. William Whittam of Asheville and Arthur Whittam of Mis sissippi. Philip R. Moale of Asheville will be business manager and the pub lishers will be the Asheville Printing advantages of this section over Kngland. New j The magazine will contain twenty : pages to begin w ith and will probably I be enlarged from time to time. It starts out with very flattering prospects. A number of northern manufacturers have taken considerable advertising in the new publication. BY HIS HANDS ONLY, HUNG ! BETWEEN EARTH AND SKY Chicago. Sept. IS. Suspended only by his hands. McNaughton Wright, a prominent member of the Board of Trade, hung between life and death for L'a minutes at the top of a grain chute in the Rock Island elevator. When res cued. Wright was exhausted and on the point of releasing his hold, which would! have meant a fall of a hundred feet to j the hard floor of an empty bin. and al- most certain death. He entered the el- vator to inspect some wheat. Making a misstep he fell into the chute, but succeeded in clutching the edge, hanging by his hands. Wright's calls for help were finally heard by an employe, who pulled him out. He faint ed and was unconscious for nearly an hour. Changes in Voting Precincts The Board of Elections has made a change in the boundary line between the fifth and sixth precincts which will have the effect of placing in the sixth all that immediate section lying around the Glen Rock hotel. Precincts numbers 1 and 2 in Leices ter township have been consolidated and the voting place for these precincts has been changed to Leicester. Whri;. is known as the Leicester box wtii be the new voting place. Biltmore No. 1 and 2 are consolidated. The voting place is at the old No. 1. Morgan vs. Bostic To-day The case of Morgan vs. Rosti. others was continued today In the ui i 1 ei dor court. j Although not yet well by any means I ; Judge Couneill opened court at the j usual hour. He says his condition to- day. however, is much improved. The Morgan-Bostic case will prob- ' ably consume another day yet. : Fox Chase To-morrow An event of mttch interest to sports- icrn will be a fox chase tomorrow af ternoon in which all lovers of the sport are c ordially invited to participa : s. j The club will meet at the residence i. i Jos. S. Adams. near Bingham I Heights, and the chase will begin 'promptly at 0 o'clock. A red fox has I been proi ured for the chase and some interesting sport is promised. Reaping the Harvest The harvest being reaped during the feur acts of "Reaping the Harvest." the most beautiful of all modern plays is that of he who sows unwisely. It pic tures the echo of what i oo often thought good times. It show" the weakness and the strength of human" nature. In short, it is a story of every day life teeming with the richest kind ..f comedy, a sufficiency of pathos and heart interest, constructed in a master ly way. At the Grand Saturday matt nee and evening. It It Care For Opals? We have just concluded the purchase of something over 1,000 carats of round and oval Cabachon opals which we consider a very fine lot. The colors are blue, pink, green, red and their combinations. These beautiful gems we will put on the market at from 50c. per carat up, which is not over one-half their actual value. ARTHUR M. FIELD CO. Leading Jewelers, Cor. Church St. and Pattoo Avenue I G c b & The School of Domestic Science FOR COLORED GIRLS At Biltmore -will reopen on Monday, Sept. 15 at 9 o'clock. It will be in charge of Miss Isabella. McNear and pupils desirous to avail them selves of this instruction are requested to apply at the school building on Monday morning, between the hours of 9 and 12. The class to; limited to twelve. f9 12 U 15 At 84.17 North Latitude Were Forced to Give UpFurther Ad vance Return Even Worse Than Going Up His Esquimaux Fell Sick and Twelve Died- Trials Were Many Because of Perilous Condition of the Ice Sydney. N. S., Sept. 18. The Peary Arctic Club steamer, Windward, Capt. S. W. Bartlett, arrived here this morn ing from Cape Sabine. All on board are well. Lieut. Peary sent to the club his report of the operations of the expedl tion since August 19, 1901, in which he says: "We left Erik harbor August 29, reached Payer harbor September 16, crossing Roese bay partly by sledge and partly by boat, then walking across Bedford Pirn. About a week, later my Eskimaux began to fall sick. By No vember 19. six adults, six children were dead, and nearly all the others very weak. In February a large depot of dog food was established near Cape Louis Napoleon. 60 miles north of Sabine. On March 6 we started with the main party of is sledges. Eight marches more took us to Cape Hecla. The north end of Robinson channel was all open access ! me i.reeniand coast, from Hecla tne 1 supporting party returned. April 1 we started northward over the Polar sea with Hansen, four Eskimaux and six sledges. Each day's march was more perilous and our general course was de flected west by the character of the ice, Finally at 84.17 north latitude, north west of Hecla, the polar pack became impracticable, and further efforts to advance were given up. New leads and pressure of ridges with foggy weather made our return in some respects more trying than the advance. Hecla was re gained April 29 and Cape Sabine was reached May 15. The Windward arrived at Chateau Bay, Labrador, September 14. where we sent dispatches. The year at Payer harbor was passed comforta bly, though the anxious strain causal by the ravages of disease among my faithful people, was not light. Food was abundant. The northern sledge trip in the spring was arduous, but not marked by special exposure, suffering or danger. Further advance was vetoed by the insuperable natural conditions." Peary will go to New York tomorrow. WOMAN'S EXCHANGE NOW IS ON A PAYING BASIS The Woman's Exchange of this e'ty has through the efforts of the manag- j ers been put on a paying basis. For several years the exchange struggled for existence, in considerable debt and with insufficient patronage. About a year ago the managers decided that something must be done or the ex change could not be kept up. The business department of the inti- i tution w as reorganized, several ent r tainments during the winter and aum ; mer. brought money to the coffers and the continued effort has at last placed i tr, exchange on good financial footing, with no debts and a promising outlook.- ! Such patronage as the public has given to the exchange this summer wi'l en able that beneficial association to be continued, prosperously. MILLINERY OPENING. On Saturday. September 20. H. B. Hood will have an opening of artistic designs in Fall and Winter Millinery. A number of French models will be shown. PublK-.invited. No. 5 Haywood 1st ' i t. Asheville, N. C 9 IS 2 GOLD FISH, on,- thousand of them just arrived, th est line ever seen in the South. Water ants. Aquariums, etc. Come quick and t the pick. 2iiouth Main street. Nut- hell, next to Dee's s. A devolution in Plows The Chattanooga Reversible Disc Plow The only successful hillside DISC PLOW built, simple in design, easy to operate, and durable. Works equally well on hillside or level land. Write for circular. T. S. MORRISON, Agent Asheville. N C Baggage Checked at Residence With railroad check. Saves trouble at depot. Carriage service, storage and moving, by ASHEVILLE TRANSFER CO. With Southern Railway uptown of fice. Phone 210. CO Patton ave., op. P.O 25 Dozen STANDARD ELASTIC SEAM DRAWERS Just received, but too late to sell at the regular price. Rather than return them I will sell them at 49c. Don't miss this chance they won't last long at this price. H.S. COURTNEY'S Toggery Shop Phone HQIi 18 ttorv,:Avevj. i Suits Made tT Measure. A Drug Store Cannot be popular if it fails to serve its custom ers what they want and in a manner to please them! After all customers are the very best test ! If they Keep coming, as they do here, and keep bringing in their friends with them as they do here, that is the best sign that the drug store is giving good service! You are invited to come and see Smith's Drug Store on Monument Square, where prescrip tions are filled and where the large drug store busi ness is done that you have heard so much talk about! It would be a good Fall start for you ' to begin trading here regularly bo you will be in the procession. Everybody likes to trade where satisfaction is given. i Childrcns' School Hosiery A'e have a large lot of good warm stockings for school chil dren, and a splendid value at 10c, 15c, and 25c We have also Just received a splendid lot of Ladies' Hose at all kinds of prices, but especial ly do we claim high value for the price asked. Black seamless hose for ladies at 10 and 15 cents. We really do not believe they can be equalled for the money. The "1912" stockings which always gave such uniform satisfaction going rapidly a real hosiery bar gain for 25 cents. BON MARCHE The Dry Goods Shop. 15 SOUTH MAIN STREET. HUYLER'S This is the name on each box of Huyler's Candy. When you want candy be sure you get the genuine. Go"t--" Pfafflin's Drug Store Cor. Patton Ave. and Church St. And you will always get HUYLER-'S Bargain Sale Of Blankets, Com forts & Dress Goods Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday AT THE Palais Roy al 17 South Main Street. 50 pairs of 10-4 pure wool North Carolina Blankets, worth $5, special sale price $2.98. 50 pairs of 11-4 half wcol half cotton Blankets, worth $2.50, special sale price $1.48. Bargains In comforts; special $1.50 kind on sale, 98c. Dress Goods bargains C0-ineh Venetian cloth worth 89c, special 49c yard. All wool Kersey cloth 60-inch in width worth $1.50. special sale price 98c. Bargains in Gloves the $1-25 kind Forster Kid Gloves In black white, tan, gray and brown, special, 79 cents. Palais Royal 17 South Main Street. Onion Sets In a few days we shall have a supply of White Pearl Onion Sets. Planted now they will mature early In March. Orders should be placed early as supply is limited. GRANrS PHARMACY . . . - ' Agency fr Wed" Seed.