c ' IMMMtl MMM J TEJf THOtrSAKD PEOPLE Read The CltUen every dT. 4 Tour announcement la thl p- per will bring result. CIRCUlATrON BOOKS A HI, AIWATB OPEN 0 AJ)V SR. TUKS. I i VOL. XVIII. NO. 106 ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 4. 1902. PRICE 2 Cents EFFORTS TO END GREAT COAL STRIKE AT AN END WILL OF LATE MAJ, M'KISSICK PROBATED HERE FILIPINOS GET IN WAY OF AMERICANS, MANY KILLED The As le Citizen 3 Operators Want Union Dis solved, and Differences Ad justed by Courts, Mitchell Willing to Arbitration situation In the anthracite the miners and the Bitter Disappointment at the Failure, But Strikers Will Contiauethe Fight, All Winter They Say -l : I - ( m 1 . . 4. It is not yet i i'r-si'l-nt Koosevelt will l - 1 1 1 . ommenting upon the ra.i s coal strike confer ! 'In- President's labin-t ,. -u. b :i i'ijuish. Then i . . ti i in--1 1 r eii.it the effort :.; n:. i ' n-- better : uc- th.- opinion '. thos mi i f tin- situation, that ' .. n .in do no more. Late i. ! a tots, w ho were iu , 1 S I t-t.lI Y Loot, t h y h:i'l assumed . airy tilt- uegotia-.!hoiii-li various phases. , briefly discussed. : II and other mt-mbcis : man-is' party who at-i.i.iv'-! i it fereiice, left i i . .. ! le- Baltimore ( 'I e'..j their li'-.i'l'iuai --!..:,!-. li.-ioi.. boarding M . . lc ! ! -aid probably .i- ,;el 'a W'ilk' sbarre he i . I rv- miners as ! hut did not say pos- ni l do Asked what -. I..- n ni!il Hsue. he n i :..:;s i-su.-.t 'a ould only nouam "i' the strike. r .-st-i .1. i y's confer -1 .mi .a ' f i- b-n t we r . .-i y w ork ing itid w ill lia vi- the f most of them. So i abb to relieve all v. ai.t. am! . Xper t con- .i - .ii i dume. 1 am I., i,'.; abb- p. continue h t le- , inter " - ' M "KKK.Ni K. ( 1- Yi -P nlay s rou s i I -1 : t . ih. mint- o p r -r s' i eprosentative" mi n i h.- i l'usa I of t he :side! al bit e-aiiolt. i. I I i ss to i h-m w as : . .ii- .al. lii'i.n to the t lit. .- part :.-s affect ed by the trade: . "The operators, general public. I apeak for neither the operators i. or me miners, but for the general pub- : He. The Questions at is.siif whi. h led ! t to the situation affecting greatly the parties concerned the operators and' the miners; but the situation Itself vl-) tauy atrecting the public. As long as there seemed to be a reasonable hope : that these matters could be adjusted 'between the parties, it did not seem proper to me to intervene in any way. I 1 disclaim any right or duty to Inter vene i:. this way upon legal grounds or upon any official relation that I bear to tbe situation: but the urgency and the i. irible nature of the catastrophe impending, over a large portion or our people in the shape of a winter fuel ; lanm.e impels me. after much anxious thought, to believe that my duty re unites me to use whatever influent. 1 personalis .an to bring to .in end a situation wim h has become literally in- tolerable. I w L-h to emphasize th" cfia: act. r of ih. situation an 1 to say that lis .mavity is s... Ii that 1 am oustra.n. .! me.' ".! to o. isr that e.:ch on- of you leal,. - the b- avy bur.l.-n of r.-sponsi- i " ' ' ' hi!-.. We are upon iii- thresh oni .,r v.inbi with an already existing co.. I famine, future terrors of which we ,an hardly yet appreciate. The evil possibilities are so far-reaching, so ap pa'ii.. that is v, eins to me that oil are not only ju.-;;fie. in sinking, bat i e .U:r,.i to sink for the time being any P n.o tty as to jour respei tie claims 1:1 Ih- matter at issue between you. In my judgment th.- : :tua; cu imperatively re-i i'.l:!- .' that . u me. t upon the com- ' A F. McKissick. president of the 1 1! --riwood i'otton Mills. South I'aroli : .0 was here today, accompanied by his counsel, F. 1;. Husbee. esrj.. of Raleigh, tor the purpos cf probating the will of the late E. P. -McKissick. All the prop - tty is left to Mrs. Sallie A. F. M Kis si k. A. F .MiKlFsiik is named as ad ministrator. The total value of the es tate is JSo.Ooa. and after deducting lia bilities, J:5.".,0O'. This includes $'5.0i life insurance, but does not include the ho tel lease, which is a valuable asset, worth some I r . t 1 w t . a local hotel man said. This lease runs until 1 Swell. The propel ty is largely in stoc ks and bonds. UPFORSLANDERING AN INNOCENT WOMAN J. N. B. Campbell B.und Over! For Alleged Offense Against Little Girl ! - trrt,jHa B!'e- "Sar-S' - IS, Vi WmfMm WESTERN 6. A, R. MEN SPEND DAY IN ASHEVILLE DAVID 1 piai With I II th - k ih.ii ion o; 1 v n d, 1-1 1 P :h c Him c-siti.-s of the pub-: ea rnes t r. ess there is in theie be an immediate! opera ;ii ms in l he coal j - ii ch v ay as w ill, w ith- e es'saiy delav. meet the: t he people. I do not in- or your respective ii! iis. 1 appeal to vouri p. it that sinks per- ... lions and makes indivjd-; s for the general good." i d presidents read their an-I IK that a veritalile reign i i been inaugurated by the i that the I'l.-sident should My and protect lives. Then, al would be mined. I'nder they refused a -w illing to refer . lain. pa 1 1 1. 1 i -iii, t sora 1 v otisii I. IKll S.Kilfict The railro; sw.-e. decla 'I terro, h . strikers an ; restoi ,- prop, they said, 1 1 the present conditions bitratioti. They were differences to the Cunt of I'omnion Pleas in each distri. t. 1 :ie .sked that ti'.e Mine Workers' union be permanent -l.v . njoiti' d and dissolved. President Mitchell made a statement tt'ering to ref.-r all differences to a tri- J X. P. Campbell, la years old. v. as b- f this morning chargei an innocent woman," child ten years old es said that the pris jealous about the girl out of revenge. Part of the evidence was of an unpleasant character. The justice bound tip- prisoner to the Su perior Hiurt in 5'iaa bond. Frank Carter appeared for the prosecution and Judge Stevens for the defense. I ! p lite). .1 ll- ill '. "Squire Ware : with "slander of 1 'rdic lm k. it, a mie of the witness oner v as insanely a ml slandered her Kx-( 1 disjiutt at the overnor of New York and d leader of the Democratic ..mention of the party held at BEN NET' ex-l'ni! party SarS HILL States Senator N'ew York state. I.ga this week. is again the un This was show: BINGHAM LOST FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON GO INTO EFFECT OCTJO And the Dog Catchers Will Get Twenty-Five cents a Catch DOG ORDINANCE TO PROMINENT MEN ON PERMANENT ROLL A large number of. G. A. It. repre sentatives who arrive! this morning by special train, en route to Wash:r."j- ton. have been spriidmg tlii greater part of the dav in Asheville. The CJ. A. ft. special arrived at 7 a. m., from Knoxvtlle. It consisted ot tourist sleepers and one standard sleep ier and was tilled with li. A. Ii. dele gates from Memphis and points beyond. The party included several hundred who spent the money in sight seeing. The special left as lirst section of No. 1- at ;:;4f. this afternoon. The A. ft. movement over the Asheville division has been very heavy and a large number of extra coaches added to the .passenger trains in order to accommodate the traffic. Vestibule No. :fj yesterday carried two extra coaches from Asheville and passenger train No. 12 carried one extra day coachand one extra sleeper. This morn ing No. :!ti carried an extra coach from Knoxville. More than one hundred and fifty tickets from the Asheville office have been sold for the occasion. Maciuporos in Mindanao Rout ed by Captain Pershing's Col umn and aHundred are Killed, Forty Forts Destroyed Moros Attacked With Artillery But Boys in Khaki Were Re pulsed Before They Could Drive Them Out 111 ill. 1 11 11 in a football i k v esterday a ft : . 'I. The game luiial selected He denied the v iolem e. Th-- Pres. .'.cut t nev .-. ould a. . tioi. ..ml thev the cretn e. v President Roosevelt. ' barges of murder and! I S,!C. at h n I I meet 1 1 (do , asked th pt Mitel 1 nsv. ei ed 11.-11. rators if I j proposi- i ending FOR RENT FURNISHED fM !'.ice heat .... 1 ace heat .... ntral, furn.-u ritral, funia. UNFURNISHED w 1 1 1 -! . . . Tin s? .10 1 : re - t st ... . . ..J.O $20 . . . 1J . .$10 h a t . . .... yr. heat . . .. ..$s0 . J12 .$; :) . S2t . .$:o A PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT AT WEST ASHEVILLE SCHOOL rsitv liefeiited Hing 11 gam.- at Riverside rum 'ii by a score of was the first of th:- - . -"ii and it look.-d like the first rag playing and fumbling the hall be ing in evidence. i-'u. :nan averaged probably l." pounds j Ra wN in m weight than the Ringham t the beginning Rufo Fitznat- 1 :ck kicked off for Ringham. Two touch downs were made by Kurman in the fi,t half. Captain Shall..- of Fur man wa- hurt and time had to be rail- 1 frequently for him. 'J'he first half was distinguished inin- good tackles by Fitzpa ( rick Several Take Advantage Grandfather Clause in Registering of Manila. Oct. 11. Captain John J. eishi igs' column has completely rout 1 the Ma. iuporos, in the island of Mindanao, killing or wounding a hun dred of them and capturing and de'i rtoying forty forts. Two Americans were wounded. On Tuesday the Moros retired to the largest and strongest fort on the shore, and Wednesday Captain Pershing at tacked them with artillery, bombarding j V October Drugs Summer Medicines are no longer needed! Fall and winter has now set in and we are ready for them with a better stock of drugs, medicines and toilet articles, than we have had in th past. We invite you to come here for all your cold weather drugs. We will try to make desire to come again Smith's Drug Store Monument Square. th? enemy for three hours. At noon. IRieut. Ixning. leading- a squad of men, laitempted to set fire to the fort. He (crept under the wall and started a j blaze but the Moros discovered him i.ind foiied the Americans to retreat. I Muring the afternoon the sultan 01 i'abugalan led a sortie at the head of a and of fanatics. They crept through 5 IN THE CHURCHES. 04--t Ct ntral Methodist church All ser vices in Auditorium. The pastor. Rev. Frank Siler, will preach at 11 a. 111. and 7:;;:i p.m. Sunday school SiloO a.m. Spe ial class lor strangers. Friends and st 1 augers invited to all services. Grace church, Grace, Rev. W. F. Rice, minister in charge Sunday school at 13 a. m.. evening prayer anil sermon at S p. 111. 1 nt it Kuzcii.tn 1-iU'iarv ciety of West ' die High School will uive a public 1 t.iinuieiit Fnda night. October lu. nut;. improvements were discussed th by the city fathers at their : last evening. "The Board can better." declared Alderman "than to keep the street work If necessary to borrow nionev putting into pavement improve- Tlie registration books aie open at the six precincts today. The registrar"! are requited to keep open the books each day until and including October 2a, Second, or "French P.ro id" P.aptist i hurch. below the postoffiee. Hear Uat t. ry Park and French l'road and Pat ton avenui Rev. W. A. Therrell, the pastor will preach at 11 a. m. about the Atonement, and at 7.2H p. m. about the Soul. Rible school at 9:.'iO a. m. and i.oO p. in. the grass and sprang up and attacked the Americans. The sultan vs wounded six times and boloed an American be fore he died. His followers were killed. In the darkness Wednesday night Capt. Pershing took his batteries with in a hundred yards of the fort, closed in the infantry lines and resumed the attack. The Moros broke through thv line and attempted to escape by breach but wore discovered and many killed. The Moros abandoned the fort early on Thursday, after fifteen hours bombard ment, and Thursday Captain Pershing I iiesiroycu tne rest 01 me 101 is ami re turned to Camp Vicars. 11! m P 1 th will pi- I I Mil. the proceeds ot which purpose of purchasing tin s. hool. I he program; tio.i. Miss Anderson. : "Resolved, That the Signs of s M-riote the- Downfall of the . .1 1 . A I 1 a 1 1 v . .1. A n.b And. rson and J. hi and W W Miss Mot 11s. -trim; hand ; 11. 1 :i a pin ip.lly by Mi.l liomer. Ringham picked up tin sc. olid half a nd did Let ter playing. Fitzpatrick made a try for goal from th.- field, but with a lame knee could not make it. Bingham's chance to win anie when Knot) took the bail around 1 ight end for a long run. Ringham could Hoi L';liii I'l-ollii.t Tio.l :.ft... i.t Vi..,- t.-.' at goal the ball was in v enterf ield . C. Homer made a superb tackle just before j11'1" ihe dose, breaking through when ihej mi l.all was passed and slopping the run- form men's .) aiH Hoard made the dr ange . hers mad. . ssary pi) incni Mi Shu ford appeared before the behalf of a request recently by him to the Hoard relative to linag - of the play yard at Or-ait.-i school. Alderman ("ham- motion to furnish the nec to drain the play vard. The was arried. rani complained of a mud hole on ( u before and si ".liierlnnd avenue which he had call".! attention of the Hoard to .iled that the mud hole had de- ped into a pond and was rilled with SUBURBAN All Now in Atlanta Wo .Jin i'.ii.gii. H WF WHR CO the "leec Ml Se, 1 I! .Hi!., e for liu-i 1 a re t h :it Aii- at i. P. Foster has re- j oi fil ial announcement by thej in railway of the removal of its J :. tie-ein d. p.i 1 1 uiei.t to Washiiig-j A '!.(. ... . iia. i n 1 . t.'lii-r 1. i g u- 1.1! Height .eg. nt A. Nid. i Msi.-iut gen. -fa I freight agent I,, j aiai i!i. ir feces left Washington I t mb : .' .-.!.! th- e offnials an-I that i . an 111: icat io:;.- intended n should hereafter be addressed I I: piitalde Ruilding, Atlanta. ng r as he started. The lineup was: I ham Kenny, center: Somerville, j I'aUicr. guard; Williams, tackle; . tackle. Hell. end. Hrooker. end. I aptain. quarter: Fit zpu trick, i itzpat rick, 1 .. ha If. Slit p. j Subs: Ia .-iipoi t. I.nthrop. Short. i: Webb, 1 ent. r: King, guaid; :c.:rd: Sloan, tackle. M.t'ali. r. ..ne. end; Livvrt'li. !. end; half. Holland. half: Sharp, aptain Pi eston. full. Subs : b-ntiy, manager. C A. H-in- H Hint gu;i rd I Jonicr. t,-n Wood tuff. R.. half: card. lull. 1. 1. Ral Fin n'.! n Sal, let!. e 1.1. k.'. Tow cos. 1 ma rl er. Sublitt. 'yi-utt. Referee 1 "mpife I e t ha t road ri v.-i Uy ma . d R .1 :ii' from i 1 n a ' : 1 h om !ii iss da mi 7.0 11! 1 Pri Km f. Curt y of Fui man. ;ene Sa w yer. Y. M. U. A. AUXILIARY CALLED TO MEET TUESDAY 1 A-h The Ey Needs Great m V Carc Uleo le .'ting el the of i.le V. M. C. A. iav afternoon at 4 1 is -.f the Hotel H i'l" i-' a:i important ' h. : 1. . is 1 etuested. On. 1 ' 'i'U.'S Ur2s 1 ft,,, rr. 1 1 1 v 1 1 ft w e"! Great MNSlflH R hf WMlAAl Jjm7 AVI i f! S. L, WcKEE THE optician. ti III.' " It UWWI ; , MVIVIl, ... ftt Ave V. TO ; i One of the most Important i iWmmkwmkwmmmmgau...jr' A things a druggist does is putting d up prescriptions. j 1 i I q a a r 1 it ' part i: received I the St! , el A !' .1. Railway stie. j car st .'-, ; .;: -; 1 a 11 1 e. 1 . A 1.1. rm. patrolmai . auscd 1c elected. " 11 I oh r w as present an 1 in ard that he and Wm. appeareil in behalf of the association. He stated was on foot to have the I lfgt - street to Svvannanoa mized and that the coun-oti.-rs would probably this road from the ci'v a a mont to t he river, if t he iree to improve the other Th. project was favorably y the Hoard and referred o t ommittee -t from the Asheville Street ampnny to continue the:. franchise on Government replace tracks there was but need he at the polling places on Saturdays only. The registration was slow tod;,;. . The most notable feature of the retist ration is the registering by Trinity Hpiscopal church, Uuli Sunday s. verai prominent Democrats under the after Trinity Litany and holy ram " Irantifa ; her clause." That is they do ! mur.ioii at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at not ask 1.1 register because they are ! 4:K p. m. Evening prayer at 0 : SO p. m. able to p. .ol and write the constitution, j but put themselves exactly in the place First Church of Christ. Scientist, of those who cannot read and write and j . church building ti7 Spruce street Ser ask to be registered on the ground thatjvUes at 11 o'clock subject, "Reality. " their fui!- -is or grand!'. it 'tiers or other j Also regular Wednesday evening testl- si..:-. .ere voters in some State 111 moiiial meeting at S. I'ni Stal.-s on or before- January! ii.- same step was taken by1 Oakland Heights Presbyterian church citizens in Louisiana when j Rev. S. G. Mi Cletinaghan will proa eh at adfather clau.-e" became tffec-jll a. m. The public is invited. j in order to set an example in 1 this way. so that no voter) West laid Raptist church. Rev. . H. itate io avail himself of this j Rutledge. pastor Sunday school at 'J:30 he could not read and write. ja. m., pit aching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 i. a.ntage . !' this method of reg-:m. Subjects. morning: "Christ. the : that it saves the voters from ! Great People": evening. "The Final Roll 1 nt PHILANTHROPIC LADY WELL KNOWN HERE DEAD Hied, Mrs. Catharine Willis, at her mie. 12 South French l'road avenue, r.l.iy afternoon at -1::'.0 o'clock. Willis' death was verv sudden w as the result of a stroke of paral sustaii.cd scvera'l days ago. -u M and y s i s is. 1. im::.. pic. .min. the ( .1 live th rgisteli 1 would i clause i An ad is I rati. : having 1 HiS 11.1! roll and of the 1 1 '. g an Ladies .1UX1I will be heltl "clock in the rkeley. The ie and a large in Wad. !ol ; to stit cet v Lyerly'.' attietl. It a trohiia 11 was Just now moved that m d the vacancy resignation, be was though', that un- Al. : 1 HI. ill. . - - -t l - - Do You.. . are For pals? Phipps& Alchison HATS At Cost! Juet Received a lot of Oriental Kimonas, very reasonable, in all shades. M. V. Moore OUTFITTER "We do Merchant Tailoring" There is no drug store where tlds fature has more scrupulous attention than here. It doesn't pay to take t hances in matters of health, of lift and death, perhaps. Bring your prescriptions here, where everything is certain to be right. Paragon Drug Company EDWARD HOPKINS, President. L. B WHEELER. Sec. & Treas Hardwood Mantels Finest line in the city. W. A. BOVCE 11 South Court Sauare. 51 4 fi 4i ? 49 i- hav e just concluded the purchase of something over 1.000 carats of round and oval I'abachon opals which we consider a very tine lot. The colors are blue, pink, green, red and their combinations. These beautiful gems we will put on the market at from 50c. per carat u. which is not over one-half their actual value. AR1HUR M. FIELD CO. leading Jewelers. Coi. t hurch St. and Patron Avenu- C9 c I I I dog , ai. h. ; "bin I ! ; t w ei 1 : -:: v 1 j "Htmipli I I'air l. "1 ("..re b; . CpoM jthe dot Ihe p.; u I'hambers mov e 1 to reeon luestion of a dog catcher's made a motion to change from $in pes- month to 25 log. "I am not an expert r by any means." he aiu, .:.'. I ceultl easily catch dog.- the first day." c-. iaimed Alii Tinah ould g.-t that iii.inv dogs be- as trie those 1 father" -l.'enioci ate. Ge nomine. W.ldde! Dr. Da and Ih this wa 0 register again during his life. is placed on the permanent 1 opy will be sent to the office .-tar y of stale for preserva v otor who qualifies by rt-ad-c citing has to register as often .stature may require. Among ;i-.ering under tli" "dintii!- 1 laiise are Charles A. Webb Ui- candidate for the State sen . T. F. liav idson. D. mot rati. for the House. Capt. F. N. . Henry Reed. A 1 1. Ogbnrn. S.-vier. Major T. 1'. W.tall Jo.- S. vi'-r also ri-gist. r- ' in Call." Mrs. Wiiiis was in her v a- born in Lincolnshire D.;7. Sir- v. as t he vv ife .lie Well kl!OW 11 I-.'piScop i.-.th year. She I-'iiglaml. in f Dr. Willis, i clergyman her.-, who. wiih ih- aid of his vvife.built W illis' chapel, know 11 as the Church of ih-- R. tleeitiei. located just below Ashe ville. on th.- French Rroad. and donated the chapel 10 the Episcopal church. Dr. and Mrs. Willis also recently erected a house near the chapel for school pur poses W ell tell : bill 1 M 1 : ilhs philanthropy, as ..f her husband, has been in lhts immediate section,, ore rural districts of the All Souls' church. Rilimote, R-v. R. Swope. D. D.. rector Services at 11 . :n. ami " p. m. There will be a short -an recital after the evening servit e. 1 1 v. hu survive. i "1 i ml five children s and one son. nt will be at Willis' chap- ternoon at i o'clock. SITUATION IN NEW ORLEANS GETS SERIOUS 1 1 "...tth Asheville M. E. church. Rev. K. McLurty pastor, will preach at 111 m. and 7:"u p. m. I a the! M. E. church The pastor. Rev. I W. Moore, w ill preach at llti. m. ami in p. m. hiistian churi li, Haywood street, v. L. M. Omer pa.stot' Preaching nt a. m. and 7:i!0 p. m. ivirs. Theodore Hugo Dead X vv r, a. :.. s Aslievilie of the death of Mrs. '!".. . io,.- Hugo, nee .Miss Daisy Soul.-, lorm.-i iy of tiiis city. Mis. Hugo died a lew days ago at her home, Rrook !io!d. '..ii.i The inteim.-nt look jdat-e at Mis. Hugo, old home. Plainweil. Mich. Newest Novelties For Women's S ear Our store Is packed full of th in: west and most chic apparel for the proper gowning of wo men and the price Is always the lowest, the value the highest. ZID1LEXE, the new wnol suit ing. 3S inches, all colors, special value. 50 cents. NEW ALL WOOL SPITING with silk plait! 40 inches wide at J1.0J. New all wool Shepherd Plaid, very swell, black and white, and blue and while checks, an extra good value at S."i cenls. SNOWFLAKE WOOL flooDS for suits or separate skirts, a combination of blue with white, black with white, ami gray with white. "i4 inches wide at $ 1 . 1 r. to $1.75. Silks. large plaid and Shepherd Plaids, exceptionally high qual ity at $l.r.n. Outing night robes, stripe.! at .".!, 75. Ml cents and $;.rne. .,r a dollar this is an unusual value in blue and pink, and 'striped with fancy collar and cuffs. BON MARCHE The Dry Goods Shop. 15 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Toilet Soaps We have stock of just received a big Hay wood I-:. L. Bain m. and 7:30 st reet pastor p. m. M. E. church. Preaching at Rt U Mr:- Huuo spent . - le v 1 lie .. nd was .0 her of music in ! .! .do u ill t a us. . ge host of friends iour seasons m for two seasons the city schools. a shock to her here. First Presbyterian church. Rev. R. I". i Campbell. 1). D., pastor Services at ll a. m. and 7;:;u p.m. Sunday school aty;:!ii a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday after-j noon at ." o'clock. Westminster League 1 Thursday evening at o'clock. Stran-i gers cordially welcomed to all services. SpcaKing at Sand Hill H. nth ! I w. .1 ast io ; ill 111 I. ke spoke to a large and In ring last evening at iwi-r Hominy township. Democratic Headquarters akfast mot ioi ordina inst. New 1! tlatoi i.iiniiu itl! 1 n.lim; dav ,1 car this tone (Oil- Ill b- 1, jas to adop, Hill R.-ar. st reel Jqu.-t was Ill-'I'S ir.ove. this street I Morgan al ! Th ith. of Alderman cc w ill go into M r. 1 'hambers . a '. lier's . sal: Dorset t ffect on motion ! v was an th. McrrN :-;d th a Phil .ma;it 1 that t'Xtel t'V tie al routi n. the requested th, order to pave P.anev ips street. The it d. Alderman I'hain- lew a it. oil Phi'up to "arried . ..included a vitrilicd ling fro:' put dotvn , ne of bill.. Orleans. Oct. 4. The stieet ! underwent no change . but a somewhat hopeful 1 business circles that th f..r. es will be brought together order that there mav be a tem- 1 ! -'Jiiii'tnin of traffic. During night blankets, cooking utensils; provisions were placed in some of! bains in apparent anticipation of a v-t m.-i-.i to oprivte the cars. The I pi !:;- 01 the strikers have reported no 1 riv ais of men to take the plat es ofj -'i :k. ! -. In the tqvvn section of the ctty ' 1 nu-i.ber ..f wires were cut during the! isiit. R.isiness is suffering severeTy. and r. iail merchants are threatening to t lose their stores, which vyould throw many people of both classes out of cm- l'!"V:i:-l:t. First Raptii iues pastor pastor will pi istvy of the .k ll. .til he a Hymn: stand up lor Jesus 1 church. Rev. W. l. At the morning hour the ach. Subject: "The Min pirit." At the evening beginning at S o'clock, there will special song and praise service. 61."; pray- i Del 1 been ! the r ! iifi'ii locrati. 1 ounty headquarters hav opened by Chairman Mackey in 1 uiis on the second floor of th ry block on North Court square. 4711 White which Rose we are Glycerint selling at nap 20 CENTS PER CAKE or 50 CENTS PER Pfafflin's UQX. Drug Store Cor. Patton Ave. an J Church St. I'.iitinoie Firewooa I'hone 700. r: anthem. "Seek Ye the Lord'": read ing of scripture: duet. "Crucifix." Missd Hildebrantl and Mr. Dalton; offertory; hymn. "Throw out the life line." 411; sol... - Saved by Grace.'' Miss Hilde-j 1 and: address, by the pastor: hymn.' ! Have a Savior." ."K'.i; prayer: quar- i lette. mat.-; benediction. I. ring in your votes for the most popular teacher by Monday noon to be announced in Monday's Citizen. Pur DATES FOR CANDIDATES FOR SOLICITOR TO SPEAK CAN'T HAUL ARMS ON PANAMA ROAD $8,000 H. Ilr. for w n . a ! -e menti Tra vVm. J. i '. . ke. Democratic nomi--oncitoi. and Hon. Mark W. the Republican nominee, have upon the following appoint- Toxaway. Thursday, tltHk: Brevard. Friday. 10. J o'clock. Madison: Hot Friday. October 17. 2 o'clock: ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS CO. and Side- Bulldins Bricks. Fire Bricks i Clay. Front Bricks, all colors. walk Bricks a specialty. Office at Penniniap Bro. & Co.'s : Hardware Store. 0n Thousand Per Cent Profit In health, pleasure and money is paid by fresh, luscious strawberries allowed to ripen thoroughly on the vines. We sell the plants. Our ISO page manual (free to buyers) makes growing for pleas-i"- or profit plain u all. Plant now. C&tawgue strawberries, aspara gua. etc. dfree. CO NT1 NE NT A I . PLANT CO.. No. 63. Strawberry Heights. KUtrell, K. C. cod t It w ' WHT DON'T YOU? I Come to us and see what we can do in the way of saving you money. Viuegar 'best, per gal. ,20c; oil. kerosene, oest, per gal., 12Vc; Arbuekle's coffee, per lb. 11c; sugar, standard gTanulated. IS lbs. ! for $1.00. We are the only house in i the city that can offer you an entire jline of tin and enamelware and prices . lower than seconds. The I. X. L. Department Store 22 PATTON AVKNUK. Phore 10T S 1 tf nsylvania 1 I. t"btT 1 o 1 iftnbtr Springs. Marshall. Saturday, October IS, '. n't lot k. Buncombe: Fairview. Friday, o tober 11. 2 .Tclock: Flat I'reek. Sat-ui-ilay. Oi tuber 5. 2 o'cloc k. Members of all political parties are in-jilne of vited to attentl these meetings. The tli ties, speakers will begin promptly on time, j Mr. Cocke w ill this afternoon speak at i Hominy and at Haw Creek school house Lik. next Tuesday evening. I at . Washington. Oct. 1. The lollowing cablegram has been rec-elvod at the navy department from Admiral Casey on board die Wisconsin ru Panama: i' Have sent this eomniuuica tion to the 'American consul at Panama: 'Inform i governor that while train ; are running c eider t'niteu States protection, must 1 dec line to transport comba tarts, am . mticition or arms w hich might cause ji iierruption of traffic or convert the To loan on improved City Property. In sums of $2000 to $4000, at 6 per cent. Aston lawIsr8V2Ea.An9i-t transit into a theatre of hos- LEE'S COLOGNE 1 breath from the flowers of spring armichael's. Baggage Checked at Residence With railroad check. Saves tronble at depot. Carriage service, storage and moving, by ASHEVILLE TRANSFER CO With Southern Railway uptown of fice. ; Phone 210. 0 Patton aVe, op. P.O New'FalH Stock in Black and Colored Suits in great variety just received. H6e Wiiitlock Clothing House 1t) l 'Al Pa ttun Ave We Wash Everything, from the small est piece of point lace to a cir cus tent. Give us a trial. If we fail to please you it costs you nothing. Swannanoa La.indry v V Phone 70. 22 & 24. Church S 1 PUKITT. it.v fn floue ought to oc nn Tir.riort- jant consideration in every family. In ! making "Clifton" flour, every grain of wheat is thoroughly cleaned oefore giinding. and Is converted into flour In ;i hygienically clean modern mill. The flour is purilled, aereated and sifted through delicate silk cloths before it is sacked. Absolute purity Is thus as sured. The best Hour looks very much lik'j any other flour when it is in the sack. The real test is In the baking. That's v-liere "Clifton" flour excels by every tesl excels in purity and perfection: in the quality and richness of th I read. Pare flour really does not cost any im re than Hour that is not strictly nu:e. "Clifton" flour is guaranteed strictly pure and is sold at a reasonable pi ice. "Clifton" has no rival. There I3 no better flour sold at any price. BRAXSFORD MILLS, tf Oewnsboro, Ky. Green RJver 9oc bottle Milwaukee Export Lag er beer $1 per dozen at JOHN O'DONNELL'S "or lxingtea venue and College st.- WANTED In private family a first class white cook with references, who thoroughly understands her busi ness; also a housemaid. Apply by letter, immediately stating wages, to Y Y Z, Citizen office. It Call and Sec Our new stock ..of.. Horse Blankets and Lap Robes T. S. Morrison's Carriage Warehoase j. a SALE SALE SALE DRESS GOODS for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at the PALIAS ROYAL 17 South Main Street. :!t inch wool suitings, special for sale days, 27).-; ox Ira heavy 'rainy day skirtings for sale days h'Jc; 40 inch heavy camels hair rerges for sale days. 4:ic: ;o inch heavy suitings worth $1. spec ial 9!h ; pebble cheviots 7.S inches wide, special Me. Sec our bargains for sale d iy?. Flannel shirtwaist, the? $2.7.i kind, special $1.8;; flannel shirt waists, the 1.0f kind, special $1.7?9. One lot of . ladles' shirt vai-rt. the $I.!S kind, special $l.r.; o lo, of ladies' shirt wrists 1:1 assortment shades, special 4' See ihe new style ladi'-s g. v. at sneclal. the t-.-0 kiTl sale davs. Jl.OS. See the of flnnnelette wianix-rs. the ktninnu jackets ni.e far n. .v hni' rfSr: see and wr.ip- this s:-i--! and lliv c, lal Ietf., sjeeclal for and $1.60. Ear-grins in lai'ivs ml-s. chik'ren's underwear. Ne '' iros9 trimmings just in. Sj sale rainy day skirts for Mon day. , , , The largest Hue mis. es and children's school golf gloves, special 23 cents. Flower Bulbs Plant flower bulbs now to bloom in We can supply nyaimni-. frecsias, mm Full cultural the spring. tulips, narcissus, crocus, lilies of several kinds, directions furnished. GRANT'S PHARMACY Agency for Wood'a S'-fd. 1 a fi i

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