Asliewlle Citiz !S?ON BOOKs a f8 OPEN AP.vtR. . ' J VOL. XVIII. NO. 107 ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 6. 1902. PRICE2 Cents WITHnRAWIMR flRFlFRS Tfl Tha,t Old Ostrich Trick G. A. R. ENCAMPED III I I iftj l ifi w UllUbllU I J RUN CARS. SAVED RIOTING Hacs Never Yet Fooled Anybody ? TEH THOU1AKD FSOPXJC Bead The CltUen" Tt day. J Your announcement In Ma p- per will bring results. C The 21 AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Washington City Lavishly Dec. orated in Honor of the Occasion Mayor of New Orleans Would Compel Company to Operate Lines. But fearing Blood shed. Revoked Plan And Meantime Citizens Walk cr Ridpin Whatever Conveyance They Can Truster, Hoping lor Settlement i . t ; X-v Irlean- to walk or ride in ram-; from place to place, j i ham- this morning in I ilioii. The order nf the! mriany to run Its ears at' .: a? I e. ailed, doubtless, ! .ii.l gave thn public i' i trui and re-nmp- in xi. lit. en n . w ho had I.- . rim- force to hold 1, ' to protect lile ii n. -aid today that .'I ' the mayors order : J 1 1 -1 1 l"i .-. 1 by conditions ; "v. ii.p-1 after it was sent. ill" inning of street rail-; i ii..!;.- wir-s are numerous j i. i' (I' li'ii uiai me niift't I t . . I I i V . :l ! m.ik. ;i : I - t . li' . f I I - I M f a-" a measure of pro a move in the I'riit l.iy. President Pear .1 etv.-r was appoint-th- company would WILL NOT OUTLAW HORSES FOR RUNNING IN ATLANTA A I . ri I a ' ;.i .. i t :' it -. y r ill.- S.iiih ,. i n- re i. t. '..--On account of lit. red in racing ' in Inter-State fair .b. r !th-2Mh would I t.. i from ..titer tracks, the rae ii r -..-. i i th.- fair has announced 'K.. I, .is notification front i:.i-i i :i Ji- k- y i lub. stating trmv h.i '- - : i I'.u h- i -a ill not be disqua'.i i : i' r ks uiid- r their control. FOR RENT FURNISHED - S'O en tral o people $20 f.ii heat $40 f i i. a. hear J41) A--. r- ntral, furn.-ue heat.. i33 e. ..ntral. furn.i-- heat.. $) 12 i -1 UNFURNISHED ..- . Kast st 1 .- Woo.lfln at ... . 1-' . Haywood st . :- ' '-.liege st . . . 11 is- Soco st SUBURBAN i Wnoley :s--. S acres. Wo ls ; . $12 .$7.50 ! .$21 j . f ! I . . s t. ..$ir. ..$15 iin re a a r 1 .1 Ii -; 1 1 1 i 1 : iia in. J. H. XX'EAVER CO. it- Mrokers. Ash-viU . X. i ' th- tlnest maple .:. Vsbeville. half gallons. - i-l 2; Also R CI. Guaton'a k Unit. 45 and !5( sack. 11 1 K AM LINDSEY. South Main St. Hi The Ey Needs Great Care V litt'..- strain may not '' !-i- it w ill make annoy you your eyes Properly adjusted time will presei . will 1 io you goo .1 age Kxamina- l' it T .' s. l. McKEE THE optician. o Pulton Ave Opp. I O. Phipps& Atchison HATS At Cost! Just Receiveda lot of Oriental Kimonas, very reasonable, in all shades. M. V. Moore OUTFITTER. 'We do Merchant Tailoring" . iH. STRUCK BY ROCKS SENTRIES FIRE TO KILL Commrt ii:.g Officer Says Troops Shall Not be Hi: -Mi. i iii' I. i-ii.. (iii. . While a com pany of the Fourth resimrnt of infant- ! ly was patrolling the Lehigh foal com pany Righter colliery early thus morning: three men MrnicJ with shot guns were (lis. overed hiding behind a l"K los.- to engine house. They pi i-unti's. but were released Al.oi.t n , roi of unknod r. burled r . ks at the soldiers' cami. tries fir.-.' in the itire.rion .if the pla. . the n.eks canief rum. Colonel Rial say .s the troops shot to kill, as he will i:. it allow the men to be made targets i f. No new mines started up here this morning. . SINKING OF A FERRY BOAT; NARROW ESCAPES (Special to The Citizen.) Newport. Turn., (let. t. At 4 01 lock Sunday aftei neon the ferry boat on Bis; Pigeon river sank in the middle of the stream, with one lady, five men and six horses on boar.!. Hundreds of excited citizens gathered on each side of the river ti. witness what i! was feared would terminate in the greatest disas ter that ever occurred m the vicinity. r.y the prompt action of K. S. Karlv and others all were saved. One of the I noises. w hich had become tanKled in the harness of a double buggy struck the I man who reached them first and knock . i d him unconscious into water ten feet 1 deep. He was in a serious position , when Mr. Karly. who swam from the (shot' reached him and held him up un- til a-mther ferry l. .at came to the re , cue ; Miss Robinson, the youmt lady, was ; the i olest on.- nf the pa it v in the boat. One of the most Important Ihi'igs a druggist does is putting up prescriptions. There is no drug store where C's f. urjre has more scrupulous attention than here. It doesn't pay to take (hances in matters of health, of 'if. and I'eatrt. perhaps. Bring your prescriptions here, where everything Is certan to be riiiht. ?raco:i Drug r, ompany KDWARD HOPKINS, President. I. i: WHEELER. Sec. & Treas Hardwood Mantels Finest line in the city. W. A. BOVCH II South Court Square. I Get Better Values... Because I buy for cash I give more for the money because I sell for cash. iDon't buy your fall hat. furnishings, underwear and shoes untii you have looked at ray new The Toggery Shop Phone 261. 18 Patton Avenue. Suits Made to Order. Let me make you a fall suit, terns to select from. 1000 pat- H. S.COURTNEY'S One Thousand Per Cent Profit In health, pleasure and mouey is paid by freh. luscious strawberries allowed to ripen thoroughly on the vines. We sell the planjs. Our 150 page manual (free to buyers) ma Ice trowing for pleasu- or profit plain to all. Plant now. Cataitjgne strawberries, aspara gus, ttcCr- , .- CONTINENT AX. PLANT CO, No. S3 Strawberry Heights, KUtrell. C . y 4 2t eod 1 It aw 0 The Kepubb an party feels so thoroughly discredited that it is n ' w illing to make a canvass this year in It own name. To avoid this it has de termined to encourage independent candidates wherever practicable. Yet there is not a single independent in the State who stands the remotest chance to be elected, unless he shall get the" bulk of the Republican vote. Every such man will be under the obligations of the deal, as well as of gratitude, to do the will of the Republicans. The scheme will not de ceive anybody, though those engaged in it imagine it will. Like the ostrich In the desert, they are hiding their heads in the sand and imagine they are not seen. MOB ATTACKS JAIL AT LINCOLNTON TO GET A RAPIST (Special to The Citizen.) Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 6. A mob at l.incolnton. N. ('.. made an attack upon the jail there Sunday morning in an endeavor to reach the negro rapist, Cal vin Klliott. charged with criminal as sault upon Mrs. Caleb Brown last wee!;. The mob succeeded in breaking a hoi- in the door, but the jailer slipped ut. summoned aid and the mob dis persed Sunday night matters again to.ik on a serious aspect and the local military company here was ordered to hold themselves in readiness, but their services were not required. Judge Hoke, who resides at Lincolnton. wired (Jover itor Ayeock to call a special term of court. This the (Jovernor has granted. Advices today state that the situation is more peaceful. Special Term of Court Ordered! (Special to The Citizen., . B(lns ." wnat. Jty he ao- Raleigh. X. C. Oct. 6 -Governor A v- , 1 tcipa t ed in Buncombe. Mr. Gudger cock today ordered a special term of -llai',:J ln' -mount at anywhere be court at Lincolnton. October 2i, to be j t one and two Thousand, held by Jndge Winston, to try ("alvin. Mr. Gudger is particularly pleased Elliott, the negro who outraged Mrs. with the Democratic prospects in Hay Caleb Brown. Several attempts werejood. his opponent's home county. mine io ijncn r-iiion. one a er u,-ler- mined one was made at 2 o'clock yester- ; day morning, and foiled by the strength . W , ., . ;.. rr. c ,, .. I'l I lie new JdlJ OOOIJ. 1 lie toilil'cll 01. ' infantry at Charlotte was held in readi- ness lat (he jail night to Lincolnton to guard THE JOINT DEBATE IN ASHEVILLE There will be "something doing in politics in this county from now until election time. At present interest is centered in the ( "raig-Pritchard de bate, which takes place here next Sat urday. The managers expect to havi the speaking in the auditorium, though I they have not decided positively. The speaking will be in the day-time; about noon it is thought. Arrangements have not been made for" the introduction of the speakers. The debate is expected to attract a large crowd of both town and country people. The joint canvass of the county candidates will begin at Big Ivy next Tuesday. Josie Carson Dead East Las Vegas. X. M.. Oct. 6. Mrs. Josle Carson Squiers. better known as Josie Carson, the daughter of Kit Car- eon, the noted scout and Indian fighter. is dead in the territorial insane asylum. She was admitted from Raton in 198. 49 49 Do You.. Care For Opals? We have Just concluded the purchase of something over 1,000 carats of round and oval Cabaehon opals which we consider a very fine lot. The colors are blue, pink, green, red and their combinations. These beautiful gems we will put on the market at from 50c. per carat u., which is not over one-half their actual value. ARTHUR M. FIELD CO. Leading Jewelers, Cor. Church St. and Patton Aveaur 49 4S 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 9 49 49 49 49 49 c i J & i f & & I & & & i & & & & 49 Baggage Checked at Residence With railroad check. Saves trouble at depot. Carriage service, storage and moving, by ASHEVILLE TRANSFER CO. With Southern Railway uptown of fice. Phone 210. W Patton ave.. op. P.O HOT AIR FURNACES W. A. BOYCE 11 South Court Square. Democrats in Every Section Confident of a Great Victory Mr Gudger is Confident of Haywood's Loyalty; Representative Men in Various Parts of Buncombe and From Transyl vania See Signs of Success J. M. Gudger. jr.. returned Saturday from Canton, where a joint debate took place between himself and Congress man Moody. In an interview with a Citizen reporter this morning. Mr. Gud ger said he was well satisfied with the political outlook, that perfect harmony prevails in the Democratic ranks in ev- erv unty m the district and that he expects to come to the county of Bun combe with tifteen hundred majority, and that his total majority will be this sum added to whatever majority this U ounty gives. . Th,,., ,in,ls everv tmvnstiin thn,- oitghly united, and all predict that they .. ill . . 1.. .1. ... .V... .1 T.- . I , ' ' oa i l 11' I ilC Ulll l-TrillUL 1 CX L 11. sta ndard. Mr. Gudger says it is a pleasure to truel over Haywood county and see the great number of extra fine farms, and the manner in which they are cul tivated. He speaks in glowing terms ot the apple crop, and says that is one of the best apple sections in North Caro lina. At Canton he saw apples that weighed 24 ounces. Tlie crowd at the speaking at Can ton numbered 500. The joint discussion will be n-newed at Hominy tomorrow. So far no arrangements have been made for a debate in Asheville. T Robertson of Turkey Creek tii. Democrats are in good shape sa vs there u.d will win. There is not much I intt rest shown yet in the election, but this is one to the fact that farmers are busy in gathering crops and in wheat i si.wiiu. T. T. Loftis. clerk of the Superior court "I Transylvania county, is in the city from Brevard. Mr. Loftis says th- SPARKS FROM THE WIRES ( A hundred thousand tons of coal were j today sold at Xewcastel. Kngland. for ! shipment t.. America. 1 The fits: annual convention of the .South- in Nut ('.rowers is in session at I Mai'i n, la. : The Tenth National Irrigation Con gress opened at ("olarado Springs this j afternoon under circumstances especial-j I ly auspicious. j ; 1 Mayor liw of New York declines the! !initatinn of Mayor Mabury of Detroit! i to send delegates to conference there to consider the coal strike. President Mitchell has disappeared .rein ilkesbarre and it is believed that his disappearance foreshadows impor-i tant developments in strike situation. ! Lady Henry Somerset, president ofj in 10 s omen s c nristian t emperance , ;f?'' J " iV. 'r V ivlvu ... hi.ktou,,.- ituiii iunuun luuaj.tfnnr nersnmi ivhn in v.o. 4inina- She is here to attend the coming i vention of Women's Christian Temper I a nee union. j The second trial of Roland B. Molin icaux. c harged w ith the murder by pois- or. of Ms. Katharine Adams in Decent -j ber. has again been postponed. Re- j tiial of the famous case was set for to day, out justice tiarrett. who was as siguJ to preside, was ill and court ad journed until next Monday. Riltmore Firewooa Phone 700. NewFallJ Stock in Black and Colored Suits in great variety just received. S6e Whitlock Clothing House 41 Pvtton Ave Dtmocrats are in good shape in Tran sylvania and that they will carry the county all right. There is no mistaking that Gudger and all the ticket will win. M. D. Cooper of Brevard also spoke of the Democratic prospects being good He believe that Transylvania is saf.' and that the whole ticket will go through. Some of the candidates have begun canvass and all is going sn.oothl v. Edito: ley Xe.c are here at'.r.gly 1 J. Minor of ihe Sylvan Val s and W. A. Gish .. Brevard today and speak most encour uf the political outlook in ania. "1 think the political Transyl v situation in my county was never bet ter.'' sai i Mr. Gash this morning to a Citizen reporter. "There can be no doubt but what the Democrats have everything their own way in Transyl vania.' The campaign, Mr. Gash says, has not as yet opened but will begin at no distant date. The independents h" said cui no figure in his section. He also spoke interestingly of the proposed improvements at Toxaway. The grad ing of the new railroad extension will be done within three months' time end it is expected thit the road will be lin ished by next spring. It is also ex pected that the large new hotel at Toxaway will be finished and ready for occupancy by the first of next sum mer. chair nun of Mr. R. J. Gaston, former there is no break'in Demorratir' runks , Pennsylvania that he cause the Penr. nt his precinct. Sout.i Hominy, with the ! f ylvania legislature to make a similar exception of "Jumbo" Thom)noii. who j inquiry. has been Republican in his sympathies j GOV. STONE WILL NOT TALK, for some time. Mr. Gaston added: .... "I am confident that the Democrats ! Harnsburg. Pa.. Oct. e.-Gove-r.or are in as good shape as ever before, ijtone ill neither affirm nor deny the think they are stronger and better or- i report from Washington that he has ganized than they have been in ten ; been asked by President Rooseve'.: to years, and I know the situation is eon- j call an extra session of the general as stantly improving all the time. I look ! sembly to settle the coal strike. He de for Buncombe county to this year rollvlines to discuss the situation. up the biggest Democratic majority in 1 . , . us history. " " ! MITCH-ELL GOES OFF. j Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 6. President GUT FINGERS OFF TO AVOID WORK Chester. 111.. Oct. 6. Rather than per form the heavy work assigned to th.-m. Reagdon and Crossee. two convicts In the Southern Illnois penitentiary at this place, with a rusty hatchet cut off three fingers from the right hand of each. The men were then compelled to stand ;The attendance at Superior court these on the prison block the rest of the day. days Is breaking the record, that is. the 'ivc-oru for small attendance. At one TERRIFIC STORM DOES time lhe nIy Ijer8ons Present besides j the court officers w ere the two lawyers DAMAGE IN CALIFORNIA ;intereste,J in tne case Motions are be- 1 ilng heard, and while the discussion is Los Angeles, Car.. Oct. 6. Advices ! 'nterestlng from a legal standpoint it Is have been received from Ballarat. Ingo'ry to outsiders. county, that a terrific wind and rain j This morning the attorneys are argu storm swept the Panmint range, doing ing a motion before Judge Councill or great damage to property, and injuring , betterments in the case of Halliburton mariy Port er Brothers' house, the lead- mg hotel at Ballarat was wrecked and """"'room were hurled about. The iron roof of Porter Brother's store, opposite thelbulIt svpral houses, and he now claim3 hotel, was torn off and blown several I hundred yards. A small store was de-i amount of the improvements. Judge mollshed. The Ballarat hotel was dam- j Merrimon represent the petitioner, aged severely, one side being blown , Slagle and Judge Moore and Judge Car in and furniture hurled into the streets ter annear for Hallihnrt and broken The estimated loss is $30.- 000. LEE'S COLOGNE Like a breath from the flowers of spring 'at Carmichael's. NINE HUNDRED MINERS ON STRIKE AT BLOCKTON, ALA, Birmingham. Oct. 6. Nine hundred miners employed by the Tennessee Coal and Iron railway company at Blocton struck today, according to advices re ceived by local officers of the Miners' I'nion here. Blue Creek miners to number of 800 are holding a meeting to decide whether or not they will pay the assessment of the anthracite strikers. There is no work today in consequence of the meet ing. The strike here grows out of the refu sal of the Tennessee company to collect the anthracite strikers' assessment from those miners who are opposed to paying it. PLAN TO END THE GOAL STRIKE Washington. Oct. 6. Commissioner General of Immigration Sargent had a ' long conference today with the Presi dent regarding the coal strike. Mr. Sar :gtnt. from long connection with labor ; 01 ganization, is fully informed on the 1 subject and believed he could work j along the lines of the plan that are jiiow being considered for bringing the I strike to an end. As stated in these i despatches yesterday the plan is to have the miners return to work with a j pledge from the President that he will ; appeal to Congress to examine into the j justice of their complaints and remedy them so far as lies in the power of the ! legislative branch of the government; that he suggest to Governor Ston of , -Mitchell of the Miners union left here j this morning presumably for Philadel jphia. The object of his visit there, or i when he decided to go, cannot be leran jed at headquarters as the utmost sec jreey is maintained. Theentire Wyom ing valley is quiet today. The troops as usual made a tour of the region. COURT PROCEEDINGS DO N0N INTEREST PUBLIC cii ti,. , gained property worth" $15,000 or $20,000, but while in the possesion of Slagle he that he should be reimbursed for the Another Coal Mine Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 6. The Sod dy Coal company, extensive operators of mines at Soddy. Tenn., has closed ar rangements to open a new mine xne milef row the present plant. WHY DON'T TOU? Come to us and see what we can do in the way of saving you money. Vinegar best, per gaL,20c; oil, kerosene, oest, per gal., 12c; Arbuckle's coffee, per lb. 11c; sugar, standard granulated, 18 lbs. for $1.00. We are the only house in the city that can offer you an entire line of tin and enamelware and prices lower than seconds. The I. X. L. Department Store 22 PATTON AVENUE. I 'hot? 107 1 tf ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS CO. Building Bricks. Fire Bricks and Clay. Front Bricks, all colors. Side walk Bricks a specialty. Office at Penniman Bro. & co.'j Hardware Store. MONSTER CAMP FIRE KINDLED Automubile Parade Today and Fireworks Tonight; Presi dent Serenaded Washington, Oct. The men who fought for the I'nion In- the great con flict from 1S61 to 1S65 are guests of the capitol of the nation today. They came, thousands strong, to participate in the thirty-sixth encampment of the Gri.nd Army of th- Republic, the open ing ceremonies of which occurred to day. The visitors already are counted by the tens of thousands, and trains are arriving hourly with loads of hu man freight to be added to the throng. The city, with its lavish decorations, never looked more attractive than to day. Scarcely a building on the princi pal streetes that is not festooned with the national colors, and many .of the stands and vehicles on the streets are sii. -rally decorated. The program for the day includes an auto parade, a regatta on the Potomac, the dedication of Camp Roosevelt, a monster camp fire at Convention hall, and a grand display of fire works to night. Our of the interesting events of -he day war the automobile parade in which many handsomely decorated ve hicles participated. Headed by a large automobile con taining a band, the procession movad through the principal streets and was reviewed by several cabinet officers and invited guests on the Judge's stand erected near the White House. The George W. Cook fife and drum corps of Denver. Col., one of the n:ot famous organizations of its kind trt the country, arrived today. The band, which was accompanied by its founder, Gen. Geo. W. Opok, who was a drum mer boy in the Civil War, serenaded President Roosevelt at the temporary White House. AN OPERATION NOT NECESSARY, PROBALLY Washingt'iii. Oct. C Surgeon General Rixey and O'Reilley, when they left the White House this afternoon, stated that the President was improving and that his condition was satisfactory. In an swer to a question as to whether an other operation would be necessary General Rixey said he diu not think it would. New Gunboat Sails San l"i : gunlioa ; . morrow. o. Oct. (j. The Colombian ia. sails for Panama to- fuRin-. Purity in tloui ought to oe an Tn:port ant consideration in every family. In making "Clifton" Hour, every grain of wheat is thoroughly cleaned Defore gi hiding, and is converted into flour in a hygienically clean modern mill. The flour is purified, aereated and sifted through delicate silk cloths before it is sacked. Absolute purity is thus as sured. The best flour looks very much like any other flour when it is in the sack. The real test is in the baking. That's vliere "Clifton" flour excels by every test excels in purity and perfection: in the quality and richness of tho t i ead. Pare flour really does not cost any in re than flour that is not strictly pu;e. "Clifton" flour is guaranteed strictly pure and Is sold at a reasonable price. "Clifton" has no rival. There 13 no better flour sold at any price. BRAN'SF ORD MILLS, tf Oewnsboro, Ky. Call and See Our new stock of Horse Blankets and Lap Robes T. S. Morrison's Carriage Warehoase $8,000 To loan on improved City Property. In sums of $2000 to $4000, at 6 per cent. Aston Rawls:,!-, Green River 9oc bottle Milwaukee Export Lag er Beer $1 per dozen at . JOHN O'DONNELL'S "or. Lexington Avenue and College St. 1 October Drugs Summer Medicines are no longer needed! Fall and winter has now set in and we are ready for them with a better stock of "driig, medicines and toilet articles, ths.i we have had in th past. We in-. itc ou to come here for ail your cold weather drus. Vc will try to make desire to come aain Smith's Drug Store Monument bquare. i 7 Newest Novelties For Women's Wear Our store is packed full of the newest and most chle apparel for the proper gowning of wo men and the price is always the lowest, the value the hlghesi.. ZiniLEXE, the new wool suit ing, 38 inches, all colors, special value, 50 cents. NEW ALL WOOL SUITING with silk plaid 40 inches wide at $1.00. New all wool Shepherd Plaid, very swell, black and white, and blue and white checks, an extr.i good value at S5 cents. SXOWFLAKE WOOL GOODS for suits or separate skirts, u combination of blue with white, black with white, and gray with white, Si inches wide at $1.15 to $1.73. Silks.- large plaid and Shepherd Plaids, exceptionally high qual ity a't $1.50. 1 , Outing night robes, striped at 1, 75, ! cents and $1.0ti. For a dollar this is an unusual valu in blue and pink, and stripej with fancy collar and cuffs. BON MARCHE The Dry Goods Shop. 15 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Toilet Soaps We have stock of just received a bit 4711 White Rose Glycerine which we are selling at houp 20 CENTS PER CAKE or 50 CENTS PER BOX. Pfafflin's Drug Store Cor. Patton Ave. and Church St. '3 SALE SALE SALE DRESS 'GOODS rZ for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at the HALIAS ROYAL 17 South Main Street. : Inch wool suitings, special for sale days. 25c; extra heavy rainy day skirtings for sale days 39c; 40 inch heavy camels hair rerges for sale days. 4'Jc; i't inch heavy suitings worth Jl.r.'j. spec ial 9Sc; pebble cheviots 5S inches w ide, special S9c. See our bargains for sale .lay?. Flannel shirtwaist, the $2.75 kind, special $1.89; flannel shirt waists, the $1.98' kind, special $1.39. One lot of ladies' shict .vai-Us the $1.98 kind, special $1.51; ".e lot of ladies' shirtwaists in nice assortment shades, special 4 sc. Sec the new style ladies' golf vPts special, the $2.50 kind fjr sale days. $1.9S. See the t.i.vline of flannelette wrappers. 9Sr.; see thd kimona Jackets and wrap pers, special for this ..: $1-2j and $1.09. Bat-grins in ladies', mies and chi:t'ren's under-vear. ,N v lire dress trimmings just in. Special sale rainy day skirts for Mon day. The largest line misses' and children's school golf gloves, special 25 cents. Flower Bulbs Plant flower bulba now to bloom In the snring. we can supply nyacmtns, tulips, narcissus, crocus, lilies of several kinds. frwsias, and Full cultural directions furnished. GRANT'S PHARMACY Agency for Wod' Soeua.